xref: /freebsd/sys/contrib/ncsw/inc/Peripherals/fm_pcd_ext.h (revision b5864e6de2f3aa8eb9bb269ec86282598b5201b1)
1 /* Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
2  * All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
5  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
6  *     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
7  *       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
8  *     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
9  *       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
10  *       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
11  *     * Neither the name of Freescale Semiconductor nor the
12  *       names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
13  *       derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
14  *
15  *
16  * ALTERNATIVELY, this software may be distributed under the terms of the
17  * GNU General Public License ("GPL") as published by the Free Software
18  * Foundation, either version 2 of that License or (at your option) any
19  * later version.
20  *
21  * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Freescale Semiconductor ``AS IS'' AND ANY
31  */
33 /**************************************************************************//**
34  @File          fm_pcd_ext.h
36  @Description   FM PCD ...
37 *//***************************************************************************/
38 #ifndef __FM_PCD_EXT
39 #define __FM_PCD_EXT
41 #include "std_ext.h"
42 #include "net_ext.h"
43 #include "list_ext.h"
44 #include "fm_ext.h"
47 /**************************************************************************//**
49  @Group         FM_grp Frame Manager API
51  @Description   FM API functions, definitions and enums
53  @{
54 *//***************************************************************************/
56 /**************************************************************************//**
57  @Group         FM_PCD_grp FM PCD
59  @Description   FM PCD API functions, definitions and enums
61                 The FM PCD module is responsible for the initialization of all
62                 global classifying FM modules. This includes the parser general and
63                 common registers, the key generator global and common registers,
64                 and the Policer global and common registers.
65                 In addition, the FM PCD SW module will initialize all required
66                 key generator schemes, coarse classification flows, and Policer
67                 profiles. When An FM module is configured to work with one of these
68                 entities, it will register to it using the FM PORT API. The PCD
69                 module will manage the PCD resources - i.e. resource management of
70                 Keygen schemes, etc.
72  @{
73 *//***************************************************************************/
75 /**************************************************************************//**
76  @Collection    General PCD defines
77 *//***************************************************************************/
78 typedef uint32_t fmPcdEngines_t; /**< options as defined below: */
80 #define FM_PCD_NONE                                 0                   /**< No PCD Engine indicated */
81 #define FM_PCD_PRS                                  0x80000000          /**< Parser indicated */
82 #define FM_PCD_KG                                   0x40000000          /**< Keygen indicated */
83 #define FM_PCD_CC                                   0x20000000          /**< Coarse classification indicated */
84 #define FM_PCD_PLCR                                 0x10000000          /**< Policer indicated */
85 #define FM_PCD_MANIP                                0x08000000          /**< Manipulation indicated */
87 #define FM_PCD_MAX_NUM_OF_PRIVATE_HDRS              2                   /**< Number of units/headers saved for user */
89 #define FM_PCD_PRS_NUM_OF_HDRS                      16                  /**< Number of headers supported by HW parser */
91                                                                         /**< number of distinction units is limited by
92                                                                              register size (32), - reserved bits for
93                                                                              private headers. */
95 #define FM_PCD_MAX_NUM_OF_INTERCHANGEABLE_HDRS      4                   /**< Maximum number of interchangeable headers in a distinction unit */
96 #define FM_PCD_KG_NUM_OF_GENERIC_REGS               8                   /**< Total number of generic KG registers */
97 #define FM_PCD_KG_MAX_NUM_OF_EXTRACTS_PER_KEY       35                  /**< Max number allowed on any configuration.
98                                                                              For reason of HW implementation, in most
99                                                                              cases less than this will be allowed. The
100                                                                              driver will return error in initialization
101                                                                              time if resource is overused. */
102 #define FM_PCD_KG_NUM_OF_EXTRACT_MASKS              4                   /**< Total number of masks allowed on KG extractions. */
103 #define FM_PCD_KG_NUM_OF_DEFAULT_GROUPS             16                  /**< Number of default value logical groups */
105 #define FM_PCD_PRS_NUM_OF_LABELS                    32                  /**< Max number of SW parser label */
106 #define FM_PCD_SW_PRS_SIZE                          0x00000800          /**< Total size of sw parser area */
107 #define FM_PCD_PRS_SW_OFFSET                        0x00000040          /**< Size of illegal addresses at the beginning
108                                                                              of the SW parser area */
109 #define FM_PCD_PRS_SW_PATCHES_SIZE                  0x00000200          /**< Number of bytes saved for patches */
110 #define FM_PCD_PRS_SW_TAIL_SIZE                     4                   /**< Number of bytes that must be cleared at
111                                                                              the end of the SW parser area */
113                                                                         /**< Max possible size of SW parser code */
115 #define FM_PCD_MAX_MANIP_INSRT_TEMPLATE_SIZE        128                 /**< Max possible size of insertion template for
116                                                                              insert manipulation*/
117 /* @} */
120 /**************************************************************************//**
121  @Group         FM_PCD_init_grp FM PCD Initialization Unit
123  @Description   FM PCD Initialization Unit
125  @{
126 *//***************************************************************************/
128 /**************************************************************************//**
129  @Description   PCD counters
130 *//***************************************************************************/
131 typedef enum e_FmPcdCounters {
132     e_FM_PCD_KG_COUNTERS_TOTAL,                                 /**< Policer counter */
133     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_COUNTERS_YELLOW,                              /**< Policer counter */
134     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_COUNTERS_RED,                                 /**< Policer counter */
135     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_COUNTERS_RECOLORED_TO_RED,                    /**< Policer counter */
136     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_COUNTERS_RECOLORED_TO_YELLOW,                 /**< Policer counter */
137     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_COUNTERS_TOTAL,                               /**< Policer counter */
138     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_COUNTERS_LENGTH_MISMATCH,                     /**< Policer counter */
139     e_FM_PCD_PRS_COUNTERS_PARSE_DISPATCH,                       /**< Parser counter */
140     e_FM_PCD_PRS_COUNTERS_L2_PARSE_RESULT_RETURNED,             /**< Parser counter */
141     e_FM_PCD_PRS_COUNTERS_L3_PARSE_RESULT_RETURNED,             /**< Parser counter */
142     e_FM_PCD_PRS_COUNTERS_L4_PARSE_RESULT_RETURNED,             /**< Parser counter */
143     e_FM_PCD_PRS_COUNTERS_SHIM_PARSE_RESULT_RETURNED,           /**< Parser counter */
144     e_FM_PCD_PRS_COUNTERS_L2_PARSE_RESULT_RETURNED_WITH_ERR,    /**< Parser counter */
145     e_FM_PCD_PRS_COUNTERS_L3_PARSE_RESULT_RETURNED_WITH_ERR,    /**< Parser counter */
146     e_FM_PCD_PRS_COUNTERS_L4_PARSE_RESULT_RETURNED_WITH_ERR,    /**< Parser counter */
148     e_FM_PCD_PRS_COUNTERS_SOFT_PRS_CYCLES,                      /**< Parser counter */
149     e_FM_PCD_PRS_COUNTERS_SOFT_PRS_STALL_CYCLES,                /**< Parser counter */
150     e_FM_PCD_PRS_COUNTERS_HARD_PRS_CYCLE_INCL_STALL_CYCLES,     /**< Parser counter */
151     e_FM_PCD_PRS_COUNTERS_MURAM_READ_CYCLES,                    /**< MURAM counter */
152     e_FM_PCD_PRS_COUNTERS_MURAM_READ_STALL_CYCLES,              /**< MURAM counter */
153     e_FM_PCD_PRS_COUNTERS_MURAM_WRITE_CYCLES,                   /**< MURAM counter */
154     e_FM_PCD_PRS_COUNTERS_MURAM_WRITE_STALL_CYCLES,             /**< MURAM counter */
155     e_FM_PCD_PRS_COUNTERS_FPM_COMMAND_STALL_CYCLES              /**< FPM counter */
156 } e_FmPcdCounters;
158 /**************************************************************************//**
159  @Description   PCD interrupts
160 *//***************************************************************************/
161 typedef enum e_FmPcdExceptions {
162     e_FM_PCD_KG_EXCEPTION_DOUBLE_ECC,                   /**< Keygen ECC error */
163     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_EXCEPTION_DOUBLE_ECC,                 /**< Read Buffer ECC error */
164     e_FM_PCD_KG_EXCEPTION_KEYSIZE_OVERFLOW,             /**< Write Buffer ECC error on system side */
165     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_EXCEPTION_INIT_ENTRY_ERROR,           /**< Write Buffer ECC error on FM side */
166     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_EXCEPTION_PRAM_SELF_INIT_COMPLETE,    /**< Self init complete */
167     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_EXCEPTION_ATOMIC_ACTION_COMPLETE,     /**< Atomic action complete */
168     e_FM_PCD_PRS_EXCEPTION_DOUBLE_ECC,                  /**< Parser ECC error */
169     e_FM_PCD_PRS_EXCEPTION_SINGLE_ECC                   /**< Parser single ECC */
170 } e_FmPcdExceptions;
173 /**************************************************************************//**
174  @Description   Exceptions user callback routine, will be called upon an
175                 exception passing the exception identification.
177  @Param[in]     h_App      - User's application descriptor.
178  @Param[in]     exception  - The exception.
179   *//***************************************************************************/
180 typedef void (t_FmPcdExceptionCallback) (t_Handle h_App, e_FmPcdExceptions exception);
182 /**************************************************************************//**
183  @Description   Exceptions user callback routine, will be called upon an exception
184                 passing the exception identification.
186  @Param[in]     h_App           - User's application descriptor.
187  @Param[in]     exception       - The exception.
188  @Param[in]     index           - id of the relevant source (may be scheme or profile id).
189  *//***************************************************************************/
190 typedef void (t_FmPcdIdExceptionCallback) ( t_Handle           h_App,
191                                             e_FmPcdExceptions  exception,
192                                             uint16_t           index);
194 /**************************************************************************//**
195  @Description   A callback for enqueuing frame onto a QM queue.
197  @Param[in]     h_App           - User's application descriptor.
198  @Param[in]     p_Fd            - Frame descriptor for the frame.
200  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
201  *//***************************************************************************/
202 typedef t_Error (t_FmPcdQmEnqueueCallback) (t_Handle h_QmArg, void *p_Fd);
204 /**************************************************************************//**
205  @Description   A structure for Host-Command
206                 When using Host command for PCD functionalities, a dedicated port
207                 must be used. If this routine is called for a PCD in a single partition
208                 environment, or it is the Master partition in a Multi partition
209                 environment, The port will be initialized by the PCD driver
210                 initialization routine.
211  *//***************************************************************************/
212 typedef struct t_FmPcdHcParams {
213     uintptr_t                   portBaseAddr;       /**< Host-Command Port Virtual Address of
214                                                          memory mapped registers.*/
215     uint8_t                     portId;             /**< Host-Command Port Id (0-6 relative
216                                                          to Host-Command/Offline parsing ports) */
217     uint16_t                    liodnBase;          /**< Irrelevant for P4080 rev 1. LIODN base for this port, to be
218                                                          used together with LIODN offset. */
219     uint32_t                    errFqid;            /**< Host-Command Port Error Queue Id. */
220     uint32_t                    confFqid;           /**< Host-Command Port Confirmation queue Id. */
221     uint32_t                    qmChannel;          /**< Host-Command port - QM-channel dedicated to
222                                                          this port will be used by the FM for dequeue. */
223     t_FmPcdQmEnqueueCallback    *f_QmEnqueue;       /**< Call back routine for enqueuing a frame to the QM */
224     t_Handle                    h_QmArg;            /**< A handle of the QM module */
225 } t_FmPcdHcParams;
227 /**************************************************************************//**
228  @Description   The main structure for PCD initialization
229  *//***************************************************************************/
230 typedef struct t_FmPcdParams {
231     bool                        prsSupport;             /**< TRUE if Parser will be used for any
232                                                              of the FM ports */
233     bool                        ccSupport;              /**< TRUE if Coarse Classification will be used for any
234                                                              of the FM ports */
235     bool                        kgSupport;              /**< TRUE if Keygen will be used for any
236                                                              of the FM ports */
237     bool                        plcrSupport;            /**< TRUE if Policer will be used for any
238                                                              of the FM ports */
239     t_Handle                    h_Fm;                   /**< A handle to the FM module */
240     uint8_t                     numOfSchemes;           /**< Number of schemes dedicated to this partition. */
241     bool                        useHostCommand;         /**< Optional for single partition, Mandatory for Multi partition */
242     t_FmPcdHcParams             hc;                     /**< Relevant only if useHostCommand=TRUE.
243                                                              Host Command parameters. */
245     t_FmPcdExceptionCallback    *f_Exception;           /**< Relevant for master (or single) partition only: Callback routine
246                                                              to be called of PCD exception */
247     t_FmPcdIdExceptionCallback  *f_ExceptionId;         /**< Relevant for master (or single) partition only: Callback routine
248                                                              to be used for a single scheme and
249                                                              profile exceptions */
250     t_Handle                    h_App;                  /**< Relevant for master (or single) partition only: A handle to an
251                                                              application layer object; This handle will
252                                                              be passed by the driver upon calling the above callbacks */
253 } t_FmPcdParams;
256 /**************************************************************************//**
257  @Function      FM_PCD_Config
259  @Description   Basic configuration of the PCD module.
260                 Creates descriptor for the FM PCD module.
262  @Param[in]     p_FmPcdParams    A structure of parameters for the initialization of PCD.
264  @Return        A handle to the initialized module.
265 *//***************************************************************************/
266 t_Handle FM_PCD_Config(t_FmPcdParams *p_FmPcdParams);
268 /**************************************************************************//**
269  @Function      FM_PCD_Init
271  @Description   Initialization of the PCD module.
273  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd - FM PCD module descriptor.
275  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
276 *//***************************************************************************/
277 t_Error FM_PCD_Init(t_Handle h_FmPcd);
279 /**************************************************************************//**
280  @Function      FM_PCD_Free
282  @Description   Frees all resources that were assigned to FM module.
284                 Calling this routine invalidates the descriptor.
286  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd - FM PCD module descriptor.
288  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
289 *//***************************************************************************/
290 t_Error FM_PCD_Free(t_Handle h_FmPcd);
292 /**************************************************************************//**
293  @Group         FM_PCD_advanced_init_grp    FM PCD Advanced Configuration Unit
295  @Description   Configuration functions used to change default values.
297  @{
298 *//***************************************************************************/
300 /**************************************************************************//**
301  @Function      FM_PCD_ConfigPlcrNumOfSharedProfiles
303  @Description   Calling this routine changes the internal driver data base
304                 from its default selection of exceptions enablement.
305                 [4].
307  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd                     FM PCD module descriptor.
308  @Param[in]     numOfSharedPlcrProfiles     Number of profiles to
309                                             be shared between ports on this partition
311  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
312 *//***************************************************************************/
313 t_Error FM_PCD_ConfigPlcrNumOfSharedProfiles(t_Handle h_FmPcd, uint16_t numOfSharedPlcrProfiles);
315 /**************************************************************************//**
316  @Function      FM_PCD_ConfigException
318  @Description   Calling this routine changes the internal driver data base
319                 from its default selection of exceptions enablement.
320                 By default all exceptions are enabled.
322  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         FM PCD module descriptor.
323  @Param[in]     exception       The exception to be selected.
324  @Param[in]     enable          TRUE to enable interrupt, FALSE to mask it.
326  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
328  @Cautions      Not available for guest partition.
329 *//***************************************************************************/
330 t_Error FM_PCD_ConfigException(t_Handle h_FmPcd, e_FmPcdExceptions exception, bool enable);
332 /**************************************************************************//**
333  @Function      FM_PCD_ConfigPlcrAutoRefreshMode
335  @Description   Calling this routine changes the internal driver data base
336                 from its default selection of exceptions enablement.
337                 By default autorefresh is enabled.
339  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         FM PCD module descriptor.
340  @Param[in]     enable          TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable
342  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
344  @Cautions      Not available for guest partition.
345 *//***************************************************************************/
346 t_Error FM_PCD_ConfigPlcrAutoRefreshMode(t_Handle h_FmPcd, bool enable);
348 /**************************************************************************//**
349  @Function      FM_PCD_ConfigPrsMaxCycleLimit
351  @Description   Calling this routine changes the internal data structure for
352                 the maximum parsing time from its default value
353                 [0].
355  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         FM PCD module descriptor.
356  @Param[in]     value           0 to disable the mechanism, or new
357                                 maximum parsing time.
359  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
361  @Cautions      Not available for guest partition.
362 *//***************************************************************************/
363 t_Error FM_PCD_ConfigPrsMaxCycleLimit(t_Handle h_FmPcd,uint16_t value);
365 /** @} */ /* end of FM_PCD_advanced_init_grp group */
366 /** @} */ /* end of FM_PCD_init_grp group */
369 /**************************************************************************//**
370  @Group         FM_PCD_Runtime_grp FM PCD Runtime Unit
372  @Description   FM PCD Runtime Unit
374                 The runtime control allows creation of PCD infrastructure modules
375                 such as Network Environment Characteristics, Classification Plan
376                 Groups and Coarse Classification Trees.
377                 It also allows on-the-fly initialization, modification and removal
378                 of PCD modules such as Keygen schemes, coarse classification nodes
379                 and Policer profiles.
382                 In order to explain the programming model of the PCD driver interface
383                 a few terms should be explained, and will be used below.
384                   * Distinction Header - One of the 16 protocols supported by the FM parser,
385                     or one of the shim headers (1 or 2). May be a header with a special
386                     option (see below).
387                   * Interchangeable Headers Group- This is a group of Headers recognized
388                     by either one of them. For example, if in a specific context the user
389                     chooses to treat IPv4 and IPV6 in the same way, they may create an
390                     interchangeable Headers Unit consisting of these 2 headers.
391                   * A Distinction Unit - a Distinction Header or an Interchangeable Headers
392                     Group.
393                   * Header with special option - applies to ethernet, mpls, vlan, ipv4 and
394                     ipv6, includes multicast, broadcast and other protocol specific options.
395                     In terms of hardware it relates to the options available in the classification
396                     plan.
397                   * Network Environment Characteristics - a set of Distinction Units that define
398                     the total recognizable header selection for a certain environment. This is
399                     NOT the list of all headers that will ever appear in a flow, but rather
400                     everything that needs distinction in a flow, where distinction is made by keygen
401                     schemes and coarse classification action descriptors.
403                 The PCD runtime modules initialization is done in stages. The first stage after
404                 initializing the PCD module itself is to establish a Network Flows Environment
405                 Definition. The application may choose to establish one or more such environments.
406                 Later, when needed, the application will have to state, for some of its modules,
407                 to which single environment it belongs.
409  @{
410 *//***************************************************************************/
412 /**************************************************************************//**
413  @Description   A structure for sw parser labels
414  *//***************************************************************************/
415 typedef struct t_FmPcdPrsLabelParams {
416     uint32_t                instructionOffset;              /**< SW parser label instruction offset (2 bytes
417                                                                  resolution), relative to Parser RAM. */
418     e_NetHeaderType         hdr;                            /**< The existance of this header will envoke
419                                                                  the sw parser code. */
420     uint8_t                 indexPerHdr;                    /**< Normally 0, if more than one sw parser
421                                                                  attachments for the same header, use this
422                                                                  index to distinguish between them. */
423 } t_FmPcdPrsLabelParams;
425 /**************************************************************************//**
426  @Description   A structure for sw parser
427  *//***************************************************************************/
428 typedef struct t_FmPcdPrsSwParams {
429     bool                    override;                   /**< FALSE to invoke a check that nothing else
430                                                              was loaded to this address, including
431                                                              internal patches.
432                                                              TRUE to override any existing code.*/
433     uint32_t                size;                       /**< SW parser code size */
434     uint16_t                base;                       /**< SW parser base (in instruction counts!
435                                                              must be larger than 0x20)*/
436     uint8_t                 *p_Code;                    /**< SW parser code */
437     uint32_t                swPrsDataParams[FM_PCD_PRS_NUM_OF_HDRS];
438                                                         /**< SW parser data (parameters) */
439     uint8_t                 numOfLabels;                /**< Number of labels for SW parser. */
440     t_FmPcdPrsLabelParams   labelsTable[FM_PCD_PRS_NUM_OF_LABELS];
441                                                         /**< SW parser labels table, containing
442                                                              numOfLabels entries */
443 } t_FmPcdPrsSwParams;
446 /**************************************************************************//**
447  @Function      FM_PCD_Enable
449  @Description   This routine should be called after PCD is initialized for enabling all
450                 PCD engines according to their existing configuration.
452  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         FM PCD module descriptor.
454  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
456  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init() and when PCD is disabled.
457 *//***************************************************************************/
458 t_Error FM_PCD_Enable(t_Handle h_FmPcd);
460 /**************************************************************************//**
461  @Function      FM_PCD_Disable
463  @Description   This routine may be called when PCD is enabled in order to
464                 disable all PCD engines. It may be called
465                 only when none of the ports in the system are using the PCD.
467  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         FM PCD module descriptor.
469  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
471  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init() and when PCD is enabled.
472 *//***************************************************************************/
473 t_Error FM_PCD_Disable(t_Handle h_FmPcd);
476 /**************************************************************************//**
477  @Function      FM_PCD_GetCounter
479  @Description   Reads one of the FM PCD counters.
481  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd     FM PCD module descriptor.
482  @Param[in]     counter     The requested counter.
484  @Return        Counter's current value.
486  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
487                 Note that it is user's responsibility to call this routine only
488                 for enabled counters, and there will be no indication if a
489                 disabled counter is accessed.
490 *//***************************************************************************/
491 uint32_t FM_PCD_GetCounter(t_Handle h_FmPcd, e_FmPcdCounters counter);
493 /**************************************************************************//**
494 @Function      FM_PCD_PrsLoadSw
496 @Description   This routine may be called in order to load software parsing code.
499 @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         FM PCD module descriptor.
500 @Param[in]     p_SwPrs         A pointer to a structure of software
501                                parser parameters, including the software
502                                parser image.
504 @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
506 @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init() and when PCD is disabled.
507                Not available for guest partition.
508 *//***************************************************************************/
509 t_Error FM_PCD_PrsLoadSw(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_FmPcdPrsSwParams *p_SwPrs);
511 /**************************************************************************//**
512  @Function      FM_PCD_KgSetDfltValue
514  @Description   Calling this routine sets a global default value to be used
515                 by the keygen when parser does not recognize a required
516                 field/header.
517                 By default default values are 0.
519  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         FM PCD module descriptor.
520  @Param[in]     valueId         0,1 - one of 2 global default values.
521  @Param[in]     value           The requested default value.
523  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
525  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init() and when PCD is disabled.
526                 Not available for guest partition.
527 *//***************************************************************************/
528 t_Error FM_PCD_KgSetDfltValue(t_Handle h_FmPcd, uint8_t valueId, uint32_t value);
530 /**************************************************************************//**
531  @Function      FM_PCD_KgSetAdditionalDataAfterParsing
533  @Description   Calling this routine allows the keygen to access data past
534                 the parser finishing point.
536  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         FM PCD module descriptor.
537  @Param[in]     payloadOffset   the number of bytes beyond the parser location.
539  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
541  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init() and when PCD is disabled.
542                 Not available for guest partition.
543 *//***************************************************************************/
544 t_Error FM_PCD_KgSetAdditionalDataAfterParsing(t_Handle h_FmPcd, uint8_t payloadOffset);
546 /**************************************************************************//**
547  @Function      FM_PCD_SetException
549  @Description   Calling this routine enables/disables PCD interrupts.
551  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         FM PCD module descriptor.
552  @Param[in]     exception       The exception to be selected.
553  @Param[in]     enable          TRUE to enable interrupt, FALSE to mask it.
555  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
557  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
558                 Not available for guest partition.
559 *//***************************************************************************/
560 t_Error FM_PCD_SetException(t_Handle h_FmPcd, e_FmPcdExceptions exception, bool enable);
562 /**************************************************************************//**
563  @Function      FM_PCD_ModifyCounter
565  @Description   Sets a value to an enabled counter. Use "0" to reset the counter.
567  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd     FM PCD module descriptor.
568  @Param[in]     counter     The requested counter.
569  @Param[in]     value       The requested value to be written into the counter.
571  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
573  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
574                 Not available for guest partition.
575 *//***************************************************************************/
576 t_Error FM_PCD_ModifyCounter(t_Handle h_FmPcd, e_FmPcdCounters counter, uint32_t value);
578 /**************************************************************************//**
579  @Function      FM_PCD_SetPlcrStatistics
581  @Description   This routine may be used to enable/disable policer statistics
582                 counter. By default the statistics is enabled.
584  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         FM PCD module descriptor
585  @Param[in]     enable          TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable.
587  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
589  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
590                 Not available for guest partition.
591 *//***************************************************************************/
592 t_Error FM_PCD_SetPlcrStatistics(t_Handle h_FmPcd, bool enable);
594 /**************************************************************************//**
595  @Function      FM_PCD_SetPrsStatistics
597  @Description   Defines whether to gather parser statistics including all ports.
599  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd     FM PCD module descriptor.
600  @Param[in]     enable      TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable.
602  @Return        None
604  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
605                 Not available for guest partition.
606 *//***************************************************************************/
607 void FM_PCD_SetPrsStatistics(t_Handle h_FmPcd, bool enable);
609 /**************************************************************************//**
610  @Function      FM_PCD_ForceIntr
612  @Description   Causes an interrupt event on the requested source.
614  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd     FM PCD module descriptor.
615  @Param[in]     exception       An exception to be forced.
617  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code if the exception is not enabled,
618                 or is not able to create interrupt.
620  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
621                 Not available for guest partition.
622 *//***************************************************************************/
623 t_Error FM_PCD_ForceIntr (t_Handle h_FmPcd, e_FmPcdExceptions exception);
625 /**************************************************************************//**
626  @Function      FM_PCD_HcTxConf
628  @Description   This routine should be called to confirm frames that were
629                  received on the HC confirmation queue.
631  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         A handle to an FM PCD Module.
632  @Param[in]     p_Fd            Frame descriptor of the received frame.
634  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init(). Allowed only if 'useHostCommand'
635                 option was selected in the initialization.
636 *//***************************************************************************/
637 void FM_PCD_HcTxConf(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_DpaaFD *p_Fd);
639 #if (defined(DEBUG_ERRORS) && (DEBUG_ERRORS > 0))
640 /**************************************************************************//**
641  @Function      FM_PCD_DumpRegs
643  @Description   Dumps all PCD registers
645  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         A handle to an FM PCD Module.
647  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
649  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
650 *//***************************************************************************/
651 t_Error FM_PCD_DumpRegs(t_Handle h_FmPcd);
653 /**************************************************************************//**
654  @Function      FM_PCD_KgDumpRegs
656  @Description   Dumps all PCD KG registers
658  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         A handle to an FM PCD Module.
660  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
662  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
663 *//***************************************************************************/
664 t_Error FM_PCD_KgDumpRegs(t_Handle h_FmPcd);
666 /**************************************************************************//**
667  @Function      FM_PCD_PlcrDumpRegs
669  @Description   Dumps all PCD Plcr registers
671  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         A handle to an FM PCD Module.
673  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
675  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
676 *//***************************************************************************/
677 t_Error FM_PCD_PlcrDumpRegs(t_Handle h_FmPcd);
679 /**************************************************************************//**
680  @Function      FM_PCD_PlcrProfileDumpRegs
682  @Description   Dumps all PCD Plcr registers
684  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         A handle to an FM PCD Module.
685  @Param[in]     h_Profile       A handle to a profile.
687  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
689  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
690 *//***************************************************************************/
691 t_Error FM_PCD_PlcrProfileDumpRegs(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_Handle h_Profile);
693 /**************************************************************************//**
694  @Function      FM_PCD_PrsDumpRegs
696  @Description   Dumps all PCD Prs registers
698  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         A handle to an FM PCD Module.
700  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
702  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
703 *//***************************************************************************/
704 t_Error FM_PCD_PrsDumpRegs(t_Handle h_FmPcd);
706 /**************************************************************************//**
707  @Function      FM_PCD_HcDumpRegs
709  @Description   Dumps HC Port registers
711  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         A handle to an FM PCD Module.
713  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
715  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
716 *//***************************************************************************/
717 t_Error     FM_PCD_HcDumpRegs(t_Handle h_FmPcd);
718 #endif /* (defined(DEBUG_ERRORS) && ... */
722 /**************************************************************************//**
723  @Group         FM_PCD_Runtime_tree_buildgrp FM PCD Tree building Unit
725  @Description   FM PCD Runtime Unit
727                 This group contains routines for setting, deleting and modifying
728                 PCD resources, for defining the total PCD tree.
729  @{
730 *//***************************************************************************/
732 /**************************************************************************//**
733  @Collection    Definitions of coarse classification
734                 parameters as required by keygen (when coarse classification
735                 is the next engine after this scheme).
736 *//***************************************************************************/
737 #define FM_PCD_MAX_NUM_OF_CC_NODES          255
738 #define FM_PCD_MAX_NUM_OF_CC_TREES          8
739 #define FM_PCD_MAX_NUM_OF_CC_GROUPS         16
740 #define FM_PCD_MAX_NUM_OF_CC_UNITS          4
741 #define FM_PCD_MAX_NUM_OF_KEYS              256
742 #define FM_PCD_MAX_SIZE_OF_KEY              56
744 /* @} */
746 /**************************************************************************//**
747  @Collection    A set of definitions to allow protocol
748                 special option description.
749 *//***************************************************************************/
750 typedef uint32_t        protocolOpt_t;          /**< A general type to define a protocol option. */
752 typedef protocolOpt_t   ethProtocolOpt_t;       /**< Ethernet protocol options. */
753 #define ETH_BROADCAST               0x80000000  /**< Ethernet Broadcast. */
754 #define ETH_MULTICAST               0x40000000  /**< Ethernet Multicast. */
756 typedef protocolOpt_t   vlanProtocolOpt_t;      /**< Vlan protocol options. */
757 #define VLAN_STACKED                0x20000000  /**< Vlan Stacked. */
759 typedef protocolOpt_t   mplsProtocolOpt_t;      /**< MPLS protocol options. */
760 #define MPLS_STACKED                0x10000000  /**< MPLS Stacked. */
762 typedef protocolOpt_t   ipv4ProtocolOpt_t;      /**< IPv4 protocol options. */
763 #define IPV4_BROADCAST_1            0x08000000  /**< IPv4 Broadcast. */
764 #define IPV4_MULTICAST_1            0x04000000  /**< IPv4 Multicast. */
765 #define IPV4_UNICAST_2              0x02000000  /**< Tunneled IPv4 - Unicast. */
766 #define IPV4_MULTICAST_BROADCAST_2  0x01000000  /**< Tunneled IPv4 - Broadcast/Multicast. */
768 typedef protocolOpt_t   ipv6ProtocolOpt_t;      /**< IPv6 protocol options. */
769 #define IPV6_MULTICAST_1            0x00800000  /**< IPv6 Multicast. */
770 #define IPV6_UNICAST_2              0x00400000  /**< Tunneled IPv6 - Unicast. */
771 #define IPV6_MULTICAST_2            0x00200000  /**< Tunneled IPv6 - Multicast. */
772 /* @} */
774 /**************************************************************************//**
775  @Description   A type used for returning the order of the key extraction.
776                 each value in this array represents the index of the extraction
777                 command as defined by the user in the initialization extraction array.
778                 The valid size of this array is the user define number of extractions
779                 required (also marked by the second '0' in this array).
780 *//***************************************************************************/
781 typedef    uint8_t    t_FmPcdKgKeyOrder [FM_PCD_KG_MAX_NUM_OF_EXTRACTS_PER_KEY];
783 /**************************************************************************//**
784  @Description   All PCD engines
785 *//***************************************************************************/
786 typedef enum e_FmPcdEngine {
787     e_FM_PCD_INVALID = 0,   /**< Invalid PCD engine indicated*/
788     e_FM_PCD_DONE,          /**< No PCD Engine indicated */
789     e_FM_PCD_KG,            /**< Keygen indicated */
790     e_FM_PCD_CC,            /**< Coarse classification indicated */
791     e_FM_PCD_PLCR,          /**< Policer indicated */
792     e_FM_PCD_PRS            /**< Parser indicated */
793 } e_FmPcdEngine;
795 /**************************************************************************//**
796  @Description   An enum for selecting extraction by header types
797 *//***************************************************************************/
798 typedef enum e_FmPcdExtractByHdrType {
799     e_FM_PCD_EXTRACT_FROM_HDR,      /**< Extract bytes from header */
800     e_FM_PCD_EXTRACT_FROM_FIELD,    /**< Extract bytes from header field */
801     e_FM_PCD_EXTRACT_FULL_FIELD     /**< Extract a full field */
802 } e_FmPcdExtractByHdrType;
804 /**************************************************************************//**
805  @Description   An enum for selecting extraction source
806                 (when it is not the header)
807 *//***************************************************************************/
808 typedef enum e_FmPcdExtractFrom {
809     e_FM_PCD_EXTRACT_FROM_FRAME_START,          /**< KG & CC: Extract from beginning of frame */
810     e_FM_PCD_EXTRACT_FROM_DFLT_VALUE,           /**< KG only: Extract from a default value */
811     e_FM_PCD_EXTRACT_FROM_CURR_END_OF_PARSE,    /**< KG only: Extract from the point where parsing had finished */
812     e_FM_PCD_EXTRACT_FROM_KEY,                  /**< CC only: Field where saved KEY */
813     e_FM_PCD_EXTRACT_FROM_HASH,                 /**< CC only: Field where saved HASH */
814     e_FM_PCD_EXTRACT_FROM_PARSE_RESULT,         /**< KG & CC: Extract from the parser result */
815     e_FM_PCD_EXTRACT_FROM_ENQ_FQID,             /**< KG & CC: Extract from enqueue FQID */
816     e_FM_PCD_EXTRACT_FROM_FLOW_ID               /**< CC only: Field where saved Dequeue FQID */
817 } e_FmPcdExtractFrom;
819 /**************************************************************************//**
820  @Description   An enum for selecting extraction type
821 *//***************************************************************************/
822 typedef enum e_FmPcdExtractType {
823     e_FM_PCD_EXTRACT_BY_HDR,                /**< Extract according to header */
824     e_FM_PCD_EXTRACT_NON_HDR,               /**< Extract from data that is not the header */
825     e_FM_PCD_KG_EXTRACT_PORT_PRIVATE_INFO   /**< Extract private info as specified by user */
826 } e_FmPcdExtractType;
828 /**************************************************************************//**
829  @Description   An enum for selecting a default
830 *//***************************************************************************/
831 typedef enum e_FmPcdKgExtractDfltSelect {
832     e_FM_PCD_KG_DFLT_GBL_0,          /**< Default selection is KG register 0 */
833     e_FM_PCD_KG_DFLT_GBL_1,          /**< Default selection is KG register 1 */
834     e_FM_PCD_KG_DFLT_PRIVATE_0,      /**< Default selection is a per scheme register 0 */
835     e_FM_PCD_KG_DFLT_PRIVATE_1,      /**< Default selection is a per scheme register 1 */
836     e_FM_PCD_KG_DFLT_ILLEGAL         /**< Illegal selection */
837 } e_FmPcdKgExtractDfltSelect;
839 /**************************************************************************//**
840  @Description   An enum defining all default groups -
841                 each group shares a default value, one of 4 user
842                 initialized values.
843 *//***************************************************************************/
844 typedef enum e_FmPcdKgKnownFieldsDfltTypes {
845     e_FM_PCD_KG_MAC_ADDR,               /**< MAC Address */
846     e_FM_PCD_KG_TCI,                    /**< TCI field */
847     e_FM_PCD_KG_ENET_TYPE,              /**< ENET Type */
848     e_FM_PCD_KG_PPP_SESSION_ID,         /**< PPP Session id */
849     e_FM_PCD_KG_PPP_PROTOCOL_ID,        /**< PPP Protocol id */
850     e_FM_PCD_KG_MPLS_LABEL,             /**< MPLS label */
851     e_FM_PCD_KG_IP_ADDR,                /**< IP addr */
852     e_FM_PCD_KG_PROTOCOL_TYPE,          /**< Protocol type */
853     e_FM_PCD_KG_IP_TOS_TC,              /**< TOS or TC */
854     e_FM_PCD_KG_IPV6_FLOW_LABEL,        /**< IPV6 flow label */
855     e_FM_PCD_KG_IPSEC_SPI,              /**< IPSEC SPI */
856     e_FM_PCD_KG_L4_PORT,                /**< L4 Port */
857     e_FM_PCD_KG_TCP_FLAG,               /**< TCP Flag */
858     e_FM_PCD_KG_GENERIC_FROM_DATA,      /**< grouping implemented by sw,
859                                              any data extraction that is not the full
860                                              field described above  */
861     e_FM_PCD_KG_GENERIC_FROM_DATA_NO_V, /**< grouping implemented by sw,
862                                              any data extraction without validation */
863     e_FM_PCD_KG_GENERIC_NOT_FROM_DATA   /**< grouping implemented by sw,
864                                              extraction from parser result or
865                                              direct use of default value  */
866 } e_FmPcdKgKnownFieldsDfltTypes;
868 /**************************************************************************//**
869  @Description   enum for defining header index when headers may repeat
870 *//***************************************************************************/
871 typedef enum e_FmPcdHdrIndex {
872     e_FM_PCD_HDR_INDEX_NONE = 0,        /**< used when multiple headers not used, also
873                                              to specify regular IP (not tunneled). */
874     e_FM_PCD_HDR_INDEX_1,               /**< may be used for VLAN, MPLS, tunneled IP */
875     e_FM_PCD_HDR_INDEX_2,               /**< may be used for MPLS, tunneled IP */
876     e_FM_PCD_HDR_INDEX_3,               /**< may be used for MPLS */
877     e_FM_PCD_HDR_INDEX_LAST = 0xFF      /**< may be used for VLAN, MPLS */
878 } e_FmPcdHdrIndex;
880 /**************************************************************************//**
881  @Description   A structure for selcting the policer profile functional type
882 *//***************************************************************************/
883 typedef enum e_FmPcdProfileTypeSelection {
884     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_PORT_PRIVATE,         /**< Port dedicated profile */
885     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_SHARED                /**< Shared profile (shared within partition) */
886 } e_FmPcdProfileTypeSelection;
888 /**************************************************************************//**
889  @Description   A structure for selcting the policer profile algorithem
890 *//***************************************************************************/
891 typedef enum e_FmPcdPlcrAlgorithmSelection {
892     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_PASS_THROUGH,         /**< Policer pass through */
893     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_RFC_2698,             /**< Policer algorythm RFC 2698 */
894     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_RFC_4115              /**< Policer algorythm RFC 4115 */
895 } e_FmPcdPlcrAlgorithmSelection;
897 /**************************************************************************//**
898  @Description   A structure for selcting the policer profile color mode
899 *//***************************************************************************/
900 typedef enum e_FmPcdPlcrColorMode {
901     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_COLOR_BLIND,          /**< Color blind */
902     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_COLOR_AWARE           /**< Color aware */
903 } e_FmPcdPlcrColorMode;
905 /**************************************************************************//**
906  @Description   A structure for selcting the policer profile color functional mode
907 *//***************************************************************************/
908 typedef enum e_FmPcdPlcrColor {
909     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_GREEN,                /**< Green */
910     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_YELLOW,               /**< Yellow */
911     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_RED,                  /**< Red */
912     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_OVERRIDE              /**< Color override */
913 } e_FmPcdPlcrColor;
915 /**************************************************************************//**
916  @Description   A structure for selcting the policer profile packet frame length selector
917 *//***************************************************************************/
918 typedef enum e_FmPcdPlcrFrameLengthSelect {
919   e_FM_PCD_PLCR_L2_FRM_LEN,             /**< L2 frame length */
920   e_FM_PCD_PLCR_L3_FRM_LEN,             /**< L3 frame length */
921   e_FM_PCD_PLCR_L4_FRM_LEN,             /**< L4 frame length */
922   e_FM_PCD_PLCR_FULL_FRM_LEN            /**< Full frame length */
923 } e_FmPcdPlcrFrameLengthSelect;
925 /**************************************************************************//**
926  @Description   An enum for selecting rollback frame
927 *//***************************************************************************/
928 typedef enum e_FmPcdPlcrRollBackFrameSelect {
929   e_FM_PCD_PLCR_ROLLBACK_L2_FRM_LEN,    /**< Rollback L2 frame length */
930   e_FM_PCD_PLCR_ROLLBACK_FULL_FRM_LEN   /**< Rollback Full frame length */
931 } e_FmPcdPlcrRollBackFrameSelect;
933 /**************************************************************************//**
934  @Description   A structure for selcting the policer profile packet or byte mode
935 *//***************************************************************************/
936 typedef enum e_FmPcdPlcrRateMode {
937     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_BYTE_MODE,            /**< Byte mode */
938     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_PACKET_MODE           /**< Packet mode */
939 } e_FmPcdPlcrRateMode;
941 /**************************************************************************//**
942  @Description   An enum for defining action of frame
943 *//***************************************************************************/
944 typedef enum e_FmPcdDoneAction {
945     e_FM_PCD_ENQ_FRAME = 0,        /**< Enqueue frame */
946     e_FM_PCD_DROP_FRAME            /**< Drop frame */
947 } e_FmPcdDoneAction;
949 /**************************************************************************//**
950  @Description   A structure for selecting the policer counter
951 *//***************************************************************************/
952 typedef enum e_FmPcdPlcrProfileCounters {
953     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_PROFILE_GREEN_PACKET_TOTAL_COUNTER,               /**< Green packets counter */
954     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_PROFILE_YELLOW_PACKET_TOTAL_COUNTER,              /**< Yellow packets counter */
955     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_PROFILE_RED_PACKET_TOTAL_COUNTER,                 /**< Red packets counter */
956     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_PROFILE_RECOLOURED_YELLOW_PACKET_TOTAL_COUNTER,   /**< Recolored yellow packets counter */
957     e_FM_PCD_PLCR_PROFILE_RECOLOURED_RED_PACKET_TOTAL_COUNTER       /**< Recolored red packets counter */
958 } e_FmPcdPlcrProfileCounters;
960 /**************************************************************************//**
961  @Description   A structure for selecting action
962 *//***************************************************************************/
963 typedef enum e_FmPcdAction {
964     e_FM_PCD_ACTION_NONE,                           /**< NONE  */
965     e_FM_PCD_ACTION_EXACT_MATCH,                    /**< Exact match on the selected extraction*/
966     e_FM_PCD_ACTION_INDEXED_LOOKUP                  /**< Indexed lookup on the selected extraction*/
967 } e_FmPcdAction;
969 #if defined(FM_CAPWAP_SUPPORT)
970 /**************************************************************************//**
971  @Description   An enum for selecting type of insert manipulation
972 *//***************************************************************************/
973 typedef enum e_FmPcdManipInsrtType {
974     e_FM_PCD_MANIP_INSRT_NONE = 0,                          /**< No insertion */
975     e_FM_PCD_MANIP_INSRT_TO_START_OF_FRAME_INT_FRAME_HDR,   /**< Insert internal frame header to start of frame */
976     e_FM_PCD_MANIP_INSRT_TO_START_OF_FRAME_TEMPLATE         /**< Insert template to start of frame*/
977 } e_FmPcdManipInsrtType;
979 /**************************************************************************//**
980  @Description   An enum for selecting type of remove manipulation
981 *//***************************************************************************/
982 typedef enum e_FmPcdManipRmvParamsType {
983     e_FM_PCD_MANIP_RMV_NONE = 0,                                        /**< No remove */
984     e_FM_PCD_MANIP_RMV_FROM_START_OF_FRAME_TILL_SPECIFIC_LOCATION,      /**< Remove from start of frame till (excluding) specified indication */
985     e_FM_PCD_MANIP_RMV_FROM_START_OF_FRAME_INCLUDE_SPECIFIC_LOCATION,   /**< Remove from start of frame till (including) specified indication */
986     e_FM_PCD_MANIP_RMV_INT_FRAME_HDR                                    /**< Remove internal frame header to start of frame */
987 } e_FmPcdManipRmvParamsType;
989 /**************************************************************************//**
990  @Description   An enum for selecting type of location
991 *//***************************************************************************/
992 typedef enum e_FmPcdManipLocateType {
993     e_FM_PCD_MANIP_LOC_BY_HDR = 0,            /**< Locate according to header */
994     e_FM_PCD_MANIP_LOC_NON_HDR                /**< Locate from data that is not the header */
995 } e_FmPcdManipLocateType;
997 /**************************************************************************//**
998  @Description   An enum for selecting type of Timeout mode
999 *//***************************************************************************/
1000 typedef enum e_FmPcdManipReassemTimeOutMode {
1001     e_FM_PCD_MANIP_TIME_OUT_BETWEEN_FRAMES, /**< limits the time of the reassm process from the first frag to the last */
1002     e_FM_PCD_MANIP_TIME_OUT_BETWEEN_FRAG    /**< limits the time of receiving the fragment */
1003 } e_FmPcdManipReassemTimeOutMode;
1005 /**************************************************************************//**
1006  @Description   An enum for selecting type of WaysNumber mode
1007 *//***************************************************************************/
1008 typedef enum e_FmPcdManipReassemWaysNumber {
1009     e_FM_PCD_MANIP_ONE_WAY_HASH = 1,    /**< -------------- */
1010     e_FM_PCD_MANIP_TWO_WAYS_HASH,       /**< -------------- */
1011     e_FM_PCD_MANIP_THREE_WAYS_HASH,     /**< -------------- */
1012     e_FM_PCD_MANIP_FOUR_WAYS_HASH,      /**< four ways hash */
1013     e_FM_PCD_MANIP_FIVE_WAYS_HASH,      /**< -------------- */
1014     e_FM_PCD_MANIP_SIX_WAYS_HASH,       /**< -------------- */
1015     e_FM_PCD_MANIP_SEVEN_WAYS_HASH,     /**< -------------- */
1016     e_FM_PCD_MANIP_EIGHT_WAYS_HASH      /**< eight ways hash*/
1017 } e_FmPcdManipReassemWaysNumber;
1019 /**************************************************************************//**
1020  @Description   An enum for selecting type of statistics mode
1021 *//***************************************************************************/
1022 typedef enum e_FmPcdStatsType {
1023     e_FM_PCD_STATS_PER_FLOWID = 0   /**< type where flowId used as index for getting statistics */
1024 } e_FmPcdStatsType;
1026 #endif /* FM_CAPWAP_SUPPORT */
1029 /**************************************************************************//**
1030  @Description   A Union of protocol dependent special options
1031 *//***************************************************************************/
1032 typedef union u_FmPcdHdrProtocolOpt {
1033     ethProtocolOpt_t    ethOpt;     /**< Ethernet options */
1034     vlanProtocolOpt_t   vlanOpt;    /**< Vlan options */
1035     mplsProtocolOpt_t   mplsOpt;    /**< MPLS options */
1036     ipv4ProtocolOpt_t   ipv4Opt;    /**< IPv4 options */
1037     ipv6ProtocolOpt_t   ipv6Opt;    /**< IPv6 options */
1038 } u_FmPcdHdrProtocolOpt;
1040 /**************************************************************************//**
1041  @Description   A union holding all known protocol fields
1042 *//***************************************************************************/
1043 typedef union t_FmPcdFields {
1044     headerFieldEth_t            eth;            /**< eth      */
1045     headerFieldVlan_t           vlan;           /**< vlan     */
1046     headerFieldLlcSnap_t        llcSnap;        /**< llcSnap  */
1047     headerFieldPppoe_t          pppoe;          /**< pppoe    */
1048     headerFieldMpls_t           mpls;           /**< mpls     */
1049     headerFieldIpv4_t           ipv4;           /**< ipv4     */
1050     headerFieldIpv6_t           ipv6;           /**< ipv6     */
1051     headerFieldUdp_t            udp;            /**< udp      */
1052     headerFieldTcp_t            tcp;            /**< tcp      */
1053     headerFieldSctp_t           sctp;           /**< sctp     */
1054     headerFieldDccp_t           dccp;           /**< dccp     */
1055     headerFieldGre_t            gre;            /**< gre      */
1056     headerFieldMinencap_t       minencap;       /**< minencap */
1057     headerFieldIpsecAh_t        ipsecAh;        /**< ipsecAh  */
1058     headerFieldIpsecEsp_t       ipsecEsp;       /**< ipsecEsp */
1059     headerFieldUdpEncapEsp_t    udpEncapEsp;    /**< udpEncapEsp */
1060 } t_FmPcdFields;
1062 /**************************************************************************//**
1063  @Description   structure for defining header extraction for key generation
1064 *//***************************************************************************/
1065 typedef struct t_FmPcdFromHdr {
1066     uint8_t             size;           /**< Size in byte */
1067     uint8_t             offset;         /**< Byte offset */
1068 } t_FmPcdFromHdr;
1070 /**************************************************************************//**
1071  @Description   structure for defining field extraction for key generation
1072 *//***************************************************************************/
1073 typedef struct t_FmPcdFromField {
1074     t_FmPcdFields       field;          /**< Field selection */
1075     uint8_t             size;           /**< Size in byte */
1076     uint8_t             offset;         /**< Byte offset */
1077 } t_FmPcdFromField;
1079 /**************************************************************************//**
1080  @Description   A structure of parameters used to define a single network
1081                 environment unit.
1082                 A unit should be defined if it will later be used by one or
1083                 more PCD engines to distinguich between flows.
1084 *//***************************************************************************/
1085 typedef struct t_FmPcdDistinctionUnit {
1086     struct {
1087         e_NetHeaderType         hdr;        /**< One of the headers supported by the FM */
1088         u_FmPcdHdrProtocolOpt   opt;        /**< only one option !! */
1090 } t_FmPcdDistinctionUnit;
1092 /**************************************************************************//**
1093  @Description   A structure of parameters used to define the different
1094                 units supported by a specific PCD Network Environment
1095                 Characteristics module. Each unit represent
1096                 a protocol or a group of protocols that may be used later
1097                 by the different PCD engined to distinguich between flows.
1098 *//***************************************************************************/
1099 typedef struct t_FmPcdNetEnvParams {
1100     uint8_t                 numOfDistinctionUnits;                      /**< Number of different units to be identified */
1101     t_FmPcdDistinctionUnit  units[FM_PCD_MAX_NUM_OF_DISTINCTION_UNITS]; /**< An array of numOfDistinctionUnits of the
1102                                                                              different units to be identified */
1103 } t_FmPcdNetEnvParams;
1105 /**************************************************************************//**
1106  @Description   structure for defining a single extraction action
1107                 when creating a key
1108 *//***************************************************************************/
1109 typedef struct t_FmPcdExtractEntry {
1110     e_FmPcdExtractType                  type;           /**< Extraction type select */
1111     union {
1112         struct {
1113             e_NetHeaderType             hdr;            /**< Header selection */
1114             bool                        ignoreProtocolValidation;
1115                                                         /**< Ignore protocol validation */
1116             e_FmPcdHdrIndex             hdrIndex;       /**< Relevant only for MPLS, VLAN and tunneled
1117                                                              IP. Otherwise should be cleared.*/
1118             e_FmPcdExtractByHdrType     type;           /**< Header extraction type select */
1119             union {
1120                 t_FmPcdFromHdr          fromHdr;        /**< Extract bytes from header parameters */
1121                 t_FmPcdFromField        fromField;      /**< Extract bytes from field parameters*/
1122                 t_FmPcdFields           fullField;      /**< Extract full filed parameters*/
1123             } extractByHdrType;
1124         } extractByHdr;                                 /**< used when type = e_FM_PCD_KG_EXTRACT_BY_HDR */
1125         struct {
1126             e_FmPcdExtractFrom          src;            /**< Non-header extraction source */
1127             e_FmPcdAction               action;         /**< Relevant for CC Only */
1128             uint16_t                    icIndxMask;     /**< Relevant only for CC where
1129                                                              action=e_FM_PCD_ACTION_INDEXED_LOOKUP */
1130             uint8_t                     offset;         /**< Byte offset */
1131             uint8_t                     size;           /**< Size in byte */
1132         } extractNonHdr;                                /**< used when type = e_FM_PCD_KG_EXTRACT_NON_HDR */
1133     };
1134 } t_FmPcdExtractEntry;
1136 /**************************************************************************//**
1137  @Description   A structure for defining masks for each extracted
1138                 field in the key.
1139 *//***************************************************************************/
1140 typedef struct t_FmPcdKgExtractMask {
1141     uint8_t                         extractArrayIndex;   /**< Index in the extraction array, as initialized by user */
1142     uint8_t                         offset;              /**< Byte offset */
1143     uint8_t                         mask;                /**< A byte mask (selected bits will be used) */
1144 } t_FmPcdKgExtractMask;
1146 /**************************************************************************//**
1147  @Description   A structure for defining default selection per groups
1148                 of fields
1149 *//***************************************************************************/
1150 typedef struct t_FmPcdKgExtractDflt {
1151     e_FmPcdKgKnownFieldsDfltTypes       type;                /**< Default type select*/
1152     e_FmPcdKgExtractDfltSelect          dfltSelect;          /**< Default register select */
1153 } t_FmPcdKgExtractDflt;
1155 /**************************************************************************//**
1156  @Description   A structure for defining all parameters needed for
1157                 generation a key and using a hash function
1158 *//***************************************************************************/
1159 typedef struct t_FmPcdKgKeyExtractAndHashParams {
1160     uint32_t                    privateDflt0;                /**< Scheme default register 0 */
1161     uint32_t                    privateDflt1;                /**< Scheme default register 1 */
1162     uint8_t                     numOfUsedExtracts;           /**< defines the valid size of the following array */
1163     t_FmPcdExtractEntry         extractArray [FM_PCD_KG_MAX_NUM_OF_EXTRACTS_PER_KEY]; /**< An array of extractions definition. */
1164     uint8_t                     numOfUsedDflts;              /**< defines the valid size of the following array */
1165     t_FmPcdKgExtractDflt        dflts[FM_PCD_KG_NUM_OF_DEFAULT_GROUPS];
1166                                                              /**< For each extraction used in this scheme, specify the required
1167                                                                   default register to be used when header is not found.
1168                                                                   types not specified in this array will get undefined value. */
1169     uint8_t                     numOfUsedMasks;              /**< defines the valid size of the following array */
1170     t_FmPcdKgExtractMask        masks[FM_PCD_KG_NUM_OF_EXTRACT_MASKS];
1171     uint8_t                     hashShift;                   /**< hash result right shift. Select the 24 bits out of the 64 hash
1172                                                                   result. 0 means using the 24 LSB's, otherwise use the
1173                                                                   24 LSB's after shifting right.*/
1174     uint32_t                    hashDistributionNumOfFqids;  /**< must be > 1 and a power of 2. Represents the range
1175                                                                   of queues for the key and hash functionality */
1176     uint8_t                     hashDistributionFqidsShift;  /**< selects the FQID bits that will be effected by the hash */
1177     bool                        symmetricHash;               /**< TRUE to generate the same hash for frames with swapped source and
1178                                                                   destination fields on all layers; If TRUE, driver will check that for
1179                                                                   all layers, if SRC extraction is selected, DST extraction must also be
1180                                                                   selected, and vice versa. */
1181 } t_FmPcdKgKeyExtractAndHashParams;
1183 /**************************************************************************//**
1184  @Description   A structure of parameters for defining a single
1185                 Fqid mask (extracted OR).
1186 *//***************************************************************************/
1187 typedef struct t_FmPcdKgExtractedOrParams {
1188     e_FmPcdExtractType              type;               /**< Extraction type select */
1189     union {
1190         struct {                                        /**< used when type = e_FM_PCD_KG_EXTRACT_BY_HDR */
1191             e_NetHeaderType         hdr;
1192             e_FmPcdHdrIndex         hdrIndex;           /**< Relevant only for MPLS, VLAN and tunneled
1193                                                              IP. Otherwise should be cleared.*/
1194             bool                    ignoreProtocolValidation;
1195                                                         /**< continue extraction even if protocol is not recognized */
1196         } extractByHdr;
1197         e_FmPcdExtractFrom          src;                /**< used when type = e_FM_PCD_KG_EXTRACT_NON_HDR */
1198     };
1199     uint8_t                         extractionOffset;   /**< Offset for extraction (in bytes).  */
1200     e_FmPcdKgExtractDfltSelect      dfltValue;          /**< Select register from which extraction is taken if
1201                                                              field not found */
1202     uint8_t                         mask;               /**< Extraction mask (specified bits are used) */
1203     uint8_t                         bitOffsetInFqid;    /**< 0-31, Selects which bits of the 24 FQID bits to effect using
1204                                                              the extracted byte; Assume byte is placed as the 8 MSB's in
1205                                                              a 32 bit word where the lower bits
1206                                                              are the FQID; i.e if bitOffsetInFqid=1 than its LSB
1207                                                              will effect the FQID MSB, if bitOffsetInFqid=24 than the
1208                                                              extracted byte will effect the 8 LSB's of the FQID,
1209                                                              if bitOffsetInFqid=31 than the byte's MSB will effect
1210                                                              the FQID's LSB; 0 means - no effect on FQID;
1211                                                              Note that one, and only one of
1212                                                              bitOffsetInFqid or bitOffsetInPlcrProfile must be set (i.e,
1213                                                              extracted byte must effect either FQID or Policer profile).*/
1214     uint8_t                         bitOffsetInPlcrProfile;
1215                                                         /**< 0-15, Selects which bits of the 8 policer profile id bits to
1216                                                              effect using the extracted byte; Assume byte is placed
1217                                                              as the 8 MSB's in a 16 bit word where the lower bits
1218                                                              are the policer profile id; i.e if bitOffsetInPlcrProfile=1
1219                                                              than its LSB will effect the profile MSB, if bitOffsetInFqid=8
1220                                                              than the extracted byte will effect the whole policer profile id,
1221                                                              if bitOffsetInFqid=15 than the byte's MSB will effect
1222                                                              the Policer Profile id's LSB;
1223                                                              0 means - no effect on policer profile; Note that one, and only one of
1224                                                              bitOffsetInFqid or bitOffsetInPlcrProfile must be set (i.e,
1225                                                              extracted byte must effect either FQID or Policer profile).*/
1226 } t_FmPcdKgExtractedOrParams;
1228 /**************************************************************************//**
1229  @Description   A structure for configuring scheme counter
1230 *//***************************************************************************/
1231 typedef struct t_FmPcdKgSchemeCounter {
1232     bool        update;     /**< FALSE to keep the current counter state
1233                                  and continue from that point, TRUE to update/reset
1234                                  the counter when the scheme is written. */
1235     uint32_t    value;      /**< If update=TRUE, this value will be written into the
1236                                  counter. clear this field to reset the counter. */
1237 } t_FmPcdKgSchemeCounter;
1239 /**************************************************************************//**
1240  @Description   A structure for defining policer profile
1241                 parameters as required by keygen (when policer
1242                 is the next engine after this scheme).
1243 *//***************************************************************************/
1244 typedef struct t_FmPcdKgPlcrProfile {
1245     bool                sharedProfile;              /**< TRUE if this profile is shared between ports
1246                                                          (i.e. managed by master partition) May not be TRUE
1247                                                          if profile is after Coarse Classification*/
1248     bool                direct;                     /**< if TRUE, directRelativeProfileId only selects the profile
1249                                                          id, if FALSE fqidOffsetRelativeProfileIdBase is used
1250                                                          together with fqidOffsetShift and numOfProfiles
1251                                                          parameters, to define a range of profiles from
1252                                                          which the keygen result will determine the
1253                                                          destination policer profile.  */
1254     union {
1255         uint16_t        directRelativeProfileId;    /**< Used if 'direct' is TRUE, to select policer profile.
1256                                                          This parameter should
1257                                                          indicate the policer profile offset within the port's
1258                                                          policer profiles or SHARED window. */
1259         struct {
1260             uint8_t     fqidOffsetShift;            /**< shift of KG results without the qid base */
1261             uint8_t     fqidOffsetRelativeProfileIdBase;
1262                                                     /**< OR of KG results without the qid base
1263                                                          This parameter should indicate the policer profile
1264                                                          offset within the port's policer profiles window or
1265                                                          SHARED window depends on sharedProfile */
1266             uint8_t     numOfProfiles;              /**< Range of profiles starting at base */
1267         } indirectProfile;
1268     } profileSelect;
1269 } t_FmPcdKgPlcrProfile;
1271 /**************************************************************************//**
1272  @Description   A structure for CC parameters if CC is the next engine after KG
1273 *//***************************************************************************/
1274 typedef struct t_FmPcdKgCc {
1275     t_Handle                h_CcTree;           /**< A handle to a CC Tree */
1276     uint8_t                 grpId;              /**< CC group id within the CC tree */
1277     bool                    plcrNext;           /**< TRUE if after CC, in case of data frame,
1278                                                      policing is required. */
1279     bool                    bypassPlcrProfileGeneration;
1280                                                 /**< TRUE to bypass keygen policer profile
1281                                                      generation (profile selected is the one selected at
1282                                                      port initialization). */
1283     t_FmPcdKgPlcrProfile    plcrProfile;        /**< only if plcrNext=TRUE and bypassPlcrProfileGeneration=FALSE */
1284 } t_FmPcdKgCc;
1286 /**************************************************************************//**
1287  @Description   A structure for initializing a keygen single scheme
1288 *//***************************************************************************/
1289 typedef struct t_FmPcdKgSchemeParams {
1290     bool                                modify;                 /**< TRUE to change an existing scheme */
1291     union
1292     {
1293         uint8_t                         relativeSchemeId;       /**< if modify=FALSE:Partition relative scheme id */
1294         t_Handle                        h_Scheme;               /**< if modify=TRUE: a handle of the existing scheme */
1295     }id;
1296     bool                                alwaysDirect;           /**< This scheme is reached only directly, i.e.                                                              no need for match vector. Keygen will ignore
1297                                                                      it when matching   */
1298     struct {                                                    /**< HL Relevant only if alwaysDirect = FALSE */
1299         t_Handle                        h_NetEnv;               /**< A handle to the Network environment as returned
1300                                                                      by FM_PCD_SetNetEnvCharacteristics() */
1301         uint8_t                         numOfDistinctionUnits;  /**< Number of netenv units listed in unitIds array */
1302         uint8_t                         unitIds[FM_PCD_MAX_NUM_OF_DISTINCTION_UNITS];
1303                                                                 /**< Indexes as passed to SetNetEnvCharacteristics array*/
1304     } netEnvParams;
1305     bool                                useHash;                /**< use the KG Hash functionality  */
1306     t_FmPcdKgKeyExtractAndHashParams    keyExtractAndHashParams;
1307                                                                 /**< used only if useHash = TRUE */
1308     bool                                bypassFqidGeneration;   /**< Normally - FALSE, TRUE to avoid FQID update in the IC;
1309                                                                      In such a case FQID after KG will be the default FQID
1310                                                                      defined for the relevant port, or the FQID defined by CC
1311                                                                      in cases where CC was the previous engine. */
1312     uint32_t                            baseFqid;               /**< Base FQID; Relevant only if bypassFqidGeneration = FALSE;
1313                                                                      If hash is used and an even distribution is expected
1314                                                                      according to hashDistributionNumOfFqids, baseFqid must be aligned to
1315                                                                      hashDistributionNumOfFqids.  */
1316     uint8_t                             numOfUsedExtractedOrs;  /**< Number of Fqid masks listed in extractedOrs array*/
1317     t_FmPcdKgExtractedOrParams          extractedOrs[FM_PCD_KG_NUM_OF_GENERIC_REGS];
1318                                                                 /**< IN: FM_PCD_KG_NUM_OF_GENERIC_REGS
1319                                                                      registers are shared between qidMasks
1320                                                                      functionality and some of the extraction
1321                                                                      actions; Normally only some will be used
1322                                                                      for qidMask. Driver will return error if
1323                                                                      resource is full at initialization time. */
1324     e_FmPcdEngine                       nextEngine;             /**< may be BMI, PLCR or CC */
1325     union {                                                     /**< depends on nextEngine */
1326         e_FmPcdDoneAction               doneAction;             /**< Used when next engine is BMI (done) */
1327         t_FmPcdKgPlcrProfile            plcrProfile;            /**< Used when next engine is PLCR */
1328         t_FmPcdKgCc                     cc;                     /**< Used when next engine is CC */
1329     } kgNextEngineParams;
1330     t_FmPcdKgSchemeCounter              schemeCounter;          /**< A structure of parameters for updating
1331                                                                      the scheme counter */
1332 } t_FmPcdKgSchemeParams;
1334 /**************************************************************************//**
1335  @Description   A structure for defining CC params when CC is the
1336                 next engine after a CC node.
1337 *//***************************************************************************/
1338 typedef struct t_FmPcdCcNextCcParams {
1339     t_Handle    h_CcNode;               /**< A handle of the next CC node */
1340 } t_FmPcdCcNextCcParams;
1342 /**************************************************************************//**
1343  @Description   A structure for defining PLCR params when PLCR is the
1344                 next engine after a CC node.
1345 *//***************************************************************************/
1346 typedef struct t_FmPcdCcNextPlcrParams {
1347     bool        overrideParams;         /**< TRUE if CC override previously decided parameters*/
1348     bool        sharedProfile;          /**< Relevant only if overrideParams=TRUE:
1349                                              TRUE if this profile is shared between ports */
1350     uint16_t    newRelativeProfileId;   /**< Relevant only if overrideParams=TRUE:
1351                                              (otherwise profile id is taken from keygen);
1352                                              This parameter should indicate the policer
1353                                              profile offset within the port's
1354                                              policer profiles or from SHARED window.*/
1355     uint32_t    newFqid;                /**< Relevant only if overrideParams=TRUE:
1356                                              FQID for enqueuing the frame;
1357                                              In earlier chips  if policer next engine is KEYGEN,
1358                                              this parameter can be 0, because the KEYGEN
1359                                              always decides the enqueue FQID.*/
1360     bool        statisticsEn;           /**< In the case of TRUE Statistic counter is
1361                                              incremented for each received frame passed through
1362                                              this Coarse Classification entry.*/
1363 } t_FmPcdCcNextPlcrParams;
1365 /**************************************************************************//**
1366  @Description   A structure for defining enqueue params when BMI is the
1367                 next engine after a CC node.
1368 *//***************************************************************************/
1369 typedef struct t_FmPcdCcNextEnqueueParams {
1371     e_FmPcdDoneAction    action;        /**< Action - when next engine is BMI (done) */
1372     bool                 overrideFqid;  /**< TRUE if CC override previously decided Fqid(by Keygen),
1373                                              relevant if action = e_FM_PCD_ENQ_FRAME */
1374     uint32_t             newFqid;       /**< Valid if overrideFqid=TRUE, FQID for enqueuing the frame
1375                                              (otherwise FQID is taken from keygen),
1376                                              relevant if action = e_FM_PCD_ENQ_FRAME*/
1377     bool                 statisticsEn;  /**< In the case of TRUE Statistic counter is
1378                                              incremented for each received frame passed through
1379                                              this Coarse Classification entry.*/
1380 } t_FmPcdCcNextEnqueueParams;
1382 /**************************************************************************//**
1383  @Description   A structure for defining KG params when KG is the
1384                 next engine after a CC node.
1385 *//***************************************************************************/
1386 typedef struct t_FmPcdCcNextKgParams {
1387     bool        overrideFqid;           /**< TRUE if CC override previously decided Fqid (by keygen),
1388                                              Note - this parameters irrelevant for earlier chips*/
1389     uint32_t    newFqid;                /**< Valid if overrideFqid=TRUE, FQID for enqueuing the frame
1390                                              (otherwise FQID is taken from keygen),
1391                                              Note - this parameters irrelevant for earlier chips*/
1392     t_Handle    h_DirectScheme;         /**< Direct scheme handle to go to. */
1393     bool        statisticsEn;           /**< In the case of TRUE Statistic counter is
1394                                              incremented for each received frame passed through
1395                                              this Coarse Classification entry.*/
1396 } t_FmPcdCcNextKgParams;
1398 /**************************************************************************//**
1399  @Description   A structure for defining next engine params after a CC node.
1400 *//***************************************************************************/
1401 typedef struct t_FmPcdCcNextEngineParams {
1402     e_FmPcdEngine                       nextEngine;    /**< User has to initialize parameters
1403                                                             according to nextEngine definition */
1404     union {
1405         t_FmPcdCcNextCcParams           ccParams;      /**< Parameters in case next engine is CC */
1406         t_FmPcdCcNextPlcrParams         plcrParams;    /**< Parameters in case next engine is PLCR */
1407         t_FmPcdCcNextEnqueueParams      enqueueParams; /**< Parameters in case next engine is BMI */
1408         t_FmPcdCcNextKgParams           kgParams;      /**< Parameters in case next engine is KG */
1409     } params;
1410 #if defined(FM_CAPWAP_SUPPORT)
1411     t_Handle                            h_Manip;       /**< Handler to headerManip.
1412                                                             Relevant if next engine of the type result
1413                                                             (e_FM_PCD_PLCR, e_FM_PCD_KG, e_FM_PCD_DONE) */
1414 #endif /* defined(FM_CAPWAP_SUPPORT) || ... */
1415 } t_FmPcdCcNextEngineParams;
1417 /**************************************************************************//**
1418  @Description   A structure for defining a single CC Key parameters
1419 *//***************************************************************************/
1420 typedef struct t_FmPcdCcKeyParams {
1421     uint8_t                     *p_Key;     /**< pointer to the key of the size defined in keySize*/
1422     uint8_t                     *p_Mask;    /**< pointer to the Mask per key  of the size defined
1423                                                  in keySize. p_Key and p_Mask (if defined) has to be
1424                                                  of the same size defined in the keySize */
1425     t_FmPcdCcNextEngineParams   ccNextEngineParams;
1426                                             /**< parameters for the next for the defined Key in
1427                                                  the p_Key */
1428 } t_FmPcdCcKeyParams;
1430 /**************************************************************************//**
1431  @Description   A structure for defining CC Keys parameters
1432 *//***************************************************************************/
1433 typedef struct t_KeysParams {
1434     uint8_t                     numOfKeys;      /**< Number Of relevant Keys  */
1435     uint8_t                     keySize;        /**< size of the key - in the case of the extraction of
1436                                                      the type FULL_FIELD keySize has to be as standard size of the relevant
1437                                                      key. In the another type of extraction keySize has to be as size of extraction.
1438                                                      In the case of action = e_FM_PCD_ACTION_INDEXED_LOOKUP the size of keySize has to be 2*/
1439     t_FmPcdCcKeyParams          keyParams[FM_PCD_MAX_NUM_OF_KEYS];
1440                                                 /**< it's array with numOfKeys entries each entry in
1441                                                      the array of the type t_FmPcdCcKeyParams */
1442     t_FmPcdCcNextEngineParams   ccNextEngineParamsForMiss;
1443                                                 /**< parameters for the next step of
1444                                                      unfound (or undefined) key . Not relevant in the case
1445                                                      of action = e_FM_PCD_ACTION_INDEXED_LOOKUP*/
1446 } t_KeysParams;
1448 /**************************************************************************//**
1449  @Description   A structure for defining the CC node params
1450 *//***************************************************************************/
1451 typedef struct t_FmPcdCcNodeParams {
1452     t_FmPcdExtractEntry         extractCcParams;    /**< params which defines extraction parameters */
1453     t_KeysParams                keysParams;         /**< params which defines Keys parameters of the
1454                                                          extraction defined in extractCcParams */
1455 } t_FmPcdCcNodeParams;
1457 /**************************************************************************//**
1458  @Description   A structure for defining each CC tree group in term of
1459                 NetEnv units and the action to be taken in each case.
1460                 the unitIds list must be in order from lower to higher indexes.
1462                 t_FmPcdCcNextEngineParams is a list of 2^numOfDistinctionUnits
1463                 structures where each defines the next action to be taken for
1464                 each units combination. for example:
1465                 numOfDistinctionUnits = 2
1466                 unitIds = {1,3}
1467                 p_NextEnginePerEntriesInGrp[0] = t_FmPcdCcNextEngineParams for the case that
1468                                                         unit 1 - not found; unit 3 - not found;
1469                 p_NextEnginePerEntriesInGrp[1] = t_FmPcdCcNextEngineParams for the case that
1470                                                         unit 1 - not found; unit 3 - found;
1471                 p_NextEnginePerEntriesInGrp[2] = t_FmPcdCcNextEngineParams for the case that
1472                                                         unit 1 - found; unit 3 - not found;
1473                 p_NextEnginePerEntriesInGrp[3] = t_FmPcdCcNextEngineParams for the case that
1474                                                         unit 1 - found; unit 3 - found;
1475 *//***************************************************************************/
1476 typedef struct t_FmPcdCcGrpParams {
1477     uint8_t                     numOfDistinctionUnits;          /**< up to 4 */
1478     uint8_t                     unitIds[FM_PCD_MAX_NUM_OF_CC_UNITS];
1479                                                                 /**< Indexes of the units as defined in
1480                                                                      FM_PCD_SetNetEnvCharacteristics() */
1481     t_FmPcdCcNextEngineParams   nextEnginePerEntriesInGrp[FM_PCD_MAX_NUM_OF_CC_ENTRIES_IN_GRP];
1482                                                                 /**< Max size is 16 - if only one group used */
1483 } t_FmPcdCcGrpParams;
1485 /**************************************************************************//**
1486  @Description   A structure for defining the CC tree groups
1487 *//***************************************************************************/
1488 typedef struct t_FmPcdCcTreeParams {
1489     t_Handle                h_NetEnv;                                   /**< A handle to the Network environment as returned
1490                                                                              by FM_PCD_SetNetEnvCharacteristics() */
1491     uint8_t                 numOfGrps;                                  /**< Number of CC groups within the CC tree */
1492     t_FmPcdCcGrpParams      ccGrpParams[FM_PCD_MAX_NUM_OF_CC_GROUPS];   /**< Parameters for each group. */
1493 } t_FmPcdCcTreeParams;
1495 /**************************************************************************//**
1496  @Description   A structure for defining parameters for byte rate
1497 *//***************************************************************************/
1498 typedef struct t_FmPcdPlcrByteRateModeParams {
1499     e_FmPcdPlcrFrameLengthSelect    frameLengthSelection;   /**< Frame length selection */
1500     e_FmPcdPlcrRollBackFrameSelect  rollBackFrameSelection; /**< relevant option only e_FM_PCD_PLCR_L2_FRM_LEN,
1501                                                                  e_FM_PCD_PLCR_FULL_FRM_LEN */
1502 } t_FmPcdPlcrByteRateModeParams;
1504 /**************************************************************************//**
1505  @Description   A structure for selcting the policer profile RFC-2698 or
1506                 RFC-4115 parameters
1507 *//***************************************************************************/
1508 typedef struct t_FmPcdPlcrNonPassthroughAlgParams {
1509     e_FmPcdPlcrRateMode              rateMode;                       /**< Byte / Packet */
1510     t_FmPcdPlcrByteRateModeParams    byteModeParams;                 /**< Valid for Byte NULL for Packet */
1511     uint32_t                         comittedInfoRate;               /**< KBits/Sec or Packets/Sec */
1512     uint32_t                         comittedBurstSize;              /**< Bytes/Packets */
1513     uint32_t                         peakOrAccessiveInfoRate;        /**< KBits/Sec or Packets/Sec */
1514     uint32_t                         peakOrAccessiveBurstSize;       /**< Bytes/Packets */
1515 } t_FmPcdPlcrNonPassthroughAlgParams;
1517 /**************************************************************************//**
1518  @Description   A union for defining Policer next engine parameters
1519 *//***************************************************************************/
1520 typedef union u_FmPcdPlcrNextEngineParams {
1521         e_FmPcdDoneAction               action;             /**< Action - when next engine is BMI (done) */
1522         t_Handle                        h_Profile;          /**< Policer profile handle -  used when next engine
1523                                                                  is PLCR, must be a SHARED profile */
1524         t_Handle                        h_DirectScheme;     /**< Direct scheme select - when next engine is Keygen */
1525 } u_FmPcdPlcrNextEngineParams;
1527 /**************************************************************************//**
1528  @Description   A structure for selecting the policer profile entry parameters
1529 *//***************************************************************************/
1530 typedef struct t_FmPcdPlcrProfileParams {
1531     bool                                modify;                     /**< TRUE to change an existing profile */
1532     union {
1533         struct {
1534             e_FmPcdProfileTypeSelection profileType;                /**< Type of policer profile */
1535             t_Handle                    h_FmPort;                   /**< Relevant for per-port profiles only */
1536             uint16_t                    relativeProfileId;          /**< Profile id - relative to shared group or to port */
1537         } newParams;                                                /**< use it when modify=FALSE */
1538         t_Handle                        h_Profile;                  /**< A handle to a profile - use it when modify=TRUE */
1539     } id;
1540     e_FmPcdPlcrAlgorithmSelection       algSelection;               /**< Profile Algorithm PASS_THROUGH, RFC_2698, RFC_4115 */
1541     e_FmPcdPlcrColorMode                colorMode;                  /**< COLOR_BLIND, COLOR_AWARE */
1543     union {
1544         e_FmPcdPlcrColor                dfltColor;                  /**< For Color-Blind Pass-Through mode. the policer will re-color
1545                                                                          any incoming packet with the default value. */
1546         e_FmPcdPlcrColor                override;                   /**< For Color-Aware modes. The profile response to a
1547                                                                          pre-color value of 2'b11. */
1548     } color;
1550     t_FmPcdPlcrNonPassthroughAlgParams  nonPassthroughAlgParams;    /**< RFC2698 or RFC4115 params */
1552     e_FmPcdEngine                       nextEngineOnGreen;          /**< Green next engine type */
1553     u_FmPcdPlcrNextEngineParams         paramsOnGreen;              /**< Green next engine params */
1555     e_FmPcdEngine                       nextEngineOnYellow;         /**< Yellow next engine type */
1556     u_FmPcdPlcrNextEngineParams         paramsOnYellow;             /**< Yellow next engine params */
1558     e_FmPcdEngine                       nextEngineOnRed;            /**< Red next engine type */
1559     u_FmPcdPlcrNextEngineParams         paramsOnRed;                /**< Red next engine params */
1561     bool                                trapProfileOnFlowA;         /**< Trap on flow A */
1562     bool                                trapProfileOnFlowB;         /**< Trap on flow B */
1563     bool                                trapProfileOnFlowC;         /**< Trap on flow C */
1564 } t_FmPcdPlcrProfileParams;
1566 #if defined(FM_CAPWAP_SUPPORT)
1567 /**************************************************************************//**
1568  @Description   A structure for selecting the location of manipulation
1569 *//***************************************************************************/
1570 typedef struct t_FmPcdManipLocationParams {
1571     e_FmPcdManipLocateType              type;           /**< location of manipulation type select */
1572     struct {                                            /**< used when type = e_FM_PCD_MANIP_BY_HDR */
1573         e_NetHeaderType                 hdr;            /**< Header selection */
1574         e_FmPcdHdrIndex                 hdrIndex;       /**< Relevant only for MPLS, VLAN and tunneled
1575                                                              IP. Otherwise should be cleared. */
1576         bool                            byField;        /**< TRUE if the location of manipulation is according to some field in the specific header*/
1577         t_FmPcdFields                   fullField;      /**< Relevant only when byField = TRUE: Extract field */
1578     } manipByHdr;
1579 } t_FmPcdManipLocationParams;
1581 /**************************************************************************//**
1582  @Description   structure for defining insert manipulation
1583                 of the type e_FM_PCD_MANIP_INSRT_TO_START_OF_FRAME_TEMPLATE
1584 *//***************************************************************************/
1585 typedef struct t_FmPcdManipInsrtByTemplateParams {
1586     uint8_t         size;                               /**< size of insert template to the start of the frame. */
1587     uint8_t         hdrTemplate[FM_PCD_MAX_MANIP_INSRT_TEMPLATE_SIZE];
1588                                                         /**< array of the insertion template. */
1590     bool            modifyOuterIp;                      /**< TRUE if user want to modify some fields in outer IP. */
1591     struct {
1592         uint16_t    ipOuterOffset;                      /**< offset of outer IP in the insert template, relevant if modifyOuterIp = TRUE.*/
1593         uint16_t    dscpEcn;                            /**< value of dscpEcn in IP outer, relevant if modifyOuterIp = TRUE.
1594                                                              in IPV4 dscpEcn only byte - it has to be adjusted to the right*/
1595         bool        udpPresent;                         /**< TRUE if UDP is present in the insert template, relevant if modifyOuterIp = TRUE.*/
1596         uint8_t     udpOffset;                          /**< offset in the insert template of UDP, relevant if modifyOuterIp = TRUE and udpPresent=TRUE.*/
1597         uint8_t     ipIdentGenId;                       /**< Used by FMan-CTRL to calculate IP-identification field,relevant if modifyOuterIp = TRUE.*/
1598         bool        recalculateLength;                  /**< TRUE if recalculate length has to be performed due to the engines in the path which can change the frame later, relevant if modifyOuterIp = TRUE.*/
1599         struct {
1600             uint8_t blockSize;                          /**< The CAAM block-size; Used by FMan-CTRL to calculate the IP-total-len field.*/
1601             uint8_t extraBytesAddedAlignedToBlockSize;  /**< Used by FMan-CTRL to calculate the IP-total-len field and UDP length*/
1602             uint8_t extraBytesAddedNotAlignedToBlockSize;/**< Used by FMan-CTRL to calculate the IP-total-len field and UDP length.*/
1603         } recalculateLengthParams;                      /**< recalculate length parameters - relevant if modifyOuterIp = TRUE and recalculateLength = TRUE */
1604     } modifyOuterIpParams;                              /**< Outer IP modification parameters - ignored if modifyOuterIp is FALSE */
1606     bool            modifyOuterVlan;                    /**< TRUE if user wants to modify vpri field in the outer VLAN header*/
1607     struct {
1608         uint8_t     vpri;                               /**< value of vpri, relevant if modifyOuterVlan = TRUE
1609                                                              vpri only 3 bits, it has to be adjusted to the right*/
1610     } modifyOuterVlanParams;
1611 } t_FmPcdManipInsrtByTemplateParams;
1612 #endif /* defined(FM_CAPWAP_SUPPORT) || ... */
1616 /**************************************************************************//**
1617  @Description   structure for defining CAPWAP fragmentation
1618 *//***************************************************************************/
1619 typedef struct t_CapwapFragmentationParams {
1620     uint16_t         sizeForFragmentation;              /**< if length of the frame is greater than this value, CAPWAP fragmentation will be executed.*/
1621     bool             headerOptionsCompr;                /**< TRUE - first fragment include the CAPWAP header options field,
1622                                                              and all other fragments exclude the CAPWAP options field,
1623                                                              FALSE - all fragments include CAPWAP header options field. */
1624 } t_CapwapFragmentationParams;
1626 /**************************************************************************//**
1627  @Description   structure for defining CAPWAP Re-assembly
1628 *//***************************************************************************/
1629 typedef struct t_CapwapReassemblyParams {
1630     uint16_t                        maxNumFramesInProcess;  /**< Number of frames which can be processed by Reassembly in the same time.
1631                                                                  It has to be power of 2.
1632                                                                  In the case numOfFramesPerHashEntry == e_FM_PCD_MANIP_FOUR_WAYS_HASH,
1633                                                                  maxNumFramesInProcess has to be in the range of 4 - 512,
1634                                                                  In the case numOfFramesPerHashEntry == e_FM_PCD_MANIP_EIGHT_WAYS_HASH,
1635                                                                  maxNumFramesInProcess has to be in the range of 8 - 2048 */
1636     bool                            haltOnDuplicationFrag;  /**< In the case of TRUE, Reassembly process halted due to duplicated fragment,
1637                                                                  and all processed fragments passed for enqueue with error indication.
1638                                                                  In the case of FALSE, only duplicated fragment passed for enqueue with error indication */
1640     e_FmPcdManipReassemTimeOutMode  timeOutMode;            /**< Expiration delay initialized by Reassembly process */
1641     uint32_t                        fqidForTimeOutFrames;   /**< Fqid in which time out frames will enqueue during Time Out Process  */
1642     uint32_t                        timeoutRoutineRequestTime;
1643                                                             /**< Represents the time interval in microseconds between consecutive
1644                                                                  timeout routine requests It has to be power of 2. */
1645     uint32_t                        timeoutThresholdForReassmProcess;
1646                                                             /**< Represents the time interval in microseconds which defines
1647                                                                  if opened frame (at least one fragment was processed but not all the fragments)is found as too old*/
1649     e_FmPcdManipReassemWaysNumber   numOfFramesPerHashEntry;/**< Number of frames per hash entry needed for reassembly process */
1650 } t_CapwapReassemblyParams;
1651 #endif /* FM_CAPWAP_SUPPORT */
1654 #if defined(FM_CAPWAP_SUPPORT)
1655 /**************************************************************************//**
1656  @Description   structure for defining fragmentation/reassembly
1657 *//***************************************************************************/
1658 typedef struct t_FmPcdManipFragOrReasmParams {
1659     bool                                frag;               /**< TRUE if using the structure for fragmentation,
1660                                                                  otherwise this structure is used for reassembly */
1661     uint8_t                             extBufPoolIndx;     /**< Index of the buffer pool ID which was configured for port
1662                                                                  and can be used for manipulation;
1663                                                                  NOTE: This field is relevant only for CAPWAP fragmentation
1664                                                                  and reassembly */
1665     e_NetHeaderType                     hdr;                /**< Header selection */
1666     union {
1668         t_CapwapFragmentationParams     capwapFragParams;   /**< Structure for CAPWAP fragmentation, relevant if frag = TRUE, hdr = HEADER_TYPE_CAPWAP */
1669         t_CapwapReassemblyParams        capwapReasmParams;  /**< Structure for CAPWAP reassembly, relevant if frag = FALSE, hdr = HEADER_TYPE_CAPWAP */
1670 #endif /* FM_CAPWAP_SUPPORT */
1671     };
1672 } t_FmPcdManipFragOrReasmParams;
1674 /**************************************************************************//**
1675  @Description   structure for defining insert manipulation
1676 *//***************************************************************************/
1677 typedef struct t_FmPcdManipInsrtParams {
1678     e_FmPcdManipInsrtType                       type;       /**< Type of insert manipulation */
1679     union {
1680         t_FmPcdManipInsrtByTemplateParams       insrtByTemplateParams;
1681                                                             /**< parameters for insert manipulation, relevant if
1682                                                                  type = e_FM_PCD_MANIP_INSRT_TO_START_OF_FRAME_TEMPLATE */
1683     };
1684 } t_FmPcdManipInsrtParams;
1686 /**************************************************************************//**
1687  @Description   structure for defining remove manipulation
1688 *//***************************************************************************/
1689 typedef struct t_FmPcdManipRmvParams {
1690     e_FmPcdManipRmvParamsType                   type;   /**< Type of remove manipulation */
1691     t_FmPcdManipLocationParams                  rmvSpecificLocationParams;
1692                                                         /**< Specified location of remove manipulation;
1693                                                               This params should be initialized in cases:
1694                                                               - e_FM_PCD_MANIP_RMV_FROM_START_OF_FRAME_TILL_SPECIFIC_LOCATION
1695                                                               - e_FM_PCD_MANIP_RMV_FROM_START_OF_FRAME_INCLUDE_SPECIFIC_LOCATION */
1696 } t_FmPcdManipRmvParams;
1698 /**************************************************************************//**
1699  @Description   structure for defining manipulation
1700 *//***************************************************************************/
1701 typedef struct t_FmPcdManipParams {
1702     bool                                        rmv;                /**< TRUE, if defined remove manipulation */
1703     t_FmPcdManipRmvParams                       rmvParams;          /**< Parameters for remove manipulation, relevant if rmv = TRUE */
1705     bool                                        insrt;              /**< TRUE, if defined insert manipulation */
1706     t_FmPcdManipInsrtParams                     insrtParams;        /**< Parameters for insert manipulation, relevant if insrt = TRUE */
1708     bool                                        fragOrReasm;        /**< TRUE, if defined fragmentation/reassembly manipulation */
1709     t_FmPcdManipFragOrReasmParams               fragOrReasmParams;  /**< Parameters for fragmentation/reassembly manipulation, relevant if fragOrReasm = TRUE */
1711     /**< General parameters */
1712     bool                                        treatFdStatusFieldsAsErrors;
1713                                                                     /**< Set to TRUE when the port that is using this manip is chained
1714                                                                          to SEC (i.e. the traffic was forwarded from SEC) */
1715 } t_FmPcdManipParams;
1717 /**************************************************************************//**
1718  @Description   structure for defining statistics node
1719 *//***************************************************************************/
1720 typedef struct t_FmPcdStatsParams {
1721     e_FmPcdStatsType        type; /**< type of statistics node */
1722 } t_FmPcdStatsParams;
1723 #endif /* defined(FM_CAPWAP_SUPPORT) || ... */
1726 /**************************************************************************//**
1727  @Function      FM_PCD_SetNetEnvCharacteristics
1729  @Description   Define a set of Network Environment Characteristics.
1730                 When setting an environment it is important to understand its
1731                 application. It is not meant to describe the flows that will run
1732                 on the ports using this environment, but what the user means TO DO
1733                 with the PCD mechanisms in order to parse-classify-distribute those
1734                 frames.
1735                 By specifying a distinction unit, the user means it would use that option
1736                 for distinction between frames at either a keygen scheme keygen or a coarse
1737                 classification action descriptor. Using interchangeable headers to define a
1738                 unit means that the user is indifferent to which of the interchangeable
1739                 headers is present in the frame, and they want the distinction to be based
1740                 on the presence of either one of them.
1741                 Depending on context, there are limitations to the use of environments. A
1742                 port using the PCD functionality is bound to an environment. Some or even
1743                 all ports may share an environment but also an environment per port is
1744                 possible. When initializing a scheme, a classification plan group (see below),
1745                 or a coarse classification tree, one of the initialized environments must be
1746                 stated and related to. When a port is bound to a scheme, a classification
1747                 plan group, or a coarse classification tree, it MUST be bound to the same
1748                 environment.
1749                 The different PCD modules, may relate (for flows definition) ONLY on
1750                 distinction units as defined by their environment. When initializing a
1751                 scheme for example, it may not choose to select IPV4 as a match for
1752                 recognizing flows unless it was defined in the relating environment. In
1753                 fact, to guide the user through the configuration of the PCD, each module's
1754                 characterization in terms of flows is not done using protocol names, but using
1755                 environment indexes.
1756                 In terms of HW implementation, the list of distinction units sets the LCV vectors
1757                 and later used for match vector, classification plan vectors and coarse classification
1758                 indexing.
1760  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         FM PCD module descriptor.
1761  @Param[in]     p_NetEnvParams  A structure of parameters for the initialization of
1762                                 the network environment.
1764  @Return        A handle to the initialized object on success; NULL code otherwise.
1766  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
1767 *//***************************************************************************/
1768 t_Handle FM_PCD_SetNetEnvCharacteristics(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_FmPcdNetEnvParams *p_NetEnvParams);
1770 /**************************************************************************//**
1771  @Function      FM_PCD_DeleteNetEnvCharacteristics
1773  @Description   Deletes a set of Network Environment Characteristics.
1775  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         FM PCD module descriptor.
1776  @Param[in]     h_NetEnv        A handle to the Network environment.
1778  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
1779 *//***************************************************************************/
1780 t_Error FM_PCD_DeleteNetEnvCharacteristics(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_Handle h_NetEnv);
1782 /**************************************************************************//**
1783  @Function      FM_PCD_KgSetScheme
1785  @Description   Initializing or modifying and enabling a scheme for the keygen.
1786                 This routine should be called for adding or modifying a scheme.
1787                 When a scheme needs modifying, the API requires that it will be
1788                 rewritten. In such a case 'modify' should be TRUE. If the
1789                 routine is called for a valid scheme and 'modify' is FALSE,
1790                 it will return error.
1792  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         A handle to an FM PCD Module.
1793  @Param[in,out] p_Scheme        A structure of parameters for defining the scheme
1795  @Return        A handle to the initialized scheme on success; NULL code otherwise.
1797  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
1798 *//***************************************************************************/
1799 t_Handle FM_PCD_KgSetScheme (t_Handle                h_FmPcd,
1800                              t_FmPcdKgSchemeParams   *p_Scheme);
1802 /**************************************************************************//**
1803  @Function      FM_PCD_KgDeleteScheme
1805  @Description   Deleting an initialized scheme.
1807  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         A handle to an FM PCD Module.
1808  @Param[in]     h_Scheme        scheme handle as returned by FM_PCD_KgSetScheme
1810  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
1811  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
1812 *//***************************************************************************/
1813 t_Error     FM_PCD_KgDeleteScheme(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_Handle h_Scheme);
1815 /**************************************************************************//**
1816  @Function      FM_PCD_KgGetSchemeCounter
1818  @Description   Reads scheme packet counter.
1820  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         FM PCD module descriptor.
1821  @Param[in]     h_Scheme        scheme handle as returned by FM_PCD_KgSetScheme.
1823  @Return        Counter's current value.
1825  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
1826 *//***************************************************************************/
1827 uint32_t  FM_PCD_KgGetSchemeCounter(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_Handle h_Scheme);
1829 /**************************************************************************//**
1830  @Function      FM_PCD_KgSetSchemeCounter
1832  @Description   Writes scheme packet counter.
1834  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         FM PCD module descriptor.
1835  @Param[in]     h_Scheme        scheme handle as returned by FM_PCD_KgSetScheme.
1836  @Param[in]     value           New scheme counter value - typically '0' for
1837                                 resetting the counter.
1838  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
1840  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
1841 *//***************************************************************************/
1842 t_Error  FM_PCD_KgSetSchemeCounter(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_Handle h_Scheme, uint32_t value);
1844 /**************************************************************************//**
1845  @Function      FM_PCD_CcBuildTree
1847  @Description   This routine must be called to define a complete coarse
1848                 classification tree. This is the way to define coarse
1849                 classification to a certain flow - the keygen schemes
1850                 may point only to trees defined in this way.
1852  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd                 FM PCD module descriptor.
1853  @Param[in]     p_FmPcdCcTreeParams     A structure of parameters to define the tree.
1855  @Return        A handle to the initialized object on success; NULL code otherwise.
1857  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
1858 *//***************************************************************************/
1859 t_Handle FM_PCD_CcBuildTree (t_Handle             h_FmPcd,
1860                              t_FmPcdCcTreeParams  *p_FmPcdCcTreeParams);
1862 /**************************************************************************//**
1863  @Function      FM_PCD_CcDeleteTree
1865  @Description   Deleting an built tree.
1867  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         A handle to an FM PCD Module.
1868  @Param[in]     h_CcTree        A handle to a CC tree.
1870  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
1871 *//***************************************************************************/
1872 t_Error FM_PCD_CcDeleteTree(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_Handle h_CcTree);
1874 /**************************************************************************//**
1875  @Function      FM_PCD_CcSetNode
1877  @Description   This routine should be called for each CC (coarse classification)
1878                 node. The whole CC tree should be built bottom up so that each
1879                 node points to already defined nodes.
1881  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd             FM PCD module descriptor.
1882  @Param[in]     p_CcNodeParam       A structure of parameters defining the CC node
1884  @Return        A handle to the initialized object on success; NULL code otherwise.
1886  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
1887 *//***************************************************************************/
1888 t_Handle   FM_PCD_CcSetNode(t_Handle             h_FmPcd,
1889                             t_FmPcdCcNodeParams  *p_CcNodeParam);
1891 /**************************************************************************//**
1892  @Function      FM_PCD_CcDeleteNode
1894  @Description   Deleting an built node.
1896  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         A handle to an FM PCD Module.
1897  @Param[in]     h_CcNode        A handle to a CC node.
1899  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
1900 *//***************************************************************************/
1901 t_Error FM_PCD_CcDeleteNode(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_Handle h_CcNode);
1903 /**************************************************************************//**
1904  @Function      FM_PCD_CcTreeModifyNextEngine
1906  @Description   Modify the Next Engine Parameters in the entry of the tree.
1908  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd                     A handle to an FM PCD Module.
1909  @Param[in]     h_CcTree                    A handle to the tree
1910  @Param[in]     grpId                       A Group index in the tree
1911  @Param[in]     index                       Entry index in the group defined by grpId
1912  @Param[in]     p_FmPcdCcNextEngineParams   A structure for defining new next engine params
1914  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
1916  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_CcBuildTree().
1917 *//***************************************************************************/
1918 t_Error FM_PCD_CcTreeModifyNextEngine(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_Handle h_CcTree, uint8_t grpId, uint8_t index, t_FmPcdCcNextEngineParams *p_FmPcdCcNextEngineParams);
1920 /**************************************************************************//**
1921  @Function      FM_PCD_CcNodeModifyNextEngine
1923  @Description   Modify the Next Engine Parameters in the relevant key entry of the node.
1925  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd                     A handle to an FM PCD Module.
1926  @Param[in]     h_CcNode                    A handle to the node
1927  @Param[in]     keyIndex                    Key index for Next Engine Params modifications
1928  @Param[in]     p_FmPcdCcNextEngineParams   A structure for defining new next engine params
1930  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
1932  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_CcSetNode().
1933 *//***************************************************************************/
1934 t_Error FM_PCD_CcNodeModifyNextEngine(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_Handle h_CcNode, uint8_t keyIndex, t_FmPcdCcNextEngineParams *p_FmPcdCcNextEngineParams);
1936 /**************************************************************************//**
1937  @Function      FM_PCD_CcNodeModifyMissNextEngine
1939  @Description   Modify the Next Engine Parameters of the Miss key case of the node.
1941  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd                     A handle to an FM PCD Module.
1942  @Param[in]     h_CcNode                    A handle to the node
1943  @Param[in]     p_FmPcdCcNextEngineParams   A structure for defining new next engine params
1945  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
1947  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_CcSetNode().
1948 *//***************************************************************************/
1949 t_Error FM_PCD_CcNodeModifyMissNextEngine(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_Handle h_CcNode, t_FmPcdCcNextEngineParams *p_FmPcdCcNextEngineParams);
1951 /**************************************************************************//**
1952  @Function      FM_PCD_CcNodeRemoveKey
1954  @Description   Remove the key (include Next Engine Parameters of this key) defined by the index of the relevant node .
1956  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd                     A handle to an FM PCD Module.
1957  @Param[in]     h_CcNode                    A handle to the node
1958  @Param[in]     keyIndex                    Key index for removing
1960  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
1962  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_CcSetNode() not only of the relevant node but also
1963                 the node that points to this node
1964 *//***************************************************************************/
1965 t_Error FM_PCD_CcNodeRemoveKey(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_Handle h_CcNode, uint8_t keyIndex);
1967 /**************************************************************************//**
1968  @Function      FM_PCD_CcNodeAddKey
1970  @Description   Add the key(include Next Engine Parameters of this key)in the index defined by the keyIndex .
1972  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd                     A handle to an FM PCD Module.
1973  @Param[in]     h_CcNode                    A handle to the node
1974  @Param[in]     keyIndex                    Key index for adding
1975  @Param[in]     keySize                     Key size of added key
1976  @Param[in]     p_KeyParams                 A pointer to the parameters includes new key with Next Engine Parameters
1978  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
1980  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_CcSetNode() not only of the relevant node but also
1981                 the node that points to this node
1982 *//***************************************************************************/
1983 t_Error FM_PCD_CcNodeAddKey(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_Handle h_CcNode, uint8_t keyIndex, uint8_t keySize, t_FmPcdCcKeyParams  *p_KeyParams);
1985 /**************************************************************************//**
1986  @Function      FM_PCD_CcNodeModifyKeyAndNextEngine
1988  @Description   Modify the key and Next Engine Parameters of this key in the index defined by the keyIndex .
1990  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd                     A handle to an FM PCD Module.
1991  @Param[in]     h_CcNode                    A handle to the node
1992  @Param[in]     keyIndex                    Key index for adding
1993  @Param[in]     keySize                     Key size of added key
1994  @Param[in]     p_KeyParams                 A pointer to the parameters includes modified key and modified Next Engine Parameters
1996  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
1998  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_CcSetNode() not only of the relevant node but also
1999                 the node that points to this node
2000 *//***************************************************************************/
2001 t_Error FM_PCD_CcNodeModifyKeyAndNextEngine(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_Handle h_CcNode, uint8_t keyIndex, uint8_t keySize, t_FmPcdCcKeyParams  *p_KeyParams);
2003 /**************************************************************************//**
2004  @Function      FM_PCD_CcNodeModifyKey
2006  @Description   Modify the key  in the index defined by the keyIndex .
2008  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd                     A handle to an FM PCD Module.
2009  @Param[in]     h_CcNode                    A handle to the node
2010  @Param[in]     keyIndex                    Key index for adding
2011  @Param[in]     keySize                     Key size of added key
2012  @Param[in]     p_Key                       A pointer to the new key
2013  @Param[in]     p_Mask                      A pointer to the new mask if relevant, otherwise pointer to NULL
2015  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
2017  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_CcSetNode() not only of the relevant node but also
2018                 the node that points to this node
2019 *//***************************************************************************/
2020 t_Error FM_PCD_CcNodeModifyKey(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_Handle h_CcNode, uint8_t keyIndex, uint8_t keySize, uint8_t  *p_Key, uint8_t *p_Mask);
2022 /**************************************************************************//**
2023  @Function      FM_PCD_CcNodeGetKeyCounter
2025  @Description   This routine may be used to get a counter of specific key in a CC
2026                 Node; This counter reflects how many frames passed that were matched
2027                 this key.
2029  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd                     A handle to an FM PCD Module.
2030  @Param[in]     h_CcNode                    A handle to the node
2031  @Param[in]     keyIndex                    Key index for adding
2033  @Return        The specific key counter.
2035  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_CcSetNode() not only of the relevant node but also
2036                 the node that points to this node
2037 *//***************************************************************************/
2038 uint32_t FM_PCD_CcNodeGetKeyCounter(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_Handle h_CcNode, uint8_t keyIndex);
2040 /**************************************************************************//**
2041  @Function      FM_PCD_PlcrSetProfile
2043  @Description   Sets a profile entry in the policer profile table.
2044                 The routine overrides any existing value.
2046  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd           A handle to an FM PCD Module.
2047  @Param[in]     p_Profile         A structure of parameters for defining a
2048                                   policer profile entry.
2050  @Return        A handle to the initialized object on success; NULL code otherwise.
2052  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
2053 *//***************************************************************************/
2054 t_Handle FM_PCD_PlcrSetProfile(t_Handle                  h_FmPcd,
2055                                t_FmPcdPlcrProfileParams  *p_Profile);
2057 /**************************************************************************//**
2058  @Function      FM_PCD_PlcrDeleteProfile
2060  @Description   Delete a profile entry in the policer profile table.
2061                 The routine set entry to invalid.
2063  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         A handle to an FM PCD Module.
2064  @Param[in]     h_Profile       A handle to the profile.
2066  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
2068  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
2069 *//***************************************************************************/
2070 t_Error FM_PCD_PlcrDeleteProfile(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_Handle h_Profile);
2072 /**************************************************************************//**
2073  @Function      FM_PCD_PlcrGetProfileCounter
2075  @Description   Sets an entry in the classification plan.
2076                 The routine overrides any existing value.
2078  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd             A handle to an FM PCD Module.
2079  @Param[in]     h_Profile       A handle to the profile.
2080  @Param[in]     counter             Counter selector.
2082  @Return        specific counter value.
2084  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
2085 *//***************************************************************************/
2086 uint32_t FM_PCD_PlcrGetProfileCounter(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_Handle h_Profile, e_FmPcdPlcrProfileCounters counter);
2088 /**************************************************************************//**
2089  @Function      FM_PCD_PlcrSetProfileCounter
2091  @Description   Sets an entry in the classification plan.
2092                 The routine overrides any existing value.
2094  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         A handle to an FM PCD Module.
2095  @Param[in]     h_Profile       A handle to the profile.
2096  @Param[in]     counter         Counter selector.
2097  @Param[in]     value           value to set counter with.
2099  @Return        E_OK on success; Error code otherwise.
2101  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
2102 *//***************************************************************************/
2103 t_Error FM_PCD_PlcrSetProfileCounter(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_Handle h_Profile, e_FmPcdPlcrProfileCounters counter, uint32_t value);
2105 #if defined(FM_CAPWAP_SUPPORT)
2106 /**************************************************************************//**
2107  @Function      FM_PCD_ManipSetNode
2109  @Description   This routine should be called for defining a manipulation
2110                 node. A manipulation node must be defined before the CC node
2111                 that precedes it.
2113  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd             FM PCD module descriptor.
2114  @Param[in]     p_FmPcdManipParams  A structure of parameters defining the manipulation
2116  @Return        A handle to the initialized object on success; NULL code otherwise.
2118  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
2119 *//***************************************************************************/
2120 t_Handle FM_PCD_ManipSetNode(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_FmPcdManipParams *p_FmPcdManipParams);
2122 /**************************************************************************//**
2123  @Function      FM_PCD_ManipDeleteNode
2125  @Description   Delete an existing manip node.
2127  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd         A handle to an FM PCD Module.
2128  @Param[in]     h_HdrManipNode  A handle to a Manip node.
2130  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
2131 *//***************************************************************************/
2132 t_Error  FM_PCD_ManipDeleteNode(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_Handle h_HdrManipNode);
2133 #endif /* defined(FM_CAPWAP_SUPPORT) || ... */
2137 /**************************************************************************//**
2138  @Function      FM_PCD_StatisticsSetNode
2140  @Description   This routine should be called for defining a statistics
2141                 node.
2143  @Param[in]     h_FmPcd             FM PCD module descriptor.
2144  @Param[in]     p_FmPcdstatsParams  A structure of parameters defining the statistics
2146  @Return        A handle to the initialized object on success; NULL code otherwise.
2148  @Cautions      Allowed only following FM_PCD_Init().
2149 *//***************************************************************************/
2150 t_Handle FM_PCD_StatisticsSetNode(t_Handle h_FmPcd, t_FmPcdStatsParams *p_FmPcdstatsParams);
2151 #endif /* FM_CAPWAP_SUPPORT */
2153 /** @} */ /* end of FM_PCD_Runtime_tree_buildgrp group */
2154 /** @} */ /* end of FM_PCD_Runtime_grp group */
2155 /** @} */ /* end of FM_PCD_grp group */
2156 /** @} */ /* end of FM_grp group */
2160 #endif /* __FM_PCD_EXT */