xref: /freebsd/tests/atf_python/sys/net/vnet.py (revision 70bc3f4331a1b6e7045ae5326cbe03428503b612)
2import copy
3import ipaddress
4import os
5import re
6import socket
7import sys
8import time
9from multiprocessing import connection
10from multiprocessing import Pipe
11from multiprocessing import Process
12from typing import Dict
13from typing import List
14from typing import NamedTuple
16from atf_python.sys.net.tools import ToolsHelper
17from atf_python.utils import BaseTest
18from atf_python.utils import libc
21def run_cmd(cmd: str, verbose=True) -> str:
22    print("run: '{}'".format(cmd))
23    return os.popen(cmd).read()
26def get_topology_id(test_id: str) -> str:
27    """
28    Gets a unique topology id based on the pytest test_id.
29      "test_ip6_output.py::TestIP6Output::test_output6_pktinfo[ipandif]" ->
30      "TestIP6Output:test_output6_pktinfo[ipandif]"
31    """
32    return ":".join(test_id.split("::")[-2:])
35def convert_test_name(test_name: str) -> str:
36    """Convert test name to a string that can be used in the file/jail names"""
37    ret = ""
38    for char in test_name:
39        if char.isalnum() or char in ("_", "-", ":"):
40            ret += char
41        elif char in ("["):
42            ret += "_"
43    return ret
46class VnetInterface(object):
47    # defines from net/if_types.h
48    IFT_LOOP = 0x18
49    IFT_ETHER = 0x06
51    def __init__(self, iface_alias: str, iface_name: str):
52        self.name = iface_name
53        self.alias = iface_alias
54        self.vnet_name = ""
55        self.jailed = False
56        self.addr_map: Dict[str, Dict] = {"inet6": {}, "inet": {}}
57        self.prefixes4: List[List[str]] = []
58        self.prefixes6: List[List[str]] = []
59        if iface_name.startswith("lo"):
60            self.iftype = self.IFT_LOOP
61        else:
62            self.iftype = self.IFT_ETHER
64    @property
65    def ifindex(self):
66        return socket.if_nametoindex(self.name)
68    @property
69    def first_ipv6(self):
70        d = self.addr_map["inet6"]
71        return d[next(iter(d))]
73    @property
74    def first_ipv4(self):
75        d = self.addr_map["inet"]
76        return d[next(iter(d))]
78    def set_vnet(self, vnet_name: str):
79        self.vnet_name = vnet_name
81    def set_jailed(self, jailed: bool):
82        self.jailed = jailed
84    def run_cmd(
85        self,
86        cmd,
87        verbose=False,
88    ):
89        if self.vnet_name and not self.jailed:
90            cmd = "jexec {} {}".format(self.vnet_name, cmd)
91        return run_cmd(cmd, verbose)
93    @classmethod
94    def setup_loopback(cls, vnet_name: str):
95        lo = VnetInterface("", "lo0")
96        lo.set_vnet(vnet_name)
97        lo.setup_addr("")
98        lo.turn_up()
100    @classmethod
101    def create_iface(cls, alias_name: str, iface_name: str) -> List["VnetInterface"]:
102        name = run_cmd("/sbin/ifconfig {} create".format(iface_name)).rstrip()
103        if not name:
104            raise Exception("Unable to create iface {}".format(iface_name))
105        ret = [cls(alias_name, name)]
106        if name.startswith("epair"):
107            ret.append(cls(alias_name, name[:-1] + "b"))
108        return ret
110    def setup_addr(self, _addr: str):
111        addr = ipaddress.ip_interface(_addr)
112        if addr.version == 6:
113            family = "inet6"
114            cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig {} {} {}".format(self.name, family, addr)
115        else:
116            family = "inet"
117            if self.addr_map[family]:
118                cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig {} alias {}".format(self.name, addr)
119            else:
120                cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig {} {} {}".format(self.name, family, addr)
121        self.run_cmd(cmd)
122        self.addr_map[family][str(addr.ip)] = addr
124    def delete_addr(self, _addr: str):
125        addr = ipaddress.ip_address(_addr)
126        if addr.version == 6:
127            family = "inet6"
128            cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig {} inet6 {} delete".format(self.name, addr)
129        else:
130            family = "inet"
131            cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig {} -alias {}".format(self.name, addr)
132        self.run_cmd(cmd)
133        del self.addr_map[family][str(addr)]
135    def turn_up(self):
136        cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig {} up".format(self.name)
137        self.run_cmd(cmd)
139    def enable_ipv6(self):
140        cmd = "/usr/sbin/ndp -i {} -disabled".format(self.name)
141        self.run_cmd(cmd)
143    def has_tentative(self) -> bool:
144        """True if an interface has some addresses in tenative state"""
145        cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig {} inet6".format(self.name)
146        out = self.run_cmd(cmd, verbose=False)
147        for line in out.splitlines():
148            if "tentative" in line:
149                return True
150        return False
153class IfaceFactory(object):
154    INTERFACES_FNAME = "created_ifaces.lst"
155    AUTODELETE_TYPES = ("epair", "gif", "gre", "lo", "tap", "tun")
157    def __init__(self):
158        self.file_name = self.INTERFACES_FNAME
160    def _register_iface(self, iface_name: str):
161        with open(self.file_name, "a") as f:
162            f.write(iface_name + "\n")
164    def _list_ifaces(self) -> List[str]:
165        ret: List[str] = []
166        try:
167            with open(self.file_name, "r") as f:
168                for line in f:
169                    ret.append(line.strip())
170        except OSError:
171            pass
172        return ret
174    def create_iface(self, alias_name: str, iface_name: str) -> List[VnetInterface]:
175        ifaces = VnetInterface.create_iface(alias_name, iface_name)
176        for iface in ifaces:
177            if not self.is_autodeleted(iface.name):
178                self._register_iface(iface.name)
179        return ifaces
181    @staticmethod
182    def is_autodeleted(iface_name: str) -> bool:
183        iface_type = re.split(r"\d+", iface_name)[0]
184        return iface_type in IfaceFactory.AUTODELETE_TYPES
186    def cleanup_vnet_interfaces(self, vnet_name: str) -> List[str]:
187        """Destroys"""
188        ifaces_lst = ToolsHelper.get_output(
189            "/usr/sbin/jexec {} ifconfig -l".format(vnet_name)
190        )
191        for iface_name in ifaces_lst.split():
192            if not self.is_autodeleted(iface_name):
193                if iface_name not in self._list_ifaces():
194                    print("Skipping interface {}:{}".format(vnet_name, iface_name))
195                    continue
196            run_cmd(
197                "/usr/sbin/jexec {} ifconfig {} destroy".format(vnet_name, iface_name)
198            )
200    def cleanup(self):
201        try:
202            os.unlink(self.INTERFACES_FNAME)
203        except OSError:
204            pass
207class VnetInstance(object):
208    def __init__(
209        self, vnet_alias: str, vnet_name: str, jid: int, ifaces: List[VnetInterface]
210    ):
211        self.name = vnet_name
212        self.alias = vnet_alias  # reference in the test topology
213        self.jid = jid
214        self.ifaces = ifaces
215        self.iface_alias_map = {}  # iface.alias: iface
216        self.iface_map = {}  # iface.name: iface
217        for iface in ifaces:
218            iface.set_vnet(vnet_name)
219            iface.set_jailed(True)
220            self.iface_alias_map[iface.alias] = iface
221            self.iface_map[iface.name] = iface
222            # Allow reference to interfce aliases as attributes
223            setattr(self, iface.alias, iface)
224        self.need_dad = False  # Disable duplicate address detection by default
225        self.attached = False
226        self.pipe = None
227        self.subprocess = None
229    def run_vnet_cmd(self, cmd):
230        if not self.attached:
231            cmd = "jexec {} {}".format(self.name, cmd)
232        return run_cmd(cmd)
234    def disable_dad(self):
235        self.run_vnet_cmd("/sbin/sysctl net.inet6.ip6.dad_count=0")
237    def set_pipe(self, pipe):
238        self.pipe = pipe
240    def set_subprocess(self, p):
241        self.subprocess = p
243    @staticmethod
244    def attach_jid(jid: int):
245        error_code = libc.jail_attach(jid)
246        if error_code != 0:
247            raise Exception("jail_attach() failed: errno {}".format(error_code))
249    def attach(self):
250        self.attach_jid(self.jid)
251        self.attached = True
254class VnetFactory(object):
255    JAILS_FNAME = "created_jails.lst"
257    def __init__(self, topology_id: str):
258        self.topology_id = topology_id
259        self.file_name = self.JAILS_FNAME
260        self._vnets: List[str] = []
262    def _register_vnet(self, vnet_name: str):
263        self._vnets.append(vnet_name)
264        with open(self.file_name, "a") as f:
265            f.write(vnet_name + "\n")
267    @staticmethod
268    def _wait_interfaces(vnet_name: str, ifaces: List[str]) -> List[str]:
269        cmd = "jexec {} /sbin/ifconfig -l".format(vnet_name)
270        not_matched: List[str] = []
271        for i in range(50):
272            vnet_ifaces = run_cmd(cmd).strip().split(" ")
273            not_matched = []
274            for iface_name in ifaces:
275                if iface_name not in vnet_ifaces:
276                    not_matched.append(iface_name)
277            if len(not_matched) == 0:
278                return []
279            time.sleep(0.1)
280        return not_matched
282    def create_vnet(self, vnet_alias: str, ifaces: List[VnetInterface]):
283        vnet_name = "pytest:{}".format(convert_test_name(self.topology_id))
284        if self._vnets:
285            # add number to distinguish jails
286            vnet_name = "{}_{}".format(vnet_name, len(self._vnets) + 1)
287        iface_cmds = " ".join(["vnet.interface={}".format(i.name) for i in ifaces])
288        cmd = "/usr/sbin/jail -i -c name={} persist vnet {}".format(
289            vnet_name, iface_cmds
290        )
291        jid = 0
292        try:
293            jid_str = run_cmd(cmd)
294            jid = int(jid_str)
295        except ValueError:
296            print("Jail creation failed, output: {}".format(jid_str))
297            raise
298        self._register_vnet(vnet_name)
300        # Run expedited version of routing
301        VnetInterface.setup_loopback(vnet_name)
303        not_found = self._wait_interfaces(vnet_name, [i.name for i in ifaces])
304        if not_found:
305            raise Exception(
306                "Interfaces {} has not appeared in vnet {}".format(not_found, vnet_name)
307            )
308        return VnetInstance(vnet_alias, vnet_name, jid, ifaces)
310    def cleanup(self):
311        iface_factory = IfaceFactory()
312        try:
313            with open(self.file_name) as f:
314                for line in f:
315                    vnet_name = line.strip()
316                    iface_factory.cleanup_vnet_interfaces(vnet_name)
317                    run_cmd("/usr/sbin/jail -r  {}".format(vnet_name))
318            os.unlink(self.JAILS_FNAME)
319        except OSError:
320            pass
323class SingleInterfaceMap(NamedTuple):
324    ifaces: List[VnetInterface]
325    vnet_aliases: List[str]
328class ObjectsMap(NamedTuple):
329    iface_map: Dict[str, SingleInterfaceMap]  # keyed by ifX
330    vnet_map: Dict[str, VnetInstance]  # keyed by vnetX
331    topo_map: Dict  # self.TOPOLOGY
334class VnetTestTemplate(BaseTest):
335    NEED_ROOT: bool = True
336    TOPOLOGY = {}
338    def _get_vnet_handler(self, vnet_alias: str):
339        handler_name = "{}_handler".format(vnet_alias)
340        return getattr(self, handler_name, None)
342    def _setup_vnet(self, vnet: VnetInstance, obj_map: Dict, pipe):
343        """Base Handler to setup given VNET.
344        Can be run in a subprocess. If so, passes control to the special
345        vnetX_handler() after setting up interface addresses
346        """
347        vnet.attach()
348        print("# setup_vnet({})".format(vnet.name))
349        if pipe is not None:
350            vnet.set_pipe(pipe)
352        topo = obj_map.topo_map
353        ipv6_ifaces = []
354        # Disable DAD
355        if not vnet.need_dad:
356            vnet.disable_dad()
357        for iface in vnet.ifaces:
358            # check index of vnet within an interface
359            # as we have prefixes for both ends of the interface
360            iface_map = obj_map.iface_map[iface.alias]
361            idx = iface_map.vnet_aliases.index(vnet.alias)
362            prefixes6 = topo[iface.alias].get("prefixes6", [])
363            prefixes4 = topo[iface.alias].get("prefixes4", [])
364            if prefixes6 or prefixes4:
365                ipv6_ifaces.append(iface)
366                iface.turn_up()
367                if prefixes6:
368                    iface.enable_ipv6()
369            for prefix in prefixes6 + prefixes4:
370                if prefix[idx]:
371                    iface.setup_addr(prefix[idx])
372        for iface in ipv6_ifaces:
373            while iface.has_tentative():
374                time.sleep(0.1)
376        # Run actual handler
377        handler = self._get_vnet_handler(vnet.alias)
378        if handler:
379            # Do unbuffered stdout for children
380            # so the logs are present if the child hangs
381            sys.stdout.reconfigure(line_buffering=True)
382            self.drop_privileges()
383            handler(vnet)
385    def _get_topo_ifmap(self, topo: Dict):
386        iface_factory = IfaceFactory()
387        iface_map: Dict[str, SingleInterfaceMap] = {}
388        iface_aliases = set()
389        for obj_name, obj_data in topo.items():
390            if obj_name.startswith("vnet"):
391                for iface_alias in obj_data["ifaces"]:
392                    iface_aliases.add(iface_alias)
393        for iface_alias in iface_aliases:
394            print("Creating {}".format(iface_alias))
395            iface_data = topo[iface_alias]
396            iface_type = iface_data.get("type", "epair")
397            ifaces = iface_factory.create_iface(iface_alias, iface_type)
398            smap = SingleInterfaceMap(ifaces, [])
399            iface_map[iface_alias] = smap
400        return iface_map
402    def setup_topology(self, topo: Dict, topology_id: str):
403        """Creates jails & interfaces for the provided topology"""
404        vnet_map = {}
405        vnet_factory = VnetFactory(topology_id)
406        iface_map = self._get_topo_ifmap(topo)
407        for obj_name, obj_data in topo.items():
408            if obj_name.startswith("vnet"):
409                vnet_ifaces = []
410                for iface_alias in obj_data["ifaces"]:
411                    # epair creates 2 interfaces, grab first _available_
412                    # and map it to the VNET being created
413                    idx = len(iface_map[iface_alias].vnet_aliases)
414                    iface_map[iface_alias].vnet_aliases.append(obj_name)
415                    vnet_ifaces.append(iface_map[iface_alias].ifaces[idx])
416                vnet = vnet_factory.create_vnet(obj_name, vnet_ifaces)
417                vnet_map[obj_name] = vnet
418                # Allow reference to VNETs as attributes
419                setattr(self, obj_name, vnet)
420        # Debug output
421        print("============= TEST TOPOLOGY =============")
422        for vnet_alias, vnet in vnet_map.items():
423            print("# vnet {} -> {}".format(vnet.alias, vnet.name), end="")
424            handler = self._get_vnet_handler(vnet.alias)
425            if handler:
426                print(" handler: {}".format(handler.__name__), end="")
427            print()
428        for iface_alias, iface_data in iface_map.items():
429            vnets = iface_data.vnet_aliases
430            ifaces: List[VnetInterface] = iface_data.ifaces
431            if len(vnets) == 1 and len(ifaces) == 2:
432                print(
433                    "# iface {}: {}::{} -> main::{}".format(
434                        iface_alias, vnets[0], ifaces[0].name, ifaces[1].name
435                    )
436                )
437            elif len(vnets) == 2 and len(ifaces) == 2:
438                print(
439                    "# iface {}: {}::{} -> {}::{}".format(
440                        iface_alias, vnets[0], ifaces[0].name, vnets[1], ifaces[1].name
441                    )
442                )
443            else:
444                print(
445                    "# iface {}: ifaces: {} vnets: {}".format(
446                        iface_alias, vnets, [i.name for i in ifaces]
447                    )
448                )
449        print()
450        return ObjectsMap(iface_map, vnet_map, topo)
452    def setup_method(self, _method):
453        """Sets up all the required topology and handlers for the given test"""
454        super().setup_method(_method)
455        # TestIP6Output.test_output6_pktinfo[ipandif]
456        topology_id = get_topology_id(self.test_id)
457        topology = self.TOPOLOGY
458        # First, setup kernel objects - interfaces & vnets
459        obj_map = self.setup_topology(topology, topology_id)
460        main_vnet = None  # one without subprocess handler
461        for vnet_alias, vnet in obj_map.vnet_map.items():
462            if self._get_vnet_handler(vnet_alias):
463                # Need subprocess to run
464                parent_pipe, child_pipe = Pipe()
465                p = Process(
466                    target=self._setup_vnet,
467                    args=(
468                        vnet,
469                        obj_map,
470                        child_pipe,
471                    ),
472                )
473                vnet.set_pipe(parent_pipe)
474                vnet.set_subprocess(p)
475                p.start()
476            else:
477                if main_vnet is not None:
478                    raise Exception("there can be only 1 VNET w/o handler")
479                main_vnet = vnet
480        # Main vnet needs to be the last, so all the other subprocesses
481        # are started & their pipe handles collected
482        self.vnet = main_vnet
483        self._setup_vnet(main_vnet, obj_map, None)
484        # Save state for the main handler
485        self.iface_map = obj_map.iface_map
486        self.vnet_map = obj_map.vnet_map
487        self.drop_privileges()
489    def cleanup(self, test_id: str):
490        # pytest test id: file::class::test_name
491        topology_id = get_topology_id(self.test_id)
493        print("==== vnet cleanup ===")
494        print("# topology_id: '{}'".format(topology_id))
495        VnetFactory(topology_id).cleanup()
496        IfaceFactory().cleanup()
498    def wait_object(self, pipe, timeout=5):
499        if pipe.poll(timeout):
500            return pipe.recv()
501        raise TimeoutError
503    def wait_objects_any(self, pipe_list, timeout=5):
504        objects = connection.wait(pipe_list, timeout)
505        if objects:
506            return objects[0].recv()
507        raise TimeoutError
509    def send_object(self, pipe, obj):
510        pipe.send(obj)
512    def wait(self):
513        while True:
514            time.sleep(1)
516    @property
517    def curvnet(self):
518        pass
521class SingleVnetTestTemplate(VnetTestTemplate):
522    IPV6_PREFIXES: List[str] = []
523    IPV4_PREFIXES: List[str] = []
524    IFTYPE = "epair"
526    def _setup_default_topology(self):
527        topology = copy.deepcopy(
528            {
529                "vnet1": {"ifaces": ["if1"]},
530                "if1": {"type": self.IFTYPE, "prefixes4": [], "prefixes6": []},
531            }
532        )
533        for prefix in self.IPV6_PREFIXES:
534            topology["if1"]["prefixes6"].append((prefix,))
535        for prefix in self.IPV4_PREFIXES:
536            topology["if1"]["prefixes4"].append((prefix,))
537        return topology
539    def setup_method(self, method):
540        if not getattr(self, "TOPOLOGY", None):
541            self.TOPOLOGY = self._setup_default_topology()
542        else:
543            names = self.TOPOLOGY.keys()
544            assert len([n for n in names if n.startswith("vnet")]) == 1
545        super().setup_method(method)