xref: /freebsd/sys/netpfil/ipfw/test/main.c (revision f4b37ed0f8b307b1f3f0f630ca725d68f1dff30d)
1 /*
2  * $FreeBSD$
3  *
4  * Testing program for schedulers
5  *
6  * The framework include a simple controller which, at each
7  * iteration, decides whether we can enqueue and/or dequeue.
8  * Then the mainloop runs the required number of tests,
9  * keeping track of statistics.
10  */
12 #include "dn_test.h"
14 struct q_list {
15 	struct list_head h;
16 };
18 struct cfg_s {
19 	int ac;
20 	char * const *av;
22 	const char *name;
23 	int loops;
24 	struct timeval time;
26 	/* running counters */
27 	uint32_t	_enqueue;
28 	uint32_t	drop;
29 	uint32_t	pending;
30 	uint32_t	dequeue;
32 	/* generator parameters */
33 	int th_min, th_max;
34 	int maxburst;
35 	int lmin, lmax;	/* packet len */
36 	int flows;	/* number of flows */
37 	int flowsets;	/* number of flowsets */
38 	int wsum;	/* sum of weights of all flows */
39 	int max_y;	/* max random number in the generation */
40 	int cur_y, cur_fs;	/* used in generation, between 0 and max_y - 1 */
41 	const char *fs_config; /* flowset config */
42 	int can_dequeue;
43 	int burst;	/* count of packets sent in a burst */
44 	struct mbuf *tosend;	/* packet to send -- also flag to enqueue */
46 	struct mbuf *freelist;
48 	struct mbuf *head, *tail;	/* a simple tailq */
50 	/* scheduler hooks */
51 	int (*enq)(struct dn_sch_inst *, struct dn_queue *,
52 		struct mbuf *);
53 	struct mbuf * (*deq)(struct dn_sch_inst *);
54 	/* size of the three fields including sched-specific areas */
55 	int schk_len;
56 	int q_len; /* size of a queue including sched-fields */
57 	int si_len; /* size of a sch_inst including sched-fields */
58 	char *q;	/* array of flow queues */
59 		/* use a char* because size is variable */
60 	struct dn_fsk *fs;	/* array of flowsets */
61 	struct dn_sch_inst *si;
62 	struct dn_schk *sched;
64 	/* generator state */
65 	int state;		/* 0 = going up, 1: going down */
67 	/*
68 	 * We keep lists for each backlog level, and always serve
69 	 * the one with shortest backlog. llmask contains a bitmap
70 	 * of lists, and ll are the heads of the lists. The last
71 	 * entry (BACKLOG) contains all entries considered 'full'
72 	 * XXX to optimize things, entry i could contain queues with
73 	 * 2^{i-1}+1 .. 2^i entries.
74 	 */
75 #define BACKLOG	30
76 	uint32_t	llmask;
77 	struct list_head ll[BACKLOG + 10];
79 	double *q_wfi;	/* (byte) Worst-case Fair Index of the flows  */
80 	double wfi;	/* (byte) Worst-case Fair Index of the system */
81 };
83 /* FI2Q and Q2FI converts from flow_id to dn_queue and back.
84  * We cannot easily use pointer arithmetic because it is variable size.
85   */
86 #define FI2Q(c, i)	((struct dn_queue *)((c)->q + (c)->q_len * (i)))
87 #define Q2FI(c, q)	(((char *)(q) - (c)->q)/(c)->q_len)
89 int debug = 0;
91 struct dn_parms dn_cfg;
93 static void controller(struct cfg_s *c);
95 /* release a packet: put the mbuf in the freelist, and the queue in
96  * the bucket.
97  */
98 int
99 drop(struct cfg_s *c, struct mbuf *m)
100 {
101 	struct dn_queue *q;
102 	int i;
104 	c->drop++;
105 	q = FI2Q(c, m->flow_id);
106 	i = q->ni.length; // XXX or ffs...
108 	ND("q %p id %d current length %d", q, m->flow_id, i);
109 	if (i < BACKLOG) {
110 		struct list_head *h = &q->ni.h;
111 		c->llmask &= ~(1<<(i+1));
112 		c->llmask |= (1<<(i));
113 		list_del(h);
114 		list_add_tail(h, &c->ll[i]);
115 	}
116 	m->m_nextpkt = c->freelist;
117 	c->freelist = m;
118 	return 0;
119 }
121 /* dequeue returns NON-NULL when a packet is dropped */
122 static int
123 enqueue(struct cfg_s *c, void *_m)
124 {
125 	struct mbuf *m = _m;
126 	if (c->enq)
127 		return c->enq(c->si, FI2Q(c, m->flow_id), m);
128 	if (c->head == NULL)
129 		c->head = m;
130 	else
131 		c->tail->m_nextpkt = m;
132 	c->tail = m;
133 	return 0; /* default - success */
134 }
136 /* dequeue returns NON-NULL when a packet is available */
137 static void *
138 dequeue(struct cfg_s *c)
139 {
140 	struct mbuf *m;
141 	if (c->deq)
142 		return c->deq(c->si);
143 	if ((m = c->head)) {
144 		m = c->head;
145 		c->head = m->m_nextpkt;
146 		m->m_nextpkt = NULL;
147 	}
148 	return m;
149 }
151 static void
152 gnet_stats_enq(struct cfg_s *c, struct mbuf *mb)
153 {
154 	struct dn_sch_inst *si = c->si;
155 	struct dn_queue *_q = FI2Q(c, mb->flow_id);
157 	if (_q->ni.length == 1) {
158 		_q->ni.bytes = 0;
159 		_q->ni.sch_bytes = si->ni.bytes;
160 	}
161 }
163 static void
164 gnet_stats_deq(struct cfg_s *c, struct mbuf *mb)
165 {
166 	struct dn_sch_inst *si = c->si;
167 	struct dn_queue *_q = FI2Q(c, mb->flow_id);
168 	int len = mb->m_pkthdr.len;
170 	_q->ni.bytes += len;
171 	si->ni.bytes += len;
173 	if (_q->ni.length == 0) {
174 		double bytes = (double)_q->ni.bytes;
175 		double sch_bytes = (double)si->ni.bytes - _q->ni.sch_bytes;
176 		double weight = (double)_q->fs->fs.par[0] / c->wsum;
177 		double wfi = sch_bytes * weight - bytes;
179 		if (c->q_wfi[mb->flow_id] < wfi)
180 			c->q_wfi[mb->flow_id] = wfi;
181 	}
182 }
184 static int
185 mainloop(struct cfg_s *c)
186 {
187 	int i;
188 	struct mbuf *m;
190 	for (i=0; i < c->loops; i++) {
191 		/* implement histeresis */
192 		controller(c);
193 		DX(3, "loop %d enq %d send %p rx %d",
194 			i, c->_enqueue, c->tosend, c->can_dequeue);
195 		if ( (m = c->tosend) ) {
196 			c->_enqueue++;
197 			if (enqueue(c, m)) {
198 				drop(c, m);
199 				ND("loop %d enqueue fail", i );
200 			} else {
201 				ND("enqueue ok");
202 				c->pending++;
203 				gnet_stats_enq(c, m);
204 			}
205 		}
206 		if (c->can_dequeue) {
207 			c->dequeue++;
208 			if ((m = dequeue(c))) {
209 				c->pending--;
210 				drop(c, m);
211 				c->drop--;	/* compensate */
212 				gnet_stats_deq(c, m);
213 			}
214 		}
215 	}
216 	DX(1, "mainloop ends %d", i);
217 	return 0;
218 }
220 int
221 dump(struct cfg_s *c)
222 {
223 	int i;
224 	struct dn_queue *q;
226 	for (i=0; i < c->flows; i++) {
227 		q = FI2Q(c, i);
228 		DX(1, "queue %4d tot %10llu", i,
229 		    (unsigned long long)q->ni.tot_bytes);
230 	}
231 	DX(1, "done %d loops\n", c->loops);
232 	return 0;
233 }
235 /* interpret a number in human form */
236 static long
237 getnum(const char *s, char **next, const char *key)
238 {
239 	char *end = NULL;
240 	long l;
242 	if (next)	/* default */
243 		*next = NULL;
244 	if (s && *s) {
245 		DX(3, "token is <%s> %s", s, key ? key : "-");
246 		l = strtol(s, &end, 0);
247 	} else {
248 		DX(3, "empty string");
249 		l = -1;
250 	}
251 	if (l < 0) {
252 		DX(2, "invalid %s for %s", s ? s : "NULL", (key ? key : "") );
253 		return 0;	// invalid
254 	}
255 	if (!end || !*end)
256 		return l;
257 	if (*end == 'n')
258 		l = -l;	/* multiply by n */
259 	else if (*end == 'K')
260 		l = l*1000;
261 	else if (*end == 'M')
262 		l = l*1000000;
263 	else if (*end == 'k')
264 		l = l*1024;
265 	else if (*end == 'm')
266 		l = l*1024*1024;
267 	else if (*end == 'w')
268 		;
269 	else {/* not recognized */
270 		D("suffix %s for %s, next %p", end, key, next);
271 		end--;
272 	}
273 	end++;
274 	DX(3, "suffix now %s for %s, next %p", end, key, next);
275 	if (next && *end) {
276 		DX(3, "setting next to %s for %s", end, key);
277 		*next = end;
278 	}
279 	return l;
280 }
282 /*
283  * flowsets are a comma-separated list of
284  *     weight:maxlen:flows
285  * indicating how many flows are hooked to that fs.
286  * Both weight and range can be min-max-steps.
287  * In a first pass we just count the number of flowsets and flows,
288  * in a second pass we complete the setup.
289  */
290 static void
291 parse_flowsets(struct cfg_s *c, const char *fs, int pass)
292 {
293 	char *s, *cur, *next;
294 	int n_flows = 0, n_fs = 0, wsum = 0;
295 	int i, j;
296 	struct dn_fs *prev = NULL;
298 	DX(3, "--- pass %d flows %d flowsets %d", pass, c->flows, c->flowsets);
299 	if (pass == 0)
300 		c->fs_config = fs;
301 	s = c->fs_config ? strdup(c->fs_config) : NULL;
302 	if (s == NULL) {
303 		if (pass == 0)
304 			D("no fsconfig");
305 		return;
306 	}
307 	for (next = s; (cur = strsep(&next, ","));) {
308 		char *p = NULL;
309 		int w, w_h, w_steps, wi;
310 		int len, len_h, l_steps, li;
311 		int flows;
313 		w = getnum(strsep(&cur, ":"), &p, "weight");
314 		if (w <= 0)
315 			w = 1;
316 		w_h = p ? getnum(p+1, &p, "weight_max") : w;
317 		w_steps = p ? getnum(p+1, &p, "w_steps") : (w_h == w ?1:2);
318 		len = getnum(strsep(&cur, ":"), &p, "len");
319 		if (len <= 0)
320 			len = 1000;
321 		len_h = p ? getnum(p+1, &p, "len_max") : len;
322 		l_steps = p ? getnum(p+1, &p, "l_steps") : (len_h == len ? 1 : 2);
323 		flows = getnum(strsep(&cur, ":"), NULL, "flows");
324 		if (flows == 0)
325 			flows = 1;
326 		DX(4, "weight %d..%d (%d) len %d..%d (%d) flows %d",
327 			w, w_h, w_steps, len, len_h, l_steps, flows);
328 		if (w == 0 || w_h < w || len == 0 || len_h < len ||
329 				flows == 0) {
330 			DX(4,"wrong parameters %s", fs);
331 			return;
332 		}
333 		n_flows += flows * w_steps * l_steps;
334 		for (i = 0; i < w_steps; i++) {
335 			wi = w + ((w_h - w)* i)/(w_steps == 1 ? 1 : (w_steps-1));
336 			for (j = 0; j < l_steps; j++, n_fs++) {
337 				struct dn_fs *fs = &c->fs[n_fs].fs; // tentative
338 				int x;
340 				li = len + ((len_h - len)* j)/(l_steps == 1 ? 1 : (l_steps-1));
341 				x = (wi*2048)/li;
342 				DX(3, "----- fs %4d weight %4d lmax %4d X %4d flows %d",
343 					n_fs, wi, li, x, flows);
344 				if (pass == 0)
345 					continue;
346 				if (c->fs == NULL || c->flowsets <= n_fs) {
347 					D("error in number of flowsets");
348 					return;
349 				}
350 				wsum += wi * flows;
351 				fs->par[0] = wi;
352 				fs->par[1] = li;
353 				fs->index = n_fs;
354 				fs->n_flows = flows;
355 				fs->cur = fs->first_flow = prev==NULL ? 0 : prev->next_flow;
356 				fs->next_flow = fs->first_flow + fs->n_flows;
357 				fs->y = x * flows;
358 				fs->base_y = (prev == NULL) ? 0 : prev->next_y;
359 				fs->next_y = fs->base_y + fs->y;
360 				prev = fs;
361 			}
362 		}
363 	}
364 	c->max_y = prev ? prev->base_y + prev->y : 0;
365 	c->flows = n_flows;
366 	c->flowsets = n_fs;
367 	c->wsum = wsum;
368 	if (pass == 0)
369 		return;
371 	/* now link all flows to their parent flowsets */
372 	DX(1,"%d flows on %d flowsets max_y %d", c->flows, c->flowsets, c->max_y);
373 	for (i=0; i < c->flowsets; i++) {
374 		struct dn_fs *fs = &c->fs[i].fs;
375 		DX(1, "fs %3d w %5d l %4d flow %5d .. %5d y %6d .. %6d",
376 			i, fs->par[0], fs->par[1],
377 			fs->first_flow, fs->next_flow,
378 			fs->base_y, fs->next_y);
379 		for (j = fs->first_flow; j < fs->next_flow; j++) {
380 			struct dn_queue *q = FI2Q(c, j);
381 			q->fs = &c->fs[i];
382 		}
383 	}
384 }
386 static int
387 init(struct cfg_s *c)
388 {
389 	int i;
390 	int ac = c->ac;
391 	char * const *av = c->av;
393 	c->si_len = sizeof(struct dn_sch_inst);
394 	c->q_len = sizeof(struct dn_queue);
395 	moduledata_t *mod = NULL;
396 	struct dn_alg *p = NULL;
398 	c->th_min = 0;
399 	c->th_max = -20;/* 20 packets per flow */
400 	c->lmin = c->lmax = 1280;	/* packet len */
401 	c->flows = 1;
402 	c->flowsets = 1;
403 	c->name = "null";
404 	ac--; av++;
405 	while (ac > 1) {
406 		if (!strcmp(*av, "-n")) {
407 			c->loops = getnum(av[1], NULL, av[0]);
408 		} else if (!strcmp(*av, "-d")) {
409 			debug = atoi(av[1]);
410 		} else if (!strcmp(*av, "-alg")) {
411 			extern moduledata_t *_g_dn_fifo;
412 			extern moduledata_t *_g_dn_wf2qp;
413 			extern moduledata_t *_g_dn_rr;
414 			extern moduledata_t *_g_dn_qfq;
415 #ifdef WITH_QFQP
416 			extern moduledata_t *_g_dn_qfqp;
417 #endif
418 #ifdef WITH_KPS
419 			extern moduledata_t *_g_dn_kps;
420 #endif
421 			if (!strcmp(av[1], "rr"))
422 				mod = _g_dn_rr;
423 			else if (!strcmp(av[1], "wf2qp"))
424 				mod = _g_dn_wf2qp;
425 			else if (!strcmp(av[1], "fifo"))
426 				mod = _g_dn_fifo;
427 			else if (!strcmp(av[1], "qfq"))
428 				mod = _g_dn_qfq;
429 #ifdef WITH_QFQP
430 			else if (!strcmp(av[1], "qfq+") ||
431 			    !strcmp(av[1], "qfqp") )
432 				mod = _g_dn_qfqp;
433 #endif
434 #ifdef WITH_KPS
435 			else if (!strcmp(av[1], "kps"))
436 				mod = _g_dn_kps;
437 #endif
438 			else
439 				mod = NULL;
440 			c->name = mod ? mod->name : "NULL";
441 			DX(3, "using scheduler %s", c->name);
442 		} else if (!strcmp(*av, "-len")) {
443 			c->lmin = getnum(av[1], NULL, av[0]);
444 			c->lmax = c->lmin;
445 			DX(3, "setting max to %d", c->th_max);
446 		} else if (!strcmp(*av, "-burst")) {
447 			c->maxburst = getnum(av[1], NULL, av[0]);
448 			DX(3, "setting max to %d", c->th_max);
449 		} else if (!strcmp(*av, "-qmax")) {
450 			c->th_max = getnum(av[1], NULL, av[0]);
451 			DX(3, "setting max to %d", c->th_max);
452 		} else if (!strcmp(*av, "-qmin")) {
453 			c->th_min = getnum(av[1], NULL, av[0]);
454 			DX(3, "setting min to %d", c->th_min);
455 		} else if (!strcmp(*av, "-flows")) {
456 			c->flows = getnum(av[1], NULL, av[0]);
457 			DX(3, "setting flows to %d", c->flows);
458 		} else if (!strcmp(*av, "-flowsets")) {
459 			parse_flowsets(c, av[1], 0);
460 			DX(3, "setting flowsets to %d", c->flowsets);
461 		} else {
462 			D("option %s not recognised, ignore", *av);
463 		}
464 		ac -= 2; av += 2;
465 	}
466 	if (c->maxburst <= 0)
467 		c->maxburst = 1;
468 	if (c->loops <= 0)
469 		c->loops = 1;
470 	if (c->flows <= 0)
471 		c->flows = 1;
472 	if (c->flowsets <= 0)
473 		c->flowsets = 1;
474 	if (c->lmin <= 0)
475 		c->lmin = 1;
476 	if (c->lmax <= 0)
477 		c->lmax = 1;
478 	/* multiply by N */
479 	if (c->th_min < 0)
480 		c->th_min = c->flows * -c->th_min;
481 	if (c->th_max < 0)
482 		c->th_max = c->flows * -c->th_max;
483 	if (c->th_max <= c->th_min)
484 		c->th_max = c->th_min + 1;
485 	if (mod) {
486 		p = mod->p;
487 		DX(3, "using module %s f %p p %p", mod->name, mod->f, mod->p);
488 		DX(3, "modname %s ty %d", p->name, p->type);
489 		c->enq = p->enqueue;
490 		c->deq = p->dequeue;
491 		c->si_len += p->si_datalen;
492 		c->q_len += p->q_datalen;
493 		c->schk_len += p->schk_datalen;
494 	}
495 	/* allocate queues, flowsets and one scheduler */
496 	c->q = calloc(c->flows, c->q_len);
497 	c->q_wfi = (double *)calloc(c->flows, sizeof(double));
498 	c->fs = calloc(c->flowsets, sizeof(struct dn_fsk));
499 	c->si = calloc(1, c->si_len);
500 	c->sched = calloc(c->flows, c->schk_len);
501 	if (c->q == NULL || c->fs == NULL || !c->q_wfi) {
502 		D("error allocating memory for flows");
503 		exit(1);
504 	}
505 	c->si->sched = c->sched;
506 	if (p) {
507 		if (p->config)
508 			p->config(c->sched);
509 		if (p->new_sched)
510 			p->new_sched(c->si);
511 	}
512 	/* parse_flowsets links queues to their flowsets */
513 	parse_flowsets(c, av[1], 1);
514 	/* complete the work calling new_fsk */
515 	for (i = 0; i < c->flowsets; i++) {
516 		if (c->fs[i].fs.par[1] == 0)
517 			c->fs[i].fs.par[1] = 1000;	/* default pkt len */
518 		c->fs[i].sched = c->sched;
519 		if (p && p->new_fsk)
520 			p->new_fsk(&c->fs[i]);
521 	}
523 	/* initialize the lists for the generator, and put
524 	 * all flows in the list for backlog = 0
525 	 */
526 	for (i=0; i <= BACKLOG+5; i++)
527 		INIT_LIST_HEAD(&c->ll[i]);
529 	for (i = 0; i < c->flows; i++) {
530 		struct dn_queue *q = FI2Q(c, i);
531 		if (q->fs == NULL)
532 			q->fs = &c->fs[0]; /* XXX */
533 		q->_si = c->si;
534 		if (p && p->new_queue)
535 			p->new_queue(q);
536 		INIT_LIST_HEAD(&q->ni.h);
537 		list_add_tail(&q->ni.h, &c->ll[0]);
538 	}
539 	c->llmask = 1;
540 	return 0;
541 }
544 int
545 main(int ac, char *av[])
546 {
547 	struct cfg_s c;
548 	struct timeval end;
549 	double ll;
550 	int i;
551 	char msg[40];
553 	bzero(&c, sizeof(c));
554 	c.ac = ac;
555 	c.av = av;
556 	init(&c);
557 	gettimeofday(&c.time, NULL);
558 	mainloop(&c);
559 	gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
560 	end.tv_sec -= c.time.tv_sec;
561 	end.tv_usec -= c.time.tv_usec;
562 	if (end.tv_usec < 0) {
563 		end.tv_usec += 1000000;
564 		end.tv_sec--;
565 	}
566 	c.time = end;
567 	ll = end.tv_sec*1000000 + end.tv_usec;
568 	ll *= 1000;	/* convert to nanoseconds */
569 	ll /= c._enqueue;
570 	sprintf(msg, "1::%d", c.flows);
571 	for (i = 0; i < c.flows; i++) {
572 		if (c.wfi < c.q_wfi[i])
573 			c.wfi = c.q_wfi[i];
574 	}
575 	D("sched=%-12s\ttime=%d.%03d sec (%.0f nsec)\twfi=%.02f\tflow=%-16s",
576 	   c.name, (int)c.time.tv_sec, (int)c.time.tv_usec / 1000, ll, c.wfi,
577 	   c.fs_config ? c.fs_config : msg);
578 	dump(&c);
579 	DX(1, "done ac %d av %p", ac, av);
580 	for (i=0; i < ac; i++)
581 		DX(1, "arg %d %s", i, av[i]);
582 	return 0;
583 }
585 /*
586  * The controller decides whether in this iteration we should send
587  * (the packet is in c->tosend) and/or receive (flag c->can_dequeue)
588  */
589 static void
590 controller(struct cfg_s *c)
591 {
592 	struct mbuf *m;
593 	struct dn_fs *fs;
594 	int flow_id;
596 	/* histeresis between max and min */
597 	if (c->state == 0 && c->pending >= c->th_max)
598 		c->state = 1;
599 	else if (c->state == 1 && c->pending <= c->th_min)
600 		c->state = 0;
601 	ND(1, "state %d pending %2d", c->state, c->pending);
602 	c->can_dequeue = c->state;
603 	c->tosend = NULL;
604 	if (c->state)
605 		return;
607     if (1) {
608 	int i;
609 	struct dn_queue *q;
610 	struct list_head *h;
612 	i = ffs(c->llmask) - 1;
613 	if (i < 0) {
614 		DX(2, "no candidate");
615 		c->can_dequeue = 1;
616 		return;
617 	}
618 	h = &c->ll[i];
619 	ND(1, "backlog %d p %p prev %p next %p", i, h, h->prev, h->next);
620 	q = list_first_entry(h, struct dn_queue, ni.h);
621 	list_del(&q->ni.h);
622 	flow_id = Q2FI(c, q);
623 	DX(2, "extracted flow %p %d backlog %d", q, flow_id, i);
624 	if (list_empty(h)) {
625 		ND(2, "backlog %d empty", i);
626 		c->llmask &= ~(1<<i);
627 	}
628 	ND(1, "before %d p %p prev %p next %p", i+1, h+1, h[1].prev, h[1].next);
629 	list_add_tail(&q->ni.h, h+1);
630 	ND(1, " after %d p %p prev %p next %p", i+1, h+1, h[1].prev, h[1].next);
631 	if (i < BACKLOG) {
632 		ND(2, "backlog %d full", i+1);
633 		c->llmask |= 1<<(1+i);
634 	}
635 	fs = &q->fs->fs;
636 	c->cur_fs = q->fs - c->fs;
637 	fs->cur = flow_id;
638     } else {
639 	/* XXX this does not work ? */
640 	/* now decide whom to send the packet, and the length */
641 	/* lookup in the flow table */
642 	if (c->cur_y >= c->max_y) {	/* handle wraparound */
643 		c->cur_y = 0;
644 		c->cur_fs = 0;
645 	}
646 	fs = &c->fs[c->cur_fs].fs;
647 	flow_id = fs->cur++;
648 	if (fs->cur >= fs->next_flow)
649 		fs->cur = fs->first_flow;
650 	c->cur_y++;
651 	if (c->cur_y >= fs->next_y)
652 		c->cur_fs++;
653     }
655 	/* construct a packet */
656 	if (c->freelist) {
657 		m = c->tosend = c->freelist;
658 		c->freelist = c->freelist->m_nextpkt;
659 	} else {
660 		m = c->tosend = calloc(1, sizeof(struct mbuf));
661 	}
662 	if (m == NULL)
663 		return;
665 	m->cfg = c;
666 	m->m_nextpkt = NULL;
667 	m->m_pkthdr.len = fs->par[1]; // XXX maxlen
668 	m->flow_id = flow_id;
670 	ND(2,"y %6d flow %5d fs %3d weight %4d len %4d",
671 		c->cur_y, m->flow_id, c->cur_fs,
672 		fs->par[0], m->m_pkthdr.len);
674 }
676 /*
677 Packet allocation:
678 to achieve a distribution that matches weights, for each X=w/lmax class
679 we should generate a number of packets proportional to Y = X times the number
680 of flows in the class.
681 So we construct an array with the cumulative distribution of Y's,
682 and use it to identify the flow via inverse mapping (if the Y's are
683 not too many we can use an array for the lookup). In practice,
684 each flow will have X entries [virtually] pointing to it.
686 */