xref: /freebsd/sys/dev/netmap/netmap.c (revision 673e2dd652156342009930cf1f7d15623e4a543a)
1 /*-
2  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Matteo Landi
5  * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Luigi Rizzo
6  * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Giuseppe Lettieri
7  * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Vincenzo Maffione
8  * All rights reserved.
9  *
10  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
11  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
12  * are met:
13  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
14  *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
15  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
16  *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
17  *      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
18  *
30  */
33 /*
34  * $FreeBSD$
35  *
36  * This module supports memory mapped access to network devices,
37  * see netmap(4).
38  *
39  * The module uses a large, memory pool allocated by the kernel
40  * and accessible as mmapped memory by multiple userspace threads/processes.
41  * The memory pool contains packet buffers and "netmap rings",
42  * i.e. user-accessible copies of the interface's queues.
43  *
44  * Access to the network card works like this:
45  * 1. a process/thread issues one or more open() on /dev/netmap, to create
46  *    select()able file descriptor on which events are reported.
47  * 2. on each descriptor, the process issues an ioctl() to identify
48  *    the interface that should report events to the file descriptor.
49  * 3. on each descriptor, the process issues an mmap() request to
50  *    map the shared memory region within the process' address space.
51  *    The list of interesting queues is indicated by a location in
52  *    the shared memory region.
53  * 4. using the functions in the netmap(4) userspace API, a process
54  *    can look up the occupation state of a queue, access memory buffers,
55  *    and retrieve received packets or enqueue packets to transmit.
56  * 5. using some ioctl()s the process can synchronize the userspace view
57  *    of the queue with the actual status in the kernel. This includes both
58  *    receiving the notification of new packets, and transmitting new
59  *    packets on the output interface.
60  * 6. select() or poll() can be used to wait for events on individual
61  *    transmit or receive queues (or all queues for a given interface).
62  *
66 The netmap rings and data structures may be shared among multiple
67 user threads or even independent processes.
68 Any synchronization among those threads/processes is delegated
69 to the threads themselves. Only one thread at a time can be in
70 a system call on the same netmap ring. The OS does not enforce
71 this and only guarantees against system crashes in case of
72 invalid usage.
76 Within the kernel, access to the netmap rings is protected as follows:
78 - a spinlock on each ring, to handle producer/consumer races on
79   RX rings attached to the host stack (against multiple host
80   threads writing from the host stack to the same ring),
81   and on 'destination' rings attached to a VALE switch
82   (i.e. RX rings in VALE ports, and TX rings in NIC/host ports)
83   protecting multiple active senders for the same destination)
85 - an atomic variable to guarantee that there is at most one
86   instance of *_*xsync() on the ring at any time.
87   For rings connected to user file
88   descriptors, an atomic_test_and_set() protects this, and the
89   lock on the ring is not actually used.
90   For NIC RX rings connected to a VALE switch, an atomic_test_and_set()
91   is also used to prevent multiple executions (the driver might indeed
92   already guarantee this).
93   For NIC TX rings connected to a VALE switch, the lock arbitrates
94   access to the queue (both when allocating buffers and when pushing
95   them out).
97 - *xsync() should be protected against initializations of the card.
98   On FreeBSD most devices have the reset routine protected by
99   a RING lock (ixgbe, igb, em) or core lock (re). lem is missing
100   the RING protection on rx_reset(), this should be added.
102   On linux there is an external lock on the tx path, which probably
103   also arbitrates access to the reset routine. XXX to be revised
105 - a per-interface core_lock protecting access from the host stack
106   while interfaces may be detached from netmap mode.
107   XXX there should be no need for this lock if we detach the interfaces
108   only while they are down.
111 --- VALE SWITCH ---
113 NMG_LOCK() serializes all modifications to switches and ports.
114 A switch cannot be deleted until all ports are gone.
116 For each switch, an SX lock (RWlock on linux) protects
117 deletion of ports. When configuring or deleting a new port, the
118 lock is acquired in exclusive mode (after holding NMG_LOCK).
119 When forwarding, the lock is acquired in shared mode (without NMG_LOCK).
120 The lock is held throughout the entire forwarding cycle,
121 during which the thread may incur in a page fault.
122 Hence it is important that sleepable shared locks are used.
124 On the rx ring, the per-port lock is grabbed initially to reserve
125 a number of slot in the ring, then the lock is released,
126 packets are copied from source to destination, and then
127 the lock is acquired again and the receive ring is updated.
128 (A similar thing is done on the tx ring for NIC and host stack
129 ports attached to the switch)
131  */
134 /* --- internals ----
135  *
136  * Roadmap to the code that implements the above.
137  *
138  * > 1. a process/thread issues one or more open() on /dev/netmap, to create
139  * >    select()able file descriptor on which events are reported.
140  *
141  *  	Internally, we allocate a netmap_priv_d structure, that will be
142  *  	initialized on ioctl(NIOCREGIF). There is one netmap_priv_d
143  *  	structure for each open().
144  *
145  *      os-specific:
146  *  	    FreeBSD: see netmap_open() (netmap_freebsd.c)
147  *  	    linux:   see linux_netmap_open() (netmap_linux.c)
148  *
149  * > 2. on each descriptor, the process issues an ioctl() to identify
150  * >    the interface that should report events to the file descriptor.
151  *
152  * 	Implemented by netmap_ioctl(), NIOCREGIF case, with nmr->nr_cmd==0.
153  * 	Most important things happen in netmap_get_na() and
154  * 	netmap_do_regif(), called from there. Additional details can be
155  * 	found in the comments above those functions.
156  *
157  * 	In all cases, this action creates/takes-a-reference-to a
158  * 	netmap_*_adapter describing the port, and allocates a netmap_if
159  * 	and all necessary netmap rings, filling them with netmap buffers.
160  *
161  *      In this phase, the sync callbacks for each ring are set (these are used
162  *      in steps 5 and 6 below).  The callbacks depend on the type of adapter.
163  *      The adapter creation/initialization code puts them in the
164  * 	netmap_adapter (fields na->nm_txsync and na->nm_rxsync).  Then, they
165  * 	are copied from there to the netmap_kring's during netmap_do_regif(), by
166  * 	the nm_krings_create() callback.  All the nm_krings_create callbacks
167  * 	actually call netmap_krings_create() to perform this and the other
168  * 	common stuff. netmap_krings_create() also takes care of the host rings,
169  * 	if needed, by setting their sync callbacks appropriately.
170  *
171  * 	Additional actions depend on the kind of netmap_adapter that has been
172  * 	registered:
173  *
174  * 	- netmap_hw_adapter:  	     [netmap.c]
175  * 	     This is a system netdev/ifp with native netmap support.
176  * 	     The ifp is detached from the host stack by redirecting:
177  * 	       - transmissions (from the network stack) to netmap_transmit()
178  * 	       - receive notifications to the nm_notify() callback for
179  * 	         this adapter. The callback is normally netmap_notify(), unless
180  * 	         the ifp is attached to a bridge using bwrap, in which case it
181  * 	         is netmap_bwrap_intr_notify().
182  *
183  * 	- netmap_generic_adapter:      [netmap_generic.c]
184  * 	      A system netdev/ifp without native netmap support.
185  *
186  * 	(the decision about native/non native support is taken in
187  * 	 netmap_get_hw_na(), called by netmap_get_na())
188  *
189  * 	- netmap_vp_adapter 		[netmap_vale.c]
190  * 	      Returned by netmap_get_bdg_na().
191  * 	      This is a persistent or ephemeral VALE port. Ephemeral ports
192  * 	      are created on the fly if they don't already exist, and are
193  * 	      always attached to a bridge.
194  * 	      Persistent VALE ports must must be created separately, and i
195  * 	      then attached like normal NICs. The NIOCREGIF we are examining
196  * 	      will find them only if they had previosly been created and
197  * 	      attached (see VALE_CTL below).
198  *
199  * 	- netmap_pipe_adapter 	      [netmap_pipe.c]
200  * 	      Returned by netmap_get_pipe_na().
201  * 	      Both pipe ends are created, if they didn't already exist.
202  *
203  * 	- netmap_monitor_adapter      [netmap_monitor.c]
204  * 	      Returned by netmap_get_monitor_na().
205  * 	      If successful, the nm_sync callbacks of the monitored adapter
206  * 	      will be intercepted by the returned monitor.
207  *
208  * 	- netmap_bwrap_adapter	      [netmap_vale.c]
209  * 	      Cannot be obtained in this way, see VALE_CTL below
210  *
211  *
212  * 	os-specific:
213  * 	    linux: we first go through linux_netmap_ioctl() to
214  * 	           adapt the FreeBSD interface to the linux one.
215  *
216  *
217  * > 3. on each descriptor, the process issues an mmap() request to
218  * >    map the shared memory region within the process' address space.
219  * >    The list of interesting queues is indicated by a location in
220  * >    the shared memory region.
221  *
222  *      os-specific:
223  *  	    FreeBSD: netmap_mmap_single (netmap_freebsd.c).
224  *  	    linux:   linux_netmap_mmap (netmap_linux.c).
225  *
226  * > 4. using the functions in the netmap(4) userspace API, a process
227  * >    can look up the occupation state of a queue, access memory buffers,
228  * >    and retrieve received packets or enqueue packets to transmit.
229  *
230  * 	these actions do not involve the kernel.
231  *
232  * > 5. using some ioctl()s the process can synchronize the userspace view
233  * >    of the queue with the actual status in the kernel. This includes both
234  * >    receiving the notification of new packets, and transmitting new
235  * >    packets on the output interface.
236  *
237  * 	These are implemented in netmap_ioctl(), NIOCTXSYNC and NIOCRXSYNC
238  * 	cases. They invoke the nm_sync callbacks on the netmap_kring
239  * 	structures, as initialized in step 2 and maybe later modified
240  * 	by a monitor. Monitors, however, will always call the original
241  * 	callback before doing anything else.
242  *
243  *
244  * > 6. select() or poll() can be used to wait for events on individual
245  * >    transmit or receive queues (or all queues for a given interface).
246  *
247  * 	Implemented in netmap_poll(). This will call the same nm_sync()
248  * 	callbacks as in step 5 above.
249  *
250  * 	os-specific:
251  * 		linux: we first go through linux_netmap_poll() to adapt
252  * 		       the FreeBSD interface to the linux one.
253  *
254  *
255  *  ----  VALE_CTL -----
256  *
257  *  VALE switches are controlled by issuing a NIOCREGIF with a non-null
258  *  nr_cmd in the nmreq structure. These subcommands are handled by
259  *  netmap_bdg_ctl() in netmap_vale.c. Persistent VALE ports are created
260  *  and destroyed by issuing the NETMAP_BDG_NEWIF and NETMAP_BDG_DELIF
261  *  subcommands, respectively.
262  *
263  *  Any network interface known to the system (including a persistent VALE
264  *  port) can be attached to a VALE switch by issuing the
265  *  NETMAP_REQ_VALE_ATTACH command. After the attachment, persistent VALE ports
266  *  look exactly like ephemeral VALE ports (as created in step 2 above).  The
267  *  attachment of other interfaces, instead, requires the creation of a
268  *  netmap_bwrap_adapter.  Moreover, the attached interface must be put in
269  *  netmap mode. This may require the creation of a netmap_generic_adapter if
270  *  we have no native support for the interface, or if generic adapters have
271  *  been forced by sysctl.
272  *
273  *  Both persistent VALE ports and bwraps are handled by netmap_get_bdg_na(),
274  *  called by nm_bdg_ctl_attach(), and discriminated by the nm_bdg_attach()
275  *  callback.  In the case of the bwrap, the callback creates the
276  *  netmap_bwrap_adapter.  The initialization of the bwrap is then
277  *  completed by calling netmap_do_regif() on it, in the nm_bdg_ctl()
278  *  callback (netmap_bwrap_bdg_ctl in netmap_vale.c).
279  *  A generic adapter for the wrapped ifp will be created if needed, when
280  *  netmap_get_bdg_na() calls netmap_get_hw_na().
281  *
282  *
283  *  ---- DATAPATHS -----
284  *
285  *              -= SYSTEM DEVICE WITH NATIVE SUPPORT =-
286  *
287  *    na == NA(ifp) == netmap_hw_adapter created in DEVICE_netmap_attach()
288  *
289  *    - tx from netmap userspace:
290  *	 concurrently:
291  *           1) ioctl(NIOCTXSYNC)/netmap_poll() in process context
292  *                kring->nm_sync() == DEVICE_netmap_txsync()
293  *           2) device interrupt handler
294  *                na->nm_notify()  == netmap_notify()
295  *    - rx from netmap userspace:
296  *       concurrently:
297  *           1) ioctl(NIOCRXSYNC)/netmap_poll() in process context
298  *                kring->nm_sync() == DEVICE_netmap_rxsync()
299  *           2) device interrupt handler
300  *                na->nm_notify()  == netmap_notify()
301  *    - rx from host stack
302  *       concurrently:
303  *           1) host stack
304  *                netmap_transmit()
305  *                  na->nm_notify  == netmap_notify()
306  *           2) ioctl(NIOCRXSYNC)/netmap_poll() in process context
307  *                kring->nm_sync() == netmap_rxsync_from_host
308  *                  netmap_rxsync_from_host(na, NULL, NULL)
309  *    - tx to host stack
310  *           ioctl(NIOCTXSYNC)/netmap_poll() in process context
311  *             kring->nm_sync() == netmap_txsync_to_host
312  *               netmap_txsync_to_host(na)
313  *                 nm_os_send_up()
314  *                   FreeBSD: na->if_input() == ether_input()
315  *                   linux: netif_rx() with NM_MAGIC_PRIORITY_RX
316  *
317  *
318  *               -= SYSTEM DEVICE WITH GENERIC SUPPORT =-
319  *
320  *    na == NA(ifp) == generic_netmap_adapter created in generic_netmap_attach()
321  *
322  *    - tx from netmap userspace:
323  *       concurrently:
324  *           1) ioctl(NIOCTXSYNC)/netmap_poll() in process context
325  *               kring->nm_sync() == generic_netmap_txsync()
326  *                   nm_os_generic_xmit_frame()
327  *                       linux:   dev_queue_xmit() with NM_MAGIC_PRIORITY_TX
328  *                           ifp->ndo_start_xmit == generic_ndo_start_xmit()
329  *                               gna->save_start_xmit == orig. dev. start_xmit
330  *                       FreeBSD: na->if_transmit() == orig. dev if_transmit
331  *           2) generic_mbuf_destructor()
332  *                   na->nm_notify() == netmap_notify()
333  *    - rx from netmap userspace:
334  *           1) ioctl(NIOCRXSYNC)/netmap_poll() in process context
335  *               kring->nm_sync() == generic_netmap_rxsync()
336  *                   mbq_safe_dequeue()
337  *           2) device driver
338  *               generic_rx_handler()
339  *                   mbq_safe_enqueue()
340  *                   na->nm_notify() == netmap_notify()
341  *    - rx from host stack
342  *        FreeBSD: same as native
343  *        Linux: same as native except:
344  *           1) host stack
345  *               dev_queue_xmit() without NM_MAGIC_PRIORITY_TX
346  *                   ifp->ndo_start_xmit == generic_ndo_start_xmit()
347  *                       netmap_transmit()
348  *                           na->nm_notify() == netmap_notify()
349  *    - tx to host stack (same as native):
350  *
351  *
352  *                           -= VALE =-
353  *
354  *   INCOMING:
355  *
356  *      - VALE ports:
357  *          ioctl(NIOCTXSYNC)/netmap_poll() in process context
358  *              kring->nm_sync() == netmap_vp_txsync()
359  *
360  *      - system device with native support:
361  *         from cable:
362  *             interrupt
363  *                na->nm_notify() == netmap_bwrap_intr_notify(ring_nr != host ring)
364  *                     kring->nm_sync() == DEVICE_netmap_rxsync()
365  *                     netmap_vp_txsync()
366  *                     kring->nm_sync() == DEVICE_netmap_rxsync()
367  *         from host stack:
368  *             netmap_transmit()
369  *                na->nm_notify() == netmap_bwrap_intr_notify(ring_nr == host ring)
370  *                     kring->nm_sync() == netmap_rxsync_from_host()
371  *                     netmap_vp_txsync()
372  *
373  *      - system device with generic support:
374  *         from device driver:
375  *            generic_rx_handler()
376  *                na->nm_notify() == netmap_bwrap_intr_notify(ring_nr != host ring)
377  *                     kring->nm_sync() == generic_netmap_rxsync()
378  *                     netmap_vp_txsync()
379  *                     kring->nm_sync() == generic_netmap_rxsync()
380  *         from host stack:
381  *            netmap_transmit()
382  *                na->nm_notify() == netmap_bwrap_intr_notify(ring_nr == host ring)
383  *                     kring->nm_sync() == netmap_rxsync_from_host()
384  *                     netmap_vp_txsync()
385  *
386  *   (all cases) --> nm_bdg_flush()
387  *                      dest_na->nm_notify() == (see below)
388  *
389  *   OUTGOING:
390  *
391  *      - VALE ports:
392  *         concurrently:
393  *             1) ioctl(NIOCRXSYNC)/netmap_poll() in process context
394  *                    kring->nm_sync() == netmap_vp_rxsync()
395  *             2) from nm_bdg_flush()
396  *                    na->nm_notify() == netmap_notify()
397  *
398  *      - system device with native support:
399  *          to cable:
400  *             na->nm_notify() == netmap_bwrap_notify()
401  *                 netmap_vp_rxsync()
402  *                 kring->nm_sync() == DEVICE_netmap_txsync()
403  *                 netmap_vp_rxsync()
404  *          to host stack:
405  *                 netmap_vp_rxsync()
406  *                 kring->nm_sync() == netmap_txsync_to_host
407  *                 netmap_vp_rxsync_locked()
408  *
409  *      - system device with generic adapter:
410  *          to device driver:
411  *             na->nm_notify() == netmap_bwrap_notify()
412  *                 netmap_vp_rxsync()
413  *                 kring->nm_sync() == generic_netmap_txsync()
414  *                 netmap_vp_rxsync()
415  *          to host stack:
416  *                 netmap_vp_rxsync()
417  *                 kring->nm_sync() == netmap_txsync_to_host
418  *                 netmap_vp_rxsync()
419  *
420  */
422 /*
423  * OS-specific code that is used only within this file.
424  * Other OS-specific code that must be accessed by drivers
425  * is present in netmap_kern.h
426  */
428 #if defined(__FreeBSD__)
429 #include <sys/cdefs.h> /* prerequisite */
430 #include <sys/types.h>
431 #include <sys/errno.h>
432 #include <sys/param.h>	/* defines used in kernel.h */
433 #include <sys/kernel.h>	/* types used in module initialization */
434 #include <sys/conf.h>	/* cdevsw struct, UID, GID */
435 #include <sys/filio.h>	/* FIONBIO */
436 #include <sys/sockio.h>
437 #include <sys/socketvar.h>	/* struct socket */
438 #include <sys/malloc.h>
439 #include <sys/poll.h>
440 #include <sys/proc.h>
441 #include <sys/rwlock.h>
442 #include <sys/socket.h> /* sockaddrs */
443 #include <sys/selinfo.h>
444 #include <sys/sysctl.h>
445 #include <sys/jail.h>
446 #include <sys/epoch.h>
447 #include <net/vnet.h>
448 #include <net/if.h>
449 #include <net/if_var.h>
450 #include <net/bpf.h>		/* BIOCIMMEDIATE */
451 #include <machine/bus.h>	/* bus_dmamap_* */
452 #include <sys/endian.h>
453 #include <sys/refcount.h>
454 #include <net/ethernet.h>	/* ETHER_BPF_MTAP */
457 #elif defined(linux)
459 #include "bsd_glue.h"
461 #elif defined(__APPLE__)
463 #warning OSX support is only partial
464 #include "osx_glue.h"
466 #elif defined (_WIN32)
468 #include "win_glue.h"
470 #else
472 #error	Unsupported platform
474 #endif /* unsupported */
476 /*
477  * common headers
478  */
479 #include <net/netmap.h>
480 #include <dev/netmap/netmap_kern.h>
481 #include <dev/netmap/netmap_mem2.h>
484 /* user-controlled variables */
485 int netmap_verbose;
487 int netmap_debug;
488 #endif /* CONFIG_NETMAP_DEBUG */
490 static int netmap_no_timestamp; /* don't timestamp on rxsync */
491 int netmap_no_pendintr = 1;
492 int netmap_txsync_retry = 2;
493 static int netmap_fwd = 0;	/* force transparent forwarding */
495 /*
496  * netmap_admode selects the netmap mode to use.
497  * Invalid values are reset to NETMAP_ADMODE_BEST
498  */
499 enum {	NETMAP_ADMODE_BEST = 0,	/* use native, fallback to generic */
500 	NETMAP_ADMODE_NATIVE,	/* either native or none */
501 	NETMAP_ADMODE_GENERIC,	/* force generic */
503 static int netmap_admode = NETMAP_ADMODE_BEST;
505 /* netmap_generic_mit controls mitigation of RX notifications for
506  * the generic netmap adapter. The value is a time interval in
507  * nanoseconds. */
508 int netmap_generic_mit = 100*1000;
510 /* We use by default netmap-aware qdiscs with generic netmap adapters,
511  * even if there can be a little performance hit with hardware NICs.
512  * However, using the qdisc is the safer approach, for two reasons:
513  * 1) it prevents non-fifo qdiscs to break the TX notification
514  *    scheme, which is based on mbuf destructors when txqdisc is
515  *    not used.
516  * 2) it makes it possible to transmit over software devices that
517  *    change skb->dev, like bridge, veth, ...
518  *
519  * Anyway users looking for the best performance should
520  * use native adapters.
521  */
522 #ifdef linux
523 int netmap_generic_txqdisc = 1;
524 #endif
526 /* Default number of slots and queues for generic adapters. */
527 int netmap_generic_ringsize = 1024;
528 int netmap_generic_rings = 1;
530 /* Non-zero to enable checksum offloading in NIC drivers */
531 int netmap_generic_hwcsum = 0;
533 /* Non-zero if ptnet devices are allowed to use virtio-net headers. */
534 int ptnet_vnet_hdr = 1;
536 /*
537  * SYSCTL calls are grouped between SYSBEGIN and SYSEND to be emulated
538  * in some other operating systems
539  */
540 SYSBEGIN(main_init);
542 SYSCTL_DECL(_dev_netmap);
544     "Netmap args");
545 SYSCTL_INT(_dev_netmap, OID_AUTO, verbose,
546 		CTLFLAG_RW, &netmap_verbose, 0, "Verbose mode");
548 SYSCTL_INT(_dev_netmap, OID_AUTO, debug,
549 		CTLFLAG_RW, &netmap_debug, 0, "Debug messages");
550 #endif /* CONFIG_NETMAP_DEBUG */
551 SYSCTL_INT(_dev_netmap, OID_AUTO, no_timestamp,
552 		CTLFLAG_RW, &netmap_no_timestamp, 0, "no_timestamp");
553 SYSCTL_INT(_dev_netmap, OID_AUTO, no_pendintr, CTLFLAG_RW, &netmap_no_pendintr,
554 		0, "Always look for new received packets.");
555 SYSCTL_INT(_dev_netmap, OID_AUTO, txsync_retry, CTLFLAG_RW,
556 		&netmap_txsync_retry, 0, "Number of txsync loops in bridge's flush.");
558 SYSCTL_INT(_dev_netmap, OID_AUTO, fwd, CTLFLAG_RW, &netmap_fwd, 0,
559 		"Force NR_FORWARD mode");
560 SYSCTL_INT(_dev_netmap, OID_AUTO, admode, CTLFLAG_RW, &netmap_admode, 0,
561 		"Adapter mode. 0 selects the best option available,"
562 		"1 forces native adapter, 2 forces emulated adapter");
563 SYSCTL_INT(_dev_netmap, OID_AUTO, generic_hwcsum, CTLFLAG_RW, &netmap_generic_hwcsum,
564 		0, "Hardware checksums. 0 to disable checksum generation by the NIC (default),"
565 		"1 to enable checksum generation by the NIC");
566 SYSCTL_INT(_dev_netmap, OID_AUTO, generic_mit, CTLFLAG_RW, &netmap_generic_mit,
567 		0, "RX notification interval in nanoseconds");
568 SYSCTL_INT(_dev_netmap, OID_AUTO, generic_ringsize, CTLFLAG_RW,
569 		&netmap_generic_ringsize, 0,
570 		"Number of per-ring slots for emulated netmap mode");
571 SYSCTL_INT(_dev_netmap, OID_AUTO, generic_rings, CTLFLAG_RW,
572 		&netmap_generic_rings, 0,
573 		"Number of TX/RX queues for emulated netmap adapters");
574 #ifdef linux
575 SYSCTL_INT(_dev_netmap, OID_AUTO, generic_txqdisc, CTLFLAG_RW,
576 		&netmap_generic_txqdisc, 0, "Use qdisc for generic adapters");
577 #endif
578 SYSCTL_INT(_dev_netmap, OID_AUTO, ptnet_vnet_hdr, CTLFLAG_RW, &ptnet_vnet_hdr,
579 		0, "Allow ptnet devices to use virtio-net headers");
583 NMG_LOCK_T	netmap_global_lock;
585 /*
586  * mark the ring as stopped, and run through the locks
587  * to make sure other users get to see it.
588  * stopped must be either NR_KR_STOPPED (for unbounded stop)
589  * of NR_KR_LOCKED (brief stop for mutual exclusion purposes)
590  */
591 static void
592 netmap_disable_ring(struct netmap_kring *kr, int stopped)
593 {
594 	nm_kr_stop(kr, stopped);
595 	// XXX check if nm_kr_stop is sufficient
596 	mtx_lock(&kr->q_lock);
597 	mtx_unlock(&kr->q_lock);
598 	nm_kr_put(kr);
599 }
601 /* stop or enable a single ring */
602 void
603 netmap_set_ring(struct netmap_adapter *na, u_int ring_id, enum txrx t, int stopped)
604 {
605 	if (stopped)
606 		netmap_disable_ring(NMR(na, t)[ring_id], stopped);
607 	else
608 		NMR(na, t)[ring_id]->nkr_stopped = 0;
609 }
612 /* stop or enable all the rings of na */
613 void
614 netmap_set_all_rings(struct netmap_adapter *na, int stopped)
615 {
616 	int i;
617 	enum txrx t;
619 	if (!nm_netmap_on(na))
620 		return;
622 	for_rx_tx(t) {
623 		for (i = 0; i < netmap_real_rings(na, t); i++) {
624 			netmap_set_ring(na, i, t, stopped);
625 		}
626 	}
627 }
629 /*
630  * Convenience function used in drivers.  Waits for current txsync()s/rxsync()s
631  * to finish and prevents any new one from starting.  Call this before turning
632  * netmap mode off, or before removing the hardware rings (e.g., on module
633  * onload).
634  */
635 void
636 netmap_disable_all_rings(struct ifnet *ifp)
637 {
638 	if (NM_NA_VALID(ifp)) {
639 		netmap_set_all_rings(NA(ifp), NM_KR_STOPPED);
640 	}
641 }
643 /*
644  * Convenience function used in drivers.  Re-enables rxsync and txsync on the
645  * adapter's rings In linux drivers, this should be placed near each
646  * napi_enable().
647  */
648 void
649 netmap_enable_all_rings(struct ifnet *ifp)
650 {
651 	if (NM_NA_VALID(ifp)) {
652 		netmap_set_all_rings(NA(ifp), 0 /* enabled */);
653 	}
654 }
656 void
657 netmap_make_zombie(struct ifnet *ifp)
658 {
659 	if (NM_NA_VALID(ifp)) {
660 		struct netmap_adapter *na = NA(ifp);
661 		netmap_set_all_rings(na, NM_KR_LOCKED);
662 		na->na_flags |= NAF_ZOMBIE;
663 		netmap_set_all_rings(na, 0);
664 	}
665 }
667 void
668 netmap_undo_zombie(struct ifnet *ifp)
669 {
670 	if (NM_NA_VALID(ifp)) {
671 		struct netmap_adapter *na = NA(ifp);
672 		if (na->na_flags & NAF_ZOMBIE) {
673 			netmap_set_all_rings(na, NM_KR_LOCKED);
674 			na->na_flags &= ~NAF_ZOMBIE;
675 			netmap_set_all_rings(na, 0);
676 		}
677 	}
678 }
680 /*
681  * generic bound_checking function
682  */
683 u_int
684 nm_bound_var(u_int *v, u_int dflt, u_int lo, u_int hi, const char *msg)
685 {
686 	u_int oldv = *v;
687 	const char *op = NULL;
689 	if (dflt < lo)
690 		dflt = lo;
691 	if (dflt > hi)
692 		dflt = hi;
693 	if (oldv < lo) {
694 		*v = dflt;
695 		op = "Bump";
696 	} else if (oldv > hi) {
697 		*v = hi;
698 		op = "Clamp";
699 	}
700 	if (op && msg)
701 		nm_prinf("%s %s to %d (was %d)", op, msg, *v, oldv);
702 	return *v;
703 }
706 /*
707  * packet-dump function, user-supplied or static buffer.
708  * The destination buffer must be at least 30+4*len
709  */
710 const char *
711 nm_dump_buf(char *p, int len, int lim, char *dst)
712 {
713 	static char _dst[8192];
714 	int i, j, i0;
715 	static char hex[] ="0123456789abcdef";
716 	char *o;	/* output position */
718 #define P_HI(x)	hex[((x) & 0xf0)>>4]
719 #define P_LO(x)	hex[((x) & 0xf)]
720 #define P_C(x)	((x) >= 0x20 && (x) <= 0x7e ? (x) : '.')
721 	if (!dst)
722 		dst = _dst;
723 	if (lim <= 0 || lim > len)
724 		lim = len;
725 	o = dst;
726 	sprintf(o, "buf 0x%p len %d lim %d\n", p, len, lim);
727 	o += strlen(o);
728 	/* hexdump routine */
729 	for (i = 0; i < lim; ) {
730 		sprintf(o, "%5d: ", i);
731 		o += strlen(o);
732 		memset(o, ' ', 48);
733 		i0 = i;
734 		for (j=0; j < 16 && i < lim; i++, j++) {
735 			o[j*3] = P_HI(p[i]);
736 			o[j*3+1] = P_LO(p[i]);
737 		}
738 		i = i0;
739 		for (j=0; j < 16 && i < lim; i++, j++)
740 			o[j + 48] = P_C(p[i]);
741 		o[j+48] = '\n';
742 		o += j+49;
743 	}
744 	*o = '\0';
745 #undef P_HI
746 #undef P_LO
747 #undef P_C
748 	return dst;
749 }
752 /*
753  * Fetch configuration from the device, to cope with dynamic
754  * reconfigurations after loading the module.
755  */
756 /* call with NMG_LOCK held */
757 int
758 netmap_update_config(struct netmap_adapter *na)
759 {
760 	struct nm_config_info info;
762 	bzero(&info, sizeof(info));
763 	if (na->nm_config == NULL ||
764 	    na->nm_config(na, &info)) {
765 		/* take whatever we had at init time */
766 		info.num_tx_rings = na->num_tx_rings;
767 		info.num_tx_descs = na->num_tx_desc;
768 		info.num_rx_rings = na->num_rx_rings;
769 		info.num_rx_descs = na->num_rx_desc;
770 		info.rx_buf_maxsize = na->rx_buf_maxsize;
771 	}
773 	if (na->num_tx_rings == info.num_tx_rings &&
774 	    na->num_tx_desc == info.num_tx_descs &&
775 	    na->num_rx_rings == info.num_rx_rings &&
776 	    na->num_rx_desc == info.num_rx_descs &&
777 	    na->rx_buf_maxsize == info.rx_buf_maxsize)
778 		return 0; /* nothing changed */
779 	if (na->active_fds == 0) {
780 		na->num_tx_rings = info.num_tx_rings;
781 		na->num_tx_desc = info.num_tx_descs;
782 		na->num_rx_rings = info.num_rx_rings;
783 		na->num_rx_desc = info.num_rx_descs;
784 		na->rx_buf_maxsize = info.rx_buf_maxsize;
785 		if (netmap_verbose)
786 			nm_prinf("configuration changed for %s: txring %d x %d, "
787 				"rxring %d x %d, rxbufsz %d",
788 				na->name, na->num_tx_rings, na->num_tx_desc,
789 				na->num_rx_rings, na->num_rx_desc, na->rx_buf_maxsize);
790 		return 0;
791 	}
792 	nm_prerr("WARNING: configuration changed for %s while active: "
793 		"txring %d x %d, rxring %d x %d, rxbufsz %d",
794 		na->name, info.num_tx_rings, info.num_tx_descs,
795 		info.num_rx_rings, info.num_rx_descs,
796 		info.rx_buf_maxsize);
797 	return 1;
798 }
800 /* nm_sync callbacks for the host rings */
801 static int netmap_txsync_to_host(struct netmap_kring *kring, int flags);
802 static int netmap_rxsync_from_host(struct netmap_kring *kring, int flags);
804 /* create the krings array and initialize the fields common to all adapters.
805  * The array layout is this:
806  *
807  *                    +----------+
808  * na->tx_rings ----->|          | \
809  *                    |          |  } na->num_tx_ring
810  *                    |          | /
811  *                    +----------+
812  *                    |          |    host tx kring
813  * na->rx_rings ----> +----------+
814  *                    |          | \
815  *                    |          |  } na->num_rx_rings
816  *                    |          | /
817  *                    +----------+
818  *                    |          |    host rx kring
819  *                    +----------+
820  * na->tailroom ----->|          | \
821  *                    |          |  } tailroom bytes
822  *                    |          | /
823  *                    +----------+
824  *
825  * Note: for compatibility, host krings are created even when not needed.
826  * The tailroom space is currently used by vale ports for allocating leases.
827  */
828 /* call with NMG_LOCK held */
829 int
830 netmap_krings_create(struct netmap_adapter *na, u_int tailroom)
831 {
832 	u_int i, len, ndesc;
833 	struct netmap_kring *kring;
834 	u_int n[NR_TXRX];
835 	enum txrx t;
836 	int err = 0;
838 	if (na->tx_rings != NULL) {
839 		if (netmap_debug & NM_DEBUG_ON)
840 			nm_prerr("warning: krings were already created");
841 		return 0;
842 	}
844 	/* account for the (possibly fake) host rings */
845 	n[NR_TX] = netmap_all_rings(na, NR_TX);
846 	n[NR_RX] = netmap_all_rings(na, NR_RX);
848 	len = (n[NR_TX] + n[NR_RX]) *
849 		(sizeof(struct netmap_kring) + sizeof(struct netmap_kring *))
850 		+ tailroom;
852 	na->tx_rings = nm_os_malloc((size_t)len);
853 	if (na->tx_rings == NULL) {
854 		nm_prerr("Cannot allocate krings");
855 		return ENOMEM;
856 	}
857 	na->rx_rings = na->tx_rings + n[NR_TX];
858 	na->tailroom = na->rx_rings + n[NR_RX];
860 	/* link the krings in the krings array */
861 	kring = (struct netmap_kring *)((char *)na->tailroom + tailroom);
862 	for (i = 0; i < n[NR_TX] + n[NR_RX]; i++) {
863 		na->tx_rings[i] = kring;
864 		kring++;
865 	}
867 	/*
868 	 * All fields in krings are 0 except the one initialized below.
869 	 * but better be explicit on important kring fields.
870 	 */
871 	for_rx_tx(t) {
872 		ndesc = nma_get_ndesc(na, t);
873 		for (i = 0; i < n[t]; i++) {
874 			kring = NMR(na, t)[i];
875 			bzero(kring, sizeof(*kring));
876 			kring->notify_na = na;
877 			kring->ring_id = i;
878 			kring->tx = t;
879 			kring->nkr_num_slots = ndesc;
880 			kring->nr_mode = NKR_NETMAP_OFF;
881 			kring->nr_pending_mode = NKR_NETMAP_OFF;
882 			if (i < nma_get_nrings(na, t)) {
883 				kring->nm_sync = (t == NR_TX ? na->nm_txsync : na->nm_rxsync);
884 			} else {
885 				if (!(na->na_flags & NAF_HOST_RINGS))
886 					kring->nr_kflags |= NKR_FAKERING;
887 				kring->nm_sync = (t == NR_TX ?
888 						netmap_txsync_to_host:
889 						netmap_rxsync_from_host);
890 			}
891 			kring->nm_notify = na->nm_notify;
892 			kring->rhead = kring->rcur = kring->nr_hwcur = 0;
893 			/*
894 			 * IMPORTANT: Always keep one slot empty.
895 			 */
896 			kring->rtail = kring->nr_hwtail = (t == NR_TX ? ndesc - 1 : 0);
897 			snprintf(kring->name, sizeof(kring->name) - 1, "%s %s%d", na->name,
898 					nm_txrx2str(t), i);
899 			nm_prdis("ktx %s h %d c %d t %d",
900 				kring->name, kring->rhead, kring->rcur, kring->rtail);
901 			err = nm_os_selinfo_init(&kring->si, kring->name);
902 			if (err) {
903 				netmap_krings_delete(na);
904 				return err;
905 			}
906 			mtx_init(&kring->q_lock, (t == NR_TX ? "nm_txq_lock" : "nm_rxq_lock"), NULL, MTX_DEF);
907 			kring->na = na;	/* setting this field marks the mutex as initialized */
908 		}
909 		err = nm_os_selinfo_init(&na->si[t], na->name);
910 		if (err) {
911 			netmap_krings_delete(na);
912 			return err;
913 		}
914 	}
916 	return 0;
917 }
920 /* undo the actions performed by netmap_krings_create */
921 /* call with NMG_LOCK held */
922 void
923 netmap_krings_delete(struct netmap_adapter *na)
924 {
925 	struct netmap_kring **kring = na->tx_rings;
926 	enum txrx t;
928 	if (na->tx_rings == NULL) {
929 		if (netmap_debug & NM_DEBUG_ON)
930 			nm_prerr("warning: krings were already deleted");
931 		return;
932 	}
934 	for_rx_tx(t)
935 		nm_os_selinfo_uninit(&na->si[t]);
937 	/* we rely on the krings layout described above */
938 	for ( ; kring != na->tailroom; kring++) {
939 		if ((*kring)->na != NULL)
940 			mtx_destroy(&(*kring)->q_lock);
941 		nm_os_selinfo_uninit(&(*kring)->si);
942 	}
943 	nm_os_free(na->tx_rings);
944 	na->tx_rings = na->rx_rings = na->tailroom = NULL;
945 }
948 /*
949  * Destructor for NIC ports. They also have an mbuf queue
950  * on the rings connected to the host so we need to purge
951  * them first.
952  */
953 /* call with NMG_LOCK held */
954 void
955 netmap_hw_krings_delete(struct netmap_adapter *na)
956 {
957 	u_int lim = netmap_real_rings(na, NR_RX), i;
959 	for (i = nma_get_nrings(na, NR_RX); i < lim; i++) {
960 		struct mbq *q = &NMR(na, NR_RX)[i]->rx_queue;
961 		nm_prdis("destroy sw mbq with len %d", mbq_len(q));
962 		mbq_purge(q);
963 		mbq_safe_fini(q);
964 	}
965 	netmap_krings_delete(na);
966 }
968 static void
969 netmap_mem_drop(struct netmap_adapter *na)
970 {
971 	int last = netmap_mem_deref(na->nm_mem, na);
972 	/* if the native allocator had been overrided on regif,
973 	 * restore it now and drop the temporary one
974 	 */
975 	if (last && na->nm_mem_prev) {
976 		netmap_mem_put(na->nm_mem);
977 		na->nm_mem = na->nm_mem_prev;
978 		na->nm_mem_prev = NULL;
979 	}
980 }
982 /*
983  * Undo everything that was done in netmap_do_regif(). In particular,
984  * call nm_register(ifp,0) to stop netmap mode on the interface and
985  * revert to normal operation.
986  */
987 /* call with NMG_LOCK held */
988 static void netmap_unset_ringid(struct netmap_priv_d *);
989 static void netmap_krings_put(struct netmap_priv_d *);
990 void
991 netmap_do_unregif(struct netmap_priv_d *priv)
992 {
993 	struct netmap_adapter *na = priv->np_na;
996 	na->active_fds--;
997 	/* unset nr_pending_mode and possibly release exclusive mode */
998 	netmap_krings_put(priv);
1000 #ifdef	WITH_MONITOR
1001 	/* XXX check whether we have to do something with monitor
1002 	 * when rings change nr_mode. */
1003 	if (na->active_fds <= 0) {
1004 		/* walk through all the rings and tell any monitor
1005 		 * that the port is going to exit netmap mode
1006 		 */
1007 		netmap_monitor_stop(na);
1008 	}
1009 #endif
1011 	if (na->active_fds <= 0 || nm_kring_pending(priv)) {
1012 		na->nm_register(na, 0);
1013 	}
1015 	/* delete rings and buffers that are no longer needed */
1016 	netmap_mem_rings_delete(na);
1018 	if (na->active_fds <= 0) {	/* last instance */
1019 		/*
1020 		 * (TO CHECK) We enter here
1021 		 * when the last reference to this file descriptor goes
1022 		 * away. This means we cannot have any pending poll()
1023 		 * or interrupt routine operating on the structure.
1024 		 * XXX The file may be closed in a thread while
1025 		 * another thread is using it.
1026 		 * Linux keeps the file opened until the last reference
1027 		 * by any outstanding ioctl/poll or mmap is gone.
1028 		 * FreeBSD does not track mmap()s (but we do) and
1029 		 * wakes up any sleeping poll(). Need to check what
1030 		 * happens if the close() occurs while a concurrent
1031 		 * syscall is running.
1032 		 */
1033 		if (netmap_debug & NM_DEBUG_ON)
1034 			nm_prinf("deleting last instance for %s", na->name);
1036 		if (nm_netmap_on(na)) {
1037 			nm_prerr("BUG: netmap on while going to delete the krings");
1038 		}
1040 		na->nm_krings_delete(na);
1042 		/* restore the default number of host tx and rx rings */
1043 		if (na->na_flags & NAF_HOST_RINGS) {
1044 			na->num_host_tx_rings = 1;
1045 			na->num_host_rx_rings = 1;
1046 		} else {
1047 			na->num_host_tx_rings = 0;
1048 			na->num_host_rx_rings = 0;
1049 		}
1050 	}
1052 	/* possibily decrement counter of tx_si/rx_si users */
1053 	netmap_unset_ringid(priv);
1054 	/* delete the nifp */
1055 	netmap_mem_if_delete(na, priv->np_nifp);
1056 	/* drop the allocator */
1057 	netmap_mem_drop(na);
1058 	/* mark the priv as unregistered */
1059 	priv->np_na = NULL;
1060 	priv->np_nifp = NULL;
1061 }
1063 struct netmap_priv_d*
1064 netmap_priv_new(void)
1065 {
1066 	struct netmap_priv_d *priv;
1068 	priv = nm_os_malloc(sizeof(struct netmap_priv_d));
1069 	if (priv == NULL)
1070 		return NULL;
1071 	priv->np_refs = 1;
1072 	nm_os_get_module();
1073 	return priv;
1074 }
1076 /*
1077  * Destructor of the netmap_priv_d, called when the fd is closed
1078  * Action: undo all the things done by NIOCREGIF,
1079  * On FreeBSD we need to track whether there are active mmap()s,
1080  * and we use np_active_mmaps for that. On linux, the field is always 0.
1081  * Return: 1 if we can free priv, 0 otherwise.
1082  *
1083  */
1084 /* call with NMG_LOCK held */
1085 void
1086 netmap_priv_delete(struct netmap_priv_d *priv)
1087 {
1088 	struct netmap_adapter *na = priv->np_na;
1090 	/* number of active references to this fd */
1091 	if (--priv->np_refs > 0) {
1092 		return;
1093 	}
1094 	nm_os_put_module();
1095 	if (na) {
1096 		netmap_do_unregif(priv);
1097 	}
1098 	netmap_unget_na(na, priv->np_ifp);
1099 	bzero(priv, sizeof(*priv));	/* for safety */
1100 	nm_os_free(priv);
1101 }
1104 /* call with NMG_LOCK *not* held */
1105 void
1106 netmap_dtor(void *data)
1107 {
1108 	struct netmap_priv_d *priv = data;
1110 	NMG_LOCK();
1111 	netmap_priv_delete(priv);
1112 	NMG_UNLOCK();
1113 }
1116 /*
1117  * Handlers for synchronization of the rings from/to the host stack.
1118  * These are associated to a network interface and are just another
1119  * ring pair managed by userspace.
1120  *
1121  * Netmap also supports transparent forwarding (NS_FORWARD and NR_FORWARD
1122  * flags):
1123  *
1124  * - Before releasing buffers on hw RX rings, the application can mark
1125  *   them with the NS_FORWARD flag. During the next RXSYNC or poll(), they
1126  *   will be forwarded to the host stack, similarly to what happened if
1127  *   the application moved them to the host TX ring.
1128  *
1129  * - Before releasing buffers on the host RX ring, the application can
1130  *   mark them with the NS_FORWARD flag. During the next RXSYNC or poll(),
1131  *   they will be forwarded to the hw TX rings, saving the application
1132  *   from doing the same task in user-space.
1133  *
1134  * Transparent fowarding can be enabled per-ring, by setting the NR_FORWARD
1135  * flag, or globally with the netmap_fwd sysctl.
1136  *
1137  * The transfer NIC --> host is relatively easy, just encapsulate
1138  * into mbufs and we are done. The host --> NIC side is slightly
1139  * harder because there might not be room in the tx ring so it
1140  * might take a while before releasing the buffer.
1141  */
1144 /*
1145  * Pass a whole queue of mbufs to the host stack as coming from 'dst'
1146  * We do not need to lock because the queue is private.
1147  * After this call the queue is empty.
1148  */
1149 static void
1150 netmap_send_up(struct ifnet *dst, struct mbq *q)
1151 {
1152 	struct mbuf *m;
1153 	struct mbuf *head = NULL, *prev = NULL;
1154 #ifdef __FreeBSD__
1155 	struct epoch_tracker et;
1157 	NET_EPOCH_ENTER(et);
1158 #endif /* __FreeBSD__ */
1159 	/* Send packets up, outside the lock; head/prev machinery
1160 	 * is only useful for Windows. */
1161 	while ((m = mbq_dequeue(q)) != NULL) {
1162 		if (netmap_debug & NM_DEBUG_HOST)
1163 			nm_prinf("sending up pkt %p size %d", m, MBUF_LEN(m));
1164 		prev = nm_os_send_up(dst, m, prev);
1165 		if (head == NULL)
1166 			head = prev;
1167 	}
1168 	if (head)
1169 		nm_os_send_up(dst, NULL, head);
1170 #ifdef __FreeBSD__
1171 	NET_EPOCH_EXIT(et);
1172 #endif /* __FreeBSD__ */
1173 	mbq_fini(q);
1174 }
1177 /*
1178  * Scan the buffers from hwcur to ring->head, and put a copy of those
1179  * marked NS_FORWARD (or all of them if forced) into a queue of mbufs.
1180  * Drop remaining packets in the unlikely event
1181  * of an mbuf shortage.
1182  */
1183 static void
1184 netmap_grab_packets(struct netmap_kring *kring, struct mbq *q, int force)
1185 {
1186 	u_int const lim = kring->nkr_num_slots - 1;
1187 	u_int const head = kring->rhead;
1188 	u_int n;
1189 	struct netmap_adapter *na = kring->na;
1191 	for (n = kring->nr_hwcur; n != head; n = nm_next(n, lim)) {
1192 		struct mbuf *m;
1193 		struct netmap_slot *slot = &kring->ring->slot[n];
1195 		if ((slot->flags & NS_FORWARD) == 0 && !force)
1196 			continue;
1197 		if (slot->len < 14 || slot->len > NETMAP_BUF_SIZE(na)) {
1198 			nm_prlim(5, "bad pkt at %d len %d", n, slot->len);
1199 			continue;
1200 		}
1201 		slot->flags &= ~NS_FORWARD; // XXX needed ?
1202 		/* XXX TODO: adapt to the case of a multisegment packet */
1203 		m = m_devget(NMB(na, slot), slot->len, 0, na->ifp, NULL);
1205 		if (m == NULL)
1206 			break;
1207 		mbq_enqueue(q, m);
1208 	}
1209 }
1211 static inline int
1212 _nm_may_forward(struct netmap_kring *kring)
1213 {
1214 	return	((netmap_fwd || kring->ring->flags & NR_FORWARD) &&
1215 		 kring->na->na_flags & NAF_HOST_RINGS &&
1216 		 kring->tx == NR_RX);
1217 }
1219 static inline int
1220 nm_may_forward_up(struct netmap_kring *kring)
1221 {
1222 	return	_nm_may_forward(kring) &&
1223 		 kring->ring_id != kring->na->num_rx_rings;
1224 }
1226 static inline int
1227 nm_may_forward_down(struct netmap_kring *kring, int sync_flags)
1228 {
1229 	return	_nm_may_forward(kring) &&
1230 		 (sync_flags & NAF_CAN_FORWARD_DOWN) &&
1231 		 kring->ring_id == kring->na->num_rx_rings;
1232 }
1234 /*
1235  * Send to the NIC rings packets marked NS_FORWARD between
1236  * kring->nr_hwcur and kring->rhead.
1237  * Called under kring->rx_queue.lock on the sw rx ring.
1238  *
1239  * It can only be called if the user opened all the TX hw rings,
1240  * see NAF_CAN_FORWARD_DOWN flag.
1241  * We can touch the TX netmap rings (slots, head and cur) since
1242  * we are in poll/ioctl system call context, and the application
1243  * is not supposed to touch the ring (using a different thread)
1244  * during the execution of the system call.
1245  */
1246 static u_int
1247 netmap_sw_to_nic(struct netmap_adapter *na)
1248 {
1249 	struct netmap_kring *kring = na->rx_rings[na->num_rx_rings];
1250 	struct netmap_slot *rxslot = kring->ring->slot;
1251 	u_int i, rxcur = kring->nr_hwcur;
1252 	u_int const head = kring->rhead;
1253 	u_int const src_lim = kring->nkr_num_slots - 1;
1254 	u_int sent = 0;
1256 	/* scan rings to find space, then fill as much as possible */
1257 	for (i = 0; i < na->num_tx_rings; i++) {
1258 		struct netmap_kring *kdst = na->tx_rings[i];
1259 		struct netmap_ring *rdst = kdst->ring;
1260 		u_int const dst_lim = kdst->nkr_num_slots - 1;
1262 		/* XXX do we trust ring or kring->rcur,rtail ? */
1263 		for (; rxcur != head && !nm_ring_empty(rdst);
1264 		     rxcur = nm_next(rxcur, src_lim) ) {
1265 			struct netmap_slot *src, *dst, tmp;
1266 			u_int dst_head = rdst->head;
1268 			src = &rxslot[rxcur];
1269 			if ((src->flags & NS_FORWARD) == 0 && !netmap_fwd)
1270 				continue;
1272 			sent++;
1274 			dst = &rdst->slot[dst_head];
1276 			tmp = *src;
1278 			src->buf_idx = dst->buf_idx;
1279 			src->flags = NS_BUF_CHANGED;
1281 			dst->buf_idx = tmp.buf_idx;
1282 			dst->len = tmp.len;
1283 			dst->flags = NS_BUF_CHANGED;
1285 			rdst->head = rdst->cur = nm_next(dst_head, dst_lim);
1286 		}
1287 		/* if (sent) XXX txsync ? it would be just an optimization */
1288 	}
1289 	return sent;
1290 }
1293 /*
1294  * netmap_txsync_to_host() passes packets up. We are called from a
1295  * system call in user process context, and the only contention
1296  * can be among multiple user threads erroneously calling
1297  * this routine concurrently.
1298  */
1299 static int
1300 netmap_txsync_to_host(struct netmap_kring *kring, int flags)
1301 {
1302 	struct netmap_adapter *na = kring->na;
1303 	u_int const lim = kring->nkr_num_slots - 1;
1304 	u_int const head = kring->rhead;
1305 	struct mbq q;
1307 	/* Take packets from hwcur to head and pass them up.
1308 	 * Force hwcur = head since netmap_grab_packets() stops at head
1309 	 */
1310 	mbq_init(&q);
1311 	netmap_grab_packets(kring, &q, 1 /* force */);
1312 	nm_prdis("have %d pkts in queue", mbq_len(&q));
1313 	kring->nr_hwcur = head;
1314 	kring->nr_hwtail = head + lim;
1315 	if (kring->nr_hwtail > lim)
1316 		kring->nr_hwtail -= lim + 1;
1318 	netmap_send_up(na->ifp, &q);
1319 	return 0;
1320 }
1323 /*
1324  * rxsync backend for packets coming from the host stack.
1325  * They have been put in kring->rx_queue by netmap_transmit().
1326  * We protect access to the kring using kring->rx_queue.lock
1327  *
1328  * also moves to the nic hw rings any packet the user has marked
1329  * for transparent-mode forwarding, then sets the NR_FORWARD
1330  * flag in the kring to let the caller push them out
1331  */
1332 static int
1333 netmap_rxsync_from_host(struct netmap_kring *kring, int flags)
1334 {
1335 	struct netmap_adapter *na = kring->na;
1336 	struct netmap_ring *ring = kring->ring;
1337 	u_int nm_i, n;
1338 	u_int const lim = kring->nkr_num_slots - 1;
1339 	u_int const head = kring->rhead;
1340 	int ret = 0;
1341 	struct mbq *q = &kring->rx_queue, fq;
1343 	mbq_init(&fq); /* fq holds packets to be freed */
1345 	mbq_lock(q);
1347 	/* First part: import newly received packets */
1348 	n = mbq_len(q);
1349 	if (n) { /* grab packets from the queue */
1350 		struct mbuf *m;
1351 		uint32_t stop_i;
1353 		nm_i = kring->nr_hwtail;
1354 		stop_i = nm_prev(kring->nr_hwcur, lim);
1355 		while ( nm_i != stop_i && (m = mbq_dequeue(q)) != NULL ) {
1356 			int len = MBUF_LEN(m);
1357 			struct netmap_slot *slot = &ring->slot[nm_i];
1359 			m_copydata(m, 0, len, NMB(na, slot));
1360 			nm_prdis("nm %d len %d", nm_i, len);
1361 			if (netmap_debug & NM_DEBUG_HOST)
1362 				nm_prinf("%s", nm_dump_buf(NMB(na, slot),len, 128, NULL));
1364 			slot->len = len;
1365 			slot->flags = 0;
1366 			nm_i = nm_next(nm_i, lim);
1367 			mbq_enqueue(&fq, m);
1368 		}
1369 		kring->nr_hwtail = nm_i;
1370 	}
1372 	/*
1373 	 * Second part: skip past packets that userspace has released.
1374 	 */
1375 	nm_i = kring->nr_hwcur;
1376 	if (nm_i != head) { /* something was released */
1377 		if (nm_may_forward_down(kring, flags)) {
1378 			ret = netmap_sw_to_nic(na);
1379 			if (ret > 0) {
1380 				kring->nr_kflags |= NR_FORWARD;
1381 				ret = 0;
1382 			}
1383 		}
1384 		kring->nr_hwcur = head;
1385 	}
1387 	mbq_unlock(q);
1389 	mbq_purge(&fq);
1390 	mbq_fini(&fq);
1392 	return ret;
1393 }
1396 /* Get a netmap adapter for the port.
1397  *
1398  * If it is possible to satisfy the request, return 0
1399  * with *na containing the netmap adapter found.
1400  * Otherwise return an error code, with *na containing NULL.
1401  *
1402  * When the port is attached to a bridge, we always return
1403  * EBUSY.
1404  * Otherwise, if the port is already bound to a file descriptor,
1405  * then we unconditionally return the existing adapter into *na.
1406  * In all the other cases, we return (into *na) either native,
1407  * generic or NULL, according to the following table:
1408  *
1409  *					native_support
1410  * active_fds   dev.netmap.admode         YES     NO
1411  * -------------------------------------------------------
1412  *    >0              *                 NA(ifp) NA(ifp)
1413  *
1414  *     0        NETMAP_ADMODE_BEST      NATIVE  GENERIC
1415  *     0        NETMAP_ADMODE_NATIVE    NATIVE   NULL
1417  *
1418  */
1419 static void netmap_hw_dtor(struct netmap_adapter *); /* needed by NM_IS_NATIVE() */
1420 int
1421 netmap_get_hw_na(struct ifnet *ifp, struct netmap_mem_d *nmd, struct netmap_adapter **na)
1422 {
1423 	/* generic support */
1424 	int i = netmap_admode;	/* Take a snapshot. */
1425 	struct netmap_adapter *prev_na;
1426 	int error = 0;
1428 	*na = NULL; /* default */
1430 	/* reset in case of invalid value */
1432 		i = netmap_admode = NETMAP_ADMODE_BEST;
1434 	if (NM_NA_VALID(ifp)) {
1435 		prev_na = NA(ifp);
1436 		/* If an adapter already exists, return it if
1437 		 * there are active file descriptors or if
1438 		 * netmap is not forced to use generic
1439 		 * adapters.
1440 		 */
1441 		if (NETMAP_OWNED_BY_ANY(prev_na)
1443 			|| prev_na->na_flags & NAF_FORCE_NATIVE
1444 #ifdef WITH_PIPES
1445 			/* ugly, but we cannot allow an adapter switch
1446 			 * if some pipe is referring to this one
1447 			 */
1448 			|| prev_na->na_next_pipe > 0
1449 #endif
1450 		) {
1451 			*na = prev_na;
1452 			goto assign_mem;
1453 		}
1454 	}
1456 	/* If there isn't native support and netmap is not allowed
1457 	 * to use generic adapters, we cannot satisfy the request.
1458 	 */
1459 	if (!NM_IS_NATIVE(ifp) && i == NETMAP_ADMODE_NATIVE)
1460 		return EOPNOTSUPP;
1462 	/* Otherwise, create a generic adapter and return it,
1463 	 * saving the previously used netmap adapter, if any.
1464 	 *
1465 	 * Note that here 'prev_na', if not NULL, MUST be a
1466 	 * native adapter, and CANNOT be a generic one. This is
1467 	 * true because generic adapters are created on demand, and
1468 	 * destroyed when not used anymore. Therefore, if the adapter
1469 	 * currently attached to an interface 'ifp' is generic, it
1470 	 * must be that
1471 	 * (NA(ifp)->active_fds > 0 || NETMAP_OWNED_BY_KERN(NA(ifp))).
1472 	 * Consequently, if NA(ifp) is generic, we will enter one of
1473 	 * the branches above. This ensures that we never override
1474 	 * a generic adapter with another generic adapter.
1475 	 */
1476 	error = generic_netmap_attach(ifp);
1477 	if (error)
1478 		return error;
1480 	*na = NA(ifp);
1482 assign_mem:
1483 	if (nmd != NULL && !((*na)->na_flags & NAF_MEM_OWNER) &&
1484 	    (*na)->active_fds == 0 && ((*na)->nm_mem != nmd)) {
1485 		(*na)->nm_mem_prev = (*na)->nm_mem;
1486 		(*na)->nm_mem = netmap_mem_get(nmd);
1487 	}
1489 	return 0;
1490 }
1492 /*
1494  *
1495  * Get a refcounted reference to a netmap adapter attached
1496  * to the interface specified by req.
1497  * This is always called in the execution of an ioctl().
1498  *
1499  * Return ENXIO if the interface specified by the request does
1500  * not exist, ENOTSUP if netmap is not supported by the interface,
1501  * EBUSY if the interface is already attached to a bridge,
1502  * EINVAL if parameters are invalid, ENOMEM if needed resources
1503  * could not be allocated.
1504  * If successful, hold a reference to the netmap adapter.
1505  *
1506  * If the interface specified by req is a system one, also keep
1507  * a reference to it and return a valid *ifp.
1508  */
1509 int
1510 netmap_get_na(struct nmreq_header *hdr,
1511 	      struct netmap_adapter **na, struct ifnet **ifp,
1512 	      struct netmap_mem_d *nmd, int create)
1513 {
1514 	struct nmreq_register *req = (struct nmreq_register *)(uintptr_t)hdr->nr_body;
1515 	int error = 0;
1516 	struct netmap_adapter *ret = NULL;
1517 	int nmd_ref = 0;
1519 	*na = NULL;     /* default return value */
1520 	*ifp = NULL;
1522 	if (hdr->nr_reqtype != NETMAP_REQ_REGISTER) {
1523 		return EINVAL;
1524 	}
1526 	if (req->nr_mode == NR_REG_PIPE_MASTER ||
1527 			req->nr_mode == NR_REG_PIPE_SLAVE) {
1528 		/* Do not accept deprecated pipe modes. */
1529 		nm_prerr("Deprecated pipe nr_mode, use xx{yy or xx}yy syntax");
1530 		return EINVAL;
1531 	}
1535 	/* if the request contain a memid, try to find the
1536 	 * corresponding memory region
1537 	 */
1538 	if (nmd == NULL && req->nr_mem_id) {
1539 		nmd = netmap_mem_find(req->nr_mem_id);
1540 		if (nmd == NULL)
1541 			return EINVAL;
1542 		/* keep the rereference */
1543 		nmd_ref = 1;
1544 	}
1546 	/* We cascade through all possible types of netmap adapter.
1547 	 * All netmap_get_*_na() functions return an error and an na,
1548 	 * with the following combinations:
1549 	 *
1550 	 * error    na
1551 	 *   0	   NULL		type doesn't match
1552 	 *  !0	   NULL		type matches, but na creation/lookup failed
1553 	 *   0	  !NULL		type matches and na created/found
1554 	 *  !0    !NULL		impossible
1555 	 */
1556 	error = netmap_get_null_na(hdr, na, nmd, create);
1557 	if (error || *na != NULL)
1558 		goto out;
1560 	/* try to see if this is a monitor port */
1561 	error = netmap_get_monitor_na(hdr, na, nmd, create);
1562 	if (error || *na != NULL)
1563 		goto out;
1565 	/* try to see if this is a pipe port */
1566 	error = netmap_get_pipe_na(hdr, na, nmd, create);
1567 	if (error || *na != NULL)
1568 		goto out;
1570 	/* try to see if this is a bridge port */
1571 	error = netmap_get_vale_na(hdr, na, nmd, create);
1572 	if (error)
1573 		goto out;
1575 	if (*na != NULL) /* valid match in netmap_get_bdg_na() */
1576 		goto out;
1578 	/*
1579 	 * This must be a hardware na, lookup the name in the system.
1580 	 * Note that by hardware we actually mean "it shows up in ifconfig".
1581 	 * This may still be a tap, a veth/epair, or even a
1582 	 * persistent VALE port.
1583 	 */
1584 	*ifp = ifunit_ref(hdr->nr_name);
1585 	if (*ifp == NULL) {
1586 		error = ENXIO;
1587 		goto out;
1588 	}
1590 	error = netmap_get_hw_na(*ifp, nmd, &ret);
1591 	if (error)
1592 		goto out;
1594 	*na = ret;
1595 	netmap_adapter_get(ret);
1597 	/*
1598 	 * if the adapter supports the host rings and it is not alread open,
1599 	 * try to set the number of host rings as requested by the user
1600 	 */
1601 	if (((*na)->na_flags & NAF_HOST_RINGS) && (*na)->active_fds == 0) {
1602 		if (req->nr_host_tx_rings)
1603 			(*na)->num_host_tx_rings = req->nr_host_tx_rings;
1604 		if (req->nr_host_rx_rings)
1605 			(*na)->num_host_rx_rings = req->nr_host_rx_rings;
1606 	}
1607 	nm_prdis("%s: host tx %d rx %u", (*na)->name, (*na)->num_host_tx_rings,
1608 			(*na)->num_host_rx_rings);
1610 out:
1611 	if (error) {
1612 		if (ret)
1613 			netmap_adapter_put(ret);
1614 		if (*ifp) {
1615 			if_rele(*ifp);
1616 			*ifp = NULL;
1617 		}
1618 	}
1619 	if (nmd_ref)
1620 		netmap_mem_put(nmd);
1622 	return error;
1623 }
1625 /* undo netmap_get_na() */
1626 void
1627 netmap_unget_na(struct netmap_adapter *na, struct ifnet *ifp)
1628 {
1629 	if (ifp)
1630 		if_rele(ifp);
1631 	if (na)
1632 		netmap_adapter_put(na);
1633 }
1636 #define NM_FAIL_ON(t) do {						\
1637 	if (unlikely(t)) {						\
1638 		nm_prlim(5, "%s: fail '" #t "' "				\
1639 			"h %d c %d t %d "				\
1640 			"rh %d rc %d rt %d "				\
1641 			"hc %d ht %d",					\
1642 			kring->name,					\
1643 			head, cur, ring->tail,				\
1644 			kring->rhead, kring->rcur, kring->rtail,	\
1645 			kring->nr_hwcur, kring->nr_hwtail);		\
1646 		return kring->nkr_num_slots;				\
1647 	}								\
1648 } while (0)
1650 /*
1651  * validate parameters on entry for *_txsync()
1652  * Returns ring->cur if ok, or something >= kring->nkr_num_slots
1653  * in case of error.
1654  *
1655  * rhead, rcur and rtail=hwtail are stored from previous round.
1656  * hwcur is the next packet to send to the ring.
1657  *
1658  * We want
1659  *    hwcur <= *rhead <= head <= cur <= tail = *rtail <= hwtail
1660  *
1661  * hwcur, rhead, rtail and hwtail are reliable
1662  */
1663 u_int
1664 nm_txsync_prologue(struct netmap_kring *kring, struct netmap_ring *ring)
1665 {
1666 	u_int head = ring->head; /* read only once */
1667 	u_int cur = ring->cur; /* read only once */
1668 	u_int n = kring->nkr_num_slots;
1670 	nm_prdis(5, "%s kcur %d ktail %d head %d cur %d tail %d",
1671 		kring->name,
1672 		kring->nr_hwcur, kring->nr_hwtail,
1673 		ring->head, ring->cur, ring->tail);
1674 #if 1 /* kernel sanity checks; but we can trust the kring. */
1675 	NM_FAIL_ON(kring->nr_hwcur >= n || kring->rhead >= n ||
1676 	    kring->rtail >= n ||  kring->nr_hwtail >= n);
1677 #endif /* kernel sanity checks */
1678 	/*
1679 	 * user sanity checks. We only use head,
1680 	 * A, B, ... are possible positions for head:
1681 	 *
1682 	 *  0    A  rhead   B  rtail   C  n-1
1683 	 *  0    D  rtail   E  rhead   F  n-1
1684 	 *
1685 	 * B, F, D are valid. A, C, E are wrong
1686 	 */
1687 	if (kring->rtail >= kring->rhead) {
1688 		/* want rhead <= head <= rtail */
1689 		NM_FAIL_ON(head < kring->rhead || head > kring->rtail);
1690 		/* and also head <= cur <= rtail */
1691 		NM_FAIL_ON(cur < head || cur > kring->rtail);
1692 	} else { /* here rtail < rhead */
1693 		/* we need head outside rtail .. rhead */
1694 		NM_FAIL_ON(head > kring->rtail && head < kring->rhead);
1696 		/* two cases now: head <= rtail or head >= rhead  */
1697 		if (head <= kring->rtail) {
1698 			/* want head <= cur <= rtail */
1699 			NM_FAIL_ON(cur < head || cur > kring->rtail);
1700 		} else { /* head >= rhead */
1701 			/* cur must be outside rtail..head */
1702 			NM_FAIL_ON(cur > kring->rtail && cur < head);
1703 		}
1704 	}
1705 	if (ring->tail != kring->rtail) {
1706 		nm_prlim(5, "%s tail overwritten was %d need %d", kring->name,
1707 			ring->tail, kring->rtail);
1708 		ring->tail = kring->rtail;
1709 	}
1710 	kring->rhead = head;
1711 	kring->rcur = cur;
1712 	return head;
1713 }
1716 /*
1717  * validate parameters on entry for *_rxsync()
1718  * Returns ring->head if ok, kring->nkr_num_slots on error.
1719  *
1720  * For a valid configuration,
1721  * hwcur <= head <= cur <= tail <= hwtail
1722  *
1723  * We only consider head and cur.
1724  * hwcur and hwtail are reliable.
1725  *
1726  */
1727 u_int
1728 nm_rxsync_prologue(struct netmap_kring *kring, struct netmap_ring *ring)
1729 {
1730 	uint32_t const n = kring->nkr_num_slots;
1731 	uint32_t head, cur;
1733 	nm_prdis(5,"%s kc %d kt %d h %d c %d t %d",
1734 		kring->name,
1735 		kring->nr_hwcur, kring->nr_hwtail,
1736 		ring->head, ring->cur, ring->tail);
1737 	/*
1738 	 * Before storing the new values, we should check they do not
1739 	 * move backwards. However:
1740 	 * - head is not an issue because the previous value is hwcur;
1741 	 * - cur could in principle go back, however it does not matter
1742 	 *   because we are processing a brand new rxsync()
1743 	 */
1744 	cur = kring->rcur = ring->cur;	/* read only once */
1745 	head = kring->rhead = ring->head;	/* read only once */
1746 #if 1 /* kernel sanity checks */
1747 	NM_FAIL_ON(kring->nr_hwcur >= n || kring->nr_hwtail >= n);
1748 #endif /* kernel sanity checks */
1749 	/* user sanity checks */
1750 	if (kring->nr_hwtail >= kring->nr_hwcur) {
1751 		/* want hwcur <= rhead <= hwtail */
1752 		NM_FAIL_ON(head < kring->nr_hwcur || head > kring->nr_hwtail);
1753 		/* and also rhead <= rcur <= hwtail */
1754 		NM_FAIL_ON(cur < head || cur > kring->nr_hwtail);
1755 	} else {
1756 		/* we need rhead outside hwtail..hwcur */
1757 		NM_FAIL_ON(head < kring->nr_hwcur && head > kring->nr_hwtail);
1758 		/* two cases now: head <= hwtail or head >= hwcur  */
1759 		if (head <= kring->nr_hwtail) {
1760 			/* want head <= cur <= hwtail */
1761 			NM_FAIL_ON(cur < head || cur > kring->nr_hwtail);
1762 		} else {
1763 			/* cur must be outside hwtail..head */
1764 			NM_FAIL_ON(cur < head && cur > kring->nr_hwtail);
1765 		}
1766 	}
1767 	if (ring->tail != kring->rtail) {
1768 		nm_prlim(5, "%s tail overwritten was %d need %d",
1769 			kring->name,
1770 			ring->tail, kring->rtail);
1771 		ring->tail = kring->rtail;
1772 	}
1773 	return head;
1774 }
1777 /*
1778  * Error routine called when txsync/rxsync detects an error.
1779  * Can't do much more than resetting head = cur = hwcur, tail = hwtail
1780  * Return 1 on reinit.
1781  *
1782  * This routine is only called by the upper half of the kernel.
1783  * It only reads hwcur (which is changed only by the upper half, too)
1784  * and hwtail (which may be changed by the lower half, but only on
1785  * a tx ring and only to increase it, so any error will be recovered
1786  * on the next call). For the above, we don't strictly need to call
1787  * it under lock.
1788  */
1789 int
1790 netmap_ring_reinit(struct netmap_kring *kring)
1791 {
1792 	struct netmap_ring *ring = kring->ring;
1793 	u_int i, lim = kring->nkr_num_slots - 1;
1794 	int errors = 0;
1796 	// XXX KASSERT nm_kr_tryget
1797 	nm_prlim(10, "called for %s", kring->name);
1798 	// XXX probably wrong to trust userspace
1799 	kring->rhead = ring->head;
1800 	kring->rcur  = ring->cur;
1801 	kring->rtail = ring->tail;
1803 	if (ring->cur > lim)
1804 		errors++;
1805 	if (ring->head > lim)
1806 		errors++;
1807 	if (ring->tail > lim)
1808 		errors++;
1809 	for (i = 0; i <= lim; i++) {
1810 		u_int idx = ring->slot[i].buf_idx;
1811 		u_int len = ring->slot[i].len;
1812 		if (idx < 2 || idx >= kring->na->na_lut.objtotal) {
1813 			nm_prlim(5, "bad index at slot %d idx %d len %d ", i, idx, len);
1814 			ring->slot[i].buf_idx = 0;
1815 			ring->slot[i].len = 0;
1816 		} else if (len > NETMAP_BUF_SIZE(kring->na)) {
1817 			ring->slot[i].len = 0;
1818 			nm_prlim(5, "bad len at slot %d idx %d len %d", i, idx, len);
1819 		}
1820 	}
1821 	if (errors) {
1822 		nm_prlim(10, "total %d errors", errors);
1823 		nm_prlim(10, "%s reinit, cur %d -> %d tail %d -> %d",
1824 			kring->name,
1825 			ring->cur, kring->nr_hwcur,
1826 			ring->tail, kring->nr_hwtail);
1827 		ring->head = kring->rhead = kring->nr_hwcur;
1828 		ring->cur  = kring->rcur  = kring->nr_hwcur;
1829 		ring->tail = kring->rtail = kring->nr_hwtail;
1830 	}
1831 	return (errors ? 1 : 0);
1832 }
1834 /* interpret the ringid and flags fields of an nmreq, by translating them
1835  * into a pair of intervals of ring indices:
1836  *
1837  * [priv->np_txqfirst, priv->np_txqlast) and
1838  * [priv->np_rxqfirst, priv->np_rxqlast)
1839  *
1840  */
1841 int
1842 netmap_interp_ringid(struct netmap_priv_d *priv, uint32_t nr_mode,
1843 			uint16_t nr_ringid, uint64_t nr_flags)
1844 {
1845 	struct netmap_adapter *na = priv->np_na;
1846 	int excluded_direction[] = { NR_TX_RINGS_ONLY, NR_RX_RINGS_ONLY };
1847 	enum txrx t;
1848 	u_int j;
1850 	for_rx_tx(t) {
1851 		if (nr_flags & excluded_direction[t]) {
1852 			priv->np_qfirst[t] = priv->np_qlast[t] = 0;
1853 			continue;
1854 		}
1855 		switch (nr_mode) {
1856 		case NR_REG_ALL_NIC:
1857 		case NR_REG_NULL:
1858 			priv->np_qfirst[t] = 0;
1859 			priv->np_qlast[t] = nma_get_nrings(na, t);
1860 			nm_prdis("ALL/PIPE: %s %d %d", nm_txrx2str(t),
1861 				priv->np_qfirst[t], priv->np_qlast[t]);
1862 			break;
1863 		case NR_REG_SW:
1864 		case NR_REG_NIC_SW:
1865 			if (!(na->na_flags & NAF_HOST_RINGS)) {
1866 				nm_prerr("host rings not supported");
1867 				return EINVAL;
1868 			}
1869 			priv->np_qfirst[t] = (nr_mode == NR_REG_SW ?
1870 				nma_get_nrings(na, t) : 0);
1871 			priv->np_qlast[t] = netmap_all_rings(na, t);
1872 			nm_prdis("%s: %s %d %d", nr_mode == NR_REG_SW ? "SW" : "NIC+SW",
1873 				nm_txrx2str(t),
1874 				priv->np_qfirst[t], priv->np_qlast[t]);
1875 			break;
1876 		case NR_REG_ONE_NIC:
1877 			if (nr_ringid >= na->num_tx_rings &&
1878 					nr_ringid >= na->num_rx_rings) {
1879 				nm_prerr("invalid ring id %d", nr_ringid);
1880 				return EINVAL;
1881 			}
1882 			/* if not enough rings, use the first one */
1883 			j = nr_ringid;
1884 			if (j >= nma_get_nrings(na, t))
1885 				j = 0;
1886 			priv->np_qfirst[t] = j;
1887 			priv->np_qlast[t] = j + 1;
1888 			nm_prdis("ONE_NIC: %s %d %d", nm_txrx2str(t),
1889 				priv->np_qfirst[t], priv->np_qlast[t]);
1890 			break;
1891 		case NR_REG_ONE_SW:
1892 			if (!(na->na_flags & NAF_HOST_RINGS)) {
1893 				nm_prerr("host rings not supported");
1894 				return EINVAL;
1895 			}
1896 			if (nr_ringid >= na->num_host_tx_rings &&
1897 					nr_ringid >= na->num_host_rx_rings) {
1898 				nm_prerr("invalid ring id %d", nr_ringid);
1899 				return EINVAL;
1900 			}
1901 			/* if not enough rings, use the first one */
1902 			j = nr_ringid;
1903 			if (j >= nma_get_host_nrings(na, t))
1904 				j = 0;
1905 			priv->np_qfirst[t] = nma_get_nrings(na, t) + j;
1906 			priv->np_qlast[t] = nma_get_nrings(na, t) + j + 1;
1907 			nm_prdis("ONE_SW: %s %d %d", nm_txrx2str(t),
1908 				priv->np_qfirst[t], priv->np_qlast[t]);
1909 			break;
1910 		default:
1911 			nm_prerr("invalid regif type %d", nr_mode);
1912 			return EINVAL;
1913 		}
1914 	}
1915 	priv->np_flags = nr_flags;
1917 	/* Allow transparent forwarding mode in the host --> nic
1918 	 * direction only if all the TX hw rings have been opened. */
1919 	if (priv->np_qfirst[NR_TX] == 0 &&
1920 			priv->np_qlast[NR_TX] >= na->num_tx_rings) {
1921 		priv->np_sync_flags |= NAF_CAN_FORWARD_DOWN;
1922 	}
1924 	if (netmap_verbose) {
1925 		nm_prinf("%s: tx [%d,%d) rx [%d,%d) id %d",
1926 			na->name,
1927 			priv->np_qfirst[NR_TX],
1928 			priv->np_qlast[NR_TX],
1929 			priv->np_qfirst[NR_RX],
1930 			priv->np_qlast[NR_RX],
1931 			nr_ringid);
1932 	}
1933 	return 0;
1934 }
1937 /*
1938  * Set the ring ID. For devices with a single queue, a request
1939  * for all rings is the same as a single ring.
1940  */
1941 static int
1942 netmap_set_ringid(struct netmap_priv_d *priv, uint32_t nr_mode,
1943 		uint16_t nr_ringid, uint64_t nr_flags)
1944 {
1945 	struct netmap_adapter *na = priv->np_na;
1946 	int error;
1947 	enum txrx t;
1949 	error = netmap_interp_ringid(priv, nr_mode, nr_ringid, nr_flags);
1950 	if (error) {
1951 		return error;
1952 	}
1954 	priv->np_txpoll = (nr_flags & NR_NO_TX_POLL) ? 0 : 1;
1956 	/* optimization: count the users registered for more than
1957 	 * one ring, which are the ones sleeping on the global queue.
1958 	 * The default netmap_notify() callback will then
1959 	 * avoid signaling the global queue if nobody is using it
1960 	 */
1961 	for_rx_tx(t) {
1962 		if (nm_si_user(priv, t))
1963 			na->si_users[t]++;
1964 	}
1965 	return 0;
1966 }
1968 static void
1969 netmap_unset_ringid(struct netmap_priv_d *priv)
1970 {
1971 	struct netmap_adapter *na = priv->np_na;
1972 	enum txrx t;
1974 	for_rx_tx(t) {
1975 		if (nm_si_user(priv, t))
1976 			na->si_users[t]--;
1977 		priv->np_qfirst[t] = priv->np_qlast[t] = 0;
1978 	}
1979 	priv->np_flags = 0;
1980 	priv->np_txpoll = 0;
1981 	priv->np_kloop_state = 0;
1982 }
1985 /* Set the nr_pending_mode for the requested rings.
1986  * If requested, also try to get exclusive access to the rings, provided
1987  * the rings we want to bind are not exclusively owned by a previous bind.
1988  */
1989 static int
1990 netmap_krings_get(struct netmap_priv_d *priv)
1991 {
1992 	struct netmap_adapter *na = priv->np_na;
1993 	u_int i;
1994 	struct netmap_kring *kring;
1995 	int excl = (priv->np_flags & NR_EXCLUSIVE);
1996 	enum txrx t;
1998 	if (netmap_debug & NM_DEBUG_ON)
1999 		nm_prinf("%s: grabbing tx [%d, %d) rx [%d, %d)",
2000 			na->name,
2001 			priv->np_qfirst[NR_TX],
2002 			priv->np_qlast[NR_TX],
2003 			priv->np_qfirst[NR_RX],
2004 			priv->np_qlast[NR_RX]);
2006 	/* first round: check that all the requested rings
2007 	 * are neither alread exclusively owned, nor we
2008 	 * want exclusive ownership when they are already in use
2009 	 */
2010 	for_rx_tx(t) {
2011 		for (i = priv->np_qfirst[t]; i < priv->np_qlast[t]; i++) {
2012 			kring = NMR(na, t)[i];
2013 			if ((kring->nr_kflags & NKR_EXCLUSIVE) ||
2014 			    (kring->users && excl))
2015 			{
2016 				nm_prdis("ring %s busy", kring->name);
2017 				return EBUSY;
2018 			}
2019 		}
2020 	}
2022 	/* second round: increment usage count (possibly marking them
2023 	 * as exclusive) and set the nr_pending_mode
2024 	 */
2025 	for_rx_tx(t) {
2026 		for (i = priv->np_qfirst[t]; i < priv->np_qlast[t]; i++) {
2027 			kring = NMR(na, t)[i];
2028 			kring->users++;
2029 			if (excl)
2030 				kring->nr_kflags |= NKR_EXCLUSIVE;
2031 	                kring->nr_pending_mode = NKR_NETMAP_ON;
2032 		}
2033 	}
2035 	return 0;
2037 }
2039 /* Undo netmap_krings_get(). This is done by clearing the exclusive mode
2040  * if was asked on regif, and unset the nr_pending_mode if we are the
2041  * last users of the involved rings. */
2042 static void
2043 netmap_krings_put(struct netmap_priv_d *priv)
2044 {
2045 	struct netmap_adapter *na = priv->np_na;
2046 	u_int i;
2047 	struct netmap_kring *kring;
2048 	int excl = (priv->np_flags & NR_EXCLUSIVE);
2049 	enum txrx t;
2051 	nm_prdis("%s: releasing tx [%d, %d) rx [%d, %d)",
2052 			na->name,
2053 			priv->np_qfirst[NR_TX],
2054 			priv->np_qlast[NR_TX],
2055 			priv->np_qfirst[NR_RX],
2056 			priv->np_qlast[MR_RX]);
2058 	for_rx_tx(t) {
2059 		for (i = priv->np_qfirst[t]; i < priv->np_qlast[t]; i++) {
2060 			kring = NMR(na, t)[i];
2061 			if (excl)
2062 				kring->nr_kflags &= ~NKR_EXCLUSIVE;
2063 			kring->users--;
2064 			if (kring->users == 0)
2065 				kring->nr_pending_mode = NKR_NETMAP_OFF;
2066 		}
2067 	}
2068 }
2070 static int
2071 nm_priv_rx_enabled(struct netmap_priv_d *priv)
2072 {
2073 	return (priv->np_qfirst[NR_RX] != priv->np_qlast[NR_RX]);
2074 }
2076 /* Validate the CSB entries for both directions (atok and ktoa).
2077  * To be called under NMG_LOCK(). */
2078 static int
2079 netmap_csb_validate(struct netmap_priv_d *priv, struct nmreq_opt_csb *csbo)
2080 {
2081 	struct nm_csb_atok *csb_atok_base =
2082 		(struct nm_csb_atok *)(uintptr_t)csbo->csb_atok;
2083 	struct nm_csb_ktoa *csb_ktoa_base =
2084 		(struct nm_csb_ktoa *)(uintptr_t)csbo->csb_ktoa;
2085 	enum txrx t;
2086 	int num_rings[NR_TXRX], tot_rings;
2087 	size_t entry_size[2];
2088 	void *csb_start[2];
2089 	int i;
2091 	if (priv->np_kloop_state & NM_SYNC_KLOOP_RUNNING) {
2092 		nm_prerr("Cannot update CSB while kloop is running");
2093 		return EBUSY;
2094 	}
2096 	tot_rings = 0;
2097 	for_rx_tx(t) {
2098 		num_rings[t] = priv->np_qlast[t] - priv->np_qfirst[t];
2099 		tot_rings += num_rings[t];
2100 	}
2101 	if (tot_rings <= 0)
2102 		return 0;
2104 	if (!(priv->np_flags & NR_EXCLUSIVE)) {
2105 		nm_prerr("CSB mode requires NR_EXCLUSIVE");
2106 		return EINVAL;
2107 	}
2109 	entry_size[0] = sizeof(*csb_atok_base);
2110 	entry_size[1] = sizeof(*csb_ktoa_base);
2111 	csb_start[0] = (void *)csb_atok_base;
2112 	csb_start[1] = (void *)csb_ktoa_base;
2114 	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
2115 		/* On Linux we could use access_ok() to simplify
2116 		 * the validation. However, the advantage of
2117 		 * this approach is that it works also on
2118 		 * FreeBSD. */
2119 		size_t csb_size = tot_rings * entry_size[i];
2120 		void *tmp;
2121 		int err;
2123 		if ((uintptr_t)csb_start[i] & (entry_size[i]-1)) {
2124 			nm_prerr("Unaligned CSB address");
2125 			return EINVAL;
2126 		}
2128 		tmp = nm_os_malloc(csb_size);
2129 		if (!tmp)
2130 			return ENOMEM;
2131 		if (i == 0) {
2132 			/* Application --> kernel direction. */
2133 			err = copyin(csb_start[i], tmp, csb_size);
2134 		} else {
2135 			/* Kernel --> application direction. */
2136 			memset(tmp, 0, csb_size);
2137 			err = copyout(tmp, csb_start[i], csb_size);
2138 		}
2139 		nm_os_free(tmp);
2140 		if (err) {
2141 			nm_prerr("Invalid CSB address");
2142 			return err;
2143 		}
2144 	}
2146 	priv->np_csb_atok_base = csb_atok_base;
2147 	priv->np_csb_ktoa_base = csb_ktoa_base;
2149 	/* Initialize the CSB. */
2150 	for_rx_tx(t) {
2151 		for (i = 0; i < num_rings[t]; i++) {
2152 			struct netmap_kring *kring =
2153 				NMR(priv->np_na, t)[i + priv->np_qfirst[t]];
2154 			struct nm_csb_atok *csb_atok = csb_atok_base + i;
2155 			struct nm_csb_ktoa *csb_ktoa = csb_ktoa_base + i;
2157 			if (t == NR_RX) {
2158 				csb_atok += num_rings[NR_TX];
2159 				csb_ktoa += num_rings[NR_TX];
2160 			}
2162 			CSB_WRITE(csb_atok, head, kring->rhead);
2163 			CSB_WRITE(csb_atok, cur, kring->rcur);
2164 			CSB_WRITE(csb_atok, appl_need_kick, 1);
2165 			CSB_WRITE(csb_atok, sync_flags, 1);
2166 			CSB_WRITE(csb_ktoa, hwcur, kring->nr_hwcur);
2167 			CSB_WRITE(csb_ktoa, hwtail, kring->nr_hwtail);
2168 			CSB_WRITE(csb_ktoa, kern_need_kick, 1);
2170 			nm_prinf("csb_init for kring %s: head %u, cur %u, "
2171 				"hwcur %u, hwtail %u", kring->name,
2172 				kring->rhead, kring->rcur, kring->nr_hwcur,
2173 				kring->nr_hwtail);
2174 		}
2175 	}
2177 	return 0;
2178 }
2180 /* Ensure that the netmap adapter can support the given MTU.
2181  * @return EINVAL if the na cannot be set to mtu, 0 otherwise.
2182  */
2183 int
2184 netmap_buf_size_validate(const struct netmap_adapter *na, unsigned mtu) {
2185 	unsigned nbs = NETMAP_BUF_SIZE(na);
2187 	if (mtu <= na->rx_buf_maxsize) {
2188 		/* The MTU fits a single NIC slot. We only
2189 		 * Need to check that netmap buffers are
2190 		 * large enough to hold an MTU. NS_MOREFRAG
2191 		 * cannot be used in this case. */
2192 		if (nbs < mtu) {
2193 			nm_prerr("error: netmap buf size (%u) "
2194 				 "< device MTU (%u)", nbs, mtu);
2195 			return EINVAL;
2196 		}
2197 	} else {
2198 		/* More NIC slots may be needed to receive
2199 		 * or transmit a single packet. Check that
2200 		 * the adapter supports NS_MOREFRAG and that
2201 		 * netmap buffers are large enough to hold
2202 		 * the maximum per-slot size. */
2203 		if (!(na->na_flags & NAF_MOREFRAG)) {
2204 			nm_prerr("error: large MTU (%d) needed "
2205 				 "but %s does not support "
2206 				 "NS_MOREFRAG", mtu,
2207 				 na->ifp->if_xname);
2208 			return EINVAL;
2209 		} else if (nbs < na->rx_buf_maxsize) {
2210 			nm_prerr("error: using NS_MOREFRAG on "
2211 				 "%s requires netmap buf size "
2212 				 ">= %u", na->ifp->if_xname,
2213 				 na->rx_buf_maxsize);
2214 			return EINVAL;
2215 		} else {
2216 			nm_prinf("info: netmap application on "
2217 				 "%s needs to support "
2218 				 "NS_MOREFRAG "
2219 				 "(MTU=%u,netmap_buf_size=%u)",
2220 				 na->ifp->if_xname, mtu, nbs);
2221 		}
2222 	}
2223 	return 0;
2224 }
2227 /*
2228  * possibly move the interface to netmap-mode.
2229  * If success it returns a pointer to netmap_if, otherwise NULL.
2230  * This must be called with NMG_LOCK held.
2231  *
2232  * The following na callbacks are called in the process:
2233  *
2234  * na->nm_config()			[by netmap_update_config]
2235  * (get current number and size of rings)
2236  *
2237  *  	We have a generic one for linux (netmap_linux_config).
2238  *  	The bwrap has to override this, since it has to forward
2239  *  	the request to the wrapped adapter (netmap_bwrap_config).
2240  *
2241  *
2242  * na->nm_krings_create()
2243  * (create and init the krings array)
2244  *
2245  * 	One of the following:
2246  *
2247  *	* netmap_hw_krings_create, 			(hw ports)
2248  *		creates the standard layout for the krings
2249  * 		and adds the mbq (used for the host rings).
2250  *
2251  * 	* netmap_vp_krings_create			(VALE ports)
2252  * 		add leases and scratchpads
2253  *
2254  * 	* netmap_pipe_krings_create			(pipes)
2255  * 		create the krings and rings of both ends and
2256  * 		cross-link them
2257  *
2258  *      * netmap_monitor_krings_create 			(monitors)
2259  *      	avoid allocating the mbq
2260  *
2261  *      * netmap_bwrap_krings_create			(bwraps)
2262  *      	create both the brap krings array,
2263  *      	the krings array of the wrapped adapter, and
2264  *      	(if needed) the fake array for the host adapter
2265  *
2266  * na->nm_register(, 1)
2267  * (put the adapter in netmap mode)
2268  *
2269  * 	This may be one of the following:
2270  *
2271  * 	* netmap_hw_reg				        (hw ports)
2272  * 		checks that the ifp is still there, then calls
2273  * 		the hardware specific callback;
2274  *
2275  * 	* netmap_vp_reg					(VALE ports)
2276  *		If the port is connected to a bridge,
2277  *		set the NAF_NETMAP_ON flag under the
2278  *		bridge write lock.
2279  *
2280  *	* netmap_pipe_reg				(pipes)
2281  *		inform the other pipe end that it is no
2282  *		longer responsible for the lifetime of this
2283  *		pipe end
2284  *
2285  *	* netmap_monitor_reg				(monitors)
2286  *		intercept the sync callbacks of the monitored
2287  *		rings
2288  *
2289  *	* netmap_bwrap_reg				(bwraps)
2290  *		cross-link the bwrap and hwna rings,
2291  *		forward the request to the hwna, override
2292  *		the hwna notify callback (to get the frames
2293  *		coming from outside go through the bridge).
2294  *
2295  *
2296  */
2297 int
2298 netmap_do_regif(struct netmap_priv_d *priv, struct netmap_adapter *na,
2299 	uint32_t nr_mode, uint16_t nr_ringid, uint64_t nr_flags)
2300 {
2301 	struct netmap_if *nifp = NULL;
2302 	int error;
2305 	priv->np_na = na;     /* store the reference */
2306 	error = netmap_mem_finalize(na->nm_mem, na);
2307 	if (error)
2308 		goto err;
2310 	if (na->active_fds == 0) {
2312 		/* cache the allocator info in the na */
2313 		error = netmap_mem_get_lut(na->nm_mem, &na->na_lut);
2314 		if (error)
2315 			goto err_drop_mem;
2316 		nm_prdis("lut %p bufs %u size %u", na->na_lut.lut, na->na_lut.objtotal,
2317 					    na->na_lut.objsize);
2319 		/* ring configuration may have changed, fetch from the card */
2320 		netmap_update_config(na);
2321 	}
2323 	/* compute the range of tx and rx rings to monitor */
2324 	error = netmap_set_ringid(priv, nr_mode, nr_ringid, nr_flags);
2325 	if (error)
2326 		goto err_put_lut;
2328 	if (na->active_fds == 0) {
2329 		/*
2330 		 * If this is the first registration of the adapter,
2331 		 * perform sanity checks and create the in-kernel view
2332 		 * of the netmap rings (the netmap krings).
2333 		 */
2334 		if (na->ifp && nm_priv_rx_enabled(priv)) {
2335 			/* This netmap adapter is attached to an ifnet. */
2336 			unsigned mtu = nm_os_ifnet_mtu(na->ifp);
2338 			nm_prdis("%s: mtu %d rx_buf_maxsize %d netmap_buf_size %d",
2339 				na->name, mtu, na->rx_buf_maxsize, NETMAP_BUF_SIZE(na));
2341 			if (na->rx_buf_maxsize == 0) {
2342 				nm_prerr("%s: error: rx_buf_maxsize == 0", na->name);
2343 				error = EIO;
2344 				goto err_drop_mem;
2345 			}
2347 			error = netmap_buf_size_validate(na, mtu);
2348 			if (error)
2349 				goto err_drop_mem;
2350 		}
2352 		/*
2353 		 * Depending on the adapter, this may also create
2354 		 * the netmap rings themselves
2355 		 */
2356 		error = na->nm_krings_create(na);
2357 		if (error)
2358 			goto err_put_lut;
2360 	}
2362 	/* now the krings must exist and we can check whether some
2363 	 * previous bind has exclusive ownership on them, and set
2364 	 * nr_pending_mode
2365 	 */
2366 	error = netmap_krings_get(priv);
2367 	if (error)
2368 		goto err_del_krings;
2370 	/* create all needed missing netmap rings */
2371 	error = netmap_mem_rings_create(na);
2372 	if (error)
2373 		goto err_rel_excl;
2375 	/* in all cases, create a new netmap if */
2376 	nifp = netmap_mem_if_new(na, priv);
2377 	if (nifp == NULL) {
2378 		error = ENOMEM;
2379 		goto err_rel_excl;
2380 	}
2382 	if (nm_kring_pending(priv)) {
2383 		/* Some kring is switching mode, tell the adapter to
2384 		 * react on this. */
2385 		error = na->nm_register(na, 1);
2386 		if (error)
2387 			goto err_del_if;
2388 	}
2390 	/* Commit the reference. */
2391 	na->active_fds++;
2393 	/*
2394 	 * advertise that the interface is ready by setting np_nifp.
2395 	 * The barrier is needed because readers (poll, *SYNC and mmap)
2396 	 * check for priv->np_nifp != NULL without locking
2397 	 */
2398 	mb(); /* make sure previous writes are visible to all CPUs */
2399 	priv->np_nifp = nifp;
2401 	return 0;
2403 err_del_if:
2404 	netmap_mem_if_delete(na, nifp);
2405 err_rel_excl:
2406 	netmap_krings_put(priv);
2407 	netmap_mem_rings_delete(na);
2408 err_del_krings:
2409 	if (na->active_fds == 0)
2410 		na->nm_krings_delete(na);
2411 err_put_lut:
2412 	if (na->active_fds == 0)
2413 		memset(&na->na_lut, 0, sizeof(na->na_lut));
2414 err_drop_mem:
2415 	netmap_mem_drop(na);
2416 err:
2417 	priv->np_na = NULL;
2418 	return error;
2419 }
2422 /*
2423  * update kring and ring at the end of rxsync/txsync.
2424  */
2425 static inline void
2426 nm_sync_finalize(struct netmap_kring *kring)
2427 {
2428 	/*
2429 	 * Update ring tail to what the kernel knows
2430 	 * After txsync: head/rhead/hwcur might be behind cur/rcur
2431 	 * if no carrier.
2432 	 */
2433 	kring->ring->tail = kring->rtail = kring->nr_hwtail;
2435 	nm_prdis(5, "%s now hwcur %d hwtail %d head %d cur %d tail %d",
2436 		kring->name, kring->nr_hwcur, kring->nr_hwtail,
2437 		kring->rhead, kring->rcur, kring->rtail);
2438 }
2440 /* set ring timestamp */
2441 static inline void
2442 ring_timestamp_set(struct netmap_ring *ring)
2443 {
2444 	if (netmap_no_timestamp == 0 || ring->flags & NR_TIMESTAMP) {
2445 		microtime(&ring->ts);
2446 	}
2447 }
2449 static int nmreq_copyin(struct nmreq_header *, int);
2450 static int nmreq_copyout(struct nmreq_header *, int);
2451 static int nmreq_checkoptions(struct nmreq_header *);
2453 /*
2454  * ioctl(2) support for the "netmap" device.
2455  *
2456  * Following a list of accepted commands:
2457  * - NIOCCTRL		device control API
2458  * - NIOCTXSYNC		sync TX rings
2459  * - NIOCRXSYNC		sync RX rings
2460  * - SIOCGIFADDR	just for convenience
2461  * - NIOCGINFO		deprecated (legacy API)
2462  * - NIOCREGIF		deprecated (legacy API)
2463  *
2464  * Return 0 on success, errno otherwise.
2465  */
2466 int
2467 netmap_ioctl(struct netmap_priv_d *priv, u_long cmd, caddr_t data,
2468 		struct thread *td, int nr_body_is_user)
2469 {
2470 	struct mbq q;	/* packets from RX hw queues to host stack */
2471 	struct netmap_adapter *na = NULL;
2472 	struct netmap_mem_d *nmd = NULL;
2473 	struct ifnet *ifp = NULL;
2474 	int error = 0;
2475 	u_int i, qfirst, qlast;
2476 	struct netmap_kring **krings;
2477 	int sync_flags;
2478 	enum txrx t;
2480 	switch (cmd) {
2481 	case NIOCCTRL: {
2482 		struct nmreq_header *hdr = (struct nmreq_header *)data;
2484 		if (hdr->nr_version < NETMAP_MIN_API ||
2485 		    hdr->nr_version > NETMAP_MAX_API) {
2486 			nm_prerr("API mismatch: got %d need %d",
2487 				hdr->nr_version, NETMAP_API);
2488 			return EINVAL;
2489 		}
2491 		/* Make a kernel-space copy of the user-space nr_body.
2492 		 * For convenince, the nr_body pointer and the pointers
2493 		 * in the options list will be replaced with their
2494 		 * kernel-space counterparts. The original pointers are
2495 		 * saved internally and later restored by nmreq_copyout
2496 		 */
2497 		error = nmreq_copyin(hdr, nr_body_is_user);
2498 		if (error) {
2499 			return error;
2500 		}
2502 		/* Sanitize hdr->nr_name. */
2503 		hdr->nr_name[sizeof(hdr->nr_name) - 1] = '\0';
2505 		switch (hdr->nr_reqtype) {
2506 		case NETMAP_REQ_REGISTER: {
2507 			struct nmreq_register *req =
2508 				(struct nmreq_register *)(uintptr_t)hdr->nr_body;
2509 			struct netmap_if *nifp;
2511 			/* Protect access to priv from concurrent requests. */
2512 			NMG_LOCK();
2513 			do {
2514 				struct nmreq_option *opt;
2515 				u_int memflags;
2517 				if (priv->np_nifp != NULL) {	/* thread already registered */
2518 					error = EBUSY;
2519 					break;
2520 				}
2522 #ifdef WITH_EXTMEM
2523 				opt = nmreq_getoption(hdr, NETMAP_REQ_OPT_EXTMEM);
2524 				if (opt != NULL) {
2525 					struct nmreq_opt_extmem *e =
2526 						(struct nmreq_opt_extmem *)opt;
2528 					nmd = netmap_mem_ext_create(e->nro_usrptr,
2529 							&e->nro_info, &error);
2530 					opt->nro_status = error;
2531 					if (nmd == NULL)
2532 						break;
2533 				}
2534 #endif /* WITH_EXTMEM */
2536 				if (nmd == NULL && req->nr_mem_id) {
2537 					/* find the allocator and get a reference */
2538 					nmd = netmap_mem_find(req->nr_mem_id);
2539 					if (nmd == NULL) {
2540 						if (netmap_verbose) {
2541 							nm_prerr("%s: failed to find mem_id %u",
2542 									hdr->nr_name, req->nr_mem_id);
2543 						}
2544 						error = EINVAL;
2545 						break;
2546 					}
2547 				}
2548 				/* find the interface and a reference */
2549 				error = netmap_get_na(hdr, &na, &ifp, nmd,
2550 						      1 /* create */); /* keep reference */
2551 				if (error)
2552 					break;
2553 				if (NETMAP_OWNED_BY_KERN(na)) {
2554 					error = EBUSY;
2555 					break;
2556 				}
2558 				if (na->virt_hdr_len && !(req->nr_flags & NR_ACCEPT_VNET_HDR)) {
2559 					nm_prerr("virt_hdr_len=%d, but application does "
2560 						"not accept it", na->virt_hdr_len);
2561 					error = EIO;
2562 					break;
2563 				}
2565 				error = netmap_do_regif(priv, na, req->nr_mode,
2566 							req->nr_ringid, req->nr_flags);
2567 				if (error) {    /* reg. failed, release priv and ref */
2568 					break;
2569 				}
2571 				opt = nmreq_getoption(hdr, NETMAP_REQ_OPT_CSB);
2572 				if (opt != NULL) {
2573 					struct nmreq_opt_csb *csbo =
2574 						(struct nmreq_opt_csb *)opt;
2575 					error = netmap_csb_validate(priv, csbo);
2576 					opt->nro_status = error;
2577 					if (error) {
2578 						netmap_do_unregif(priv);
2579 						break;
2580 					}
2581 				}
2583 				nifp = priv->np_nifp;
2585 				/* return the offset of the netmap_if object */
2586 				req->nr_rx_rings = na->num_rx_rings;
2587 				req->nr_tx_rings = na->num_tx_rings;
2588 				req->nr_rx_slots = na->num_rx_desc;
2589 				req->nr_tx_slots = na->num_tx_desc;
2590 				req->nr_host_tx_rings = na->num_host_tx_rings;
2591 				req->nr_host_rx_rings = na->num_host_rx_rings;
2592 				error = netmap_mem_get_info(na->nm_mem, &req->nr_memsize, &memflags,
2593 					&req->nr_mem_id);
2594 				if (error) {
2595 					netmap_do_unregif(priv);
2596 					break;
2597 				}
2598 				if (memflags & NETMAP_MEM_PRIVATE) {
2599 					*(uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)&nifp->ni_flags |= NI_PRIV_MEM;
2600 				}
2601 				for_rx_tx(t) {
2602 					priv->np_si[t] = nm_si_user(priv, t) ?
2603 						&na->si[t] : &NMR(na, t)[priv->np_qfirst[t]]->si;
2604 				}
2606 				if (req->nr_extra_bufs) {
2607 					if (netmap_verbose)
2608 						nm_prinf("requested %d extra buffers",
2609 							req->nr_extra_bufs);
2610 					req->nr_extra_bufs = netmap_extra_alloc(na,
2611 						&nifp->ni_bufs_head, req->nr_extra_bufs);
2612 					if (netmap_verbose)
2613 						nm_prinf("got %d extra buffers", req->nr_extra_bufs);
2614 				}
2615 				req->nr_offset = netmap_mem_if_offset(na->nm_mem, nifp);
2617 				error = nmreq_checkoptions(hdr);
2618 				if (error) {
2619 					netmap_do_unregif(priv);
2620 					break;
2621 				}
2623 				/* store ifp reference so that priv destructor may release it */
2624 				priv->np_ifp = ifp;
2625 			} while (0);
2626 			if (error) {
2627 				netmap_unget_na(na, ifp);
2628 			}
2629 			/* release the reference from netmap_mem_find() or
2630 			 * netmap_mem_ext_create()
2631 			 */
2632 			if (nmd)
2633 				netmap_mem_put(nmd);
2634 			NMG_UNLOCK();
2635 			break;
2636 		}
2639 			struct nmreq_port_info_get *req =
2640 				(struct nmreq_port_info_get *)(uintptr_t)hdr->nr_body;
2642 			NMG_LOCK();
2643 			do {
2644 				u_int memflags;
2646 				if (hdr->nr_name[0] != '\0') {
2647 					/* Build a nmreq_register out of the nmreq_port_info_get,
2648 					 * so that we can call netmap_get_na(). */
2649 					struct nmreq_register regreq;
2650 					bzero(&regreq, sizeof(regreq));
2651 					regreq.nr_mode = NR_REG_ALL_NIC;
2652 					regreq.nr_tx_slots = req->nr_tx_slots;
2653 					regreq.nr_rx_slots = req->nr_rx_slots;
2654 					regreq.nr_tx_rings = req->nr_tx_rings;
2655 					regreq.nr_rx_rings = req->nr_rx_rings;
2656 					regreq.nr_host_tx_rings = req->nr_host_tx_rings;
2657 					regreq.nr_host_rx_rings = req->nr_host_rx_rings;
2658 					regreq.nr_mem_id = req->nr_mem_id;
2660 					/* get a refcount */
2661 					hdr->nr_reqtype = NETMAP_REQ_REGISTER;
2662 					hdr->nr_body = (uintptr_t)&regreq;
2663 					error = netmap_get_na(hdr, &na, &ifp, NULL, 1 /* create */);
2664 					hdr->nr_reqtype = NETMAP_REQ_PORT_INFO_GET; /* reset type */
2665 					hdr->nr_body = (uintptr_t)req; /* reset nr_body */
2666 					if (error) {
2667 						na = NULL;
2668 						ifp = NULL;
2669 						break;
2670 					}
2671 					nmd = na->nm_mem; /* get memory allocator */
2672 				} else {
2673 					nmd = netmap_mem_find(req->nr_mem_id ? req->nr_mem_id : 1);
2674 					if (nmd == NULL) {
2675 						if (netmap_verbose)
2676 							nm_prerr("%s: failed to find mem_id %u",
2677 									hdr->nr_name,
2678 									req->nr_mem_id ? req->nr_mem_id : 1);
2679 						error = EINVAL;
2680 						break;
2681 					}
2682 				}
2684 				error = netmap_mem_get_info(nmd, &req->nr_memsize, &memflags,
2685 					&req->nr_mem_id);
2686 				if (error)
2687 					break;
2688 				if (na == NULL) /* only memory info */
2689 					break;
2690 				netmap_update_config(na);
2691 				req->nr_rx_rings = na->num_rx_rings;
2692 				req->nr_tx_rings = na->num_tx_rings;
2693 				req->nr_rx_slots = na->num_rx_desc;
2694 				req->nr_tx_slots = na->num_tx_desc;
2695 				req->nr_host_tx_rings = na->num_host_tx_rings;
2696 				req->nr_host_rx_rings = na->num_host_rx_rings;
2697 			} while (0);
2698 			netmap_unget_na(na, ifp);
2699 			NMG_UNLOCK();
2700 			break;
2701 		}
2702 #ifdef WITH_VALE
2704 			error = netmap_vale_attach(hdr, NULL /* userspace request */);
2705 			break;
2706 		}
2709 			error = netmap_vale_detach(hdr, NULL /* userspace request */);
2710 			break;
2711 		}
2713 		case NETMAP_REQ_VALE_LIST: {
2714 			error = netmap_vale_list(hdr);
2715 			break;
2716 		}
2718 		case NETMAP_REQ_PORT_HDR_SET: {
2719 			struct nmreq_port_hdr *req =
2720 				(struct nmreq_port_hdr *)(uintptr_t)hdr->nr_body;
2721 			/* Build a nmreq_register out of the nmreq_port_hdr,
2722 			 * so that we can call netmap_get_bdg_na(). */
2723 			struct nmreq_register regreq;
2724 			bzero(&regreq, sizeof(regreq));
2725 			regreq.nr_mode = NR_REG_ALL_NIC;
2727 			/* For now we only support virtio-net headers, and only for
2728 			 * VALE ports, but this may change in future. Valid lengths
2729 			 * for the virtio-net header are 0 (no header), 10 and 12. */
2730 			if (req->nr_hdr_len != 0 &&
2731 				req->nr_hdr_len != sizeof(struct nm_vnet_hdr) &&
2732 					req->nr_hdr_len != 12) {
2733 				if (netmap_verbose)
2734 					nm_prerr("invalid hdr_len %u", req->nr_hdr_len);
2735 				error = EINVAL;
2736 				break;
2737 			}
2738 			NMG_LOCK();
2739 			hdr->nr_reqtype = NETMAP_REQ_REGISTER;
2740 			hdr->nr_body = (uintptr_t)&regreq;
2741 			error = netmap_get_vale_na(hdr, &na, NULL, 0);
2742 			hdr->nr_reqtype = NETMAP_REQ_PORT_HDR_SET;
2743 			hdr->nr_body = (uintptr_t)req;
2744 			if (na && !error) {
2745 				struct netmap_vp_adapter *vpna =
2746 					(struct netmap_vp_adapter *)na;
2747 				na->virt_hdr_len = req->nr_hdr_len;
2748 				if (na->virt_hdr_len) {
2749 					vpna->mfs = NETMAP_BUF_SIZE(na);
2750 				}
2751 				if (netmap_verbose)
2752 					nm_prinf("Using vnet_hdr_len %d for %p", na->virt_hdr_len, na);
2753 				netmap_adapter_put(na);
2754 			} else if (!na) {
2755 				error = ENXIO;
2756 			}
2757 			NMG_UNLOCK();
2758 			break;
2759 		}
2761 		case NETMAP_REQ_PORT_HDR_GET: {
2762 			/* Get vnet-header length for this netmap port */
2763 			struct nmreq_port_hdr *req =
2764 				(struct nmreq_port_hdr *)(uintptr_t)hdr->nr_body;
2765 			/* Build a nmreq_register out of the nmreq_port_hdr,
2766 			 * so that we can call netmap_get_bdg_na(). */
2767 			struct nmreq_register regreq;
2768 			struct ifnet *ifp;
2770 			bzero(&regreq, sizeof(regreq));
2771 			regreq.nr_mode = NR_REG_ALL_NIC;
2772 			NMG_LOCK();
2773 			hdr->nr_reqtype = NETMAP_REQ_REGISTER;
2774 			hdr->nr_body = (uintptr_t)&regreq;
2775 			error = netmap_get_na(hdr, &na, &ifp, NULL, 0);
2776 			hdr->nr_reqtype = NETMAP_REQ_PORT_HDR_GET;
2777 			hdr->nr_body = (uintptr_t)req;
2778 			if (na && !error) {
2779 				req->nr_hdr_len = na->virt_hdr_len;
2780 			}
2781 			netmap_unget_na(na, ifp);
2782 			NMG_UNLOCK();
2783 			break;
2784 		}
2786 		case NETMAP_REQ_VALE_NEWIF: {
2787 			error = nm_vi_create(hdr);
2788 			break;
2789 		}
2791 		case NETMAP_REQ_VALE_DELIF: {
2792 			error = nm_vi_destroy(hdr->nr_name);
2793 			break;
2794 		}
2798 			error = nm_bdg_polling(hdr);
2799 			break;
2800 		}
2801 #endif  /* WITH_VALE */
2803 			/* Get information from the memory allocator used for
2804 			 * hdr->nr_name. */
2805 			struct nmreq_pools_info *req =
2806 				(struct nmreq_pools_info *)(uintptr_t)hdr->nr_body;
2807 			NMG_LOCK();
2808 			do {
2809 				/* Build a nmreq_register out of the nmreq_pools_info,
2810 				 * so that we can call netmap_get_na(). */
2811 				struct nmreq_register regreq;
2812 				bzero(&regreq, sizeof(regreq));
2813 				regreq.nr_mem_id = req->nr_mem_id;
2814 				regreq.nr_mode = NR_REG_ALL_NIC;
2816 				hdr->nr_reqtype = NETMAP_REQ_REGISTER;
2817 				hdr->nr_body = (uintptr_t)&regreq;
2818 				error = netmap_get_na(hdr, &na, &ifp, NULL, 1 /* create */);
2819 				hdr->nr_reqtype = NETMAP_REQ_POOLS_INFO_GET; /* reset type */
2820 				hdr->nr_body = (uintptr_t)req; /* reset nr_body */
2821 				if (error) {
2822 					na = NULL;
2823 					ifp = NULL;
2824 					break;
2825 				}
2826 				nmd = na->nm_mem; /* grab the memory allocator */
2827 				if (nmd == NULL) {
2828 					error = EINVAL;
2829 					break;
2830 				}
2832 				/* Finalize the memory allocator, get the pools
2833 				 * information and release the allocator. */
2834 				error = netmap_mem_finalize(nmd, na);
2835 				if (error) {
2836 					break;
2837 				}
2838 				error = netmap_mem_pools_info_get(req, nmd);
2839 				netmap_mem_drop(na);
2840 			} while (0);
2841 			netmap_unget_na(na, ifp);
2842 			NMG_UNLOCK();
2843 			break;
2844 		}
2846 		case NETMAP_REQ_CSB_ENABLE: {
2847 			struct nmreq_option *opt;
2849 			opt = nmreq_getoption(hdr, NETMAP_REQ_OPT_CSB);
2850 			if (opt == NULL) {
2851 				error = EINVAL;
2852 			} else {
2853 				struct nmreq_opt_csb *csbo =
2854 					(struct nmreq_opt_csb *)opt;
2855 				NMG_LOCK();
2856 				error = netmap_csb_validate(priv, csbo);
2857 				NMG_UNLOCK();
2858 				opt->nro_status = error;
2859 			}
2860 			break;
2861 		}
2864 			error = netmap_sync_kloop(priv, hdr);
2865 			break;
2866 		}
2869 			error = netmap_sync_kloop_stop(priv);
2870 			break;
2871 		}
2873 		default: {
2874 			error = EINVAL;
2875 			break;
2876 		}
2877 		}
2878 		/* Write back request body to userspace and reset the
2879 		 * user-space pointer. */
2880 		error = nmreq_copyout(hdr, error);
2881 		break;
2882 	}
2884 	case NIOCTXSYNC:
2885 	case NIOCRXSYNC: {
2886 		if (unlikely(priv->np_nifp == NULL)) {
2887 			error = ENXIO;
2888 			break;
2889 		}
2890 		mb(); /* make sure following reads are not from cache */
2892 		if (unlikely(priv->np_csb_atok_base)) {
2893 			nm_prerr("Invalid sync in CSB mode");
2894 			error = EBUSY;
2895 			break;
2896 		}
2898 		na = priv->np_na;      /* we have a reference */
2900 		mbq_init(&q);
2901 		t = (cmd == NIOCTXSYNC ? NR_TX : NR_RX);
2902 		krings = NMR(na, t);
2903 		qfirst = priv->np_qfirst[t];
2904 		qlast = priv->np_qlast[t];
2905 		sync_flags = priv->np_sync_flags;
2907 		for (i = qfirst; i < qlast; i++) {
2908 			struct netmap_kring *kring = krings[i];
2909 			struct netmap_ring *ring = kring->ring;
2911 			if (unlikely(nm_kr_tryget(kring, 1, &error))) {
2912 				error = (error ? EIO : 0);
2913 				continue;
2914 			}
2916 			if (cmd == NIOCTXSYNC) {
2917 				if (netmap_debug & NM_DEBUG_TXSYNC)
2918 					nm_prinf("pre txsync ring %d cur %d hwcur %d",
2919 					    i, ring->cur,
2920 					    kring->nr_hwcur);
2921 				if (nm_txsync_prologue(kring, ring) >= kring->nkr_num_slots) {
2922 					netmap_ring_reinit(kring);
2923 				} else if (kring->nm_sync(kring, sync_flags | NAF_FORCE_RECLAIM) == 0) {
2924 					nm_sync_finalize(kring);
2925 				}
2926 				if (netmap_debug & NM_DEBUG_TXSYNC)
2927 					nm_prinf("post txsync ring %d cur %d hwcur %d",
2928 					    i, ring->cur,
2929 					    kring->nr_hwcur);
2930 			} else {
2931 				if (nm_rxsync_prologue(kring, ring) >= kring->nkr_num_slots) {
2932 					netmap_ring_reinit(kring);
2933 				}
2934 				if (nm_may_forward_up(kring)) {
2935 					/* transparent forwarding, see netmap_poll() */
2936 					netmap_grab_packets(kring, &q, netmap_fwd);
2937 				}
2938 				if (kring->nm_sync(kring, sync_flags | NAF_FORCE_READ) == 0) {
2939 					nm_sync_finalize(kring);
2940 				}
2941 				ring_timestamp_set(ring);
2942 			}
2943 			nm_kr_put(kring);
2944 		}
2946 		if (mbq_peek(&q)) {
2947 			netmap_send_up(na->ifp, &q);
2948 		}
2950 		break;
2951 	}
2953 	default: {
2954 		return netmap_ioctl_legacy(priv, cmd, data, td);
2955 		break;
2956 	}
2957 	}
2959 	return (error);
2960 }
2962 size_t
2963 nmreq_size_by_type(uint16_t nr_reqtype)
2964 {
2965 	switch (nr_reqtype) {
2967 		return sizeof(struct nmreq_register);
2969 		return sizeof(struct nmreq_port_info_get);
2971 		return sizeof(struct nmreq_vale_attach);
2973 		return sizeof(struct nmreq_vale_detach);
2975 		return sizeof(struct nmreq_vale_list);
2978 		return sizeof(struct nmreq_port_hdr);
2980 		return sizeof(struct nmreq_vale_newif);
2984 		return 0;
2987 		return sizeof(struct nmreq_vale_polling);
2989 		return sizeof(struct nmreq_pools_info);
2991 		return sizeof(struct nmreq_sync_kloop_start);
2992 	}
2993 	return 0;
2994 }
2996 static size_t
2997 nmreq_opt_size_by_type(uint32_t nro_reqtype, uint64_t nro_size)
2998 {
2999 	size_t rv = sizeof(struct nmreq_option);
3001 	if (nro_reqtype & NETMAP_REQ_OPT_DEBUG)
3002 		return (nro_reqtype & ~NETMAP_REQ_OPT_DEBUG);
3003 #endif /* NETMAP_REQ_OPT_DEBUG */
3004 	switch (nro_reqtype) {
3005 #ifdef WITH_EXTMEM
3007 		rv = sizeof(struct nmreq_opt_extmem);
3008 		break;
3009 #endif /* WITH_EXTMEM */
3011 		if (nro_size >= rv)
3012 			rv = nro_size;
3013 		break;
3014 	case NETMAP_REQ_OPT_CSB:
3015 		rv = sizeof(struct nmreq_opt_csb);
3016 		break;
3018 		rv = sizeof(struct nmreq_opt_sync_kloop_mode);
3019 		break;
3020 	}
3021 	/* subtract the common header */
3022 	return rv - sizeof(struct nmreq_option);
3023 }
3025 /*
3026  * nmreq_copyin: create an in-kernel version of the request.
3027  *
3028  * We build the following data structure:
3029  *
3030  * hdr -> +-------+                buf
3031  *        |       |          +---------------+
3032  *        +-------+          |usr body ptr   |
3033  *        |options|-.        +---------------+
3034  *        +-------+ |        |usr options ptr|
3035  *        |body   |--------->+---------------+
3036  *        +-------+ |        |               |
3037  *                  |        |  copy of body |
3038  *                  |        |               |
3039  *                  |        +---------------+
3040  *                  |        |    NULL       |
3041  *                  |        +---------------+
3042  *                  |    .---|               |\
3043  *                  |    |   +---------------+ |
3044  *                  | .------|               | |
3045  *                  | |  |   +---------------+  \ option table
3046  *                  | |  |   |      ...      |  / indexed by option
3047  *                  | |  |   +---------------+ |  type
3048  *                  | |  |   |               | |
3049  *                  | |  |   +---------------+/
3050  *                  | |  |   |usr next ptr 1 |
3051  *                  `-|----->+---------------+
3052  *                    |  |   | copy of opt 1 |
3053  *                    |  |   |               |
3054  *                    |  | .-| nro_next      |
3055  *                    |  | | +---------------+
3056  *                    |  | | |usr next ptr 2 |
3057  *                    |  `-`>+---------------+
3058  *                    |      | copy of opt 2 |
3059  *                    |      |               |
3060  *                    |    .-| nro_next      |
3061  *                    |    | +---------------+
3062  *                    |    | |               |
3063  *                    ~    ~ ~      ...      ~
3064  *                    |    .-|               |
3065  *                    `----->+---------------+
3066  *                         | |usr next ptr n |
3067  *                         `>+---------------+
3068  *                           | copy of opt n |
3069  *                           |               |
3070  *                           | nro_next(NULL)|
3071  *                           +---------------+
3072  *
3073  * The options and body fields of the hdr structure are overwritten
3074  * with in-kernel valid pointers inside the buf. The original user
3075  * pointers are saved in the buf and restored on copyout.
3076  * The list of options is copied and the pointers adjusted. The
3077  * original pointers are saved before the option they belonged.
3078  *
3079  * The option table has an entry for every availabe option.  Entries
3080  * for options that have not been passed contain NULL.
3081  *
3082  */
3084 int
3085 nmreq_copyin(struct nmreq_header *hdr, int nr_body_is_user)
3086 {
3087 	size_t rqsz, optsz, bufsz;
3088 	int error = 0;
3089 	char *ker = NULL, *p;
3090 	struct nmreq_option **next, *src, **opt_tab;
3091 	struct nmreq_option buf;
3092 	uint64_t *ptrs;
3094 	if (hdr->nr_reserved) {
3095 		if (netmap_verbose)
3096 			nm_prerr("nr_reserved must be zero");
3097 		return EINVAL;
3098 	}
3100 	if (!nr_body_is_user)
3101 		return 0;
3103 	hdr->nr_reserved = nr_body_is_user;
3105 	/* compute the total size of the buffer */
3106 	rqsz = nmreq_size_by_type(hdr->nr_reqtype);
3107 	if (rqsz > NETMAP_REQ_MAXSIZE) {
3108 		error = EMSGSIZE;
3109 		goto out_err;
3110 	}
3111 	if ((rqsz && hdr->nr_body == (uintptr_t)NULL) ||
3112 		(!rqsz && hdr->nr_body != (uintptr_t)NULL)) {
3113 		/* Request body expected, but not found; or
3114 		 * request body found but unexpected. */
3115 		if (netmap_verbose)
3116 			nm_prerr("nr_body expected but not found, or vice versa");
3117 		error = EINVAL;
3118 		goto out_err;
3119 	}
3121 	bufsz = 2 * sizeof(void *) + rqsz +
3122 		NETMAP_REQ_OPT_MAX * sizeof(opt_tab);
3123 	/* compute the size of the buf below the option table.
3124 	 * It must contain a copy of every received option structure.
3125 	 * For every option we also need to store a copy of the user
3126 	 * list pointer.
3127 	 */
3128 	optsz = 0;
3129 	for (src = (struct nmreq_option *)(uintptr_t)hdr->nr_options; src;
3130 	     src = (struct nmreq_option *)(uintptr_t)buf.nro_next)
3131 	{
3132 		error = copyin(src, &buf, sizeof(*src));
3133 		if (error)
3134 			goto out_err;
3135 		optsz += sizeof(*src);
3136 		optsz += nmreq_opt_size_by_type(buf.nro_reqtype, buf.nro_size);
3137 		if (rqsz + optsz > NETMAP_REQ_MAXSIZE) {
3138 			error = EMSGSIZE;
3139 			goto out_err;
3140 		}
3141 		bufsz += sizeof(void *);
3142 	}
3143 	bufsz += optsz;
3145 	ker = nm_os_malloc(bufsz);
3146 	if (ker == NULL) {
3147 		error = ENOMEM;
3148 		goto out_err;
3149 	}
3150 	p = ker;	/* write pointer into the buffer */
3152 	/* make a copy of the user pointers */
3153 	ptrs = (uint64_t*)p;
3154 	*ptrs++ = hdr->nr_body;
3155 	*ptrs++ = hdr->nr_options;
3156 	p = (char *)ptrs;
3158 	/* copy the body */
3159 	error = copyin((void *)(uintptr_t)hdr->nr_body, p, rqsz);
3160 	if (error)
3161 		goto out_restore;
3162 	/* overwrite the user pointer with the in-kernel one */
3163 	hdr->nr_body = (uintptr_t)p;
3164 	p += rqsz;
3165 	/* start of the options table */
3166 	opt_tab = (struct nmreq_option **)p;
3167 	p += sizeof(opt_tab) * NETMAP_REQ_OPT_MAX;
3169 	/* copy the options */
3170 	next = (struct nmreq_option **)&hdr->nr_options;
3171 	src = *next;
3172 	while (src) {
3173 		struct nmreq_option *opt;
3175 		/* copy the option header */
3176 		ptrs = (uint64_t *)p;
3177 		opt = (struct nmreq_option *)(ptrs + 1);
3178 		error = copyin(src, opt, sizeof(*src));
3179 		if (error)
3180 			goto out_restore;
3181 		/* make a copy of the user next pointer */
3182 		*ptrs = opt->nro_next;
3183 		/* overwrite the user pointer with the in-kernel one */
3184 		*next = opt;
3186 		/* initialize the option as not supported.
3187 		 * Recognized options will update this field.
3188 		 */
3189 		opt->nro_status = EOPNOTSUPP;
3191 		/* check for invalid types */
3192 		if (opt->nro_reqtype < 1) {
3193 			if (netmap_verbose)
3194 				nm_prinf("invalid option type: %u", opt->nro_reqtype);
3195 			opt->nro_status = EINVAL;
3196 			error = EINVAL;
3197 			goto next;
3198 		}
3200 		if (opt->nro_reqtype >= NETMAP_REQ_OPT_MAX) {
3201 			/* opt->nro_status is already EOPNOTSUPP */
3202 			error = EOPNOTSUPP;
3203 			goto next;
3204 		}
3206 		/* if the type is valid, index the option in the table
3207 		 * unless it is a duplicate.
3208 		 */
3209 		if (opt_tab[opt->nro_reqtype] != NULL) {
3210 			if (netmap_verbose)
3211 				nm_prinf("duplicate option: %u", opt->nro_reqtype);
3212 			opt->nro_status = EINVAL;
3213 			opt_tab[opt->nro_reqtype]->nro_status = EINVAL;
3214 			error = EINVAL;
3215 			goto next;
3216 		}
3217 		opt_tab[opt->nro_reqtype] = opt;
3219 		p = (char *)(opt + 1);
3221 		/* copy the option body */
3222 		optsz = nmreq_opt_size_by_type(opt->nro_reqtype,
3223 						opt->nro_size);
3224 		if (optsz) {
3225 			/* the option body follows the option header */
3226 			error = copyin(src + 1, p, optsz);
3227 			if (error)
3228 				goto out_restore;
3229 			p += optsz;
3230 		}
3232 	next:
3233 		/* move to next option */
3234 		next = (struct nmreq_option **)&opt->nro_next;
3235 		src = *next;
3236 	}
3237 	if (error)
3238 		nmreq_copyout(hdr, error);
3239 	return error;
3241 out_restore:
3242 	ptrs = (uint64_t *)ker;
3243 	hdr->nr_body = *ptrs++;
3244 	hdr->nr_options = *ptrs++;
3245 	hdr->nr_reserved = 0;
3246 	nm_os_free(ker);
3247 out_err:
3248 	return error;
3249 }
3251 static int
3252 nmreq_copyout(struct nmreq_header *hdr, int rerror)
3253 {
3254 	struct nmreq_option *src, *dst;
3255 	void *ker = (void *)(uintptr_t)hdr->nr_body, *bufstart;
3256 	uint64_t *ptrs;
3257 	size_t bodysz;
3258 	int error;
3260 	if (!hdr->nr_reserved)
3261 		return rerror;
3263 	/* restore the user pointers in the header */
3264 	ptrs = (uint64_t *)ker - 2;
3265 	bufstart = ptrs;
3266 	hdr->nr_body = *ptrs++;
3267 	src = (struct nmreq_option *)(uintptr_t)hdr->nr_options;
3268 	hdr->nr_options = *ptrs;
3270 	if (!rerror) {
3271 		/* copy the body */
3272 		bodysz = nmreq_size_by_type(hdr->nr_reqtype);
3273 		error = copyout(ker, (void *)(uintptr_t)hdr->nr_body, bodysz);
3274 		if (error) {
3275 			rerror = error;
3276 			goto out;
3277 		}
3278 	}
3280 	/* copy the options */
3281 	dst = (struct nmreq_option *)(uintptr_t)hdr->nr_options;
3282 	while (src) {
3283 		size_t optsz;
3284 		uint64_t next;
3286 		/* restore the user pointer */
3287 		next = src->nro_next;
3288 		ptrs = (uint64_t *)src - 1;
3289 		src->nro_next = *ptrs;
3291 		/* always copy the option header */
3292 		error = copyout(src, dst, sizeof(*src));
3293 		if (error) {
3294 			rerror = error;
3295 			goto out;
3296 		}
3298 		/* copy the option body only if there was no error */
3299 		if (!rerror && !src->nro_status) {
3300 			optsz = nmreq_opt_size_by_type(src->nro_reqtype,
3301 							src->nro_size);
3302 			if (optsz) {
3303 				error = copyout(src + 1, dst + 1, optsz);
3304 				if (error) {
3305 					rerror = error;
3306 					goto out;
3307 				}
3308 			}
3309 		}
3310 		src = (struct nmreq_option *)(uintptr_t)next;
3311 		dst = (struct nmreq_option *)(uintptr_t)*ptrs;
3312 	}
3315 out:
3316 	hdr->nr_reserved = 0;
3317 	nm_os_free(bufstart);
3318 	return rerror;
3319 }
3321 struct nmreq_option *
3322 nmreq_getoption(struct nmreq_header *hdr, uint16_t reqtype)
3323 {
3324 	struct nmreq_option **opt_tab;
3326 	if (!hdr->nr_options)
3327 		return NULL;
3329 	opt_tab = (struct nmreq_option **)((uintptr_t)hdr->nr_options) -
3330 	    (NETMAP_REQ_OPT_MAX + 1);
3331 	return opt_tab[reqtype];
3332 }
3334 static int
3335 nmreq_checkoptions(struct nmreq_header *hdr)
3336 {
3337 	struct nmreq_option *opt;
3338 	/* return error if there is still any option
3339 	 * marked as not supported
3340 	 */
3342 	for (opt = (struct nmreq_option *)(uintptr_t)hdr->nr_options; opt;
3343 	     opt = (struct nmreq_option *)(uintptr_t)opt->nro_next)
3344 		if (opt->nro_status == EOPNOTSUPP)
3345 			return EOPNOTSUPP;
3347 	return 0;
3348 }
3350 /*
3351  * select(2) and poll(2) handlers for the "netmap" device.
3352  *
3353  * Can be called for one or more queues.
3354  * Return true the event mask corresponding to ready events.
3355  * If there are no ready events (and 'sr' is not NULL), do a
3356  * selrecord on either individual selinfo or on the global one.
3357  * Device-dependent parts (locking and sync of tx/rx rings)
3358  * are done through callbacks.
3359  *
3360  * On linux, arguments are really pwait, the poll table, and 'td' is struct file *
3361  * The first one is remapped to pwait as selrecord() uses the name as an
3362  * hidden argument.
3363  */
3364 int
3365 netmap_poll(struct netmap_priv_d *priv, int events, NM_SELRECORD_T *sr)
3366 {
3367 	struct netmap_adapter *na;
3368 	struct netmap_kring *kring;
3369 	struct netmap_ring *ring;
3370 	u_int i, want[NR_TXRX], revents = 0;
3371 	NM_SELINFO_T *si[NR_TXRX];
3372 #define want_tx want[NR_TX]
3373 #define want_rx want[NR_RX]
3374 	struct mbq q;	/* packets from RX hw queues to host stack */
3376 	/*
3377 	 * In order to avoid nested locks, we need to "double check"
3378 	 * txsync and rxsync if we decide to do a selrecord().
3379 	 * retry_tx (and retry_rx, later) prevent looping forever.
3380 	 */
3381 	int retry_tx = 1, retry_rx = 1;
3383 	/* Transparent mode: send_down is 1 if we have found some
3384 	 * packets to forward (host RX ring --> NIC) during the rx
3385 	 * scan and we have not sent them down to the NIC yet.
3386 	 * Transparent mode requires to bind all rings to a single
3387 	 * file descriptor.
3388 	 */
3389 	int send_down = 0;
3390 	int sync_flags = priv->np_sync_flags;
3392 	mbq_init(&q);
3394 	if (unlikely(priv->np_nifp == NULL)) {
3395 		return POLLERR;
3396 	}
3397 	mb(); /* make sure following reads are not from cache */
3399 	na = priv->np_na;
3401 	if (unlikely(!nm_netmap_on(na)))
3402 		return POLLERR;
3404 	if (unlikely(priv->np_csb_atok_base)) {
3405 		nm_prerr("Invalid poll in CSB mode");
3406 		return POLLERR;
3407 	}
3409 	if (netmap_debug & NM_DEBUG_ON)
3410 		nm_prinf("device %s events 0x%x", na->name, events);
3411 	want_tx = events & (POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM);
3412 	want_rx = events & (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM);
3414 	/*
3415 	 * If the card has more than one queue AND the file descriptor is
3416 	 * bound to all of them, we sleep on the "global" selinfo, otherwise
3417 	 * we sleep on individual selinfo (FreeBSD only allows two selinfo's
3418 	 * per file descriptor).
3419 	 * The interrupt routine in the driver wake one or the other
3420 	 * (or both) depending on which clients are active.
3421 	 *
3422 	 * rxsync() is only called if we run out of buffers on a POLLIN.
3423 	 * txsync() is called if we run out of buffers on POLLOUT, or
3424 	 * there are pending packets to send. The latter can be disabled
3425 	 * passing NETMAP_NO_TX_POLL in the NIOCREG call.
3426 	 */
3427 	si[NR_RX] = priv->np_si[NR_RX];
3428 	si[NR_TX] = priv->np_si[NR_TX];
3430 #ifdef __FreeBSD__
3431 	/*
3432 	 * We start with a lock free round which is cheap if we have
3433 	 * slots available. If this fails, then lock and call the sync
3434 	 * routines. We can't do this on Linux, as the contract says
3435 	 * that we must call nm_os_selrecord() unconditionally.
3436 	 */
3437 	if (want_tx) {
3438 		const enum txrx t = NR_TX;
3439 		for (i = priv->np_qfirst[t]; i < priv->np_qlast[t]; i++) {
3440 			kring = NMR(na, t)[i];
3441 			if (kring->ring->cur != kring->ring->tail) {
3442 				/* Some unseen TX space is available, so what
3443 				 * we don't need to run txsync. */
3444 				revents |= want[t];
3445 				want[t] = 0;
3446 				break;
3447 			}
3448 		}
3449 	}
3450 	if (want_rx) {
3451 		const enum txrx t = NR_RX;
3452 		int rxsync_needed = 0;
3454 		for (i = priv->np_qfirst[t]; i < priv->np_qlast[t]; i++) {
3455 			kring = NMR(na, t)[i];
3456 			if (kring->ring->cur == kring->ring->tail
3457 				|| kring->rhead != kring->ring->head) {
3458 				/* There are no unseen packets on this ring,
3459 				 * or there are some buffers to be returned
3460 				 * to the netmap port. We therefore go ahead
3461 				 * and run rxsync. */
3462 				rxsync_needed = 1;
3463 				break;
3464 			}
3465 		}
3466 		if (!rxsync_needed) {
3467 			revents |= want_rx;
3468 			want_rx = 0;
3469 		}
3470 	}
3471 #endif
3473 #ifdef linux
3474 	/* The selrecord must be unconditional on linux. */
3475 	nm_os_selrecord(sr, si[NR_RX]);
3476 	nm_os_selrecord(sr, si[NR_TX]);
3477 #endif /* linux */
3479 	/*
3480 	 * If we want to push packets out (priv->np_txpoll) or
3481 	 * want_tx is still set, we must issue txsync calls
3482 	 * (on all rings, to avoid that the tx rings stall).
3483 	 * Fortunately, normal tx mode has np_txpoll set.
3484 	 */
3485 	if (priv->np_txpoll || want_tx) {
3486 		/*
3487 		 * The first round checks if anyone is ready, if not
3488 		 * do a selrecord and another round to handle races.
3489 		 * want_tx goes to 0 if any space is found, and is
3490 		 * used to skip rings with no pending transmissions.
3491 		 */
3492 flush_tx:
3493 		for (i = priv->np_qfirst[NR_TX]; i < priv->np_qlast[NR_TX]; i++) {
3494 			int found = 0;
3496 			kring = na->tx_rings[i];
3497 			ring = kring->ring;
3499 			/*
3500 			 * Don't try to txsync this TX ring if we already found some
3501 			 * space in some of the TX rings (want_tx == 0) and there are no
3502 			 * TX slots in this ring that need to be flushed to the NIC
3503 			 * (head == hwcur).
3504 			 */
3505 			if (!send_down && !want_tx && ring->head == kring->nr_hwcur)
3506 				continue;
3508 			if (nm_kr_tryget(kring, 1, &revents))
3509 				continue;
3511 			if (nm_txsync_prologue(kring, ring) >= kring->nkr_num_slots) {
3512 				netmap_ring_reinit(kring);
3513 				revents |= POLLERR;
3514 			} else {
3515 				if (kring->nm_sync(kring, sync_flags))
3516 					revents |= POLLERR;
3517 				else
3518 					nm_sync_finalize(kring);
3519 			}
3521 			/*
3522 			 * If we found new slots, notify potential
3523 			 * listeners on the same ring.
3524 			 * Since we just did a txsync, look at the copies
3525 			 * of cur,tail in the kring.
3526 			 */
3527 			found = kring->rcur != kring->rtail;
3528 			nm_kr_put(kring);
3529 			if (found) { /* notify other listeners */
3530 				revents |= want_tx;
3531 				want_tx = 0;
3532 #ifndef linux
3533 				kring->nm_notify(kring, 0);
3534 #endif /* linux */
3535 			}
3536 		}
3537 		/* if there were any packet to forward we must have handled them by now */
3538 		send_down = 0;
3539 		if (want_tx && retry_tx && sr) {
3540 #ifndef linux
3541 			nm_os_selrecord(sr, si[NR_TX]);
3542 #endif /* !linux */
3543 			retry_tx = 0;
3544 			goto flush_tx;
3545 		}
3546 	}
3548 	/*
3549 	 * If want_rx is still set scan receive rings.
3550 	 * Do it on all rings because otherwise we starve.
3551 	 */
3552 	if (want_rx) {
3553 		/* two rounds here for race avoidance */
3554 do_retry_rx:
3555 		for (i = priv->np_qfirst[NR_RX]; i < priv->np_qlast[NR_RX]; i++) {
3556 			int found = 0;
3558 			kring = na->rx_rings[i];
3559 			ring = kring->ring;
3561 			if (unlikely(nm_kr_tryget(kring, 1, &revents)))
3562 				continue;
3564 			if (nm_rxsync_prologue(kring, ring) >= kring->nkr_num_slots) {
3565 				netmap_ring_reinit(kring);
3566 				revents |= POLLERR;
3567 			}
3568 			/* now we can use kring->rcur, rtail */
3570 			/*
3571 			 * transparent mode support: collect packets from
3572 			 * hw rxring(s) that have been released by the user
3573 			 */
3574 			if (nm_may_forward_up(kring)) {
3575 				netmap_grab_packets(kring, &q, netmap_fwd);
3576 			}
3578 			/* Clear the NR_FORWARD flag anyway, it may be set by
3579 			 * the nm_sync() below only on for the host RX ring (see
3580 			 * netmap_rxsync_from_host()). */
3581 			kring->nr_kflags &= ~NR_FORWARD;
3582 			if (kring->nm_sync(kring, sync_flags))
3583 				revents |= POLLERR;
3584 			else
3585 				nm_sync_finalize(kring);
3586 			send_down |= (kring->nr_kflags & NR_FORWARD);
3587 			ring_timestamp_set(ring);
3588 			found = kring->rcur != kring->rtail;
3589 			nm_kr_put(kring);
3590 			if (found) {
3591 				revents |= want_rx;
3592 				retry_rx = 0;
3593 #ifndef linux
3594 				kring->nm_notify(kring, 0);
3595 #endif /* linux */
3596 			}
3597 		}
3599 #ifndef linux
3600 		if (retry_rx && sr) {
3601 			nm_os_selrecord(sr, si[NR_RX]);
3602 		}
3603 #endif /* !linux */
3604 		if (send_down || retry_rx) {
3605 			retry_rx = 0;
3606 			if (send_down)
3607 				goto flush_tx; /* and retry_rx */
3608 			else
3609 				goto do_retry_rx;
3610 		}
3611 	}
3613 	/*
3614 	 * Transparent mode: released bufs (i.e. between kring->nr_hwcur and
3615 	 * ring->head) marked with NS_FORWARD on hw rx rings are passed up
3616 	 * to the host stack.
3617 	 */
3619 	if (mbq_peek(&q)) {
3620 		netmap_send_up(na->ifp, &q);
3621 	}
3623 	return (revents);
3624 #undef want_tx
3625 #undef want_rx
3626 }
3628 int
3629 nma_intr_enable(struct netmap_adapter *na, int onoff)
3630 {
3631 	bool changed = false;
3632 	enum txrx t;
3633 	int i;
3635 	for_rx_tx(t) {
3636 		for (i = 0; i < nma_get_nrings(na, t); i++) {
3637 			struct netmap_kring *kring = NMR(na, t)[i];
3638 			int on = !(kring->nr_kflags & NKR_NOINTR);
3640 			if (!!onoff != !!on) {
3641 				changed = true;
3642 			}
3643 			if (onoff) {
3644 				kring->nr_kflags &= ~NKR_NOINTR;
3645 			} else {
3646 				kring->nr_kflags |= NKR_NOINTR;
3647 			}
3648 		}
3649 	}
3651 	if (!changed) {
3652 		return 0; /* nothing to do */
3653 	}
3655 	if (!na->nm_intr) {
3656 		nm_prerr("Cannot %s interrupts for %s", onoff ? "enable" : "disable",
3657 		  na->name);
3658 		return -1;
3659 	}
3661 	na->nm_intr(na, onoff);
3663 	return 0;
3664 }
3667 /*-------------------- driver support routines -------------------*/
3669 /* default notify callback */
3670 static int
3671 netmap_notify(struct netmap_kring *kring, int flags)
3672 {
3673 	struct netmap_adapter *na = kring->notify_na;
3674 	enum txrx t = kring->tx;
3676 	nm_os_selwakeup(&kring->si);
3677 	/* optimization: avoid a wake up on the global
3678 	 * queue if nobody has registered for more
3679 	 * than one ring
3680 	 */
3681 	if (na->si_users[t] > 0)
3682 		nm_os_selwakeup(&na->si[t]);
3684 	return NM_IRQ_COMPLETED;
3685 }
3687 /* called by all routines that create netmap_adapters.
3688  * provide some defaults and get a reference to the
3689  * memory allocator
3690  */
3691 int
3692 netmap_attach_common(struct netmap_adapter *na)
3693 {
3694 	if (!na->rx_buf_maxsize) {
3695 		/* Set a conservative default (larger is safer). */
3696 		na->rx_buf_maxsize = PAGE_SIZE;
3697 	}
3699 #ifdef __FreeBSD__
3700 	if (na->na_flags & NAF_HOST_RINGS && na->ifp) {
3701 		na->if_input = na->ifp->if_input; /* for netmap_send_up */
3702 	}
3703 	na->pdev = na; /* make sure netmap_mem_map() is called */
3704 #endif /* __FreeBSD__ */
3705 	if (na->na_flags & NAF_HOST_RINGS) {
3706 		if (na->num_host_rx_rings == 0)
3707 			na->num_host_rx_rings = 1;
3708 		if (na->num_host_tx_rings == 0)
3709 			na->num_host_tx_rings = 1;
3710 	}
3711 	if (na->nm_krings_create == NULL) {
3712 		/* we assume that we have been called by a driver,
3713 		 * since other port types all provide their own
3714 		 * nm_krings_create
3715 		 */
3716 		na->nm_krings_create = netmap_hw_krings_create;
3717 		na->nm_krings_delete = netmap_hw_krings_delete;
3718 	}
3719 	if (na->nm_notify == NULL)
3720 		na->nm_notify = netmap_notify;
3721 	na->active_fds = 0;
3723 	if (na->nm_mem == NULL) {
3724 		/* use the global allocator */
3725 		na->nm_mem = netmap_mem_get(&nm_mem);
3726 	}
3727 #ifdef WITH_VALE
3728 	if (na->nm_bdg_attach == NULL)
3729 		/* no special nm_bdg_attach callback. On VALE
3730 		 * attach, we need to interpose a bwrap
3731 		 */
3732 		na->nm_bdg_attach = netmap_default_bdg_attach;
3733 #endif
3735 	return 0;
3736 }
3738 /* Wrapper for the register callback provided netmap-enabled
3739  * hardware drivers.
3740  * nm_iszombie(na) means that the driver module has been
3741  * unloaded, so we cannot call into it.
3742  * nm_os_ifnet_lock() must guarantee mutual exclusion with
3743  * module unloading.
3744  */
3745 static int
3746 netmap_hw_reg(struct netmap_adapter *na, int onoff)
3747 {
3748 	struct netmap_hw_adapter *hwna =
3749 		(struct netmap_hw_adapter*)na;
3750 	int error = 0;
3752 	nm_os_ifnet_lock();
3754 	if (nm_iszombie(na)) {
3755 		if (onoff) {
3756 			error = ENXIO;
3757 		} else if (na != NULL) {
3758 			na->na_flags &= ~NAF_NETMAP_ON;
3759 		}
3760 		goto out;
3761 	}
3763 	error = hwna->nm_hw_register(na, onoff);
3765 out:
3766 	nm_os_ifnet_unlock();
3768 	return error;
3769 }
3771 static void
3772 netmap_hw_dtor(struct netmap_adapter *na)
3773 {
3774 	if (na->ifp == NULL)
3775 		return;
3777 	NM_DETACH_NA(na->ifp);
3778 }
3781 /*
3782  * Allocate a netmap_adapter object, and initialize it from the
3783  * 'arg' passed by the driver on attach.
3784  * We allocate a block of memory of 'size' bytes, which has room
3785  * for struct netmap_adapter plus additional room private to
3786  * the caller.
3787  * Return 0 on success, ENOMEM otherwise.
3788  */
3789 int
3790 netmap_attach_ext(struct netmap_adapter *arg, size_t size, int override_reg)
3791 {
3792 	struct netmap_hw_adapter *hwna = NULL;
3793 	struct ifnet *ifp = NULL;
3795 	if (size < sizeof(struct netmap_hw_adapter)) {
3796 		if (netmap_debug & NM_DEBUG_ON)
3797 			nm_prerr("Invalid netmap adapter size %d", (int)size);
3798 		return EINVAL;
3799 	}
3801 	if (arg == NULL || arg->ifp == NULL) {
3802 		if (netmap_debug & NM_DEBUG_ON)
3803 			nm_prerr("either arg or arg->ifp is NULL");
3804 		return EINVAL;
3805 	}
3807 	if (arg->num_tx_rings == 0 || arg->num_rx_rings == 0) {
3808 		if (netmap_debug & NM_DEBUG_ON)
3809 			nm_prerr("%s: invalid rings tx %d rx %d",
3810 				arg->name, arg->num_tx_rings, arg->num_rx_rings);
3811 		return EINVAL;
3812 	}
3814 	ifp = arg->ifp;
3815 	if (NM_NA_CLASH(ifp)) {
3816 		/* If NA(ifp) is not null but there is no valid netmap
3817 		 * adapter it means that someone else is using the same
3818 		 * pointer (e.g. ax25_ptr on linux). This happens for
3819 		 * instance when also PF_RING is in use. */
3820 		nm_prerr("Error: netmap adapter hook is busy");
3821 		return EBUSY;
3822 	}
3824 	hwna = nm_os_malloc(size);
3825 	if (hwna == NULL)
3826 		goto fail;
3827 	hwna->up = *arg;
3828 	hwna->up.na_flags |= NAF_HOST_RINGS | NAF_NATIVE;
3829 	strlcpy(hwna->up.name, ifp->if_xname, sizeof(hwna->up.name));
3830 	if (override_reg) {
3831 		hwna->nm_hw_register = hwna->up.nm_register;
3832 		hwna->up.nm_register = netmap_hw_reg;
3833 	}
3834 	if (netmap_attach_common(&hwna->up)) {
3835 		nm_os_free(hwna);
3836 		goto fail;
3837 	}
3838 	netmap_adapter_get(&hwna->up);
3840 	NM_ATTACH_NA(ifp, &hwna->up);
3842 	nm_os_onattach(ifp);
3844 	if (arg->nm_dtor == NULL) {
3845 		hwna->up.nm_dtor = netmap_hw_dtor;
3846 	}
3848 	if_printf(ifp, "netmap queues/slots: TX %d/%d, RX %d/%d\n",
3849 	    hwna->up.num_tx_rings, hwna->up.num_tx_desc,
3850 	    hwna->up.num_rx_rings, hwna->up.num_rx_desc);
3851 	return 0;
3853 fail:
3854 	nm_prerr("fail, arg %p ifp %p na %p", arg, ifp, hwna);
3855 	return (hwna ? EINVAL : ENOMEM);
3856 }
3859 int
3860 netmap_attach(struct netmap_adapter *arg)
3861 {
3862 	return netmap_attach_ext(arg, sizeof(struct netmap_hw_adapter),
3863 			1 /* override nm_reg */);
3864 }
3867 void
3868 NM_DBG(netmap_adapter_get)(struct netmap_adapter *na)
3869 {
3870 	if (!na) {
3871 		return;
3872 	}
3874 	refcount_acquire(&na->na_refcount);
3875 }
3878 /* returns 1 iff the netmap_adapter is destroyed */
3879 int
3880 NM_DBG(netmap_adapter_put)(struct netmap_adapter *na)
3881 {
3882 	if (!na)
3883 		return 1;
3885 	if (!refcount_release(&na->na_refcount))
3886 		return 0;
3888 	if (na->nm_dtor)
3889 		na->nm_dtor(na);
3891 	if (na->tx_rings) { /* XXX should not happen */
3892 		if (netmap_debug & NM_DEBUG_ON)
3893 			nm_prerr("freeing leftover tx_rings");
3894 		na->nm_krings_delete(na);
3895 	}
3896 	netmap_pipe_dealloc(na);
3897 	if (na->nm_mem)
3898 		netmap_mem_put(na->nm_mem);
3899 	bzero(na, sizeof(*na));
3900 	nm_os_free(na);
3902 	return 1;
3903 }
3905 /* nm_krings_create callback for all hardware native adapters */
3906 int
3907 netmap_hw_krings_create(struct netmap_adapter *na)
3908 {
3909 	int ret = netmap_krings_create(na, 0);
3910 	if (ret == 0) {
3911 		/* initialize the mbq for the sw rx ring */
3912 		u_int lim = netmap_real_rings(na, NR_RX), i;
3913 		for (i = na->num_rx_rings; i < lim; i++) {
3914 			mbq_safe_init(&NMR(na, NR_RX)[i]->rx_queue);
3915 		}
3916 		nm_prdis("initialized sw rx queue %d", na->num_rx_rings);
3917 	}
3918 	return ret;
3919 }
3923 /*
3924  * Called on module unload by the netmap-enabled drivers
3925  */
3926 void
3927 netmap_detach(struct ifnet *ifp)
3928 {
3929 	struct netmap_adapter *na = NA(ifp);
3931 	if (!na)
3932 		return;
3934 	NMG_LOCK();
3935 	netmap_set_all_rings(na, NM_KR_LOCKED);
3936 	/*
3937 	 * if the netmap adapter is not native, somebody
3938 	 * changed it, so we can not release it here.
3939 	 * The NAF_ZOMBIE flag will notify the new owner that
3940 	 * the driver is gone.
3941 	 */
3942 	if (!(na->na_flags & NAF_NATIVE) || !netmap_adapter_put(na)) {
3943 		na->na_flags |= NAF_ZOMBIE;
3944 	}
3945 	/* give active users a chance to notice that NAF_ZOMBIE has been
3946 	 * turned on, so that they can stop and return an error to userspace.
3947 	 * Note that this becomes a NOP if there are no active users and,
3948 	 * therefore, the put() above has deleted the na, since now NA(ifp) is
3949 	 * NULL.
3950 	 */
3951 	netmap_enable_all_rings(ifp);
3952 	NMG_UNLOCK();
3953 }
3956 /*
3957  * Intercept packets from the network stack and pass them
3958  * to netmap as incoming packets on the 'software' ring.
3959  *
3960  * We only store packets in a bounded mbq and then copy them
3961  * in the relevant rxsync routine.
3962  *
3963  * We rely on the OS to make sure that the ifp and na do not go
3964  * away (typically the caller checks for IFF_DRV_RUNNING or the like).
3965  * In nm_register() or whenever there is a reinitialization,
3966  * we make sure to make the mode change visible here.
3967  */
3968 int
3969 netmap_transmit(struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m)
3970 {
3971 	struct netmap_adapter *na = NA(ifp);
3972 	struct netmap_kring *kring, *tx_kring;
3973 	u_int len = MBUF_LEN(m);
3974 	u_int error = ENOBUFS;
3975 	unsigned int txr;
3976 	struct mbq *q;
3977 	int busy;
3978 	u_int i;
3980 	i = MBUF_TXQ(m);
3981 	if (i >= na->num_host_rx_rings) {
3982 		i = i % na->num_host_rx_rings;
3983 	}
3984 	kring = NMR(na, NR_RX)[nma_get_nrings(na, NR_RX) + i];
3986 	// XXX [Linux] we do not need this lock
3987 	// if we follow the down/configure/up protocol -gl
3988 	// mtx_lock(&na->core_lock);
3990 	if (!nm_netmap_on(na)) {
3991 		nm_prerr("%s not in netmap mode anymore", na->name);
3992 		error = ENXIO;
3993 		goto done;
3994 	}
3996 	txr = MBUF_TXQ(m);
3997 	if (txr >= na->num_tx_rings) {
3998 		txr %= na->num_tx_rings;
3999 	}
4000 	tx_kring = NMR(na, NR_TX)[txr];
4002 	if (tx_kring->nr_mode == NKR_NETMAP_OFF) {
4003 		return MBUF_TRANSMIT(na, ifp, m);
4004 	}
4006 	q = &kring->rx_queue;
4008 	// XXX reconsider long packets if we handle fragments
4009 	if (len > NETMAP_BUF_SIZE(na)) { /* too long for us */
4010 		nm_prerr("%s from_host, drop packet size %d > %d", na->name,
4011 			len, NETMAP_BUF_SIZE(na));
4012 		goto done;
4013 	}
4015 	if (!netmap_generic_hwcsum) {
4016 		if (nm_os_mbuf_has_csum_offld(m)) {
4017 			nm_prlim(1, "%s drop mbuf that needs checksum offload", na->name);
4018 			goto done;
4019 		}
4020 	}
4022 	if (nm_os_mbuf_has_seg_offld(m)) {
4023 		nm_prlim(1, "%s drop mbuf that needs generic segmentation offload", na->name);
4024 		goto done;
4025 	}
4027 #ifdef __FreeBSD__
4028 	ETHER_BPF_MTAP(ifp, m);
4029 #endif /* __FreeBSD__ */
4031 	/* protect against netmap_rxsync_from_host(), netmap_sw_to_nic()
4032 	 * and maybe other instances of netmap_transmit (the latter
4033 	 * not possible on Linux).
4034 	 * We enqueue the mbuf only if we are sure there is going to be
4035 	 * enough room in the host RX ring, otherwise we drop it.
4036 	 */
4037 	mbq_lock(q);
4039 	busy = kring->nr_hwtail - kring->nr_hwcur;
4040 	if (busy < 0)
4041 		busy += kring->nkr_num_slots;
4042 	if (busy + mbq_len(q) >= kring->nkr_num_slots - 1) {
4043 		nm_prlim(2, "%s full hwcur %d hwtail %d qlen %d", na->name,
4044 			kring->nr_hwcur, kring->nr_hwtail, mbq_len(q));
4045 	} else {
4046 		mbq_enqueue(q, m);
4047 		nm_prdis(2, "%s %d bufs in queue", na->name, mbq_len(q));
4048 		/* notify outside the lock */
4049 		m = NULL;
4050 		error = 0;
4051 	}
4052 	mbq_unlock(q);
4054 done:
4055 	if (m)
4056 		m_freem(m);
4057 	/* unconditionally wake up listeners */
4058 	kring->nm_notify(kring, 0);
4059 	/* this is normally netmap_notify(), but for nics
4060 	 * connected to a bridge it is netmap_bwrap_intr_notify(),
4061 	 * that possibly forwards the frames through the switch
4062 	 */
4064 	return (error);
4065 }
4068 /*
4069  * netmap_reset() is called by the driver routines when reinitializing
4070  * a ring. The driver is in charge of locking to protect the kring.
4071  * If native netmap mode is not set just return NULL.
4072  * If native netmap mode is set, in particular, we have to set nr_mode to
4073  * NKR_NETMAP_ON.
4074  */
4075 struct netmap_slot *
4076 netmap_reset(struct netmap_adapter *na, enum txrx tx, u_int n,
4077 	u_int new_cur)
4078 {
4079 	struct netmap_kring *kring;
4080 	int new_hwofs, lim;
4082 	if (!nm_native_on(na)) {
4083 		nm_prdis("interface not in native netmap mode");
4084 		return NULL;	/* nothing to reinitialize */
4085 	}
4087 	/* XXX note- in the new scheme, we are not guaranteed to be
4088 	 * under lock (e.g. when called on a device reset).
4089 	 * In this case, we should set a flag and do not trust too
4090 	 * much the values. In practice: TODO
4091 	 * - set a RESET flag somewhere in the kring
4092 	 * - do the processing in a conservative way
4093 	 * - let the *sync() fixup at the end.
4094 	 */
4095 	if (tx == NR_TX) {
4096 		if (n >= na->num_tx_rings)
4097 			return NULL;
4099 		kring = na->tx_rings[n];
4101 		if (kring->nr_pending_mode == NKR_NETMAP_OFF) {
4102 			kring->nr_mode = NKR_NETMAP_OFF;
4103 			return NULL;
4104 		}
4106 		// XXX check whether we should use hwcur or rcur
4107 		new_hwofs = kring->nr_hwcur - new_cur;
4108 	} else {
4109 		if (n >= na->num_rx_rings)
4110 			return NULL;
4111 		kring = na->rx_rings[n];
4113 		if (kring->nr_pending_mode == NKR_NETMAP_OFF) {
4114 			kring->nr_mode = NKR_NETMAP_OFF;
4115 			return NULL;
4116 		}
4118 		new_hwofs = kring->nr_hwtail - new_cur;
4119 	}
4120 	lim = kring->nkr_num_slots - 1;
4121 	if (new_hwofs > lim)
4122 		new_hwofs -= lim + 1;
4124 	/* Always set the new offset value and realign the ring. */
4125 	if (netmap_debug & NM_DEBUG_ON)
4126 	    nm_prinf("%s %s%d hwofs %d -> %d, hwtail %d -> %d",
4127 		na->name,
4128 		tx == NR_TX ? "TX" : "RX", n,
4129 		kring->nkr_hwofs, new_hwofs,
4130 		kring->nr_hwtail,
4131 		tx == NR_TX ? lim : kring->nr_hwtail);
4132 	kring->nkr_hwofs = new_hwofs;
4133 	if (tx == NR_TX) {
4134 		kring->nr_hwtail = kring->nr_hwcur + lim;
4135 		if (kring->nr_hwtail > lim)
4136 			kring->nr_hwtail -= lim + 1;
4137 	}
4139 	/*
4140 	 * Wakeup on the individual and global selwait
4141 	 * We do the wakeup here, but the ring is not yet reconfigured.
4142 	 * However, we are under lock so there are no races.
4143 	 */
4144 	kring->nr_mode = NKR_NETMAP_ON;
4145 	kring->nm_notify(kring, 0);
4146 	return kring->ring->slot;
4147 }
4150 /*
4151  * Dispatch rx/tx interrupts to the netmap rings.
4152  *
4153  * "work_done" is non-null on the RX path, NULL for the TX path.
4154  * We rely on the OS to make sure that there is only one active
4155  * instance per queue, and that there is appropriate locking.
4156  *
4157  * The 'notify' routine depends on what the ring is attached to.
4158  * - for a netmap file descriptor, do a selwakeup on the individual
4159  *   waitqueue, plus one on the global one if needed
4160  *   (see netmap_notify)
4161  * - for a nic connected to a switch, call the proper forwarding routine
4162  *   (see netmap_bwrap_intr_notify)
4163  */
4164 int
4165 netmap_common_irq(struct netmap_adapter *na, u_int q, u_int *work_done)
4166 {
4167 	struct netmap_kring *kring;
4168 	enum txrx t = (work_done ? NR_RX : NR_TX);
4170 	q &= NETMAP_RING_MASK;
4172 	if (netmap_debug & (NM_DEBUG_RXINTR|NM_DEBUG_TXINTR)) {
4173 	        nm_prlim(5, "received %s queue %d", work_done ? "RX" : "TX" , q);
4174 	}
4176 	if (q >= nma_get_nrings(na, t))
4177 		return NM_IRQ_PASS; // not a physical queue
4179 	kring = NMR(na, t)[q];
4181 	if (kring->nr_mode == NKR_NETMAP_OFF) {
4182 		return NM_IRQ_PASS;
4183 	}
4185 	if (t == NR_RX) {
4186 		kring->nr_kflags |= NKR_PENDINTR;	// XXX atomic ?
4187 		*work_done = 1; /* do not fire napi again */
4188 	}
4190 	return kring->nm_notify(kring, 0);
4191 }
4194 /*
4195  * Default functions to handle rx/tx interrupts from a physical device.
4196  * "work_done" is non-null on the RX path, NULL for the TX path.
4197  *
4198  * If the card is not in netmap mode, simply return NM_IRQ_PASS,
4199  * so that the caller proceeds with regular processing.
4200  * Otherwise call netmap_common_irq().
4201  *
4202  * If the card is connected to a netmap file descriptor,
4203  * do a selwakeup on the individual queue, plus one on the global one
4204  * if needed (multiqueue card _and_ there are multiqueue listeners),
4205  * and return NR_IRQ_COMPLETED.
4206  *
4207  * Finally, if called on rx from an interface connected to a switch,
4208  * calls the proper forwarding routine.
4209  */
4210 int
4211 netmap_rx_irq(struct ifnet *ifp, u_int q, u_int *work_done)
4212 {
4213 	struct netmap_adapter *na = NA(ifp);
4215 	/*
4216 	 * XXX emulated netmap mode sets NAF_SKIP_INTR so
4217 	 * we still use the regular driver even though the previous
4218 	 * check fails. It is unclear whether we should use
4219 	 * nm_native_on() here.
4220 	 */
4221 	if (!nm_netmap_on(na))
4222 		return NM_IRQ_PASS;
4224 	if (na->na_flags & NAF_SKIP_INTR) {
4225 		nm_prdis("use regular interrupt");
4226 		return NM_IRQ_PASS;
4227 	}
4229 	return netmap_common_irq(na, q, work_done);
4230 }
4232 /* set/clear native flags and if_transmit/netdev_ops */
4233 void
4234 nm_set_native_flags(struct netmap_adapter *na)
4235 {
4236 	struct ifnet *ifp = na->ifp;
4238 	/* We do the setup for intercepting packets only if we are the
4239 	 * first user of this adapapter. */
4240 	if (na->active_fds > 0) {
4241 		return;
4242 	}
4244 	na->na_flags |= NAF_NETMAP_ON;
4245 	nm_os_onenter(ifp);
4246 	nm_update_hostrings_mode(na);
4247 }
4249 void
4250 nm_clear_native_flags(struct netmap_adapter *na)
4251 {
4252 	struct ifnet *ifp = na->ifp;
4254 	/* We undo the setup for intercepting packets only if we are the
4255 	 * last user of this adapter. */
4256 	if (na->active_fds > 0) {
4257 		return;
4258 	}
4260 	nm_update_hostrings_mode(na);
4261 	nm_os_onexit(ifp);
4263 	na->na_flags &= ~NAF_NETMAP_ON;
4264 }
4266 void
4267 netmap_krings_mode_commit(struct netmap_adapter *na, int onoff)
4268 {
4269 	enum txrx t;
4271 	for_rx_tx(t) {
4272 		int i;
4274 		for (i = 0; i < netmap_real_rings(na, t); i++) {
4275 			struct netmap_kring *kring = NMR(na, t)[i];
4277 			if (onoff && nm_kring_pending_on(kring))
4278 				kring->nr_mode = NKR_NETMAP_ON;
4279 			else if (!onoff && nm_kring_pending_off(kring))
4280 				kring->nr_mode = NKR_NETMAP_OFF;
4281 		}
4282 	}
4283 }
4285 /*
4286  * Module loader and unloader
4287  *
4288  * netmap_init() creates the /dev/netmap device and initializes
4289  * all global variables. Returns 0 on success, errno on failure
4290  * (but there is no chance)
4291  *
4292  * netmap_fini() destroys everything.
4293  */
4295 static struct cdev *netmap_dev; /* /dev/netmap character device. */
4296 extern struct cdevsw netmap_cdevsw;
4299 void
4300 netmap_fini(void)
4301 {
4302 	if (netmap_dev)
4303 		destroy_dev(netmap_dev);
4304 	/* we assume that there are no longer netmap users */
4305 	nm_os_ifnet_fini();
4306 	netmap_uninit_bridges();
4307 	netmap_mem_fini();
4309 	nm_prinf("netmap: unloaded module.");
4310 }
4313 int
4314 netmap_init(void)
4315 {
4316 	int error;
4318 	NMG_LOCK_INIT();
4320 	error = netmap_mem_init();
4321 	if (error != 0)
4322 		goto fail;
4323 	/*
4324 	 * MAKEDEV_ETERNAL_KLD avoids an expensive check on syscalls
4325 	 * when the module is compiled in.
4326 	 * XXX could use make_dev_credv() to get error number
4327 	 */
4328 	netmap_dev = make_dev_credf(MAKEDEV_ETERNAL_KLD,
4329 		&netmap_cdevsw, 0, NULL, UID_ROOT, GID_WHEEL, 0600,
4330 			      "netmap");
4331 	if (!netmap_dev)
4332 		goto fail;
4334 	error = netmap_init_bridges();
4335 	if (error)
4336 		goto fail;
4338 #ifdef __FreeBSD__
4339 	nm_os_vi_init_index();
4340 #endif
4342 	error = nm_os_ifnet_init();
4343 	if (error)
4344 		goto fail;
4346 	nm_prinf("netmap: loaded module");
4347 	return (0);
4348 fail:
4349 	netmap_fini();
4350 	return (EINVAL); /* may be incorrect */
4351 }