1 /*- 2 * Copyright (c) 2001-2008, by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 3 * Copyright (c) 2008-2012, by Randall Stewart. All rights reserved. 4 * Copyright (c) 2008-2012, by Michael Tuexen. All rights reserved. 5 * 6 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 7 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 8 * 9 * a) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, 10 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 11 * 12 * b) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 13 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 14 * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 15 * 16 * c) Neither the name of Cisco Systems, Inc. nor the names of its 17 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived 18 * from this software without specific prior written permission. 19 * 20 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 21 * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, 22 * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 23 * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE 24 * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR 25 * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF 26 * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS 27 * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN 28 * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) 29 * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF 30 * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 31 */ 32 33 #include <sys/cdefs.h> 34 __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); 35 36 #ifndef _NETINET_SCTP_CONSTANTS_H_ 37 #define _NETINET_SCTP_CONSTANTS_H_ 38 39 /* IANA assigned port number for SCTP over UDP encapsulation */ 40 /* For freebsd we cannot bind the port at 41 * startup. Otherwise what will happen is 42 * we really won't be bound. The user must 43 * put it into the sysctl... or we need 44 * to build a special timer for this to allow 45 * us to wait 1 second or so after the system 46 * comes up. 47 */ 48 #define SCTP_OVER_UDP_TUNNELING_PORT 0 49 /* Number of packets to get before sack sent by default */ 50 #define SCTP_DEFAULT_SACK_FREQ 2 51 52 /* Address limit - This variable is calculated 53 * based on an 65535 byte max ip packet. We take out 100 bytes 54 * for the cookie, 40 bytes for a v6 header and 32 55 * bytes for the init structure. A second init structure 56 * for the init-ack and then finally a third one for the 57 * imbedded init. This yeilds 100+40+(3 * 32) = 236 bytes. 58 * This leaves 65299 bytes for addresses. We throw out the 299 bytes. 59 * Now whatever we send in the INIT() we need to allow to get back in the 60 * INIT-ACK plus all the values from INIT and INIT-ACK 61 * listed in the cookie. Plus we need some overhead for 62 * maybe copied parameters in the COOKIE. If we 63 * allow 1080 addresses, and each side has 1080 V6 addresses 64 * that will be 21600 bytes. In the INIT-ACK we will 65 * see the INIT-ACK 21600 + 43200 in the cookie. This leaves 66 * about 500 bytes slack for misc things in the cookie. 67 */ 68 #define SCTP_ADDRESS_LIMIT 1080 69 70 /* We need at least 2k of space for us, inits 71 * larger than that lets abort. 72 */ 73 #define SCTP_LARGEST_INIT_ACCEPTED (65535 - 2048) 74 75 /* Number of addresses where we just skip the counting */ 76 #define SCTP_COUNT_LIMIT 40 77 78 #define SCTP_ZERO_COPY_TICK_DELAY (((100 * hz) + 999) / 1000) 79 #define SCTP_ZERO_COPY_SENDQ_TICK_DELAY (((100 * hz) + 999) / 1000) 80 81 /* Number of ticks to delay before running 82 * iterator on an address change. 83 */ 84 #define SCTP_ADDRESS_TICK_DELAY 2 85 86 #define SCTP_VERSION_STRING "KAME-BSD 1.1" 87 /* #define SCTP_AUDITING_ENABLED 1 used for debug/auditing */ 88 #define SCTP_AUDIT_SIZE 256 89 90 91 #define SCTP_KTRHEAD_NAME "sctp_iterator" 92 #define SCTP_KTHREAD_PAGES 0 93 94 #define SCTP_MCORE_NAME "sctp_core_worker" 95 96 97 /* If you support Multi-VRF how big to 98 * make the initial array of VRF's to. 99 */ 100 #define SCTP_DEFAULT_VRF_SIZE 4 101 102 /* constants for rto calc */ 103 #define sctp_align_safe_nocopy 0 104 #define sctp_align_unsafe_makecopy 1 105 106 /* JRS - Values defined for the HTCP algorithm */ 107 #define ALPHA_BASE (1<<7) /* 1.0 with shift << 7 */ 108 #define BETA_MIN (1<<6) /* 0.5 with shift << 7 */ 109 #define BETA_MAX 102 /* 0.8 with shift << 7 */ 110 111 /* Places that CWND log can happen from */ 112 #define SCTP_CWND_LOG_FROM_FR 1 113 #define SCTP_CWND_LOG_FROM_RTX 2 114 #define SCTP_CWND_LOG_FROM_BRST 3 115 #define SCTP_CWND_LOG_FROM_SS 4 116 #define SCTP_CWND_LOG_FROM_CA 5 117 #define SCTP_CWND_LOG_FROM_SAT 6 118 #define SCTP_BLOCK_LOG_INTO_BLK 7 119 #define SCTP_BLOCK_LOG_OUTOF_BLK 8 120 #define SCTP_BLOCK_LOG_CHECK 9 121 #define SCTP_STR_LOG_FROM_INTO_STRD 10 122 #define SCTP_STR_LOG_FROM_IMMED_DEL 11 123 #define SCTP_STR_LOG_FROM_INSERT_HD 12 124 #define SCTP_STR_LOG_FROM_INSERT_MD 13 125 #define SCTP_STR_LOG_FROM_INSERT_TL 14 126 #define SCTP_STR_LOG_FROM_MARK_TSN 15 127 #define SCTP_STR_LOG_FROM_EXPRS_DEL 16 128 #define SCTP_FR_LOG_BIGGEST_TSNS 17 129 #define SCTP_FR_LOG_STRIKE_TEST 18 130 #define SCTP_FR_LOG_STRIKE_CHUNK 19 131 #define SCTP_FR_T3_TIMEOUT 20 132 #define SCTP_MAP_PREPARE_SLIDE 21 133 #define SCTP_MAP_SLIDE_FROM 22 134 #define SCTP_MAP_SLIDE_RESULT 23 135 #define SCTP_MAP_SLIDE_CLEARED 24 136 #define SCTP_MAP_SLIDE_NONE 25 137 #define SCTP_FR_T3_MARK_TIME 26 138 #define SCTP_FR_T3_MARKED 27 139 #define SCTP_FR_T3_STOPPED 28 140 #define SCTP_FR_MARKED 30 141 #define SCTP_CWND_LOG_NOADV_SS 31 142 #define SCTP_CWND_LOG_NOADV_CA 32 143 #define SCTP_MAX_BURST_APPLIED 33 144 #define SCTP_MAX_IFP_APPLIED 34 145 #define SCTP_MAX_BURST_ERROR_STOP 35 146 #define SCTP_INCREASE_PEER_RWND 36 147 #define SCTP_DECREASE_PEER_RWND 37 148 #define SCTP_SET_PEER_RWND_VIA_SACK 38 149 #define SCTP_LOG_MBCNT_INCREASE 39 150 #define SCTP_LOG_MBCNT_DECREASE 40 151 #define SCTP_LOG_MBCNT_CHKSET 41 152 #define SCTP_LOG_NEW_SACK 42 153 #define SCTP_LOG_TSN_ACKED 43 154 #define SCTP_LOG_TSN_REVOKED 44 155 #define SCTP_LOG_LOCK_TCB 45 156 #define SCTP_LOG_LOCK_INP 46 157 #define SCTP_LOG_LOCK_SOCK 47 158 #define SCTP_LOG_LOCK_SOCKBUF_R 48 159 #define SCTP_LOG_LOCK_SOCKBUF_S 49 160 #define SCTP_LOG_LOCK_CREATE 50 161 #define SCTP_LOG_INITIAL_RTT 51 162 #define SCTP_LOG_RTTVAR 52 163 #define SCTP_LOG_SBALLOC 53 164 #define SCTP_LOG_SBFREE 54 165 #define SCTP_LOG_SBRESULT 55 166 #define SCTP_FR_DUPED 56 167 #define SCTP_FR_MARKED_EARLY 57 168 #define SCTP_FR_CWND_REPORT 58 169 #define SCTP_FR_CWND_REPORT_START 59 170 #define SCTP_FR_CWND_REPORT_STOP 60 171 #define SCTP_CWND_LOG_FROM_SEND 61 172 #define SCTP_CWND_INITIALIZATION 62 173 #define SCTP_CWND_LOG_FROM_T3 63 174 #define SCTP_CWND_LOG_FROM_SACK 64 175 #define SCTP_CWND_LOG_NO_CUMACK 65 176 #define SCTP_CWND_LOG_FROM_RESEND 66 177 #define SCTP_FR_LOG_CHECK_STRIKE 67 178 #define SCTP_SEND_NOW_COMPLETES 68 179 #define SCTP_CWND_LOG_FILL_OUTQ_CALLED 69 180 #define SCTP_CWND_LOG_FILL_OUTQ_FILLS 70 181 #define SCTP_LOG_FREE_SENT 71 182 #define SCTP_NAGLE_APPLIED 72 183 #define SCTP_NAGLE_SKIPPED 73 184 #define SCTP_WAKESND_FROM_SACK 74 185 #define SCTP_WAKESND_FROM_FWDTSN 75 186 #define SCTP_NOWAKE_FROM_SACK 76 187 #define SCTP_CWNDLOG_PRESEND 77 188 #define SCTP_CWNDLOG_ENDSEND 78 189 #define SCTP_AT_END_OF_SACK 79 190 #define SCTP_REASON_FOR_SC 80 191 #define SCTP_BLOCK_LOG_INTO_BLKA 81 192 #define SCTP_ENTER_USER_RECV 82 193 #define SCTP_USER_RECV_SACKS 83 194 #define SCTP_SORECV_BLOCKSA 84 195 #define SCTP_SORECV_BLOCKSB 85 196 #define SCTP_SORECV_DONE 86 197 #define SCTP_SACK_RWND_UPDATE 87 198 #define SCTP_SORECV_ENTER 88 199 #define SCTP_SORECV_ENTERPL 89 200 #define SCTP_MBUF_INPUT 90 201 #define SCTP_MBUF_IALLOC 91 202 #define SCTP_MBUF_IFREE 92 203 #define SCTP_MBUF_ICOPY 93 204 #define SCTP_MBUF_SPLIT 94 205 #define SCTP_SORCV_FREECTL 95 206 #define SCTP_SORCV_DOESCPY 96 207 #define SCTP_SORCV_DOESLCK 97 208 #define SCTP_SORCV_DOESADJ 98 209 #define SCTP_SORCV_BOTWHILE 99 210 #define SCTP_SORCV_PASSBF 100 211 #define SCTP_SORCV_ADJD 101 212 #define SCTP_UNKNOWN_MAX 102 213 #define SCTP_RANDY_STUFF 103 214 #define SCTP_RANDY_STUFF1 104 215 #define SCTP_STRMOUT_LOG_ASSIGN 105 216 #define SCTP_STRMOUT_LOG_SEND 106 217 #define SCTP_FLIGHT_LOG_DOWN_CA 107 218 #define SCTP_FLIGHT_LOG_UP 108 219 #define SCTP_FLIGHT_LOG_DOWN_GAP 109 220 #define SCTP_FLIGHT_LOG_DOWN_RSND 110 221 #define SCTP_FLIGHT_LOG_UP_RSND 111 222 #define SCTP_FLIGHT_LOG_DOWN_RSND_TO 112 223 #define SCTP_FLIGHT_LOG_DOWN_WP 113 224 #define SCTP_FLIGHT_LOG_UP_REVOKE 114 225 #define SCTP_FLIGHT_LOG_DOWN_PDRP 115 226 #define SCTP_FLIGHT_LOG_DOWN_PMTU 116 227 #define SCTP_SACK_LOG_NORMAL 117 228 #define SCTP_SACK_LOG_EXPRESS 118 229 #define SCTP_MAP_TSN_ENTERS 119 230 #define SCTP_THRESHOLD_CLEAR 120 231 #define SCTP_THRESHOLD_INCR 121 232 #define SCTP_FLIGHT_LOG_DWN_WP_FWD 122 233 #define SCTP_FWD_TSN_CHECK 123 234 #define SCTP_LOG_MAX_TYPES 124 235 /* 236 * To turn on various logging, you must first enable 'options KTR' and 237 * you might want to bump the entires 'options KTR_ENTRIES=80000'. 238 * To get something to log you define one of the logging defines. 239 * (see LINT). 240 * 241 * This gets the compile in place, but you still need to turn the 242 * logging flag on too in the sysctl (see in sctp.h). 243 */ 244 245 #define SCTP_LOG_EVENT_UNKNOWN 0 246 #define SCTP_LOG_EVENT_CWND 1 247 #define SCTP_LOG_EVENT_BLOCK 2 248 #define SCTP_LOG_EVENT_STRM 3 249 #define SCTP_LOG_EVENT_FR 4 250 #define SCTP_LOG_EVENT_MAP 5 251 #define SCTP_LOG_EVENT_MAXBURST 6 252 #define SCTP_LOG_EVENT_RWND 7 253 #define SCTP_LOG_EVENT_MBCNT 8 254 #define SCTP_LOG_EVENT_SACK 9 255 #define SCTP_LOG_LOCK_EVENT 10 256 #define SCTP_LOG_EVENT_RTT 11 257 #define SCTP_LOG_EVENT_SB 12 258 #define SCTP_LOG_EVENT_NAGLE 13 259 #define SCTP_LOG_EVENT_WAKE 14 260 #define SCTP_LOG_MISC_EVENT 15 261 #define SCTP_LOG_EVENT_CLOSE 16 262 #define SCTP_LOG_EVENT_MBUF 17 263 #define SCTP_LOG_CHUNK_PROC 18 264 #define SCTP_LOG_ERROR_RET 19 265 266 #define SCTP_LOG_MAX_EVENT 20 267 268 #define SCTP_LOCK_UNKNOWN 2 269 270 271 /* number of associations by default for zone allocation */ 272 #define SCTP_MAX_NUM_OF_ASOC 40000 273 /* how many addresses per assoc remote and local */ 274 #define SCTP_SCALE_FOR_ADDR 2 275 276 /* default AUTO_ASCONF mode enable(1)/disable(0) value (sysctl) */ 277 #define SCTP_DEFAULT_AUTO_ASCONF 1 278 279 /* default MULTIPLE_ASCONF mode enable(1)/disable(0) value (sysctl) */ 280 #define SCTP_DEFAULT_MULTIPLE_ASCONFS 0 281 282 /* default MOBILITY_BASE mode enable(1)/disable(0) value (sysctl) */ 283 #define SCTP_DEFAULT_MOBILITY_BASE 0 284 285 /* default MOBILITY_FASTHANDOFF mode enable(1)/disable(0) value (sysctl) */ 286 #define SCTP_DEFAULT_MOBILITY_FASTHANDOFF 0 287 288 /* 289 * Theshold for rwnd updates, we have to read (sb_hiwat >> 290 * SCTP_RWND_HIWAT_SHIFT) before we will look to see if we need to send a 291 * window update sack. When we look, we compare the last rwnd we sent vs the 292 * current rwnd. It too must be greater than this value. Using 3 divdes the 293 * hiwat by 8, so for 200k rwnd we need to read 24k. For a 64k rwnd we need 294 * to read 8k. This seems about right.. I hope :-D.. we do set a 295 * min of a MTU on it so if the rwnd is real small we will insist 296 * on a full MTU of 1500 bytes. 297 */ 298 #define SCTP_RWND_HIWAT_SHIFT 3 299 300 /* How much of the rwnd must the 301 * message be taking up to start partial delivery. 302 * We calculate this by shifing the hi_water (recv_win) 303 * left the following .. set to 1, when a message holds 304 * 1/2 the rwnd. If we set it to 2 when a message holds 305 * 1/4 the rwnd...etc.. 306 */ 307 308 #define SCTP_PARTIAL_DELIVERY_SHIFT 1 309 310 /* 311 * default HMAC for cookies, etc... use one of the AUTH HMAC id's 312 * SCTP_HMAC is the HMAC_ID to use 313 * SCTP_SIGNATURE_SIZE is the digest length 314 */ 315 #define SCTP_HMAC SCTP_AUTH_HMAC_ID_SHA1 316 #define SCTP_SIGNATURE_SIZE SCTP_AUTH_DIGEST_LEN_SHA1 317 #define SCTP_SIGNATURE_ALOC_SIZE SCTP_SIGNATURE_SIZE 318 319 /* 320 * the SCTP protocol signature this includes the version number encoded in 321 * the last 4 bits of the signature. 322 */ 323 #define PROTO_SIGNATURE_A 0x30000000 324 #define SCTP_VERSION_NUMBER 0x3 325 326 #define MAX_TSN 0xffffffff 327 328 /* how many executions every N tick's */ 329 #define SCTP_ITERATOR_MAX_AT_ONCE 20 330 331 /* number of clock ticks between iterator executions */ 332 #define SCTP_ITERATOR_TICKS 1 333 334 /* 335 * option: If you comment out the following you will receive the old behavior 336 * of obeying cwnd for the fast retransmit algorithm. With this defined a FR 337 * happens right away with-out waiting for the flightsize to drop below the 338 * cwnd value (which is reduced by the FR to 1/2 the inflight packets). 339 */ 340 #define SCTP_IGNORE_CWND_ON_FR 1 341 342 /* 343 * Adds implementors guide behavior to only use newest highest update in SACK 344 * gap ack's to figure out if you need to stroke a chunk for FR. 345 */ 346 #define SCTP_NO_FR_UNLESS_SEGMENT_SMALLER 1 347 348 /* default max I can burst out after a fast retransmit, 0 disables it */ 349 #define SCTP_DEF_MAX_BURST 4 350 #define SCTP_DEF_HBMAX_BURST 4 351 #define SCTP_DEF_FRMAX_BURST 4 352 353 /* RTO calculation flag to say if it 354 * is safe to determine local lan or not. 355 */ 356 #define SCTP_RTT_FROM_NON_DATA 0 357 #define SCTP_RTT_FROM_DATA 1 358 359 360 /* IP hdr (20/40) + 12+2+2 (enet) + sctp common 12 */ 361 #define SCTP_FIRST_MBUF_RESV 68 362 /* Packet transmit states in the sent field */ 363 #define SCTP_DATAGRAM_UNSENT 0 364 #define SCTP_DATAGRAM_SENT 1 365 #define SCTP_DATAGRAM_RESEND1 2 /* not used (in code, but may 366 * hit this value) */ 367 #define SCTP_DATAGRAM_RESEND2 3 /* not used (in code, but may 368 * hit this value) */ 369 #define SCTP_DATAGRAM_RESEND 4 370 #define SCTP_DATAGRAM_ACKED 10010 371 #define SCTP_DATAGRAM_MARKED 20010 372 #define SCTP_FORWARD_TSN_SKIP 30010 373 #define SCTP_DATAGRAM_NR_ACKED 40010 374 375 /* chunk output send from locations */ 376 #define SCTP_OUTPUT_FROM_USR_SEND 0 377 #define SCTP_OUTPUT_FROM_T3 1 378 #define SCTP_OUTPUT_FROM_INPUT_ERROR 2 379 #define SCTP_OUTPUT_FROM_CONTROL_PROC 3 380 #define SCTP_OUTPUT_FROM_SACK_TMR 4 381 #define SCTP_OUTPUT_FROM_SHUT_TMR 5 382 #define SCTP_OUTPUT_FROM_HB_TMR 6 383 #define SCTP_OUTPUT_FROM_SHUT_ACK_TMR 7 384 #define SCTP_OUTPUT_FROM_ASCONF_TMR 8 385 #define SCTP_OUTPUT_FROM_STRRST_TMR 9 386 #define SCTP_OUTPUT_FROM_AUTOCLOSE_TMR 10 387 #define SCTP_OUTPUT_FROM_EARLY_FR_TMR 11 388 #define SCTP_OUTPUT_FROM_STRRST_REQ 12 389 #define SCTP_OUTPUT_FROM_USR_RCVD 13 390 #define SCTP_OUTPUT_FROM_COOKIE_ACK 14 391 #define SCTP_OUTPUT_FROM_DRAIN 15 392 #define SCTP_OUTPUT_FROM_CLOSING 16 393 #define SCTP_OUTPUT_FROM_SOCKOPT 17 394 395 /* SCTP chunk types are moved sctp.h for application (NAT, FW) use */ 396 397 /* align to 32-bit sizes */ 398 #define SCTP_SIZE32(x) ((((x) + 3) >> 2) << 2) 399 400 #define IS_SCTP_CONTROL(a) ((a)->chunk_type != SCTP_DATA) 401 #define IS_SCTP_DATA(a) ((a)->chunk_type == SCTP_DATA) 402 403 404 /* SCTP parameter types */ 405 /*************0x0000 series*************/ 406 #define SCTP_HEARTBEAT_INFO 0x0001 407 #define SCTP_IPV4_ADDRESS 0x0005 408 #define SCTP_IPV6_ADDRESS 0x0006 409 #define SCTP_STATE_COOKIE 0x0007 410 #define SCTP_UNRECOG_PARAM 0x0008 411 #define SCTP_COOKIE_PRESERVE 0x0009 412 #define SCTP_HOSTNAME_ADDRESS 0x000b 413 #define SCTP_SUPPORTED_ADDRTYPE 0x000c 414 415 /* draft-ietf-stewart-tsvwg-strreset-xxx */ 416 #define SCTP_STR_RESET_OUT_REQUEST 0x000d 417 #define SCTP_STR_RESET_IN_REQUEST 0x000e 418 #define SCTP_STR_RESET_TSN_REQUEST 0x000f 419 #define SCTP_STR_RESET_RESPONSE 0x0010 420 #define SCTP_STR_RESET_ADD_OUT_STREAMS 0x0011 421 #define SCTP_STR_RESET_ADD_IN_STREAMS 0x0012 422 423 #define SCTP_MAX_RESET_PARAMS 2 424 #define SCTP_STREAM_RESET_TSN_DELTA 0x1000 425 426 /*************0x4000 series*************/ 427 428 /*************0x8000 series*************/ 429 #define SCTP_ECN_CAPABLE 0x8000 430 431 /* draft-ietf-tsvwg-auth-xxx */ 432 #define SCTP_RANDOM 0x8002 433 #define SCTP_CHUNK_LIST 0x8003 434 #define SCTP_HMAC_LIST 0x8004 435 /* 436 * draft-ietf-tsvwg-addip-sctp-xx param=0x8008 len=0xNNNN Byte | Byte | Byte 437 * | Byte Byte | Byte ... 438 * 439 * Where each byte is a chunk type extension supported. For example, to support 440 * all chunks one would have (in hex): 441 * 442 * 80 01 00 09 C0 C1 80 81 82 00 00 00 443 * 444 * Has the parameter. C0 = PR-SCTP (RFC3758) C1, 80 = ASCONF (addip draft) 81 445 * = Packet Drop 82 = Stream Reset 83 = Authentication 446 */ 447 #define SCTP_SUPPORTED_CHUNK_EXT 0x8008 448 449 /*************0xC000 series*************/ 450 #define SCTP_PRSCTP_SUPPORTED 0xc000 451 /* draft-ietf-tsvwg-addip-sctp */ 452 #define SCTP_ADD_IP_ADDRESS 0xc001 453 #define SCTP_DEL_IP_ADDRESS 0xc002 454 #define SCTP_ERROR_CAUSE_IND 0xc003 455 #define SCTP_SET_PRIM_ADDR 0xc004 456 #define SCTP_SUCCESS_REPORT 0xc005 457 #define SCTP_ULP_ADAPTATION 0xc006 458 /* behave-nat-draft */ 459 #define SCTP_HAS_NAT_SUPPORT 0xc007 460 #define SCTP_NAT_VTAGS 0xc008 461 462 /* bits for TOS field */ 463 #define SCTP_ECT0_BIT 0x02 464 #define SCTP_ECT1_BIT 0x01 465 #define SCTP_CE_BITS 0x03 466 467 /* below turns off above */ 468 #define SCTP_FLEXIBLE_ADDRESS 0x20 469 #define SCTP_NO_HEARTBEAT 0x40 470 471 /* mask to get sticky */ 472 #define SCTP_STICKY_OPTIONS_MASK 0x0c 473 474 475 /* 476 * SCTP states for internal state machine XXX (should match "user" values) 477 */ 478 #define SCTP_STATE_EMPTY 0x0000 479 #define SCTP_STATE_INUSE 0x0001 480 #define SCTP_STATE_COOKIE_WAIT 0x0002 481 #define SCTP_STATE_COOKIE_ECHOED 0x0004 482 #define SCTP_STATE_OPEN 0x0008 483 #define SCTP_STATE_SHUTDOWN_SENT 0x0010 484 #define SCTP_STATE_SHUTDOWN_RECEIVED 0x0020 485 #define SCTP_STATE_SHUTDOWN_ACK_SENT 0x0040 486 #define SCTP_STATE_SHUTDOWN_PENDING 0x0080 487 #define SCTP_STATE_CLOSED_SOCKET 0x0100 488 #define SCTP_STATE_ABOUT_TO_BE_FREED 0x0200 489 #define SCTP_STATE_PARTIAL_MSG_LEFT 0x0400 490 #define SCTP_STATE_WAS_ABORTED 0x0800 491 #define SCTP_STATE_IN_ACCEPT_QUEUE 0x1000 492 #define SCTP_STATE_MASK 0x007f 493 494 #define SCTP_GET_STATE(asoc) ((asoc)->state & SCTP_STATE_MASK) 495 #define SCTP_SET_STATE(asoc, newstate) ((asoc)->state = ((asoc)->state & ~SCTP_STATE_MASK) | newstate) 496 #define SCTP_CLEAR_SUBSTATE(asoc, substate) ((asoc)->state &= ~substate) 497 #define SCTP_ADD_SUBSTATE(asoc, substate) ((asoc)->state |= substate) 498 499 /* SCTP reachability state for each address */ 500 #define SCTP_ADDR_REACHABLE 0x001 501 #define SCTP_ADDR_NO_PMTUD 0x002 502 #define SCTP_ADDR_NOHB 0x004 503 #define SCTP_ADDR_BEING_DELETED 0x008 504 #define SCTP_ADDR_NOT_IN_ASSOC 0x010 505 #define SCTP_ADDR_OUT_OF_SCOPE 0x080 506 #define SCTP_ADDR_UNCONFIRMED 0x200 507 #define SCTP_ADDR_REQ_PRIMARY 0x400 508 /* JRS 5/13/07 - Added potentially failed state for CMT PF */ 509 #define SCTP_ADDR_PF 0x800 510 511 /* bound address types (e.g. valid address types to allow) */ 512 #define SCTP_BOUND_V6 0x01 513 #define SCTP_BOUND_V4 0x02 514 515 /* 516 * what is the default number of mbufs in a chain I allow before switching to 517 * a cluster 518 */ 519 #define SCTP_DEFAULT_MBUFS_IN_CHAIN 5 520 521 /* How long a cookie lives in milli-seconds */ 522 #define SCTP_DEFAULT_COOKIE_LIFE 60000 523 524 /* Maximum the mapping array will grow to (TSN mapping array) */ 525 #define SCTP_MAPPING_ARRAY 512 526 527 /* size of the inital malloc on the mapping array */ 528 #define SCTP_INITIAL_MAPPING_ARRAY 16 529 /* how much we grow the mapping array each call */ 530 #define SCTP_MAPPING_ARRAY_INCR 32 531 532 /* 533 * Here we define the timer types used by the implementation as arguments in 534 * the set/get timer type calls. 535 */ 536 #define SCTP_TIMER_INIT 0 537 #define SCTP_TIMER_RECV 1 538 #define SCTP_TIMER_SEND 2 539 #define SCTP_TIMER_HEARTBEAT 3 540 #define SCTP_TIMER_PMTU 4 541 #define SCTP_TIMER_MAXSHUTDOWN 5 542 #define SCTP_TIMER_SIGNATURE 6 543 /* 544 * number of timer types in the base SCTP structure used in the set/get and 545 * has the base default. 546 */ 547 #define SCTP_NUM_TMRS 7 548 549 /* timer types */ 550 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_NONE 0 551 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_SEND 1 552 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_INIT 2 553 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_RECV 3 554 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_SHUTDOWN 4 555 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_HEARTBEAT 5 556 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_COOKIE 6 557 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_NEWCOOKIE 7 558 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_PATHMTURAISE 8 559 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_SHUTDOWNACK 9 560 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_ASCONF 10 561 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_SHUTDOWNGUARD 11 562 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_AUTOCLOSE 12 563 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_EVENTWAKE 13 564 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_STRRESET 14 565 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_INPKILL 15 566 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_ASOCKILL 16 567 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_ADDR_WQ 17 568 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_ZERO_COPY 18 569 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_ZCOPY_SENDQ 19 570 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_PRIM_DELETED 20 571 /* add new timers here - and increment LAST */ 572 #define SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_LAST 21 573 574 #define SCTP_IS_TIMER_TYPE_VALID(t) (((t) > SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_NONE) && \ 575 ((t) < SCTP_TIMER_TYPE_LAST)) 576 577 578 579 /* max number of TSN's dup'd that I will hold */ 580 #define SCTP_MAX_DUP_TSNS 20 581 582 /* 583 * Here we define the types used when setting the retry amounts. 584 */ 585 /* How many drop re-attempts we make on INIT/COOKIE-ECHO */ 586 #define SCTP_RETRY_DROPPED_THRESH 4 587 588 /* 589 * Maxmium number of chunks a single association can have on it. Note that 590 * this is a squishy number since the count can run over this if the user 591 * sends a large message down .. the fragmented chunks don't count until 592 * AFTER the message is on queue.. it would be the next send that blocks 593 * things. This number will get tuned up at boot in the sctp_init and use the 594 * number of clusters as a base. This way high bandwidth environments will 595 * not get impacted by the lower bandwidth sending a bunch of 1 byte chunks 596 */ 597 #define SCTP_ASOC_MAX_CHUNKS_ON_QUEUE 512 598 599 600 /* The conversion from time to ticks and vice versa is done by rounding 601 * upwards. This way we can test in the code the time to be positive and 602 * know that this corresponds to a positive number of ticks. 603 */ 604 #define MSEC_TO_TICKS(x) ((hz == 1000) ? x : ((((x) * hz) + 999) / 1000)) 605 #define TICKS_TO_MSEC(x) ((hz == 1000) ? x : ((((x) * 1000) + (hz - 1)) / hz)) 606 607 #define SEC_TO_TICKS(x) ((x) * hz) 608 #define TICKS_TO_SEC(x) (((x) + (hz - 1)) / hz) 609 610 /* 611 * Basically the minimum amount of time before I do a early FR. Making this 612 * value to low will cause duplicate retransmissions. 613 */ 614 #define SCTP_MINFR_MSEC_TIMER 250 615 /* The floor this value is allowed to fall to when starting a timer. */ 616 #define SCTP_MINFR_MSEC_FLOOR 20 617 618 /* init timer def = 1 sec */ 619 #define SCTP_INIT_SEC 1 620 621 /* send timer def = 1 seconds */ 622 #define SCTP_SEND_SEC 1 623 624 /* recv timer def = 200ms */ 625 #define SCTP_RECV_MSEC 200 626 627 /* 30 seconds + RTO (in ms) */ 628 #define SCTP_HB_DEFAULT_MSEC 30000 629 630 /* Max time I will wait for Shutdown to complete */ 631 #define SCTP_DEF_MAX_SHUTDOWN_SEC 180 632 633 634 /* 635 * This is how long a secret lives, NOT how long a cookie lives how many 636 * ticks the current secret will live. 637 */ 638 #define SCTP_DEFAULT_SECRET_LIFE_SEC 3600 639 640 #define SCTP_RTO_UPPER_BOUND (60000) /* 60 sec in ms */ 641 #define SCTP_RTO_LOWER_BOUND (1000) /* 1 sec is ms */ 642 #define SCTP_RTO_INITIAL (3000) /* 3 sec in ms */ 643 644 645 #define SCTP_INP_KILL_TIMEOUT 20/* number of ms to retry kill of inpcb */ 646 #define SCTP_ASOC_KILL_TIMEOUT 10 /* number of ms to retry kill of inpcb */ 647 648 #define SCTP_DEF_MAX_INIT 8 649 #define SCTP_DEF_MAX_SEND 10 650 #define SCTP_DEF_MAX_PATH_RTX 5 651 #define SCTP_DEF_PATH_PF_THRESHOLD SCTP_DEF_MAX_PATH_RTX 652 653 #define SCTP_DEF_PMTU_RAISE_SEC 600 /* 10 min between raise attempts */ 654 655 656 /* How many streams I request initally by default */ 657 #define SCTP_OSTREAM_INITIAL 10 658 #define SCTP_ISTREAM_INITIAL 2048 659 660 /* 661 * How many smallest_mtu's need to increase before a window update sack is 662 * sent (should be a power of 2). 663 */ 664 /* Send window update (incr * this > hiwat). Should be a power of 2 */ 665 #define SCTP_MINIMAL_RWND (4096) /* minimal rwnd */ 666 667 #define SCTP_ADDRMAX 16 668 669 /* SCTP DEBUG Switch parameters */ 670 #define SCTP_DEBUG_TIMER1 0x00000001 671 #define SCTP_DEBUG_TIMER2 0x00000002 /* unused */ 672 #define SCTP_DEBUG_TIMER3 0x00000004 /* unused */ 673 #define SCTP_DEBUG_TIMER4 0x00000008 674 #define SCTP_DEBUG_OUTPUT1 0x00000010 675 #define SCTP_DEBUG_OUTPUT2 0x00000020 676 #define SCTP_DEBUG_OUTPUT3 0x00000040 677 #define SCTP_DEBUG_OUTPUT4 0x00000080 678 #define SCTP_DEBUG_UTIL1 0x00000100 679 #define SCTP_DEBUG_UTIL2 0x00000200 /* unused */ 680 #define SCTP_DEBUG_AUTH1 0x00000400 681 #define SCTP_DEBUG_AUTH2 0x00000800 /* unused */ 682 #define SCTP_DEBUG_INPUT1 0x00001000 683 #define SCTP_DEBUG_INPUT2 0x00002000 684 #define SCTP_DEBUG_INPUT3 0x00004000 685 #define SCTP_DEBUG_INPUT4 0x00008000 /* unused */ 686 #define SCTP_DEBUG_ASCONF1 0x00010000 687 #define SCTP_DEBUG_ASCONF2 0x00020000 688 #define SCTP_DEBUG_OUTPUT5 0x00040000 /* unused */ 689 #define SCTP_DEBUG_XXX 0x00080000 /* unused */ 690 #define SCTP_DEBUG_PCB1 0x00100000 691 #define SCTP_DEBUG_PCB2 0x00200000 /* unused */ 692 #define SCTP_DEBUG_PCB3 0x00400000 693 #define SCTP_DEBUG_PCB4 0x00800000 694 #define SCTP_DEBUG_INDATA1 0x01000000 695 #define SCTP_DEBUG_INDATA2 0x02000000 /* unused */ 696 #define SCTP_DEBUG_INDATA3 0x04000000 /* unused */ 697 #define SCTP_DEBUG_CRCOFFLOAD 0x08000000 /* unused */ 698 #define SCTP_DEBUG_USRREQ1 0x10000000 /* unused */ 699 #define SCTP_DEBUG_USRREQ2 0x20000000 /* unused */ 700 #define SCTP_DEBUG_PEEL1 0x40000000 701 #define SCTP_DEBUG_XXXXX 0x80000000 /* unused */ 702 #define SCTP_DEBUG_ALL 0x7ff3ffff 703 #define SCTP_DEBUG_NOISY 0x00040000 704 705 /* What sender needs to see to avoid SWS or we consider peers rwnd 0 */ 706 #define SCTP_SWS_SENDER_DEF 1420 707 708 /* 709 * SWS is scaled to the sb_hiwat of the socket. A value of 2 is hiwat/4, 1 710 * would be hiwat/2 etc. 711 */ 712 /* What receiver needs to see in sockbuf or we tell peer its 1 */ 713 #define SCTP_SWS_RECEIVER_DEF 3000 714 715 #define SCTP_INITIAL_CWND 4380 716 717 #define SCTP_DEFAULT_MTU 1500 /* emergency default MTU */ 718 /* amount peer is obligated to have in rwnd or I will abort */ 719 #define SCTP_MIN_RWND 1500 720 721 #define SCTP_DEFAULT_MAXSEGMENT 65535 722 723 #define SCTP_CHUNK_BUFFER_SIZE 512 724 #define SCTP_PARAM_BUFFER_SIZE 512 725 726 /* small chunk store for looking at chunk_list in auth */ 727 #define SCTP_SMALL_CHUNK_STORE 260 728 729 #define SCTP_DEFAULT_MINSEGMENT 512 /* MTU size ... if no mtu disc */ 730 #define SCTP_HOW_MANY_SECRETS 2 /* how many secrets I keep */ 731 732 #define SCTP_NUMBER_OF_SECRETS 8 /* or 8 * 4 = 32 octets */ 733 #define SCTP_SECRET_SIZE 32 /* number of octets in a 256 bits */ 734 735 736 /* 737 * SCTP upper layer notifications 738 */ 739 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_ASSOC_UP 1 740 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_ASSOC_DOWN 2 741 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_INTERFACE_DOWN 3 742 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_INTERFACE_UP 4 743 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_SENT_DG_FAIL 5 744 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_UNSENT_DG_FAIL 6 745 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_SPECIAL_SP_FAIL 7 746 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_ASSOC_LOC_ABORTED 8 747 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_ASSOC_REM_ABORTED 9 748 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_ASSOC_RESTART 10 749 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_PEER_SHUTDOWN 11 750 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_ASCONF_ADD_IP 12 751 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_ASCONF_DELETE_IP 13 752 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_ASCONF_SET_PRIMARY 14 753 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_PARTIAL_DELVIERY_INDICATION 15 754 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_INTERFACE_CONFIRMED 16 755 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_STR_RESET_RECV 17 756 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_STR_RESET_SEND 18 757 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_STR_RESET_FAILED_OUT 19 758 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_STR_RESET_FAILED_IN 20 759 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_STR_RESET_DENIED_OUT 21 760 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_STR_RESET_DENIED_IN 22 761 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_AUTH_NEW_KEY 23 762 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_AUTH_FREE_KEY 24 763 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_NO_PEER_AUTH 25 764 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_SENDER_DRY 26 765 #define SCTP_NOTIFY_REMOTE_ERROR 27 766 767 /* This is the value for messages that are NOT completely 768 * copied down where we will start to split the message. 769 * So, with our default, we split only if the piece we 770 * want to take will fill up a full MTU (assuming 771 * a 1500 byte MTU). 772 */ 773 #define SCTP_DEFAULT_SPLIT_POINT_MIN 2904 774 775 /* ABORT CODES and other tell-tale location 776 * codes are generated by adding the below 777 * to the instance id. 778 */ 779 780 /* File defines */ 781 #define SCTP_FROM_SCTP_INPUT 0x10000000 782 #define SCTP_FROM_SCTP_PCB 0x20000000 783 #define SCTP_FROM_SCTP_INDATA 0x30000000 784 #define SCTP_FROM_SCTP_TIMER 0x40000000 785 #define SCTP_FROM_SCTP_USRREQ 0x50000000 786 #define SCTP_FROM_SCTPUTIL 0x60000000 787 #define SCTP_FROM_SCTP6_USRREQ 0x70000000 788 #define SCTP_FROM_SCTP_ASCONF 0x80000000 789 #define SCTP_FROM_SCTP_OUTPUT 0x90000000 790 #define SCTP_FROM_SCTP_PEELOFF 0xa0000000 791 #define SCTP_FROM_SCTP_PANDA 0xb0000000 792 #define SCTP_FROM_SCTP_SYSCTL 0xc0000000 793 794 /* Location ID's */ 795 #define SCTP_LOC_1 0x00000001 796 #define SCTP_LOC_2 0x00000002 797 #define SCTP_LOC_3 0x00000003 798 #define SCTP_LOC_4 0x00000004 799 #define SCTP_LOC_5 0x00000005 800 #define SCTP_LOC_6 0x00000006 801 #define SCTP_LOC_7 0x00000007 802 #define SCTP_LOC_8 0x00000008 803 #define SCTP_LOC_9 0x00000009 804 #define SCTP_LOC_10 0x0000000a 805 #define SCTP_LOC_11 0x0000000b 806 #define SCTP_LOC_12 0x0000000c 807 #define SCTP_LOC_13 0x0000000d 808 #define SCTP_LOC_14 0x0000000e 809 #define SCTP_LOC_15 0x0000000f 810 #define SCTP_LOC_16 0x00000010 811 #define SCTP_LOC_17 0x00000011 812 #define SCTP_LOC_18 0x00000012 813 #define SCTP_LOC_19 0x00000013 814 #define SCTP_LOC_20 0x00000014 815 #define SCTP_LOC_21 0x00000015 816 #define SCTP_LOC_22 0x00000016 817 #define SCTP_LOC_23 0x00000017 818 #define SCTP_LOC_24 0x00000018 819 #define SCTP_LOC_25 0x00000019 820 #define SCTP_LOC_26 0x0000001a 821 #define SCTP_LOC_27 0x0000001b 822 #define SCTP_LOC_28 0x0000001c 823 #define SCTP_LOC_29 0x0000001d 824 #define SCTP_LOC_30 0x0000001e 825 #define SCTP_LOC_31 0x0000001f 826 #define SCTP_LOC_32 0x00000020 827 #define SCTP_LOC_33 0x00000021 828 829 830 /* Free assoc codes */ 831 #define SCTP_NORMAL_PROC 0 832 #define SCTP_PCBFREE_NOFORCE 1 833 #define SCTP_PCBFREE_FORCE 2 834 835 /* From codes for adding addresses */ 836 #define SCTP_ADDR_IS_CONFIRMED 8 837 #define SCTP_ADDR_DYNAMIC_ADDED 6 838 #define SCTP_IN_COOKIE_PROC 100 839 #define SCTP_ALLOC_ASOC 1 840 #define SCTP_LOAD_ADDR_2 2 841 #define SCTP_LOAD_ADDR_3 3 842 #define SCTP_LOAD_ADDR_4 4 843 #define SCTP_LOAD_ADDR_5 5 844 845 #define SCTP_DONOT_SETSCOPE 0 846 #define SCTP_DO_SETSCOPE 1 847 848 849 /* This value determines the default for when 850 * we try to add more on the send queue., if 851 * there is room. This prevents us from cycling 852 * into the copy_resume routine to often if 853 * we have not got enough space to add a decent 854 * enough size message. Note that if we have enough 855 * space to complete the message copy we will always 856 * add to the message, no matter what the size. Its 857 * only when we reach the point that we have some left 858 * to add, there is only room for part of it that we 859 * will use this threshold. Its also a sysctl. 860 */ 861 #define SCTP_DEFAULT_ADD_MORE 1452 862 863 #ifndef SCTP_PCBHASHSIZE 864 /* default number of association hash buckets in each endpoint */ 865 #define SCTP_PCBHASHSIZE 256 866 #endif 867 #ifndef SCTP_TCBHASHSIZE 868 #define SCTP_TCBHASHSIZE 1024 869 #endif 870 871 #ifndef SCTP_CHUNKQUEUE_SCALE 872 #define SCTP_CHUNKQUEUE_SCALE 10 873 #endif 874 875 /* clock variance is 1 ms */ 876 #define SCTP_CLOCK_GRANULARITY 1 877 #define IP_HDR_SIZE 40 /* we use the size of a IP6 header here this 878 * detracts a small amount for ipv4 but it 879 * simplifies the ipv6 addition */ 880 881 /* Argument magic number for sctp_inpcb_free() */ 882 883 /* third argument */ 884 #define SCTP_CALLED_DIRECTLY_NOCMPSET 0 885 #define SCTP_CALLED_AFTER_CMPSET_OFCLOSE 1 886 #define SCTP_CALLED_FROM_INPKILL_TIMER 2 887 /* second argument */ 888 #define SCTP_FREE_SHOULD_USE_ABORT 1 889 #define SCTP_FREE_SHOULD_USE_GRACEFUL_CLOSE 0 890 891 #ifndef IPPROTO_SCTP 892 #define IPPROTO_SCTP 132 /* the Official IANA number :-) */ 893 #endif /* !IPPROTO_SCTP */ 894 895 #define SCTP_MAX_DATA_BUNDLING 256 896 897 /* modular comparison */ 898 /* See RFC 1982 for details. */ 899 #define SCTP_SSN_GT(a, b) (((a < b) && ((uint16_t)(b - a) > (1U<<15))) || \ 900 ((a > b) && ((uint16_t)(a - b) < (1U<<15)))) 901 #define SCTP_SSN_GE(a, b) (SCTP_SSN_GT(a, b) || (a == b)) 902 #define SCTP_TSN_GT(a, b) (((a < b) && ((uint32_t)(b - a) > (1U<<31))) || \ 903 ((a > b) && ((uint32_t)(a - b) < (1U<<31)))) 904 #define SCTP_TSN_GE(a, b) (SCTP_TSN_GT(a, b) || (a == b)) 905 906 /* Mapping array manipulation routines */ 907 #define SCTP_IS_TSN_PRESENT(arry, gap) ((arry[(gap >> 3)] >> (gap & 0x07)) & 0x01) 908 #define SCTP_SET_TSN_PRESENT(arry, gap) (arry[(gap >> 3)] |= (0x01 << ((gap & 0x07)))) 909 #define SCTP_UNSET_TSN_PRESENT(arry, gap) (arry[(gap >> 3)] &= ((~(0x01 << ((gap & 0x07)))) & 0xff)) 910 #define SCTP_CALC_TSN_TO_GAP(gap, tsn, mapping_tsn) do { \ 911 if (tsn >= mapping_tsn) { \ 912 gap = tsn - mapping_tsn; \ 913 } else { \ 914 gap = (MAX_TSN - mapping_tsn) + tsn + 1; \ 915 } \ 916 } while (0) 917 918 919 #define SCTP_RETRAN_DONE -1 920 #define SCTP_RETRAN_EXIT -2 921 922 /* 923 * This value defines the number of vtag block time wait entry's per list 924 * element. Each entry will take 2 4 byte ints (and of course the overhead 925 * of the next pointer as well). Using 15 as an example will yield * ((8 * 926 * 15) + 8) or 128 bytes of overhead for each timewait block that gets 927 * initialized. Increasing it to 31 would yeild 256 bytes per block. 928 */ 929 #define SCTP_NUMBER_IN_VTAG_BLOCK 15 930 /* 931 * If we use the STACK option, we have an array of this size head pointers. 932 * This array is mod'd the with the size to find which bucket and then all 933 * entries must be searched to see if the tag is in timed wait. If so we 934 * reject it. 935 */ 936 #define SCTP_STACK_VTAG_HASH_SIZE 32 937 938 /* 939 * Number of seconds of time wait for a vtag. 940 */ 941 #define SCTP_TIME_WAIT 60 942 943 /* How many micro seconds is the cutoff from 944 * local lan type rtt's 945 */ 946 /* 947 * We allow 900us for the rtt. 948 */ 949 #define SCTP_LOCAL_LAN_RTT 900 950 #define SCTP_LAN_UNKNOWN 0 951 #define SCTP_LAN_LOCAL 1 952 #define SCTP_LAN_INTERNET 2 953 954 #define SCTP_SEND_BUFFER_SPLITTING 0x00000001 955 #define SCTP_RECV_BUFFER_SPLITTING 0x00000002 956 957 /* The system retains a cache of free chunks such to 958 * cut down on calls the memory allocation system. There 959 * is a per association limit of free items and a overall 960 * system limit. If either one gets hit then the resource 961 * stops being cached. 962 */ 963 964 #define SCTP_DEF_ASOC_RESC_LIMIT 10 965 #define SCTP_DEF_SYSTEM_RESC_LIMIT 1000 966 967 /*- 968 * defines for socket lock states. 969 * Used by __APPLE__ and SCTP_SO_LOCK_TESTING 970 */ 971 #define SCTP_SO_LOCKED 1 972 #define SCTP_SO_NOT_LOCKED 0 973 974 975 #define SCTP_HOLDS_LOCK 1 976 #define SCTP_NOT_LOCKED 0 977 978 /*- 979 * For address locks, do we hold the lock? 980 */ 981 #define SCTP_ADDR_LOCKED 1 982 #define SCTP_ADDR_NOT_LOCKED 0 983 984 #define IN4_ISPRIVATE_ADDRESS(a) \ 985 ((((uint8_t *)&(a)->s_addr)[0] == 10) || \ 986 ((((uint8_t *)&(a)->s_addr)[0] == 172) && \ 987 (((uint8_t *)&(a)->s_addr)[1] >= 16) && \ 988 (((uint8_t *)&(a)->s_addr)[1] <= 32)) || \ 989 ((((uint8_t *)&(a)->s_addr)[0] == 192) && \ 990 (((uint8_t *)&(a)->s_addr)[1] == 168))) 991 992 #define IN4_ISLOOPBACK_ADDRESS(a) \ 993 ((((uint8_t *)&(a)->s_addr)[0] == 127) && \ 994 (((uint8_t *)&(a)->s_addr)[1] == 0) && \ 995 (((uint8_t *)&(a)->s_addr)[2] == 0) && \ 996 (((uint8_t *)&(a)->s_addr)[3] == 1)) 997 998 #define IN4_ISLINKLOCAL_ADDRESS(a) \ 999 ((((uint8_t *)&(a)->s_addr)[0] == 169) && \ 1000 (((uint8_t *)&(a)->s_addr)[1] == 254)) 1001 1002 1003 #if defined(_KERNEL) 1004 #define SCTP_GETTIME_TIMEVAL(x) (getmicrouptime(x)) 1005 #define SCTP_GETPTIME_TIMEVAL(x) (microuptime(x)) 1006 #endif 1007 1008 #if defined(_KERNEL) || defined(__Userspace__) 1009 #define sctp_sowwakeup(inp, so) \ 1010 do { \ 1011 if (inp->sctp_flags & SCTP_PCB_FLAGS_DONT_WAKE) { \ 1012 inp->sctp_flags |= SCTP_PCB_FLAGS_WAKEOUTPUT; \ 1013 } else { \ 1014 sowwakeup(so); \ 1015 } \ 1016 } while (0) 1017 1018 #define sctp_sowwakeup_locked(inp, so) \ 1019 do { \ 1020 if (inp->sctp_flags & SCTP_PCB_FLAGS_DONT_WAKE) { \ 1021 SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(&((so)->so_snd)); \ 1022 inp->sctp_flags |= SCTP_PCB_FLAGS_WAKEOUTPUT; \ 1023 } else { \ 1024 sowwakeup_locked(so); \ 1025 } \ 1026 } while (0) 1027 1028 #define sctp_sorwakeup(inp, so) \ 1029 do { \ 1030 if (inp->sctp_flags & SCTP_PCB_FLAGS_DONT_WAKE) { \ 1031 inp->sctp_flags |= SCTP_PCB_FLAGS_WAKEINPUT; \ 1032 } else { \ 1033 sorwakeup(so); \ 1034 } \ 1035 } while (0) 1036 1037 #define sctp_sorwakeup_locked(inp, so) \ 1038 do { \ 1039 if (inp->sctp_flags & SCTP_PCB_FLAGS_DONT_WAKE) { \ 1040 inp->sctp_flags |= SCTP_PCB_FLAGS_WAKEINPUT; \ 1041 SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(&((so)->so_rcv)); \ 1042 } else { \ 1043 sorwakeup_locked(so); \ 1044 } \ 1045 } while (0) 1046 1047 #endif /* _KERNEL || __Userspace__ */ 1048 #endif 1049