xref: /freebsd/sys/dev/e1000/e1000_regs.h (revision 7aa383846770374466b1dcb2cefd71bde9acf463)
1 /******************************************************************************
3   Copyright (c) 2001-2010, Intel Corporation
4   All rights reserved.
6   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
7   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
9    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
10       this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
12    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
13       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
14       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
16    3. Neither the name of the Intel Corporation nor the names of its
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18       this software without specific prior written permission.
32 ******************************************************************************/
33 /*$FreeBSD$*/
35 #ifndef _E1000_REGS_H_
36 #define _E1000_REGS_H_
38 #define E1000_CTRL     0x00000  /* Device Control - RW */
39 #define E1000_CTRL_DUP 0x00004  /* Device Control Duplicate (Shadow) - RW */
40 #define E1000_STATUS   0x00008  /* Device Status - RO */
41 #define E1000_EECD     0x00010  /* EEPROM/Flash Control - RW */
42 #define E1000_EERD     0x00014  /* EEPROM Read - RW */
43 #define E1000_CTRL_EXT 0x00018  /* Extended Device Control - RW */
44 #define E1000_FLA      0x0001C  /* Flash Access - RW */
45 #define E1000_MDIC     0x00020  /* MDI Control - RW */
46 #define E1000_MDICNFG  0x00E04  /* MDI Config - RW */
47 #define E1000_REGISTER_SET_SIZE        0x20000 /* CSR Size */
48 #define E1000_EEPROM_INIT_CTRL_WORD_2  0x0F /* EEPROM Init Ctrl Word 2 */
49 #define E1000_BARCTRL                  0x5BBC /* BAR ctrl reg */
50 #define E1000_BARCTRL_FLSIZE           0x0700 /* BAR ctrl Flsize */
51 #define E1000_BARCTRL_CSRSIZE          0x2000 /* BAR ctrl CSR size */
52 #define E1000_SCTL     0x00024  /* SerDes Control - RW */
53 #define E1000_FCAL     0x00028  /* Flow Control Address Low - RW */
54 #define E1000_FCAH     0x0002C  /* Flow Control Address High -RW */
55 #define E1000_FEXT     0x0002C  /* Future Extended - RW */
56 #define E1000_FEXTNVM  0x00028  /* Future Extended NVM - RW */
57 #define E1000_FCT      0x00030  /* Flow Control Type - RW */
58 #define E1000_CONNSW   0x00034  /* Copper/Fiber switch control - RW */
59 #define E1000_VET      0x00038  /* VLAN Ether Type - RW */
60 #define E1000_ICR      0x000C0  /* Interrupt Cause Read - R/clr */
61 #define E1000_ITR      0x000C4  /* Interrupt Throttling Rate - RW */
62 #define E1000_ICS      0x000C8  /* Interrupt Cause Set - WO */
63 #define E1000_IMS      0x000D0  /* Interrupt Mask Set - RW */
64 #define E1000_IMC      0x000D8  /* Interrupt Mask Clear - WO */
65 #define E1000_IAM      0x000E0  /* Interrupt Acknowledge Auto Mask */
66 #define E1000_IVAR     0x000E4  /* Interrupt Vector Allocation Register - RW */
67 #define E1000_SVCR     0x000F0
68 #define E1000_SVT      0x000F4
69 #define E1000_RCTL     0x00100  /* Rx Control - RW */
70 #define E1000_FCTTV    0x00170  /* Flow Control Transmit Timer Value - RW */
71 #define E1000_TXCW     0x00178  /* Tx Configuration Word - RW */
72 #define E1000_RXCW     0x00180  /* Rx Configuration Word - RO */
73 #define E1000_PBA_ECC  0x01100  /* PBA ECC Register */
74 #define E1000_EICR     0x01580  /* Ext. Interrupt Cause Read - R/clr */
75 #define E1000_EITR(_n) (0x01680 + (0x4 * (_n)))
76 #define E1000_EICS     0x01520  /* Ext. Interrupt Cause Set - W0 */
77 #define E1000_EIMS     0x01524  /* Ext. Interrupt Mask Set/Read - RW */
78 #define E1000_EIMC     0x01528  /* Ext. Interrupt Mask Clear - WO */
79 #define E1000_EIAC     0x0152C  /* Ext. Interrupt Auto Clear - RW */
80 #define E1000_EIAM     0x01530  /* Ext. Interrupt Ack Auto Clear Mask - RW */
81 #define E1000_GPIE     0x01514  /* General Purpose Interrupt Enable - RW */
82 #define E1000_IVAR0    0x01700  /* Interrupt Vector Allocation (array) - RW */
83 #define E1000_IVAR_MISC 0x01740 /* IVAR for "other" causes - RW */
84 #define E1000_TCTL     0x00400  /* Tx Control - RW */
85 #define E1000_TCTL_EXT 0x00404  /* Extended Tx Control - RW */
86 #define E1000_TIPG     0x00410  /* Tx Inter-packet gap -RW */
87 #define E1000_TBT      0x00448  /* Tx Burst Timer - RW */
88 #define E1000_AIT      0x00458  /* Adaptive Interframe Spacing Throttle - RW */
89 #define E1000_LEDCTL   0x00E00  /* LED Control - RW */
90 #define E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL  0x00F00  /* Extended Configuration Control */
91 #define E1000_EXTCNF_SIZE  0x00F08  /* Extended Configuration Size */
92 #define E1000_PHY_CTRL     0x00F10  /* PHY Control Register in CSR */
93 #define E1000_PBA      0x01000  /* Packet Buffer Allocation - RW */
94 #define E1000_PBS      0x01008  /* Packet Buffer Size */
95 #define E1000_EEMNGCTL 0x01010  /* MNG EEprom Control */
96 #define E1000_EEARBC   0x01024  /* EEPROM Auto Read Bus Control */
97 #define E1000_FLASHT   0x01028  /* FLASH Timer Register */
98 #define E1000_EEWR     0x0102C  /* EEPROM Write Register - RW */
99 #define E1000_FLSWCTL  0x01030  /* FLASH control register */
100 #define E1000_FLSWDATA 0x01034  /* FLASH data register */
101 #define E1000_FLSWCNT  0x01038  /* FLASH Access Counter */
102 #define E1000_FLOP     0x0103C  /* FLASH Opcode Register */
103 #define E1000_I2CCMD   0x01028  /* SFPI2C Command Register - RW */
104 #define E1000_I2CPARAMS 0x0102C /* SFPI2C Parameters Register - RW */
105 #define E1000_WDSTP    0x01040  /* Watchdog Setup - RW */
106 #define E1000_SWDSTS   0x01044  /* SW Device Status - RW */
107 #define E1000_FRTIMER  0x01048  /* Free Running Timer - RW */
108 #define E1000_TCPTIMER 0x0104C  /* TCP Timer - RW */
109 #define E1000_VPDDIAG  0x01060  /* VPD Diagnostic - RO */
110 #define E1000_ICR_V2   0x01500  /* Interrupt Cause - new location - RC */
111 #define E1000_ICS_V2   0x01504  /* Interrupt Cause Set - new location - WO */
112 #define E1000_IMS_V2   0x01508  /* Interrupt Mask Set/Read - new location - RW */
113 #define E1000_IMC_V2   0x0150C  /* Interrupt Mask Clear - new location - WO */
114 #define E1000_IAM_V2   0x01510  /* Interrupt Ack Auto Mask - new location - RW */
115 #define E1000_ERT      0x02008  /* Early Rx Threshold - RW */
116 #define E1000_FCRTL    0x02160  /* Flow Control Receive Threshold Low - RW */
117 #define E1000_FCRTH    0x02168  /* Flow Control Receive Threshold High - RW */
118 #define E1000_PSRCTL   0x02170  /* Packet Split Receive Control - RW */
119 #define E1000_RDFPCQ(_n)  (0x02430 + (0x4 * (_n)))
120 #define E1000_PBRTH    0x02458  /* PB Rx Arbitration Threshold - RW */
121 #define E1000_FCRTV    0x02460  /* Flow Control Refresh Timer Value - RW */
122 /* Split and Replication Rx Control - RW */
123 #define E1000_RDPUMB   0x025CC  /* DMA Rx Descriptor uC Mailbox - RW */
124 #define E1000_RDPUAD   0x025D0  /* DMA Rx Descriptor uC Addr Command - RW */
125 #define E1000_RDPUWD   0x025D4  /* DMA Rx Descriptor uC Data Write - RW */
126 #define E1000_RDPURD   0x025D8  /* DMA Rx Descriptor uC Data Read - RW */
127 #define E1000_RDPUCTL  0x025DC  /* DMA Rx Descriptor uC Control - RW */
128 #define E1000_PBDIAG   0x02458  /* Packet Buffer Diagnostic - RW */
129 #define E1000_RXPBS    0x02404  /* Rx Packet Buffer Size - RW */
130 #define E1000_IRPBS 0x02404 /* Same as RXPBS, renamed for newer adapters - RW */
131 #define E1000_RDTR     0x02820  /* Rx Delay Timer - RW */
132 #define E1000_RADV     0x0282C  /* Rx Interrupt Absolute Delay Timer - RW */
133 /*
134  * Convenience macros
135  *
136  * Note: "_n" is the queue number of the register to be written to.
137  *
138  * Example usage:
139  * E1000_RDBAL_REG(current_rx_queue)
140  */
141 #define E1000_RDBAL(_n)      ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02800 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
142                                          (0x0C000 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
143 #define E1000_RDBAH(_n)      ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02804 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
144                                          (0x0C004 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
145 #define E1000_RDLEN(_n)      ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02808 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
146                                          (0x0C008 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
147 #define E1000_SRRCTL(_n)     ((_n) < 4 ? (0x0280C + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
148                                          (0x0C00C + ((_n) * 0x40)))
149 #define E1000_RDH(_n)        ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02810 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
150                                          (0x0C010 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
151 #define E1000_RXCTL(_n)      ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02814 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
152                                          (0x0C014 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
153 #define E1000_DCA_RXCTRL(_n) E1000_RXCTL(_n)
154 #define E1000_RDT(_n)        ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02818 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
155                                          (0x0C018 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
156 #define E1000_RXDCTL(_n)     ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02828 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
157                                          (0x0C028 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
158 #define E1000_RQDPC(_n)      ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02830 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
159                                          (0x0C030 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
160 #define E1000_TDBAL(_n)      ((_n) < 4 ? (0x03800 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
161                                          (0x0E000 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
162 #define E1000_TDBAH(_n)      ((_n) < 4 ? (0x03804 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
163                                          (0x0E004 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
164 #define E1000_TDLEN(_n)      ((_n) < 4 ? (0x03808 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
165                                          (0x0E008 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
166 #define E1000_TDH(_n)        ((_n) < 4 ? (0x03810 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
167                                          (0x0E010 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
168 #define E1000_TXCTL(_n)      ((_n) < 4 ? (0x03814 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
169                                          (0x0E014 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
170 #define E1000_DCA_TXCTRL(_n) E1000_TXCTL(_n)
171 #define E1000_TDT(_n)        ((_n) < 4 ? (0x03818 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
172                                          (0x0E018 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
173 #define E1000_TXDCTL(_n)     ((_n) < 4 ? (0x03828 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
174                                          (0x0E028 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
175 #define E1000_TDWBAL(_n)     ((_n) < 4 ? (0x03838 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
176                                          (0x0E038 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
177 #define E1000_TDWBAH(_n)     ((_n) < 4 ? (0x0383C + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
178                                          (0x0E03C + ((_n) * 0x40)))
179 #define E1000_TARC(_n)                   (0x03840 + ((_n) * 0x100))
180 #define E1000_RSRPD    0x02C00  /* Rx Small Packet Detect - RW */
181 #define E1000_RAID     0x02C08  /* Receive Ack Interrupt Delay - RW */
182 #define E1000_TXDMAC   0x03000  /* Tx DMA Control - RW */
183 #define E1000_KABGTXD  0x03004  /* AFE Band Gap Transmit Ref Data */
184 #define E1000_PSRTYPE(_i)       (0x05480 + ((_i) * 4))
185 #define E1000_RAL(_i)  (((_i) <= 15) ? (0x05400 + ((_i) * 8)) : \
186                                        (0x054E0 + ((_i - 16) * 8)))
187 #define E1000_RAH(_i)  (((_i) <= 15) ? (0x05404 + ((_i) * 8)) : \
188                                        (0x054E4 + ((_i - 16) * 8)))
189 #define E1000_IP4AT_REG(_i)     (0x05840 + ((_i) * 8))
190 #define E1000_IP6AT_REG(_i)     (0x05880 + ((_i) * 4))
191 #define E1000_WUPM_REG(_i)      (0x05A00 + ((_i) * 4))
192 #define E1000_FFMT_REG(_i)      (0x09000 + ((_i) * 8))
193 #define E1000_FFVT_REG(_i)      (0x09800 + ((_i) * 8))
194 #define E1000_FFLT_REG(_i)      (0x05F00 + ((_i) * 8))
195 #define E1000_PBSLAC   0x03100  /* Packet Buffer Slave Access Control */
196 #define E1000_PBSLAD(_n)  (0x03110 + (0x4 * (_n)))  /* Packet Buffer DWORD (_n) */
197 #define E1000_TXPBS    0x03404  /* Tx Packet Buffer Size - RW */
198 #define E1000_ITPBS   0x03404   /* Same as TXPBS, renamed for newer adpaters - RW */
199 #define E1000_TDFH     0x03410  /* Tx Data FIFO Head - RW */
200 #define E1000_TDFT     0x03418  /* Tx Data FIFO Tail - RW */
201 #define E1000_TDFHS    0x03420  /* Tx Data FIFO Head Saved - RW */
202 #define E1000_TDFTS    0x03428  /* Tx Data FIFO Tail Saved - RW */
203 #define E1000_TDFPC    0x03430  /* Tx Data FIFO Packet Count - RW */
204 #define E1000_TDPUMB   0x0357C  /* DMA Tx Descriptor uC Mail Box - RW */
205 #define E1000_TDPUAD   0x03580  /* DMA Tx Descriptor uC Addr Command - RW */
206 #define E1000_TDPUWD   0x03584  /* DMA Tx Descriptor uC Data Write - RW */
207 #define E1000_TDPURD   0x03588  /* DMA Tx Descriptor uC Data  Read  - RW */
208 #define E1000_TDPUCTL  0x0358C  /* DMA Tx Descriptor uC Control - RW */
209 #define E1000_DTXCTL   0x03590  /* DMA Tx Control - RW */
210 #define E1000_DTXTCPFLGL 0x0359C /* DMA Tx Control flag low - RW */
211 #define E1000_DTXTCPFLGH 0x035A0 /* DMA Tx Control flag high - RW */
212 #define E1000_DTXMXSZRQ  0x03540 /* DMA Tx Max Total Allow Size Requests - RW */
213 #define E1000_TIDV     0x03820  /* Tx Interrupt Delay Value - RW */
214 #define E1000_TADV     0x0382C  /* Tx Interrupt Absolute Delay Val - RW */
215 #define E1000_TSPMT    0x03830  /* TCP Segmentation PAD & Min Threshold - RW */
216 #define E1000_CRCERRS  0x04000  /* CRC Error Count - R/clr */
217 #define E1000_ALGNERRC 0x04004  /* Alignment Error Count - R/clr */
218 #define E1000_SYMERRS  0x04008  /* Symbol Error Count - R/clr */
219 #define E1000_RXERRC   0x0400C  /* Receive Error Count - R/clr */
220 #define E1000_MPC      0x04010  /* Missed Packet Count - R/clr */
221 #define E1000_SCC      0x04014  /* Single Collision Count - R/clr */
222 #define E1000_ECOL     0x04018  /* Excessive Collision Count - R/clr */
223 #define E1000_MCC      0x0401C  /* Multiple Collision Count - R/clr */
224 #define E1000_LATECOL  0x04020  /* Late Collision Count - R/clr */
225 #define E1000_COLC     0x04028  /* Collision Count - R/clr */
226 #define E1000_DC       0x04030  /* Defer Count - R/clr */
227 #define E1000_TNCRS    0x04034  /* Tx-No CRS - R/clr */
228 #define E1000_SEC      0x04038  /* Sequence Error Count - R/clr */
229 #define E1000_CEXTERR  0x0403C  /* Carrier Extension Error Count - R/clr */
230 #define E1000_RLEC     0x04040  /* Receive Length Error Count - R/clr */
231 #define E1000_XONRXC   0x04048  /* XON Rx Count - R/clr */
232 #define E1000_XONTXC   0x0404C  /* XON Tx Count - R/clr */
233 #define E1000_XOFFRXC  0x04050  /* XOFF Rx Count - R/clr */
234 #define E1000_XOFFTXC  0x04054  /* XOFF Tx Count - R/clr */
235 #define E1000_FCRUC    0x04058  /* Flow Control Rx Unsupported Count- R/clr */
236 #define E1000_PRC64    0x0405C  /* Packets Rx (64 bytes) - R/clr */
237 #define E1000_PRC127   0x04060  /* Packets Rx (65-127 bytes) - R/clr */
238 #define E1000_PRC255   0x04064  /* Packets Rx (128-255 bytes) - R/clr */
239 #define E1000_PRC511   0x04068  /* Packets Rx (255-511 bytes) - R/clr */
240 #define E1000_PRC1023  0x0406C  /* Packets Rx (512-1023 bytes) - R/clr */
241 #define E1000_PRC1522  0x04070  /* Packets Rx (1024-1522 bytes) - R/clr */
242 #define E1000_GPRC     0x04074  /* Good Packets Rx Count - R/clr */
243 #define E1000_BPRC     0x04078  /* Broadcast Packets Rx Count - R/clr */
244 #define E1000_MPRC     0x0407C  /* Multicast Packets Rx Count - R/clr */
245 #define E1000_GPTC     0x04080  /* Good Packets Tx Count - R/clr */
246 #define E1000_GORCL    0x04088  /* Good Octets Rx Count Low - R/clr */
247 #define E1000_GORCH    0x0408C  /* Good Octets Rx Count High - R/clr */
248 #define E1000_GOTCL    0x04090  /* Good Octets Tx Count Low - R/clr */
249 #define E1000_GOTCH    0x04094  /* Good Octets Tx Count High - R/clr */
250 #define E1000_RNBC     0x040A0  /* Rx No Buffers Count - R/clr */
251 #define E1000_RUC      0x040A4  /* Rx Undersize Count - R/clr */
252 #define E1000_RFC      0x040A8  /* Rx Fragment Count - R/clr */
253 #define E1000_ROC      0x040AC  /* Rx Oversize Count - R/clr */
254 #define E1000_RJC      0x040B0  /* Rx Jabber Count - R/clr */
255 #define E1000_MGTPRC   0x040B4  /* Management Packets Rx Count - R/clr */
256 #define E1000_MGTPDC   0x040B8  /* Management Packets Dropped Count - R/clr */
257 #define E1000_MGTPTC   0x040BC  /* Management Packets Tx Count - R/clr */
258 #define E1000_TORL     0x040C0  /* Total Octets Rx Low - R/clr */
259 #define E1000_TORH     0x040C4  /* Total Octets Rx High - R/clr */
260 #define E1000_TOTL     0x040C8  /* Total Octets Tx Low - R/clr */
261 #define E1000_TOTH     0x040CC  /* Total Octets Tx High - R/clr */
262 #define E1000_TPR      0x040D0  /* Total Packets Rx - R/clr */
263 #define E1000_TPT      0x040D4  /* Total Packets Tx - R/clr */
264 #define E1000_PTC64    0x040D8  /* Packets Tx (64 bytes) - R/clr */
265 #define E1000_PTC127   0x040DC  /* Packets Tx (65-127 bytes) - R/clr */
266 #define E1000_PTC255   0x040E0  /* Packets Tx (128-255 bytes) - R/clr */
267 #define E1000_PTC511   0x040E4  /* Packets Tx (256-511 bytes) - R/clr */
268 #define E1000_PTC1023  0x040E8  /* Packets Tx (512-1023 bytes) - R/clr */
269 #define E1000_PTC1522  0x040EC  /* Packets Tx (1024-1522 Bytes) - R/clr */
270 #define E1000_MPTC     0x040F0  /* Multicast Packets Tx Count - R/clr */
271 #define E1000_BPTC     0x040F4  /* Broadcast Packets Tx Count - R/clr */
272 #define E1000_TSCTC    0x040F8  /* TCP Segmentation Context Tx - R/clr */
273 #define E1000_TSCTFC   0x040FC  /* TCP Segmentation Context Tx Fail - R/clr */
274 #define E1000_IAC      0x04100  /* Interrupt Assertion Count */
275 #define E1000_ICRXPTC  0x04104  /* Interrupt Cause Rx Pkt Timer Expire Count */
276 #define E1000_ICRXATC  0x04108  /* Interrupt Cause Rx Abs Timer Expire Count */
277 #define E1000_ICTXPTC  0x0410C  /* Interrupt Cause Tx Pkt Timer Expire Count */
278 #define E1000_ICTXATC  0x04110  /* Interrupt Cause Tx Abs Timer Expire Count */
279 #define E1000_ICTXQEC  0x04118  /* Interrupt Cause Tx Queue Empty Count */
280 #define E1000_ICTXQMTC 0x0411C  /* Interrupt Cause Tx Queue Min Thresh Count */
281 #define E1000_ICRXDMTC 0x04120  /* Interrupt Cause Rx Desc Min Thresh Count */
282 #define E1000_ICRXOC   0x04124  /* Interrupt Cause Receiver Overrun Count */
283 #define E1000_CRC_OFFSET 0x05F50  /* CRC Offset register */
285 #define E1000_VFGPRC   0x00F10
286 #define E1000_VFGORC   0x00F18
287 #define E1000_VFMPRC   0x00F3C
288 #define E1000_VFGPTC   0x00F14
289 #define E1000_VFGOTC   0x00F34
290 #define E1000_VFGOTLBC 0x00F50
291 #define E1000_VFGPTLBC 0x00F44
292 #define E1000_VFGORLBC 0x00F48
293 #define E1000_VFGPRLBC 0x00F40
294 /* Virtualization statistical counters */
295 #define E1000_PFVFGPRC(_n)   (0x010010 + (0x100 * (_n)))
296 #define E1000_PFVFGPTC(_n)   (0x010014 + (0x100 * (_n)))
297 #define E1000_PFVFGORC(_n)   (0x010018 + (0x100 * (_n)))
298 #define E1000_PFVFGOTC(_n)   (0x010034 + (0x100 * (_n)))
299 #define E1000_PFVFMPRC(_n)   (0x010038 + (0x100 * (_n)))
300 #define E1000_PFVFGPRLBC(_n) (0x010040 + (0x100 * (_n)))
301 #define E1000_PFVFGPTLBC(_n) (0x010044 + (0x100 * (_n)))
302 #define E1000_PFVFGORLBC(_n) (0x010048 + (0x100 * (_n)))
303 #define E1000_PFVFGOTLBC(_n) (0x010050 + (0x100 * (_n)))
305 #define E1000_LSECTXUT        0x04300  /* LinkSec Tx Untagged Packet Count - OutPktsUntagged */
306 #define E1000_LSECTXPKTE      0x04304  /* LinkSec Encrypted Tx Packets Count - OutPktsEncrypted */
307 #define E1000_LSECTXPKTP      0x04308  /* LinkSec Protected Tx Packet Count - OutPktsProtected */
308 #define E1000_LSECTXOCTE      0x0430C  /* LinkSec Encrypted Tx Octets Count - OutOctetsEncrypted */
309 #define E1000_LSECTXOCTP      0x04310  /* LinkSec Protected Tx Octets Count - OutOctetsProtected */
310 #define E1000_LSECRXUT        0x04314  /* LinkSec Untagged non-Strict Rx Packet Count - InPktsUntagged/InPktsNoTag */
311 #define E1000_LSECRXOCTD      0x0431C  /* LinkSec Rx Octets Decrypted Count - InOctetsDecrypted */
312 #define E1000_LSECRXOCTV      0x04320  /* LinkSec Rx Octets Validated - InOctetsValidated */
313 #define E1000_LSECRXBAD       0x04324  /* LinkSec Rx Bad Tag - InPktsBadTag */
314 #define E1000_LSECRXNOSCI     0x04328  /* LinkSec Rx Packet No SCI Count - InPktsNoSci */
315 #define E1000_LSECRXUNSCI     0x0432C  /* LinkSec Rx Packet Unknown SCI Count - InPktsUnknownSci */
316 #define E1000_LSECRXUNCH      0x04330  /* LinkSec Rx Unchecked Packets Count - InPktsUnchecked */
317 #define E1000_LSECRXDELAY     0x04340  /* LinkSec Rx Delayed Packet Count - InPktsDelayed */
318 #define E1000_LSECRXLATE      0x04350  /* LinkSec Rx Late Packets Count - InPktsLate */
319 #define E1000_LSECRXOK(_n)    (0x04360 + (0x04 * (_n))) /* LinkSec Rx Packet OK Count - InPktsOk */
320 #define E1000_LSECRXINV(_n)   (0x04380 + (0x04 * (_n))) /* LinkSec Rx Invalid Count - InPktsInvalid */
321 #define E1000_LSECRXNV(_n)    (0x043A0 + (0x04 * (_n))) /* LinkSec Rx Not Valid Count - InPktsNotValid */
322 #define E1000_LSECRXUNSA      0x043C0  /* LinkSec Rx Unused SA Count - InPktsUnusedSa */
323 #define E1000_LSECRXNUSA      0x043D0  /* LinkSec Rx Not Using SA Count - InPktsNotUsingSa */
324 #define E1000_LSECTXCAP       0x0B000  /* LinkSec Tx Capabilities Register - RO */
325 #define E1000_LSECRXCAP       0x0B300  /* LinkSec Rx Capabilities Register - RO */
326 #define E1000_LSECTXCTRL      0x0B004  /* LinkSec Tx Control - RW */
327 #define E1000_LSECRXCTRL      0x0B304  /* LinkSec Rx Control - RW */
328 #define E1000_LSECTXSCL       0x0B008  /* LinkSec Tx SCI Low - RW */
329 #define E1000_LSECTXSCH       0x0B00C  /* LinkSec Tx SCI High - RW */
330 #define E1000_LSECTXSA        0x0B010  /* LinkSec Tx SA0 - RW */
331 #define E1000_LSECTXPN0       0x0B018  /* LinkSec Tx SA PN 0 - RW */
332 #define E1000_LSECTXPN1       0x0B01C  /* LinkSec Tx SA PN 1 - RW */
333 #define E1000_LSECRXSCL       0x0B3D0  /* LinkSec Rx SCI Low - RW */
334 #define E1000_LSECRXSCH       0x0B3E0  /* LinkSec Rx SCI High - RW */
335 #define E1000_LSECTXKEY0(_n)  (0x0B020 + (0x04 * (_n))) /* LinkSec Tx 128-bit Key 0 - WO */
336 #define E1000_LSECTXKEY1(_n)  (0x0B030 + (0x04 * (_n))) /* LinkSec Tx 128-bit Key 1 - WO */
337 #define E1000_LSECRXSA(_n)    (0x0B310 + (0x04 * (_n))) /* LinkSec Rx SAs - RW */
338 #define E1000_LSECRXPN(_n)    (0x0B330 + (0x04 * (_n))) /* LinkSec Rx SAs - RW */
339 /*
340  * LinkSec Rx Keys  - where _n is the SA no. and _m the 4 dwords of the 128 bit
341  * key - RW.
342  */
343 #define E1000_LSECRXKEY(_n, _m) (0x0B350 + (0x10 * (_n)) + (0x04 * (_m)))
345 #define E1000_SSVPC             0x041A0  /* Switch Security Violation Packet Count */
346 #define E1000_IPSCTRL           0xB430   /* IpSec Control Register */
347 #define E1000_IPSRXCMD          0x0B408  /* IPSec Rx Command Register - RW */
348 #define E1000_IPSRXIDX          0x0B400  /* IPSec Rx Index - RW */
349 #define E1000_IPSRXIPADDR(_n)   (0x0B420+ (0x04 * (_n)))  /* IPSec Rx IPv4/v6 Address - RW */
350 #define E1000_IPSRXKEY(_n)      (0x0B410 + (0x04 * (_n))) /* IPSec Rx 128-bit Key - RW */
351 #define E1000_IPSRXSALT         0x0B404  /* IPSec Rx Salt - RW */
352 #define E1000_IPSRXSPI          0x0B40C  /* IPSec Rx SPI - RW */
353 #define E1000_IPSTXKEY(_n)      (0x0B460 + (0x04 * (_n))) /* IPSec Tx 128-bit Key - RW */
354 #define E1000_IPSTXSALT         0x0B454  /* IPSec Tx Salt - RW */
355 #define E1000_IPSTXIDX          0x0B450  /* IPSec Tx SA IDX - RW */
356 #define E1000_PCS_CFG0    0x04200  /* PCS Configuration 0 - RW */
357 #define E1000_PCS_LCTL    0x04208  /* PCS Link Control - RW */
358 #define E1000_PCS_LSTAT   0x0420C  /* PCS Link Status - RO */
359 #define E1000_CBTMPC      0x0402C  /* Circuit Breaker Tx Packet Count */
360 #define E1000_HTDPMC      0x0403C  /* Host Transmit Discarded Packets */
361 #define E1000_CBRDPC      0x04044  /* Circuit Breaker Rx Dropped Count */
362 #define E1000_CBRMPC      0x040FC  /* Circuit Breaker Rx Packet Count */
363 #define E1000_RPTHC       0x04104  /* Rx Packets To Host */
364 #define E1000_HGPTC       0x04118  /* Host Good Packets Tx Count */
365 #define E1000_HTCBDPC     0x04124  /* Host Tx Circuit Breaker Dropped Count */
366 #define E1000_HGORCL      0x04128  /* Host Good Octets Received Count Low */
367 #define E1000_HGORCH      0x0412C  /* Host Good Octets Received Count High */
368 #define E1000_HGOTCL      0x04130  /* Host Good Octets Transmit Count Low */
369 #define E1000_HGOTCH      0x04134  /* Host Good Octets Transmit Count High */
370 #define E1000_LENERRS     0x04138  /* Length Errors Count */
371 #define E1000_SCVPC       0x04228  /* SerDes/SGMII Code Violation Pkt Count */
372 #define E1000_HRMPC       0x0A018  /* Header Redirection Missed Packet Count */
373 #define E1000_PCS_ANADV   0x04218  /* AN advertisement - RW */
374 #define E1000_PCS_LPAB    0x0421C  /* Link Partner Ability - RW */
375 #define E1000_PCS_NPTX    0x04220  /* AN Next Page Transmit - RW */
376 #define E1000_PCS_LPABNP  0x04224  /* Link Partner Ability Next Page - RW */
377 #define E1000_1GSTAT_RCV  0x04228  /* 1GSTAT Code Violation Packet Count - RW */
378 #define E1000_RXCSUM   0x05000  /* Rx Checksum Control - RW */
379 #define E1000_RLPML    0x05004  /* Rx Long Packet Max Length */
380 #define E1000_RFCTL    0x05008  /* Receive Filter Control*/
381 #define E1000_MTA      0x05200  /* Multicast Table Array - RW Array */
382 #define E1000_RA       0x05400  /* Receive Address - RW Array */
383 #define E1000_RA2      0x054E0  /* 2nd half of receive address array - RW Array */
384 #define E1000_VFTA     0x05600  /* VLAN Filter Table Array - RW Array */
385 #define E1000_VT_CTL   0x0581C  /* VMDq Control - RW */
386 #define E1000_VFQA0    0x0B000  /* VLAN Filter Queue Array 0 - RW Array */
387 #define E1000_VFQA1    0x0B200  /* VLAN Filter Queue Array 1 - RW Array */
388 #define E1000_WUC      0x05800  /* Wakeup Control - RW */
389 #define E1000_WUFC     0x05808  /* Wakeup Filter Control - RW */
390 #define E1000_WUS      0x05810  /* Wakeup Status - RO */
391 #define E1000_MANC     0x05820  /* Management Control - RW */
392 #define E1000_IPAV     0x05838  /* IP Address Valid - RW */
393 #define E1000_IP4AT    0x05840  /* IPv4 Address Table - RW Array */
394 #define E1000_IP6AT    0x05880  /* IPv6 Address Table - RW Array */
395 #define E1000_WUPL     0x05900  /* Wakeup Packet Length - RW */
396 #define E1000_WUPM     0x05A00  /* Wakeup Packet Memory - RO A */
397 #define E1000_PBACL    0x05B68  /* MSIx PBA Clear - Read/Write 1's to clear */
398 #define E1000_FFLT     0x05F00  /* Flexible Filter Length Table - RW Array */
399 #define E1000_HOST_IF  0x08800  /* Host Interface */
400 #define E1000_FFMT     0x09000  /* Flexible Filter Mask Table - RW Array */
401 #define E1000_FFVT     0x09800  /* Flexible Filter Value Table - RW Array */
402 #define E1000_FHFT(_n)  (0x09000 + (_n * 0x100)) /* Flexible Host Filter Table */
403 #define E1000_FHFT_EXT(_n) (0x09A00 + (_n * 0x100)) /* Ext Flexible Host Filter Table */
406 #define E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA 0x00034 /* MAC-PHY interface - RW */
407 #define E1000_MDPHYA      0x0003C /* PHY address - RW */
408 #define E1000_MANC2H      0x05860 /* Management Control To Host - RW */
409 #define E1000_MDEF(_n)    (0x05890 + (4 * (_n))) /* Mngmt Decision Filters */
410 #define E1000_SW_FW_SYNC  0x05B5C /* Software-Firmware Synchronization - RW */
411 #define E1000_CCMCTL      0x05B48 /* CCM Control Register */
412 #define E1000_GIOCTL      0x05B44 /* GIO Analog Control Register */
413 #define E1000_SCCTL       0x05B4C /* PCIc PLL Configuration Register */
414 #define E1000_GCR         0x05B00 /* PCI-Ex Control */
415 #define E1000_GCR2        0x05B64 /* PCI-Ex Control #2 */
416 #define E1000_GSCL_1    0x05B10 /* PCI-Ex Statistic Control #1 */
417 #define E1000_GSCL_2    0x05B14 /* PCI-Ex Statistic Control #2 */
418 #define E1000_GSCL_3    0x05B18 /* PCI-Ex Statistic Control #3 */
419 #define E1000_GSCL_4    0x05B1C /* PCI-Ex Statistic Control #4 */
420 #define E1000_FACTPS    0x05B30 /* Function Active and Power State to MNG */
421 #define E1000_SWSM      0x05B50 /* SW Semaphore */
422 #define E1000_FWSM      0x05B54 /* FW Semaphore */
423 #define E1000_SWSM2     0x05B58 /* Driver-only SW semaphore (not used by BOOT agents) */
424 #define E1000_DCA_ID    0x05B70 /* DCA Requester ID Information - RO */
425 #define E1000_DCA_CTRL  0x05B74 /* DCA Control - RW */
426 #define E1000_UFUSE     0x05B78 /* UFUSE - RO */
427 #define E1000_FFLT_DBG  0x05F04 /* Debug Register */
428 #define E1000_HICR      0x08F00 /* Host Interface Control */
430 /* RSS registers */
431 #define E1000_CPUVEC    0x02C10 /* CPU Vector Register - RW */
432 #define E1000_MRQC      0x05818 /* Multiple Receive Control - RW */
433 #define E1000_IMIR(_i)      (0x05A80 + ((_i) * 4))  /* Immediate Interrupt */
434 #define E1000_IMIREXT(_i)   (0x05AA0 + ((_i) * 4))  /* Immediate Interrupt Ext*/
435 #define E1000_IMIRVP    0x05AC0 /* Immediate Interrupt Rx VLAN Priority - RW */
436 #define E1000_MSIXBM(_i)    (0x01600 + ((_i) * 4)) /* MSI-X Allocation Register
437                                                     * (_i) - RW */
438 #define E1000_MSIXTADD(_i)  (0x0C000 + ((_i) * 0x10)) /* MSI-X Table entry addr
439                                                        * low reg - RW */
440 #define E1000_MSIXTUADD(_i) (0x0C004 + ((_i) * 0x10)) /* MSI-X Table entry addr
441                                                        * upper reg - RW */
442 #define E1000_MSIXTMSG(_i)  (0x0C008 + ((_i) * 0x10)) /* MSI-X Table entry
443                                                        * message reg - RW */
444 #define E1000_MSIXVCTRL(_i) (0x0C00C + ((_i) * 0x10)) /* MSI-X Table entry
445                                                        * vector ctrl reg - RW */
446 #define E1000_MSIXPBA    0x0E000 /* MSI-X Pending bit array */
447 #define E1000_RETA(_i)  (0x05C00 + ((_i) * 4)) /* Redirection Table - RW */
448 #define E1000_RSSRK(_i) (0x05C80 + ((_i) * 4)) /* RSS Random Key - RW */
449 #define E1000_RSSIM     0x05864 /* RSS Interrupt Mask */
450 #define E1000_RSSIR     0x05868 /* RSS Interrupt Request */
451 /* VT Registers */
452 #define E1000_SWPBS     0x03004 /* Switch Packet Buffer Size - RW */
453 #define E1000_MBVFICR   0x00C80 /* Mailbox VF Cause - RWC */
454 #define E1000_MBVFIMR   0x00C84 /* Mailbox VF int Mask - RW */
455 #define E1000_VFLRE     0x00C88 /* VF Register Events - RWC */
456 #define E1000_VFRE      0x00C8C /* VF Receive Enables */
457 #define E1000_VFTE      0x00C90 /* VF Transmit Enables */
458 #define E1000_QDE       0x02408 /* Queue Drop Enable - RW */
459 #define E1000_DTXSWC    0x03500 /* DMA Tx Switch Control - RW */
460 #define E1000_RPLOLR    0x05AF0 /* Replication Offload - RW */
461 #define E1000_UTA       0x0A000 /* Unicast Table Array - RW */
462 #define E1000_IOVTCL    0x05BBC /* IOV Control Register */
463 #define E1000_VMRCTL    0X05D80 /* Virtual Mirror Rule Control */
464 /* These act per VF so an array friendly macro is used */
465 #define E1000_V2PMAILBOX(_n)   (0x00C40 + (4 * (_n)))
466 #define E1000_P2VMAILBOX(_n)   (0x00C00 + (4 * (_n)))
467 #define E1000_VMBMEM(_n)       (0x00800 + (64 * (_n)))
468 #define E1000_VFVMBMEM(_n)     (0x00800 + (_n))
469 #define E1000_VMOLR(_n)        (0x05AD0 + (4 * (_n)))
470 #define E1000_VLVF(_n)         (0x05D00 + (4 * (_n))) /* VLAN Virtual Machine
471                                                        * Filter - RW */
472 #define E1000_VMVIR(_n)        (0x03700 + (4 * (_n)))
473 /* Time Sync */
474 #define E1000_TSYNCRXCTL 0x0B620 /* Rx Time Sync Control register - RW */
475 #define E1000_TSYNCTXCTL 0x0B614 /* Tx Time Sync Control register - RW */
476 #define E1000_TSYNCRXCFG 0x05F50 /* Time Sync Rx Configuration - RW */
477 #define E1000_RXSTMPL    0x0B624 /* Rx timestamp Low - RO */
478 #define E1000_RXSTMPH    0x0B628 /* Rx timestamp High - RO */
479 #define E1000_RXSATRL    0x0B62C /* Rx timestamp attribute low - RO */
480 #define E1000_RXSATRH    0x0B630 /* Rx timestamp attribute high - RO */
481 #define E1000_TXSTMPL    0x0B618 /* Tx timestamp value Low - RO */
482 #define E1000_TXSTMPH    0x0B61C /* Tx timestamp value High - RO */
483 #define E1000_SYSTIML    0x0B600 /* System time register Low - RO */
484 #define E1000_SYSTIMH    0x0B604 /* System time register High - RO */
485 #define E1000_TIMINCA    0x0B608 /* Increment attributes register - RW */
486 #define E1000_TSAUXC     0x0B640 /* Timesync Auxiliary Control register */
487 #define E1000_SYSTIMR    0x0B6F8 /* System time register Residue */
488 #define E1000_RXMTRL     0x0B634 /* Time sync Rx EtherType and Msg Type - RW */
489 #define E1000_RXUDP      0x0B638 /* Time Sync Rx UDP Port - RW */
491 /* Filtering Registers */
492 #define E1000_SAQF(_n)  (0x05980 + (4 * (_n))) /* Source Address Queue Fltr */
493 #define E1000_DAQF(_n)  (0x059A0 + (4 * (_n))) /* Dest Address Queue Fltr */
494 #define E1000_SPQF(_n)  (0x059C0 + (4 * (_n))) /* Source Port Queue Fltr */
495 #define E1000_FTQF(_n)  (0x059E0 + (4 * (_n))) /* 5-tuple Queue Fltr */
496 #define E1000_TTQF(_n)  (0x059E0 + (4 * (_n))) /* 2-tuple Queue Fltr */
497 #define E1000_SYNQF(_n) (0x055FC + (4 * (_n))) /* SYN Packet Queue Fltr */
498 #define E1000_ETQF(_n)  (0x05CB0 + (4 * (_n))) /* EType Queue Fltr */
500 #define E1000_RTTDCS            0x3600  /* Reedtown Tx Desc plane control and status */
501 #define E1000_RTTPCS            0x3474  /* Reedtown Tx Packet Plane control and status */
502 #define E1000_RTRPCS            0x2474  /* Rx packet plane control and status */
503 #define E1000_RTRUP2TC          0x05AC4 /* Rx User Priority to Traffic Class */
504 #define E1000_RTTUP2TC          0x0418  /* Transmit User Priority to Traffic Class */
505 #define E1000_RTTDTCRC(_n)      (0x3610 + ((_n) * 4)) /* Tx Desc plane TC Rate-scheduler config */
506 #define E1000_RTTPTCRC(_n)      (0x3480 + ((_n) * 4)) /* Tx Packet plane TC Rate-Scheduler Config */
507 #define E1000_RTRPTCRC(_n)      (0x2480 + ((_n) * 4)) /* Rx Packet plane TC Rate-Scheduler Config */
508 #define E1000_RTTDTCRS(_n)      (0x3630 + ((_n) * 4)) /* Tx Desc Plane TC Rate-Scheduler Status */
509 #define E1000_RTTDTCRM(_n)      (0x3650 + ((_n) * 4)) /* Tx Desc Plane TC Rate-Scheduler MMW */
510 #define E1000_RTTPTCRS(_n)      (0x34A0 + ((_n) * 4)) /* Tx Packet plane TC Rate-Scheduler Status */
511 #define E1000_RTTPTCRM(_n)      (0x34C0 + ((_n) * 4)) /* Tx Packet plane TC Rate-scheduler MMW */
512 #define E1000_RTRPTCRS(_n)      (0x24A0 + ((_n) * 4)) /* Rx Packet plane TC Rate-Scheduler Status */
513 #define E1000_RTRPTCRM(_n)      (0x24C0 + ((_n) * 4)) /* Rx Packet plane TC Rate-Scheduler MMW */
514 #define E1000_RTTDVMRM(_n)      (0x3670 + ((_n) * 4)) /* Tx Desc plane VM Rate-Scheduler MMW*/
515 #define E1000_RTTBCNRM(_n)      (0x3690 + ((_n) * 4)) /* Tx BCN Rate-Scheduler MMW */
516 #define E1000_RTTDQSEL          0x3604  /* Tx Desc Plane Queue Select */
517 #define E1000_RTTDVMRC          0x3608  /* Tx Desc Plane VM Rate-Scheduler Config */
518 #define E1000_RTTDVMRS          0x360C  /* Tx Desc Plane VM Rate-Scheduler Status */
519 #define E1000_RTTBCNRC          0x36B0  /* Tx BCN Rate-Scheduler Config */
520 #define E1000_RTTBCNRS          0x36B4  /* Tx BCN Rate-Scheduler Status */
521 #define E1000_RTTBCNCR          0xB200  /* Tx BCN Control Register */
522 #define E1000_RTTBCNTG          0x35A4  /* Tx BCN Tagging */
523 #define E1000_RTTBCNCP          0xB208  /* Tx BCN Congestion point */
524 #define E1000_RTRBCNCR          0xB20C  /* Rx BCN Control Register */
525 #define E1000_RTTBCNRD          0x36B8  /* Tx BCN Rate Drift */
526 #define E1000_PFCTOP            0x1080  /* Priority Flow Control Type and Opcode */
527 #define E1000_RTTBCNIDX         0xB204  /* Tx BCN Congestion Point */
528 #define E1000_RTTBCNACH         0x0B214 /* Tx BCN Control High */
529 #define E1000_RTTBCNACL         0x0B210 /* Tx BCN Control Low */
531 /* DMA Coalescing registers */
532 #define E1000_DMACR             0x02508 /* Control Register */
533 #define E1000_DMCTXTH           0x03550 /* Transmit Threshold */
534 #define E1000_DMCTLX            0x02514 /* Time to Lx Request */
535 #define E1000_DMCRTRH           0x05DD0 /* Receive Packet Rate Threshold */
536 #define E1000_DMCCNT            0x05DD4 /* Current RX Count */
537 #define E1000_FCRTC             0x02170 /* Flow Control Rx high watermark */
538 #define E1000_PCIEMISC          0x05BB8 /* PCIE misc config register */
540 /* PCIe Parity Status Register */
541 #define E1000_PCIEERRSTS        0x05BA8
542 #endif