xref: /freebsd/sys/contrib/zstd/programs/benchfn.c (revision f18976136625a7d016e97bfd9eabddf640b3e06d)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016-present, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
6  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
7  * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
8  * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
9  */
13 /* *************************************
14 *  Includes
15 ***************************************/
16 #include <stdlib.h>      /* malloc, free */
17 #include <string.h>      /* memset */
18 #include <assert.h>      /* assert */
20 #include "timefn.h"        /* UTIL_time_t, UTIL_getTime */
21 #include "benchfn.h"
24 /* *************************************
25 *  Constants
26 ***************************************/
27 #define TIMELOOP_MICROSEC     SEC_TO_MICRO      /* 1 second */
28 #define TIMELOOP_NANOSEC      (1*1000000000ULL) /* 1 second */
30 #define KB *(1 <<10)
31 #define MB *(1 <<20)
32 #define GB *(1U<<30)
35 /* *************************************
36 *  Debug errors
37 ***************************************/
38 #if defined(DEBUG) && (DEBUG >= 1)
39 #  include <stdio.h>       /* fprintf */
40 #  define DISPLAY(...)       fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
41 #  define DEBUGOUTPUT(...) { if (DEBUG) DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); }
42 #else
43 #  define DEBUGOUTPUT(...)
44 #endif
47 /* error without displaying */
48 #define RETURN_QUIET_ERROR(retValue, ...) {           \
49     DEBUGOUTPUT("%s: %i: \n", __FILE__, __LINE__);    \
50     DEBUGOUTPUT("Error : ");                          \
51     DEBUGOUTPUT(__VA_ARGS__);                         \
52     DEBUGOUTPUT(" \n");                               \
53     return retValue;                                  \
54 }
56 /* Abort execution if a condition is not met */
57 #define CONTROL(c) { if (!(c)) { DEBUGOUTPUT("error: %s \n", #c); abort(); } }
60 /* *************************************
61 *  Benchmarking an arbitrary function
62 ***************************************/
64 int BMK_isSuccessful_runOutcome(BMK_runOutcome_t outcome)
65 {
66     return outcome.error_tag_never_ever_use_directly == 0;
67 }
69 /* warning : this function will stop program execution if outcome is invalid !
70  *           check outcome validity first, using BMK_isValid_runResult() */
71 BMK_runTime_t BMK_extract_runTime(BMK_runOutcome_t outcome)
72 {
73     CONTROL(outcome.error_tag_never_ever_use_directly == 0);
74     return outcome.internal_never_ever_use_directly;
75 }
77 size_t BMK_extract_errorResult(BMK_runOutcome_t outcome)
78 {
79     CONTROL(outcome.error_tag_never_ever_use_directly != 0);
80     return outcome.error_result_never_ever_use_directly;
81 }
83 static BMK_runOutcome_t BMK_runOutcome_error(size_t errorResult)
84 {
85     BMK_runOutcome_t b;
86     memset(&b, 0, sizeof(b));
87     b.error_tag_never_ever_use_directly = 1;
88     b.error_result_never_ever_use_directly = errorResult;
89     return b;
90 }
92 static BMK_runOutcome_t BMK_setValid_runTime(BMK_runTime_t runTime)
93 {
94     BMK_runOutcome_t outcome;
95     outcome.error_tag_never_ever_use_directly = 0;
96     outcome.internal_never_ever_use_directly = runTime;
97     return outcome;
98 }
101 /* initFn will be measured once, benchFn will be measured `nbLoops` times */
102 /* initFn is optional, provide NULL if none */
103 /* benchFn must return a size_t value that errorFn can interpret */
104 /* takes # of blocks and list of size & stuff for each. */
105 /* can report result of benchFn for each block into blockResult. */
106 /* blockResult is optional, provide NULL if this information is not required */
107 /* note : time per loop can be reported as zero if run time < timer resolution */
108 BMK_runOutcome_t BMK_benchFunction(BMK_benchParams_t p,
109                                    unsigned nbLoops)
110 {
111     size_t dstSize = 0;
112     nbLoops += !nbLoops;   /* minimum nbLoops is 1 */
114     /* init */
115     {   size_t i;
116         for(i = 0; i < p.blockCount; i++) {
117             memset(p.dstBuffers[i], 0xE5, p.dstCapacities[i]);  /* warm up and erase result buffer */
118     }   }
120     /* benchmark */
121     {   UTIL_time_t const clockStart = UTIL_getTime();
122         unsigned loopNb, blockNb;
123         if (p.initFn != NULL) p.initFn(p.initPayload);
124         for (loopNb = 0; loopNb < nbLoops; loopNb++) {
125             for (blockNb = 0; blockNb < p.blockCount; blockNb++) {
126                 size_t const res = p.benchFn(p.srcBuffers[blockNb], p.srcSizes[blockNb],
127                                    p.dstBuffers[blockNb], p.dstCapacities[blockNb],
128                                    p.benchPayload);
129                 if (loopNb == 0) {
130                     if (p.blockResults != NULL) p.blockResults[blockNb] = res;
131                     if ((p.errorFn != NULL) && (p.errorFn(res))) {
132                         RETURN_QUIET_ERROR(BMK_runOutcome_error(res),
133                             "Function benchmark failed on block %u (of size %u) with error %i",
134                             blockNb, (unsigned)p.srcSizes[blockNb], (int)res);
135                     }
136                     dstSize += res;
137             }   }
138         }  /* for (loopNb = 0; loopNb < nbLoops; loopNb++) */
140         {   PTime const totalTime = UTIL_clockSpanNano(clockStart);
141             BMK_runTime_t rt;
142             rt.nanoSecPerRun = (double)totalTime / nbLoops;
143             rt.sumOfReturn = dstSize;
144             return BMK_setValid_runTime(rt);
145     }   }
146 }
149 /* ====  Benchmarking any function, providing intermediate results  ==== */
151 struct BMK_timedFnState_s {
152     PTime timeSpent_ns;
153     PTime timeBudget_ns;
154     PTime runBudget_ns;
155     BMK_runTime_t fastestRun;
156     unsigned nbLoops;
157     UTIL_time_t coolTime;
158 };  /* typedef'd to BMK_timedFnState_t within bench.h */
160 BMK_timedFnState_t* BMK_createTimedFnState(unsigned total_ms, unsigned run_ms)
161 {
162     BMK_timedFnState_t* const r = (BMK_timedFnState_t*)malloc(sizeof(*r));
163     if (r == NULL) return NULL;   /* malloc() error */
164     BMK_resetTimedFnState(r, total_ms, run_ms);
165     return r;
166 }
168 void BMK_freeTimedFnState(BMK_timedFnState_t* state) { free(state); }
170 BMK_timedFnState_t*
171 BMK_initStatic_timedFnState(void* buffer, size_t size, unsigned total_ms, unsigned run_ms)
172 {
173     typedef char check_size[ 2 * (sizeof(BMK_timedFnState_shell) >= sizeof(struct BMK_timedFnState_s)) - 1];  /* static assert : a compilation failure indicates that BMK_timedFnState_shell is not large enough */
174     typedef struct { check_size c; BMK_timedFnState_t tfs; } tfs_align;  /* force tfs to be aligned at its next best position */
175     size_t const tfs_alignment = offsetof(tfs_align, tfs); /* provides the minimal alignment restriction for BMK_timedFnState_t */
176     BMK_timedFnState_t* const r = (BMK_timedFnState_t*)buffer;
177     if (buffer == NULL) return NULL;
178     if (size < sizeof(struct BMK_timedFnState_s)) return NULL;
179     if ((size_t)buffer % tfs_alignment) return NULL;  /* buffer must be properly aligned */
180     BMK_resetTimedFnState(r, total_ms, run_ms);
181     return r;
182 }
184 void BMK_resetTimedFnState(BMK_timedFnState_t* timedFnState, unsigned total_ms, unsigned run_ms)
185 {
186     if (!total_ms) total_ms = 1 ;
187     if (!run_ms) run_ms = 1;
188     if (run_ms > total_ms) run_ms = total_ms;
189     timedFnState->timeSpent_ns = 0;
190     timedFnState->timeBudget_ns = (PTime)total_ms * TIMELOOP_NANOSEC / 1000;
191     timedFnState->runBudget_ns = (PTime)run_ms * TIMELOOP_NANOSEC / 1000;
192     timedFnState->fastestRun.nanoSecPerRun = (double)TIMELOOP_NANOSEC * 2000000000;  /* hopefully large enough : must be larger than any potential measurement */
193     timedFnState->fastestRun.sumOfReturn = (size_t)(-1LL);
194     timedFnState->nbLoops = 1;
195     timedFnState->coolTime = UTIL_getTime();
196 }
198 /* Tells if nb of seconds set in timedFnState for all runs is spent.
199  * note : this function will return 1 if BMK_benchFunctionTimed() has actually errored. */
200 int BMK_isCompleted_TimedFn(const BMK_timedFnState_t* timedFnState)
201 {
202     return (timedFnState->timeSpent_ns >= timedFnState->timeBudget_ns);
203 }
206 #undef MIN
207 #define MIN(a,b)   ( (a) < (b) ? (a) : (b) )
209 #define MINUSABLETIME  (TIMELOOP_NANOSEC / 2)  /* 0.5 seconds */
211 BMK_runOutcome_t BMK_benchTimedFn(BMK_timedFnState_t* cont,
212                                   BMK_benchParams_t p)
213 {
214     PTime const runBudget_ns = cont->runBudget_ns;
215     PTime const runTimeMin_ns = runBudget_ns / 2;
216     int completed = 0;
217     BMK_runTime_t bestRunTime = cont->fastestRun;
219     while (!completed) {
220         BMK_runOutcome_t const runResult = BMK_benchFunction(p, cont->nbLoops);
222         if(!BMK_isSuccessful_runOutcome(runResult)) { /* error : move out */
223             return runResult;
224         }
226         {   BMK_runTime_t const newRunTime = BMK_extract_runTime(runResult);
227             double const loopDuration_ns = newRunTime.nanoSecPerRun * cont->nbLoops;
229             cont->timeSpent_ns += (unsigned long long)loopDuration_ns;
231             /* estimate nbLoops for next run to last approximately 1 second */
232             if (loopDuration_ns > (runBudget_ns / 50)) {
233                 double const fastestRun_ns = MIN(bestRunTime.nanoSecPerRun, newRunTime.nanoSecPerRun);
234                 cont->nbLoops = (unsigned)(runBudget_ns / fastestRun_ns) + 1;
235             } else {
236                 /* previous run was too short : blindly increase workload by x multiplier */
237                 const unsigned multiplier = 10;
238                 assert(cont->nbLoops < ((unsigned)-1) / multiplier);  /* avoid overflow */
239                 cont->nbLoops *= multiplier;
240             }
242             if(loopDuration_ns < runTimeMin_ns) {
243                 /* don't report results for which benchmark run time was too small : increased risks of rounding errors */
244                 assert(completed == 0);
245                 continue;
246             } else {
247                 if(newRunTime.nanoSecPerRun < bestRunTime.nanoSecPerRun) {
248                     bestRunTime = newRunTime;
249                 }
250                 completed = 1;
251             }
252         }
253     }   /* while (!completed) */
255     return BMK_setValid_runTime(bestRunTime);
256 }