1 /* 2 * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1990, 1993 3 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. 4 * 5 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 6 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 7 * are met: 8 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 9 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 10 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 11 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 12 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 13 * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software 14 * must display the following acknowledgement: 15 * This product includes software developed by the University of 16 * California, Berkeley and its contributors. 17 * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors 18 * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software 19 * without specific prior written permission. 20 * 21 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND 22 * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 23 * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 24 * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE 25 * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL 26 * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS 27 * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) 28 * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 29 * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY 30 * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF 31 * SUCH DAMAGE. 32 * 33 * @(#)in.h 8.3 (Berkeley) 1/3/94 34 * $FreeBSD$ 35 */ 36 37 #ifndef _NETINET_IN_H_ 38 #define _NETINET_IN_H_ 39 40 /* 41 * Constants and structures defined by the internet system, 42 * Per RFC 790, September 1981, and numerous additions. 43 */ 44 45 /* 46 * Protocols (RFC 1700) 47 */ 48 #define IPPROTO_IP 0 /* dummy for IP */ 49 #define IPPROTO_HOPOPTS 0 /* IP6 hop-by-hop options */ 50 #define IPPROTO_ICMP 1 /* control message protocol */ 51 #define IPPROTO_IGMP 2 /* group mgmt protocol */ 52 #define IPPROTO_GGP 3 /* gateway^2 (deprecated) */ 53 #define IPPROTO_IPV4 4 /* IPv4 encapsulation */ 54 #define IPPROTO_IPIP IPPROTO_IPV4 /* for compatibility */ 55 #define IPPROTO_TCP 6 /* tcp */ 56 #define IPPROTO_ST 7 /* Stream protocol II */ 57 #define IPPROTO_EGP 8 /* exterior gateway protocol */ 58 #define IPPROTO_PIGP 9 /* private interior gateway */ 59 #define IPPROTO_RCCMON 10 /* BBN RCC Monitoring */ 60 #define IPPROTO_NVPII 11 /* network voice protocol*/ 61 #define IPPROTO_PUP 12 /* pup */ 62 #define IPPROTO_ARGUS 13 /* Argus */ 63 #define IPPROTO_EMCON 14 /* EMCON */ 64 #define IPPROTO_XNET 15 /* Cross Net Debugger */ 65 #define IPPROTO_CHAOS 16 /* Chaos*/ 66 #define IPPROTO_UDP 17 /* user datagram protocol */ 67 #define IPPROTO_MUX 18 /* Multiplexing */ 68 #define IPPROTO_MEAS 19 /* DCN Measurement Subsystems */ 69 #define IPPROTO_HMP 20 /* Host Monitoring */ 70 #define IPPROTO_PRM 21 /* Packet Radio Measurement */ 71 #define IPPROTO_IDP 22 /* xns idp */ 72 #define IPPROTO_TRUNK1 23 /* Trunk-1 */ 73 #define IPPROTO_TRUNK2 24 /* Trunk-2 */ 74 #define IPPROTO_LEAF1 25 /* Leaf-1 */ 75 #define IPPROTO_LEAF2 26 /* Leaf-2 */ 76 #define IPPROTO_RDP 27 /* Reliable Data */ 77 #define IPPROTO_IRTP 28 /* Reliable Transaction */ 78 #define IPPROTO_TP 29 /* tp-4 w/ class negotiation */ 79 #define IPPROTO_BLT 30 /* Bulk Data Transfer */ 80 #define IPPROTO_NSP 31 /* Network Services */ 81 #define IPPROTO_INP 32 /* Merit Internodal */ 82 #define IPPROTO_SEP 33 /* Sequential Exchange */ 83 #define IPPROTO_3PC 34 /* Third Party Connect */ 84 #define IPPROTO_IDPR 35 /* InterDomain Policy Routing */ 85 #define IPPROTO_XTP 36 /* XTP */ 86 #define IPPROTO_DDP 37 /* Datagram Delivery */ 87 #define IPPROTO_CMTP 38 /* Control Message Transport */ 88 #define IPPROTO_TPXX 39 /* TP++ Transport */ 89 #define IPPROTO_IL 40 /* IL transport protocol */ 90 #define IPPROTO_IPV6 41 /* IP6 header */ 91 #define IPPROTO_SDRP 42 /* Source Demand Routing */ 92 #define IPPROTO_ROUTING 43 /* IP6 routing header */ 93 #define IPPROTO_FRAGMENT 44 /* IP6 fragmentation header */ 94 #define IPPROTO_IDRP 45 /* InterDomain Routing*/ 95 #define IPPROTO_RSVP 46 /* resource reservation */ 96 #define IPPROTO_GRE 47 /* General Routing Encap. */ 97 #define IPPROTO_MHRP 48 /* Mobile Host Routing */ 98 #define IPPROTO_BHA 49 /* BHA */ 99 #define IPPROTO_ESP 50 /* IP6 Encap Sec. Payload */ 100 #define IPPROTO_AH 51 /* IP6 Auth Header */ 101 #define IPPROTO_INLSP 52 /* Integ. Net Layer Security */ 102 #define IPPROTO_SWIPE 53 /* IP with encryption */ 103 #define IPPROTO_NHRP 54 /* Next Hop Resolution */ 104 #define IPPROTO_MOBILE 55 /* IP Mobility */ 105 #define IPPROTO_TLSP 56 /* Transport Layer Security */ 106 #define IPPROTO_SKIP 57 /* SKIP */ 107 #define IPPROTO_ICMPV6 58 /* ICMP6 */ 108 #define IPPROTO_NONE 59 /* IP6 no next header */ 109 #define IPPROTO_DSTOPTS 60 /* IP6 destination option */ 110 #define IPPROTO_AHIP 61 /* any host internal protocol */ 111 #define IPPROTO_CFTP 62 /* CFTP */ 112 #define IPPROTO_HELLO 63 /* "hello" routing protocol */ 113 #define IPPROTO_SATEXPAK 64 /* SATNET/Backroom EXPAK */ 114 #define IPPROTO_KRYPTOLAN 65 /* Kryptolan */ 115 #define IPPROTO_RVD 66 /* Remote Virtual Disk */ 116 #define IPPROTO_IPPC 67 /* Pluribus Packet Core */ 117 #define IPPROTO_ADFS 68 /* Any distributed FS */ 118 #define IPPROTO_SATMON 69 /* Satnet Monitoring */ 119 #define IPPROTO_VISA 70 /* VISA Protocol */ 120 #define IPPROTO_IPCV 71 /* Packet Core Utility */ 121 #define IPPROTO_CPNX 72 /* Comp. Prot. Net. Executive */ 122 #define IPPROTO_CPHB 73 /* Comp. Prot. HeartBeat */ 123 #define IPPROTO_WSN 74 /* Wang Span Network */ 124 #define IPPROTO_PVP 75 /* Packet Video Protocol */ 125 #define IPPROTO_BRSATMON 76 /* BackRoom SATNET Monitoring */ 126 #define IPPROTO_ND 77 /* Sun net disk proto (temp.) */ 127 #define IPPROTO_WBMON 78 /* WIDEBAND Monitoring */ 128 #define IPPROTO_WBEXPAK 79 /* WIDEBAND EXPAK */ 129 #define IPPROTO_EON 80 /* ISO cnlp */ 130 #define IPPROTO_VMTP 81 /* VMTP */ 131 #define IPPROTO_SVMTP 82 /* Secure VMTP */ 132 #define IPPROTO_VINES 83 /* Banyon VINES */ 133 #define IPPROTO_TTP 84 /* TTP */ 134 #define IPPROTO_IGP 85 /* NSFNET-IGP */ 135 #define IPPROTO_DGP 86 /* dissimilar gateway prot. */ 136 #define IPPROTO_TCF 87 /* TCF */ 137 #define IPPROTO_IGRP 88 /* Cisco/GXS IGRP */ 138 #define IPPROTO_OSPFIGP 89 /* OSPFIGP */ 139 #define IPPROTO_SRPC 90 /* Strite RPC protocol */ 140 #define IPPROTO_LARP 91 /* Locus Address Resoloution */ 141 #define IPPROTO_MTP 92 /* Multicast Transport */ 142 #define IPPROTO_AX25 93 /* AX.25 Frames */ 143 #define IPPROTO_IPEIP 94 /* IP encapsulated in IP */ 144 #define IPPROTO_MICP 95 /* Mobile Int.ing control */ 145 #define IPPROTO_SCCSP 96 /* Semaphore Comm. security */ 146 #define IPPROTO_ETHERIP 97 /* Ethernet IP encapsulation */ 147 #define IPPROTO_ENCAP 98 /* encapsulation header */ 148 #define IPPROTO_APES 99 /* any private encr. scheme */ 149 #define IPPROTO_GMTP 100 /* GMTP*/ 150 #define IPPROTO_IPCOMP 108 /* payload compression (IPComp) */ 151 /* 101-254: Partly Unassigned */ 152 #define IPPROTO_PIM 103 /* Protocol Independent Mcast */ 153 #define IPPROTO_PGM 113 /* PGM */ 154 /* 255: Reserved */ 155 /* BSD Private, local use, namespace incursion */ 156 #define IPPROTO_DIVERT 254 /* divert pseudo-protocol */ 157 #define IPPROTO_RAW 255 /* raw IP packet */ 158 #define IPPROTO_MAX 256 159 160 /* last return value of *_input(), meaning "all job for this pkt is done". */ 161 #define IPPROTO_DONE 257 162 163 /* 164 * Local port number conventions: 165 * 166 * When a user does a bind(2) or connect(2) with a port number of zero, 167 * a non-conflicting local port address is chosen. 168 * The default range is IPPORT_RESERVED through 169 * IPPORT_USERRESERVED, although that is settable by sysctl. 170 * 171 * A user may set the IPPROTO_IP option IP_PORTRANGE to change this 172 * default assignment range. 173 * 174 * The value IP_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT causes the default behavior. 175 * 176 * The value IP_PORTRANGE_HIGH changes the range of candidate port numbers 177 * into the "high" range. These are reserved for client outbound connections 178 * which do not want to be filtered by any firewalls. 179 * 180 * The value IP_PORTRANGE_LOW changes the range to the "low" are 181 * that is (by convention) restricted to privileged processes. This 182 * convention is based on "vouchsafe" principles only. It is only secure 183 * if you trust the remote host to restrict these ports. 184 * 185 * The default range of ports and the high range can be changed by 186 * sysctl(3). (net.inet.ip.port{hi,low}{first,last}_auto) 187 * 188 * Changing those values has bad security implications if you are 189 * using a a stateless firewall that is allowing packets outside of that 190 * range in order to allow transparent outgoing connections. 191 * 192 * Such a firewall configuration will generally depend on the use of these 193 * default values. If you change them, you may find your Security 194 * Administrator looking for you with a heavy object. 195 * 196 * For a slightly more orthodox text view on this: 197 * 198 * ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/port-numbers 199 * 200 * port numbers are divided into three ranges: 201 * 202 * 0 - 1023 Well Known Ports 203 * 1024 - 49151 Registered Ports 204 * 49152 - 65535 Dynamic and/or Private Ports 205 * 206 */ 207 208 /* 209 * Ports < IPPORT_RESERVED are reserved for 210 * privileged processes (e.g. root). (IP_PORTRANGE_LOW) 211 * Ports > IPPORT_USERRESERVED are reserved 212 * for servers, not necessarily privileged. (IP_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT) 213 */ 214 #define IPPORT_RESERVED 1024 215 #define IPPORT_USERRESERVED 5000 216 217 /* 218 * Default local port range to use by setting IP_PORTRANGE_HIGH 219 */ 220 #define IPPORT_HIFIRSTAUTO 49152 221 #define IPPORT_HILASTAUTO 65535 222 223 /* 224 * Scanning for a free reserved port return a value below IPPORT_RESERVED, 225 * but higher than IPPORT_RESERVEDSTART. Traditionally the start value was 226 * 512, but that conflicts with some well-known-services that firewalls may 227 * have a fit if we use. 228 */ 229 #define IPPORT_RESERVEDSTART 600 230 231 /* 232 * Internet address (a structure for historical reasons) 233 */ 234 struct in_addr { 235 in_addr_t s_addr; 236 }; 237 238 /* 239 * Definitions of bits in internet address integers. 240 * On subnets, the decomposition of addresses to host and net parts 241 * is done according to subnet mask, not the masks here. 242 */ 243 #define IN_CLASSA(i) (((u_int32_t)(i) & 0x80000000) == 0) 244 #define IN_CLASSA_NET 0xff000000 245 #define IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT 24 246 #define IN_CLASSA_HOST 0x00ffffff 247 #define IN_CLASSA_MAX 128 248 249 #define IN_CLASSB(i) (((u_int32_t)(i) & 0xc0000000) == 0x80000000) 250 #define IN_CLASSB_NET 0xffff0000 251 #define IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT 16 252 #define IN_CLASSB_HOST 0x0000ffff 253 #define IN_CLASSB_MAX 65536 254 255 #define IN_CLASSC(i) (((u_int32_t)(i) & 0xe0000000) == 0xc0000000) 256 #define IN_CLASSC_NET 0xffffff00 257 #define IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT 8 258 #define IN_CLASSC_HOST 0x000000ff 259 260 #define IN_CLASSD(i) (((u_int32_t)(i) & 0xf0000000) == 0xe0000000) 261 #define IN_CLASSD_NET 0xf0000000 /* These ones aren't really */ 262 #define IN_CLASSD_NSHIFT 28 /* net and host fields, but */ 263 #define IN_CLASSD_HOST 0x0fffffff /* routing needn't know. */ 264 #define IN_MULTICAST(i) IN_CLASSD(i) 265 266 #define IN_EXPERIMENTAL(i) (((u_int32_t)(i) & 0xf0000000) == 0xf0000000) 267 #define IN_BADCLASS(i) (((u_int32_t)(i) & 0xf0000000) == 0xf0000000) 268 269 #define INADDR_ANY (u_int32_t)0x00000000 270 #define INADDR_LOOPBACK (u_int32_t)0x7f000001 271 #define INADDR_BROADCAST (u_int32_t)0xffffffff /* must be masked */ 272 #ifndef _KERNEL 273 #define INADDR_NONE 0xffffffff /* -1 return */ 274 #endif 275 276 #define INADDR_UNSPEC_GROUP (u_int32_t)0xe0000000 /* */ 277 #define INADDR_ALLHOSTS_GROUP (u_int32_t)0xe0000001 /* */ 278 #define INADDR_ALLRTRS_GROUP (u_int32_t)0xe0000002 /* */ 279 #define INADDR_MAX_LOCAL_GROUP (u_int32_t)0xe00000ff /* */ 280 281 #define IN_LOOPBACKNET 127 /* official! */ 282 283 /* 284 * Socket address, internet style. 285 */ 286 struct sockaddr_in { 287 u_char sin_len; 288 u_char sin_family; 289 u_short sin_port; 290 struct in_addr sin_addr; 291 char sin_zero[8]; 292 }; 293 294 #define INET_ADDRSTRLEN 16 295 296 /* 297 * Structure used to describe IP options. 298 * Used to store options internally, to pass them to a process, 299 * or to restore options retrieved earlier. 300 * The ip_dst is used for the first-hop gateway when using a source route 301 * (this gets put into the header proper). 302 */ 303 struct ip_opts { 304 struct in_addr ip_dst; /* first hop, 0 w/o src rt */ 305 char ip_opts[40]; /* actually variable in size */ 306 }; 307 308 /* 309 * Options for use with [gs]etsockopt at the IP level. 310 * First word of comment is data type; bool is stored in int. 311 */ 312 #define IP_OPTIONS 1 /* buf/ip_opts; set/get IP options */ 313 #define IP_HDRINCL 2 /* int; header is included with data */ 314 #define IP_TOS 3 /* int; IP type of service and preced. */ 315 #define IP_TTL 4 /* int; IP time to live */ 316 #define IP_RECVOPTS 5 /* bool; receive all IP opts w/dgram */ 317 #define IP_RECVRETOPTS 6 /* bool; receive IP opts for response */ 318 #define IP_RECVDSTADDR 7 /* bool; receive IP dst addr w/dgram */ 319 #define IP_RETOPTS 8 /* ip_opts; set/get IP options */ 320 #define IP_MULTICAST_IF 9 /* u_char; set/get IP multicast i/f */ 321 #define IP_MULTICAST_TTL 10 /* u_char; set/get IP multicast ttl */ 322 #define IP_MULTICAST_LOOP 11 /* u_char; set/get IP multicast loopback */ 323 #define IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP 12 /* ip_mreq; add an IP group membership */ 324 #define IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP 13 /* ip_mreq; drop an IP group membership */ 325 #define IP_MULTICAST_VIF 14 /* set/get IP mcast virt. iface */ 326 #define IP_RSVP_ON 15 /* enable RSVP in kernel */ 327 #define IP_RSVP_OFF 16 /* disable RSVP in kernel */ 328 #define IP_RSVP_VIF_ON 17 /* set RSVP per-vif socket */ 329 #define IP_RSVP_VIF_OFF 18 /* unset RSVP per-vif socket */ 330 #define IP_PORTRANGE 19 /* int; range to choose for unspec port */ 331 #define IP_RECVIF 20 /* bool; receive reception if w/dgram */ 332 /* for IPSEC */ 333 #define IP_IPSEC_POLICY 21 /* int; set/get security policy */ 334 #define IP_FAITH 22 /* bool; accept FAITH'ed connections */ 335 336 #define IP_FW_ADD 50 /* add a firewall rule to chain */ 337 #define IP_FW_DEL 51 /* delete a firewall rule from chain */ 338 #define IP_FW_FLUSH 52 /* flush firewall rule chain */ 339 #define IP_FW_ZERO 53 /* clear single/all firewall counter(s) */ 340 #define IP_FW_GET 54 /* get entire firewall rule chain */ 341 #define IP_FW_RESETLOG 55 /* reset logging counters */ 342 343 #define IP_DUMMYNET_CONFIGURE 60 /* add/configure a dummynet pipe */ 344 #define IP_DUMMYNET_DEL 61 /* delete a dummynet pipe from chain */ 345 #define IP_DUMMYNET_FLUSH 62 /* flush dummynet */ 346 #define IP_DUMMYNET_GET 64 /* get entire dummynet pipes */ 347 348 /* 349 * Defaults and limits for options 350 */ 351 #define IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL 1 /* normally limit m'casts to 1 hop */ 352 #define IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP 1 /* normally hear sends if a member */ 353 #define IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS 20 /* per socket */ 354 355 /* 356 * Argument structure for IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP and IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP. 357 */ 358 struct ip_mreq { 359 struct in_addr imr_multiaddr; /* IP multicast address of group */ 360 struct in_addr imr_interface; /* local IP address of interface */ 361 }; 362 363 /* 364 * Argument for IP_PORTRANGE: 365 * - which range to search when port is unspecified at bind() or connect() 366 */ 367 #define IP_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT 0 /* default range */ 368 #define IP_PORTRANGE_HIGH 1 /* "high" - request firewall bypass */ 369 #define IP_PORTRANGE_LOW 2 /* "low" - vouchsafe security */ 370 371 /* 372 * Definitions for inet sysctl operations. 373 * 374 * Third level is protocol number. 375 * Fourth level is desired variable within that protocol. 376 */ 377 #define IPPROTO_MAXID (IPPROTO_AH + 1) /* don't list to IPPROTO_MAX */ 378 379 #define CTL_IPPROTO_NAMES { \ 380 { "ip", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ 381 { "icmp", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ 382 { "igmp", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ 383 { "ggp", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ 384 { 0, 0 }, \ 385 { 0, 0 }, \ 386 { "tcp", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ 387 { 0, 0 }, \ 388 { "egp", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ 389 { 0, 0 }, \ 390 { 0, 0 }, \ 391 { 0, 0 }, \ 392 { "pup", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ 393 { 0, 0 }, \ 394 { 0, 0 }, \ 395 { 0, 0 }, \ 396 { 0, 0 }, \ 397 { "udp", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ 398 { 0, 0 }, \ 399 { 0, 0 }, \ 400 { 0, 0 }, \ 401 { 0, 0 }, \ 402 { "idp", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ 403 { 0, 0 }, \ 404 { 0, 0 }, \ 405 { 0, 0 }, \ 406 { 0, 0 }, \ 407 { 0, 0 }, \ 408 { 0, 0 }, \ 409 { 0, 0 }, \ 410 { 0, 0 }, \ 411 { 0, 0 }, \ 412 { 0, 0 }, \ 413 { 0, 0 }, \ 414 { 0, 0 }, \ 415 { 0, 0 }, \ 416 { 0, 0 }, \ 417 { 0, 0 }, \ 418 { 0, 0 }, \ 419 { 0, 0 }, \ 420 { 0, 0 }, \ 421 { 0, 0 }, \ 422 { 0, 0 }, \ 423 { 0, 0 }, \ 424 { 0, 0 }, \ 425 { 0, 0 }, \ 426 { 0, 0 }, \ 427 { 0, 0 }, \ 428 { 0, 0 }, \ 429 { 0, 0 }, \ 430 { 0, 0 }, \ 431 { "ipsec", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \ 432 } 433 434 /* 435 * Names for IP sysctl objects 436 */ 437 #define IPCTL_FORWARDING 1 /* act as router */ 438 #define IPCTL_SENDREDIRECTS 2 /* may send redirects when forwarding */ 439 #define IPCTL_DEFTTL 3 /* default TTL */ 440 #ifdef notyet 441 #define IPCTL_DEFMTU 4 /* default MTU */ 442 #endif 443 #define IPCTL_RTEXPIRE 5 /* cloned route expiration time */ 444 #define IPCTL_RTMINEXPIRE 6 /* min value for expiration time */ 445 #define IPCTL_RTMAXCACHE 7 /* trigger level for dynamic expire */ 446 #define IPCTL_SOURCEROUTE 8 /* may perform source routes */ 447 #define IPCTL_DIRECTEDBROADCAST 9 /* may re-broadcast received packets */ 448 #define IPCTL_INTRQMAXLEN 10 /* max length of netisr queue */ 449 #define IPCTL_INTRQDROPS 11 /* number of netisr q drops */ 450 #define IPCTL_STATS 12 /* ipstat structure */ 451 #define IPCTL_ACCEPTSOURCEROUTE 13 /* may accept source routed packets */ 452 #define IPCTL_FASTFORWARDING 14 /* use fast IP forwarding code */ 453 #define IPCTL_KEEPFAITH 15 /* FAITH IPv4->IPv6 translater ctl */ 454 #define IPCTL_GIF_TTL 16 /* default TTL for gif encap packet */ 455 #define IPCTL_MAXID 17 456 457 #define IPCTL_NAMES { \ 458 { 0, 0 }, \ 459 { "forwarding", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ 460 { "redirect", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ 461 { "ttl", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ 462 { "mtu", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ 463 { "rtexpire", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ 464 { "rtminexpire", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ 465 { "rtmaxcache", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ 466 { "sourceroute", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ 467 { "directed-broadcast", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ 468 { "intr-queue-maxlen", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ 469 { "intr-queue-drops", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ 470 { "stats", CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, \ 471 { "accept_sourceroute", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ 472 { "fastforwarding", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ 473 } 474 475 #ifdef _KERNEL 476 struct ifnet; struct mbuf; /* forward declarations for Standard C */ 477 #endif 478 479 /* INET6 stuff */ 480 #define __KAME_NETINET_IN_H_INCLUDED_ 481 #include <netinet6/in6.h> 482 #undef __KAME_NETINET_IN_H_INCLUDED_ 483 484 #ifdef _KERNEL 485 486 int in_broadcast __P((struct in_addr, struct ifnet *)); 487 int in_canforward __P((struct in_addr)); 488 int in_localaddr __P((struct in_addr)); 489 char *inet_ntoa __P((struct in_addr)); /* in libkern */ 490 char *inet_ntoa_r __P((struct in_addr ina, char *buf)); /* in libkern */ 491 492 #endif 493 494 #endif 495