xref: /freebsd/sys/dev/arcmsr/arcmsr.h (revision 7afc53b8dfcc7d5897920ce6cc7e842fbb4ab813)
1 /*
2 ***********************************************************************************************
3 **        O.S   : FreeBSD
4 **   FILE NAME  : arcmsr.h
5 **        BY    : Erich Chen
6 **   Description: SCSI RAID Device Driver for
7 **                ARECA (ARC1110/1120/1210/1220) SATA RAID HOST Adapter
8 **                ARCMSR RAID Host adapter[RAID controller:INTEL 331(PCI-X) 341(PCI-EXPRESS) chip set]
9 ***********************************************************************************************
10 ************************************************************************
11 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms,with or without
12 ** modification,are permitted provided that the following conditions
13 ** are met:
14 ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
15 **    notice,this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
16 ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
17 **    notice,this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
18 **    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
19 ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
20 **    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
21 **
32 **************************************************************************
33 ** $FreeBSD$
34 */
35 #define ARCMSR_DRIVER_VERSION                        "Driver Version"
36 #define ARCMSR_SCSI_INITIATOR_ID                                               16
37 #define ARCMSR_DEV_SECTOR_SIZE                                                512
38 #define ARCMSR_MAX_XFER_SECTORS                                               256
40 #define ARCMSR_MAX_TARGETID                                                    16 /*16 max target id + 1*/
41 #define ARCMSR_MAX_TARGETLUN                                                    8 /*8*/
42 #define ARCMSR_MAX_CHIPTYPE_NUM                                                 4
43 #define ARCMSR_MAX_OUTSTANDING_CMD                                            256
44 #define ARCMSR_MAX_START_JOB                                                  257
45 #define ARCMSR_MAX_CMD_PERLUN                          ARCMSR_MAX_OUTSTANDING_CMD
46 #define ARCMSR_MAX_FREESRB_NUM                                                320
47 #define ARCMSR_MAX_DPC                                                         16 /* defer procedure call */
48 #define ARCMSR_MAX_QBUFFER                                                   4096 /* ioctl QBUFFER */
49 #define ARCMSR_MAX_SG_ENTRIES                                                  38 /* max 38*/
50 #define ARCMSR_MAX_ADAPTER                                                      4
51 /*
52 *********************************************************************
53 */
54 typedef  int8_t                                                 CHAR,*PCHAR;
55 typedef  int16_t                                                SHORT,*PSHORT;
56 typedef  int32_t                                                LONG,*PLONG;
57 typedef  int64_t                                                LONG64,*PLONG64;
58 typedef  u_int8_t                                               UCHAR,*PUCHAR;
59 typedef  u_int16_t                                              USHORT,*PUSHORT;
60 typedef  u_int32_t                                              ULONG,*PULONG;
61 typedef  u_int64_t                                              ULONG64,*PULONG64;
62 typedef  void                                                   VOID,*PVOID;
63 typedef  void    (*DPCFUN)                                      (void*);
64 typedef  struct  _MU                                            MU,*PMU;
65 typedef  struct  _SRB	                                        SRB,*PSRB;
66 typedef  struct  _ACB	                                        ACB,*PACB;
67 typedef  struct  _HCB	                                        HCB,*PHCB;
68 typedef  struct  _DPC                                           DPC,*PDPC;
69 typedef  struct  _EVENT                                         EVENT,*PEVENT;
70 typedef  struct  _QBUFFER                                       QBUFFER,*PQBUFFER;
71 typedef  struct  _SG32ENTRY                                     SG32ENTRY,*PSG32ENTRY;
72 typedef  struct  _SG64ENTRY                                     SG64ENTRY,*PSG64ENTRY;
73 typedef  struct  _SGENTRY_UNION                                 SGENTRY_UNION,PSGENTRY_UNION;
74 typedef  struct  _SYSTEMTIME                                    SYSTEMTIME,*PSYSTEMTIME;
75 typedef  struct  _TIMERECORD                                    TIMERECORD,*PTIMERECORD;
76 typedef  struct  _SENSE_DATA                                    SENSE_DATA, *PSENSE_DATA;
77 typedef  struct  _ARCMSR_PCIINFO                                ARCMSR_PCIINFO,*PARCMSR_PCIINFO;
78 typedef  struct  _ARCMSR_CDB                                    ARCMSR_CDB,*PARCMSR_CDB;
79 typedef  struct  _CMD_IO_CONTROL                                CMD_IO_CONTROL,*PCMD_IO_CONTROL;
80 typedef  struct  _CMD_IOCTL_FIELD                               CMD_IOCTL_FIELD,*PCMD_IOCTL_FIELD;
81 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__amd64__) || defined(__ia64__)
82     typedef  uint64_t                                           CPT2INT,*PCPT2INT;
83     typedef  uint64_t                                           CINT2P,*PCINT2P;
84 	typedef  uint64_t                                           VIR2PHY_OFFSET,*PVIR2PHY_OFFSET;
85 #else
86     typedef  uint32_t                                           CPT2INT,*PCPT2INT;
87 	typedef  uint32_t                                           CINT2P,*PCINT2P;
88 	typedef  uint32_t                                           VIR2PHY_OFFSET,*PVIR2PHY_OFFSET;
89 #endif
90 /*
91 *********************************************************************
92 */
93 #ifndef BOOLEAN
94     typedef u_int8_t                                            BOOLEAN;
95 #endif
96 #ifndef TRUE
97     #define TRUE  1
98 #endif
99 #ifndef FALSE
100     #define FALSE 0
101 #endif
102 /*
103 **********************************************************************************
104 **
105 **********************************************************************************
106 */
107 #define CHIP_REG_READ8(a)		                           (UCHAR)(readb((PUCHAR)(a)))
108 #define CHIP_REG_READ16(a)		                           (USHORT)(readw((PUSHORT)(a)))
109 #define CHIP_REG_READ32(a)		                           (ULONG)(readl((PULONG)(a)))
110 #define CHIP_REG_WRITE8(a,d)		                       writeb((PUCHAR)(a),(UCHAR)(d))
111 #define CHIP_REG_WRITE16(a,d)		                       writew((PUSHORT)(a),(USHORT)(d))
112 #define CHIP_REG_WRITE32(a,d)	                           writel((PULONG)(a),(ULONG)(d))
113 /*
114 **********************************************************************************
115 **
116 **********************************************************************************
117 */
118 #define PCIVendorIDARECA                                             0x17D3	/* Vendor ID	*/
119 #define PCIDeviceIDARC1110                                           0x1110	/* Device ID	*/
120 #define PCIDeviceIDARC1120                                           0x1120 /* Device ID	*/
121 #define PCIDeviceIDARC1130                                           0x1130 /* Device ID	*/
122 #define PCIDeviceIDARC1160                                           0x1160 /* Device ID	*/
123 #define PCIDeviceIDARC1210                                           0x1210	/* Device ID	*/
124 #define PCIDeviceIDARC1220                                           0x1220 /* Device ID	*/
125 #define PCIDeviceIDARC1230                                           0x1230 /* Device ID	*/
126 #define PCIDeviceIDARC1260                                           0x1260 /* Device ID	*/
128 #define PCIDevVenIDARC1110                                           0x111017D3	/* Vendor Device ID	*/
129 #define PCIDevVenIDARC1120                                           0x112017D3 /* Vendor Device ID	*/
130 #define PCIDevVenIDARC1130                                           0x113017D3 /* Vendor Device ID	*/
131 #define PCIDevVenIDARC1160                                           0x116017D3 /* Vendor Device ID	*/
132 #define PCIDevVenIDARC1210                                           0x121017D3	/* Vendor Device ID	*/
133 #define PCIDevVenIDARC1220                                           0x122017D3 /* Vendor Device ID	*/
134 #define PCIDevVenIDARC1230                                           0x123017D3 /* Vendor Device ID	*/
135 #define PCIDevVenIDARC1260                                           0x126017D3 /* Vendor Device ID	*/
137 #define PCI_BASE_ADDR0                                               0x10
138 #define PCI_BASE_ADDR1                                               0x14
139 #define PCI_BASE_ADDR2                                               0x18
140 #define PCI_BASE_ADDR3                                               0x1C
141 #define PCI_BASE_ADDR4                                               0x20
142 #define PCI_BASE_ADDR5                                               0x24
143 /*
144 **********************************************************************************
145 **
146 **********************************************************************************
147 */
148 #define ARCMSR_SCSICMD_IOCTL                                         0x77
149 #define ARCMSR_CDEVSW_IOCTL                                          0x88
150 #define	ARC_IOCTL_SUCCESS                                            0x00
151 /*
152 **********************************************************************************
153 **
154 **********************************************************************************
155 */
156 #define get_min(x,y)                    ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
157 #define get_max(x,y)                    ((x) < (y) ? (y) : (x))
158 /* CAM SIM entry points */
159 #define arcmsr_ccbsrb_ptr               spriv_ptr0
160 #define arcmsr_ccbacb_ptr               spriv_ptr1
161 #define dma_addr_hi32(a)                ((ULONG) (0xffffffff & (((ULONG64)(a))>>32)))
162 #define dma_addr_lo32(a)                ((ULONG) (0xffffffff & (((ULONG64)(a)))))
163 /*
164 ************************************************************************
165 **        IOCTL CONTROL CODE
166 ** ===================
167 ** IOCtl definitions
168 ** ===================
169 ** Define the various device type values.  Note that values used by Microsoft
170 ** Corporation are in the range 0x0000 - 0x7FFF, and 0x8000 - 0xFFFF are
171 ** reserved for use by customers.
172 **
173 ** #define IOCTL_SCSI_MINIPORT_IO_CONTROL  0x8001
174 **
175 ** Macro definition for defining IOCTL and FSCTL function control codes.
176 ** Note that function codes 0x000 - 0x7FF are reserved for Microsoft
177 ** Corporation, and 0x800 - 0xFFF are reserved for customers.
178 **
179 ** #define RETURNCODE0x0000003F   0x850
181 ** #define SMP_PRINT_STRING       0x80000001
182 **---------------
183 **  #define IOCTL_Device_Function      CTL_CODE(DeviceType, Function, Method, Access)
184 **---------------
185 **  _31_   _30..16_    ___15_14___    _13_    _12...2_      _1_0_
186 ** Common DeviceType Required Access Custom FunctionCode TransferType
187 **
188 **---------------
189 **DeviceType
190 **    Identifies the device type.
191 **	This value must match the value that is set in the DeviceType member of the driver's DEVICE_OBJECT structure.
192 **	(See Specifying Device Types).
193 **	Values of less than 0x8000 are reserved for Microsoft.
194 **	Values of 0x8000 and higher can be used by vendors.
195 **	Note that the vendor-assigned values set the Common bit.
196 **---------------
197 **FunctionCode
198 **    Identifies the function to be performed by the driver.
199 **    Values of less than 0x800 are reserved for Microsoft.
200 **	Values of 0x800 and higher can be used by vendors.
201 **	Note that the vendor-assigned values set the Custom bit.
202 **---------------
203 **TransferType
204 **    Indicates how the system will pass data between the caller of DeviceIoControl
205 **	(or IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest) and the driver that handles the IRP.
206 **    Use one of the following system-defined constants:
208 **			Specifies the buffered I/O method, which is typically used for transferring small amounts of data per request.
209 **			Most I/O control codes for device and intermediate drivers use this TransferType value.
210 **			For information about how the system specifies data buffers for METHOD_BUFFERED I/O control codes,
211 **			see Buffer Descriptions for I/O Control Codes.
212 **			For more information about buffered I/O, see Using Buffered I/O.
214 **			Specifies the direct I/O method, which is typically used for reading or writing large amounts of data,
215 **			using DMA or PIO, that must be transferred quickly.
216 **			Specify METHOD_IN_DIRECT if the caller of DeviceIoControl or IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest will pass data to the driver.
217 **			Specify METHOD_OUT_DIRECT if the caller of DeviceIoControl or IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest will receive data from the driver.
218 **			For information about how the system specifies data buffers for METHOD_IN_DIRECT and METHOD_OUT_DIRECT I/O control codes,
219 **			see Buffer Descriptions for I/O Control Codes.
220 **			For more information about direct I/O, see Using Direct I/O.
222 **			Specifies neither buffered nor direct I/O.
223 **			The I/O manager does not provide any system buffers or MDLs.
224 **			The IRP supplies the user-mode virtual addresses of the input and output buffers
225 **			that were specified to DeviceIoControl or IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest,without validating or mapping them.
226 **			For information about how the system specifies data buffers for METHOD_NEITHER I/O control codes,
227 **			see Buffer Descriptions for I/O Control Codes.
228 **			This method can be used only if the driver can be guaranteed to be running in the context
229 **			of the thread that originated the I/O control request.
230 **			Only a highest-level kernel-mode driver is guaranteed to meet this condition,
231 **			so METHOD_NEITHER is seldom used for the I/O control codes that are passed to low-level device drivers.
232 **			With this method, the highest-level driver must determine whether to set up buffered
233 **			or direct access to user data on receipt of the request,
234 **			possibly must lock down the user buffer,
235 **			and must wrap its access to the user buffer in a structured exception handler (see Handling Exceptions).
236 **			Otherwise, the originating user-mode caller might change the buffered data before the driver can use it,
237 **			or the caller could be swapped out just as the driver is accessing the user buffer.
238 **			For more information, see Using Neither Buffered Nor Direct I/O.
239 **-------------------
240 **RequiredAccess
241 **    Indicates the type of access that a caller must request
242 **	when opening the file object that represents the device (see IRP_MJ_CREATE).
243 **	The I/O Manager will create IRPs and call the driver with a particular I/O control code
244 **	only if the caller has requested the specified access rights.
245 **	RequiredAccess is specified by using the following system-defined constants:
247 **	    The I/O Manager sends the IRP for any caller that has a handle to the file object
248 **		that represents the target device object.
250 **	    The I/O Manager sends the IRP only for a caller with read access rights,
251 **		allowing the underlying device driver to transfer data from the device to system memory.
253 **	    The I/O Manager sends the IRP only for a caller with write access rights,
254 **		allowing the underlying device driver to transfer data from system memory to its device.
255 **	FILE_READ_DATA and FILE_WRITE_DATA can be OR'ed together
256 **	    if the caller must have both read and write access rights.
257 **        Some system-defined I/O control codes have a RequiredAccess value of FILE_ANY_ACCESS.
258 **		This is especially true for I/O control codes that are sent to drivers of exclusive devices,
259 **		and for those that specify buffered I/O.
260 ************************************************************************
261 */
262 struct _CMD_IO_CONTROL
263 {
264       ULONG HeaderLength;
265       UCHAR Signature[8];
266       ULONG Timeout;
267       ULONG ControlCode;
268       ULONG ReturnCode;
269       ULONG Length;
270 };
271 /*
272 ************************************************************************************************************
273 **
274 ************************************************************************************************************
275 */
276 struct _CMD_IOCTL_FIELD
277 {
278     CMD_IO_CONTROL 					cmdioctl; /*ioctl header*/
279     UCHAR          					ioctldatabuffer[1032];/*areca gui program does not accept more than 1031 byte*/
280 };
281 /*error code for StorPortLogError,ScsiPortLogError*/
282 #define ARCMSR_IOP_ERROR_ILLEGALPCI            	0x0001
283 #define ARCMSR_IOP_ERROR_VENDORID              	0x0002
284 #define ARCMSR_IOP_ERROR_DEVICEID              	0x0002
285 #define ARCMSR_IOP_ERROR_ILLEGALCDB           	0x0003
286 #define ARCMSR_IOP_ERROR_UNKNOW_CDBERR        	0x0004
288 #define ARCMSR_SYS_ERROR_MEMORY_CROSS4G     	0x0006
289 #define ARCMSR_SYS_ERROR_MEMORY_LACK        	0x0007
290 #define ARCMSR_SYS_ERROR_MEMORY_RANGE           0x0008
291 #define ARCMSR_SYS_ERROR_DEVICE_BASE            0x0009
292 #define ARCMSR_SYS_ERROR_PORT_VALIDATE          0x000A
293 /*DeviceType*/
294 #define ARECA_SATA_RAID                      	0x90000000
295 /*FunctionCode*/
296 #define FUNCTION_READ_RQBUFFER               	0x0801
297 #define FUNCTION_WRITE_WQBUFFER              	0x0802
298 #define FUNCTION_CLEAR_RQBUFFER              	0x0803
299 #define FUNCTION_CLEAR_WQBUFFER              	0x0804
300 #define FUNCTION_CLEAR_ALLQBUFFER            	0x0805
301 #define FUNCTION_RETURN_CODE_3F              	0x0806
302 #define FUNCTION_SAY_HELLO                   	0x0807
311 /* ARECA IOCTL ReturnCode */
312 #define ARCMSR_IOCTL_RETURNCODE_OK              0x01
313 #define ARCMSR_IOCTL_RETURNCODE_ERROR           0x06
314 #define ARCMSR_IOCTL_RETURNCODE_3F              0x3F
315 /*
316 *************************************************************
317 **   busmaster DMA related defines end
318 *************************************************************
319 */
320 #define     get_min(x,y)            ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
321 #define     get_max(x,y)            ((x) < (y) ? (y) : (x))
322 /*
323 *************************************************************
324 **   structure for holding DMA address data
325 *************************************************************
326 */
327 #define IS_SG64_ADDR                0x01000000 /* bit24 */
328 struct  _SG32ENTRY                             /* size 8 bytes */
329 {                                              /* length bit 24 == 0                      */
330     ULONG							length;    /* high 8 bit == flag,low 24 bit == length */
331     ULONG							address;
332 };
333 struct  _SG64ENTRY                             /* size 12 bytes */
334 {                                              /* length bit 24 == 1                      */
335   	ULONG       					length;    /* high 8 bit == flag,low 24 bit == length */
336    	ULONG       					address;
337    	ULONG       					addresshigh;
338 };
339 struct _SGENTRY_UNION
340 {
341 	union
342 	{
343   		SG32ENTRY                   sg32entry;   /* 30h   Scatter gather address  */
344   		SG64ENTRY                   sg64entry;   /* 30h                           */
345 	}u;
346 };
347 /*
348 **struct scatterlist
349 **{
350 **    char *  address;     // Location data is to be transferred to
351 **    char *  alt_address; // Location of actual if address is a dma indirect buffer.  NULL otherwise
352 **    unsigned int length;
353 **};
354 */
355 /*
356 *************************************************************
357 **
358 *************************************************************
359 */
360 struct _ARCMSR_PCIINFO
361 {
362 	USHORT 							vendor_id;
363 	USHORT 							device_id;
364     USHORT 							irq;
365     USHORT  						reserved;
366 };
367 /*
368 *************************************************************
369 **           DPC
370 **   defer procedure call
371 *************************************************************
372 */
373 struct _DPC
374 {
375 	VOID 				 (*dpcfun) (VOID *);
376 	VOID 						   *arg;
377 };
378 /*
379 *************************************************************
380 **      time represented in ULONG format
381 *************************************************************
382 */
383 struct _TIMERECORD
384 {
385 	ULONG        					seconds:6;      /* bit 05,04,03,02,01,00: 0 - 59         */
386 	ULONG        					minutes:6;      /* bit 11,10,09,08,07,06: 0 - 59         */
387 	ULONG        					month:4;        /* bit       15,14,13,12: 1 - 12         */
388 	ULONG        					hours:6;        /* bit 21,20,19,18,17,16: 0 - 59         */
389 	ULONG        					day:5;          /* bit    26,25,24,23,22: 1 - 31         */
390 	ULONG        					year:5;         /* bit    31,30,29,28,27: 0=2000,31=2031 */
391 };
392 /*
393 **********************************
394 **  Inquiry Data format
395 ** typedef struct _INQUIRYDATA
396 ** {
397 **    UCHAR DeviceType : 5;
398 **    UCHAR DeviceTypeQualifier : 3;
399 **    UCHAR DeviceTypeModifier : 7;
400 **    UCHAR RemovableMedia : 1;
401 **    UCHAR Versions;
402 **    UCHAR ResponseDataFormat : 4;
403 **    UCHAR HiSupport : 1;
404 **    UCHAR NormACA : 1;
405 **    UCHAR ReservedBit : 1;
406 **    UCHAR AERC : 1;
407 **    UCHAR AdditionalLength;
408 **    UCHAR Reserved[2];
409 **    UCHAR SoftReset : 1;
410 **    UCHAR CommandQueue : 1;
411 **    UCHAR Reserved2 : 1;
412 **    UCHAR LinkedCommands : 1;
413 **    UCHAR Synchronous : 1;
414 **    UCHAR Wide16Bit : 1;
415 **    UCHAR Wide32Bit : 1;
416 **    UCHAR RelativeAddressing : 1;
417 **    UCHAR VendorId[8];
418 **    UCHAR ProductId[16];
419 **    UCHAR ProductRevisionLevel[4];
420 **    UCHAR VendorSpecific[20];
421 **    UCHAR Reserved3[40];
423 **********************************
424 */
425 struct _QBUFFER
426 {
427 	ULONG     data_len;
428     UCHAR     data[124];
429 };
430 /*
431 ************************************************************************************************
432 **                            ARECA FIRMWARE SPEC
433 ************************************************************************************************
434 **		Usage of IOP331 adapter
435 **		(All In/Out is in IOP331's view)
436 **		1. Message 0 --> InitThread message and retrun code
437 **		2. Doorbell is used for RS-232 emulation
438 **				inDoorBell :    bit0 -- data in ready            (DRIVER DATA WRITE OK)
439 **								bit1 -- data out has been read   (DRIVER DATA READ OK)
440 **				outDooeBell:    bit0 -- data out ready           (IOP331 DATA WRITE OK)
441 **								bit1 -- data in has been read    (IOP331 DATA READ OK)
442 **		3. Index Memory Usage
443 **			offset 0xf00 : for RS232 out (request buffer)
444 **			offset 0xe00 : for RS232 in  (scratch buffer)
445 **			offset 0xa00 : for inbound message code message_wbuffer (driver to IOP331)
446 **			offset 0x800 : for outbound message code  message_rbuffer (IOP331 to driver)
447 **		4. RS-232 emulation
448 **			Currently 128 byte buffer is used
449 **			          1st ULONG : Data length (1--124)
450 **			        Byte 4--127 : Max 124 bytes of data
451 **		5. PostQ
452 **		All SCSI Command must be sent through postQ:
453 **		(inbound queue port)	Request frame must be 32 bytes aligned
454 **            #   bit27--bit31 => flag for post srb
455 **			  #   bit0--bit26 => real address (bit27--bit31) of post arcmsr_cdb
456 **													bit31 : 0 : 256 bytes frame
457 **															1 : 512 bytes frame
458 **													bit30 : 0 : normal request
459 **															1 : BIOS request
460 **                                                  bit29 : reserved
461 **                                                  bit28 : reserved
462 **                                                  bit27 : reserved
463 **  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
464 **		(outbount queue port)	Request reply
465 **            #   bit27--bit31 => flag for reply
466 **			  #   bit0--bit26 => real address (bit27--bit31) of reply arcmsr_cdb
467 **													bit31 : must be 0 (for this type of reply)
468 **													bit30 : reserved for BIOS handshake
469 **													bit29 : reserved
470 **													bit28 : 0 : no error, ignore AdapStatus/DevStatus/SenseData
471 **															1 : Error, error code in AdapStatus/DevStatus/SenseData
472 **													bit27 : reserved
473 **		6. BIOS request
474 **			All BIOS request is the same with request from PostQ
475 **			Except :
476 **				Request frame is sent from configuration space
477 **								offset: 0x78 : Request Frame (bit30 == 1)
478 **								offset: 0x18 : writeonly to generate IRQ to IOP331
479 **				Completion of request:
480 **				                      (bit30 == 0, bit28==err flag)
481 **		7. Definition of SGL entry (structure)
482 **		8. Message1 Out - Diag Status Code (????)
483 **		9. Message0 message code :
484 **			0x00 : NOP
485 **			0x01 : Get Config ->offset 0xa00 :for outbound message code  message_rbuffer (IOP331 to driver)
486 **												Signature       0x87974060(4)
487 **												Request len     0x00000200(4)
488 **												# of queue      0x00000100(4)
489 **												SDRAM Size      0x00000100(4)-->256 MB
490 **												IDE Channels    0x00000008(4)
491 **												vendor          40 bytes char
492 **												model            8 bytes char
493 **												FirmVer         16 bytes char
494 **                          					Device Map      16 Bytes
495 **                          					FirmwareVersion DWORD <== Added for checking of new firmware capability
496 **			0x02 : Set Config ->offset 0xa00 : for inbound message code message_wbuffer (driver to IOP331)
497 **												Signature       0x87974063(4)
498 **												UPPER32 of Request Frame  (4)-->Driver Only
499 **			0x03 : Reset (Abort all queued Command)
500 **			0x04 : Stop Background Activity
501 **			0x05 : Flush Cache
502 **			0x06 : Start Background Activity (re-start if background is halted)
503 **			0x07 : Check If Host Command Pending (Novell May Need This Function)
504 **			0x08 : Set controller time ->offset 0xa00 : for inbound message code message_wbuffer (driver to IOP331)
505 **			        							byte 0 : 0xaa <-- signature
506 **                          					byte 1 : 0x55 <-- signature
507 **			        							byte 2 : year (04)
508 **			        							byte 3 : month (1..12)
509 **			        							byte 4 : date (1..31)
510 **			        							byte 5 : hour (0..23)
511 **			        							byte 6 : minute (0..59)
512 **			        							byte 7 : second (0..59)
513 ************************************************************************************************
514 */
515 /* message code of inbound message register */
516 #define ARCMSR_INBOUND_MESG0_NOP                      0x00000000
517 #define ARCMSR_INBOUND_MESG0_GET_CONFIG               0x00000001
518 #define ARCMSR_INBOUND_MESG0_SET_CONFIG               0x00000002
519 #define ARCMSR_INBOUND_MESG0_ABORT_CMD                0x00000003
520 #define ARCMSR_INBOUND_MESG0_STOP_BGRB                0x00000004
521 #define ARCMSR_INBOUND_MESG0_FLUSH_CACHE              0x00000005
522 #define ARCMSR_INBOUND_MESG0_START_BGRB               0x00000006
523 #define ARCMSR_INBOUND_MESG0_CHK331PENDING            0x00000007
524 #define ARCMSR_INBOUND_MESG0_SYNC_TIMER               0x00000008
525 /* doorbell interrupt generator */
526 #define ARCMSR_INBOUND_DRIVER_DATA_WRITE_OK           0x00000001
527 #define ARCMSR_INBOUND_DRIVER_DATA_READ_OK            0x00000002
528 #define ARCMSR_OUTBOUND_IOP331_DATA_WRITE_OK          0x00000001
529 #define ARCMSR_OUTBOUND_IOP331_DATA_READ_OK           0x00000002
530 /* srb areca cdb flag */
531 #define ARCMSR_SRBPOST_FLAG_SGL_BSIZE                 0x80000000
532 #define ARCMSR_SRBPOST_FLAG_IAM_BIOS                  0x40000000
533 #define ARCMSR_SRBREPLY_FLAG_IAM_BIOS                 0x40000000
534 #define ARCMSR_SRBREPLY_FLAG_ERROR                    0x10000000
535 /* outbound firmware ok */
536 #define ARCMSR_OUTBOUND_MESG1_FIRMWARE_OK             0x80000000
537 /*
538 ************************************************************************************************
539 **    size 0x1F8 (504)
540 ************************************************************************************************
541 */
542 struct _ARCMSR_CDB
543 {
544 	UCHAR     						Bus;              /* 00h   should be 0            */
545 	UCHAR     						TargetID;         /* 01h   should be 0--15        */
546 	UCHAR     						LUN;              /* 02h   should be 0--7         */
547 	UCHAR     						Function;         /* 03h   should be 1            */
549 	UCHAR     						CdbLength;        /* 04h   not used now           */
550 	UCHAR     						sgcount;          /* 05h                          */
551 	UCHAR     						Flags;            /* 06h                          */
552 #define ARCMSR_CDB_FLAG_SGL_BSIZE          0x01   /* bit 0: 0(256) / 1(512) bytes         */
553 #define ARCMSR_CDB_FLAG_BIOS               0x02   /* bit 1: 0(from driver) / 1(from BIOS) */
554 #define ARCMSR_CDB_FLAG_WRITE              0x04	  /* bit 2: 0(Data in) / 1(Data out)      */
555 #define ARCMSR_CDB_FLAG_SIMPLEQ            0x00	  /* bit 4/3 ,00 : simple Q,01 : head of Q,10 : ordered Q */
556 #define ARCMSR_CDB_FLAG_HEADQ              0x08
557 #define ARCMSR_CDB_FLAG_ORDEREDQ           0x10
558 	UCHAR     						Reserved1;        /* 07h                             */
560 	ULONG     						Context;          /* 08h   Address of this request */
561 	ULONG     						DataLength;       /* 0ch   not used now            */
563 	UCHAR     						Cdb[16];          /* 10h   SCSI CDB                */
564 	/*
565 	********************************************************
566 	**Device Status : the same from SCSI bus if error occur
567 	** SCSI bus status codes.
568 	********************************************************
569 	*/
570 	UCHAR     						DeviceStatus;     /* 20h   if error                */
571 #define SCSISTAT_GOOD                  		0x00
572 #define SCSISTAT_CHECK_CONDITION       		0x02
573 #define SCSISTAT_CONDITION_MET         		0x04
574 #define SCSISTAT_BUSY                  		0x08
575 #define SCSISTAT_INTERMEDIATE          		0x10
579 #define SCSISTAT_QUEUE_FULL            		0x28
580 #define ARCMSR_DEV_SELECT_TIMEOUT           0xF0
581 #define ARCMSR_DEV_ABORTED                  0xF1
582 #define ARCMSR_DEV_INIT_FAIL                0xF2
584 	UCHAR     						SenseData[15];    /* 21h   output                  */
586 	union
587 	{
588   		SG32ENTRY                   sg32entry[ARCMSR_MAX_SG_ENTRIES];        /* 30h   Scatter gather address  */
589   		SG64ENTRY                   sg64entry[ARCMSR_MAX_SG_ENTRIES];        /* 30h                           */
590 	} u;
591 };
592 /*
593 *********************************************************************
594 **                   Command Control Block (SrbExtension)
595 ** SRB must be not cross page boundary,and the order from offset 0
596 **         structure describing an ATA disk request
597 **             this SRB length must be 32 bytes boundary
598 *********************************************************************
599 */
600 struct _SRB
601 {
602 	ARCMSR_CDB          		    arcmsr_cdb;              /* 0-503 (size of CDB=504): arcmsr messenger scsi command descriptor size 504 bytes */
603 	ULONG                           cdb_shifted_phyaddr;     /* 504-507 */
604     ULONG                           reserved1;               /* 508-511*/
605 	/*  ======================512+32 bytes========================  */
606 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__amd64__) || defined(__ia64__)
607 		union		 ccb               *pccb;                    /* 512-515 516-519 pointer of freebsd scsi command */
608 		PACB                            pACB;                    /* 520-523 524-527 */
609 		bus_dmamap_t	                dmamap;                  /* 528-531 532-535 */
610 		USHORT   		        		srb_flags;               /* 536-537 */
611 	#define		SRB_FLAG_READ		        0x0000
612 	#define		SRB_FLAG_WRITE		        0x0001
613 	#define		SRB_FLAG_ERROR		        0x0002
614 	#define		SRB_FLAG_FLUSHCACHE	        0x0004
615 	#define		SRB_FLAG_MASTER_ABORTED     0x0008
616 		USHORT                          startdone;               /* 538-539 */
617 	#define		ARCMSR_SRB_DONE   	        0x0000
618 	#define		ARCMSR_SRB_START   	        0x55AA
619 	#define		ARCMSR_SRB_ABORTED	        0xAA55
620 	#define		ARCMSR_SRB_ILLEGAL	        0xFFFF
621 	    ULONG                           reserved2;               /* 540-543 */
622 #else
623 		union		 ccb               *pccb;                    /* 512-515 pointer of freebsd scsi command */
624 		PACB                            pACB;                    /* 516-519 */
625 		bus_dmamap_t	                dmamap;                  /* 520-523 */
626 		USHORT   		        		srb_flags;               /* 524-525 */
627 	#define		SRB_FLAG_READ		        0x0000
628 	#define		SRB_FLAG_WRITE		        0x0001
629 	#define		SRB_FLAG_ERROR		        0x0002
630 	#define		SRB_FLAG_FLUSHCACHE	        0x0004
631 	#define		SRB_FLAG_MASTER_ABORTED     0x0008
632 		USHORT                          startdone;               /* 526-527 */
633 	#define		ARCMSR_SRB_DONE   	        0x0000
634 	#define		ARCMSR_SRB_START   	        0x55AA
635 	#define		ARCMSR_SRB_ABORTED	        0xAA55
636 	#define		ARCMSR_SRB_ILLEGAL	        0xFFFF
637 		ULONG                           reserved2[4];            /* 528-531 532-535 536-539 540-543 */
638 #endif
639     /*  ==========================================================  */
640 };
641 /*
642 *********************************************************************
643 **                 Adapter Control Block
644 **
645 *********************************************************************
646 */
647 struct _ACB
648 {
649 	bus_space_tag_t		  		    btag;
650 	bus_space_handle_t	  		    bhandle;
651 	bus_dma_tag_t		            parent_dmat;
652 	bus_dma_tag_t		  		    buffer_dmat;                /* dmat for buffer I/O */
653 	bus_dma_tag_t		            srb_dmat;                   /* dmat for freesrb */
654 	bus_dmamap_t		            srb_dmamap;
655 	device_t		      		    pci_dev;
656 #if __FreeBSD_version < 503000
657 	dev_t                           ioctl_dev;
658 #else
659 	struct cdev                    *ioctl_dev;
660 #endif
661 	int			          		    pci_unit;
663 	struct resource		           *sys_res_arcmsr;
664     struct resource		           *irqres;
665 	void		        	       *ih;                         /*interrupt handle*/
667 	/* Hooks into the CAM XPT */
668 	struct	                        cam_sim *psim;
669 	struct	                        cam_path *ppath;
670     PCHAR                           uncacheptr;
671     VIR2PHY_OFFSET                  vir2phy_offset;             /* Offset is used in making arc cdb physical to virtual calculations */
672     ULONG                           outbound_int_enable;
674 	PMU                             pmu;                        /* message unit ATU inbound base address0 */
676 	USHORT                          reserved;
677 	USHORT           				acb_flags;                   /*  */
678 #define ACB_F_SCSISTOPADAPTER         0x0001
679 #define ACB_F_MSG_STOP_BGRB           0x0002                    /* stop RAID background rebuild */
680 #define ACB_F_MSG_START_BGRB          0x0004                    /* stop RAID background rebuild */
681 #define ACB_F_IOPDATA_OVERFLOW        0x0008                    /* iop ioctl data rqbuffer overflow */
682 #define ACB_F_IOCTL_WQBUFFER_CLEARED  0x0010                    /* ioctl clear wqbuffer */
683 #define ACB_F_IOCTL_RQBUFFER_CLEARED  0x0020                    /* ioctl clear rqbuffer */
684 #define ACB_F_IOCTL_OPEN              0x0040
685 #define ACB_F_IOP_INITED              0x0080                    /* iop init */
686 #define ACB_F_STOP_THREAD	  		  0x0100                    /* kernel thread flag */
687 #define ACB_F_MAPFREESRB_FAILD		  0x0200                    /* arcmsr_map_freesrb faild */
689 	PSRB                            pfreesrb;
691     PSRB                            psrbwait2go[ARCMSR_MAX_OUTSTANDING_CMD];
692 	LONG                            srbwait2gocount;
693     LONG                            srboutstandingcount;
695  	PSRB                            psrbringQ[ARCMSR_MAX_FREESRB_NUM]; /* srb pointer array */
696   	LONG                            srb_doneindex;              /* done srb array index */
697     LONG                            srb_startindex;             /* start srb array index  */
699   	UCHAR                           rqbuffer[ARCMSR_MAX_QBUFFER];      /* data collection buffer for read from 80331 */
700 	LONG                            rqbuf_firstindex;           /* first of read buffer  */
701     LONG                            rqbuf_lastindex;            /* last of read buffer   */
703     UCHAR                           wqbuffer[ARCMSR_MAX_QBUFFER];      /* data collection buffer for write to 80331  */
704 	LONG                            wqbuf_firstindex;           /* first of write buffer */
705     LONG                            wqbuf_lastindex;            /* last of write buffer  */
707   	arcmsr_lock_t                   arcmsr_kthread_lock;
708     struct proc                    *kthread_proc;
710 	DPC                       		dpcQ[ARCMSR_MAX_DPC]; /* normal dpc routines work on kernel thread */
712 	LONG                     		dpcQ_head;  /*array index number*/
713 	LONG                     		dpcQ_tail;  /*array index number*/
715 /*
716 *************************************************************
717 *************************************************************
718 */
719 struct _SENSE_DATA
720 {
721     UCHAR ErrorCode:7;
722     UCHAR Valid:1;
723     UCHAR SegmentNumber;
724     UCHAR SenseKey:4;
725     UCHAR Reserved:1;
726     UCHAR IncorrectLength:1;
727     UCHAR EndOfMedia:1;
728     UCHAR FileMark:1;
729     UCHAR Information[4];
730     UCHAR AdditionalSenseLength;
731     UCHAR CommandSpecificInformation[4];
732     UCHAR AdditionalSenseCode;
733     UCHAR AdditionalSenseCodeQualifier;
734     UCHAR FieldReplaceableUnitCode;
735     UCHAR SenseKeySpecific[3];
736 };
737 /*
738 **********************************
739 **  Peripheral Device Type definitions
740 **********************************
741 */
742 #define SCSI_DASD		      0x00	   /* Direct-access Device	   */
743 #define SCSI_SEQACESS		  0x01	   /* Sequential-access device */
744 #define SCSI_PRINTER		  0x02	   /* Printer device		   */
745 #define SCSI_PROCESSOR		  0x03	   /* Processor device		   */
746 #define SCSI_WRITEONCE		  0x04	   /* Write-once device 	   */
747 #define SCSI_CDROM		      0x05	   /* CD-ROM device		       */
748 #define SCSI_SCANNER		  0x06	   /* Scanner device		   */
749 #define SCSI_OPTICAL		  0x07	   /* Optical memory device	   */
750 #define SCSI_MEDCHGR		  0x08	   /* Medium changer device	   */
751 #define SCSI_COMM		      0x09	   /* Communications device	   */
752 #define SCSI_NODEV		      0x1F	   /* Unknown or no device type*/
753 /*
754 ************************************************************************************************************
755 **				         @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
756 **				                          80331 PCI-to-PCI Bridge
757 **				                          PCI Configuration Space
758 **
759 **				         @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
760 **				                            Programming Interface
761 **				                          ========================
762 **				            Configuration Register Address Space Groupings and Ranges
763 **				         =============================================================
764 **				                 Register Group                      Configuration  Offset
765 **				         -------------------------------------------------------------
766 **				            Standard PCI Configuration                      00-3Fh
767 **				         -------------------------------------------------------------
768 **				             Device Specific Registers                      40-A7h
769 **				         -------------------------------------------------------------
770 **				                   Reserved                                 A8-CBh
771 **				         -------------------------------------------------------------
772 **				              Enhanced Capability List                      CC-FFh
773 ** ==========================================================================================================
774 **                         Standard PCI [Type 1] Configuration Space Address Map
775 ** **********************************************************************************************************
776 ** |    Byte 3              |         Byte 2         |        Byte 1          |       Byte 0              |   Configu-ration Byte Offset
777 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
778 ** |                    Device ID                    |                     Vendor ID                      | 00h
779 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
780 ** |                 Primary Status                  |                  Primary Command                   | 04h
781 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
782 ** |                   Class Code                                             |        RevID              | 08h
783 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
784 ** |        reserved        |      Header Type       |      Primary MLT       |      Primary CLS          | 0Ch
785 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
786 ** |                                             Reserved                                                 | 10h
787 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
788 ** |                                             Reserved                                                 | 14h
789 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
790 ** |     Secondary MLT      | Subordinate Bus Number |  Secondary Bus Number  |     Primary Bus Number    | 18h
791 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
792 ** |                 Secondary Status                |       I/O Limit        |        I/O Base           | 1Ch
793 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
794 ** |      Non-prefetchable Memory Limit Address      |       Non-prefetchable Memory Base Address         | 20h
795 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
796 ** |        Prefetchable Memory Limit Address        |           Prefetchable Memory Base Address         | 24h
797 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
798 ** |                          Prefetchable Memory Base Address Upper 32 Bits                              | 28h
799 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
800 ** |                          Prefetchable Memory Limit Address Upper 32 Bits                             | 2Ch
801 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
802 ** |             I/O Limit Upper 16 Bits             |                 I/O Base Upper 16                  | 30h
803 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
804 ** |                                Reserved                                  |   Capabilities Pointer    | 34h
805 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
806 ** |                                             Reserved                                                 | 38h
807 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
808 ** |                   Bridge Control                |  Primary Interrupt Pin | Primary Interrupt Line    | 3Ch
809 **=============================================================================================================
810 */
811 /*
812 **=============================================================================================================
813 **  0x03-0x00 :
814 ** Bit       Default             Description
815 **31:16       0335h            Device ID (DID): Indicates the unique device ID that is assigned to bridge by the PCI SIG.
816 **                             ID is unique per product speed as indicated.
817 **15:00       8086h            Vendor ID (VID): 16-bit field which indicates that Intel is the vendor.
818 **=============================================================================================================
819 */
820 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_VENDORID_REG		         0x00    /*word*/
821 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_DEVICEID_REG		         0x02    /*word*/
822 /*
823 **==============================================================================
824 **  0x05-0x04 : command register
825 ** Bit       Default 		               Description
826 **15:11        00h		   		             Reserved
827 ** 10          0		   		           Interrupt Disable: Disables/Enables the generation of Interrupts on the primary bus.
828 **                		   		                              The bridge does not support interrupts.
829 ** 09          0		   		                 FB2B Enable: Enables/Disables the generation of fast back to back transactions on the primary bus.
830 **                		   		                              The bridge does not generate fast back to back transactions on the primary bus.
831 ** 08          0		   		          SERR# Enable (SEE): Enables primary bus SERR# assertions.
832 **                		   		                              0=The bridge does not assert P_SERR#.
833 **                		   		                              1=The bridge may assert P_SERR#, subject to other programmable criteria.
834 ** 07          0		   		    Wait Cycle Control (WCC): Always returns 0bzero indicating that bridge does not perform address or data stepping,
835 ** 06          0		   		 Parity Error Response (PER): Controls bridge response to a detected primary bus parity error.
836 **                		   		                              0=When a data parity error is detected bridge does not assert S_PERR#.
837 **                		   		                                  Also bridge does not assert P_SERR# in response to a detected address or attribute parity error.
838 **                		   		                              1=When a data parity error is detected bridge asserts S_PERR#.
839 **                		   		                                  The bridge also asserts P_SERR# (when enabled globally via bit(8) of this register) in response to a detected address or attribute parity error.
840 ** 05          0		  VGA Palette Snoop Enable (VGA_PSE): Controls bridge response to VGA-compatible palette write transactions.
841 **                		                                      VGA palette write transactions are I/O transactions whose address bits are: P_AD[9:0] equal to 3C6h, 3C8h or 3C9h
842 **                		                                      P_AD[15:10] are not decoded (i.e. aliases are claimed), or are fully decoding (i.e., must be all 0's depending upon the VGA aliasing bit in the Bridge Control Register, offset 3Eh.
843 **                		                                      P_AD[31:16] equal to 0000h
844 **                		                                      0=The bridge ignores VGA palette write transactions, unless decoded by the standard I/O address range window.
845 **                		                                      1=The bridge responds to VGA palette write transactions with medium DEVSEL# timing and forwards them to the secondary bus.
846 ** 04          0   Memory Write and Invalidate Enable (MWIE): The bridge does not promote MW transactions to MWI transactions.
847 **                                                            MWI transactions targeting resources on the opposite side of the bridge, however, are forwarded as MWI transactions.
848 ** 03          0                  Special Cycle Enable (SCE): The bridge ignores special cycle transactions.
849 **                                                            This bit is read only and always returns 0 when read
850 ** 02          0                     Bus Master Enable (BME): Enables bridge to initiate memory and I/O transactions on the primary interface.
851 **                                                            Initiation of configuration transactions is not affected by the state of this bit.
852 **                                                            0=The bridge does not initiate memory or I/O transactions on the primary interface.
853 **                                                            1=The bridge is enabled to function as an initiator on the primary interface.
854 ** 01          0                   Memory Space Enable (MSE): Controls target response to memory transactions on the primary interface.
855 **                                                            0=The bridge target response to memory transactions on the primary interface is disabled.
856 **                                                            1=The bridge target response to memory transactions on the primary interface is enabled.
857 ** 00          0                     I/O Space Enable (IOSE): Controls target response to I/O transactions on the primary interface.
858 **                                                            0=The bridge target response to I/O transactions on the primary interface is disabled.
859 **                                                            1=The bridge target response to I/O transactions on the primary interface is enabled.
860 **==============================================================================
861 */
862 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_PRIMARY_COMMAND_REG		 0x04    /*word*/
863 #define     PCI_DISABLE_INTERRUPT          0x0400
864 /*
865 **==============================================================================
866 **  0x07-0x06 : status register
867 ** Bit       Default                       Description
868 ** 15          0                       Detected Parity Error: The bridge sets this bit to a 1b whenever it detects an address, attribute or data parity error.
869 **                                                            This bit is set regardless of the state of the PER bit in the command register.
870 ** 14          0                       Signaled System Error: The bridge sets this bit to a 1b whenever it asserts SERR# on the primary bus.
871 ** 13          0                       Received Master Abort: The bridge sets this bit to a 1b when, acting as the initiator on the primary bus, its transaction (with the exception of special cycles) has been terminated with a Master Abort.
872 ** 12          0                       Received Target Abort: The bridge sets this bit to a 1b when, acting as the initiator on the primary bus, its transaction has been terminated with a Target Abort.
873 ** 11          0                       Signaled Target Abort: The bridge sets this bit to a 1b when it, as the target of a transaction, terminates it with a Target Abort.
874 **                                                            In PCI-X mode this bit is also set when it forwards a SCM with a target abort error code.
875 ** 10:09       01                             DEVSEL# Timing: Indicates slowest response to a non-configuration command on the primary interface.
876 **                                                            Returns ��01b�� when read, indicating that bridge responds no slower than with medium timing.
877 ** 08          0                    Master Data Parity Error: The bridge sets this bit to a 1b when all of the following conditions are true: The bridge is the current master on the primary bus
878 **                                                            S_PERR# is detected asserted or is asserted by bridge
879 **                                                            The Parity Error Response bit is set in the Command register
880 ** 07          1                   Fast Back to Back Capable: Returns a 1b when read indicating that bridge is able to respond to fast back to back transactions on its primary interface.
881 ** 06          0                             Reserved
882 ** 05          1                   66 MHz Capable Indication: Returns a 1b when read indicating that bridge primary interface is 66 MHz capable.
883 **                                                            1 =
884 ** 04          1                    Capabilities List Enable: Returns 1b when read indicating that bridge supports PCI standard enhanced capabilities.
885 **                                                            Offset 34h (Capability Pointer register) provides the offset for the first entry in the linked list of enhanced capabilities.
886 ** 03          0                            Interrupt Status: Reflects the state of the interrupt in the device/function.
887 **                                                            The bridge does not support interrupts.
888 ** 02:00       000                           Reserved
889 **==============================================================================
890 */
891 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_PRIMARY_STATUS_REG	     0x06    /*word: 06,07 */
892 #define          ARCMSR_ADAP_66MHZ         0x20
893 /*
894 **==============================================================================
895 **  0x08 : revision ID
896 ** Bit       Default                       Description
897 ** 07:00       00000000                  Revision ID (RID): '00h' indicating bridge A-0 stepping.
898 **==============================================================================
899 */
900 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_REVISIONID_REG		     0x08    /*byte*/
901 /*
902 **==============================================================================
903 **  0x0b-0x09 : 0180_00 (class code 1,native pci mode )
904 ** Bit       Default                       Description
905 ** 23:16       06h                     Base Class Code (BCC): Indicates that this is a bridge device.
906 ** 15:08       04h                      Sub Class Code (SCC): Indicates this is of type PCI-to-PCI bridge.
907 ** 07:00       00h               Programming Interface (PIF): Indicates that this is standard (non-subtractive) PCI-PCI bridge.
908 **==============================================================================
909 */
910 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_CLASSCODE_REG	         0x09    /*3bytes*/
911 /*
912 **==============================================================================
913 **  0x0c : cache line size
914 ** Bit       Default                       Description
915 ** 07:00       00h                     Cache Line Size (CLS): Designates the cache line size in 32-bit dword units.
916 **                                                            The contents of this register are factored into internal policy decisions associated with memory read prefetching, and the promotion of Memory Write transactions to MWI transactions.
917 **                                                            Valid cache line sizes are 8 and 16 dwords.
918 **                                                            When the cache line size is set to an invalid value, bridge behaves as though the cache line size was set to 00h.
919 **==============================================================================
920 */
921 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_PRIMARY_CACHELINESIZE_REG 0x0C    /*byte*/
922 /*
923 **==============================================================================
924 **  0x0d : latency timer (number of pci clock 00-ff )
925 ** Bit       Default                       Description
926 **                                   Primary Latency Timer (PTV):
927 ** 07:00      00h (Conventional PCI)   Conventional PCI Mode: Primary bus Master latency timer. Indicates the number of PCI clock cycles,
928 **                                                            referenced from the assertion of FRAME# to the expiration of the timer,
929 **                                                            when bridge may continue as master of the current transaction. All bits are writable,
930 **                                                            resulting in a granularity of 1 PCI clock cycle.
931 **                                                            When the timer expires (i.e., equals 00h) bridge relinquishes the bus after the first data transfer when its PCI bus grant has been deasserted.
932 **         or 40h (PCI-X)                         PCI-X Mode: Primary bus Master latency timer.
933 **                                                            Indicates the number of PCI clock cycles,
934 **                                                            referenced from the assertion of FRAME# to the expiration of the timer,
935 **                                                            when bridge may continue as master of the current transaction.
936 **                                                            All bits are writable, resulting in a granularity of 1 PCI clock cycle.
937 **                                                            When the timer expires (i.e., equals 00h) bridge relinquishes the bus at the next ADB.
938 **                                                            (Except in the case where MLT expires within 3 data phases of an ADB.In this case bridge continues on until it reaches the next ADB before relinquishing the bus.)
939 **==============================================================================
940 */
941 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_PRIMARY_LATENCYTIMER_REG	 0x0D    /*byte*/
942 /*
943 **==============================================================================
944 **  0x0e : (header type,single function )
945 ** Bit       Default                       Description
946 ** 07           0                Multi-function device (MVD): 80331 is a single-function device.
947 ** 06:00       01h                       Header Type (HTYPE): Defines the layout of addresses 10h through 3Fh in configuration space.
948 **                                                            Returns ��01h�� when read indicating that the register layout conforms to the standard PCI-to-PCI bridge layout.
949 **==============================================================================
950 */
951 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_HEADERTYPE_REG	         0x0E    /*byte*/
952 /*
953 **==============================================================================
954 **     0x0f   :
955 **==============================================================================
956 */
957 /*
958 **==============================================================================
959 **  0x13-0x10 :
960 **  PCI CFG Base Address #0 (0x10)
961 **==============================================================================
962 */
963 /*
964 **==============================================================================
965 **  0x17-0x14 :
966 **  PCI CFG Base Address #1 (0x14)
967 **==============================================================================
968 */
969 /*
970 **==============================================================================
971 **  0x1b-0x18 :
972 **  PCI CFG Base Address #2 (0x18)
973 **-----------------0x1A,0x19,0x18--Bus Number Register - BNR
974 ** Bit       Default                       Description
975 ** 23:16       00h             Subordinate Bus Number (SBBN): Indicates the highest PCI bus number below this bridge.
976 **                                                            Any Type 1 configuration cycle on the primary bus whose bus number is greater than the secondary bus number,
977 **                                                            and less than or equal to the subordinate bus number is forwarded unaltered as a Type 1 configuration cycle on the secondary PCI bus.
978 ** 15:08       00h               Secondary Bus Number (SCBN): Indicates the bus number of PCI to which the secondary interface is connected.
979 **                                                            Any Type 1 configuration cycle matching this bus number is translated to a Type 0 configuration cycle (or a Special Cycle) before being executed on bridge's secondary PCI bus.
980 ** 07:00       00h                  Primary Bus Number (PBN): Indicates bridge primary bus number.
981 **                                                            Any Type 1 configuration cycle on the primary interface with a bus number that is less than the contents of this register field does not be claimed by bridge.
982 **-----------------0x1B--Secondary Latency Timer Register - SLTR
983 ** Bit       Default                       Description
984 **                             Secondary Latency Timer (STV):
985 ** 07:00       00h (Conventional PCI)  Conventional PCI Mode: Secondary bus Master latency timer.
986 **                                                            Indicates the number of PCI clock cycles,referenced from the assertion of FRAME# to the expiration of the timer,
987 **                                                            when bridge may continue as master of the current transaction. All bits are writable,
988 **                                                            resulting in a granularity of 1 PCI clock cycle.
989 **                                                            When the timer expires (i.e., equals 00h) bridge relinquishes the bus after the first data transfer when its PCI bus grant has been deasserted.
990 **          or 40h (PCI-X)                        PCI-X Mode: Secondary bus Master latency timer.
991 **                                                            Indicates the number of PCI clock cycles,referenced from the assertion of FRAME# to the expiration of the timer,
992 **                                                            when bridge may continue as master of the current transaction. All bits are writable,
993 **                                                            resulting in a granularity of 1 PCI clock cycle.
994 **                                                            When the timer expires (i.e., equals 00h) bridge relinquishes the bus at the next ADB.
995 **                                                            (Except in the case where MLT expires within 3 data phases of an ADB. In this case bridge continues on until it reaches the next ADB before relinquishing the bus)
996 **==============================================================================
997 */
998 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_PRIMARY_BUSNUMBER_REG	         0x18    /*3byte 0x1A,0x19,0x18*/
999 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_SECONDARY_BUSNUMBER_REG	         0x19    /*byte*/
1000 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_SUBORDINATE_BUSNUMBER_REG         0x1A    /*byte*/
1001 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_SECONDARY_LATENCYTIMER_REG	     0x1B    /*byte*/
1002 /*
1003 **==============================================================================
1004 **  0x1f-0x1c :
1005 **  PCI CFG Base Address #3 (0x1C)
1006 **-----------------0x1D,0x1C--I/O Base and Limit Register - IOBL
1007 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1008 ** 15:12        0h            I/O Limit Address Bits [15:12]: Defines the top address of an address range to determine when to forward I/O transactions from one interface to the other.
1009 **                                                            These bits correspond to address lines 15:12 for 4KB alignment.
1010 **                                                            Bits 11:0 are assumed to be FFFh.
1011 ** 11:08        1h           I/O Limit Addressing Capability: This field is hard-wired to 1h, indicating support 32-bit I/O addressing.
1012 ** 07:04        0h             I/O Base Address Bits [15:12]: Defines the bottom address of an address range to determine when to forward I/O transactions from one interface to the other.
1013 **                                                            These bits correspond to address lines 15:12 for 4KB alignment. Bits 11:0 are assumed to be 000h.
1014 ** 03:00        1h            I/O Base Addressing Capability: This is hard-wired to 1h, indicating support for 32-bit I/O addressing.
1015 **-----------------0x1F,0x1E--Secondary Status Register - SSR
1016 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1017 ** 15           0b                     Detected Parity Error: The bridge sets this bit to a 1b whenever it detects an address, attribute or data parity error on its secondary interface.
1018 ** 14           0b                     Received System Error: The bridge sets this bit when it samples SERR# asserted on its secondary bus interface.
1019 ** 13           0b                     Received Master Abort: The bridge sets this bit to a 1b when, acting as the initiator on the secondary bus, it's transaction (with the exception of special cycles) has been terminated with a Master Abort.
1020 ** 12           0b                     Received Target Abort: The bridge sets this bit to a 1b when, acting as the initiator on the secondary bus, it's transaction has been terminated with a Target Abort.
1021 ** 11           0b                     Signaled Target Abort: The bridge sets this bit to a 1b when it, as the target of a transaction, terminates it with a Target Abort.
1022 **                                                            In PCI-X mode this bit is also set when it forwards a SCM with a target abort error code.
1023 ** 10:09       01b                            DEVSEL# Timing: Indicates slowest response to a non-configuration command on the secondary interface.
1024 **                                                            Returns ��01b�� when read, indicating that bridge responds no slower than with medium timing.
1025 ** 08           0b                  Master Data Parity Error: The bridge sets this bit to a 1b when all of the following conditions are true:
1026 **                                                            The bridge is the current master on the secondary bus
1027 **                                                            S_PERR# is detected asserted or is asserted by bridge
1028 **                                                            The Parity Error Response bit is set in the Command register
1029 ** 07           1b           Fast Back-to-Back Capable (FBC): Indicates that the secondary interface of bridge can receive fast back-to-back cycles.
1030 ** 06           0b                           Reserved
1031 ** 05           1b                      66 MHz Capable (C66): Indicates the secondary interface of the bridge is 66 MHz capable.
1032 **                                                            1 =
1033 ** 04:00       00h                           Reserved
1034 **==============================================================================
1035 */
1036 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_IO_BASE_REG	                     0x1C    /*byte*/
1037 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_IO_LIMIT_REG	                     0x1D    /*byte*/
1038 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_SECONDARY_STATUS_REG	             0x1E    /*word: 0x1F,0x1E */
1039 /*
1040 **==============================================================================
1041 **  0x23-0x20 :
1042 **  PCI CFG Base Address #4 (0x20)
1043 **-----------------0x23,0x22,0x21,0x20--Memory Base and Limit Register - MBL
1044 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1045 ** 31:20      000h                              Memory Limit: These 12 bits are compared with P_AD[31:20] of the incoming address to determine
1046 **                                                            the upper 1MB aligned value (exclusive) of the range.
1047 **                                                            The incoming address must be less than or equal to this value.
1048 **                                                            For the purposes of address decoding the lower 20 address bits (P_AD[19:0] are assumed to be F FFFFh.
1049 ** 19:16        0h                            Reserved.
1050 ** 15:04      000h                               Memory Base: These 12 bits are compared with bits P_AD[31:20] of the incoming address to determine the lower 1MB aligned value (inclusive) of the range.
1051 **                                                            The incoming address must be greater than or equal to this value.
1052 **                                                            For the purposes of address decoding the lower 20 address bits (P_AD[19:0]) are assumed to be 0 0000h.
1053 ** 03:00        0h                            Reserved.
1054 **==============================================================================
1055 */
1056 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_NONPREFETCHABLE_MEMORY_BASE_REG   0x20    /*word: 0x21,0x20 */
1057 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_NONPREFETCHABLE_MEMORY_LIMIT_REG  0x22    /*word: 0x23,0x22 */
1058 /*
1059 **==============================================================================
1060 **  0x27-0x24 :
1061 **  PCI CFG Base Address #5 (0x24)
1062 **-----------------0x27,0x26,0x25,0x24--Prefetchable Memory Base and Limit Register - PMBL
1063 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1064 ** 31:20      000h                 Prefetchable Memory Limit: These 12 bits are compared with P_AD[31:20] of the incoming address to determine
1065 **                                                            the upper 1MB aligned value (exclusive) of the range.
1066 **                                                            The incoming address must be less than or equal to this value.
1067 **                                                            For the purposes of address decoding the lower 20 address bits (P_AD[19:0] are assumed to be F FFFFh.
1068 ** 19:16        1h                          64-bit Indicator: Indicates that 64-bit addressing is supported.
1069 ** 15:04      000h                  Prefetchable Memory Base: These 12 bits are compared with bits P_AD[31:20] of the incoming address to determine the lower 1MB aligned value (inclusive) of the range.
1070 **                                                            The incoming address must be greater than or equal to this value.
1071 **                                                            For the purposes of address decoding the lower 20 address bits (P_AD[19:0]) are assumed to be 0 0000h.
1072 ** 03:00        1h                          64-bit Indicator: Indicates that 64-bit addressing is supported.
1073 **==============================================================================
1074 */
1075 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_PREFETCHABLE_MEMORY_BASE_REG      0x24    /*word: 0x25,0x24 */
1076 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_PREFETCHABLE_MEMORY_LIMIT_REG     0x26    /*word: 0x27,0x26 */
1077 /*
1078 **==============================================================================
1079 **  0x2b-0x28 :
1080 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1081 ** 31:00    00000000h Prefetchable Memory Base Upper Portion: All bits are read/writable
1082 **                                                            bridge supports full 64-bit addressing.
1083 **==============================================================================
1084 */
1085 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_PREFETCHABLE_MEMORY_BASE_UPPER32_REG     0x28    /*dword: 0x2b,0x2a,0x29,0x28 */
1086 /*
1087 **==============================================================================
1088 **  0x2f-0x2c :
1089 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1090 ** 31:00    00000000h Prefetchable Memory Limit Upper Portion: All bits are read/writable
1091 **                                                             bridge supports full 64-bit addressing.
1092 **==============================================================================
1093 */
1094 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_PREFETCHABLE_MEMORY_LIMIT_UPPER32_REG    0x2C    /*dword: 0x2f,0x2e,0x2d,0x2c */
1095 /*
1096 **==============================================================================
1097 **  0x33-0x30 :
1098 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1099 ** 07:00       DCh                      Capabilities Pointer: Pointer to the first CAP ID entry in the capabilities list is at DCh in PCI configuration
1100 **                                                            space. (Power Management Capability Registers)
1101 **==============================================================================
1102 */
1103 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_CAPABILITIES_POINTER_REG	                 0x34    /*byte*/
1104 /*
1105 **==============================================================================
1106 **  0x3b-0x35 : reserved
1107 **==============================================================================
1108 */
1109 /*
1110 **==============================================================================
1111 **  0x3d-0x3c :
1112 **
1113 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1114 ** 15:08       00h                       Interrupt Pin (PIN): Bridges do not support the generation of interrupts.
1115 ** 07:00       00h                     Interrupt Line (LINE): The bridge does not generate interrupts, so this is reserved as '00h'.
1116 **==============================================================================
1117 */
1118 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_PRIMARY_INTERRUPT_LINE_REG                0x3C    /*byte*/
1119 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_PRIMARY_INTERRUPT_PIN_REG                 0x3D    /*byte*/
1120 /*
1121 **==============================================================================
1122 **  0x3f-0x3e :
1123 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1124 ** 15:12        0h                          Reserved
1125 ** 11           0b                Discard Timer SERR# Enable: Controls the generation of SERR# on the primary interface (P_SERR#) in response
1126 **                                                            to a timer discard on either the primary or secondary interface.
1127 **                                                            0b=SERR# is not asserted.
1128 **                                                            1b=SERR# is asserted.
1129 ** 10           0b                Discard Timer Status (DTS): This bit is set to a '1b' when either the primary or secondary discard timer expires.
1130 **                                                            The delayed completion is then discarded.
1131 ** 09           0b             Secondary Discard Timer (SDT): Sets the maximum number of PCI clock cycles that bridge waits for an initiator on the secondary bus to repeat a delayed transaction request.
1132 **                                                            The counter starts when the delayed transaction completion is ready to be returned to the initiator.
1133 **                                                            When the initiator has not repeated the transaction at least once before the counter expires,bridge discards the delayed transaction from its queues.
1134 **                                                            0b=The secondary master time-out counter is 2 15 PCI clock cycles.
1135 **                                                            1b=The secondary master time-out counter is 2 10 PCI clock cycles.
1136 ** 08           0b               Primary Discard Timer (PDT): Sets the maximum number of PCI clock cycles that bridge waits for an initiator on the primary bus to repeat a delayed transaction request.
1137 **                                                            The counter starts when the delayed transaction completion is ready to be returned to the initiator.
1138 **                                                            When the initiator has not repeated the transaction at least once before the counter expires, bridge discards the delayed transaction from its queues.
1139 **                                                            0b=The primary master time-out counter is 2 15 PCI clock cycles.
1140 **                                                            1b=The primary master time-out counter is 2 10 PCI clock cycles.
1141 ** 07           0b            Fast Back-to-Back Enable (FBE): The bridge does not initiate back to back transactions.
1142 ** 06           0b                 Secondary Bus Reset (SBR):
1143 **                                                            When cleared to 0b: The bridge deasserts S_RST#, when it had been asserted by writing this bit to a 1b.
1144 **                                                                When set to 1b: The bridge asserts S_RST#.
1145 ** 05           0b                   Master Abort Mode (MAM): Dictates bridge behavior on the initiator bus when a master abort termination occurs in response to a delayed transaction initiated by bridge on the target bus.
1146 **                                                            0b=The bridge asserts TRDY# in response to a non-locked delayed transaction,and returns FFFF FFFFh when a read.
1147 **                                                            1b=When the transaction had not yet been completed on the initiator bus (e.g.,delayed reads, or non-posted writes),
1148 **                                                                 then bridge returns a Target Abort in response to the original requester
1149 **                                                                 when it returns looking for its delayed completion on the initiator bus.
1150 **                                                                 When the transaction had completed on the initiator bus (e.g., a PMW), then bridge asserts P_SERR# (when enabled).
1151 **                                   For PCI-X transactions this bit is an enable for the assertion of P_SERR# due to a master abort while attempting to deliver a posted memory write on the destination bus.
1152 ** 04           0b                   VGA Alias Filter Enable: This bit dictates bridge behavior in conjunction with the VGA enable bit (also of this register),
1153 **                                                            and the VGA Palette Snoop Enable bit (Command Register).
1154 **                                                            When the VGA enable, or VGA Palette Snoop enable bits are on (i.e., 1b) the VGA Aliasing bit for the corresponding enabled functionality,:
1155 **                                                            0b=Ignores address bits AD[15:10] when decoding VGA I/O addresses.
1156 **                                                            1b=Ensures that address bits AD[15:10] equal 000000b when decoding VGA I/O addresses.
1157 **                                   When all VGA cycle forwarding is disabled, (i.e., VGA Enable bit =0b and VGA Palette Snoop bit =0b), then this bit has no impact on bridge behavior.
1158 ** 03           0b                                VGA Enable: Setting this bit enables address decoding and transaction forwarding of the following VGA transactions from the primary bus to the secondary bus:
1159 **                                                            frame buffer memory addresses 000A0000h:000BFFFFh, VGA I/O addresses 3B0:3BBh and 3C0h:3DFh, where AD[31:16]=��0000h�� and AD[15:10] are either not decoded (i.e., don't cares), or must be ��000000b��
1160 **                                                            depending upon the state of the VGA Alias Filter Enable bit. (bit(4) of this register)
1161 **                                                            I/O and Memory Enable bits must be set in the Command register to enable forwarding of VGA cycles.
1162 ** 02           0b                                ISA Enable: Setting this bit enables special handling for the forwarding of ISA I/O transactions that fall within the address range specified by the I/O Base and Limit registers, and are within the lowest 64Kbyte of the I/O address map (i.e., 0000 0000h - 0000 FFFFh).
1163 **                                                            0b=All I/O transactions that fall within the I/O Base and Limit registers' specified range are forwarded from primary to secondary unfiltered.
1164 **                                                            1b=Blocks the forwarding from primary to secondary of the top 768 bytes of each 1Kbyte alias. On the secondary the top 768 bytes of each 1K alias are inversely decoded and forwarded from secondary to primary.
1165 ** 01           0b                      SERR# Forward Enable: 0b=The bridge does not assert P_SERR# as a result of an S_SERR# assertion.
1166 **                                                            1b=The bridge asserts P_SERR# whenever S_SERR# is detected asserted provided the SERR# Enable bit is set (PCI Command Register bit(8)=1b).
1167 ** 00           0b                     Parity Error Response: This bit controls bridge response to a parity error that is detected on its secondary interface.
1168 **                                                            0b=When a data parity error is detected bridge does not assert S_PERR#.
1169 **                                                            Also bridge does not assert P_SERR# in response to a detected address or attribute parity error.
1170 **                                                            1b=When a data parity error is detected bridge asserts S_PERR#. The bridge also asserts P_SERR# (when enabled globally via bit(8) of the Command register)
1171 **                                                            in response to a detected address or attribute parity error.
1172 **==============================================================================
1173 */
1174 #define     ARCMSR_PCI2PCI_BRIDGE_CONTROL_REG	                     0x3E    /*word*/
1175 /*
1176 **************************************************************************
1177 **                  Device Specific Registers 40-A7h
1178 **************************************************************************
1179 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1180 ** |    Byte 3              |         Byte 2         |        Byte 1          |       Byte 0              | Configu-ration Byte Offset
1181 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1182 ** |    Bridge Control 0    |             Arbiter Control/Status              |      Reserved             | 40h
1183 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1184 ** |                 Bridge Control 2                |                 Bridge Control 1                   | 44h
1185 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1186 ** |                    Reserved                     |                 Bridge Status                      | 48h
1187 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1188 ** |                                             Reserved                                                 | 4Ch
1189 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1190 ** |                 Prefetch Policy                 |               Multi-Transaction Timer              | 50h
1191 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1192 ** |       Reserved         |      Pre-boot Status   |             P_SERR# Assertion Control              | 54h
1193 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1194 ** |       Reserved         |        Reserved        |             Secondary Decode Enable                | 58h
1195 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1196 ** |                    Reserved                     |                 Secondary IDSEL                    | 5Ch
1197 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1198 ** |                                              Reserved                                                | 5Ch
1199 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1200 ** |                                              Reserved                                                | 68h:CBh
1201 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1202 **************************************************************************
1203 **==============================================================================
1204 **  0x42-0x41: Secondary Arbiter Control/Status Register - SACSR
1205 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1206 ** 15:12      1111b                  Grant Time-out Violator: This field indicates the agent that violated the Grant Time-out rule (PCI=16 clocks,PCI-X=6 clocks).
1207 **                                   Note that this field is only meaningful when:
1208 **                                                              # Bit[11] of this register is set to 1b, indicating that a Grant Time-out violation had occurred.
1209 **                                                              # bridge internal arbiter is enabled.
1210 **                                           Bits[15:12] Violating Agent (REQ#/GNT# pair number)
1211 **                                                 0000b REQ#/GNT#[0]
1212 **                                                 0001b REQ#/GNT#[1]
1213 **                                                 0010b REQ#/GNT#[2]
1214 **                                                 0011b REQ#/GNT#[3]
1215 **                                                 1111b Default Value (no violation detected)
1216 **                                   When bit[11] is cleared by software, this field reverts back to its default value.
1217 **                                   All other values are Reserved
1218 ** 11            0b                  Grant Time-out Occurred: When set to 1b,
1219 **                                   this indicates that a Grant Time-out error had occurred involving one of the secondary bus agents.
1220 **                                   Software clears this bit by writing a 1b to it.
1221 ** 10            0b                      Bus Parking Control: 0=During bus idle, bridge parks the bus on the last master to use the bus.
1222 **                                                            1=During bus idle, bridge parks the bus on itself. The bus grant is removed from the last master and internally asserted to bridge.
1223 ** 09:08        00b                          Reserved
1224 ** 07:00      0000 0000b  Secondary Bus Arbiter Priority Configuration: The bridge secondary arbiter provides two rings of arbitration priority.
1225 **                                                                      Each bit of this field assigns its corresponding secondary bus master to either the high priority arbiter ring (1b) or to the low priority arbiter ring (0b).
1226 **                                                                      Bits [3:0] correspond to request inputs S_REQ#[3:0], respectively.
1227 **                                                                      Bit [6] corresponds to the bridge internal secondary bus request while Bit [7] corresponds to the SATU secondary bus request.
1228 **                                                                      Bits [5:4] are unused.
1229 **                                                                      0b=Indicates that the master belongs to the low priority group.
1230 **                                                                      1b=Indicates that the master belongs to the high priority group
1231 **=================================================================================
1232 **  0x43: Bridge Control Register 0 - BCR0
1233 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1234 ** 07           0b                  Fully Dynamic Queue Mode: 0=The number of Posted write transactions is limited to eight and the Posted Write data is limited to 4KB.
1235 **                                                            1=Operation in fully dynamic queue mode. The bridge enqueues up to 14 Posted Memory Write transactions and 8KB of posted write data.
1236 ** 06:03        0H                          Reserved.
1237 ** 02           0b                 Upstream Prefetch Disable: This bit disables bridge ability to perform upstream prefetch operations for Memory Read requests received on its secondary interface.
1238 **                                 This bit also controls the bridge's ability to generate advanced read commands when forwarding a Memory Read Block transaction request upstream from a PCI-X bus to a Conventional PCI bus.
1239 **                                 0b=bridge treats all upstream Memory Read requests as though they target prefetchable memory. The use of Memory Read Line and Memory Read
1240 **                                      Multiple is enabled when forwarding a PCI-X Memory Read Block request to an upstream bus operating in Conventional PCI mode.
1241 **                                 1b=bridge treats upstream PCI Memory Read requests as though they target non-prefetchable memory and forwards upstream PCI-X Memory Read Block commands as Memory Read when the primary bus is operating in Conventional PCI mode.
1242 **                                 NOTE: This bit does not affect bridge ability to perform read prefetching when the received command is Memory Read Line or Memory Read Multiple.
1243 **=================================================================================
1244 **  0x45-0x44: Bridge Control Register 1 - BCR1 (Sheet 2 of 2)
1245 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1246 ** 15:08    0000000b                         Reserved
1247 ** 07:06         00b                   Alias Command Mapping: This two bit field determines how bridge handles PCI-X ��Alias�� commands, specifically the Alias to Memory Read Block and Alias to Memory Write Block commands.
1248 **                                                            The three options for handling these alias commands are to either pass it as is, re-map to the actual block memory read/write command encoding, or ignore
1249 **                                                            the transaction forcing a Master Abort to occur on the Origination Bus.
1250 **                                                   Bit (7:6) Handling of command
1251 **                                                        0 0 Re-map to Memory Read/Write Block before forwarding
1252 **                                                        0 1 Enqueue and forward the alias command code unaltered
1253 **                                                        1 0 Ignore the transaction, forcing Master Abort
1254 **                                                        1 1 Reserved
1255 ** 05            1b                  Watchdog Timers Disable: Disables or enables all 2 24 Watchdog Timers in both directions.
1256 **                                                            The watchdog timers are used to detect prohibitively long latencies in the system.
1257 **                                                            The watchdog timer expires when any Posted Memory Write (PMW), Delayed Request,
1258 **                                                            or Split Requests (PCI-X mode) is not completed within 2 24 events
1259 **                                                            (��events�� are defined as PCI Clocks when operating in PCI-X mode, and as the number of times being retried when operating in Conventional PCI mode)
1260 **                                                            0b=All 2 24 watchdog timers are enabled.
1261 **                                                            1b=All 2 24 watchdog timers are disabled and there is no limits to the number of attempts bridge makes when initiating a PMW,
1262 **                                                                 transacting a Delayed Transaction, or how long it waits for a split completion corresponding to one of its requests.
1263 ** 04            0b                  GRANT# time-out disable: This bit enables/disables the GNT# time-out mechanism.
1264 **                                                            Grant time-out is 16 clocks for conventional PCI, and 6 clocks for PCI-X.
1265 **                                                            0b=The Secondary bus arbiter times out an agent that does not assert FRAME# within 16/6 clocks of receiving its grant, once the bus has gone idle.
1266 **                                                                 The time-out counter begins as soon as the bus goes idle with the new GNT# asserted.
1267 **                                                                 An infringing agent does not receive a subsequent GNT# until it de-asserts its REQ# for at least one clock cycle.
1268 **                                                            1b=GNT# time-out mechanism is disabled.
1269 ** 03           00b                           Reserved.
1270 ** 02            0b          Secondary Discard Timer Disable: This bit enables/disables bridge secondary delayed transaction discard mechanism.
1271 **                                                            The time out mechanism is used to ensure that initiators of delayed transactions return for their delayed completion data/status within a reasonable amount of time after it is available from bridge.
1272 **                                                            0b=The secondary master time-out counter is enabled and uses the value specified by the Secondary Discard Timer bit (see Bridge Control Register).
1273 **                                                            1b=The secondary master time-out counter is disabled. The bridge waits indefinitely for a secondary bus master to repeat a delayed transaction.
1274 ** 01            0b            Primary Discard Timer Disable: This bit enables/disables bridge primary delayed transaction discard mechanism. The time out mechanism is used to ensure that initiators of delayed transactions return for their delayed completion data/status within a reasonable amount of time after it is available from bridge.
1275 **                                                            0b=The primary master time-out counter is enabled and uses the value specified by the Primary Discard Timer bit (see Bridge Control Register).
1276 **                                                            1b=The secondary master time-out counter is disabled. The bridge waits indefinitely for a secondary bus master to repeat a delayed transaction.
1277 ** 00            0b                           Reserved
1278 **=================================================================================
1279 **  0x47-0x46: Bridge Control Register 2 - BCR2
1280 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1281 ** 15:07      0000b                          Reserved.
1282 ** 06            0b Global Clock Out Disable (External Secondary Bus Clock Source Enable): This bit disables all of the secondary PCI clock outputs including the feedback clock S_CLKOUT.
1283 **                                                            This means that the user is required to provide an S_CLKIN input source.
1284 ** 05:04        11 (66 MHz)                  Preserved.
1285 **              01 (100 MHz)
1286 **              00 (133 MHz)
1287 ** 03:00        Fh (100 MHz & 66 MHz)
1288 **              7h (133 MHz)
1289 **                                        This 4 bit field provides individual enable/disable mask bits for each of bridge
1290 **                                        secondary PCI clock outputs. Some, or all secondary clock outputs (S_CLKO[3:0])
1291 **                                        default to being enabled following the rising edge of P_RST#, depending on the
1292 **                                        frequency of the secondary bus clock:
1293 **                                               �E Designs with 100 MHz (or lower) Secondary PCI clock power up with all four S_CLKOs enabled by default. (SCLKO[3:0])�P
1294 **                                               �E Designs with 133 MHz Secondary PCI clock power up with the lower order 3 S_CLKOs enabled by default. (S_CLKO[2:0]) Only those SCLKs that power up enabled by can be connected to downstream device clock inputs.
1295 **=================================================================================
1296 **  0x49-0x48: Bridge Status Register - BSR
1297 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1298 ** 15           0b  Upstream Delayed Transaction Discard Timer Expired: This bit is set to a 1b and P_SERR# is conditionally asserted when the secondary discard timer expires.
1299 ** 14           0b  Upstream Delayed/Split Read Watchdog Timer Expired:
1300 **                                                     Conventional PCI Mode: This bit is set to a 1b and P_SERR# is conditionally asserted when bridge discards an upstream delayed read transaction request after 2 24 retries following the initial retry.
1301 **                                                                PCI-X Mode: This bit is set to a 1b and P_SERR# is conditionally asserted when bridge discards an upstream split read request after waiting in excess of 2 24 clocks for the corresponding Split Completion to arrive.
1302 ** 13           0b Upstream Delayed/Split Write Watchdog Timer Expired:
1303 **                                                     Conventional PCI Mode: This bit is set to a 1b and P_SERR# is conditionally asserted when bridge discards an upstream delayed write transaction request after 2 24 retries following the initial retry.
1304 **                                                                PCI-X Mode: This bit is set to a 1b and P_SERR# is conditionally asserted when bridge discards an upstream split write request after waiting in excess of 2 24 clocks for the corresponding Split Completion to arrive.
1305 ** 12           0b           Master Abort during Upstream Posted Write: This bit is set to a 1b and P_SERR# is conditionally asserted when a Master Abort occurs as a result of an attempt, by bridge, to retire a PMW upstream.
1306 ** 11           0b           Target Abort during Upstream Posted Write: This bit is set to a 1b and P_SERR# is conditionally asserted when a Target Abort occurs as a result of an attempt, by bridge, to retire a PMW upstream.
1307 ** 10           0b                Upstream Posted Write Data Discarded: This bit is set to a 1b and P_SERR# is conditionally asserted when bridge discards an upstream PMW transaction after receiving 2 24 target retries from the primary bus target
1308 ** 09           0b             Upstream Posted Write Data Parity Error: This bit is set to a 1b and P_SERR# is conditionally asserted when a data parity error is detected by bridge while attempting to retire a PMW upstream
1309 ** 08           0b                  Secondary Bus Address Parity Error: This bit is set to a 1b and P_SERR# is conditionally asserted when bridge detects an address parity error on the secondary bus.
1310 ** 07           0b Downstream Delayed Transaction Discard Timer Expired: This bit is set to a 1b and P_SERR# is conditionally asserted when the primary bus discard timer expires.
1311 ** 06           0b Downstream Delayed/Split Read Watchdog Timer Expired:
1312 **                                                     Conventional PCI Mode: This bit is set to a 1b and P_SERR# is conditionally asserted when bridge discards a downstream delayed read transaction request after receiving 2 24 target retries from the secondary bus target.
1313 **                                                                PCI-X Mode: This bit is set to a 1b and P_SERR# is conditionally asserted when bridge discards a downstream split read request after waiting in excess of 2 24 clocks for the corresponding Split Completion to arrive.
1314 ** 05           0b Downstream Delayed Write/Split Watchdog Timer Expired:
1315 **                                                     Conventional PCI Mode: This bit is set to a 1b and P_SERR# is conditionally asserted when bridge discards a downstream delayed write transaction request after receiving 2 24 target retries from the secondary bus target.
1316 **                                                                PCI-X Mode: This bit is set to a 1b and P_SERR# is conditionally asserted when bridge discards a downstream split write request after waiting in excess of 2 24 clocks for the corresponding Split Completion to arrive.
1317 ** 04           0b          Master Abort during Downstream Posted Write: This bit is set to a 1b and P_SERR# is conditionally asserted when a Master Abort occurs as a result of an attempt, by bridge, to retire a PMW downstream.
1318 ** 03           0b          Target Abort during Downstream Posted Write: This bit is set to a 1b and P_SERR# is conditionally asserted when a Target Abort occurs as a result of an attempt, by bridge, to retire a PMW downstream.
1319 ** 02           0b               Downstream Posted Write Data Discarded: This bit is set to a 1b and P_SERR# is conditionally asserted when bridge discards a downstream PMW transaction after receiving 2 24 target retries from the secondary bus target
1320 ** 01           0b            Downstream Posted Write Data Parity Error: This bit is set to a 1b and P_SERR# is conditionally asserted when a data parity error is detected by bridge while attempting to retire a PMW downstream.
1321 ** 00           0b                     Primary Bus Address Parity Error: This bit is set to a 1b and P_SERR# is conditionally asserted when bridge detects an address parity error on the primary bus.
1322 **==================================================================================
1323 **  0x51-0x50: Bridge Multi-Transaction Timer Register - BMTTR
1324 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1325 ** 15:13       000b                          Reserved
1326 ** 12:10       000b                          GRANT# Duration: This field specifies the count (PCI clocks) that a secondary bus master has its grant maintained in order to enable multiple transactions to execute within the same arbitration cycle.
1327 **                                                    Bit[02:00] GNT# Extended Duration
1328 **                                                               000 MTT Disabled (Default=no GNT# extension)
1329 **                                                               001 16 clocks
1330 **                                                               010 32 clocks
1331 **                                                               011 64 clocks
1332 **                                                               100 128 clocks
1333 **                                                               101 256 clocks
1334 **                                                               110 Invalid (treated as 000)
1335 **                                                               111 Invalid (treated as 000)
1336 ** 09:08        00b                          Reserved
1337 ** 07:00        FFh                                 MTT Mask: This field enables/disables MTT usage for each REQ#/GNT# pair supported by bridge secondary arbiter.
1338 **                                                            Bit(7) corresponds to SATU internal REQ#/GNT# pair,
1339 **                                                            bit(6) corresponds to bridge internal REQ#/GNT# pair,
1340 **                                                            bit(5) corresponds to REQ#/GNT#(5) pair, etc.
1341 **                                                  When a given bit is set to 1b, its corresponding REQ#/GNT# pair is enabled for MTT functionality as determined by bits(12:10) of this register.
1342 **                                                  When a given bit is cleared to 0b, its corresponding REQ#/GNT# pair is disabled from using the MTT.
1343 **==================================================================================
1344 **  0x53-0x52: Read Prefetch Policy Register - RPPR
1345 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1346 ** 15:13       000b                    ReRead_Primary Bus: 3-bit field indicating the multiplication factor to be used in calculating the number of bytes to prefetch from the secondary bus interface on subsequent PreFetch operations given that the read demands were not satisfied using the FirstRead parameter.
1347 **                                           The default value of 000b correlates to: Command Type Hardwired pre-fetch amount Memory Read 4 DWORDs Memory Read Line 1 cache lines Memory Read Multiple 2 cache lines
1348 ** 12:10       000b                 FirstRead_Primary Bus: 3-bit field indicating the multiplication factor to be used in calculating the number of bytes to prefetch from the secondary bus interface on the initial PreFetch operation.
1349 **                                           The default value of 000b correlates to: Command Type Hardwired pre-fetch amount Memory Read 4 DWORDs Memory Read Line 1 cache line Memory Read Multiple 2 cache lines
1350 ** 09:07       010b                  ReRead_Secondary Bus: 3-bit field indicating the multiplication factor to be used in calculating the number of bytes to prefetch from the primary bus interface on subsequent PreFetch operations given that the read demands were not satisfied using the FirstRead parameter.
1351 **                                           The default value of 010b correlates to: Command Type Hardwired pre-fetch amount Memory Read 3 cache lines Memory Read Line 3 cache lines Memory Read Multiple 6 cache lines
1352 ** 06:04       000b               FirstRead_Secondary Bus: 3-bit field indicating the multiplication factor to be used in calculating the number of bytes to prefetch from the primary bus interface on the initial PreFetch operation.
1353 **                                           The default value of 000b correlates to: Command Type Hardwired pre-fetch amount Memory Read 4 DWORDs Memory Read Line 1 cache line Memory Read Multiple 2 cache lines
1354 ** 03:00      1111b                Staged Prefetch Enable: This field enables/disables the FirstRead/ReRead pre-fetch algorithm for the secondary and the primary bus interfaces.
1355 **                                                         Bit(3) is a ganged enable bit for REQ#/GNT#[7:3], and bits(2:0) provide individual
1356 **                                                                            enable bits for REQ#/GNT#[2:0]. (bit(2) is the enable bit for REQ#/GNT#[2], etc...)
1357 **                                                                            1b: enables the staged pre-fetch feature
1358 **                                                                            0b: disables staged pre-fetch,
1359 **                                                         and hardwires read pre-fetch policy to the following for
1360 **                                                         Memory Read,
1361 **                                                         Memory Read Line,
1362 **                                                     and Memory Read Multiple commands:
1363 **                                                     Command Type Hardwired Pre-Fetch Amount...
1364 **                                                                                      Memory Read 4 DWORDs
1365 **                                                                                      Memory Read Line 1 cache line
1366 **                                                                                      Memory Read Multiple 2 cache lines
1367 ** NOTE: When the starting address is not cache line aligned, bridge pre-fetches Memory Read line commands only to the next higher cache line boundary.For non-cache line aligned Memory Read Multiple commands bridge pre-fetches only to the second cache line boundary encountered.
1368 **==================================================================================
1369 **  0x55-0x54: P_SERR# Assertion Control - SERR_CTL
1370 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1371 **  15          0b   Upstream Delayed Transaction Discard Timer Expired: Dictates the bridge behavior in response to its discarding of a delayed transaction that was initiated from the primary bus.
1372 **                                                                       0b=bridge asserts P_SERR#.
1373 **                                                                       1b=bridge does not assert P_SERR#
1374 **  14          0b   Upstream Delayed/Split Read Watchdog Timer Expired: Dictates bridge behavior following expiration of the subject watchdog timer.
1375 **                                                                       0b=bridge asserts P_SERR#.
1376 **                                                                       1b=bridge does not assert P_SERR#
1377 **  13          0b   Upstream Delayed/Split Write Watchdog Timer Expired: Dictates bridge behavior following expiration of the subject watchdog timer.
1378 **                                                                       0b=bridge asserts P_SERR#.
1379 **                                                                       1b=bridge does not assert P_SERR#
1380 **  12          0b             Master Abort during Upstream Posted Write: Dictates bridge behavior following its having detected a Master Abort while attempting to retire one of its PMWs upstream.
1381 **                                                                       0b=bridge asserts P_SERR#.
1382 **                                                                       1b=bridge does not assert P_SERR#
1383 **  11          0b             Target Abort during Upstream Posted Write: Dictates bridge behavior following its having been terminated with Target Abort while attempting to retire one of its PMWs upstream.
1384 **                                                                       0b=bridge asserts P_SERR#.
1385 **                                                                       1b=bridge does not assert P_SERR#
1386 **  10          0b                  Upstream Posted Write Data Discarded: Dictates bridge behavior in the event that it discards an upstream posted write transaction.
1387 **                                                                       0b=bridge asserts P_SERR#.
1388 **                                                                       1b=bridge does not assert P_SERR#
1389 **  09          0b               Upstream Posted Write Data Parity Error: Dictates bridge behavior when a data parity error is detected while attempting to retire on of its PMWs upstream.
1390 **                                                                       0b=bridge asserts P_SERR#.
1391 **                                                                       1b=bridge does not assert P_SERR#
1392 **  08          0b                    Secondary Bus Address Parity Error: This bit dictates bridge behavior when it detects an address parity error on the secondary bus.
1393 **                                                                       0b=bridge asserts P_SERR#.
1394 **                                                                       1b=bridge does not assert P_SERR#
1395 **  07          0b  Downstream Delayed Transaction Discard Timer Expired: Dictates bridge behavior in response to its discarding of a delayed transaction that was initiated on the secondary bus.
1396 **                                                                       0b=bridge asserts P_SERR#.
1397 **                                                                       1b=bridge does not assert P_SERR#
1398 **  06          0b  Downstream Delayed/Split Read Watchdog Timer Expired: Dictates bridge behavior following expiration of the subject watchdog timer.
1399 **                                                                       0b=bridge asserts P_SERR#.
1400 **                                                                       1b=bridge does not assert P_SERR#
1401 **  05          0b Downstream Delayed/Split Write Watchdog Timer Expired: Dictates bridge behavior following expiration of the subject watchdog timer.
1402 **                                                                       0b=bridge asserts P_SERR#.
1403 **                                                                       1b=bridge does not assert P_SERR#
1404 **  04          0b           Master Abort during Downstream Posted Write: Dictates bridge behavior following its having detected a Master Abort while attempting to retire one of its PMWs downstream.
1405 **                                                                       0b=bridge asserts P_SERR#.
1406 **                                                                       1b=bridge does not assert P_SERR#
1407 **  03          0b           Target Abort during Downstream Posted Write: Dictates bridge behavior following its having been terminated with Target Abort while attempting to retire one of its PMWs downstream.
1408 **                                                                       0b=bridge asserts P_SERR#.
1409 **                                                                       1b=bridge does not assert P_SERR#
1410 **  02          0b                Downstream Posted Write Data Discarded: Dictates bridge behavior in the event that it discards a downstream posted write transaction.
1411 **                                                                       0b=bridge asserts P_SERR#.
1412 **                                                                       1b=bridge does not assert P_SERR#
1413 **  01          0b             Downstream Posted Write Data Parity Error: Dictates bridge behavior when a data parity error is detected while attempting to retire on of its PMWs downstream.
1414 **                                                                       0b=bridge asserts P_SERR#.
1415 **                                                                       1b=bridge does not assert P_SERR#
1416 **  00          0b                      Primary Bus Address Parity Error: This bit dictates bridge behavior when it detects an address parity error on the primary bus.
1417 **                                                                       0b=bridge asserts P_SERR#.
1418 **                                                                       1b=bridge does not assert P_SERR#
1419 **===============================================================================
1420 **  0x56: Pre-Boot Status Register - PBSR
1421 ** Bit       Default                       							Description
1422 ** 07           1                          							 Reserved
1423 ** 06           -                          							 Reserved - value indeterminate
1424 ** 05:02        0                          							 Reserved
1425 ** 01      Varies with External State of S_133EN at PCI Bus Reset    Secondary Bus Max Frequency Setting: This bit reflect captured S_133EN strap, indicating the maximum secondary bus clock frequency when in PCI-X mode.
1426 **                                                                   Max Allowable Secondary Bus Frequency
1427 **																									S_133EN PCI-X Mode
1428 **																									0 100 MHz
1429 **																									1 133 MH
1430 ** 00          0b                                                    Reserved
1431 **===============================================================================
1432 **  0x59-0x58: Secondary Decode Enable Register - SDER
1433 ** Bit       Default                       							Description
1434 ** 15:03      FFF1h                        							 Preserved.
1435 ** 02     Varies with External State of PRIVMEM at PCI Bus Reset   Private Memory Space Enable - when set, bridge overrides its secondary inverse decode logic and not
1436 **                                                                 forward upstream any secondary bus initiated DAC Memory transactions with AD(63)=1b.
1437 **                                                                 This creates a private memory space on the Secondary PCI bus that allows peer-to-peer transactions.
1438 ** 01:00      10 2                                                   Preserved.
1439 **===============================================================================
1440 **  0x5D-0x5C: Secondary IDSEL Select Register - SISR
1441 ** Bit       Default                       							Description
1442 ** 15:10     000000 2                      							 Reserved.
1443 ** 09    Varies with External State of PRIVDEV at PCI Bus Reset     AD25- IDSEL Disable - When this bit is set, AD25 is deasserted for any possible Type 1 to Type 0 conversion.
1444 **                                                                                        When this bit is clear, AD25 is asserted when Primary addresses AD[15:11]=01001 2 during a Type 1 to Type 0 conversion.
1445 ** 08    Varies with External State of PRIVDEV at PCI Bus Reset     AD24- IDSEL Disable - When this bit is set, AD24 is deasserted for any possible Type 1 to Type 0 conversion.
1446 **                                                                                        When this bit is clear, AD24 is asserted when Primary addresses AD[15:11]=01000 2 during a Type 1 to Type 0 conversion.
1447 ** 07    Varies with External State of PRIVDEV at PCI Bus Reset     AD23- IDSEL Disable - When this bit is set, AD23 is deasserted for any possible Type 1 to Type 0 conversion.
1448 **                                                                                        When this bit is clear, AD23 is asserted when Primary addresses AD[15:11]=00111 2 during a Type 1 to Type 0 conversion.
1449 ** 06    Varies with External State of PRIVDEV at PCI Bus Reset     AD22- IDSEL Disable - When this bit is set, AD22 is deasserted for any possible Type 1 to Type 0 conversion.
1450 **                                                                                        When this bit is clear, AD22 is asserted when Primary addresses AD[15:11]=00110 2 during a Type 1 to Type 0 conversion.
1451 ** 05    Varies with External State of PRIVDEV at PCI Bus Reset     AD21- IDSEL Disable - When this bit is set, AD21 is deasserted for any possible Type 1 to Type 0 conversion.
1452 **                                                                                        When this bit is clear, AD21 is asserted when Primary addresses AD[15:11]=00101 2 during a Type 1 to Type 0 conversion.
1453 ** 04    Varies with External State of PRIVDEV at PCI Bus Reset     AD20- IDSEL Disable - When this bit is set, AD20 is deasserted for any possible Type 1 to Type 0 conversion.
1454 **                                                                                        When this bit is clear, AD20 is asserted when Primary addresses AD[15:11]=00100 2 during a Type 1 to Type 0 conversion.
1455 ** 03    Varies with External State of PRIVDEV at PCI Bus Reset     AD19- IDSEL Disable - When this bit is set, AD19 is deasserted for any possible Type 1 to Type 0 conversion.
1456 **                                                                                        When this bit is clear, AD19 is asserted when Primary addresses AD[15:11]=00011 2 during a Type 1 to Type 0 conversion.
1457 ** 02    Varies with External State of PRIVDEV at PCI Bus Reset     AD18- IDSEL Disable - When this bit is set, AD18 is deasserted for any possible Type 1 to Type 0 conversion.
1458 **                                                                                        When this bit is clear, AD18 is asserted when Primary addresses AD[15:11]=00010 2 during a Type 1 to Type 0 conversion.
1459 ** 01    Varies with External State of PRIVDEV at PCI Bus Reset     AD17- IDSEL Disable - When this bit is set, AD17 is deasserted for any possible Type 1 to Type 0 conversion.
1460 **                                                                                        When this bit is clear, AD17 is asserted when Primary addresses AD[15:11]=00001 2 during a Type 1 to Type 0 conversion.
1461 ** 00    Varies with External State of PRIVDEV at PCI Bus Reset     AD16- IDSEL Disable - When this bit is set, AD16 is deasserted for any possible Type 1 to Type 0 conversion.
1462 **                                                                                        When this bit is clear, AD16 is asserted when Primary addresses AD[15:11]=00000 2 during a Type 1 to Type 0 conversion.
1463 **************************************************************************
1464 */
1465 /*
1466 **************************************************************************
1467 **                 Reserved      A8-CBh
1468 **************************************************************************
1469 */
1470 /*
1471 **************************************************************************
1472 **                  PCI Extended Enhanced Capabilities List CC-FFh
1473 **************************************************************************
1474 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1475 ** |    Byte 3              |         Byte 2         |        Byte 1          |       Byte 0              | Configu-ration Byte Offset
1476 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1477 ** |           Power Management Capabilities         |        Next Item Ptr   |     Capability ID         | DCh
1478 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1479 ** |        PM Data         |       PPB Support      |            Extensions Power Management CSR         | E0h
1480 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1481 ** |                    Reserved                     |        Reserved        |        Reserved           | E4h
1482 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1483 ** |                                              Reserved                                                | E8h
1484 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1485 ** |       Reserved         |        Reserved        |        Reserved        |         Reserved          | ECh
1486 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1487 ** |              PCI-X Secondary Status             |       Next Item Ptr    |       Capability ID       | F0h
1488 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1489 ** |                                         PCI-X Bridge Status                                          | F4h
1490 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1491 ** |                                PCI-X Upstream Split Transaction Control                              | F8h
1492 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1493 ** |                               PCI-X Downstream Split Transaction Control                             | FCh
1494 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1495 **===============================================================================
1496 **  0xDC: Power Management Capabilities Identifier - PM_CAPID
1497 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1498 ** 07:00       01h                        Identifier (ID): PCI SIG assigned ID for PCI-PM register block
1499 **===============================================================================
1500 **  0xDD: Next Item Pointer - PM_NXTP
1501 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1502 ** 07:00       F0H                Next Capabilities Pointer (PTR): The register defaults to F0H pointing to the PCI-X Extended Capability Header.
1503 **===============================================================================
1504 **  0xDF-0xDE: Power Management Capabilities Register - PMCR
1505 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1506 ** 15:11       00h                     PME Supported (PME): PME# cannot be asserted by bridge.
1507 ** 10           0h                 State D2 Supported (D2): Indicates no support for state D2. No power management action in this state.
1508 ** 09           1h                 State D1 Supported (D1): Indicates support for state D1. No power management action in this state.
1509 ** 08:06        0h                Auxiliary Current (AUXC): This 3 bit field reports the 3.3Vaux auxiliary current requirements for the PCI function.
1510 **                                                          This returns 000b as PME# wake-up for bridge is not implemented.
1511 ** 05           0   Special Initialization Required (SINT): Special initialization is not required for bridge.
1512 ** 04:03       00                            Reserved
1513 ** 02:00       010                            Version (VS): Indicates that this supports PCI Bus Power Management Interface Specification, Revision 1.1.
1514 **===============================================================================
1515 **  0xE1-0xE0: Power Management Control / Status - Register - PMCSR
1516 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1517 ** 15:09       00h                          Reserved
1518 ** 08          0b                          PME_Enable: This bit, when set to 1b enables bridge to assert PME#. Note that bridge never has occasion to assert PME# and implements this dummy R/W bit only for the purpose of working around an OS PCI-PM bug.
1519 ** 07:02       00h                          Reserved
1520 ** 01:00       00                Power State (PSTATE): This 2-bit field is used both to determine the current power state of a function and to set the Function into a new power state.
1521 **  													00 - D0 state
1522 **  													01 - D1 state
1523 **  													10 - D2 state
1524 **  													11 - D3 hot state
1525 **===============================================================================
1526 **  0xE2: Power Management Control / Status PCI to PCI Bridge Support - PMCSR_BSE
1527 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1528 ** 07          0         Bus Power/Clock Control Enable (BPCC_En): Indicates that the bus power/clock control policies have been disabled.
1529 ** 06          0                B2/B3 support for D3 Hot (B2_B3#): The state of this bit determines the action that is to occur as a direct result of programming the function to D3 hot.
1530 **                                                                 This bit is only meaningful when bit 7 (BPCC_En) is a ��1��.
1531 ** 05:00     00h                            Reserved
1532 **===============================================================================
1533 **  0xE3: Power Management Data Register - PMDR
1534 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1535 ** 07:00       00h                          Reserved
1536 **===============================================================================
1537 **  0xF0: PCI-X Capabilities Identifier - PX_CAPID
1538 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1539 ** 07:00       07h                       Identifier (ID): Indicates this is a PCI-X capabilities list.
1540 **===============================================================================
1541 **  0xF1: Next Item Pointer - PX_NXTP
1542 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1543 ** 07:00       00h                     Next Item Pointer: Points to the next capability in the linked list The power on default value of this
1544 **                                                        register is 00h indicating that this is the last entry in the linked list of capabilities.
1545 **===============================================================================
1546 **  0xF3-0xF2: PCI-X Secondary Status - PX_SSTS
1547 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1548 ** 15:09       00h                          Reserved
1549 ** 08:06       Xxx                Secondary Clock Frequency (SCF): This field is set with the frequency of the secondary bus.
1550 **                                                                 The values are:
1551 ** 																					BitsMax FrequencyClock Period
1552 ** 																					000PCI ModeN/A
1553 ** 																					00166 15
1554 ** 																					01010010
1555 ** 																					0111337.5
1556 ** 																					1xxreservedreserved
1557 ** 																					The default value for this register is the operating frequency of the secondary bus
1558 ** 05           0b                   Split Request Delayed. (SRD):  This bit is supposed to be set by a bridge when it cannot forward a transaction on the
1559 ** 																	secondary bus to the primary bus because there is not enough room within the limit
1560 ** 																	specified in the Split Transaction Commitment Limit field in the Downstream Split
1561 ** 																	Transaction Control register. The bridge does not set this bit.
1562 ** 04           0b                 Split Completion Overrun (SCO): This bit is supposed to be set when a bridge terminates a Split Completion on the secondary bus with retry or Disconnect at next ADB because its buffers are full. The bridge does not set this bit.
1563 ** 03           0b              Unexpected Split Completion (USC): This bit is set when an unexpected split completion with a requester ID equal to bridge secondary bus number, device number 00h, and function number 0 is received on the secondary interface. This bit is cleared by software writing a '1'.
1564 ** 02           0b               Split Completion Discarded (SCD): This bit is set when bridge discards a split completion moving toward the secondary bus because the requester would not accept it. This bit cleared by software writing a '1'.
1565 ** 01           1b                                133 MHz Capable: Indicates that bridge is capable of running its secondary bus at 133 MHz
1566 ** 00           1b                            64-bit Device (D64): Indicates the width of the secondary bus as 64-bits.
1567 **===============================================================================
1568 **  0xF7-0xF6-0xf5-0xF4: PCI-X Bridge Status - PX_BSTS
1569 ** Bit       Default      								                 Description
1570 ** 31:22        0         								                  Reserved
1571 ** 21           0         								        Split Request Delayed (SRD): This bit does not be set by bridge.
1572 ** 20           0         								     Split Completion Overrun (SCO): This bit does not be set by bridge because bridge throttles traffic on the completion side.
1573 ** 19           0         								  Unexpected Split Completion (USC): The bridge sets this bit to 1b when it encounters a corrupted Split Completion, possibly with an inconsistent remaining byte count.Software clears this bit by writing a 1b to it.
1574 ** 18           0         								   Split Completion Discarded (SCD): The bridge sets this bit to 1b when it has discarded a Split Completion.Software clears this bit by writing a 1b to it.
1575 ** 17           1         								                    133 MHz Capable: This bit indicates that the bridge primary interface is capable of 133 MHz operation in PCI-X mode.
1576 **                        								                                     0=The maximum operating frequency is 66 MHz.
1577 **                        								                                     1=The maximum operating frequency is 133 MHz.
1578 ** 16 Varies with the external state of P_32BITPCI# at PCI Bus Reset    64-bit Device (D64): Indicates bus width of the Primary PCI bus interface.
1579 **																							 0=Primary Interface is connected as a 32-bit PCI bus.
1580 **																							 1=Primary Interface is connected as a 64-bit PCI bus.
1581 ** 15:08       00h                                                        Bus Number (BNUM): This field is simply an alias to the PBN field of the BNUM register at offset 18h.
1582 **                                                                                           Apparently it was deemed necessary reflect it here for diagnostic purposes.
1583 ** 07:03       1fh                                                     Device Number (DNUM): Indicates which IDSEL bridge consumes. May be updated whenever a PCI-X
1584 ** 																							 configuration write cycle that targets bridge scores a hit.
1585 ** 02:00        0h                                                   Function Number (FNUM): The bridge Function #
1586 **===============================================================================
1587 **  0xFB-0xFA-0xF9-0xF8: PCI-X Upstream Split Transaction Control - PX_USTC
1588 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1589 ** 31:16      003Eh                 Split Transaction Limit (STL): This register indicates the size of the commitment limit in units of ADQs.
1590 **                                                                 Software is permitted to program this register to any value greater than or equal to
1591 **                                                                 the contents of the Split Transaction Capacity register. A value less than the contents
1592 **                                                                 of the Split Transaction Capacity register causes unspecified results.
1593 **                                                                 A value of 003Eh or greater enables the bridge to forward all Split Requests of any
1594 **                                                                 size regardless of the amount of buffer space available.
1595 ** 15:00      003Eh              Split Transaction Capacity (STC): This read-only field indicates the size of the buffer (number of ADQs) for storing
1596 ** 																   split completions. This register controls behavior of the bridge buffers for forwarding
1597 ** 																   Split Transactions from a primary bus requester to a secondary bus completer.
1598 ** 																   The default value of 003Eh indicates there is available buffer space for 62 ADQs (7936 bytes).
1599 **===============================================================================
1600 **  0xFF-0xFE-0xFD-0xFC: PCI-X Downstream Split Transaction Control - PX_DSTC
1601 ** Bit       Default                       Description
1602 ** 31:16      003Eh                 Split Transaction Limit (STL):  This register indicates the size of the commitment limit in units of ADQs.
1603 **																	Software is permitted to program this register to any value greater than or equal to
1604 **																	the contents of the Split Transaction Capacity register. A value less than the contents
1605 **																	of the Split Transaction Capacity register causes unspecified results.
1606 **																	A value of 003Eh or greater enables the bridge to forward all Split Requests of any
1607 **																	size regardless of the amount of buffer space available.
1608 ** 15:00      003Eh              Split Transaction Capacity (STC): This read-only field indicates the size of the buffer (number of ADQs) for storing
1609 **                                                                 split completions. This register controls behavior of the bridge buffers for forwarding
1610 **                                                                 Split Transactions from a primary bus requester to a secondary bus completer.
1611 **                                                                 The default value of 003Eh indicates there is available buffer space for 62 ADQs (7936 bytes).
1612 **************************************************************************
1613 */
1618 /*
1619 *************************************************************************************************************************************
1620 **                       80331 Address Translation Unit Register Definitions
1621 **                               ATU Interface Configuration Header Format
1622 **               The ATU is programmed via a [Type 0] configuration command on the PCI interface.
1623 *************************************************************************************************************************************
1624 ** |    Byte 3              |         Byte 2         |        Byte 1          |       Byte 0              | Configuration Byte Offset
1625 **===================================================================================================================================
1626 ** |                ATU Device ID                    |                     Vendor ID                      | 00h
1627 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1628 ** |                     Status                      |                     Command                        | 04H
1629 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1630 ** |                              ATU Class Code                              |       Revision ID         | 08H
1631 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1632 ** |         ATUBISTR       |     Header Type        |      Latency Timer     |      Cacheline Size       | 0CH
1633 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1634 ** |                                     Inbound ATU Base Address 0                                       | 10H
1635 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1636 ** |                               Inbound ATU Upper Base Address 0                                       | 14H
1637 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1638 ** |                                     Inbound ATU Base Address 1                                       | 18H
1639 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1640 ** |                               Inbound ATU Upper Base Address 1                                       | 1CH
1641 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1642 ** |                                     Inbound ATU Base Address 2                                       | 20H
1643 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1644 ** |                               Inbound ATU Upper Base Address 2                                       | 24H
1645 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1646 ** |                                             Reserved                                                 | 28H
1647 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1648 ** |                ATU Subsystem ID                 |                ATU Subsystem Vendor ID             | 2CH
1649 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1650 ** |                                       Expansion ROM Base Address                                     | 30H
1651 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1652 ** |                                    Reserved Capabilities Pointer                                     | 34H
1653 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1654 ** |                                             Reserved                                                 | 38H
1655 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1656 ** |     Maximum Latency    |     Minimum Grant      |       Interrupt Pin    |      Interrupt Line       | 3CH
1657 ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1658 *********************************************************************************************************************
1659 */
1660 /*
1661 ***********************************************************************************
1662 **  ATU Vendor ID Register - ATUVID
1663 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
1664 **  Bit       Default                       Description
1665 **  15:00      8086H (0x17D3)               ATU Vendor ID - This is a 16-bit value assigned to Intel. This register, combined with the DID, uniquely identify the PCI device.
1666 **                                                          Access type is Read/Write to allow the 80331 to configure the register as a different vendor ID to simulate the interface of a standard mechanism currently used by existing application software.
1667 ***********************************************************************************
1668 */
1669 #define     ARCMSR_ATU_VENDOR_ID_REG		         0x00    /*word*/
1670 /*
1671 ***********************************************************************************
1672 **  ATU Device ID Register - ATUDID
1673 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
1674 **  Bit       Default                       Description
1675 **  15:00      0336H (0x1110)               ATU Device ID - This is a 16-bit value assigned to the ATU. This ID, combined with the VID, uniquely identify any PCI device.
1676 ***********************************************************************************
1677 */
1678 #define     ARCMSR_ATU_DEVICE_ID_REG		         0x02    /*word*/
1679 /*
1680 ***********************************************************************************
1681 **  ATU Command Register - ATUCMD
1682 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
1683 **  Bit       Default                       Description
1684 **  15:11      000000 2                     Reserved
1685 **  10           0                          Interrupt Disable - This bit disables 80331 from asserting the ATU interrupt signal.
1686 **                                                              0=enables the assertion of interrupt signal.
1687 **                                                              1=disables the assertion of its interrupt signal.
1688 **  09          0 2                         Fast Back to Back Enable - When cleared, the ATU interface is not allowed to generate fast back-to-back cycles on its bus. Ignored when operating in the PCI-X mode.
1689 **  08          0 2                         SERR# Enable - When cleared, the ATU interface is not allowed to assert SERR# on the PCI interface.
1690 **  07          1 2                         Address/Data Stepping Control - Address stepping is implemented for configuration transactions. The
1691 **                                          ATU inserts 2 clock cycles of address stepping for Conventional Mode and 4 clock cycles of address stepping for PCI-X mode.
1692 **  06          0 2                         Parity Error Response - When set, the ATU takes normal action when a parity error is detected. When cleared, parity checking is disabled.
1693 **  05          0 2                         VGA Palette Snoop Enable - The ATU interface does not support I/O writes and therefore, does not perform VGA palette snooping.
1694 **  04          0 2                         Memory Write and Invalidate Enable - When set, ATU may generate MWI commands. When clear, ATU use Memory Write commands instead of MWI. Ignored when operating in the PCI-X mode.
1695 **  03          0 2                         Special Cycle Enable - The ATU interface does not respond to special cycle commands in any way. Not implemented and a reserved bit field.
1696 **  02          0 2                         Bus Master Enable - The ATU interface can act as a master on the PCI bus. When cleared, disables the device from generating PCI accesses. When set, allows the device to behave as a PCI bus master.
1697 **                                          When operating in the PCI-X mode, ATU initiates a split completion transaction regardless of the state of this bit.
1698 **  01          0 2                         Memory Enable - Controls the ATU interface��s response to PCI memory addresses. When cleared, the ATU interface does not respond to any memory access on the PCI bus.
1699 **  00          0 2                         I/O Space Enable - Controls the ATU interface response to I/O transactions. Not implemented and a reserved bit field.
1700 ***********************************************************************************
1701 */
1702 #define     ARCMSR_ATU_COMMAND_REG		         0x04    /*word*/
1703 /*
1704 ***********************************************************************************
1705 **  ATU Status Register - ATUSR (Sheet 1 of 2)
1706 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
1707 **  Bit       Default                       Description
1708 **  15          0 2                         Detected Parity Error - set when a parity error is detected in data received by the ATU on the PCI bus even
1709 **  										when the ATUCMD register��s Parity Error Response bit is cleared. Set under the following conditions:
1710 **  										�E Write Data Parity Error when the ATU is a target (inbound write).
1711 **  										�E Read Data Parity Error when the ATU is a requester (outbound read).
1712 **  										�E Any Address or Attribute (PCI-X Only) Parity Error on the Bus (including one generated by the ATU).
1713 **  14          0 2                         SERR# Asserted - set when SERR# is asserted on the PCI bus by the ATU.
1714 **  13          0 2                         Master Abort - set when a transaction initiated by the ATU PCI master interface, ends in a Master-Abort
1715 **                                          or when the ATU receives a Master Abort Split Completion Error Message in PCI-X mode.
1716 **  12          0 2                         Target Abort (master) - set when a transaction initiated by the ATU PCI master interface, ends in a target
1717 **                                          abort or when the ATU receives a Target Abort Split Completion Error Message in PCI-X mode.
1718 **  11          0 2                         Target Abort (target) - set when the ATU interface, acting as a target, terminates the transaction on the PCI bus with a target abort.
1719 **  10:09       01 2                        DEVSEL# Timing - These bits are read-only and define the slowest DEVSEL# timing for a target device in Conventional PCI Mode regardless of the operating mode (except configuration accesses).
1720 **  										00 2=Fast
1721 **  										01 2=Medium
1722 **  										10 2=Slow
1723 **  										11 2=Reserved
1724 **                                          The ATU interface uses Medium timing.
1725 **  08           0 2                        Master Parity Error - The ATU interface sets this bit under the following conditions:
1726 **  										�E The ATU asserted PERR# itself or the ATU observed PERR# asserted.
1727 **  										�E And the ATU acted as the requester for the operation in which the error occurred.
1728 **  										�E And the ATUCMD register��s Parity Error Response bit is set
1729 **  										�E Or (PCI-X Mode Only) the ATU received a Write Data Parity Error Message
1730 **  										�E And the ATUCMD register��s Parity Error Response bit is set
1731 **  07           1 2  (Conventional mode)
1732 **               0 2  (PCI-X mode)
1733 **  										Fast Back-to-Back - The ATU/Messaging Unit interface is capable of accepting fast back-to-back
1734 **  										transactions in Conventional PCI mode when the transactions are not to the same target. Since fast
1735 **  										back-to-back transactions do not exist in PCI-X mode, this bit is forced to 0 in the PCI-X mode.
1736 **  06           0 2                        UDF Supported - User Definable Features are not supported
1737 **  05           1 2                        66 MHz. Capable - 66 MHz operation is supported.
1738 **  04           1 2                        Capabilities - When set, this function implements extended capabilities.
1739 **  03             0                        Interrupt Status - reflects the state of the ATU interrupt when the Interrupt Disable bit in the command register is a 0.
1740 **  										0=ATU interrupt signal deasserted.
1741 **  										1=ATU interrupt signal asserted.
1742 **  										NOTE: Setting the Interrupt Disable bit to a 1 has no effect on the state of this bit. Refer to
1743 **  										Section 3.10.23, ��ATU Interrupt Pin Register - ATUIPR�� on page 236 for details on the ATU
1744 **  										interrupt signal.
1745 **  02:00      00000 2                      Reserved.
1746 ***********************************************************************************
1747 */
1748 #define     ARCMSR_ATU_STATUS_REG		         0x06    /*word*/
1749 /*
1750 ***********************************************************************************
1751 **  ATU Revision ID Register - ATURID
1752 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
1753 **  Bit       Default                       Description
1754 **  07:00        00H                        ATU Revision - identifies the 80331 revision number.
1755 ***********************************************************************************
1756 */
1757 #define     ARCMSR_ATU_REVISION_REG		         0x08    /*byte*/
1758 /*
1759 ***********************************************************************************
1760 **  ATU Class Code Register - ATUCCR
1761 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
1762 **  Bit       Default                       Description
1763 **  23:16        05H                        Base Class - Memory Controller
1764 **  15:08        80H                        Sub Class - Other Memory Controller
1765 **  07:00        00H                        Programming Interface - None defined
1766 ***********************************************************************************
1767 */
1768 #define     ARCMSR_ATU_CLASS_CODE_REG		         0x09    /*3bytes 0x0B,0x0A,0x09*/
1769 /*
1770 ***********************************************************************************
1771 **  ATU Cacheline Size Register - ATUCLSR
1772 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
1773 **  Bit       Default                       Description
1774 **  07:00        00H                        ATU Cacheline Size - specifies the system cacheline size in DWORDs. Cacheline size is restricted to either 0, 8 or 16 DWORDs.
1775 ***********************************************************************************
1776 */
1777 #define     ARCMSR_ATU_CACHELINE_SIZE_REG		         0x0C    /*byte*/
1778 /*
1779 ***********************************************************************************
1780 **  ATU Latency Timer Register - ATULT
1781 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
1782 **  Bit       Default                       Description
1783 **  07:03     00000 2 (for Conventional mode)
1784 **            01000 2 (for PCI-X mode)
1785 **  										Programmable Latency Timer - This field varies the latency timer for the interface from 0 to 248 clocks.
1786 **  										The default value is 0 clocks for Conventional PCI mode, and 64 clocks for PCI-X mode.
1787 **  02:00       000 2                       Latency Timer Granularity - These Bits are read only giving a programmable granularity of 8 clocks for the latency timer.
1788 ***********************************************************************************
1789 */
1790 #define     ARCMSR_ATU_LATENCY_TIMER_REG		         0x0D    /*byte*/
1791 /*
1792 ***********************************************************************************
1793 **  ATU Header Type Register - ATUHTR
1794 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
1795 **  Bit       Default                       Description
1796 **  07           0 2                        Single Function/Multi-Function Device - Identifies the 80331 as a single-function PCI device.
1797 **  06:00   000000 2                        PCI Header Type - This bit field indicates the type of PCI header implemented. The ATU interface
1798 **                                          header conforms to PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.3.
1799 ***********************************************************************************
1800 */
1801 #define     ARCMSR_ATU_HEADER_TYPE_REG		         0x0E    /*byte*/
1802 /*
1803 ***********************************************************************************
1804 **  ATU BIST Register - ATUBISTR
1805 **
1806 **  The ATU BIST Register controls the functions the Intel XScale core performs when BIST is
1807 **  initiated. This register is the interface between the host processor requesting BIST functions and
1808 **  the 80331 replying with the results from the software implementation of the BIST functionality.
1809 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
1810 **  Bit       Default                       Description
1811 **  07           0 2                        BIST Capable - This bit value is always equal to the ATUCR ATU BIST Interrupt Enable bit.
1812 **  06           0 2                        Start BIST - When the ATUCR BIST Interrupt Enable bit is set:
1813 **  													 Setting this bit generates an interrupt to the Intel XScale core to perform a software BIST function.
1814 **  													 The Intel XScale core clears this bit when the BIST software has completed with the BIST results
1815 **  													 found in ATUBISTR register bits [3:0].
1816 **  													 When the ATUCR BIST Interrupt Enable bit is clear:
1817 **  													 Setting this bit does not generate an interrupt to the Intel XScale core and no BIST functions is performed.
1818 **                                                       The Intel XScale core does not clear this bit.
1819 **  05:04       00 2                        Reserved
1820 **  03:00     0000 2                        BIST Completion Code - when the ATUCR BIST Interrupt Enable bit is set and the ATUBISTR Start BIST bit is set (bit 6):
1821 **                                          The Intel XScale  core places the results of the software BIST in these bits. A nonzero value indicates a device-specific error.
1822 ***********************************************************************************
1823 */
1824 #define     ARCMSR_ATU_BIST_REG		         0x0F    /*byte*/
1826 /*
1827 ***************************************************************************************
1828 **            ATU Base Registers and Associated Limit Registers
1829 ***************************************************************************************
1830 **           Base Address                         Register Limit                          Register Description
1831 **  Inbound ATU Base Address Register 0           Inbound ATU Limit Register 0            Defines the inbound translation window 0 from the PCI bus.
1832 **  Inbound ATU Upper Base Address Register 0     N/A                                     Together with ATU Base Address Register 0 defines the inbound translation window 0 from the PCI bus for DACs.
1833 **  Inbound ATU Base Address Register 1           Inbound ATU Limit Register 1            Defines inbound window 1 from the PCI bus.
1834 **  Inbound ATU Upper Base Address Register 1     N/A                                     Together with ATU Base Address Register 1 defines inbound window 1 from the PCI bus for DACs.
1835 **  Inbound ATU Base Address Register 2           Inbound ATU Limit Register 2            Defines the inbound translation window 2 from the PCI bus.
1836 **  Inbound ATU Upper Base Address Register 2     N/A                                     Together with ATU Base Address Register 2 defines the inbound translation window 2 from the PCI bus for DACs.
1837 **  Inbound ATU Base Address Register 3           Inbound ATU Limit Register 3            Defines the inbound translation window 3 from the PCI bus.
1838 **  Inbound ATU Upper Base Address Register 3     N/A                                     Together with ATU Base Address Register 3 defines the inbound translation window 3 from the PCI bus for DACs.
1839 **                                                                                        NOTE: This is a private BAR that resides outside of the standard PCI configuration header space (offsets 00H-3FH).
1840 **  Expansion ROM Base Address Register           Expansion ROM Limit Register            Defines the window of addresses used by a bus master for reading from an Expansion ROM.
1841 **--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1842 **  ATU Inbound Window 1 is not a translate window.
1843 **  The ATU does not claim any PCI accesses that fall within this range.
1844 **  This window is used to allocate host memory for use by Private Devices.
1845 **  When enabled, the ATU interrupts the Intel  XScale core when either the IABAR1 register or the IAUBAR1 register is written from the PCI bus.
1846 ***********************************************************************************
1847 */
1849 /*
1850 ***********************************************************************************
1851 **  Inbound ATU Base Address Register 0 - IABAR0
1852 **
1853 **  . The Inbound ATU Base Address Register 0 (IABAR0) together with the Inbound ATU Upper Base Address Register 0 (IAUBAR0) defines the block of memory addresses where the inbound translation window 0 begins.
1854 **  . The inbound ATU decodes and forwards the bus request to the 80331 internal bus with a translated address to map into 80331 local memory.
1855 **  . The IABAR0 and IAUBAR0 define the base address and describes the required memory block size.
1856 **  . Bits 31 through 12 of the IABAR0 is either read/write bits or read only with a value of 0
1857 **    depending on the value located within the IALR0.
1858 **    This configuration allows the IABAR0 to be programmed per PCI Local Bus Specification.
1859 **    The first 4 Kbytes of memory defined by the IABAR0, IAUBAR0 and the IALR0 is reserved for the Messaging Unit.
1860 **    The programmed value within the base address register must comply with the PCI programming requirements for address alignment.
1861 **  Warning:
1862 **    When IALR0 is cleared prior to host configuration:
1863 **                          the user should also clear the Prefetchable Indicator and the Type Indicator.
1864 **    Assuming IALR0 is not cleared:
1865 **                          a. Since non prefetchable memory windows can never be placed above the 4 Gbyte address boundary,
1866 **                             when the Prefetchable Indicator is cleared prior to host configuration,
1867 **                             the user should also set the Type Indicator for 32 bit addressability.
1868 **                          b. For compliance to the PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification,
1869 **                             when the Prefetchable Indicator is set prior to host configuration, the user
1870 **                             should also set the Type Indicator for 64 bit addressability.
1871 **                             This is the default for IABAR0.
1872 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
1873 **  Bit       Default                       Description
1874 **  31:12     00000H                        Translation Base Address 0 - These bits define the actual location the translation function is to respond to when addressed from the PCI bus.
1875 **  11:04        00H                        Reserved.
1876 **  03           1 2                        Prefetchable Indicator - When set, defines the memory space as prefetchable.
1877 **  02:01       10 2                        Type Indicator - Defines the width of the addressability for this memory window:
1878 **  												00 - Memory Window is locatable anywhere in 32 bit address space
1879 **  												10 - Memory Window is locatable anywhere in 64 bit address space
1880 **  00           0 2                        Memory Space Indicator - This bit field describes memory or I/O space base address.
1881 **                                                                   The ATU does not occupy I/O space,
1882 **                                                                   thus this bit must be zero.
1883 ***********************************************************************************
1884 */
1885 #define     ARCMSR_INBOUND_ATU_BASE_ADDRESS0_REG		         0x10    /*dword 0x13,0x12,0x11,0x10*/
1886 #define     ARCMSR_INBOUND_ATU_MEMORY_PREFETCHABLE	                 0x08
1887 #define     ARCMSR_INBOUND_ATU_MEMORY_WINDOW64		                 0x04
1888 /*
1889 ***********************************************************************************
1890 **  Inbound ATU Upper Base Address Register 0 - IAUBAR0
1891 **
1892 **  This register contains the upper base address when decoding PCI addresses beyond 4 GBytes.
1893 **  Together with the Translation Base Address this register defines the actual location the translation
1894 **  function is to respond to when addressed from the PCI bus for addresses > 4GBytes (for DACs).
1895 **  The programmed value within the base address register must comply with the PCI programming requirements for address alignment.
1896 **  Note:
1897 **      When the Type indicator of IABAR0 is set to indicate 32 bit addressability,
1898 **      the IAUBAR0 register attributes are read-only.
1899 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
1900 **  Bit       Default                       Description
1901 **  31:0      00000H                        Translation Upper Base Address 0 - Together with the Translation Base Address 0 these bits define the
1902 **                                                                             actual location the translation function is to respond to when addressed from the PCI bus for addresses > 4GBytes.
1903 ***********************************************************************************
1904 */
1905 #define     ARCMSR_INBOUND_ATU_UPPER_BASE_ADDRESS0_REG		     0x14    /*dword 0x17,0x16,0x15,0x14*/
1906 /*
1907 ***********************************************************************************
1908 **  Inbound ATU Base Address Register 1 - IABAR1
1909 **
1910 **  . The Inbound ATU Base Address Register (IABAR1) together with the Inbound ATU Upper Base Address Register 1 (IAUBAR1) defines the block of memory addresses where the inbound translation window 1 begins.
1911 **  . This window is used merely to allocate memory on the PCI bus and, the ATU does not process any PCI bus transactions to this memory range.
1912 **  . The programmed value within the base address register must comply with the PCI programming requirements for address alignment.
1913 **  . When enabled, the ATU interrupts the Intel XScale core when the IABAR1 register is written from the PCI bus.
1914 **  Warning:
1915 **    When a non-zero value is not written to IALR1 prior to host configuration,
1916 **                          the user should not set either the Prefetchable Indicator or the Type Indicator for 64 bit addressability.
1917 **                          This is the default for IABAR1.
1918 **    Assuming a non-zero value is written to IALR1,
1919 **               			the user may set the Prefetchable Indicator
1920 **               			              or the Type         Indicator:
1921 **  						a. Since non prefetchable memory windows can never be placed above the 4 Gbyte address
1922 **  						   boundary, when the Prefetchable Indicator is not set prior to host configuration,
1923 **                             the user should also leave the Type Indicator set for 32 bit addressability.
1924 **                             This is the default for IABAR1.
1925 **  						b. when the Prefetchable Indicator is set prior to host configuration,
1926 **                             the user should also set the Type Indicator for 64 bit addressability.
1927 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
1928 **  Bit       Default                       Description
1929 **  31:12     00000H                        Translation Base Address 1 - These bits define the actual location of window 1 on the PCI bus.
1930 **  11:04        00H                        Reserved.
1931 **  03           0 2                        Prefetchable Indicator - When set, defines the memory space as prefetchable.
1932 **  02:01       00 2                        Type Indicator - Defines the width of the addressability for this memory window:
1933 **  												00 - Memory Window is locatable anywhere in 32 bit address space
1934 **  												10 - Memory Window is locatable anywhere in 64 bit address space
1935 **  00           0 2                        Memory Space Indicator - This bit field describes memory or I/O space base address.
1936 **                                                                   The ATU does not occupy I/O space,
1937 **                                                                   thus this bit must be zero.
1938 ***********************************************************************************
1939 */
1940 #define     ARCMSR_INBOUND_ATU_BASE_ADDRESS1_REG		         0x18    /*dword 0x1B,0x1A,0x19,0x18*/
1941 /*
1942 ***********************************************************************************
1943 **  Inbound ATU Upper Base Address Register 1 - IAUBAR1
1944 **
1945 **  This register contains the upper base address when locating this window for PCI addresses beyond 4 GBytes.
1946 **  Together with the IABAR1 this register defines the actual location for this memory window for addresses > 4GBytes (for DACs).
1947 **  This window is used merely to allocate memory on the PCI bus and, the ATU does not process any PCI bus transactions to this memory range.
1948 **  The programmed value within the base address register must comply with the PCI programming
1949 **  requirements for address alignment.
1950 **  When enabled, the ATU interrupts the Intel XScale core when the IAUBAR1 register is written
1951 **  from the PCI bus.
1952 **  Note:
1953 **      When the Type indicator of IABAR1 is set to indicate 32 bit addressability,
1954 **      the IAUBAR1 register attributes are read-only.
1955 **      This is the default for IABAR1.
1956 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
1957 **  Bit       Default                       Description
1958 **  31:0      00000H                        Translation Upper Base Address 1 - Together with the Translation Base Address 1 these bits define the actual location for this memory window on the PCI bus for addresses > 4GBytes.
1959 ***********************************************************************************
1960 */
1961 #define     ARCMSR_INBOUND_ATU_UPPER_BASE_ADDRESS1_REG		         0x1C    /*dword 0x1F,0x1E,0x1D,0x1C*/
1962 /*
1963 ***********************************************************************************
1964 **  Inbound ATU Base Address Register 2 - IABAR2
1965 **
1966 **  . The Inbound ATU Base Address Register 2 (IABAR2) together with the Inbound ATU Upper Base Address Register 2 (IAUBAR2) defines the block of memory addresses where the inbound translation window 2 begins.
1967 **  . The inbound ATU decodes and forwards the bus request to the 80331 internal bus with a translated address to map into 80331 local memory.
1968 **  . The IABAR2 and IAUBAR2 define the base address and describes the required memory block size
1969 **  . Bits 31 through 12 of the IABAR2 is either read/write bits or read only with a value of 0 depending on the value located within the IALR2.
1970 **    The programmed value within the base address register must comply with the PCI programming requirements for address alignment.
1971 **  Warning:
1972 **    When a non-zero value is not written to IALR2 prior to host configuration,
1973 **                          the user should not set either the Prefetchable Indicator
1974 **                                                      or the Type         Indicator for 64 bit addressability.
1975 **                          This is the default for IABAR2.
1976 **  Assuming a non-zero value is written to IALR2,
1977 **                          the user may set the Prefetchable Indicator
1978 **                                        or the Type         Indicator:
1979 **  						a. Since non prefetchable memory windows can never be placed above the 4 Gbyte address boundary,
1980 **                             when the Prefetchable Indicator is not set prior to host configuration,
1981 **                             the user should also leave the Type Indicator set for 32 bit addressability.
1982 **                             This is the default for IABAR2.
1983 **  						b. when the Prefetchable Indicator is set prior to host configuration,
1984 **                             the user should also set the Type Indicator for 64 bit addressability.
1985 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
1986 **  Bit       Default                       Description
1987 **  31:12     00000H                        Translation Base Address 2 - These bits define the actual location the translation function is to respond to when addressed from the PCI bus.
1988 **  11:04        00H                        Reserved.
1989 **  03           0 2                        Prefetchable Indicator - When set, defines the memory space as prefetchable.
1990 **  02:01       00 2                        Type Indicator - Defines the width of the addressability for this memory window:
1991 **  												00 - Memory Window is locatable anywhere in 32 bit address space
1992 **  												10 - Memory Window is locatable anywhere in 64 bit address space
1993 **  00           0 2                        Memory Space Indicator - This bit field describes memory or I/O space base address.
1994 **                                                                   The ATU does not occupy I/O space,
1995 **                                                                   thus this bit must be zero.
1996 ***********************************************************************************
1997 */
1998 #define     ARCMSR_INBOUND_ATU_BASE_ADDRESS2_REG		         0x20    /*dword 0x23,0x22,0x21,0x20*/
1999 /*
2000 ***********************************************************************************
2001 **  Inbound ATU Upper Base Address Register 2 - IAUBAR2
2002 **
2003 **  This register contains the upper base address when decoding PCI addresses beyond 4 GBytes.
2004 **  Together with the Translation Base Address this register defines the actual location the translation function is to respond to when addressed from the PCI bus for addresses > 4GBytes (for DACs).
2005 **  The programmed value within the base address register must comply with the PCI programming
2006 **  requirements for address alignment.
2007 **  Note:
2008 **      When the Type indicator of IABAR2 is set to indicate 32 bit addressability,
2009 **      the IAUBAR2 register attributes are read-only.
2010 **      This is the default for IABAR2.
2011 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2012 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2013 **  31:0      00000H                        Translation Upper Base Address 2 - Together with the Translation Base Address 2 these bits define the actual location the translation function is to respond to when addressed from the PCI bus for addresses > 4GBytes.
2014 ***********************************************************************************
2015 */
2016 #define     ARCMSR_INBOUND_ATU_UPPER_BASE_ADDRESS2_REG		         0x24    /*dword 0x27,0x26,0x25,0x24*/
2017 /*
2018 ***********************************************************************************
2019 **  ATU Subsystem Vendor ID Register - ASVIR
2020 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2021 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2022 **  15:0      0000H                         Subsystem Vendor ID - This register uniquely identifies the add-in board or subsystem vendor.
2023 ***********************************************************************************
2024 */
2025 #define     ARCMSR_ATU_SUBSYSTEM_VENDOR_ID_REG		         0x2C    /*word 0x2D,0x2C*/
2026 /*
2027 ***********************************************************************************
2028 **  ATU Subsystem ID Register - ASIR
2029 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2030 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2031 **  15:0      0000H                         Subsystem ID - uniquely identifies the add-in board or subsystem.
2032 ***********************************************************************************
2033 */
2034 #define     ARCMSR_ATU_SUBSYSTEM_ID_REG		         0x2E    /*word 0x2F,0x2E*/
2035 /*
2036 ***********************************************************************************
2037 **  Expansion ROM Base Address Register -ERBAR
2038 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2039 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2040 **  31:12     00000H                        Expansion ROM Base Address - These bits define the actual location where the Expansion ROM address window resides when addressed from the PCI bus on any 4 Kbyte boundary.
2041 **  11:01     000H                          Reserved
2042 **  00        0 2                           Address Decode Enable - This bit field shows the ROM address decoder is enabled or disabled. When cleared, indicates the address decoder is disabled.
2043 ***********************************************************************************
2044 */
2045 #define     ARCMSR_EXPANSION_ROM_BASE_ADDRESS_REG		         0x30    /*dword 0x33,0x32,0v31,0x30*/
2047 /*
2048 ***********************************************************************************
2049 **  ATU Capabilities Pointer Register - ATU_CAP_PTR
2050 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2051 **  Bit Default Description
2052 **  07:00     C0H                           Capability List Pointer - This provides an offset in this function��s configuration space that points to the 80331 PCl Bus Power Management extended capability.
2053 ***********************************************************************************
2054 */
2055 #define     ARCMSR_ATU_CAPABILITY_PTR_REG		     0x34    /*byte*/
2056 /*
2057 ***********************************************************************************
2058 **  Determining Block Sizes for Base Address Registers
2059 **  The required address size and type can be determined by writing ones to a base address register and
2060 **  reading from the registers. By scanning the returned value from the least-significant bit of the base
2061 **  address registers upwards, the programmer can determine the required address space size. The
2062 **  binary-weighted value of the first non-zero bit found indicates the required amount of space.
2063 **  Table 105 describes the relationship between the values read back and the byte sizes the base
2064 **  address register requires.
2065 **  As an example, assume that FFFF.FFFFH is written to the ATU Inbound Base Address Register 0
2066 **  (IABAR0) and the value read back is FFF0.0008H. Bit zero is a zero, so the device requires
2067 **  memory address space. Bit three is one, so the memory does supports prefetching. Scanning
2068 **  upwards starting at bit four, bit twenty is the first one bit found. The binary-weighted value of this
2069 **  bit is 1,048,576, indicated that the device requires 1 Mbyte of memory space.
2070 **  The ATU Base Address Registers and the Expansion ROM Base Address Register use their
2071 **  associated limit registers to enable which bits within the base address register are read/write and
2072 **  which bits are read only (0). This allows the programming of these registers in a manner similar to
2073 **  other PCI devices even though the limit is variable.
2074 **  Table 105. Memory Block Size Read Response
2075 **  Response After Writing all 1s
2076 **  to the Base Address Register
2077 **  Size
2078 **  (Bytes)
2079 **  Response After Writing all 1s
2080 **  to the Base Address Register
2081 **  Size
2082 **  (Bytes)
2083 **  FFFFFFF0H 16 FFF00000H 1 M
2084 **  FFFFFFE0H 32 FFE00000H 2 M
2085 **  FFFFFFC0H 64 FFC00000H 4 M
2086 **  FFFFFF80H 128 FF800000H 8 M
2087 **  FFFFFF00H 256 FF000000H 16 M
2088 **  FFFFFE00H 512 FE000000H 32 M
2089 **  FFFFFC00H 1K FC000000H 64 M
2090 **  FFFFF800H 2K F8000000H 128 M
2091 **  FFFFF000H 4K F0000000H 256 M
2092 **  FFFFE000H 8K E0000000H 512 M
2093 **  FFFFC000H 16K C0000000H 1 G
2094 **  FFFF8000H 32K 80000000H 2 G
2095 **  FFFF0000H 64K
2096 **  00000000H
2097 **  Register not
2098 **  imple-mented,
2099 **  no
2100 **  address
2101 **  space
2102 **  required.
2103 **  FFFE0000H 128K
2104 **  FFFC0000H 256K
2105 **  FFF80000H 512K
2106 **
2107 ***************************************************************************************
2108 */
2112 /*
2113 ***********************************************************************************
2114 **  ATU Interrupt Line Register - ATUILR
2115 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2116 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2117 **  07:00       FFH                         Interrupt Assigned - system-assigned value identifies which system interrupt controller��s interrupt
2118 **                                                               request line connects to the device's PCI interrupt request lines (as specified in the interrupt pin register).
2119 **                                                               A value of FFH signifies ��no connection�� or ��unknown��.
2120 ***********************************************************************************
2121 */
2122 #define     ARCMSR_ATU_INTERRUPT_LINE_REG		     0x3C    /*byte*/
2123 /*
2124 ***********************************************************************************
2125 **  ATU Interrupt Pin Register - ATUIPR
2126 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2127 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2128 **  07:00       01H                         Interrupt Used - A value of 01H signifies that the ATU interface unit uses INTA# as the interrupt pin.
2129 ***********************************************************************************
2130 */
2131 #define     ARCMSR_ATU_INTERRUPT_PIN_REG		     0x3D    /*byte*/
2132 /*
2133 ***********************************************************************************
2134 **  ATU Minimum Grant Register - ATUMGNT
2135 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2136 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2137 **  07:00       80H                         This register specifies how long a burst period the device needs in increments of 8 PCI clocks.
2138 ***********************************************************************************
2139 */
2140 #define     ARCMSR_ATU_MINIMUM_GRANT_REG		     0x3E    /*byte*/
2141 /*
2142 ***********************************************************************************
2143 **  ATU Maximum Latency Register - ATUMLAT
2144 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2145 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2146 **  07:00       00H                         Specifies frequency (how often) the device needs to access the PCI bus in increments of 8 PCI clocks. A zero value indicates the device has no stringent requirement.
2147 ***********************************************************************************
2148 */
2149 #define     ARCMSR_ATU_MAXIMUM_LATENCY_REG		     0x3F    /*byte*/
2150 /*
2151 ***********************************************************************************
2152 **  Inbound Address Translation
2153 **
2154 **  The ATU allows external PCI bus initiators to directly access the internal bus.
2155 **  These PCI bus initiators can read or write 80331 memory-mapped registers or 80331 local memory space.
2156 **  The process of inbound address translation involves two steps:
2157 **  1. Address Detection.
2158 **             �E Determine when the 32-bit PCI address (64-bit PCI address during DACs) is
2159 **                within the address windows defined for the inbound ATU.
2160 **             �E Claim the PCI transaction with medium DEVSEL# timing in the conventional PCI
2161 **                mode and with Decode A DEVSEL# timing in the PCI-X mode.
2162 **  2. Address Translation.
2163 **             �E Translate the 32-bit PCI address (lower 32-bit PCI address during DACs) to a 32-bit 80331 internal bus address.
2164 **  				The ATU uses the following registers in inbound address window 0 translation:
2165 **  				�E Inbound ATU Base Address Register 0
2166 **  				�E Inbound ATU Limit Register 0
2167 **  				�E Inbound ATU Translate Value Register 0
2168 **  				The ATU uses the following registers in inbound address window 2 translation:
2169 **  				�E Inbound ATU Base Address Register 2
2170 **  				�E Inbound ATU Limit Register 2
2171 **  				�E Inbound ATU Translate Value Register 2
2172 **  				The ATU uses the following registers in inbound address window 3 translation:
2173 **  				�E Inbound ATU Base Address Register 3
2174 **  				�E Inbound ATU Limit Register 3
2175 **  				�E Inbound ATU Translate Value Register 3
2176 **    Note: Inbound Address window 1 is not a translate window.
2177 **          Instead, window 1 may be used to allocate host memory for Private Devices.
2178 **          Inbound Address window 3 does not reside in the standard section of the configuration header (offsets 00H - 3CH),
2179 **          thus the host BIOS does not configure window 3.
2180 **          Window 3 is intended to be used as a special window into local memory for private PCI
2181 **          agents controlled by the 80331 in conjunction with the Private Memory Space of the bridge.
2182 **          PCI-to-PCI Bridge in 80331 or
2183 **          Inbound address detection is determined from the 32-bit PCI address,
2184 **          (64-bit PCI address during DACs) the base address register and the limit register.
2185 **          In the case of DACs none of the upper 32-bits of the address is masked during address comparison.
2186 **
2187 **  The algorithm for detection is:
2188 **
2189 **  Equation 1. Inbound Address Detection
2190 **              When (PCI_Address [31:0] & Limit_Register[31:0]) == (Base_Register[31:0] & PCI_Address [63:32]) == Base_Register[63:32] (for DACs only)
2191 **              the PCI Address is claimed by the Inbound ATU.
2192 **
2193 **  			The incoming 32-bit PCI address (lower 32-bits of the address in case of DACs) is bitwise ANDed
2194 **  			with the associated inbound limit register.
2195 **              When the result matches the base register (and upper base address matches upper PCI address in case of DACs),
2196 **              the inbound PCI address is detected as being within the inbound translation window and is claimed by the ATU.
2197 **
2198 **  			Note:   The first 4 Kbytes of the ATU inbound address translation window 0 are reserved for the Messaging Unit.
2199 **  					Once the transaction is claimed, the address must be translated from a PCI address to a 32-bit
2200 **  					internal bus address. In case of DACs upper 32-bits of the address is simply discarded and only the
2201 **  					lower 32-bits are used during address translation.
2202 **              		The algorithm is:
2203 **
2204 **
2205 **  Equation 2. Inbound Translation
2206 **              Intel I/O processor Internal Bus Address=(PCI_Address[31:0] & ~Limit_Register[31:0]) | ATU_Translate_Value_Register[31:0].
2207 **
2208 **  			The incoming 32-bit PCI address (lower 32-bits in case of DACs) is first bitwise ANDed with the
2209 **  			bitwise inverse of the limit register. This result is bitwise ORed with the ATU Translate Value and
2210 **  			the result is the internal bus address. This translation mechanism is used for all inbound memory
2211 **  			read and write commands excluding inbound configuration read and writes.
2212 **  			In the PCI mode for inbound memory transactions, the only burst order supported is Linear
2213 **  			Incrementing. For any other burst order, the ATU signals a Disconnect after the first data phase.
2214 **  			The PCI-X supports linear incrementing only, and hence above situation is not encountered in the PCI-X mode.
2215 **  example:
2216 **  	    Register Values
2217 **  		         Base_Register=3A00 0000H
2218 **  		        Limit_Register=FF80 0000H (8 Mbyte limit value)
2219 **  		        Value_Register=B100 0000H
2220 **  		        Inbound Translation Window ranges from 3A00 0000H to 3A7F FFFFH (8 Mbytes)
2221 **
2222 **  		Address Detection (32-bit address)
2223 **
2224 **  						PCI_Address & Limit_Register == Base_Register
2225 **  						3A45 012CH  &   FF80 0000H   ==  3A00 0000H
2226 **
2227 **  					ANS: PCI_Address is in the Inbound Translation Window
2228 **  		Address Translation (to get internal bus address)
2229 **
2230 **  						IB_Address=(PCI_Address & ~Limit_Register) | Value_Reg
2231 **  						IB_Address=(3A45 012CH & 007F FFFFH) | B100 0000H
2232 **
2233 **  					ANS:IB_Address=B145 012CH
2234 ***********************************************************************************
2235 */
2239 /*
2240 ***********************************************************************************
2241 **  Inbound ATU Limit Register 0 - IALR0
2242 **
2243 **  Inbound address translation for memory window 0 occurs for data transfers occurring from the PCI
2244 **  bus (originated from the PCI bus) to the 80331 internal bus. The address translation block converts
2245 **  PCI addresses to internal bus addresses.
2246 **  The 80331 translate value register��s programmed value must be naturally aligned with the base
2247 **  address register��s programmed value. The limit register is used as a mask; thus, the lower address
2248 **  bits programmed into the 80331 translate value register are invalid. Refer to the PCI Local Bus
2249 **  Specification, Revision 2.3 for additional information on programming base address registers.
2250 **  Bits 31 to 12 within the IALR0 have a direct effect on the IABAR0 register, bits 31 to 12, with a
2251 **  one to one correspondence. A value of 0 in a bit within the IALR0 makes the corresponding bit
2252 **  within the IABAR0 a read only bit which always returns 0. A value of 1 in a bit within the IALR0
2253 **  makes the corresponding bit within the IABAR0 read/write from PCI. Note that a consequence of
2254 **  this programming scheme is that unless a valid value exists within the IALR0, all writes to the
2255 **  IABAR0 has no effect since a value of all zeros within the IALR0 makes the IABAR0 a read only  register.
2256 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2257 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2258 **  31:12     FF000H                        Inbound Translation Limit 0 - This readback value determines the memory block size required for
2259 **                                                                        inbound memory window 0 of the address translation unit. This defaults to an inbound window of 16MB.
2260 **  11:00       000H                        Reserved
2261 ***********************************************************************************
2262 */
2263 #define     ARCMSR_INBOUND_ATU_LIMIT0_REG		     0x40    /*dword 0x43,0x42,0x41,0x40*/
2264 /*
2265 ***********************************************************************************
2266 **  Inbound ATU Translate Value Register 0 - IATVR0
2267 **
2268 **  The Inbound ATU Translate Value Register 0 (IATVR0) contains the internal bus address used to
2269 **  convert PCI bus addresses. The converted address is driven on the internal bus as a result of the
2270 **  inbound ATU address translation.
2271 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2272 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2273 **  31:12     FF000H                        Inbound ATU Translation Value 0 - This value is used to convert the PCI address to internal bus addresses.
2274 **                                          This value must be 64-bit aligned on the internal bus. The default address allows the ATU to access the internal 80331 memory-mapped registers.
2275 **  11:00       000H                        Reserved
2276 ***********************************************************************************
2277 */
2278 #define     ARCMSR_INBOUND_ATU_TRANSLATE_VALUE0_REG		     0x44    /*dword 0x47,0x46,0x45,0x44*/
2279 /*
2280 ***********************************************************************************
2281 **  Expansion ROM Limit Register - ERLR
2282 **
2283 **  The Expansion ROM Limit Register (ERLR) defines the block size of addresses the ATU defines
2284 **  as Expansion ROM address space. The block size is programmed by writing a value into the ERLR.
2285 **  Bits 31 to 12 within the ERLR have a direct effect on the ERBAR register, bits 31 to 12, with a one
2286 **  to one correspondence. A value of 0 in a bit within the ERLR makes the corresponding bit within
2287 **  the ERBAR a read only bit which always returns 0. A value of 1 in a bit within the ERLR makes
2288 **  the corresponding bit within the ERBAR read/write from PCI.
2289 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2290 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2291 **  31:12     000000H                       Expansion ROM Limit - Block size of memory required for the Expansion ROM translation unit. Default
2292 **                                                                value is 0, which indicates no Expansion ROM address space and all bits within the ERBAR are read only with a value of 0.
2293 **  11:00        000H                       Reserved.
2294 ***********************************************************************************
2295 */
2296 #define     ARCMSR_EXPANSION_ROM_LIMIT_REG		          0x48    /*dword 0x4B,0x4A,0x49,0x48*/
2297 /*
2298 ***********************************************************************************
2299 **  Expansion ROM Translate Value Register - ERTVR
2300 **
2301 **  The Expansion ROM Translate Value Register contains the 80331 internal bus address which the
2302 **  ATU converts the PCI bus access. This address is driven on the internal bus as a result of the
2303 **  Expansion ROM address translation.
2304 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2305 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2306 **  31:12     00000H                        Expansion ROM Translation Value - Used to convert PCI addresses to 80331 internal bus addresses
2307 **                                                                            for Expansion ROM accesses. The Expansion ROM address translation value must be word aligned on the internal bus.
2308 **  11:00       000H                        Reserved
2309 ***********************************************************************************
2310 */
2311 #define     ARCMSR_EXPANSION_ROM_TRANSLATE_VALUE_REG		          0x4C    /*dword 0x4F,0x4E,0x4D,0x4C*/
2312 /*
2313 ***********************************************************************************
2314 **  Inbound ATU Limit Register 1 - IALR1
2315 **
2316 **  Bits 31 to 12 within the IALR1 have a direct effect on the IABAR1 register, bits 31 to 12, with a
2317 **  one to one correspondence. A value of 0 in a bit within the IALR1 makes the corresponding bit
2318 **  within the IABAR1 a read only bit which always returns 0. A value of 1 in a bit within the IALR1
2319 **  makes the corresponding bit within the IABAR1 read/write from PCI. Note that a consequence of
2320 **  this programming scheme is that unless a valid value exists within the IALR1, all writes to the
2321 **  IABAR1 has no effect since a value of all zeros within the IALR1 makes the IABAR1 a read only
2322 **  register.
2323 **  The inbound memory window 1 is used merely to allocate memory on the PCI bus. The ATU does
2324 **  not process any PCI bus transactions to this memory range.
2325 **  Warning: The ATU does not claim any PCI accesses that fall within the range defined by IABAR1,
2326 **  IAUBAR1, and IALR1.
2327 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2328 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2329 **  31:12     00000H                        Inbound Translation Limit 1 - This readback value determines the memory block size required for the ATUs memory window 1.
2330 **  11:00 000H Reserved
2331 ***********************************************************************************
2332 */
2333 #define     ARCMSR_INBOUND_ATU_LIMIT1_REG		          0x50    /*dword 0x53,0x52,0x51,0x50*/
2334 /*
2335 ***********************************************************************************
2336 **  Inbound ATU Limit Register 2 - IALR2
2337 **
2338 **  Inbound address translation for memory window 2 occurs for data transfers occurring from the PCI
2339 **  bus (originated from the PCI bus) to the 80331 internal bus. The address translation block converts
2340 **  PCI addresses to internal bus addresses.
2341 **  The inbound translation base address for inbound window 2 is specified in Section 3.10.15. When
2342 **  determining block size requirements �X as described in Section 3.10.21 �X the translation limit
2343 **  register provides the block size requirements for the base address register. The remaining registers
2344 **  used for performing address translation are discussed in Section
2345 **  The 80331 translate value register��s programmed value must be naturally aligned with the base
2346 **  address register��s programmed value. The limit register is used as a mask; thus, the lower address
2347 **  bits programmed into the 80331 translate value register are invalid. Refer to the PCI Local Bus
2348 **  Specification, Revision 2.3 for additional information on programming base address registers.
2349 **  Bits 31 to 12 within the IALR2 have a direct effect on the IABAR2 register, bits 31 to 12, with a
2350 **  one to one correspondence. A value of 0 in a bit within the IALR2 makes the corresponding bit
2351 **  within the IABAR2 a read only bit which always returns 0. A value of 1 in a bit within the IALR2
2352 **  makes the corresponding bit within the IABAR2 read/write from PCI. Note that a consequence of
2353 **  this programming scheme is that unless a valid value exists within the IALR2, all writes to the
2354 **  IABAR2 has no effect since a value of all zeros within the IALR2 makes the IABAR2 a read only
2355 **  register.
2356 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2357 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2358 **  31:12     00000H                        Inbound Translation Limit 2 - This readback value determines the memory block size required for the ATUs memory window 2.
2359 **  11:00       000H                        Reserved
2360 ***********************************************************************************
2361 */
2362 #define     ARCMSR_INBOUND_ATU_LIMIT2_REG		          0x54    /*dword 0x57,0x56,0x55,0x54*/
2363 /*
2364 ***********************************************************************************
2365 **  Inbound ATU Translate Value Register 2 - IATVR2
2366 **
2367 **  The Inbound ATU Translate Value Register 2 (IATVR2) contains the internal bus address used to
2368 **  convert PCI bus addresses. The converted address is driven on the internal bus as a result of the
2369 **  inbound ATU address translation.
2370 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2371 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2372 **  31:12     00000H                        Inbound ATU Translation Value 2 - This value is used to convert the PCI address to internal bus addresses.
2373 **                                                                            This value must be 64-bit aligned on the internal bus. The default address allows the ATU to access the internal 80331 memory-mapped registers.
2374 **  11:00       000H                        Reserved
2375 ***********************************************************************************
2376 */
2377 #define     ARCMSR_INBOUND_ATU_TRANSLATE_VALUE2_REG		          0x58    /*dword 0x5B,0x5A,0x59,0x58*/
2378 /*
2379 ***********************************************************************************
2380 **  Outbound I/O Window Translate Value Register - OIOWTVR
2381 **
2382 **  The Outbound I/O Window Translate Value Register (OIOWTVR) contains the PCI I/O address
2383 **  used to convert the internal bus access to a PCI address. This address is driven on the PCI bus as a
2384 **  result of the outbound ATU address translation.
2385 **  The I/O window is from 80331 internal bus address 9000 000H to 9000 FFFFH with the fixed
2386 **  length of 64 Kbytes.
2387 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2388 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2389 **  31:16     0000H                         Outbound I/O Window Translate Value - Used to convert internal bus addresses to PCI addresses.
2390 **  15:00     0000H                         Reserved
2391 ***********************************************************************************
2392 */
2393 #define     ARCMSR_OUTBOUND_IO_WINDOW_TRANSLATE_VALUE_REG		          0x5C    /*dword 0x5F,0x5E,0x5D,0x5C*/
2394 /*
2395 ***********************************************************************************
2396 **  Outbound Memory Window Translate Value Register 0 -OMWTVR0
2397 **
2398 **  The Outbound Memory Window Translate Value Register 0 (OMWTVR0) contains the PCI
2399 **  address used to convert 80331 internal bus addresses for outbound transactions. This address is
2400 **  driven on the PCI bus as a result of the outbound ATU address translation.
2401 **  The memory window is from internal bus address 8000 000H to 83FF FFFFH with the fixed length
2402 **  of 64 Mbytes.
2403 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2404 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2405 **  31:26       00H                         Outbound MW Translate Value - Used to convert 80331 internal bus addresses to PCI addresses.
2406 **  25:02     00 0000H                      Reserved
2407 **  01:00      00 2                         Burst Order - This bit field shows the address sequence during a memory burst. Only linear incrementing mode is supported.
2408 ***********************************************************************************
2409 */
2410 #define     ARCMSR_OUTBOUND_MEMORY_WINDOW_TRANSLATE_VALUE0_REG		          0x60    /*dword 0x63,0x62,0x61,0x60*/
2411 /*
2412 ***********************************************************************************
2413 **  Outbound Upper 32-bit Memory Window Translate Value Register 0 - OUMWTVR0
2414 **
2415 **  The Outbound Upper 32-bit Memory Window Translate Value Register 0 (OUMWTVR0) defines
2416 **  the upper 32-bits of address used during a dual address cycle. This enables the outbound ATU to
2417 **  directly address anywhere within the 64-bit host address space. When this register is all-zero, then
2418 **  a SAC is generated on the PCI bus.
2419 **  The memory window is from internal bus address 8000 000H to 83FF FFFFH with the fixed
2420 **  length of 64 Mbytes.
2421 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2422 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2423 **  31:00     0000 0000H                    These bits define the upper 32-bits of address driven during the dual address cycle (DAC).
2424 ***********************************************************************************
2425 */
2426 #define     ARCMSR_OUTBOUND_UPPER32_MEMORY_WINDOW_TRANSLATE_VALUE0_REG		          0x64    /*dword 0x67,0x66,0x65,0x64*/
2427 /*
2428 ***********************************************************************************
2429 **  Outbound Memory Window Translate Value Register 1 -OMWTVR1
2430 **
2431 **  The Outbound Memory Window Translate Value Register 1 (OMWTVR1) contains the PCI
2432 **  address used to convert 80331 internal bus addresses for outbound transactions. This address is
2433 **  driven on the PCI bus as a result of the outbound ATU address translation.
2434 **  The memory window is from internal bus address 8400 000H to 87FF FFFFH with the fixed length
2435 **  of 64 Mbytes.
2436 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2437 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2438 **  31:26       00H                         Outbound MW Translate Value - Used to convert 80331 internal bus addresses to PCI addresses.
2439 **  25:02     00 0000H                      Reserved
2440 **  01:00       00 2                        Burst Order - This bit field shows the address sequence during a memory burst. Only linear incrementing mode is supported.
2441 ***********************************************************************************
2442 */
2443 #define     ARCMSR_OUTBOUND_MEMORY_WINDOW_TRANSLATE_VALUE1_REG		          0x68    /*dword 0x6B,0x6A,0x69,0x68*/
2444 /*
2445 ***********************************************************************************
2446 **  Outbound Upper 32-bit Memory Window Translate Value Register 1 - OUMWTVR1
2447 **
2448 **  The Outbound Upper 32-bit Memory Window Translate Value Register 1 (OUMWTVR1) defines
2449 **  the upper 32-bits of address used during a dual address cycle. This enables the outbound ATU to
2450 **  directly address anywhere within the 64-bit host address space. When this register is all-zero, then
2451 **  a SAC is generated on the PCI bus.
2452 **  The memory window is from internal bus address 8400 000H to 87FF FFFFH with the fixed length
2453 **  of 64 Mbytes.
2454 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2455 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2456 **  31:00    0000 0000H                     These bits define the upper 32-bits of address driven during the dual address cycle (DAC).
2457 ***********************************************************************************
2458 */
2459 #define     ARCMSR_OUTBOUND_UPPER32_MEMORY_WINDOW_TRANSLATE_VALUE1_REG		          0x6C    /*dword 0x6F,0x6E,0x6D,0x6C*/
2460 /*
2461 ***********************************************************************************
2462 **  Outbound Upper 32-bit Direct Window Translate Value Register - OUDWTVR
2463 **
2464 **  The Outbound Upper 32-bit Direct Window Translate Value Register (OUDWTVR) defines the
2465 **  upper 32-bits of address used during a dual address cycle for the transactions via Direct Addressing
2466 **  Window. This enables the outbound ATU to directly address anywhere within the 64-bit host
2467 **  address space. When this register is all-zero, then a SAC is generated on the PCI bus.
2468 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2469 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2470 **  31:00    0000 0000H                     These bits define the upper 32-bits of address driven during the dual address cycle (DAC).
2471 ***********************************************************************************
2472 */
2473 #define     ARCMSR_OUTBOUND_UPPER32_DIRECT_WINDOW_TRANSLATE_VALUE_REG		          0x78    /*dword 0x7B,0x7A,0x79,0x78*/
2474 /*
2475 ***********************************************************************************
2476 **  ATU Configuration Register - ATUCR
2477 **
2478 **  The ATU Configuration Register controls the outbound address translation for address translation
2479 **  unit. It also contains bits for Conventional PCI Delayed Read Command (DRC) aliasing, discard
2480 **  timer status, SERR# manual assertion, SERR# detection interrupt masking, and ATU BIST
2481 **  interrupt enabling.
2482 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2483 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2484 **  31:20       00H                         Reserved
2485 **  19          0 2                         ATU DRC Alias - when set, the ATU does not distinguish read commands when attempting to match a
2486 **  														current PCI read transaction with read data enqueued within the DRC buffer. When clear, a current read
2487 **  														transaction must have the exact same read command as the DRR for the ATU to deliver DRC data. Not
2488 **  														applicable in the PCI-X mode.
2489 **  18          0 2                         Direct Addressing Upper 2Gbytes Translation Enable - When set, with Direct Addressing enabled (bit 7 of the ATUCR set), the ATU forwards internal bus cycles with an address between 0000.0040H and
2490 **                                                          7FFF.FFFFH to the PCI bus with bit 31 of the address set (8000.0000H - FFFF.FFFFH). When clear, no translation occurs.
2491 **  17          0 2                         Reserved
2492 **  16          0 2                         SERR# Manual Assertion - when set, the ATU asserts SERR# for one clock on the PCI interface. Until
2493 **                                                          cleared, SERR# may not be manually asserted again. Once cleared, operation proceeds as specified.
2494 **  15          0 2                         ATU Discard Timer Status - when set, one of the 4 discard timers within the ATU has expired and
2495 **                                                          discarded the delayed completion transaction within the queue. When clear, no timer has expired.
2496 **  14:10    00000 2                        Reserved
2497 **  09          0 2                         SERR# Detected Interrupt Enable - When set, the Intel XScale core is signalled an HPI# interrupt
2498 **                                                          when the ATU detects that SERR# was asserted. When clear, the Intel XScale core is not interrupted when SERR# is detected.
2499 **  08          0 2                         Direct Addressing Enable - Setting this bit enables direct outbound addressing through the ATU.
2500 **  														Internal bus cycles with an address between 0000.0040H and 7FFF.FFFFH automatically forwards to
2501 **  														the PCI bus with or without translation of address bit 31 based on the setting of bit 18 of the ATUCR.
2502 **  07:04    0000 2                         Reserved
2503 **  03          0 2                         ATU BIST Interrupt Enable - When set, enables an interrupt to the Intel XScale core when the start
2504 **                                                          BIST bit is set in the ATUBISTR register. This bit is also reflected as the BIST Capable bit 7 in the ATUBISTR register.
2505 **  02          0 2                         Reserved
2506 **  01          0 2                         Outbound ATU Enable - When set, enables the outbound address translation unit. When cleared, disables the outbound ATU.
2507 **  00          0 2                         Reserved
2508 ***********************************************************************************
2509 */
2510 #define     ARCMSR_ATU_CONFIGURATION_REG		          0x80    /*dword 0x83,0x82,0x81,0x80*/
2511 /*
2512 ***********************************************************************************
2513 **  PCI Configuration and Status Register - PCSR
2514 **
2515 **  The PCI Configuration and Status Register has additional bits for controlling and monitoring
2516 **  various features of the PCI bus interface.
2517 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2518 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2519 **  31:19      0000H                        Reserved
2520 **  18          0 2                         Detected Address or Attribute Parity Error - set when a parity error is detected during either the address
2521 **  														or attribute phase of a transaction on the PCI bus even when the ATUCMD register Parity Error
2522 **  														Response bit is cleared. Set under the following conditions:
2523 **  														�E Any Address or Attribute (PCI-X Only) Parity Error on the Bus (including one generated by the ATU).
2524 **  17:16  Varies with
2525 **  										external state
2526 **  										of DEVSEL#,
2527 **  										STOP#, and
2528 **  										TRDY#,
2529 **  										during
2530 **  										P_RST#
2531 **  										PCI-X capability - These two bits define the mode of the PCI bus (conventional or PCI-X) as well as the
2532 **  										operating frequency in the case of PCI-X mode.
2533 **  										00 - Conventional PCI mode
2534 **  										01 - PCI-X 66
2535 **  										10 - PCI-X 100
2536 **  										11 - PCI-X 133
2537 **  										As defined by the PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 1.0a, the operating
2538 **  										mode is determined by an initialization pattern on the PCI bus during P_RST# assertion:
2539 **  										DEVSEL# STOP# TRDY# Mode
2540 **  										Deasserted Deasserted Deasserted Conventional
2541 **  										Deasserted Deasserted Asserted PCI-X 66
2542 **  										Deasserted Asserted Deasserted PCI-X 100
2543 **  										Deasserted Asserted Asserted PCI-X 133
2544 **  										All other patterns are reserved.
2545 **  15          0 2
2546 **  										Outbound Transaction Queue Busy:
2547 **  										    0=Outbound Transaction Queue Empty
2548 **  										    1=Outbound Transaction Queue Busy
2549 **  14          0 2
2550 **  										Inbound Transaction Queue Busy:
2551 **  										    0=Inbound Transaction Queue Empty
2552 **  										    1=Inbound Transaction Queue Busy
2553 **  13          0 2                         Reserved.
2554 **  12          0 2
2555 **  										Discard Timer Value - This bit controls the time-out value for the four discard timers attached to the queues holding read data.
2556 **                                                         A value of 0 indicates the time-out value is 2 15 clocks.
2557 **                                                         A value of 1 indicates the time-out value is 2 10 clocks.
2558 **  11          0 2                         Reserved.
2559 **  10      Varies with
2560 **  										external state
2561 **  										of M66EN
2562 **  										during
2563 **  										P_RST#
2564 **  										Bus Operating at 66 MHz - When set, the interface has been initialized to function at 66 MHz in
2565 **  										Conventional PCI mode by the assertion of M66EN during bus initialization. When clear, the interface
2566 **  										has been initialized as a 33 MHz bus.
2567 **  										NOTE: When PCSR bits 17:16 are not equal to zero, then this bit is meaningless since the 80331 is
2568 **  										operating in PCI-X mode.
2569 **  09          0 2                         Reserved
2570 **  08      Varies with
2571 **  										external state
2572 **  										of REQ64#
2573 **  										during
2574 **  										P_RST#
2575 **  										PCI Bus 64-Bit Capable - When clear, the PCI bus interface has been configured as 64-bit capable by
2576 **  										the assertion of REQ64# on the rising edge of P_RST#. When set, the PCI interface is configured as
2577 **  										32-bit only.
2578 **  07:06      00 2                         Reserved.
2579 **  05         0 2   						Reset Internal Bus - This bit controls the reset of the Intel XScale core and all units on the internal
2580 **  													bus. In addition to the internal bus initialization, this bit triggers the assertion of the M_RST# pin for
2581 **  													initialization of registered DIMMs. When set:
2582 **  													When operating in the conventional PCI mode:
2583 **  													�E All current PCI transactions being mastered by the ATU completes, and the ATU master interfaces
2584 **  													proceeds to an idle state. No additional transactions is mastered by these units until the internal bus
2585 **  													reset is complete.
2586 **  													�E All current transactions being slaved by the ATU on either the PCI bus or the internal bus
2587 **  													completes, and the ATU target interfaces proceeds to an idle state. All future slave transactions
2588 **  													master aborts, with the exception of the completion cycle for the transaction that set the Reset
2589 **  													Internal Bus bit in the PCSR.
2590 **  													�E When the value of the Core Processor Reset bit in the PCSR (upon P_RST# assertion) is set, the
2591 **  													Intel XScale core is held in reset when the internal bus reset is complete.
2592 **  													�E The ATU ignores configuration cycles, and they appears as master aborts for: 32 Internal Bus clocks.
2593 **  													�E The 80331 hardware clears this bit after the reset operation completes.
2594 **  													When operating in the PCI-X mode:
2595 **  													The ATU hardware responds the same as in Conventional PCI-X mode. However, this may create a
2596 **  													problem in PCI-X mode for split requests in that there may still be an outstanding split completion that the
2597 **  													ATU is either waiting to receive (Outbound Request) or initiate (Inbound Read Request). For a cleaner
2598 **  													internal bus reset, host software can take the following steps prior to asserting Reset Internal bus:
2599 **  													1. Clear the Bus Master (bit 2 of the ATUCMD) and the Memory Enable (bit 1 of the ATUCMD) bits in
2600 **  													the ATUCMD. This ensures that no new transactions, either outbound or inbound are enqueued.
2601 **  													2. Wait for both the Outbound (bit 15 of the PCSR) and Inbound Read (bit 14 of the PCSR) Transaction
2602 **  													queue busy bits to be clear.
2603 **  													3. Set the Reset Internal Bus bit
2604 **  													As a result, the ATU hardware resets the internal bus using the same logic as in conventional mode,
2605 **  													however the user is now assured that the ATU no longer has any pending inbound or outbound split
2606 **  													completion transactions.
2607 **  													NOTE: Since the Reset Internal Bus bit is set using an inbound configuration cycle, the user is
2608 **  													guaranteed that any prior configuration cycles have properly completed since there is only a one
2609 **  													deep transaction queue for configuration transaction requests. The ATU sends the appropriate
2610 **    												    Split Write Completion Message to the Requester prior to the onset of Internal Bus Reset.
2611 **  04      0 2						        Bus Master Indicator Enable: Provides software control for the Bus Master Indicator signal P_BMI used
2612 **  													for external RAIDIOS logic control of private devices. Only valid when operating with the bridge and
2613 **  													central resource/arbiter disabled (BRG_EN =low, ARB_EN=low).
2614 **  03		Varies with
2615 **  													external state
2616 **  													of PRIVDEV
2617 **  													during
2618 **  													P_RST#
2619 **  													Private Device Enable - This bit indicates the state of the reset strap which enables the private device
2620 **  													control mechanism within the PCI-to-PCI Bridge SISR configuration register.
2621 **  													0=Private Device control Disabled - SISR register bits default to zero
2622 **  													1=Private Device control Enabled - SISR register bits default to one
2623 **	02		Varies with
2624 **  													external state
2625 **  													of RETRY
2626 **  													during
2627 **  													P_RST#
2628 **  													Configuration Cycle Retry - When this bit is set, the PCI interface of the 80331 responds to all
2629 **  													configuration cycles with a Retry condition. When clear, the 80331 responds to the appropriate
2630 **  													configuration cycles.
2631 **  													The default condition for this bit is based on the external state of the RETRY pin at the rising edge of
2632 **  													P_RST#. When the external state of the pin is high, the bit is set. When the external state of the pin is
2633 **  													low, the bit is cleared.
2634 **  01		Varies with
2635 **  													external state
2636 **  													of
2637 **  													CORE_RST#
2638 **  													during
2639 **  													P_RST#
2640 **  													Core Processor Reset - This bit is set to its default value by the hardware when either P_RST# is
2641 **  													asserted or the Reset Internal Bus bit in PCSR is set. When this bit is set, the Intel XScale core is
2642 **  													being held in reset. Software cannot set this bit. Software is required to clear this bit to deassert Intel
2643 **  													XScale  core reset.
2644 **  													The default condition for this bit is based on the external state of the CORE_RST# pin at the rising edge
2645 **  													of P_RST#. When the external state of the pin is low, the bit is set. When the external state of the pin is
2646 **  													high, the bit is clear.
2647 **  00		Varies with
2648 **  													external state
2649 **  													of PRIVMEM
2650 **  													during
2651 **  													P_RST#
2652 **  													Private Memory Enable - This bit indicates the state of the reset strap which enables the private device
2653 **  													control mechanism within the PCI-to-PCI Bridge SDER configuration register.
2654 **  													0=Private Memory control Disabled - SDER register bit 2 default to zero
2655 **  													1=Private Memory control Enabled - SDER register bits 2 default to one
2656 ***********************************************************************************
2657 */
2658 #define     ARCMSR_PCI_CONFIGURATION_STATUS_REG		          0x84    /*dword 0x87,0x86,0x85,0x84*/
2659 /*
2660 ***********************************************************************************
2661 **  ATU Interrupt Status Register - ATUISR
2662 **
2663 **  The ATU Interrupt Status Register is used to notify the core processor of the source of an ATU
2664 **  interrupt. In addition, this register is written to clear the source of the interrupt to the interrupt unit
2665 **  of the 80331. All bits in this register are Read/Clear.
2666 **  Bits 4:0 are a direct reflection of bits 14:11 and bit 8 (respectively) of the ATU Status Register
2667 **  (these bits are set at the same time by hardware but need to be cleared independently). Bit 7 is set
2668 **  by an error associated with the internal bus of the 80331. Bit 8 is for software BIST. The
2669 **  conditions that result in an ATU interrupt are cleared by writing a 1 to the appropriate bits in this
2670 **  register.
2671 **  Note: Bits 4:0, and bits 15 and 13:7 can result in an interrupt being driven to the Intel XScale core.
2672 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2673 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2674 **  31:18      0000H                        Reserved
2675 **  17          0 2                         VPD Address Register Updated - This bit is set when a PCI bus configuration write occurs to the VPDAR
2676 **  														register. Configuration register writes to the VPDAR does NOT result in bit 15 also being set. When set,
2677 **  														this bit results in the assertion of the ATU Configure Register Write Interrupt.
2678 **  16          0 2                         Reserved
2679 **  15          0 2                         ATU Configuration Write - This bit is set when a PCI bus configuration write occurs to any ATU register.
2680 **                                                          When set, this bit results in the assertion of the ATU Configure Register Write Interrupt.
2681 **  14          0 2                         ATU Inbound Memory Window 1 Base Updated - This bit is set when a PCI bus configuration write
2682 **  														occurs to either the IABAR1 register or the IAUBAR1 register. Configuration register writes to these
2683 **  														registers deos NOT result in bit 15 also being set. When set, this bit results in the assertion of the ATU
2684 **  														Configure Register Write Interrupt.
2685 **  13          0 2                         Initiated Split Completion Error Message - This bit is set when the device initiates a Split Completion
2686 **                                                          Message on the PCI Bus with the Split Completion Error attribute bit set.
2687 **  12          0 2                         Received Split Completion Error Message - This bit is set when the device receives a Split Completion
2688 **                                                          Message from the PCI Bus with the Split Completion Error attribute bit set.
2689 **  11          0 2                         Power State Transition - When the Power State Field of the ATU Power Management Control/Status
2690 **  														Register is written to transition the ATU function Power State from D0 to D3, D0 to D1, or D3 to D0 and
2691 **  														the ATU Power State Transition Interrupt mask bit is cleared, this bit is set.
2692 **  10          0 2                         P_SERR# Asserted - set when P_SERR# is asserted on the PCI bus by the ATU.
2693 **  09          0 2                         Detected Parity Error - set when a parity error is detected on the PCI bus even when the ATUCMD
2694 **  														register��s Parity Error Response bit is cleared. Set under the following conditions:
2695 **  														�E Write Data Parity Error when the ATU is a target (inbound write).
2696 **  														�E Read Data Parity Error when the ATU is an initiator (outbound read).
2697 **  														�E Any Address or Attribute (PCI-X Only) Parity Error on the Bus.
2698 **  08          0 2                         ATU BIST Interrupt - When set, generates the ATU BIST Start Interrupt and indicates the host processor
2699 **  														has set the Start BIST bit (ATUBISTR register bit 6), when the ATU BIST interrupt is enabled (ATUCR
2700 **  														register bit 3). The Intel XScale core can initiate the software BIST and store the result in ATUBISTR
2701 **  														register bits 3:0.
2702 **  														Configuration register writes to the ATUBISTR does NOT result in bit 15 also being set or the assertion
2703 **  														of the ATU Configure Register Write Interrupt.
2704 **  07          0 2                         Internal Bus Master Abort - set when a transaction initiated by the ATU internal bus initiator interface ends in a Master-abort.
2705 **  06:05      00 2                         Reserved.
2706 **  04          0 2                         P_SERR# Detected - set when P_SERR# is detected on the PCI bus by the ATU.
2707 **  03          0 2                         PCI Master Abort - set when a transaction initiated by the ATU PCI initiator interface ends in a Master-abort.
2708 **  02          0 2                         PCI Target Abort (master) - set when a transaction initiated by the ATU PCI master interface ends in a Target-abort.
2709 **  01          0 2                         PCI Target Abort (target) - set when the ATU interface, acting as a target, terminates the transaction on the PCI bus with a target abort.
2710 **  00          0 2                         PCI Master Parity Error - Master Parity Error - The ATU interface sets this bit under the following
2711 **  														conditions:
2712 **  														�E The ATU asserted PERR# itself or the ATU observed PERR# asserted.
2713 **  														�E And the ATU acted as the requester for the operation in which the error occurred.
2714 **  														�E And the ATUCMD register��s Parity Error Response bit is set
2715 **  														�E Or (PCI-X Mode Only) the ATU received a Write Data Parity Error Message
2716 **  														�E And the ATUCMD register��s Parity Error Response bit is set
2717 ***********************************************************************************
2718 */
2719 #define     ARCMSR_ATU_INTERRUPT_STATUS_REG		          0x88    /*dword 0x8B,0x8A,0x89,0x88*/
2720 /*
2721 ***********************************************************************************
2722 **  ATU Interrupt Mask Register - ATUIMR
2723 **
2724 **  The ATU Interrupt Mask Register contains the control bit to enable and disable interrupts
2725 **  generated by the ATU.
2726 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2727 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2728 **  31:15     0 0000H                       Reserved
2729 **  14        0 2                           VPD Address Register Updated Mask - Controls the setting of bit 17 of the ATUISR and generation of the
2730 **  										ATU Configuration Register Write interrupt when a PCI bus write occurs to the VPDAR register.
2731 **  										0=Not Masked
2732 **  										1=Masked
2733 **  13        0 2                           Reserved
2734 **  12        0 2                           Configuration Register Write Mask - Controls the setting of bit 15 of the ATUISR and generation of the
2735 **  										ATU Configuration Register Write interrupt when a PCI bus write occurs to any ATU configuration register
2736 **  										except those covered by mask bit 11 and bit 14 of this register, and ATU BIST enable bit 3 of the ATUCR.
2737 **  										0=Not Masked
2738 **  										1=Masked
2739 **  11        1 2                           ATU Inbound Memory Window 1 Base Updated Mask - Controls the setting of bit 14 of the ATUISR and
2740 **  														generation of the ATU Configuration Register Write interrupt when a PCI bus write occurs to either the
2741 **  														IABAR1 register or the IAUBAR1 register.
2742 **  														0=Not Masked
2743 **  														1=Masked
2744 **  10        0 2                           Initiated Split Completion Error Message Interrupt Mask - Controls the setting of bit 13 of the ATUISR and
2745 **  														generation of the ATU Error interrupt when the ATU initiates a Split Completion Error Message.
2746 **  														0=Not Masked
2747 **  														1=Masked
2748 **  09        0 2                           Received Split Completion Error Message Interrupt Mask- Controls the setting of bit 12 of the ATUISR
2749 **  														and generation of the ATU Error interrupt when a Split Completion Error Message results in bit 29 of the
2750 **  														PCIXSR being set.
2751 **  														0=Not Masked
2752 **  														1=Masked
2753 **  08        1 2                           Power State Transition Interrupt Mask - Controls the setting of bit 12 of the ATUISR and generation of the
2754 **  														ATU Error interrupt when ATU Power Management Control/Status Register is written to transition the
2755 **  														ATU Function Power State from D0 to D3, D0 to D1, D1 to D3 or D3 to D0.
2756 **  														0=Not Masked
2757 **  														1=Masked
2758 **  07        0 2                           ATU Detected Parity Error Interrupt Mask - Controls the setting of bit 9 of the ATUISR and generation of
2759 **  														the ATU Error interrupt when a parity error detected on the PCI bus that sets bit 15 of the ATUSR.
2760 **  														0=Not Masked
2761 **  														1=Masked
2762 **  06        0 2                           ATU SERR# Asserted Interrupt Mask - Controls the setting of bit 10 of the ATUISR and generation of the
2763 **  														ATU Error interrupt when SERR# is asserted on the PCI interface resulting in bit 14 of the ATUSR being set.
2764 **  														0=Not Masked
2765 **  														1=Masked
2766 **  														NOTE: This bit is specific to the ATU asserting SERR# and not detecting SERR# from another master.
2767 **  05        0 2                           ATU PCI Master Abort Interrupt Mask - Controls the setting of bit 3 of the ATUISR and generation of the
2768 **  														ATU Error interrupt when a master abort error resulting in bit 13 of the ATUSR being set.
2769 **  														0=Not Masked
2770 **  														1=Masked
2771 **  04        0 2                           ATU PCI Target Abort (Master) Interrupt Mask- Controls the setting of bit 12 of the ATUISR and ATU Error
2772 **  														generation of the interrupt when a target abort error resulting in bit 12 of the ATUSR being set
2773 **  														0=Not Masked
2774 **  														1=Masked
2775 **  03        0 2                           ATU PCI Target Abort (Target) Interrupt Mask- Controls the setting of bit 1 of the ATUISR and generation
2776 **  														of the ATU Error interrupt when a target abort error resulting in bit 11 of the ATUSR being set.
2777 **  														0=Not Masked
2778 **  														1=Masked
2779 **  02        0 2                           ATU PCI Master Parity Error Interrupt Mask - Controls the setting of bit 0 of the ATUISR and generation
2780 **  														of the ATU Error interrupt when a parity error resulting in bit 8 of the ATUSR being set.
2781 **  														0=Not Masked
2782 **  														1=Masked
2783 **  01        0 2                           ATU Inbound Error SERR# Enable - Controls when the ATU asserts (when enabled through the
2784 **  														ATUCMD) SERR# on the PCI interface in response to a master abort on the internal bus during an
2785 **  														inbound write transaction.
2786 **  														0=SERR# Not Asserted due to error
2787 **  														1=SERR# Asserted due to error
2788 **  00        0 2                           ATU ECC Target Abort Enable - Controls the ATU response on the PCI interface to a target abort (ECC
2789 **  														error) from the memory controller on the internal bus. In conventional mode, this action only occurs
2790 **  														during an inbound read transaction where the data phase that was target aborted on the internal bus is
2791 **  														actually requested from the inbound read queue.
2792 **  														0=Disconnect with data (the data being up to 64 bits of 1��s)
2793 **  														1=Target Abort
2794 **  														NOTE: In PCI-X Mode, The ATU initiates a Split Completion Error Message (with message class=2h -
2795 **  														completer error and message index=81h - 80331 internal bus target abort) on the PCI bus,
2796 **  														independent of the setting of this bit.
2797 ***********************************************************************************
2798 */
2799 #define     ARCMSR_ATU_INTERRUPT_MASK_REG		          0x8C    /*dword 0x8F,0x8E,0x8D,0x8C*/
2800 /*
2801 ***********************************************************************************
2802 **  Inbound ATU Base Address Register 3 - IABAR3
2803 **
2804 **  . The Inbound ATU Base Address Register 3 (IABAR3) together with the Inbound ATU Upper Base Address Register 3 (IAUBAR3) defines the block of memory addresses where the inbound translation window 3 begins.
2805 **  . The inbound ATU decodes and forwards the bus request to the 80331 internal bus with a translated address to map into 80331 local memory.
2806 **  . The IABAR3 and IAUBAR3 define the base address and describes the required memory block size.
2807 **  . Bits 31 through 12 of the IABAR3 is either read/write bits or read only with a value of 0 depending on the value located within the IALR3.
2808 **    The programmed value within the base address register must comply with the PCI programming requirements for address alignment.
2809 **  Note:
2810 **      Since IABAR3 does not appear in the standard PCI configuration header space (offsets 00H - 3CH),
2811 **      IABAR3 is not configured by the host during normal system initialization.
2812 **  Warning:
2813 **    When a non-zero value is not written to IALR3,
2814 **                          the user should not set either the Prefetchable Indicator
2815 **                                                      or the Type         Indicator for 64 bit addressability.
2816 **                          This is the default for IABAR3.
2817 **  Assuming a non-zero value is written to IALR3,
2818 **                          the user may set the Prefetchable Indicator
2819 **                                        or the Type         Indicator:
2820 **  						a. Since non prefetchable memory windows can never be placed above the 4 Gbyte address boundary,
2821 **                             when the Prefetchable Indicator is not set,
2822 **                             the user should also leave the Type Indicator set for 32 bit addressability.
2823 **                             This is the default for IABAR3.
2824 **  						b. when the Prefetchable Indicator is set,
2825 **                             the user should also set the Type Indicator for 64 bit addressability.
2826 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2827 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2828 **  31:12     00000H                        Translation Base Address 3 - These bits define the actual location the translation function is to respond to when addressed from the PCI bus.
2829 **  11:04        00H                        Reserved.
2830 **  03           0 2                        Prefetchable Indicator - When set, defines the memory space as prefetchable.
2831 **  02:01       00 2                        Type Indicator - Defines the width of the addressability for this memory window:
2832 **  												00 - Memory Window is locatable anywhere in 32 bit address space
2833 **  												10 - Memory Window is locatable anywhere in 64 bit address space
2834 **  00           0 2                        Memory Space Indicator - This bit field describes memory or I/O space base address.
2835 **                                                                   The ATU does not occupy I/O space,
2836 **                                                                   thus this bit must be zero.
2837 ***********************************************************************************
2838 */
2839 #define     ARCMSR_INBOUND_ATU_BASE_ADDRESS3_REG		          0x90    /*dword 0x93,0x92,0x91,0x90*/
2840 /*
2841 ***********************************************************************************
2842 **  Inbound ATU Upper Base Address Register 3 - IAUBAR3
2843 **
2844 **  This register contains the upper base address when decoding PCI addresses beyond 4 GBytes.
2845 **  Together with the Translation Base Address this register defines the actual location the translation function is to respond to when addressed from the PCI bus for addresses > 4GBytes (for DACs).
2846 **  The programmed value within the base address register must comply with the PCI programming
2847 **  requirements for address alignment.
2848 **  Note:
2849 **      When the Type indicator of IABAR3 is set to indicate 32 bit addressability,
2850 **      the IAUBAR3 register attributes are read-only.
2851 **      This is the default for IABAR3.
2852 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2853 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2854 **  31:0      00000H                        Translation Upper Base Address 3 - Together with the Translation Base Address 3 these bits define the actual location the translation function is to respond to when addressed from the PCI bus for addresses > 4GBytes.
2855 ***********************************************************************************
2856 */
2857 #define     ARCMSR_INBOUND_ATU_UPPER_BASE_ADDRESS3_REG		          0x94    /*dword 0x97,0x96,0x95,0x94*/
2858 /*
2859 ***********************************************************************************
2860 **  Inbound ATU Limit Register 3 - IALR3
2861 **
2862 **  Inbound address translation for memory window 3 occurs for data transfers occurring from the PCI
2863 **  bus (originated from the PCI bus) to the 80331 internal bus. The address translation block converts
2864 **  PCI addresses to internal bus addresses.
2865 **  The inbound translation base address for inbound window 3 is specified in Section 3.10.15. When
2866 **  determining block size requirements �X as described in Section 3.10.21 �X the translation limit
2867 **  register provides the block size requirements for the base address register. The remaining registers
2868 **  used for performing address translation are discussed in Section
2869 **  The 80331 translate value register��s programmed value must be naturally aligned with the base
2870 **  address register��s programmed value. The limit register is used as a mask; thus, the lower address
2871 **  bits programmed into the 80331 translate value register are invalid. Refer to the PCI Local Bus
2872 **  Specification, Revision 2.3 for additional information on programming base address registers.
2873 **  Bits 31 to 12 within the IALR3 have a direct effect on the IABAR3 register, bits 31 to 12, with a
2874 **  one to one correspondence. A value of 0 in a bit within the IALR3 makes the corresponding bit
2875 **  within the IABAR3 a read only bit which always returns 0. A value of 1 in a bit within the IALR3
2876 **  makes the corresponding bit within the IABAR3 read/write from PCI. Note that a consequence of
2877 **  this programming scheme is that unless a valid value exists within the IALR3, all writes to the
2878 **  IABAR3 has no effect since a value of all zeros within the IALR3 makes the IABAR3 a read only
2879 **  register.
2880 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2881 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2882 **  31:12     00000H                        Inbound Translation Limit 3 - This readback value determines the memory block size required for the ATUs memory window 3.
2883 **  11:00       000H                        Reserved
2884 ***********************************************************************************
2885 */
2886 #define     ARCMSR_INBOUND_ATU_LIMIT3_REG		          0x98    /*dword 0x9B,0x9A,0x99,0x98*/
2887 /*
2888 ***********************************************************************************
2889 **  Inbound ATU Translate Value Register 3 - IATVR3
2890 **
2891 **  The Inbound ATU Translate Value Register 3 (IATVR3) contains the internal bus address used to
2892 **  convert PCI bus addresses. The converted address is driven on the internal bus as a result of the
2893 **  inbound ATU address translation.
2894 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2895 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2896 **  31:12     00000H                        Inbound ATU Translation Value 3 - This value is used to convert the PCI address to internal bus addresses.
2897 **                                                          This value must be 64-bit aligned on the internal bus. The default address allows the ATU to
2898 **                                                          access the internal 80331 memory-mapped registers.
2899 **  11:00       000H                        Reserved
2900 ***********************************************************************************
2901 */
2902 #define     ARCMSR_INBOUND_ATU_TRANSLATE_VALUE3_REG		          0x9C    /*dword 0x9F,0x9E,0x9D,0x9C*/
2903 /*
2904 ***********************************************************************************
2905 **  Outbound Configuration Cycle Address Register - OCCAR
2906 **
2907 **  The Outbound Configuration Cycle Address Register is used to hold the 32-bit PCI configuration
2908 **  cycle address. The Intel XScale core writes the PCI configuration cycles address which then
2909 **  enables the outbound configuration read or write. The Intel XScale core then performs a read or
2910 **  write to the Outbound Configuration Cycle Data Register to initiate the configuration cycle on the
2911 **  PCI bus.
2912 **  Note: Bits 15:11 of the configuration cycle address for Type 0 configuration cycles are defined differently
2913 **  for Conventional versus PCI-X modes. When 80331 software programs the OCCAR to initiate a
2914 **  Type 0 configuration cycle, the OCCAR should always be loaded based on the PCI-X definition for
2915 **  the Type 0 configuration cycle address. When operating in Conventional mode, the 80331 clears
2916 **  bits 15:11 of the OCCAR prior to initiating an outbound Type 0 configuration cycle. See the PCI-X
2917 **  Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 1.0a for details on the two formats.
2918 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2919 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2920 **  31:00    0000 0000H                     Configuration Cycle Address - These bits define the 32-bit PCI address used during an outbound configuration read or write cycle.
2921 ***********************************************************************************
2922 */
2923 #define     ARCMSR_OUTBOUND_CONFIGURATION_CYCLE_ADDRESS_REG		          0xA4    /*dword 0xA7,0xA6,0xA5,0xA4*/
2924 /*
2925 ***********************************************************************************
2926 **  Outbound Configuration Cycle Data Register - OCCDR
2927 **
2928 **  The Outbound Configuration Cycle Data Register is used to initiate a configuration read or write
2929 **  on the PCI bus. The register is logical rather than physical meaning that it is an address not a
2930 **  register. The Intel XScale core reads or writes the data registers memory-mapped address to
2931 **  initiate the configuration cycle on the PCI bus with the address found in the OCCAR. For a
2932 **  configuration write, the data is latched from the internal bus and forwarded directly to the OWQ.
2933 **  For a read, the data is returned directly from the ORQ to the Intel XScale core and is never
2934 **  actually entered into the data register (which does not physically exist).
2935 **  The OCCDR is only visible from 80331 internal bus address space and appears as a reserved value
2936 **  within the ATU configuration space.
2937 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2938 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2939 **  31:00    0000 0000H                     Configuration Cycle Data - These bits define the data used during an outbound configuration read or write cycle.
2940 ***********************************************************************************
2941 */
2942 #define     ARCMSR_OUTBOUND_CONFIGURATION_CYCLE_DATA_REG		          0xAC    /*dword 0xAF,0xAE,0xAD,0xAC*/
2943 /*
2944 ***********************************************************************************
2945 **  VPD Capability Identifier Register - VPD_CAPID
2946 **
2947 **  The Capability Identifier Register bits adhere to the definitions in the PCI Local Bus Specification,
2948 **  Revision 2.3. This register in the PCI Extended Capability header identifies the type of Extended
2949 **  Capability contained in that header. In the case of the 80331, this is the VPD extended capability
2950 **  with an ID of 03H as defined by the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.3.
2951 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2952 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2953 **  07:00       03H                         Cap_Id - This field with its�� 03H value identifies this item in the linked list of Extended Capability Headers as being the VPD capability registers.
2954 ***********************************************************************************
2955 */
2956 #define     ARCMSR_VPD_CAPABILITY_IDENTIFIER_REG		      0xB8    /*byte*/
2957 /*
2958 ***********************************************************************************
2959 **  VPD Next Item Pointer Register - VPD_NXTP
2960 **
2961 **  The Next Item Pointer Register bits adhere to the definitions in the PCI Local Bus Specification,
2962 **  Revision 2.3. This register describes the location of the next item in the function��s capability list.
2963 **  For the 80331, this the final capability list, and hence, this register is set to 00H.
2964 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2965 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2966 **  07:00       00H                         Next_ Item_ Pointer - This field provides an offset into the function��s configuration space pointing to the
2967 **                                                          next item in the function��s capability list. Since the VPD capabilities are the last in the linked list of
2968 **                                                          extended capabilities in the 80331, the register is set to 00H.
2969 ***********************************************************************************
2970 */
2971 #define     ARCMSR_VPD_NEXT_ITEM_PTR_REG		          0xB9    /*byte*/
2972 /*
2973 ***********************************************************************************
2974 **  VPD Address Register - VPD_AR
2975 **
2976 **  The VPD Address register (VPDAR) contains the DWORD-aligned byte address of the VPD to be
2977 **  accessed. The register is read/write and the initial value at power-up is indeterminate.
2978 **  A PCI Configuration Write to the VPDAR interrupts the Intel XScale core. Software can use
2979 **  the Flag setting to determine whether the configuration write was intended to initiate a read or
2980 **  write of the VPD through the VPD Data Register.
2981 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2982 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2983 **  15          0 2                         Flag - A flag is used to indicate when a transfer of data between the VPD Data Register and the storage
2984 **                                                          component has completed. Please see Section 3.9, ��Vital Product Data�� on page 201 for more details on
2985 **                                                          how the 80331 handles the data transfer.
2986 **  14:0       0000H                        VPD Address - This register is written to set the DWORD-aligned byte address used to read or write
2987 **                                                          Vital Product Data from the VPD storage component.
2988 ***********************************************************************************
2989 */
2990 #define     ARCMSR_VPD_ADDRESS_REG		          0xBA    /*word 0xBB,0xBA*/
2991 /*
2992 ***********************************************************************************
2993 **  VPD Data Register - VPD_DR
2994 **
2995 **  This register is used to transfer data between the 80331 and the VPD storage component.
2996 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
2997 **  Bit       Default                       Description
2998 **  31:00      0000H                        VPD Data - Four bytes are always read or written through this register to/from the VPD storage component.
2999 ***********************************************************************************
3000 */
3001 #define     ARCMSR_VPD_DATA_REG		          0xBC    /*dword 0xBF,0xBE,0xBD,0xBC*/
3002 /*
3003 ***********************************************************************************
3004 **  Power Management Capability Identifier Register -PM_CAPID
3005 **
3006 **  The Capability Identifier Register bits adhere to the definitions in the PCI Local Bus Specification,
3007 **  Revision 2.3. This register in the PCI Extended Capability header identifies the type of Extended
3008 **  Capability contained in that header. In the case of the 80331, this is the PCI Bus Power
3009 **  Management extended capability with an ID of 01H as defined by the PCI Bus Power Management
3010 **  Interface Specification, Revision 1.1.
3011 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
3012 **  Bit       Default                       Description
3013 **  07:00       01H                         Cap_Id - This field with its�� 01H value identifies this item in the linked list of Extended Capability Headers as being the PCI Power Management Registers.
3014 ***********************************************************************************
3015 */
3016 #define     ARCMSR_POWER_MANAGEMENT_CAPABILITY_IDENTIFIER_REG		          0xC0    /*byte*/
3017 /*
3018 ***********************************************************************************
3019 **  Power Management Next Item Pointer Register - PM_NXTP
3020 **
3021 **  The Next Item Pointer Register bits adhere to the definitions in the PCI Local Bus Specification,
3022 **  Revision 2.3. This register describes the location of the next item in the function��s capability list.
3023 **  For the 80331, the next capability (MSI capability list) is located at off-set D0H.
3024 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
3025 **  Bit       Default                       Description
3026 **  07:00       D0H                         Next_ Item_ Pointer - This field provides an offset into the function��s configuration space pointing to the
3027 **                                                          next item in the function��s capability list which in the 80331 is the MSI extended capabilities header.
3028 ***********************************************************************************
3029 */
3030 #define     ARCMSR_POWER_NEXT_ITEM_PTR_REG		          0xC1    /*byte*/
3031 /*
3032 ***********************************************************************************
3033 **  Power Management Capabilities Register - PM_CAP
3034 **
3035 **  Power Management Capabilities bits adhere to the definitions in the PCI Bus Power Management
3036 **  Interface Specification, Revision 1.1. This register is a 16-bit read-only register which provides
3037 **  information on the capabilities of the ATU function related to power management.
3038 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
3039 **  Bit       Default                       Description
3040 **  15:11   00000 2                         PME_Support - This function is not capable of asserting the PME# signal in any state, since PME# is not supported by the 80331.
3041 **  10          0 2                         D2_Support - This bit is set to 0 2 indicating that the 80331 does not support the D2 Power Management State
3042 **  9           1 2                         D1_Support - This bit is set to 1 2 indicating that the 80331 supports the D1 Power Management State
3043 **  8:6       000 2                         Aux_Current - This field is set to 000 2 indicating that the 80331 has no current requirements for the
3044 **                                                          3.3Vaux signal as defined in the PCI Bus Power Management Interface Specification, Revision 1.1
3045 **  5           0 2                         DSI - This field is set to 0 2 meaning that this function requires a device specific initialization sequence
3046 **                                                          following the transition to the D0 uninitialized state.
3047 **  4           0 2                         Reserved.
3048 **  3           0 2                         PME Clock - Since the 80331 does not support PME# signal generation this bit is cleared to 0 2 .
3049 **  2:0       010 2                         Version - Setting these bits to 010 2 means that this function complies with PCI Bus Power Management Interface Specification, Revision 1.1
3050 ***********************************************************************************
3051 */
3052 #define     ARCMSR_POWER_MANAGEMENT_CAPABILITY_REG		          0xC2    /*word 0xC3,0xC2*/
3053 /*
3054 ***********************************************************************************
3055 **  Power Management Control/Status Register - PM_CSR
3056 **
3057 **  Power Management Control/Status bits adhere to the definitions in the PCI Bus Power
3058 **  Management Interface Specification, Revision 1.1. This 16-bit register is the control and status
3059 **  interface for the power management extended capability.
3060 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
3061 **  Bit       Default                       Description
3062 **  15          0 2                         PME_Status - This function is not capable of asserting the PME# signal in any state, since PME## is not supported by the 80331.
3063 **  14:9        00H                         Reserved
3064 **  8           0 2                         PME_En - This bit is hardwired to read-only 0 2 since this function does not support PME# generation from any power state.
3065 **  7:2    000000 2                         Reserved
3066 **  1:0        00 2                         Power State - This 2-bit field is used both to determine the current power state of a function and to set the function into a new power state. The definition of the values is:
3067 **  														00 2 - D0
3068 **  														01 2 - D1
3069 **  														10 2 - D2 (Unsupported)
3070 **  														11 2 - D3 hot
3071 **  														The 80331 supports only the D0 and D3 hot states.
3072 **
3073 ***********************************************************************************
3074 */
3075 #define     ARCMSR_POWER_MANAGEMENT_CONTROL_STATUS_REG		          0xC4    /*word 0xC5,0xC4*/
3076 /*
3077 ***********************************************************************************
3078 **  PCI-X Capability Identifier Register - PX_CAPID
3079 **
3080 **  The Capability Identifier Register bits adhere to the definitions in the PCI Local Bus Specification,
3081 **  Revision 2.3. This register in the PCI Extended Capability header identifies the type of Extended
3082 **  Capability contained in that header. In the case of the 80331, this is the PCI-X extended capability with
3083 **  an ID of 07H as defined by the PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 1.0a.
3084 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
3085 **  Bit       Default                       Description
3086 **  07:00       07H                         Cap_Id - This field with its�� 07H value identifies this item in the linked list of Extended Capability Headers as being the PCI-X capability registers.
3087 ***********************************************************************************
3088 */
3089 #define     ARCMSR_PCIX_CAPABILITY_IDENTIFIER_REG		          0xE0    /*byte*/
3090 /*
3091 ***********************************************************************************
3092 **  PCI-X Next Item Pointer Register - PX_NXTP
3093 **
3094 **  The Next Item Pointer Register bits adhere to the definitions in the PCI Local Bus Specification,
3095 **  Revision 2.3. This register describes the location of the next item in the function��s capability list.
3096 **  By default, the PCI-X capability is the last capabilities list for the 80331, thus this register defaults
3097 **  to 00H.
3098 **  However, this register may be written to B8H prior to host configuration to include the VPD
3099 **  capability located at off-set B8H.
3100 **  Warning: Writing this register to any value other than 00H (default) or B8H is not supported and may
3101 **  produce unpredictable system behavior.
3102 **  In order to guarantee that this register is written prior to host configuration, the 80331 must be
3103 **  initialized at P_RST# assertion to Retry Type 0 configuration cycles (bit 2 of PCSR). Typically,
3104 **  the Intel XScale core would be enabled to boot immediately following P_RST# assertion in
3105 **  this case (bit 1 of PCSR), as well. Please see Table 125, ��PCI Configuration and Status Register -
3106 **  PCSR�� on page 253 for more details on the 80331 initialization modes.
3107 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
3108 **  Bit       Default                       Description
3109 **  07:00       00H                         Next_ Item_ Pointer - This field provides an offset into the function��s configuration space pointing to the
3110 **  														next item in the function��s capability list. Since the PCI-X capabilities are the last in the linked list of
3111 **  														extended capabilities in the 80331, the register is set to 00H.
3112 **  														However, this field may be written prior to host configuration with B8H to extend the list to include the
3113 **  														VPD extended capabilities header.
3114 ***********************************************************************************
3115 */
3116 #define     ARCMSR_PCIX_NEXT_ITEM_PTR_REG		          0xE1    /*byte*/
3117 /*
3118 ***********************************************************************************
3119 **  PCI-X Command Register - PX_CMD
3120 **
3121 **  This register controls various modes and features of ATU and Message Unit when operating in the
3122 **  PCI-X mode.
3123 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
3124 **  Bit       Default                       Description
3125 **  15:7     000000000 2                    Reserved.
3126 **  6:4        011 2                        Maximum Outstanding Split Transactions - This register sets the maximum number of Split Transactions
3127 **  														the device is permitted to have outstanding at one time.
3128 **  														Register Maximum Outstanding
3129 **  														0 1
3130 **  														1 2
3131 **  														2 3
3132 **  														3 4
3133 **  														4 8
3134 **  														5 12
3135 **  														6 16
3136 **  														7 32
3137 **  3:2        00 2                         Maximum Memory Read Byte Count - This register sets the maximum byte count the device uses when
3138 **                                                          initiating a Sequence with one of the burst memory read commands.
3139 **  														Register Maximum Byte Count
3140 **  														0 512
3141 **  														1 1024
3142 **  														2 2048
3143 **  														3 4096
3144 **  														1 0 2
3145 **  														Enable Relaxed Ordering - The 80331 does not set the relaxed ordering bit in the Requester Attributes
3146 **  														of Transactions.
3147 **  0          0 2                          Data Parity Error Recovery Enable - The device driver sets this bit to enable the device to attempt to
3148 **                                                          recover from data parity errors. When this bit is 0 and the device is in PCI-X mode, the device asserts
3149 **                                                          SERR# (when enabled) whenever the Master Data Parity Error bit (Status register, bit 8) is set.
3150 ***********************************************************************************
3151 */
3152 #define     ARCMSR_PCIX_COMMAND_REG		          0xE2    /*word 0xE3,0xE2*/
3153 /*
3154 ***********************************************************************************
3155 **  PCI-X Status Register - PX_SR
3156 **
3157 **  This register identifies the capabilities and current operating mode of ATU, DMAs and Message
3158 **  Unit when operating in the PCI-X mode.
3159 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
3160 **  Bit       Default                       Description
3161 **  31:30       00 2                        Reserved
3162 **  29           0 2                        Received Split Completion Error Message - This bit is set when the device receives a Split Completion
3163 **  														Message with the Split Completion Error attribute bit set. Once set, this bit remains set until software
3164 **  														writes a 1 to this location.
3165 **  														0=no Split Completion error message received.
3166 **  														1=a Split Completion error message has been received.
3167 **  28:26      001 2                        Designed Maximum Cumulative Read Size (DMCRS) - The value of this register depends on the setting
3168 **  														of the Maximum Memory Read Byte Count field of the PCIXCMD register:
3169 **  														DMCRS Max ADQs Maximum Memory Read Byte Count Register Setting
3170 **  														1 16 512 (Default)
3171 **  														2 32 1024
3172 **  														2 32 2048
3173 **  														2 32 4096
3174 **  25:23      011 2                        Designed Maximum Outstanding Split Transactions - The 80331 can have up to four outstanding split transactions.
3175 **  22:21       01 2                        Designed Maximum Memory Read Byte Count - The 80331 can generate memory reads with byte counts up to 1024 bytes.
3176 **  20           1 2                        80331 is a complex device.
3177 **  19           0 2                        Unexpected Split Completion - This bit is set when an unexpected Split Completion with this device��s
3178 **  														Requester ID is received. Once set, this bit remains set until software writes a 1 to this location.
3179 **  														0=no unexpected Split Completion has been received.
3180 **  														1=an unexpected Split Completion has been received.
3181 **  18           0 2                        Split Completion Discarded - This bit is set when the device discards a Split Completion because the
3182 **  														requester would not accept it. See Section 5.4.4 of the PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus
3183 **  														Specification, Revision 1.0a for details. Once set, this bit remains set until software writes a 1 to this
3184 **  														location.
3185 **  														0=no Split Completion has been discarded.
3186 **  														1=a Split Completion has been discarded.
3187 **  														NOTE: The 80331 does not set this bit since there is no Inbound address responding to Inbound Read
3188 **  														Requests with Split Responses (Memory or Register) that has ��read side effects.��
3189 **  17           1 2                        80331 is a 133 MHz capable device.
3190 **  16           1 2 or P_32BITPCI#			80331 with bridge enabled (BRG_EN=1) implements the ATU with a 64-bit interface on the secondary PCI bus, therefore this bit is always set.
3191 **                              			80331 with no bridge and central resource disabled (BRG_EN=0, ARB_EN=0), use this bit to identify the add-in card to the system as 64-bit or 32-bit wide via a user-configurable strap (P_32BITPCI#).
3192 **                              			This strap, by default, identifies the add in card based on 80331 with bridge disabled as 64-bit unless the user attaches the appropriate pull-down resistor to the strap.
3193 **  														0=The bus is 32 bits wide.
3194 **  														1=The bus is 64 bits wide.
3195 **  15:8         FFH                        Bus Number - This register is read for diagnostic purposes only. It indicates the number of the bus
3196 **  														segment for the device containing this function. The function uses this number as part of its Requester
3197 **  														ID and Completer ID. For all devices other than the source bridge, each time the function is addressed
3198 **  														by a Configuration Write transaction, the function must update this register with the contents of AD[7::0]
3199 **  														of the attribute phase of the Configuration Write, regardless of which register in the function is
3200 **  														addressed by the transaction. The function is addressed by a Configuration Write transaction when all of
3201 **  														the following are true:
3202 **  														1. The transaction uses a Configuration Write command.
3203 **  														2. IDSEL is asserted during the address phase.
3204 **  														3. AD[1::0] are 00b (Type 0 configuration transaction).
3205 **  														4. AD[10::08] of the configuration address contain the appropriate function number.
3206 **  7:3          1FH                        Device Number - This register is read for diagnostic purposes only. It indicates the number of the device
3207 **  														containing this function, i.e., the number in the Device Number field (AD[15::11]) of the address of a
3208 **  														Type 0 configuration transaction that is assigned to the device containing this function by the connection
3209 **  														of the system hardware. The system must assign a device number other than 00h (00h is reserved for
3210 **  														the source bridge). The function uses this number as part of its Requester ID and Completer ID. Each
3211 **  														time the function is addressed by a Configuration Write transaction, the device must update this register
3212 **  														with the contents of AD[15::11] of the address phase of the Configuration Write, regardless of which
3213 **  														register in the function is addressed by the transaction. The function is addressed by a Configuration
3214 **  														Write transaction when all of the following are true:
3215 **  														1. The transaction uses a Configuration Write command.
3216 **  														2. IDSEL is asserted during the address phase.
3217 **  														3. AD[1::0] are 00b (Type 0 configuration transaction).
3218 **  														4. AD[10::08] of the configuration address contain the appropriate function number.
3219 **  2:0        000 2                        Function Number - This register is read for diagnostic purposes only. It indicates the number of this
3220 **  														function; i.e., the number in the Function Number field (AD[10::08]) of the address of a Type 0
3221 **  														configuration transaction to which this function responds. The function uses this number as part of its
3222 **  														Requester ID and Completer ID.
3223 **
3224 **************************************************************************
3225 */
3226 #define     ARCMSR_PCIX_STATUS_REG		          0xE4    /*dword 0xE7,0xE6,0xE5,0xE4*/
3228 /*
3229 **************************************************************************
3230 **                 Inbound Read Transaction
3231 **  ========================================================================
3232 **	An inbound read transaction is initiated by a PCI initiator and is targeted at either 80331 local
3233 **	memory or a 80331 memory-mapped register space. The read transaction is propagated through
3234 **	the inbound transaction queue (ITQ) and read data is returned through the inbound read queue
3235 **	(IRQ).
3236 **	When operating in the conventional PCI mode, all inbound read transactions are processed as
3237 **	delayed read transactions. When operating in the PCI-X mode, all inbound read transactions are
3238 **	processed as split transactions. The ATUs PCI interface claims the read transaction and forwards
3239 **	the read request through to the internal bus and returns the read data to the PCI bus. Data flow for
3240 **	an inbound read transaction on the PCI bus is summarized in the following statements:
3241 **	�E The ATU claims the PCI read transaction when the PCI address is within the inbound
3242 **	translation window defined by ATU Inbound Base Address Register (and Inbound Upper Base
3243 **	Address Register during DACs) and Inbound Limit Register.
3244 **	�E When operating in the conventional PCI mode, when the ITQ is currently holding transaction
3245 **	information from a previous delayed read, the current transaction information is compared to
3246 **	the previous transaction information (based on the setting of the DRC Alias bit in
3247 **	Section 3.10.39, ��ATU Configuration Register - ATUCR�� on page 252). When there is a
3248 **	match and the data is in the IRQ, return the data to the master on the PCI bus. When there is a
3249 **	match and the data is not available, a Retry is signaled with no other action taken. When there
3250 **	is not a match and when the ITQ has less than eight entries, capture the transaction
3251 **	information, signal a Retry and initiate a delayed transaction. When there is not a match and
3252 **	when the ITQ is full, then signal a Retry with no other action taken.
3253 **	�X When an address parity error is detected, the address parity response defined in
3254 **	Section 3.7 is used.
3255 **	�E When operating in the conventional PCI mode, once read data is driven onto the PCI bus from
3256 **	the IRQ, it continues until one of the following is true:
3257 **	�X The initiator completes the PCI transaction. When there is data left unread in the IRQ, the
3258 **	data is flushed.
3259 **	�X An internal bus Target Abort was detected. In this case, the QWORD associated with the
3260 **	Target Abort is never entered into the IRQ, and therefore is never returned.
3261 **	�X Target Abort or a Disconnect with Data is returned in response to the Internal Bus Error.
3262 **	�X The IRQ becomes empty. In this case, the PCI interface signals a Disconnect with data to
3263 **	the initiator on the last data word available.
3264 **	�E When operating in the PCI-X mode, when ITQ is not full, the PCI address, attribute and
3265 **	command are latched into the available ITQ and a Split Response Termination is signalled to
3266 **	the initiator.
3267 **	�E When operating in the PCI-X mode, when the transaction does not cross a 1024 byte aligned
3268 **	boundary, then the ATU waits until it receives the full byte count from the internal bus target
3269 **	before returning read data by generating the split completion transaction on the PCI-X bus.
3270 **	When the read requested crosses at least one 1024 byte boundary, then ATU completes the
3271 **	transfer by returning data in 1024 byte aligned chunks.
3272 **	�E When operating in the PCI-X mode, once a split completion transaction has started, it
3273 **	continues until one of the following is true:
3274 **	�X The requester (now the target) generates a Retry Termination, or a Disconnection at Next
3275 **	ADB (when the requester is a bridge)
3276 **	�X The byte count is satisfied.
3277 **	�X An internal bus Target Abort was detected. The ATU generates a Split Completion
3278 **	Message (message class=2h - completer error, and message index=81h - target abort) to
3279 **	inform the requester about the abnormal condition. The ITQ for this transaction is flushed.
3280 **	Refer to Section 3.7.1.
3281 **	�X An internal bus Master Abort was detected. The ATU generates a Split Completion
3282 **	Message (message class=2h - completer error, and message index=80h - Master abort) to
3283 **	inform the requester about the abnormal condition. The ITQ for this transaction is flushed.
3284 **	Refer to Section 3.7.1
3285 **	�E When operating in the conventional PCI mode, when the master inserts wait states on the PCI
3286 **	bus, the ATU PCI slave interface waits with no premature disconnects.
3287 **	�E When a data parity error occurs signified by PERR# asserted from the initiator, no action is
3288 **	taken by the target interface. Refer to Section
3289 **	�E When operating in the conventional PCI mode, when the read on the internal bus is
3290 **	target-aborted, either a target-abort or a disconnect with data is signaled to the initiator. This is
3291 **	based on the ATU ECC Target Abort Enable bit (bit 0 of the ATUIMR for ATU). When set, a
3292 **	target abort is used, when clear, a disconnect is used.
3293 **	�E When operating in the PCI-X mode (with the exception of the MU queue ports at offsets 40h
3294 **	and 44h), when the transaction on the internal bus resulted in a target abort, the ATU generates
3295 **	a Split Completion Message (message class=2h - completer error, and message index=81h -
3296 **	internal bus target abort) to inform the requester about the abnormal condition. For the MU
3297 **	queue ports, the ATU returns either a target abort or a single data phase disconnect depending
3298 **	on the ATU ECC Target Abort Enable bit (bit 0 of the ATUIMR for ATU). The ITQ for this
3299 **	transaction is flushed. Refer to Section 3.7.1.
3300 **	�E When operating in the conventional PCI mode, when the transaction on the internal bus
3301 **	resulted in a master abort, the ATU returns a target abort to inform the requester about the
3302 **	abnormal condition. The ITQ for this transaction is flushed. Refer to Section 3.7.1
3303 **	�E When operating in the PCI-X mode, when the transaction on the internal bus resulted in a
3304 **	master abort, the ATU generates a Split Completion Message (message class=2h - completer
3305 **	error, and message index=80h - internal bus master abort) to inform the requester about the
3306 **	abnormal condition. The ITQ for this transaction is flushed. Refer to Section 3.7.1.
3307 **	�E When operating in the PCI-X mode, when the Split Completion transaction completes with
3308 **	either Master-Abort or Target-Abort, the requester is indicating a failure condition that
3309 **	prevents it from accepting the completion it requested. In this case, since the Split Request
3310 **	addresses a location that has no read side effects, the completer must discard the Split
3311 **	Completion and take no further action.
3312 **	The data flow for an inbound read transaction on the internal bus is summarized in the following
3313 **	statements:
3314 **	�E The ATU internal bus master interface requests the internal bus when a PCI address appears in
3315 **		an ITQ and transaction ordering has been satisfied. When operating in the PCI-X mode the
3316 **		ATU does not use the information provided by the Relax Ordering Attribute bit. That is, ATU
3317 **		always uses conventional PCI ordering rules.
3318 **	�E Once the internal bus is granted, the internal bus master interface drives the translated address
3319 **		onto the bus and wait for IB_DEVSEL#. When a Retry is signaled, the request is repeated.
3320 **		When a master abort occurs, the transaction is considered complete and a target abort is loaded
3321 **		into the associated IRQ for return to the PCI initiator (transaction is flushed once the PCI
3322 **		master has been delivered the target abort).
3323 **	�E Once the translated address is on the bus and the transaction has been accepted, the internal
3324 **		bus target starts returning data with the assertion of IB_TRDY#. Read data is continuously
3325 **		received by the IRQ until one of the following is true:
3326 **	�X The full byte count requested by the ATU read request is received. The ATU internal bus
3327 **	    initiator interface performs a initiator completion in this case.
3328 **	�X When operating in the conventional PCI mode, a Target Abort is received on the internal
3329 **		bus from the internal bus target. In this case, the transaction is aborted and the PCI side is
3330 **		informed.
3331 **	�X When operating in the PCI-X mode, a Target Abort is received on the internal bus from
3332 **		the internal bus target. In this case, the transaction is aborted. The ATU generates a Split
3333 **		Completion Message (message class=2h - completer error, and message index=81h -
3334 **		target abort) on the PCI bus to inform the requester about the abnormal condition. The
3335 **		ITQ for this transaction is flushed.
3336 **	�X When operating in the conventional PCI mode, a single data phase disconnection is
3337 **		received from the internal bus target. When the data has not been received up to the next
3338 **		QWORD boundary, the ATU internal bus master interface attempts to reacquire the bus.
3339 **		When not, the bus returns to idle.
3340 **	�X When operating in the PCI-X mode, a single data phase disconnection is received from
3341 **		the internal bus target. The ATU IB initiator interface attempts to reacquire the bus to
3342 **		obtain remaining data.
3343 **	�X When operating in the conventional PCI mode, a disconnection at Next ADB is received
3344 **	    from the internal bus target. The bus returns to idle.
3345 **	�X When operating in the PCI-X mode, a disconnection at Next ADB is received from the
3346 **		internal bus target. The ATU IB initiator interface attempts to reacquire the bus to obtain
3347 **		remaining data.
3348 **		To support PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.0 devices, the ATU can be programmed to
3349 **		ignore the memory read command (Memory Read, Memory Read Line, and Memory Read
3350 **		Multiple) when trying to match the current inbound read transaction with data in a DRC queue
3351 **		which was read previously (DRC on target bus). When the Read Command Alias Bit in the
3352 **		ATUCR register is set, the ATU does not distinguish the read commands on transactions. For
3353 **		example, the ATU enqueues a DRR with a Memory Read Multiple command and performs the read
3354 **		on the internal bus. Some time later, a PCI master attempts a Memory Read with the same address
3355 **		as the previous Memory Read Multiple. When the Read Command Bit is set, the ATU would return
3356 **		the read data from the DRC queue and consider the Delayed Read transaction complete. When the
3357 **		Read Command bit in the ATUCR was clear, the ATU would not return data since the PCI read
3358 **		commands did not match, only the address.
3359 **************************************************************************
3360 */
3361 /*
3362 **************************************************************************
3363 **                    Inbound Write Transaction
3364 **========================================================================
3365 **	  An inbound write transaction is initiated by a PCI master and is targeted at either 80331 local
3366 **	  memory or a 80331 memory-mapped register.
3367 **	Data flow for an inbound write transaction on the PCI bus is summarized as:
3368 **	�E The ATU claims the PCI write transaction when the PCI address is within the inbound
3369 **	  translation window defined by the ATU Inbound Base Address Register (and Inbound Upper
3370 **	  Base Address Register during DACs) and Inbound Limit Register.
3371 **	�E When the IWADQ has at least one address entry available and the IWQ has at least one buffer
3372 **	  available, the address is captured and the first data phase is accepted.
3373 **	�E The PCI interface continues to accept write data until one of the following is true:
3374 **	  �X The initiator performs a disconnect.
3375 **	  �X The transaction crosses a buffer boundary.
3376 **	�E When an address parity error is detected during the address phase of the transaction, the
3377 **	  address parity error mechanisms are used. Refer to Section 3.7.1 for details of the address
3378 **	  parity error response.
3379 **	�E When operating in the PCI-X mode when an attribute parity error is detected, the attribute
3380 **	  parity error mechanism described in Section 3.7.1 is used.
3381 **	�E When a data parity error is detected while accepting data, the slave interface sets the
3382 **	  appropriate bits based on PCI specifications. No other action is taken. Refer to Section
3383 **	  for details of the inbound write data parity error response.
3384 **	  Once the PCI interface places a PCI address in the IWADQ, when IWQ has received data sufficient
3385 **	  to cross a buffer boundary or the master disconnects on the PCI bus, the ATUs internal bus
3386 **	  interface becomes aware of the inbound write. When there are additional write transactions ahead
3387 **	  in the IWQ/IWADQ, the current transaction remains posted until ordering and priority have been
3388 **	  satisfied (Refer to Section 3.5.3) and the transaction is attempted on the internal bus by the ATU
3389 **	  internal master interface. The ATU does not insert target wait states nor do data merging on the PCI
3390 **	  interface, when operating in the PCI mode.
3391 **	  In the PCI-X mode memory writes are always executed as immediate transactions, while
3392 **	  configuration write transactions are processed as split transactions. The ATU generates a Split
3393 **	  Completion Message, (with Message class=0h - Write Completion Class and Message index =
3394 **	  00h - Write Completion Message) once a configuration write is successfully executed.
3395 **	  Also, when operating in the PCI-X mode a write sequence may contain multiple write transactions.
3396 **	  The ATU handles such transactions as independent transactions.
3397 **	  Data flow for the inbound write transaction on the internal bus is summarized as:
3398 **	�E The ATU internal bus master requests the internal bus when IWADQ has at least one entry
3399 **	  with associated data in the IWQ.
3400 **	�E When the internal bus is granted, the internal bus master interface initiates the write
3401 **	  transaction by driving the translated address onto the internal bus. For details on inbound
3402 **	  address translation.
3403 **	�E When IB_DEVSEL# is not returned, a master abort condition is signaled on the internal bus.
3404 **	  The current transaction is flushed from the queue and SERR# may be asserted on the PCI
3405 **	  interface.
3406 **	�E The ATU initiator interface asserts IB_REQ64# to attempt a 64-bit transfer. When
3407 **	  IB_ACK64# is not returned, a 32-bit transfer is used. Transfers of less than 64-bits use the
3408 **	  IB_C/BE[7:0]# to mask the bytes not written in the 64-bit data phase. Write data is transferred
3409 **	  from the IWQ to the internal bus when data is available and the internal bus interface retains
3410 **	  internal bus ownership.
3411 **	�E The internal bus interface stops transferring data from the current transaction to the internal
3412 **	  bus when one of the following conditions becomes true:
3413 **	�X The internal bus initiator interface loses bus ownership. The ATU internal initiator
3414 **	  terminates the transfer (initiator disconnection) at the next ADB (for the internal bus ADB
3415 **	  is defined as a naturally aligned 128-byte boundary) and attempt to reacquire the bus to
3416 **	  complete the delivery of remaining data using the same sequence ID but with the
3417 **	  modified starting address and byte count.
3418 **	�X A Disconnect at Next ADB is signaled on the internal bus from the internal target. When
3419 **	  the transaction in the IWQ completes at that ADB, the initiator returns to idle. When the
3420 **	  transaction in the IWQ is not complete, the initiator attempts to reacquire the bus to
3421 **	  complete the delivery of remaining data using the same sequence ID but with the
3422 **	  modified starting address and byte count.
3423 **	�X A Single Data Phase Disconnect is signaled on the internal bus from the internal target.
3424 **	  When the transaction in the IWQ needs only a single data phase, the master returns to idle.
3425 **	  When the transaction in the IWQ is not complete, the initiator attempts to reacquire the
3426 **	  bus to complete the delivery of remaining data using the same sequence ID but with the
3427 **	  modified starting address and byte count.
3428 **	�X The data from the current transaction has completed (satisfaction of byte count). An
3429 **	  initiator termination is performed and the bus returns to idle.
3430 **	�X A Master Abort is signaled on the internal bus. SERR# may be asserted on the PCI bus.
3431 **	  Data is flushed from the IWQ.
3432 *****************************************************************
3433 */
3437 /*
3438 **************************************************************************
3439 **               Inbound Read Completions Data Parity Errors
3440 **========================================================================
3441 **	As an initiator, the ATU may encounter this error condition when operating in the PCI-X mode.
3442 **	When as the completer of a Split Read Request the ATU observes PERR# assertion during the split
3443 **	completion transaction, the ATU attempts to complete the transaction normally and no further
3444 **	action is taken.
3445 **************************************************************************
3446 */
3448 /*
3449 **************************************************************************
3450 **               Inbound Configuration Write Completion Message Data Parity Errors
3451 **========================================================================
3452 **  As an initiator, the ATU may encounter this error condition when operating in the PCI-X mode.
3453 **  When as the completer of a Configuration (Split) Write Request the ATU observes PERR#
3454 **  assertion during the split completion transaction, the ATU attempts to complete the transaction
3455 **  normally and no further action is taken.
3456 **************************************************************************
3457 */
3459 /*
3460 **************************************************************************
3461 **              Inbound Read Request Data Parity Errors
3462 **===================== Immediate Data Transfer ==========================
3463 **  As a target, the ATU may encounter this error when operating in the Conventional PCI or PCI-X modes.
3464 **  Inbound read data parity errors occur when read data delivered from the IRQ is detected as having
3465 **  bad parity by the initiator of the transaction who is receiving the data. The initiator may optionally
3466 **  report the error to the system by asserting PERR#. As a target device in this scenario, no action is
3467 **  required and no error bits are set.
3468 **=====================Split Response Termination=========================
3469 **  As a target, the ATU may encounter this error when operating in the PCI-X mode.
3470 **  Inbound read data parity errors occur during the Split Response Termination. The initiator may
3471 **  optionally report the error to the system by asserting PERR#. As a target device in this scenario, no
3472 **  action is required and no error bits are set.
3473 **************************************************************************
3474 */
3476 /*
3477 **************************************************************************
3478 **              Inbound Write Request Data Parity Errors
3479 **========================================================================
3480 **	As a target, the ATU may encounter this error when operating in the Conventional or PCI-X modes.
3481 **	Data parity errors occurring during write operations received by the ATU may assert PERR# on
3482 **	the PCI Bus. When an error occurs, the ATU continues accepting data until the initiator of the write
3483 **	transaction completes or a queue fill condition is reached. Specifically, the following actions with
3484 **	the given constraints are taken by the ATU:
3485 **	�E PERR# is asserted two clocks cycles (three clock cycles when operating in the PCI-X mode)
3486 **	following the data phase in which the data parity error is detected on the bus. This is only
3487 **	done when the Parity Error Response bit in the ATUCMD is set.
3488 **	�E The Detected Parity Error bit in the ATUSR is set. When the ATU sets this bit, additional
3489 **	actions is taken:
3490 **	�X When the ATU Detected Parity Error Interrupt Mask bit in the ATUIMR is clear, set the
3491 **	Detected Parity Error bit in the ATUISR. When set, no action.
3492 ***************************************************************************
3493 */
3496 /*
3497 ***************************************************************************
3498 **                 Inbound Configuration Write Request
3499 **  =====================================================================
3500 **  As a target, the ATU may encounter this error when operating in the Conventional or PCI-X modes.
3501 **  ===============================================
3502 **              Conventional PCI Mode
3503 **  ===============================================
3504 **  To allow for correct data parity calculations for delayed write transactions, the ATU delays the
3505 **  assertion of STOP# (signalling a Retry) until PAR is driven by the master. A parity error during a
3506 **  delayed write transaction (inbound configuration write cycle) can occur in any of the following
3507 **  parts of the transactions:
3508 **  �E During the initial Delayed Write Request cycle on the PCI bus when the ATU latches the
3509 **  address/command and data for delayed delivery to the internal configuration register.
3510 **  �E During the Delayed Write Completion cycle on the PCI bus when the ATU delivers the status
3511 **  of the operation back to the original master.
3512 **  The 80331 ATU PCI interface has the following responses to a delayed write parity error for
3513 **  inbound transactions during Delayed Write Request cycles with the given constraints:
3514 **  �E When the Parity Error Response bit in the ATUCMD is set, the ATU asserts TRDY#
3515 **  (disconnects with data) and two clock cycles later asserts PERR# notifying the initiator of the
3516 **  parity error. The delayed write cycle is not enqueued and forwarded to the internal bus.
3517 **  When the Parity Error Response bit in the ATUCMD is cleared, the ATU retries the
3518 **  transaction by asserting STOP# and enqueues the Delayed Write Request cycle to be
3519 **  forwarded to the internal bus. PERR# is not asserted.
3520 **  �E The Detected Parity Error bit in the ATUSR is set. When the ATU sets this bit, additional
3521 **  actions is taken:
3522 **  �X When the ATU Detected Parity Error Interrupt Mask bit in the ATUIMR is clear, set the
3523 **  Detected Parity Error bit in the ATUISR. When set, no action.
3524 **  For the original write transaction to be completed, the initiator retries the transaction on the PCI
3525 **  bus and the ATU returns the status from the internal bus, completing the transaction.
3526 **  For the Delayed Write Completion transaction on the PCI bus where a data parity error occurs and
3527 **  therefore does not agree with the status being returned from the internal bus (i.e. status being
3528 **  returned is normal completion) the ATU performs the following actions with the given constraints:
3529 **  �E When the Parity Error Response Bit is set in the ATUCMD, the ATU asserts TRDY#
3530 **  (disconnects with data) and two clocks later asserts PERR#. The Delayed Completion cycle in
3531 **  the IDWQ remains since the data of retried command did not match the data within the queue.
3532 **  �E The Detected Parity Error bit in the ATUSR is set. When the ATU sets this bit, additional
3533 **  actions is taken:
3534 **  �X When the ATU Detected Parity Error Interrupt Mask bit in the ATUIMR is clear, set the
3535 **  Detected Parity Error bit in the ATUISR. When set, no action.
3536 **  ===================================================
3537 **                       PCI-X Mode
3538 **  ===================================================
3539 **  Data parity errors occurring during configuration write operations received by the ATU may cause
3540 **  PERR# assertion and delivery of a Split Completion Error Message on the PCI Bus. When an error
3541 **  occurs, the ATU accepts the write data and complete with a Split Response Termination.
3542 **  Specifically, the following actions with the given constraints are then taken by the ATU:
3543 **  �E When the Parity Error Response bit in the ATUCMD is set, PERR# is asserted three clocks
3544 **  cycles following the Split Response Termination in which the data parity error is detected on
3545 **  the bus. When the ATU asserts PERR#, additional actions is taken:
3546 **  �X A Split Write Data Parity Error message (with message class=2h - completer error and
3547 **  message index=01h - Split Write Data Parity Error) is initiated by the ATU on the PCI bus
3548 **  that addresses the requester of the configuration write.
3549 **  �X When the Initiated Split Completion Error Message Interrupt Mask in the ATUIMR is
3550 **  clear, set the Initiated Split Completion Error Message bit in the ATUISR. When set, no
3551 **  action.
3552 **  �X The Split Write Request is not enqueued and forwarded to the internal bus.
3553 **  �E The Detected Parity Error bit in the ATUSR is set. When the ATU sets this bit, additional
3554 **  actions is taken:
3555 **  �X When the ATU Detected Parity Error Interrupt Mask bit in the ATUIMR is clear, set the
3556 **  Detected Parity Error bit in the ATUISR. When set, no action.
3557 **
3558 ***************************************************************************
3559 */
3561 /*
3562 ***************************************************************************
3563 **                       Split Completion Messages
3564 **  =======================================================================
3565 **  As a target, the ATU may encounter this error when operating in the PCI-X mode.
3566 **  Data parity errors occurring during Split Completion Messages claimed by the ATU may assert
3567 **  PERR# (when enabled) or SERR# (when enabled) on the PCI Bus. When an error occurs, the
3568 **  ATU accepts the data and complete normally. Specifically, the following actions with the given
3569 **  constraints are taken by the ATU:
3570 **  �E PERR# is asserted three clocks cycles following the data phase in which the data parity error
3571 **  is detected on the bus. This is only done when the Parity Error Response bit in the ATUCMD
3572 **  is set. When the ATU asserts PERR#, additional actions is taken:
3573 **  �X The Master Parity Error bit in the ATUSR is set.
3574 **  �X When the ATU PCI Master Parity Error Interrupt Mask Bit in the ATUIMR is clear, set the
3575 **  PCI Master Parity Error bit in the ATUISR. When set, no action.
3576 **  �X When the SERR# Enable bit in the ATUCMD is set, and the Data Parity Error Recover
3577 **  Enable bit in the PCIXCMD register is clear, assert SERR#; otherwise no action is taken.
3578 **  When the ATU asserts SERR#, additional actions is taken:
3579 **  Set the SERR# Asserted bit in the ATUSR.
3580 **  When the ATU SERR# Asserted Interrupt Mask Bit in the ATUIMR is clear, set the
3581 **  SERR# Asserted bit in the ATUISR. When set, no action.
3582 **  When the ATU SERR# Detected Interrupt Enable Bit in the ATUCR is set, set the
3583 **  SERR# Detected bit in the ATUISR. When clear, no action.
3584 **  �E When the SCE bit (Split Completion Error -- bit 30 of the Completer Attributes) is set during
3585 **  the Attribute phase, the Received Split Completion Error Message bit in the PCIXSR is set.
3586 **  When the ATU sets this bit, additional actions is taken:
3587 **  �X When the ATU Received Split Completion Error Message Interrupt Mask bit in the
3588 **  ATUIMR is clear, set the Received Split Completion Error Message bit in the ATUISR.
3589 **  When set, no action.
3590 **  �E The Detected Parity Error bit in the ATUSR is set. When the ATU sets this bit, additional
3591 **  actions is taken:
3592 **  �X When the ATU Detected Parity Error Interrupt Mask bit in the ATUIMR is clear, set the
3593 **  Detected Parity Error bit in the ATUISR. When set, no action.
3594 **  �E The transaction associated with the Split Completion Message is discarded.
3595 **  �E When the discarded transaction was a read, a completion error message (with message
3596 **  class=2h - completer error and message index=82h - PCI bus read parity error) is generated on
3597 **  the internal bus of the 80331.
3598 *****************************************************************************
3599 */
3602 /*
3603 ******************************************************************************************************
3604 **                 Messaging Unit (MU) of the Intel R 80331 I/O processor (80331)
3605 **  ==================================================================================================
3606 **	The Messaging Unit (MU) transfers data between the PCI system and the 80331
3607 **  notifies the respective system when new data arrives.
3608 **	The PCI window for messaging transactions is always the first 4 Kbytes of the inbound translation.
3609 **	window defined by:
3610 **                    1.Inbound ATU Base Address Register 0 (IABAR0)
3611 **                    2.Inbound ATU Limit Register 0 (IALR0)
3612 **	All of the Messaging Unit errors are reported in the same manner as ATU errors.
3613 **  Error conditions and status can be found in :
3614 **                                               1.ATUSR
3615 **                                               2.ATUISR
3616 **====================================================================================================
3617 **     Mechanism        Quantity               Assert PCI Interrupt Signals      Generate I/O Processor Interrupt
3618 **----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3619 **  Message Registers      2 Inbound                   Optional                              Optional
3620 **                         2 Outbound
3621 **----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3622 **  Doorbell Registers     1 Inbound                   Optional                              Optional
3623 **                         1 Outbound
3624 **----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3625 **  Circular Queues        4 Circular Queues           Under certain conditions              Under certain conditions
3626 **----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3627 **  Index Registers     1004 32-bit Memory Locations   No                                    Optional
3628 **====================================================================================================
3629 **     PCI Memory Map: First 4 Kbytes of the ATU Inbound PCI Address Space
3630 **====================================================================================================
3631 **  0000H           Reserved
3632 **  0004H           Reserved
3633 **  0008H           Reserved
3634 **  000CH           Reserved
3635 **------------------------------------------------------------------------
3636 **  0010H 			Inbound Message Register 0              ]
3637 **  0014H 			Inbound Message Register 1              ]
3638 **  0018H 			Outbound Message Register 0             ]
3639 **  001CH 			Outbound Message Register 1             ]   4 Message Registers
3640 **------------------------------------------------------------------------
3641 **  0020H 			Inbound Doorbell Register               ]
3642 **  0024H 			Inbound Interrupt Status Register       ]
3643 **  0028H 			Inbound Interrupt Mask Register         ]
3644 **  002CH 			Outbound Doorbell Register              ]
3645 **  0030H 			Outbound Interrupt Status Register      ]
3646 **  0034H 			Outbound Interrupt Mask Register        ]   2 Doorbell Registers and 4 Interrupt Registers
3647 **------------------------------------------------------------------------
3648 **  0038H 			Reserved
3649 **  003CH 			Reserved
3650 **------------------------------------------------------------------------
3651 **  0040H 			Inbound Queue Port                      ]
3652 **  0044H 			Outbound Queue Port                     ]   2 Queue Ports
3653 **------------------------------------------------------------------------
3654 **  0048H 			Reserved
3655 **  004CH 			Reserved
3656 **------------------------------------------------------------------------
3657 **  0050H                                                   ]
3658 **    :                                                     ]
3659 **    :      Intel Xscale Microarchitecture Local Memory    ]
3660 **    :                                                     ]
3661 **  0FFCH                                                   ]   1004 Index Registers
3662 *******************************************************************************
3663 */
3664 struct _MU
3665 {
3666 	ULONG								resrved0[4];	            /*0000 000F*/
3667 	ULONG								inbound_msgaddr0;	        /*0010 0013*/
3668 	ULONG								inbound_msgaddr1;	        /*0014 0017*/
3669 	ULONG								outbound_msgaddr0;	        /*0018 001B*/
3670 	ULONG								outbound_msgaddr1;	        /*001C 001F*/
3671 	ULONG								inbound_doorbell;	        /*0020 0023*/
3672 	ULONG								inbound_intstatus;	        /*0024 0027*/
3673 	ULONG								inbound_intmask;	        /*0028 002B*/
3674 	ULONG								outbound_doorbell;	        /*002C 002F*/
3675 	ULONG								outbound_intstatus;	        /*0030 0033*/
3676 	ULONG								outbound_intmask;	        /*0034 0037*/
3677 	ULONG								reserved1[2];	            /*0038 003F*/
3678 	ULONG								inbound_queueport;	        /*0040 0043*/
3679 	ULONG								outbound_queueport;     	/*0044 0047*/
3680 	ULONG								reserved2[2];	            /*0048 004F*/
3681 	ULONG                               reserved3[492];             /*0050 07FF ......local_buffer 492*/
3682 	ULONG                               message_rbuffer[128];       /*0800 09FF                    128*/
3683 	ULONG                               message_wbuffer[256];       /*0a00 0DFF                    256*/
3684 	ULONG                               ioctl_wbuffer[32];          /*0E00 0E7F                     32*/
3685     ULONG                               reserved4[32];              /*0E80 0EFF                     32*/
3686 	ULONG                               ioctl_rbuffer[32];          /*0F00 0F7F                     32*/
3687 	ULONG                               reserved5[32];              /*0F80 0FFF                     32*/
3688 };
3689 /*
3690 *****************************************************************************
3691 **                      Theory of MU Operation
3692 *****************************************************************************
3693 **--------------------
3694 **   inbound_msgaddr0:
3695 **   inbound_msgaddr1:
3696 **  outbound_msgaddr0:
3697 **  outbound_msgaddr1:
3698 **  .  The MU has four independent messaging mechanisms.
3699 **     There are four Message Registers that are similar to a combination of mailbox and doorbell registers.
3700 **     Each holds a 32-bit value and generates an interrupt when written.
3701 **--------------------
3702 **   inbound_doorbell:
3703 **  outbound_doorbell:
3704 **  .  The two Doorbell Registers support software interrupts.
3705 **     When a bit is set in a Doorbell Register, an interrupt is generated.
3706 **--------------------
3707 **  inbound_queueport:
3708 ** outbound_queueport:
3709 **
3710 **
3711 **  .  The Circular Queues support a message passing scheme that uses 4 circular queues.
3712 **     The 4 circular queues are implemented in 80331 local memory.
3713 **     Two queues are used for inbound messages and two are used for outbound messages.
3714 **     Interrupts may be generated when the queue is written.
3715 **--------------------
3716 ** local_buffer 0x0050 ....0x0FFF
3717 **  .  The Index Registers use a portion of the 80331 local memory to implement a large set of message registers.
3718 **     When one of the Index Registers is written, an interrupt is generated and the address of the register written is captured.
3719 **     Interrupt status for all interrupts is recorded in the Inbound Interrupt Status Register and the Outbound Interrupt Status Register.
3720 **     Each interrupt generated by the Messaging Unit can be masked.
3721 **--------------------
3722 **  .  Multi-DWORD PCI burst accesses are not supported by the Messaging Unit,
3723 **     with the exception of Multi-DWORD reads to the index registers.
3724 **     In Conventional mode: the MU terminates   Multi-DWORD PCI transactions (other than index register reads) with a disconnect at the next Qword boundary, with the exception of queue ports.
3725 **     In PCI-X mode       : the MU terminates a Multi-DWORD PCI read transaction with a Split Response and the data is returned through split completion transaction(s).
3726 **     however, when the burst request crosses into or through the range of  offsets 40h to 4Ch (e.g., this includes the queue ports) the transaction is signaled target-abort immediately on the PCI bus.
3727 **	   In PCI-X mode, Multi-DWORD PCI writes is signaled a Single-Data-Phase Disconnect which means that no data beyond the first Qword (Dword when the MU does not assert P_ACK64#) is written.
3728 **--------------------
3729 **  .  All registers needed to configure and control the Messaging Unit are memory-mapped registers.
3730 **     The MU uses the first 4 Kbytes of the inbound translation window in the Address Translation Unit (ATU).
3731 **     This PCI address window is used for PCI transactions that access the 80331 local memory.
3732 **     The  PCI address of the inbound translation window is contained in the Inbound ATU Base Address Register.
3733 **--------------------
3734 **  .  From the PCI perspective, the Messaging Unit is part of the Address Translation Unit.
3735 **     The Messaging Unit uses the PCI configuration registers of the ATU for control and status information.
3736 **     The Messaging Unit must observe all PCI control bits in the ATU Command Register and ATU Configuration Register.
3737 **     The Messaging Unit reports all PCI errors in the ATU Status Register.
3738 **--------------------
3739 **  .  Parts of the Messaging Unit can be accessed as a 64-bit PCI device.
3740 **     The register interface, message registers, doorbell registers, and index registers returns a P_ACK64# in response to a P_REQ64# on the PCI interface.
3741 **     Up to 1 Qword of data can be read or written per transaction (except Index Register reads).
3742 **     The Inbound and Outbound Queue Ports are always 32-bit addresses and the MU does not assert P_ACK64# to offsets 40H and 44H.
3743 **************************************************************************
3744 */
3745 /*
3746 **************************************************************************
3747 **  Message Registers
3748 **  ==============================
3749 **  . Messages can be sent and received by the 80331 through the use of the Message Registers.
3750 **  . When written, the message registers may cause an interrupt to be generated to either the Intel XScale core or the host processor.
3751 **  . Inbound messages are sent by the host processor and received by the 80331.
3752 **    Outbound messages are sent by the 80331 and received by the host processor.
3753 **  . The interrupt status for outbound messages is recorded in the Outbound Interrupt Status Register.
3754 **    Interrupt status for inbound messages is recorded in the Inbound Interrupt Status Register.
3755 **
3756 **  Inbound Messages:
3757 **  -----------------
3758 **  . When an inbound message register is written by an external PCI agent, an interrupt may be generated to the Intel XScale core.
3759 **  . The interrupt may be masked by the mask bits in the Inbound Interrupt Mask Register.
3760 **  . The Intel XScale core interrupt is recorded in the Inbound Interrupt Status Register.
3761 **    The interrupt causes the Inbound Message Interrupt bit to be set in the Inbound Interrupt Status Register.
3762 **    This is a Read/Clear bit that is set by the MU hardware and cleared by software.
3763 **    The interrupt is cleared when the Intel XScale core writes a value of 1 to the Inbound Message Interrupt bit in the Inbound Interrupt Status Register.
3764 **  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
3765 **  Inbound Message Register - IMRx
3766 **
3767 **  . There are two Inbound Message Registers: IMR0 and IMR1.
3768 **  . When the IMR register is written, an interrupt to the Intel XScale core may be generated.
3769 **    The interrupt is recorded in the Inbound Interrupt Status Register and may be masked by the Inbound Message Interrupt Mask bit in the Inbound Interrupt Mask Register.
3770 **  -----------------------------------------------------------------
3771 **  Bit       Default                       Description
3772 **  31:00    0000 0000H                     Inbound Message - This is a 32-bit message written by an external PCI agent.
3773 **                                                            When written, an interrupt to the Intel XScale core may be generated.
3774 **************************************************************************
3775 */
3776 #define     ARCMSR_MU_INBOUND_MESSAGE_REG0		          0x10    /*dword 0x13,0x12,0x11,0x10*/
3777 #define     ARCMSR_MU_INBOUND_MESSAGE_REG1		          0x14    /*dword 0x17,0x16,0x15,0x14*/
3778 /*
3779 **************************************************************************
3780 **  Outbound Message Register - OMRx
3781 **  --------------------------------
3782 **  There are two Outbound Message Registers: OMR0 and OMR1. When the OMR register is
3783 **  written, a PCI interrupt may be generated. The interrupt is recorded in the Outbound Interrupt
3784 **  Status Register and may be masked by the Outbound Message Interrupt Mask bit in the Outbound
3785 **  Interrupt Mask Register.
3786 **
3787 **  Bit       Default                       Description
3788 **  31:00    00000000H                      Outbound Message - This is 32-bit message written by the Intel  XScale  core. When written, an
3789 **                                                             interrupt may be generated on the PCI Interrupt pin determined by the ATU Interrupt Pin Register.
3790 **************************************************************************
3791 */
3792 #define     ARCMSR_MU_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_REG0		          0x18    /*dword 0x1B,0x1A,0x19,0x18*/
3793 #define     ARCMSR_MU_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_REG1		          0x1C    /*dword 0x1F,0x1E,0x1D,0x1C*/
3794 /*
3795 **************************************************************************
3796 **        Doorbell Registers
3797 **  ==============================
3798 **  There are two Doorbell Registers:
3799 **                                  Inbound Doorbell Register
3800 **                                  Outbound Doorbell Register
3801 **  The Inbound Doorbell Register allows external PCI agents to generate interrupts to the Intel R XScale core.
3802 **  The Outbound Doorbell Register allows the Intel R XScale core to generate a PCI interrupt.
3803 **  Both Doorbell Registers may generate interrupts whenever a bit in the register is set.
3804 **
3805 **  Inbound Doorbells:
3806 **  ------------------
3807 **  . When the Inbound Doorbell Register is written by an external PCI agent, an interrupt may be generated to the Intel R XScale  core.
3808 **    An interrupt is generated when any of the bits in the doorbell register is written to a value of 1.
3809 **    Writing a value of 0 to any bit does not change the value of that bit and does not cause an interrupt to be generated.
3810 **  . Once a bit is set in the Inbound Doorbell Register, it cannot be cleared by any external PCI agent.
3811 **    The interrupt is recorded in the Inbound Interrupt Status Register.
3812 **  . The interrupt may be masked by the Inbound Doorbell Interrupt mask bit in the Inbound Interrupt Mask Register.
3813 **    When the mask bit is set for a particular bit, no interrupt is generated for that bit.
3814 **    The Inbound Interrupt Mask Register affects only the generation of the normal messaging unit interrupt and not the values written to the Inbound Doorbell Register.
3815 **    One bit in the Inbound Doorbell Register is reserved for an Error Doorbell interrupt.
3816 **  . The interrupt is cleared when the Intel R XScale core writes a value of 1 to the bits in the Inbound Doorbell Register that are set.
3817 **    Writing a value of 0 to any bit does not change the value of that bit and does not clear the interrupt.
3818 **  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
3819 **  Inbound Doorbell Register - IDR
3820 **
3821 **  . The Inbound Doorbell Register (IDR) is used to generate interrupts to the Intel XScale core.
3822 **  . Bit 31 is reserved for generating an Error Doorbell interrupt.
3823 **    When bit 31 is set, an Error interrupt may be generated to the Intel XScale core.
3824 **    All other bits, when set, cause the Normal Messaging Unit interrupt line of the Intel XScale core to be asserted,
3825 **    when the interrupt is not masked by the Inbound Doorbell Interrupt Mask bit in the Inbound Interrupt Mask Register.
3826 **    The bits in the IDR register can only be set by an external PCI agent and can only be cleared by the Intel XScale  core.
3827 **  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
3828 **  Bit       Default                       Description
3829 **  31          0 2                         Error Interrupt - Generate an Error Interrupt to the Intel XScale core.
3830 **  30:00    00000000H                      Normal Interrupt - When any bit is set, generate a Normal interrupt to the Intel XScale core.
3831 **                                                             When all bits are clear, do not generate a Normal Interrupt.
3832 **************************************************************************
3833 */
3834 #define     ARCMSR_MU_INBOUND_DOORBELL_REG		          0x20    /*dword 0x23,0x22,0x21,0x20*/
3835 /*
3836 **************************************************************************
3837 **  Inbound Interrupt Status Register - IISR
3838 **
3839 **  . The Inbound Interrupt Status Register (IISR) contains hardware interrupt status.
3840 **    It records the status of Intel XScale core interrupts generated by the Message Registers, Doorbell Registers, and the Circular Queues.
3841 **    All interrupts are routed to the Normal Messaging Unit interrupt input of the Intel XScale core,
3842 **    except for the Error Doorbell Interrupt and the Outbound Free Queue Full interrupt;
3843 **    these two are routed to the Messaging Unit Error interrupt input.
3844 **    The generation of interrupts recorded in the Inbound Interrupt Status Register may be masked by setting the corresponding bit in the Inbound Interrupt Mask Register.
3845 **    Some of the bits in this register are Read Only.
3846 **    For those bits, the interrupt must be cleared through another register.
3847 **
3848 **  Bit       Default                       Description
3849 **  31:07    0000000H 0 2                   Reserved
3850 **  06          0 2                         Index Register Interrupt - This bit is set by the MU hardware when an Index Register has been written after a PCI transaction.
3851 **  05          0 2                         Outbound Free Queue Full Interrupt - This bit is set when the Outbound Free Head Pointer becomes equal to the Tail Pointer and the queue is full.
3852 **                                                                               An Error interrupt is generated for this condition.
3853 **  04          0 2                         Inbound Post Queue Interrupt - This bit is set by the MU hardware when the Inbound Post Queue has been written.
3854 **                                                                         Once cleared, an interrupt does NOT be generated when the head and tail pointers remain unequal (i.e. queue status is Not Empty).
3855 **                                                                         Therefore, when software leaves any unprocessed messages in the post queue when the interrupt is cleared,
3856 **                                                                         software must retain the information that the Inbound Post queue status is not empty.
3857 **                                                                         NOTE:
3858 **                                                                         This interrupt is provided with dedicated support in the 80331 Interrupt Controller.
3859 **  03          0 2                         Error Doorbell Interrupt - This bit is set when the Error Interrupt of the Inbound Doorbell Register is set.
3860 **                                                                     To clear this bit (and the interrupt), the Error Interrupt bit of the Inbound Doorbell Register must be clear.
3861 **  02          0 2                         Inbound Doorbell Interrupt - This bit is set when at least one Normal Interrupt bit in the Inbound Doorbell Register is set.
3862 **                                                                       To clear this bit (and the interrupt), the Normal Interrupt bits in the Inbound Doorbell Register must all be clear.
3863 **  01          0 2                         Inbound Message 1 Interrupt - This bit is set by the MU hardware when the Inbound Message 1 Register has been written.
3864 **  00          0 2                         Inbound Message 0 Interrupt - This bit is set by the MU hardware when the Inbound Message 0 Register has been written.
3865 **************************************************************************
3866 */
3867 #define     ARCMSR_MU_INBOUND_INTERRUPT_STATUS_REG	      0x24    /*dword 0x27,0x26,0x25,0x24*/
3868 #define     ARCMSR_MU_INBOUND_INDEX_INT                      0x40
3869 #define     ARCMSR_MU_INBOUND_QUEUEFULL_INT                  0x20
3870 #define     ARCMSR_MU_INBOUND_POSTQUEUE_INT                  0x10
3871 #define     ARCMSR_MU_INBOUND_ERROR_DOORBELL_INT             0x08
3872 #define     ARCMSR_MU_INBOUND_DOORBELL_INT                   0x04
3873 #define     ARCMSR_MU_INBOUND_MESSAGE1_INT                   0x02
3874 #define     ARCMSR_MU_INBOUND_MESSAGE0_INT                   0x01
3875 /*
3876 **************************************************************************
3877 **  Inbound Interrupt Mask Register - IIMR
3878 **
3879 **  . The Inbound Interrupt Mask Register (IIMR) provides the ability to mask Intel XScale core interrupts generated by the Messaging Unit.
3880 **    Each bit in the Mask register corresponds to an interrupt bit in the Inbound Interrupt Status Register.
3881 **    Setting or clearing bits in this register does not affect the Inbound Interrupt Status Register.
3882 **    They only affect the generation of the Intel XScale core interrupt.
3883 **  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
3884 **  Bit       Default                       Description
3885 **  31:07     000000H 0 2                   Reserved
3886 **  06        0 2                           Index Register Interrupt Mask - When set, this bit masks the interrupt generated by the MU hardware when an Index Register has been written after a PCI transaction.
3887 **  05        0 2                           Outbound Free Queue Full Interrupt Mask - When set, this bit masks the Error interrupt generated when the Outbound Free Head Pointer becomes equal to the Tail Pointer and the queue is full.
3888 **  04        0 2                           Inbound Post Queue Interrupt Mask - When set, this bit masks the interrupt generated by the MU hardware when the Inbound Post Queue has been written.
3889 **  03        0 2                           Error Doorbell Interrupt Mask - When set, this bit masks the Error Interrupt when the Error Interrupt bit of the Inbound Doorbell Register is set.
3890 **  02        0 2                           Inbound Doorbell Interrupt Mask - When set, this bit masks the interrupt generated when at least one Normal Interrupt bit in the Inbound Doorbell Register is set.
3891 **  01        0 2                           Inbound Message 1 Interrupt Mask - When set, this bit masks the Inbound Message 1 Interrupt generated by a write to the Inbound Message 1 Register.
3892 **  00        0 2                           Inbound Message 0 Interrupt Mask - When set, this bit masks the Inbound Message 0 Interrupt generated by a write to the Inbound Message 0 Register.
3893 **************************************************************************
3894 */
3895 #define     ARCMSR_MU_INBOUND_INTERRUPT_MASK_REG	      0x28    /*dword 0x2B,0x2A,0x29,0x28*/
3896 #define     ARCMSR_MU_INBOUND_INDEX_INTMASKENABLE               0x40
3900 #define     ARCMSR_MU_INBOUND_DOORBELL_INTMASKENABLE            0x04
3901 #define     ARCMSR_MU_INBOUND_MESSAGE1_INTMASKENABLE            0x02
3902 #define     ARCMSR_MU_INBOUND_MESSAGE0_INTMASKENABLE            0x01
3903 /*
3904 **************************************************************************
3905 **  Outbound Doorbell Register - ODR
3906 **
3907 **  The Outbound Doorbell Register (ODR) allows software interrupt generation. It allows the Intel
3908 **  XScale  core to generate PCI interrupts to the host processor by writing to this register. The
3909 **  generation of PCI interrupts through the Outbound Doorbell Register may be masked by setting the
3910 **  Outbound Doorbell Interrupt Mask bit in the Outbound Interrupt Mask Register.
3911 **  The Software Interrupt bits in this register can only be set by the Intel  XScale  core and can only
3912 **  be cleared by an external PCI agent.
3913 **  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3914 **  Bit       Default                       Description
3915 **  31          0 2                          Reserved
3916 **  30          0 2                          Reserved.
3917 **  29          0 2                          Reserved
3918 **  28       0000 0000H                      PCI Interrupt - When set, this bit causes the P_INTC# interrupt output (P_INTA# with BRG_EN and ARB_EN straps low)
3919 **                                                           signal to be asserted or a Message-signaled Interrupt is generated (when enabled).
3920 **                                                           When this bit is cleared, the P_INTC# interrupt output (P_INTA# with BRG_EN and ARB_EN straps low)
3921 **                                                           signal is deasserted.
3922 **  27:00     000 0000H                      Software Interrupts - When any bit is set the P_INTC# interrupt output (P_INTA# with BRG_EN and ARB_EN straps low)
3923 **                                                           signal is asserted or a Message-signaled Interrupt is generated (when enabled).
3924 **                                                           When all bits are cleared, the P_INTC# interrupt output (P_INTA# with BRG_EN and ARB_EN straps low)
3925 **                                                           signal is deasserted.
3926 **************************************************************************
3927 */
3928 #define     ARCMSR_MU_OUTBOUND_DOORBELL_REG		          0x2C    /*dword 0x2F,0x2E,0x2D,0x2C*/
3929 /*
3930 **************************************************************************
3931 **  Outbound Interrupt Status Register - OISR
3932 **
3933 **  The Outbound Interrupt Status Register (OISR) contains hardware interrupt status. It records the
3934 **  status of PCI interrupts generated by the Message Registers, Doorbell Registers, and the Circular
3935 **  Queues. The generation of PCI interrupts recorded in the Outbound Interrupt Status Register may
3936 **  be masked by setting the corresponding bit in the Outbound Interrupt Mask Register. Some of the
3937 **  bits in this register are Read Only. For those bits, the interrupt must be cleared through another
3938 **  register.
3939 **  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3940 **  Bit       Default                       Description
3941 **  31:05     000000H 000 2                 Reserved
3942 **  04        0 2                           PCI Interrupt - This bit is set when the PCI Interrupt bit (bit 28) is set in the Outbound Doorbell Register.
3943 **                                                          To clear this bit (and the interrupt), the PCI Interrupt bit must be cleared.
3944 **  03        0 2                           Outbound Post Queue Interrupt - This bit is set when data in the prefetch buffer is valid. This bit is
3945 **                                                          cleared when any prefetch data has been read from the Outbound Queue Port.
3946 **  02        0 2                           Outbound Doorbell Interrupt - This bit is set when at least one Software Interrupt bit in the Outbound
3947 **                                                          Doorbell Register is set. To clear this bit (and the interrupt), the Software Interrupt bits in the Outbound
3948 **                                                          Doorbell Register must all be clear.
3949 **  01        0 2                           Outbound Message 1 Interrupt - This bit is set by the MU when the Outbound Message 1 Register is
3950 **                                                          written. Clearing this bit clears the interrupt.
3951 **  00        0 2                           Outbound Message 0 Interrupt - This bit is set by the MU when the Outbound Message 0 Register is
3952 **                                                          written. Clearing this bit clears the interrupt.
3953 **************************************************************************
3954 */
3955 #define     ARCMSR_MU_OUTBOUND_INTERRUPT_STATUS_REG	      0x30    /*dword 0x33,0x32,0x31,0x30*/
3956 #define     ARCMSR_MU_OUTBOUND_PCI_INT       	              0x10
3957 #define     ARCMSR_MU_OUTBOUND_POSTQUEUE_INT    	          0x08
3958 #define     ARCMSR_MU_OUTBOUND_DOORBELL_INT 		          0x04
3959 #define     ARCMSR_MU_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE1_INT 		          0x02
3960 #define     ARCMSR_MU_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE0_INT 		          0x01
3961 /*
3962 **************************************************************************
3963 **  Outbound Interrupt Mask Register - OIMR
3964 **  The Outbound Interrupt Mask Register (OIMR) provides the ability to mask outbound PCI
3965 **  interrupts generated by the Messaging Unit. Each bit in the mask register corresponds to a
3966 **  hardware interrupt bit in the Outbound Interrupt Status Register. When the bit is set, the PCI
3967 **  interrupt is not generated. When the bit is clear, the interrupt is allowed to be generated.
3968 **  Setting or clearing bits in this register does not affect the Outbound Interrupt Status Register. They
3969 **  only affect the generation of the PCI interrupt.
3970 **  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3971 **  Bit       Default                       Description
3972 **  31:05     000000H                       Reserved
3973 **  04          0 2                         PCI Interrupt Mask - When set, this bit masks the interrupt generation when the PCI Interrupt bit (bit 28)
3974 **                                                               in the Outbound Doorbell Register is set.
3975 **  03          0 2                         Outbound Post Queue Interrupt Mask - When set, this bit masks the interrupt generated when data in
3976 **                                                               the prefetch buffer is valid.
3977 **  02          0 2                         Outbound Doorbell Interrupt Mask - When set, this bit masks the interrupt generated by the Outbound
3978 **                                                               Doorbell Register.
3979 **  01          0 2                         Outbound Message 1 Interrupt Mask - When set, this bit masks the Outbound Message 1 Interrupt
3980 **                                                               generated by a write to the Outbound Message 1 Register.
3981 **  00          0 2                         Outbound Message 0 Interrupt Mask- When set, this bit masks the Outbound Message 0 Interrupt
3982 **                                                               generated by a write to the Outbound Message 0 Register.
3983 **************************************************************************
3984 */
3985 #define     ARCMSR_MU_OUTBOUND_INTERRUPT_MASK_REG		  0x34    /*dword 0x37,0x36,0x35,0x34*/
3986 #define     ARCMSR_MU_OUTBOUND_PCI_INTMASKENABLE   	          0x10
3992 /*
3993 **************************************************************************
3994 **
3995 **************************************************************************
3996 */
3997 #define     ARCMSR_MU_INBOUND_QUEUE_PORT_REG        	  0x40    /*dword 0x43,0x42,0x41,0x40*/
3998 #define     ARCMSR_MU_OUTBOUND_QUEUE_PORT_REG  	          0x44    /*dword 0x47,0x46,0x45,0x44*/
3999 /*
4000 **************************************************************************
4001 **                          Circular Queues
4002 **  ======================================================================
4003 **  The MU implements four circular queues. There are 2 inbound queues and 2 outbound queues. In
4004 **  this case, inbound and outbound refer to the direction of the flow of posted messages.
4005 **  Inbound messages are either:
4006 **  						�E posted messages by other processors for the Intel XScale core to process or
4007 **  						�E free (or empty) messages that can be reused by other processors.
4008 **  Outbound messages are either:
4009 ** 							�E posted messages by the Intel XScale core for other processors to process or
4010 ** 							�E free (or empty) messages that can be reused by the Intel XScale core.
4011 **  Therefore, free inbound messages flow away from the 80331 and free outbound messages flow toward the 80331.
4012 **  The four Circular Queues are used to pass messages in the following manner.
4013 **  	. The two inbound queues are used to handle inbound messages
4014 **  	  and the two outbound queues are used to handle  outbound messages.
4015 **  	. One of the inbound queues is designated the Free queue and it contains inbound free messages.
4016 **  	  The other inbound queue is designated the Post queue and it contains inbound posted messages.
4017 **  	  Similarly, one of the outbound queues is designated the Free queue and the other outbound queue is designated the Post queue.
4018 **
4019 **  =============================================================================================================
4020 **  Circular Queue Summary
4021 **   _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4022 **  |    Queue Name        |                     Purpose                                |  Action on PCI Interface|
4023 **  |______________________|____________________________________________________________|_________________________|
4024 **  |Inbound Post  Queue   |    Queue for inbound messages from other processors        |          Written        |
4025 **  |                      |     waiting to be processed by the 80331                   |                         |
4026 **  |Inbound Free  Queue   |    Queue for empty inbound messages from the 80331         |          Read           |
4027 **  |                      |    available for use by other processors                   |                         |
4028 **  |Outbound Post Queue   |    Queue for outbound messages from the 80331              |          Read           |
4029 **  |                      |    that are being posted to the other processors           |                         |
4030 **  |Outbound Free Queue   |    Queue for empty outbound messages from other processors |          Written        |
4031 **  |                      |    available for use by the 80331                          |                         |
4032 **  |______________________|____________________________________________________________|_________________________|
4033 **
4034 **  . The two inbound queues allow the host processor to post inbound messages for the 80331 in one
4035 **    queue and to receive free messages returning from the 80331.
4036 **    The host processor posts inbound messages,
4037 **    the Intel XScale core receives the posted message and when it is finished with the message,
4038 **    places it back on the inbound free queue for reuse by the host processor.
4039 **
4040 **  The circular queues are accessed by external PCI agents through two port locations in the PCI
4041 **  address space:
4042 **              Inbound Queue Port
4043 **          and Outbound Queue Port.
4044 **  The Inbound Queue Port is used by external PCI agents to read the Inbound Free Queue and write the Inbound Post Queue.
4045 **  The Outbound Queue Port is used by external PCI agents to read the Outbound Post Queue and write the Outbound Free Queue.
4046 **  Note that a PCI transaction to the inbound or outbound queue ports with null byte enables (P_C/BE[3:0]#=1111 2 )
4047 **  does not cause the MU hardware to increment the queue pointers.
4048 **  This is treated as when the PCI transaction did not occur.
4049 **  The Inbound and Outbound Queue Ports never respond with P_ACK64# on the PCI interface.
4050 **  ======================================================================================
4051 **  Overview of Circular Queue Operation
4052 **  ======================================================================================
4053 **  . The data storage for the circular queues must be provided by the 80331 local memory.
4054 **  . The base address of the circular queues is contained in the Queue Base Address Register.
4055 **    Each entry in the queue is a 32-bit data value.
4056 **  . Each read from or write to the queue may access only one queue entry.
4057 **  . Multi-DWORD accesses to the circular queues are not allowed.
4058 **    Sub-DWORD accesses are promoted to DWORD accesses.
4059 **  . Each circular queue has a head pointer and a tail pointer.
4060 **    The pointers are offsets from the Queue Base Address.
4061 **  . Writes to a queue occur at the head of the queue and reads occur from the tail.
4062 **    The head and tail pointers are incremented by either the Intel XScale core or the Messaging Unit hardware.
4063 **    Which unit maintains the pointer is determined by the writer of the queue.
4064 **    More details about the pointers are given in the queue descriptions below.
4065 **    The pointers are incremented after the queue access.
4066 **    Both pointers wrap around to the first address of the circular queue when they reach the circular queue size.
4067 **
4068 **  Messaging Unit...
4069 **
4070 **  The Messaging Unit generates an interrupt to the Intel XScale core or generate a PCI interrupt under certain conditions.
4071 **  . In general, when a Post queue is written, an interrupt is generated to notify the receiver that a message was posted.
4072 **    The size of each circular queue can range from 4K entries (16 Kbytes) to 64K entries (256 Kbytes).
4073 **  . All four queues must be the same size and may be contiguous.
4074 **    Therefore, the total amount of local memory needed by the circular queues ranges from 64 Kbytes to 1 Mbytes.
4075 **    The Queue size is determined by the Queue Size field in the MU Configuration Register.
4076 **  . There is one base address for all four queues.
4077 **    It is stored in the Queue Base Address Register (QBAR).
4078 **    The starting addresses of each queue is based on the Queue Base Address and the Queue Size field.
4079 **    here shows an example of how the circular queues should be set up based on the
4080 **    Intelligent I/O (I 2 O) Architecture Specification.
4081 **    Other ordering of the circular queues is possible.
4082 **
4083 **  				Queue                           Starting Address
4084 **  				Inbound Free Queue              QBAR
4085 **  				Inbound Post Queue              QBAR + Queue Size
4086 **  				Outbound Post Queue             QBAR + 2 * Queue Size
4087 **  				Outbound Free Queue             QBAR + 3 * Queue Size
4088 **  ===================================================================================
4089 **  Inbound Post Queue
4090 **  ------------------
4091 **  The Inbound Post Queue holds posted messages placed there by other processors for the Intel XScale core to process.
4092 **  This queue is read from the queue tail by the Intel XScale core. It is written to the queue head by external PCI agents.
4093 **  The tail pointer is maintained by the Intel XScale core. The head pointer is maintained by the MU hardware.
4094 **  For a PCI write transaction that accesses the Inbound Queue Port, the MU writes the data to the local memory location address in the Inbound Post Head Pointer Register.
4095 **  When the data written to the Inbound Queue Port is written to local memory, the MU hardware increments the Inbound Post Head Pointer Register.
4096 **  An Intel XScale core interrupt may be generated when the Inbound Post Queue is written.
4097 **  The Inbound Post Queue Interrupt bit in the Inbound Interrupt Status Register indicates the interrupt status.
4098 **  The interrupt is cleared when the Inbound Post Queue Interrupt bit is cleared.
4099 **  The interrupt can be masked by the Inbound Interrupt Mask Register.
4100 **  Software must be aware of the state of the Inbound Post Queue Interrupt Mask bit to guarantee that the full condition is recognized by the core processor.
4101 **  In addition, to guarantee that the queue does not get overwritten, software must process messages from the tail of the queue before incrementing the tail pointer and clearing this interrupt.
4102 **  Once cleared, an interrupt is NOT generated when the head and tail pointers remain unequal (i.e. queue status is Not Empty).
4103 **  Only a new message posting the in the inbound queue generates a new interrupt.
4104 **  Therefore, when software leaves any unprocessed messages in the post queue when the interrupt is cleared, software must retain the information that the Inbound Post queue status.
4105 **  From the time that the PCI write transaction is received until the data is written in local memory and the Inbound Post Head Pointer Register is incremented, any PCI transaction that attempts to access the Inbound Post Queue Port is signalled a Retry.
4106 **  The Intel XScale core may read messages from the Inbound Post Queue by reading the data from the local memory location pointed to by the Inbound Post Tail Pointer Register.
4107 **  The Intel XScale core must then increment the Inbound Post Tail Pointer Register.
4108 **  When the Inbound Post Queue is full (head and tail pointers are equal and the head pointer was last updated by hardware), the hardware retries any PCI writes until a slot in the queue becomes available.
4109 **  A slot in the post queue becomes available by the Intel XScale core incrementing the tail pointer.
4110 **  ===================================================================================
4111 **  Inbound Free Queue
4112 **  ------------------
4113 **  The Inbound Free Queue holds free inbound messages placed there by the Intel XScale core for other processors to use.
4114 **  This queue is read from the queue tail by external PCI agents.
4115 **  It is written to the queue head by the Intel XScale core.
4116 **  The tail pointer is maintained by the MU hardware.
4117 **  The head pointer is maintained by the Intel XScale core.
4118 **  For a PCI read transaction that accesses the Inbound Queue Port,
4119 **  the MU attempts to read the data at the local memory address in the Inbound Free Tail Pointer.
4120 **  When the queue is not empty (head and tail pointers are not equal) or full (head and tail pointers are equal but the head pointer was last written by software), the data is returned.
4121 **  When the queue is empty (head and tail pointers are equal and the head pointer was last updated by hardware), the value of -1 (FFFF.FFFFH) is  returned.
4122 **  When the queue was not empty and the MU succeeded in returning the data at the tail,
4123 **  the MU hardware must increment the value in the Inbound Free Tail Pointer Register.
4124 **  To reduce latency for the PCI read access, the MU implements a prefetch mechanism to anticipate accesses to the Inbound Free Queue.
4125 **  The MU hardware prefetches the data at the tail of the Inbound Free Queue and load it into an internal prefetch register.
4126 **  When the PCI read access occurs, the data is read directly from the prefetch register.
4127 **  The prefetch mechanism loads a value of -1 (FFFF.FFFFH) into the prefetch register
4128 **  when the head and tail pointers are equal and the queue is empty.
4129 **  In order to update the prefetch register when messages are added to the queue and it becomes non-empty,
4130 **  the prefetch mechanism automatically starts a prefetch when the prefetch register contains FFFF.FFFFH and the Inbound Free Head Pointer Register is written.
4131 **  The Intel XScale core needs to update the Inbound Free Head Pointer Register when it adds messages to the queue.
4132 **  A prefetch must appear atomic from the perspective of the external PCI agent.
4133 **  When a prefetch is started, any PCI transaction that attempts to access the Inbound Free Queue is signalled a Retry until the prefetch is completed.
4134 **  The Intel XScale core may place messages in the Inbound Free Queue by writing the data to the
4135 **  local memory location pointed to by the Inbound Free Head Pointer Register.
4136 **  The processor must then increment the Inbound Free Head Pointer Register.
4137 **  ==================================================================================
4138 **  Outbound Post Queue
4139 **  -------------------
4140 **  The Outbound Post Queue holds outbound posted messages placed there by the Intel XScale
4141 **  core for other processors to process. This queue is read from the queue tail by external PCI agents.
4142 **  It is written to the queue head by the Intel XScale  core. The tail pointer is maintained by the
4143 **  MU hardware. The head pointer is maintained by the Intel XScale  core.
4144 **  For a PCI read transaction that accesses the Outbound Queue Port, the MU attempts to read the
4145 **  data at the local memory address in the Outbound Post Tail Pointer Register. When the queue is not
4146 **  empty (head and tail pointers are not equal) or full (head and tail pointers are equal but the head
4147 **  pointer was last written by software), the data is returned. When the queue is empty (head and tail
4148 **  pointers are equal and the head pointer was last updated by hardware), the value of -1
4149 **  (FFFF.FFFFH) is returned. When the queue was not empty and the MU succeeded in returning the
4150 **  data at the tail, the MU hardware must increment the value in the Outbound Post Tail Pointer
4151 **  Register.
4152 **  To reduce latency for the PCI read access, the MU implements a prefetch mechanism to anticipate
4153 **  accesses to the Outbound Post Queue. The MU hardware prefetches the data at the tail of the
4154 **  Outbound Post Queue and load it into an internal prefetch register. When the PCI read access
4155 **  occurs, the data is read directly from the prefetch register.
4156 **  The prefetch mechanism loads a value of -1 (FFFF.FFFFH) into the prefetch register when the head
4157 **  and tail pointers are equal and the queue is empty. In order to update the prefetch register when
4158 **  messages are added to the queue and it becomes non-empty, the prefetch mechanism automatically
4159 **  starts a prefetch when the prefetch register contains FFFF.FFFFH and the Outbound Post Head
4160 **  Pointer Register is written. The Intel XScale  core needs to update the Outbound Post Head
4161 **  Pointer Register when it adds messages to the queue.
4162 **  A prefetch must appear atomic from the perspective of the external PCI agent. When a prefetch is
4163 **  started, any PCI transaction that attempts to access the Outbound Post Queue is signalled a Retry
4164 **  until the prefetch is completed.
4165 **  A PCI interrupt may be generated when data in the prefetch buffer is valid. When the prefetch
4166 **  queue is clear, no interrupt is generated. The Outbound Post Queue Interrupt bit in the Outbound
4167 **  Interrupt Status Register shall indicate the status of the prefetch buffer data and therefore the
4168 **  interrupt status. The interrupt is cleared when any prefetched data has been read from the Outbound
4169 **  Queue Port. The interrupt can be masked by the Outbound Interrupt Mask Register.
4170 **  The Intel XScale  core may place messages in the Outbound Post Queue by writing the data to
4171 **  the local memory address in the Outbound Post Head Pointer Register. The processor must then
4172 **  increment the Outbound Post Head Pointer Register.
4173 **  ==================================================
4174 **  Outbound Free Queue
4175 **  -----------------------
4176 **  The Outbound Free Queue holds free messages placed there by other processors for the Intel
4177 **  XScale  core to use. This queue is read from the queue tail by the Intel XScale  core. It is
4178 **  written to the queue head by external PCI agents. The tail pointer is maintained by the Intel
4179 **  XScale  core. The head pointer is maintained by the MU hardware.
4180 **  For a PCI write transaction that accesses the Outbound Queue Port, the MU writes the data to the
4181 **  local memory address in the Outbound Free Head Pointer Register. When the data written to the
4182 **  Outbound Queue Port is written to local memory, the MU hardware increments the Outbound Free
4183 **  Head Pointer Register.
4184 **  When the head pointer and the tail pointer become equal and the queue is full, the MU may signal
4185 **  an interrupt to the Intel XScale  core to register the queue full condition. This interrupt is
4186 **  recorded in the Inbound Interrupt Status Register. The interrupt is cleared when the Outbound Free
4187 **  Queue Full Interrupt bit is cleared and not by writing to the head or tail pointers. The interrupt can
4188 **  be masked by the Inbound Interrupt Mask Register. Software must be aware of the state of the
4189 **  Outbound Free Queue Interrupt Mask bit to guarantee that the full condition is recognized by the
4190 **  core processor.
4191 **  From the time that a PCI write transaction is received until the data is written in local memory and
4192 **  the Outbound Free Head Pointer Register is incremented, any PCI transaction that attempts to
4193 **  access the Outbound Free Queue Port is signalled a retry.
4194 **  The Intel XScale  core may read messages from the Outbound Free Queue by reading the data
4195 **  from the local memory address in the Outbound Free Tail Pointer Register. The processor must
4196 **  then increment the Outbound Free Tail Pointer Register. When the Outbound Free Queue is full,
4197 **  the hardware must retry any PCI writes until a slot in the queue becomes available.
4198 **
4199 **  ==================================================================================
4200 **  Circular Queue Summary
4201 **  ----------------------
4202 **  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4203 ** | Queue Name  |  PCI Port     |Generate PCI Interrupt |Generate Intel Xscale Core Interrupt|Head Pointer maintained by|Tail Pointer maintained by|
4204 ** |_____________|_______________|_______________________|____________________________________|__________________________|__________________________|
4205 ** |Inbound Post | Inbound Queue |                       |                                    |                          |                          |
4206 ** |    Queue    |     Port      |          NO           |      Yes, when queue is written    |         MU hardware      |     Intel XScale         |
4207 ** |_____________|_______________|_______________________|____________________________________|__________________________|__________________________|
4208 ** |Inbound Free | Inbound Queue |                       |                                    |                          |                          |
4209 ** |    Queue    |     Port      |          NO           |      NO                            |        Intel XScale      |      MU hardware         |
4210 ** |_____________|_______________|_______________________|____________________________________|__________________________|__________________________|
4211 ** ==================================================================================
4212 **  Circular Queue Status Summary
4213 **  ----------------------
4214 **  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
4215 ** |     Queue Name      |  Queue Status  | Head & Tail Pointer |         Last Pointer Update           |
4216 ** |_____________________|________________|_____________________|_______________________________________|
4217 ** | Inbound Post Queue  |      Empty     |       Equal         | Tail pointer last updated by software |
4218 ** |_____________________|________________|_____________________|_______________________________________|
4219 ** | Inbound Free Queue  |      Empty     |       Equal         | Head pointer last updated by hardware |
4220 ** |_____________________|________________|_____________________|_______________________________________|
4221 **************************************************************************
4222 */
4224 /*
4225 **************************************************************************
4226 **       Index Registers
4227 **  ========================
4228 **  . The Index Registers are a set of 1004 registers that when written by an external PCI agent can generate an interrupt to the Intel XScale core.
4229 **    These registers are for inbound messages only.
4230 **    The interrupt is recorded in the Inbound Interrupt Status Register.
4231 **    The storage for the Index Registers is allocated from the 80331 local memory.
4232 **    PCI write accesses to the Index Registers write the data to local memory.
4233 **    PCI read accesses to the Index Registers read the data from local memory.
4234 **  . The local memory used for the Index Registers ranges from Inbound ATU Translate Value Register + 050H
4235 **                                                           to Inbound ATU Translate Value Register + FFFH.
4236 **  . The address of the first write access is stored in the Index Address Register.
4237 **    This register is written during the earliest write access and provides a means to determine which Index Register was written.
4238 **    Once updated by the MU, the Index Address Register is not updated until the Index Register Interrupt bit in the Inbound Interrupt Status Register is cleared.
4239 **  . When the interrupt is cleared, the Index Address Register is re-enabled and stores the address of the next Index Register write access.
4240 **    Writes by the Intel XScale core to the local memory used by the Index Registers does not cause an interrupt and does not update the Index Address Register.
4241 **  . The index registers can be accessed with Multi-DWORD reads and single QWORD aligned writes.
4242 **************************************************************************
4243 */
4244 /*
4245 **************************************************************************
4246 **    Messaging Unit Internal Bus Memory Map
4247 **  =======================================
4248 **  Internal Bus Address___Register Description (Name)____________________|_PCI Configuration Space Register Number_
4249 **  FFFF E300H             reserved                                       |
4250 **    ..                     ..                                           |
4251 **  FFFF E30CH             reserved                                       |
4252 **  FFFF E310H             Inbound Message Register 0                     | Available through
4253 **  FFFF E314H             Inbound Message Register 1                     | ATU Inbound Translation Window
4254 **  FFFF E318H             Outbound Message Register 0                    |
4255 **  FFFF E31CH             Outbound Message Register 1                    | or
4256 **  FFFF E320H             Inbound Doorbell Register                      |
4257 **  FFFF E324H             Inbound Interrupt Status Register              | must translate PCI address to
4258 **  FFFF E328H             Inbound Interrupt Mask Register                | the Intel Xscale Core
4259 **  FFFF E32CH             Outbound Doorbell Register                     | Memory-Mapped Address
4260 **  FFFF E330H             Outbound Interrupt Status Register             |
4261 **  FFFF E334H             Outbound Interrupt Mask Register               |
4262 **  ______________________________________________________________________|________________________________________
4263 **  FFFF E338H             reserved                                       |
4264 **  FFFF E33CH             reserved                                       |
4265 **  FFFF E340H             reserved                                       |
4266 **  FFFF E344H             reserved                                       |
4267 **  FFFF E348H             reserved                                       |
4268 **  FFFF E34CH             reserved                                       |
4269 **  FFFF E350H             MU Configuration Register                      |
4270 **  FFFF E354H             Queue Base Address Register                    |
4271 **  FFFF E358H             reserved                                       |
4272 **  FFFF E35CH             reserved                                       | must translate PCI address to
4273 **  FFFF E360H             Inbound Free Head Pointer Register             | the Intel Xscale Core
4274 **  FFFF E364H             Inbound Free Tail Pointer Register             | Memory-Mapped Address
4275 **  FFFF E368H             Inbound Post Head pointer Register             |
4276 **  FFFF E36CH             Inbound Post Tail Pointer Register             |
4277 **  FFFF E370H             Outbound Free Head Pointer Register            |
4278 **  FFFF E374H             Outbound Free Tail Pointer Register            |
4279 **  FFFF E378H             Outbound Post Head pointer Register            |
4280 **  FFFF E37CH             Outbound Post Tail Pointer Register            |
4281 **  FFFF E380H             Index Address Register                         |
4282 **  FFFF E384H             reserved                                       |
4283 **   ..                       ..                                          |
4284 **  FFFF E3FCH             reserved                                       |
4285 **  ______________________________________________________________________|_______________________________________
4286 **************************************************************************
4287 */
4288 /*
4289 **************************************************************************
4290 **  MU Configuration Register - MUCR  FFFF.E350H
4291 **
4292 **  . The MU Configuration Register (MUCR) contains the Circular Queue Enable bit and the size of one Circular Queue.
4293 **  . The Circular Queue Enable bit enables or disables the Circular Queues.
4294 **    The Circular Queues are disabled at reset to allow the software to initialize the head and tail pointer registers before any PCI accesses to the Queue Ports.
4295 **  . Each Circular Queue may range from 4 K entries (16 Kbytes) to 64 K entries (256 Kbytes) and there are four Circular Queues.
4296 **  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
4297 **  Bit       Default                       Description
4298 **  31:06     000000H 00 2                  Reserved
4299 **  05:01     00001 2                       Circular Queue Size - This field determines the size of each Circular Queue.
4300 **                                                                All four queues are the same size.
4301 **  																�E 00001 2 - 4K Entries (16 Kbytes)
4302 **  																�E 00010 2 - 8K Entries (32 Kbytes)
4303 **  																�E 00100 2 - 16K Entries (64 Kbytes)
4304 **  																�E 01000 2 - 32K Entries (128 Kbytes)
4305 **  																�E 10000 2 - 64K Entries (256 Kbytes)
4306 **  00        0 2                           Circular Queue Enable - This bit enables or disables the Circular Queues. When clear the Circular
4307 **  																Queues are disabled, however the MU accepts PCI accesses to the Circular Queue Ports but ignores
4308 **  																the data for Writes and return FFFF.FFFFH for Reads. Interrupts are not generated to the core when
4309 **  																disabled. When set, the Circular Queues are fully enabled.
4310 **************************************************************************
4311 */
4312 #define     ARCMSR_MU_CONFIGURATION_REG  	          0xFFFFE350
4313 #define     ARCMSR_MU_CIRCULAR_QUEUE_SIZE64K  	          0x0020
4314 #define     ARCMSR_MU_CIRCULAR_QUEUE_SIZE32K  	          0x0010
4315 #define     ARCMSR_MU_CIRCULAR_QUEUE_SIZE16K  	          0x0008
4316 #define     ARCMSR_MU_CIRCULAR_QUEUE_SIZE8K  	          0x0004
4317 #define     ARCMSR_MU_CIRCULAR_QUEUE_SIZE4K  	          0x0002
4318 #define     ARCMSR_MU_CIRCULAR_QUEUE_ENABLE  	          0x0001        /*0:disable 1:enable*/
4319 /*
4320 **************************************************************************
4321 **  Queue Base Address Register - QBAR
4322 **
4323 **  . The Queue Base Address Register (QBAR) contains the local memory address of the Circular Queues.
4324 **    The base address is required to be located on a 1 Mbyte address boundary.
4325 **  . All Circular Queue head and tail pointers are based on the QBAR.
4326 **    When the head and tail pointer registers are read, the Queue Base Address is returned in the upper 12 bits.
4327 **    Writing to the upper 12 bits of the head and tail pointer registers does not affect the Queue Base Address or Queue Base Address Register.
4328 **  Warning:
4329 **         The QBAR must designate a range allocated to the 80331 DDR SDRAM interface
4330 **  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
4331 **  Bit       Default                       Description
4332 **  31:20     000H                          Queue Base Address - Local memory address of the circular queues.
4333 **  19:00     00000H                        Reserved
4334 **************************************************************************
4335 */
4336 #define     ARCMSR_MU_QUEUE_BASE_ADDRESS_REG  	      0xFFFFE354
4337 /*
4338 **************************************************************************
4339 **  Inbound Free Head Pointer Register - IFHPR
4340 **
4341 **  . The Inbound Free Head Pointer Register (IFHPR) contains the local memory offset from the Queue Base Address of the head pointer for the Inbound Free Queue.
4342 **    The Head Pointer must be aligned on a DWORD address boundary.
4343 **    When read, the Queue Base Address is provided in the upper 12 bits of the register.
4344 **    Writes to the upper 12 bits of the register are ignored.
4345 **    This register is maintained by software.
4346 **  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
4347 **  Bit       Default                       Description
4348 **  31:20     000H                          Queue Base Address - Local memory address of the circular queues.
4349 **  19:02     0000H 00 2                    Inbound Free Head Pointer - Local memory offset of the head pointer for the Inbound Free Queue.
4350 **  01:00     00 2                          Reserved
4351 **************************************************************************
4352 */
4353 #define     ARCMSR_MU_INBOUND_FREE_HEAD_PTR_REG       0xFFFFE360
4354 /*
4355 **************************************************************************
4356 **  Inbound Free Tail Pointer Register - IFTPR
4357 **
4358 **  . The Inbound Free Tail Pointer Register (IFTPR) contains the local memory offset from the Queue
4359 **    Base Address of the tail pointer for the Inbound Free Queue. The Tail Pointer must be aligned on a
4360 **    DWORD address boundary. When read, the Queue Base Address is provided in the upper 12 bits
4361 **    of the register. Writes to the upper 12 bits of the register are ignored.
4362 **  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
4363 **  Bit       Default                       Description
4364 **  31:20     000H                          Queue Base Address - Local memory address of the circular queues.
4365 **  19:02     0000H 00 2                    Inbound Free Tail Pointer - Local memory offset of the tail pointer for the Inbound Free Queue.
4366 **  01:00     00 2                          Reserved
4367 **************************************************************************
4368 */
4369 #define     ARCMSR_MU_INBOUND_FREE_TAIL_PTR_REG       0xFFFFE364
4370 /*
4371 **************************************************************************
4372 **  Inbound Post Head Pointer Register - IPHPR
4373 **
4374 **  . The Inbound Post Head Pointer Register (IPHPR) contains the local memory offset from the Queue
4375 **    Base Address of the head pointer for the Inbound Post Queue. The Head Pointer must be aligned on
4376 **    a DWORD address boundary. When read, the Queue Base Address is provided in the upper 12 bits
4377 **    of the register. Writes to the upper 12 bits of the register are ignored.
4378 **  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
4379 **  Bit       Default                       Description
4380 **  31:20     000H                          Queue Base Address - Local memory address of the circular queues.
4381 **  19:02     0000H 00 2                    Inbound Post Head Pointer - Local memory offset of the head pointer for the Inbound Post Queue.
4382 **  01:00     00 2                          Reserved
4383 **************************************************************************
4384 */
4385 #define     ARCMSR_MU_INBOUND_POST_HEAD_PTR_REG       0xFFFFE368
4386 /*
4387 **************************************************************************
4388 **  Inbound Post Tail Pointer Register - IPTPR
4389 **
4390 **  . The Inbound Post Tail Pointer Register (IPTPR) contains the local memory offset from the Queue
4391 **    Base Address of the tail pointer for the Inbound Post Queue. The Tail Pointer must be aligned on a
4392 **    DWORD address boundary. When read, the Queue Base Address is provided in the upper 12 bits
4393 **    of the register. Writes to the upper 12 bits of the register are ignored.
4394 **  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
4395 **  Bit       Default                       Description
4396 **  31:20     000H                          Queue Base Address - Local memory address of the circular queues.
4397 **  19:02     0000H 00 2                    Inbound Post Tail Pointer - Local memory offset of the tail pointer for the Inbound Post Queue.
4398 **  01:00     00 2                          Reserved
4399 **************************************************************************
4400 */
4402 /*
4403 **************************************************************************
4404 **  Index Address Register - IAR
4405 **
4406 **  . The Index Address Register (IAR) contains the offset of the least recently accessed Index Register.
4407 **    It is written by the MU when the Index Registers are written by a PCI agent.
4408 **    The register is not updated until the Index Interrupt bit in the Inbound Interrupt Status Register is cleared.
4409 **  . The local memory address of the Index Register least recently accessed is computed by adding the Index Address Register to the Inbound ATU Translate Value Register.
4410 **  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
4411 **  Bit       Default                       Description
4412 **  31:12     000000H                       Reserved
4413 **  11:02     00H 00 2                      Index Address - is the local memory offset of the Index Register written (050H to FFCH)
4414 **  01:00     00 2                          Reserved
4415 **************************************************************************
4416 */
4417 #define     ARCMSR_MU_LOCAL_MEMORY_INDEX_REG  	      0xFFFFE380    /*1004 dwords 0x0050....0x0FFC, 4016 bytes 0x0050...0x0FFF*/
4418 /*
4419 **********************************************************************************************************
4420 **                                RS-232 Interface for Areca Raid Controller
4421 **                    The low level command interface is exclusive with VT100 terminal
4422 **  --------------------------------------------------------------------
4423 **    1. Sequence of command execution
4424 **  --------------------------------------------------------------------
4425 **    	(A) Header : 3 bytes sequence (0x5E, 0x01, 0x61)
4426 **    	(B) Command block : variable length of data including length, command code, data and checksum byte
4427 **    	(C) Return data : variable length of data
4428 **  --------------------------------------------------------------------
4429 **    2. Command block
4430 **  --------------------------------------------------------------------
4431 **    	(A) 1st byte : command block length (low byte)
4432 **    	(B) 2nd byte : command block length (high byte)
4433 **                note ..command block length shouldn't > 2040 bytes, length excludes these two bytes
4434 **    	(C) 3rd byte : command code
4435 **    	(D) 4th and following bytes : variable length data bytes depends on command code
4436 **    	(E) last byte : checksum byte (sum of 1st byte until last data byte)
4437 **  --------------------------------------------------------------------
4438 **    3. Command code and associated data
4439 **  --------------------------------------------------------------------
4440 **    	The following are command code defined in raid controller Command code 0x10--0x1? are used for system level management, no password checking is needed and should be implemented in separate well controlled utility and not for end user access.
4441 **    	Command code 0x20--0x?? always check the password, password must be entered to enable these command.
4442 **    	enum
4443 **    	{
4444 **    		GUI_SET_SERIAL=0x10,
4445 **    		GUI_SET_VENDOR,
4446 **    		GUI_SET_MODEL,
4447 **    		GUI_IDENTIFY,
4448 **    		GUI_CHECK_PASSWORD,
4449 **    		GUI_LOGOUT,
4450 **    		GUI_HTTP,
4452 **    		GUI_SET_LOGO,
4453 **    		GUI_POLL_EVENT,
4454 **    		GUI_GET_EVENT,
4455 **    		GUI_GET_HW_MONITOR,
4456 **
4457 **    		//    GUI_QUICK_CREATE=0x20, (function removed)
4458 **    		GUI_GET_INFO_R=0x20,
4459 **    		GUI_GET_INFO_V,
4460 **    		GUI_GET_INFO_P,
4461 **    		GUI_GET_INFO_S,
4462 **    		GUI_CLEAR_EVENT,
4463 **
4464 **    		GUI_MUTE_BEEPER=0x30,
4465 **    		GUI_BEEPER_SETTING,
4466 **    		GUI_SET_PASSWORD,
4469 **    		GUI_MAX_ATA_MODE,
4471 **    		GUI_COM_PORT_SETTING,
4472 **    		GUI_NO_OPERATION,
4473 **    		GUI_DHCP_IP,
4474 **
4475 **    		GUI_CREATE_PASS_THROUGH=0x40,
4479 **
4480 **    		GUI_CREATE_RAIDSET=0x50,
4481 **    		GUI_DELETE_RAIDSET,
4482 **    		GUI_EXPAND_RAIDSET,
4484 **    		GUI_CREATE_HOT_SPARE,
4485 **    		GUI_DELETE_HOT_SPARE,
4486 **
4487 **    		GUI_CREATE_VOLUME=0x60,
4488 **    		GUI_MODIFY_VOLUME,
4489 **    		GUI_DELETE_VOLUME,
4492 **    	};
4493 **
4494 **    Command description :
4495 **
4496 **    	GUI_SET_SERIAL : Set the controller serial#
4497 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4498 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x10
4499 **    		byte 3          : password length (should be 0x0f)
4500 **    		byte 4-0x13     : should be "ArEcATecHnoLogY"
4501 **    		byte 0x14--0x23 : Serial number string (must be 16 bytes)
4502 **      GUI_SET_VENDOR : Set vendor string for the controller
4503 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4504 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x11
4505 **    		byte 3          : password length (should be 0x08)
4506 **    		byte 4-0x13     : should be "ArEcAvAr"
4507 **    		byte 0x14--0x3B : vendor string (must be 40 bytes)
4508 **      GUI_SET_MODEL : Set the model name of the controller
4509 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4510 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x12
4511 **    		byte 3          : password length (should be 0x08)
4512 **    		byte 4-0x13     : should be "ArEcAvAr"
4513 **    		byte 0x14--0x1B : model string (must be 8 bytes)
4514 **      GUI_IDENTIFY : Identify device
4515 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4516 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x13
4517 **    		                  return "Areca RAID Subsystem "
4518 **      GUI_CHECK_PASSWORD : Verify password
4519 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4520 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x14
4521 **    		byte 3          : password length
4522 **    		byte 4-0x??     : user password to be checked
4523 **      GUI_LOGOUT : Logout GUI (force password checking on next command)
4524 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4525 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x15
4526 **      GUI_HTTP : HTTP interface (reserved for Http proxy service)(0x16)
4527 **
4528 **      GUI_SET_ETHERNET_ADDR : Set the ethernet MAC address
4529 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4530 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x17
4531 **    		byte 3          : password length (should be 0x08)
4532 **    		byte 4-0x13     : should be "ArEcAvAr"
4533 **    		byte 0x14--0x19 : Ethernet MAC address (must be 6 bytes)
4534 **      GUI_SET_LOGO : Set logo in HTTP
4535 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4536 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x18
4537 **    		byte 3          : Page# (0/1/2/3) (0xff --> clear OEM logo)
4538 **    		byte 4/5/6/7    : 0x55/0xaa/0xa5/0x5a
4539 **    		byte 8          : TITLE.JPG data (each page must be 2000 bytes)
4540 **    		                  note .... page0 1st 2 byte must be actual length of the JPG file
4541 **      GUI_POLL_EVENT : Poll If Event Log Changed
4542 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4543 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x19
4544 **      GUI_GET_EVENT : Read Event
4545 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4546 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x1a
4547 **    		byte 3          : Event Page (0:1st page/1/2/3:last page)
4548 **      GUI_GET_HW_MONITOR : Get HW monitor data
4549 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4550 **    		byte 2 			: command code 0x1b
4551 **    		byte 3 			: # of FANs(example 2)
4552 **    		byte 4 			: # of Voltage sensor(example 3)
4553 **    		byte 5 			: # of temperature sensor(example 2)
4554 **    		byte 6 			: # of power
4555 **    		byte 7/8        : Fan#0 (RPM)
4556 **    		byte 9/10       : Fan#1
4557 **    		byte 11/12 		: Voltage#0 original value in *1000
4558 **    		byte 13/14 		: Voltage#0 value
4559 **    		byte 15/16 		: Voltage#1 org
4560 **    		byte 17/18 		: Voltage#1
4561 **    		byte 19/20 		: Voltage#2 org
4562 **    		byte 21/22 		: Voltage#2
4563 **    		byte 23 		: Temp#0
4564 **    		byte 24 		: Temp#1
4565 **    		byte 25 		: Power indicator (bit0 : power#0, bit1 : power#1)
4566 **    		byte 26 		: UPS indicator
4567 **      GUI_QUICK_CREATE : Quick create raid/volume set
4568 **    	    byte 0,1        : length
4569 **    	    byte 2          : command code 0x20
4570 **    	    byte 3/4/5/6    : raw capacity
4571 **    	    byte 7 			: raid level
4572 **    	    byte 8 			: stripe size
4573 **    	    byte 9 			: spare
4574 **    	    byte 10/11/12/13: device mask (the devices to create raid/volume)
4575 **    		                  This function is removed, application like to implement quick create function
4576 **    		                  need to use GUI_CREATE_RAIDSET and GUI_CREATE_VOLUMESET function.
4577 **      GUI_GET_INFO_R : Get Raid Set Information
4578 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4579 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x20
4580 **    		byte 3          : raidset#
4581 **
4582 **    	typedef struct sGUI_RAIDSET
4583 **    	{
4584 **    		BYTE grsRaidSetName[16];
4585 **    		DWORD grsCapacity;
4586 **    		DWORD grsCapacityX;
4587 **    		DWORD grsFailMask;
4588 **    		BYTE grsDevArray[32];
4589 **    		BYTE grsMemberDevices;
4590 **    		BYTE grsNewMemberDevices;
4591 **    		BYTE grsRaidState;
4592 **    		BYTE grsVolumes;
4593 **    		BYTE grsVolumeList[16];
4594 **    		BYTE grsRes1;
4595 **    		BYTE grsRes2;
4596 **    		BYTE grsRes3;
4597 **    		BYTE grsFreeSegments;
4598 **    		DWORD grsRawStripes[8];
4599 **    		DWORD grsRes4;
4600 **    		DWORD grsRes5; //     Total to 128 bytes
4601 **    		DWORD grsRes6; //     Total to 128 bytes
4602 **    	} sGUI_RAIDSET, *pGUI_RAIDSET;
4603 **      GUI_GET_INFO_V : Get Volume Set Information
4604 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4605 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x21
4606 **    		byte 3          : volumeset#
4607 **
4608 **    	typedef struct sGUI_VOLUMESET
4609 **    	{
4610 **    		BYTE gvsVolumeName[16]; //     16
4611 **    		DWORD gvsCapacity;
4612 **    		DWORD gvsCapacityX;
4613 **    		DWORD gvsFailMask;
4614 **    		DWORD gvsStripeSize;
4615 **    		DWORD gvsNewFailMask;
4616 **    		DWORD gvsNewStripeSize;
4617 **    		DWORD gvsVolumeStatus;
4618 **    		DWORD gvsProgress; //     32
4619 **    		sSCSI_ATTR gvsScsi;
4620 **    		BYTE gvsMemberDisks;
4621 **    		BYTE gvsRaidLevel; //     8
4622 **
4623 **    		BYTE gvsNewMemberDisks;
4624 **    		BYTE gvsNewRaidLevel;
4625 **    		BYTE gvsRaidSetNumber;
4626 **    		BYTE gvsRes0; //     4
4627 **    		BYTE gvsRes1[4]; //     64 bytes
4629 **
4630 **      GUI_GET_INFO_P : Get Physical Drive Information
4631 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4632 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x22
4633 **    		byte 3          : drive # (from 0 to max-channels - 1)
4634 **
4635 **    	typedef struct sGUI_PHY_DRV
4636 **    	{
4637 **    		BYTE gpdModelName[40];
4638 **    		BYTE gpdSerialNumber[20];
4639 **    		BYTE gpdFirmRev[8];
4640 **    		DWORD gpdCapacity;
4641 **    		DWORD gpdCapacityX; //     Reserved for expansion
4642 **    		BYTE gpdDeviceState;
4643 **    		BYTE gpdPioMode;
4644 **    		BYTE gpdCurrentUdmaMode;
4645 **    		BYTE gpdUdmaMode;
4646 **    		BYTE gpdDriveSelect;
4647 **    		BYTE gpdRaidNumber; //     0xff if not belongs to a raid set
4648 **    		sSCSI_ATTR gpdScsi;
4649 **    		BYTE gpdReserved[40]; //     Total to 128 bytes
4650 **    	} sGUI_PHY_DRV, *pGUI_PHY_DRV;
4651 **
4652 **    	GUI_GET_INFO_S : Get System Information
4653 **      	byte 0,1        : length
4654 **      	byte 2          : command code 0x23
4655 **
4656 **    	typedef struct sCOM_ATTR
4657 **    	{
4658 **    		BYTE comBaudRate;
4659 **    		BYTE comDataBits;
4660 **    		BYTE comStopBits;
4661 **    		BYTE comParity;
4662 **    		BYTE comFlowControl;
4663 **    	} sCOM_ATTR, *pCOM_ATTR;
4664 **
4665 **    	typedef struct sSYSTEM_INFO
4666 **    	{
4667 **    		BYTE gsiVendorName[40];
4668 **    		BYTE gsiSerialNumber[16];
4669 **    		BYTE gsiFirmVersion[16];
4670 **    		BYTE gsiBootVersion[16];
4671 **    		BYTE gsiMbVersion[16];
4672 **    		BYTE gsiModelName[8];
4673 **    		BYTE gsiLocalIp[4];
4674 **    		BYTE gsiCurrentIp[4];
4675 **    		DWORD gsiTimeTick;
4676 **    		DWORD gsiCpuSpeed;
4677 **    		DWORD gsiICache;
4678 **    		DWORD gsiDCache;
4679 **    		DWORD gsiScache;
4680 **    		DWORD gsiMemorySize;
4681 **    		DWORD gsiMemorySpeed;
4682 **    		DWORD gsiEvents;
4683 **    		BYTE gsiMacAddress[6];
4684 **    		BYTE gsiDhcp;
4685 **    		BYTE gsiBeeper;
4686 **    		BYTE gsiChannelUsage;
4687 **    		BYTE gsiMaxAtaMode;
4688 **    		BYTE gsiSdramEcc; //     1:if ECC enabled
4689 **    		BYTE gsiRebuildPriority;
4690 **    		sCOM_ATTR gsiComA; //     5 bytes
4691 **    		sCOM_ATTR gsiComB; //     5 bytes
4692 **    		BYTE gsiIdeChannels;
4693 **    		BYTE gsiScsiHostChannels;
4694 **    		BYTE gsiIdeHostChannels;
4695 **    		BYTE gsiMaxVolumeSet;
4696 **    		BYTE gsiMaxRaidSet;
4697 **    		BYTE gsiEtherPort; //     1:if ether net port supported
4698 **    		BYTE gsiRaid6Engine; //     1:Raid6 engine supported
4699 **    		BYTE gsiRes[75];
4700 **    	} sSYSTEM_INFO, *pSYSTEM_INFO;
4701 **
4702 **    	GUI_CLEAR_EVENT : Clear System Event
4703 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4704 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x24
4705 **
4706 **      GUI_MUTE_BEEPER : Mute current beeper
4707 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4708 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x30
4709 **
4710 **      GUI_BEEPER_SETTING : Disable beeper
4711 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4712 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x31
4713 **    		byte 3          : 0->disable, 1->enable
4714 **
4715 **      GUI_SET_PASSWORD : Change password
4716 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4717 **    		byte 2 			: command code 0x32
4718 **    		byte 3 			: pass word length ( must <= 15 )
4719 **    		byte 4 			: password (must be alpha-numerical)
4720 **
4721 **    	GUI_HOST_INTERFACE_MODE : Set host interface mode
4722 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4723 **    		byte 2 			: command code 0x33
4724 **    		byte 3 			: 0->Independent, 1->cluster
4725 **
4726 **      GUI_REBUILD_PRIORITY : Set rebuild priority
4727 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4728 **    		byte 2 			: command code 0x34
4729 **    		byte 3 			: 0/1/2/3 (low->high)
4730 **
4731 **      GUI_MAX_ATA_MODE : Set maximum ATA mode to be used
4732 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4733 **    		byte 2 			: command code 0x35
4734 **    		byte 3 			: 0/1/2/3 (133/100/66/33)
4735 **
4736 **      GUI_RESET_CONTROLLER : Reset Controller
4737 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4738 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x36
4739 **                            *Response with VT100 screen (discard it)
4740 **
4741 **      GUI_COM_PORT_SETTING : COM port setting
4742 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4743 **    		byte 2 			: command code 0x37
4744 **    		byte 3 			: 0->COMA (term port), 1->COMB (debug port)
4745 **    		byte 4 			: 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 (1200/2400/4800/9600/19200/38400/57600/115200)
4746 **    		byte 5 			: data bit (0:7 bit, 1:8 bit : must be 8 bit)
4747 **    		byte 6 			: stop bit (0:1, 1:2 stop bits)
4748 **    		byte 7 			: parity (0:none, 1:off, 2:even)
4749 **    		byte 8 			: flow control (0:none, 1:xon/xoff, 2:hardware => must use none)
4750 **
4751 **      GUI_NO_OPERATION : No operation
4752 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4753 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x38
4754 **
4755 **      GUI_DHCP_IP : Set DHCP option and local IP address
4756 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4757 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x39
4758 **    		byte 3          : 0:dhcp disabled, 1:dhcp enabled
4759 **    		byte 4/5/6/7    : IP address
4760 **
4761 **      GUI_CREATE_PASS_THROUGH : Create pass through disk
4762 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4763 **    		byte 2 			: command code 0x40
4764 **    		byte 3 			: device #
4765 **    		byte 4 			: scsi channel (0/1)
4766 **    		byte 5 			: scsi id (0-->15)
4767 **    		byte 6 			: scsi lun (0-->7)
4768 **    		byte 7 			: tagged queue (1 : enabled)
4769 **    		byte 8 			: cache mode (1 : enabled)
4770 **    		byte 9 			: max speed (0/1/2/3/4, async/20/40/80/160 for scsi)
4771 **    								    (0/1/2/3/4, 33/66/100/133/150 for ide  )
4772 **
4773 **      GUI_MODIFY_PASS_THROUGH : Modify pass through disk
4774 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4775 **    		byte 2 			: command code 0x41
4776 **    		byte 3 			: device #
4777 **    		byte 4 			: scsi channel (0/1)
4778 **    		byte 5 			: scsi id (0-->15)
4779 **    		byte 6 			: scsi lun (0-->7)
4780 **    		byte 7 			: tagged queue (1 : enabled)
4781 **    		byte 8 			: cache mode (1 : enabled)
4782 **    		byte 9 			: max speed (0/1/2/3/4, async/20/40/80/160 for scsi)
4783 **    							        (0/1/2/3/4, 33/66/100/133/150 for ide  )
4784 **
4785 **      GUI_DELETE_PASS_THROUGH : Delete pass through disk
4786 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4787 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x42
4788 **    		byte 3          : device# to be deleted
4789 **
4790 **      GUI_IDENTIFY_DEVICE : Identify Device
4791 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4792 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x43
4793 **    		byte 3          : Flash Method(0:flash selected, 1:flash not selected)
4794 **    		byte 4/5/6/7    : IDE device mask to be flashed
4795 **                           note .... no response data available
4796 **
4797 **    	GUI_CREATE_RAIDSET : Create Raid Set
4798 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4799 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x50
4800 **    		byte 3/4/5/6    : device mask
4801 **    		byte 7-22       : raidset name (if byte 7 == 0:use default)
4802 **
4803 **      GUI_DELETE_RAIDSET : Delete Raid Set
4804 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4805 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x51
4806 **    		byte 3          : raidset#
4807 **
4808 **    	GUI_EXPAND_RAIDSET : Expand Raid Set
4809 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4810 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x52
4811 **    		byte 3          : raidset#
4812 **    		byte 4/5/6/7    : device mask for expansion
4813 **    		byte 8/9/10     : (8:0 no change, 1 change, 0xff:terminate, 9:new raid level,10:new stripe size 0/1/2/3/4/5->4/8/16/32/64/128K )
4814 **    		byte 11/12/13   : repeat for each volume in the raidset ....
4815 **
4816 **      GUI_ACTIVATE_RAIDSET : Activate incomplete raid set
4817 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4818 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x53
4819 **    		byte 3          : raidset#
4820 **
4821 **      GUI_CREATE_HOT_SPARE : Create hot spare disk
4822 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4823 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x54
4824 **    		byte 3/4/5/6    : device mask for hot spare creation
4825 **
4826 **    	GUI_DELETE_HOT_SPARE : Delete hot spare disk
4827 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4828 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x55
4829 **    		byte 3/4/5/6    : device mask for hot spare deletion
4830 **
4831 **    	GUI_CREATE_VOLUME : Create volume set
4832 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4833 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x60
4834 **    		byte 3          : raidset#
4835 **    		byte 4-19       : volume set name (if byte4 == 0, use default)
4836 **    		byte 20-27      : volume capacity (blocks)
4837 **    		byte 28 		: raid level
4838 **    		byte 29 		: stripe size (0/1/2/3/4/5->4/8/16/32/64/128K)
4839 **    		byte 30 		: channel
4840 **    		byte 31 		: ID
4841 **    		byte 32 		: LUN
4842 **    		byte 33 		: 1 enable tag
4843 **    		byte 34 		: 1 enable cache
4844 **    		byte 35 		: speed (0/1/2/3/4->async/20/40/80/160 for scsi)
4845 **    								(0/1/2/3/4->33/66/100/133/150 for IDE  )
4846 **    		byte 36 		: 1 to select quick init
4847 **
4848 **    	GUI_MODIFY_VOLUME : Modify volume Set
4849 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4850 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x61
4851 **    		byte 3          : volumeset#
4852 **    		byte 4-19       : new volume set name (if byte4 == 0, not change)
4853 **    		byte 20-27      : new volume capacity (reserved)
4854 **    		byte 28 		: new raid level
4855 **    		byte 29 		: new stripe size (0/1/2/3/4/5->4/8/16/32/64/128K)
4856 **    		byte 30 		: new channel
4857 **    		byte 31 		: new ID
4858 **    		byte 32 		: new LUN
4859 **    		byte 33 		: 1 enable tag
4860 **    		byte 34 		: 1 enable cache
4861 **    		byte 35 		: speed (0/1/2/3/4->async/20/40/80/160 for scsi)
4862 **    								(0/1/2/3/4->33/66/100/133/150 for IDE  )
4863 **
4864 **    	GUI_DELETE_VOLUME : Delete volume set
4865 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4866 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x62
4867 **    		byte 3          : volumeset#
4868 **
4869 **    	GUI_START_CHECK_VOLUME : Start volume consistency check
4870 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4871 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x63
4872 **    		byte 3          : volumeset#
4873 **
4874 **    	GUI_STOP_CHECK_VOLUME : Stop volume consistency check
4875 **    		byte 0,1        : length
4876 **    		byte 2          : command code 0x64
4877 ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------
4878 **    4. Returned data
4879 ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------
4880 **    	(A) Header          : 3 bytes sequence (0x5E, 0x01, 0x61)
4881 **    	(B) Length          : 2 bytes (low byte 1st, excludes length and checksum byte)
4882 **    	(C) status or data  :
4883 **           <1> If length == 1 ==> 1 byte status code
4884 **    								#define GUI_OK                    0x41
4885 **    								#define GUI_RAIDSET_NOT_NORMAL    0x42
4886 **    								#define GUI_VOLUMESET_NOT_NORMAL  0x43
4887 **    								#define GUI_NO_RAIDSET            0x44
4888 **    								#define GUI_NO_VOLUMESET          0x45
4889 **    								#define GUI_NO_PHYSICAL_DRIVE     0x46
4890 **    								#define GUI_PARAMETER_ERROR       0x47
4891 **    								#define GUI_UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND   0x48
4892 **    								#define GUI_DISK_CONFIG_CHANGED   0x49
4893 **    								#define GUI_INVALID_PASSWORD      0x4a
4894 **    								#define GUI_NO_DISK_SPACE         0x4b
4895 **    								#define GUI_CHECKSUM_ERROR        0x4c
4896 **    								#define GUI_PASSWORD_REQUIRED     0x4d
4897 **           <2> If length > 1 ==> data block returned from controller and the contents depends on the command code
4898 **        (E) Checksum : checksum of length and status or data byte
4899 **************************************************************************
4900 */