1cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" Copyright (c) 1997 Wolfgang Helbig 2cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" All rights reserved. 3cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" 4cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 5cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 6cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" are met: 7cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 8cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 9cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 10cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 11cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 12cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" 13cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND 14cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 15cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 16cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE 17cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL 18cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS 19cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) 20cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 21cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY 22cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF 23cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" SUCH DAMAGE. 24cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" 25c3aac50fSPeter Wemm.\" $FreeBSD$ 26cb0f03a1SWolfgang Helbig.\" 274646cea7SDavid Schultz.Dd March 14, 2009 280cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Dt CAL 1 290cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Os 300cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Sh NAME 310cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Nm cal , 320cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Nm ncal 33ba29aec0SGarrett Wollman.Nd displays a calendar and the date of Easter 340cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Sh SYNOPSIS 358fe908efSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 367149aa01SRoman Divacky.Op Fl hjy 37536e6834SRuslan Ermilov.Oo 38536e6834SRuslan Ermilov.Op Ar month 39536e6834SRuslan Ermilov.Ar year 40536e6834SRuslan Ermilov.Oc 410c4cafeaSGarrett Wollman.Nm 427149aa01SRoman Divacky.Op Fl hj 430c4cafeaSGarrett Wollman.Fl m Ar month 440c4cafeaSGarrett Wollman.Op Ar year 450cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Nm ncal 467149aa01SRoman Divacky.Op Fl hjJpwy 47a99e4564SPhilippe Charnier.Op Fl s Ar country_code 48536e6834SRuslan Ermilov.Oo 49536e6834SRuslan Ermilov.Op Ar month 50536e6834SRuslan Ermilov.Ar year 51536e6834SRuslan Ermilov.Oc 520cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Nm ncal 537149aa01SRoman Divacky.Op Fl hJeo 540cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Op Ar year 550cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Sh DESCRIPTION 56e8937ba0SPhilippe CharnierThe 57e8937ba0SPhilippe Charnier.Nm 58e8937ba0SPhilippe Charnierutility displays a simple calendar in traditional format and 590cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Nm ncal 60ba29aec0SGarrett Wollmanoffers an alternative layout, more options and the date of Easter. 610cb2e609SWolfgang HelbigThe new format is a little cramped but it makes a year fit 620cb2e609SWolfgang Helbigon a 25x80 terminal. 630cb2e609SWolfgang HelbigIf arguments are not specified, 640cb2e609SWolfgang Helbigthe current month is displayed. 65a99e4564SPhilippe Charnier.Pp 660cb2e609SWolfgang HelbigThe options are as follows: 67a99e4564SPhilippe Charnier.Bl -tag -width indent 687149aa01SRoman Divacky.It Fl h 697149aa01SRoman DivackyTurns off highlighting of today. 700cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.It Fl J 710cb2e609SWolfgang HelbigDisplay Julian Calendar, if combined with the 720cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Fl e 73ba29aec0SGarrett Wollmanoption, display date of Easter according to the Julian Calendar. 740cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.It Fl e 75ba29aec0SGarrett WollmanDisplay date of Easter (for western churches). 760cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.It Fl j 77cb0f03a1SWolfgang HelbigDisplay Julian days (days one-based, numbered from January 1). 780c4cafeaSGarrett Wollman.It Fl m Ar month 790c4cafeaSGarrett WollmanDisplay the specified 800c4cafeaSGarrett Wollman.Ar month . 81ba29aec0SGarrett WollmanIf 82ba29aec0SGarrett Wollman.Ar month 83ba29aec0SGarrett Wollmanis specified as a decimal number, it may be followed by the letter 84ba29aec0SGarrett Wollman.Ql f 85ba29aec0SGarrett Wollmanor 86ba29aec0SGarrett Wollman.Ql p 87ba29aec0SGarrett Wollmanto indicate the following or preceding month of that number, 88ba29aec0SGarrett Wollmanrespectively. 890cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.It Fl o 90ba29aec0SGarrett WollmanDisplay date of Orthodox Easter (Greek and Russian 910cb2e609SWolfgang HelbigOrthodox Churches). 920cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.It Fl p 93cb0f03a1SWolfgang HelbigPrint the country codes and switching days from Julian to Gregorian 940cb2e609SWolfgang HelbigCalendar as they are assumed by 950cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Nm ncal . 96cde26ed2SWolfgang HelbigThe country code as determined from the local environment is marked 97cde26ed2SWolfgang Helbigwith an asterisk. 98a99e4564SPhilippe Charnier.It Fl s Ar country_code 990cb2e609SWolfgang HelbigAssume the switch from Julian to Gregorian Calendar at the date 1000cb2e609SWolfgang Helbigassociated with the 101a99e4564SPhilippe Charnier.Ar country_code . 1020cb2e609SWolfgang HelbigIf not specified, 1030cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Nm ncal 104cde26ed2SWolfgang Helbigtries to guess the switch date from the local environment or 1056a3e8b0aSRuslan Ermilovfalls back to September 2, 1752. 1066a3e8b0aSRuslan ErmilovThis was when Great 107cde26ed2SWolfgang HelbigBritain and her colonies switched to the Gregorian Calendar. 1080cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.It Fl w 109cb0f03a1SWolfgang HelbigPrint the number of the week below each week column. 1100cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.It Fl y 1110c4cafeaSGarrett WollmanDisplay a calendar for the specified year. 1120851fbdfSEdwin Groothuis.It Fl b 1130851fbdfSEdwin GroothuisSwitch to backwards compatibility mode (for debugging). 1140851fbdfSEdwin Groothuis.It Fl d Ar yyyy-mm-dd 1150851fbdfSEdwin GroothuisUse 1160851fbdfSEdwin Groothuis.Ar yyyy-mm-dd 1170851fbdfSEdwin Groothuisas the current date (for debugging of highlighting). 1180851fbdfSEdwin Groothuis.It Fl 3 1190851fbdfSEdwin GroothuisDisplay the previous, current and next month surrounding today. 1200851fbdfSEdwin Groothuis.It Fl A Ar number 1210851fbdfSEdwin GroothuisDisplay the 1220851fbdfSEdwin Groothuis.Ar number 1230851fbdfSEdwin Groothuisof months after the current month. 1240851fbdfSEdwin Groothuis.It Fl B Ar number 1250851fbdfSEdwin GroothuisDisplay the 1260851fbdfSEdwin Groothuis.Ar number 1270851fbdfSEdwin Groothuisof months before the current month. 1280cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.El 1290cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Pp 130ba29aec0SGarrett WollmanA single parameter specifies the year (1\(en9999) to be displayed; 1310cb2e609SWolfgang Helbignote the year must be fully specified: 1320cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Dq Li cal 89 1330cb2e609SWolfgang Helbigwill 1340cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Em not 1350851fbdfSEdwin Groothuisdisplay a calendar for 1989. Two parameters denote the month and 1360851fbdfSEdwin Groothuisyear; the month is either a number between 1 and 12, or a full or 1370851fbdfSEdwin Groothuisabbreviated name as specified by the current locale. Month and 1380851fbdfSEdwin Groothuisyear default to those of the current system clock and time zone (so 1390c4cafeaSGarrett Wollman.Dq Li cal -m 8 1400851fbdfSEdwin Groothuiswill display a calendar for the month of August in the current 1410851fbdfSEdwin Groothuisyear). 1420cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Pp 143ba29aec0SGarrett WollmanA year starts on January 1. 1440cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Sh SEE ALSO 1450cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Xr calendar 3 , 1460cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Xr strftime 3 1470cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Sh HISTORY 1480cb2e609SWolfgang HelbigA 1498fe908efSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 1500cb2e609SWolfgang Helbigcommand appeared in 1511b2edc04STim J. Robbins.At v5 . 1520cb2e609SWolfgang HelbigThe 1530cb2e609SWolfgang Helbig.Nm ncal 154f24a941bSPoul-Henning Kampcommand appeared in 155f24a941bSPoul-Henning Kamp.Fx 2.2.6 . 156306005e7SPhilippe Charnier.Sh AUTHORS 157f24a941bSPoul-Henning KampThe 158f24a941bSPoul-Henning Kamp.Nm ncal 159f24a941bSPoul-Henning Kampcommand and manual were written by 160306005e7SPhilippe Charnier.An Wolfgang Helbig Aq helbig@FreeBSD.org . 161cde26ed2SWolfgang Helbig.Sh BUGS 1620851fbdfSEdwin GroothuisThe assignment of Julian\(enGregorian switching dates to country 1630851fbdfSEdwin Groothuiscodes is historically naive for many countries. 164