xref: /freebsd/sys/dev/usb/serial/uftdi_reg.h (revision 5ca8e32633c4ffbbcd6762e5888b6a4ba0708c6c)
1 /*	$NetBSD: uftdireg.h,v 1.6 2002/07/11 21:14:28 augustss Exp $ */
3 /*
4  * Definitions for the FTDI USB Single Port Serial Converter -
5  * known as FTDI_SIO (Serial Input/Output application of the chipset)
6  *
7  * The device is based on the FTDI FT8U100AX chip. It has a DB25 on one side,
8  * USB on the other.
9  *
10  * Thanx to FTDI (http://www.ftdi.co.uk) for so kindly providing details
11  * of the protocol required to talk to the device and ongoing assistance
12  * during development.
13  *
14  * Bill Ryder - bryder@sgi.com of Silicon Graphics, Inc. is the original
15  * author of this file.
16  */
17 /* Modified by Lennart Augustsson */
19 /* Vendor Request Interface */
20 #define	FTDI_SIO_RESET 		0	/* Reset the port */
21 #define	FTDI_SIO_MODEM_CTRL 	1	/* Set the modem control register */
22 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_FLOW_CTRL	2	/* Set flow control register */
23 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_BAUD_RATE	3	/* Set baud rate */
24 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_DATA	4	/* Set the data characteristics of the
25 					 * port */
26 #define	FTDI_SIO_GET_STATUS	5	/* Retrieve current value of status
27 					 * reg */
28 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_EVENT_CHAR	6	/* Set the event character */
29 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_ERROR_CHAR	7	/* Set the error character */
30 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_LATENCY	9	/* Set the latency timer */
31 #define	FTDI_SIO_GET_LATENCY	10	/* Read the latency timer */
32 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_BITMODE	11	/* Set the bit bang I/O mode */
33 #define	FTDI_SIO_GET_BITMODE	12	/* Read pin states from any mode */
34 #define	FTDI_SIO_READ_EEPROM	144	/* Read eeprom word */
35 #define	FTDI_SIO_WRITE_EEPROM	145	/* Write eeprom word */
36 #define	FTDI_SIO_ERASE_EEPROM	146	/* Erase entire eeprom */
38 /* Port Identifier Table */
39 #define	FTDI_PIT_DEFAULT 	0	/* SIOA */
40 #define	FTDI_PIT_SIOA		1	/* SIOA */
41 #define	FTDI_PIT_SIOB		2	/* SIOB */
42 #define	FTDI_PIT_PARALLEL	3	/* Parallel */
44 /* Values for driver_info */
45 #define	UFTDI_JTAG_IFACE(i)	(1 << i)	/* Flag interface as jtag */
46 #define	UFTDI_JTAG_IFACES_MAX	8		/* Allow up to 8 jtag intfs */
47 #define	UFTDI_JTAG_CHECK_STRING	0xff		/* Check product names table */
48 #define	UFTDI_JTAG_MASK		0xff
50 /*
51  * BmRequestType:  0100 0000B
52  * bRequest:       FTDI_SIO_RESET
53  * wValue:         Control Value
54  *                   0 = Reset SIO
55  *                   1 = Purge RX buffer
56  *                   2 = Purge TX buffer
57  * wIndex:         Port
58  * wLength:        0
59  * Data:           None
60  *
61  * The Reset SIO command has this effect:
62  *
63  *    Sets flow control set to 'none'
64  *    Event char = 0x0d
65  *    Event trigger = disabled
66  *    Purge RX buffer
67  *    Purge TX buffer
68  *    Clear DTR
69  *    Clear RTS
70  *    baud and data format not reset
71  *
72  * The Purge RX and TX buffer commands affect nothing except the buffers
73  */
75 #define	FTDI_SIO_RESET_SIO 0
79 /*
80  * BmRequestType:  0100 0000B
81  * bRequest:       FTDI_SIO_SET_BAUDRATE
82  * wValue:         BaudRate low bits
83  * wIndex:         Port and BaudRate high bits
84  * wLength:        0
85  * Data:           None
86  */
89 /*
90  * BmRequestType:  0100 0000B
91  * bRequest:       FTDI_SIO_SET_DATA
92  * wValue:         Data characteristics (see below)
93  * wIndex:         Port
94  * wLength:        0
95  * Data:           No
96  *
97  * Data characteristics
98  *
99  *   B0..7   Number of data bits
100  *   B8..10  Parity
101  *           0 = None
102  *           1 = Odd
103  *           2 = Even
104  *           3 = Mark
105  *           4 = Space
106  *   B11..13 Stop Bits
107  *           0 = 1
108  *           1 = 1.5
109  *           2 = 2
110  *   B14..15 Reserved
111  *
112  */
114 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_DATA_BITS(n) (n)
115 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_DATA_PARITY_NONE (0x0 << 8)
116 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_DATA_PARITY_ODD (0x1 << 8)
117 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_DATA_PARITY_EVEN (0x2 << 8)
118 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_DATA_PARITY_MARK (0x3 << 8)
119 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_DATA_PARITY_SPACE (0x4 << 8)
120 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_DATA_STOP_BITS_1 (0x0 << 11)
121 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_DATA_STOP_BITS_15 (0x1 << 11)
122 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_DATA_STOP_BITS_2 (0x2 << 11)
123 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_BREAK (0x1 << 14)
125 /*
126  * BmRequestType:   0100 0000B
127  * bRequest:        FTDI_SIO_MODEM_CTRL
128  * wValue:          ControlValue (see below)
129  * wIndex:          Port
130  * wLength:         0
131  * Data:            None
132  *
133  * NOTE: If the device is in RTS/CTS flow control, the RTS set by this
134  * command will be IGNORED without an error being returned
135  * Also - you can not set DTR and RTS with one control message
136  *
137  * ControlValue
138  * B0    DTR state
139  *          0 = reset
140  *          1 = set
141  * B1    RTS state
142  *          0 = reset
143  *          1 = set
144  * B2..7 Reserved
145  * B8    DTR state enable
146  *          0 = ignore
147  *          1 = use DTR state
148  * B9    RTS state enable
149  *          0 = ignore
150  *          1 = use RTS state
151  * B10..15 Reserved
152  */
154 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_DTR_MASK 0x1
155 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_DTR_HIGH (1 | ( FTDI_SIO_SET_DTR_MASK  << 8))
156 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_DTR_LOW  (0 | ( FTDI_SIO_SET_DTR_MASK  << 8))
157 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_RTS_MASK 0x2
158 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_RTS_HIGH (2 | ( FTDI_SIO_SET_RTS_MASK << 8))
159 #define	FTDI_SIO_SET_RTS_LOW (0 | ( FTDI_SIO_SET_RTS_MASK << 8))
161 /*
162  *   BmRequestType:  0100 0000b
163  *   bRequest:       FTDI_SIO_SET_FLOW_CTRL
164  *   wValue:         Xoff/Xon
165  *   wIndex:         Protocol/Port - hIndex is protocol / lIndex is port
166  *   wLength:        0
167  *   Data:           None
168  *
169  * hIndex protocol is:
170  *   B0 Output handshaking using RTS/CTS
171  *       0 = disabled
172  *       1 = enabled
173  *   B1 Output handshaking using DTR/DSR
174  *       0 = disabled
175  *       1 = enabled
176  *   B2 Xon/Xoff handshaking
177  *       0 = disabled
178  *       1 = enabled
179  *
180  * A value of zero in the hIndex field disables handshaking
181  *
182  * If Xon/Xoff handshaking is specified, the hValue field should contain the
183  * XOFF character and the lValue field contains the XON character.
184  */
187 #define	FTDI_SIO_RTS_CTS_HS 0x1
188 #define	FTDI_SIO_DTR_DSR_HS 0x2
189 #define	FTDI_SIO_XON_XOFF_HS 0x4
191 /*
192  *  BmRequestType:   0100 0000b
193  *  bRequest:        FTDI_SIO_SET_EVENT_CHAR
194  *  wValue:          Event Char
195  *  wIndex:          Port
196  *  wLength:         0
197  *  Data:            None
198  *
199  * wValue:
200  *   B0..7   Event Character
201  *   B8      Event Character Processing
202  *             0 = disabled
203  *             1 = enabled
204  *   B9..15  Reserved
205  *
207  *
208  * Set the special event character for the specified communications port.
209  * If the device sees this character it will immediately return the
210  * data read so far - rather than wait 40ms or until 62 bytes are read
211  * which is what normally happens.
212  */
214 /*
215  *  BmRequestType:  0100 0000b
216  *  bRequest:       FTDI_SIO_SET_ERROR_CHAR
217  *  wValue:         Error Char
218  *  wIndex:         Port
219  *  wLength:        0
220  *  Data:           None
221  *
222  *  Error Char
223  *  B0..7  Error Character
224  *  B8     Error Character Processing
225  *           0 = disabled
226  *           1 = enabled
227  *  B9..15 Reserved
229  * Set the parity error replacement character for the specified communications
230  * port.
231  */
233 /*
234  *   BmRequestType:   1100 0000b
235  *   bRequest:        FTDI_SIO_GET_MODEM_STATUS
236  *   wValue:          zero
237  *   wIndex:          Port
238  *   wLength:         1
239  *   Data:            Status
240  *
241  * One byte of data is returned
242  * B0..3 0
243  * B4    CTS
244  *         0 = inactive
245  *         1 = active
246  * B5    DSR
247  *         0 = inactive
248  *         1 = active
249  * B6    Ring Indicator (RI)
250  *         0 = inactive
251  *         1 = active
252  * B7    Receive Line Signal Detect (RLSD)
253  *         0 = inactive
254  *         1 = active
255  *
257  * Retrieve the current value of the modem status register.
258  */
259 #define	FTDI_SIO_CTS_MASK 0x10
260 #define	FTDI_SIO_DSR_MASK 0x20
261 #define	FTDI_SIO_RI_MASK  0x40
262 #define	FTDI_SIO_RLSD_MASK 0x80
264 /*
266  *
267  * IN Endpoint
268  *
269  * The device reserves the first two bytes of data on this endpoint to contain
270  * the current values of the modem and line status registers. In the absence of
271  * data, the device generates a message consisting of these two status bytes
272  * every 40 ms.
273  *
274  * Byte 0: Modem Status
275  *   NOTE: 4 upper bits have same layout as the MSR register in a 16550
276  *
277  * Offset	Description
278  * B0..3	Port
279  * B4		Clear to Send (CTS)
280  * B5		Data Set Ready (DSR)
281  * B6		Ring Indicator (RI)
282  * B7		Receive Line Signal Detect (RLSD)
283  *
284  * Byte 1: Line Status
285  *   NOTE: same layout as the LSR register in a 16550
286  *
287  * Offset	Description
288  * B0	Data Ready (DR)
289  * B1	Overrun Error (OE)
290  * B2	Parity Error (PE)
291  * B3	Framing Error (FE)
292  * B4	Break Interrupt (BI)
293  * B5	Transmitter Holding Register (THRE)
294  * B6	Transmitter Empty (TEMT)
295  * B7	Error in RCVR FIFO
296  * OUT Endpoint
297  *
298  * This device reserves the first bytes of data on this endpoint contain the
299  * length and port identifier of the message. For the FTDI USB Serial converter
300  * the port identifier is always 1.
301  *
302  * Byte 0: Port & length
303  *
304  * Offset	Description
305  * B0..1	Port
306  * B2..7	Length of message - (not including Byte 0)
307  */
308 #define	FTDI_PORT_MASK 0x0f
309 #define	FTDI_MSR_MASK 0xf0
310 #define	FTDI_GET_MSR(p) (((p)[0]) & FTDI_MSR_MASK)
311 #define	FTDI_GET_LSR(p) ((p)[1])
312 #define	FTDI_LSR_MASK (~0x60)		/* interesting bits */
313 #define	FTDI_OUT_TAG(len, port) (((len) << 2) | (port))