xref: /freebsd/tests/atf_python/sys/net/vnet.py (revision d30a1689f5b37e78ea189232a8b94a7011dc0dc8)
2import copy
3import ipaddress
4import os
5import socket
6import sys
7import time
8from ctypes import cdll
9from ctypes import get_errno
10from ctypes.util import find_library
11from multiprocessing import Pipe
12from multiprocessing import Process
13from typing import Dict
14from typing import List
15from typing import NamedTuple
16from typing import Optional
18from atf_python.sys.net.tools import ToolsHelper
21def run_cmd(cmd: str, verbose=True) -> str:
22    print("run: '{}'".format(cmd))
23    return os.popen(cmd).read()
26def convert_test_name(test_name: str) -> str:
27    """Convert test name to a string that can be used in the file/jail names"""
28    ret = ""
29    for char in test_name:
30        if char.isalnum() or char in ("_", "-"):
31            ret += char
32        elif char in ("["):
33            ret += "_"
34    return ret
37class VnetInterface(object):
38    # defines from net/if_types.h
39    IFT_LOOP = 0x18
40    IFT_ETHER = 0x06
42    def __init__(self, iface_alias: str, iface_name: str):
43        self.name = iface_name
44        self.alias = iface_alias
45        self.vnet_name = ""
46        self.jailed = False
47        self.addr_map: Dict[str, Dict] = {"inet6": {}, "inet": {}}
48        self.prefixes4: List[List[str]] = []
49        self.prefixes6: List[List[str]] = []
50        if iface_name.startswith("lo"):
51            self.iftype = self.IFT_LOOP
52        else:
53            self.iftype = self.IFT_ETHER
55    @property
56    def ifindex(self):
57        return socket.if_nametoindex(self.name)
59    @property
60    def first_ipv6(self):
61        d = self.addr_map["inet6"]
62        return d[next(iter(d))]
64    @property
65    def first_ipv4(self):
66        d = self.addr_map["inet"]
67        return d[next(iter(d))]
69    def set_vnet(self, vnet_name: str):
70        self.vnet_name = vnet_name
72    def set_jailed(self, jailed: bool):
73        self.jailed = jailed
75    def run_cmd(
76        self,
77        cmd,
78        verbose=False,
79    ):
80        if self.vnet_name and not self.jailed:
81            cmd = "jexec {} {}".format(self.vnet_name, cmd)
82        return run_cmd(cmd, verbose)
84    @classmethod
85    def setup_loopback(cls, vnet_name: str):
86        lo = VnetInterface("", "lo0")
87        lo.set_vnet(vnet_name)
88        lo.turn_up()
90    @classmethod
91    def create_iface(cls, alias_name: str, iface_name: str) -> List["VnetInterface"]:
92        name = run_cmd("/sbin/ifconfig {} create".format(iface_name)).rstrip()
93        if not name:
94            raise Exception("Unable to create iface {}".format(iface_name))
95        ret = [cls(alias_name, name)]
96        if name.startswith("epair"):
97            ret.append(cls(alias_name, name[:-1] + "b"))
98        return ret
100    def setup_addr(self, _addr: str):
101        addr = ipaddress.ip_interface(_addr)
102        if addr.version == 6:
103            family = "inet6"
104            cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig {} {} {}".format(self.name, family, addr)
105        else:
106            family = "inet"
107            if self.addr_map[family]:
108                cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig {} alias {}".format(self.name, addr)
109            else:
110                cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig {} {} {}".format(self.name, family, addr)
111        self.run_cmd(cmd)
112        self.addr_map[family][str(addr.ip)] = addr
114    def delete_addr(self, _addr: str):
115        addr = ipaddress.ip_address(_addr)
116        if addr.version == 6:
117            family = "inet6"
118            cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig {} inet6 {} delete".format(self.name, addr)
119        else:
120            family = "inet"
121            cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig {} -alias {}".format(self.name, addr)
122        self.run_cmd(cmd)
123        del self.addr_map[family][str(addr)]
125    def turn_up(self):
126        cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig {} up".format(self.name)
127        self.run_cmd(cmd)
129    def enable_ipv6(self):
130        cmd = "/usr/sbin/ndp -i {} -disabled".format(self.name)
131        self.run_cmd(cmd)
133    def has_tentative(self) -> bool:
134        """True if an interface has some addresses in tenative state"""
135        cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig {} inet6".format(self.name)
136        out = self.run_cmd(cmd, verbose=False)
137        for line in out.splitlines():
138            if "tentative" in line:
139                return True
140        return False
143class IfaceFactory(object):
144    INTERFACES_FNAME = "created_ifaces.lst"
146    def __init__(self, test_name: str):
147        self.test_name = test_name
148        test_id = convert_test_name(test_name)
149        self.file_name = self.INTERFACES_FNAME
151    def _register_iface(self, iface_name: str):
152        with open(self.file_name, "a") as f:
153            f.write(iface_name + "\n")
155    def create_iface(self, alias_name: str, iface_name: str) -> List[VnetInterface]:
156        ifaces = VnetInterface.create_iface(alias_name, iface_name)
157        for iface in ifaces:
158            self._register_iface(iface.name)
159        return ifaces
161    def cleanup(self):
162        try:
163            with open(self.file_name, "r") as f:
164                for line in f:
165                    run_cmd("/sbin/ifconfig {} destroy".format(line.strip()))
166            os.unlink(self.INTERFACES_FNAME)
167        except Exception:
168            pass
171class VnetInstance(object):
172    def __init__(
173        self, vnet_alias: str, vnet_name: str, jid: int, ifaces: List[VnetInterface]
174    ):
175        self.name = vnet_name
176        self.alias = vnet_alias  # reference in the test topology
177        self.jid = jid
178        self.ifaces = ifaces
179        self.iface_alias_map = {}  # iface.alias: iface
180        self.iface_map = {}  # iface.name: iface
181        for iface in ifaces:
182            iface.set_vnet(vnet_name)
183            iface.set_jailed(True)
184            self.iface_alias_map[iface.alias] = iface
185            self.iface_map[iface.name] = iface
186        self.need_dad = False  # Disable duplicate address detection by default
187        self.attached = False
188        self.pipe = None
189        self.subprocess = None
191    def run_vnet_cmd(self, cmd):
192        if not self.attached:
193            cmd = "jexec {} {}".format(self.name, cmd)
194        return run_cmd(cmd)
196    def disable_dad(self):
197        self.run_vnet_cmd("/sbin/sysctl net.inet6.ip6.dad_count=0")
199    def set_pipe(self, pipe):
200        self.pipe = pipe
202    def set_subprocess(self, p):
203        self.subprocess = p
205    @staticmethod
206    def attach_jid(jid: int):
207        _path: Optional[str] = find_library("c")
208        if _path is None:
209            raise Exception("libc not found")
210        path: str = _path
211        libc = cdll.LoadLibrary(path)
212        if libc.jail_attach(jid) != 0:
213            raise Exception("jail_attach() failed: errno {}".format(get_errno()))
215    def attach(self):
216        self.attach_jid(self.jid)
217        self.attached = True
220class VnetFactory(object):
221    JAILS_FNAME = "created_jails.lst"
223    def __init__(self, test_name: str):
224        self.test_name = test_name
225        self.test_id = convert_test_name(test_name)
226        self.file_name = self.JAILS_FNAME
227        self._vnets: List[str] = []
229    def _register_vnet(self, vnet_name: str):
230        self._vnets.append(vnet_name)
231        with open(self.file_name, "a") as f:
232            f.write(vnet_name + "\n")
234    @staticmethod
235    def _wait_interfaces(vnet_name: str, ifaces: List[str]) -> List[str]:
236        cmd = "jexec {} /sbin/ifconfig -l".format(vnet_name)
237        not_matched: List[str] = []
238        for i in range(50):
239            vnet_ifaces = run_cmd(cmd).strip().split(" ")
240            not_matched = []
241            for iface_name in ifaces:
242                if iface_name not in vnet_ifaces:
243                    not_matched.append(iface_name)
244            if len(not_matched) == 0:
245                return []
246            time.sleep(0.1)
247        return not_matched
249    def create_vnet(self, vnet_alias: str, ifaces: List[VnetInterface]):
250        vnet_name = "jail_{}".format(self.test_id)
251        if self._vnets:
252            # add number to distinguish jails
253            vnet_name = "{}_{}".format(vnet_name, len(self._vnets) + 1)
254        iface_cmds = " ".join(["vnet.interface={}".format(i.name) for i in ifaces])
255        cmd = "/usr/sbin/jail -i -c name={} persist vnet {}".format(
256            vnet_name, iface_cmds
257        )
258        jid_str = run_cmd(cmd)
259        jid = int(jid_str)
260        if jid <= 0:
261            raise Exception("Jail creation failed, output: {}".format(jid))
262        self._register_vnet(vnet_name)
264        # Run expedited version of routing
265        VnetInterface.setup_loopback(vnet_name)
267        not_found = self._wait_interfaces(vnet_name, [i.name for i in ifaces])
268        if not_found:
269            raise Exception(
270                "Interfaces {} has not appeared in vnet {}".format(not_found, vnet_name)
271            )
272        return VnetInstance(vnet_alias, vnet_name, jid, ifaces)
274    def cleanup(self):
275        try:
276            with open(self.file_name) as f:
277                for line in f:
278                    jail_name = line.strip()
279                    ToolsHelper.print_output(
280                        "/usr/sbin/jexec {} ifconfig -l".format(jail_name)
281                    )
282                    run_cmd("/usr/sbin/jail -r  {}".format(line.strip()))
283            os.unlink(self.JAILS_FNAME)
284        except OSError:
285            pass
288class SingleInterfaceMap(NamedTuple):
289    ifaces: List[VnetInterface]
290    vnet_aliases: List[str]
293class VnetTestTemplate(object):
294    TOPOLOGY = {}
296    def _get_vnet_handler(self, vnet_alias: str):
297        handler_name = "{}_handler".format(vnet_alias)
298        return getattr(self, handler_name, None)
300    def _setup_vnet(self, vnet: VnetInstance, obj_map: Dict, pipe):
301        """Base Handler to setup given VNET.
302        Can be run in a subprocess. If so, passes control to the special
303        vnetX_handler() after setting up interface addresses
304        """
305        vnet.attach()
306        print("# setup_vnet({})".format(vnet.name))
308        topo = obj_map["topo_map"]
309        ipv6_ifaces = []
310        # Disable DAD
311        if not vnet.need_dad:
312            vnet.disable_dad()
313        for iface in vnet.ifaces:
314            # check index of vnet within an interface
315            # as we have prefixes for both ends of the interface
316            iface_map = obj_map["iface_map"][iface.alias]
317            idx = iface_map.vnet_aliases.index(vnet.alias)
318            prefixes6 = topo[iface.alias].get("prefixes6", [])
319            prefixes4 = topo[iface.alias].get("prefixes4", [])
320            if prefixes6 or prefixes4:
321                ipv6_ifaces.append(iface)
322                iface.turn_up()
323                if prefixes6:
324                    iface.enable_ipv6()
325            for prefix in prefixes6 + prefixes4:
326                iface.setup_addr(prefix[idx])
327        for iface in ipv6_ifaces:
328            while iface.has_tentative():
329                time.sleep(0.1)
331        # Run actual handler
332        handler = self._get_vnet_handler(vnet.alias)
333        if handler:
334            # Do unbuffered stdout for children
335            # so the logs are present if the child hangs
336            sys.stdout.reconfigure(line_buffering=True)
337            handler(vnet, obj_map, pipe)
339    def setup_topology(self, topo: Dict, test_name: str):
340        """Creates jails & interfaces for the provided topology"""
341        iface_map: Dict[str, SingleInterfaceMap] = {}
342        vnet_map = {}
343        iface_factory = IfaceFactory(test_name)
344        vnet_factory = VnetFactory(test_name)
345        for obj_name, obj_data in topo.items():
346            if obj_name.startswith("if"):
347                epair_ifaces = iface_factory.create_iface(obj_name, "epair")
348                smap = SingleInterfaceMap(epair_ifaces, [])
349                iface_map[obj_name] = smap
350        for obj_name, obj_data in topo.items():
351            if obj_name.startswith("vnet"):
352                vnet_ifaces = []
353                for iface_alias in obj_data["ifaces"]:
354                    # epair creates 2 interfaces, grab first _available_
355                    # and map it to the VNET being created
356                    idx = len(iface_map[iface_alias].vnet_aliases)
357                    iface_map[iface_alias].vnet_aliases.append(obj_name)
358                    vnet_ifaces.append(iface_map[iface_alias].ifaces[idx])
359                vnet = vnet_factory.create_vnet(obj_name, vnet_ifaces)
360                vnet_map[obj_name] = vnet
361        # Debug output
362        print("============= TEST TOPOLOGY =============")
363        for vnet_alias, vnet in vnet_map.items():
364            print("# vnet {} -> {}".format(vnet.alias, vnet.name), end="")
365            handler = self._get_vnet_handler(vnet.alias)
366            if handler:
367                print(" handler: {}".format(handler.__name__), end="")
368            print()
369        for iface_alias, iface_data in iface_map.items():
370            vnets = iface_data.vnet_aliases
371            ifaces: List[VnetInterface] = iface_data.ifaces
372            if len(vnets) == 1 and len(ifaces) == 2:
373                print(
374                    "# iface {}: {}::{} -> main::{}".format(
375                        iface_alias, vnets[0], ifaces[0].name, ifaces[1].name
376                    )
377                )
378            elif len(vnets) == 2 and len(ifaces) == 2:
379                print(
380                    "# iface {}: {}::{} -> {}::{}".format(
381                        iface_alias, vnets[0], ifaces[0].name, vnets[1], ifaces[1].name
382                    )
383                )
384            else:
385                print(
386                    "# iface {}: ifaces: {} vnets: {}".format(
387                        iface_alias, vnets, [i.name for i in ifaces]
388                    )
389                )
390        print()
391        return {"iface_map": iface_map, "vnet_map": vnet_map, "topo_map": topo}
393    def setup_method(self, method):
394        """Sets up all the required topology and handlers for the given test"""
395        # 'test_ip6_output.py::TestIP6Output::test_output6_pktinfo[ipandif] (setup)'
396        test_id = os.environ.get("PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST").split(" ")[0]
397        test_name = test_id.split("::")[-1]
398        topology = self.TOPOLOGY
399        # First, setup kernel objects - interfaces & vnets
400        obj_map = self.setup_topology(topology, test_name)
401        main_vnet = None  # one without subprocess handler
402        for vnet_alias, vnet in obj_map["vnet_map"].items():
403            if self._get_vnet_handler(vnet_alias):
404                # Need subprocess to run
405                parent_pipe, child_pipe = Pipe()
406                p = Process(
407                    target=self._setup_vnet,
408                    args=(
409                        vnet,
410                        obj_map,
411                        child_pipe,
412                    ),
413                )
414                vnet.set_pipe(parent_pipe)
415                vnet.set_subprocess(p)
416                p.start()
417            else:
418                if main_vnet is not None:
419                    raise Exception("there can be only 1 VNET w/o handler")
420                main_vnet = vnet
421        # Main vnet needs to be the last, so all the other subprocesses
422        # are started & their pipe handles collected
423        self.vnet = main_vnet
424        self._setup_vnet(main_vnet, obj_map, None)
425        # Save state for the main handler
426        self.iface_map = obj_map["iface_map"]
427        self.vnet_map = obj_map["vnet_map"]
429    def cleanup(self, test_id: str):
430        # pytest test id: file::class::test_name
431        test_name = test_id.split("::")[-1]
433        print("==== vnet cleanup ===")
434        print("# test_name: '{}'".format(test_name))
435        VnetFactory(test_name).cleanup()
436        IfaceFactory(test_name).cleanup()
438    def wait_object(self, pipe, timeout=5):
439        if pipe.poll(timeout):
440            return pipe.recv()
441        raise TimeoutError
443    @property
444    def curvnet(self):
445        pass
448class SingleVnetTestTemplate(VnetTestTemplate):
449    IPV6_PREFIXES: List[str] = []
450    IPV4_PREFIXES: List[str] = []
452    def setup_method(self, method):
453        topology = copy.deepcopy(
454            {
455                "vnet1": {"ifaces": ["if1"]},
456                "if1": {"prefixes4": [], "prefixes6": []},
457            }
458        )
459        for prefix in self.IPV6_PREFIXES:
460            topology["if1"]["prefixes6"].append((prefix,))
461        for prefix in self.IPV4_PREFIXES:
462            topology["if1"]["prefixes4"].append((prefix,))
463        self.TOPOLOGY = topology
464        super().setup_method(method)