1*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot* Marvell Armada 39x SoC pinctrl driver for mpp 2*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot 3*c66ec88fSEmmanuel VadotPlease refer to marvell,mvebu-pinctrl.txt in this directory for common binding 4*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotpart and usage. 5*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot 6*c66ec88fSEmmanuel VadotRequired properties: 7*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot- compatible: "marvell,88f6920-pinctrl", "marvell,88f6925-pinctrl" or 8*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot "marvell,88f6928-pinctrl" depending on the specific variant of the 9*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot SoC being used. 10*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot- reg: register specifier of MPP registers 11*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot 12*c66ec88fSEmmanuel VadotAvailable mpp pins/groups and functions: 13*c66ec88fSEmmanuel VadotNote: brackets (x) are not part of the mpp name for marvell,function and given 14*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotonly for more detailed description in this document. 15*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot 16*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotname pins functions 17*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot================================================================================ 18*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp0 0 gpio, ua0(rxd) 19*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp1 1 gpio, ua0(txd) 20*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp2 2 gpio, i2c0(sck) 21*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp3 3 gpio, i2c0(sda) 22*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp4 4 gpio, ua1(txd), ua0(rts), smi(mdc) 23*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp5 5 gpio, ua1(rxd), ua0(cts), smi(mdio) 24*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp6 6 gpio, dev(cs3), xsmi(mdio) 25*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp7 7 gpio, dev(ad9), xsmi(mdc) 26*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp8 8 gpio, dev(ad10), ptp(trig) 27*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp9 9 gpio, dev(ad11), ptp(clk) 28*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp10 10 gpio, dev(ad12), ptp(evreq) 29*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp11 11 gpio, dev(ad13), led(clk) 30*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp12 12 gpio, pcie0(rstout), dev(ad14), led(stb) 31*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp13 13 gpio, dev(ad15), pcie2(clkreq), led(data) 32*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp14 14 gpio, dram(vttctrl), dev(we1), ua1(txd) 33*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp15 15 gpio, pcie0(rstout), spi0(mosi), i2c1(sck) 34*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp16 16 gpio, dram(deccerr), spi0(miso), pcie0(clkreq), i2c1(sda) 35*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp17 17 gpio, ua1(rxd), spi0(sck), sata1(prsnt) [1], sata0(prsnt) [1], smi(mdio) 36*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp18 18 gpio, ua1(txd), spi0(cs0), i2c2(sck) 37*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp19 19 gpio, sata1(prsnt) [1], ua0(cts), ua1(rxd), i2c2(sda) 38*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp20 20 gpio, sata0(prsnt) [1], ua0(rts), ua1(txd), smi(mdc) 39*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp21 21 gpio, spi0(cs1), sata0(prsnt) [1], sd0(cmd), dev(bootcs), 40*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot sata1(prsnt) [1], ge(rxd0) 41*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp22 22 gpio, spi0(mosi), dev(ad0) 42*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp23 23 gpio, spi0(sck), dev(ad2) 43*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp24 24 gpio, spi0(miso), ua0(cts), ua1(rxd), sd0(d4), dev(ready) 44*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp25 25 gpio, spi0(cs0), ua0(rts), ua1(txd), sd0(d5), dev(cs0) 45*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp26 26 gpio, spi0(cs2), i2c1(sck), sd0(d6), dev(cs1) 46*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp27 27 gpio, spi0(cs3), i2c1(sda), sd0(d7), dev(cs2), ge(txclkout) 47*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp28 28 gpio, sd0(clk), dev(ad5), ge(txd0) 48*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp29 29 gpio, dev(ale0), ge(txd1) 49*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp30 30 gpio, dev(oe), ge(txd2) 50*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp31 31 gpio, dev(ale1), ge(txd3) 51*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp32 32 gpio, dev(we0), ge(txctl) 52*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp33 33 gpio, dram(deccerr), dev(ad3) 53*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp34 34 gpio, dev(ad1) 54*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp35 35 gpio, ref(clk), dev(a1) 55*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp36 36 gpio, dev(a0) 56*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp37 37 gpio, sd0(d3), dev(ad8), ge(rxclk) 57*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp38 38 gpio, ref(clk), sd0(d0), dev(ad4), ge(rxd1) 58*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp39 39 gpio, i2c1(sck), ua0(cts), sd0(d1), dev(a2), ge(rxd2) 59*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp40 40 gpio, i2c1(sda), ua0(rts), sd0(d2), dev(ad6), ge(rxd3) 60*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp41 41 gpio, ua1(rxd), ua0(cts), spi1(cs3), dev(burst/last), nand(rb0), ge(rxctl) 61*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp42 42 gpio, ua1(txd), ua0(rts), dev(ad7) 62*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp43 43 gpio, pcie0(clkreq), dram(vttctrl), dram(deccerr), spi1(cs2), dev(clkout), nand(rb1) 63*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp44 44 gpio, sata0(prsnt) [1], sata1(prsnt) [1], sata2(prsnt) [2], 64*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot sata3(prsnt) [2], led(clk) 65*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp45 45 gpio, ref(clk), pcie0(rstout), ua1(rxd) 66*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp46 46 gpio, ref(clk), pcie0(rstout), ua1(txd), led(stb) 67*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp47 47 gpio, sata0(prsnt) [1], sata1(prsnt) [1], sata2(prsnt) [2], 68*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot sata3(prsnt) [2], led(data) 69*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp48 48 gpio, sata0(prsnt) [1], dram(vttctrl), tdm(pclk) [2], audio(mclk) [2], sd0(d4), pcie0(clkreq), ua1(txd) 70*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp49 49 gpio, sata2(prsnt) [2], sata3(prsnt) [2], tdm(fsync) [2], 71*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot audio(lrclk) [2], sd0(d5), ua2(rxd) 72*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp50 50 gpio, pcie0(rstout), tdm(drx) [2], audio(extclk) [2], sd0(cmd), ua2(rxd) 73*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp51 51 gpio, tdm(dtx) [2], audio(sdo) [2], dram(deccerr), ua2(txd) 74*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp52 52 gpio, pcie0(rstout), tdm(int) [2], audio(sdi) [2], sd0(d6), i2c3(sck) 75*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp53 53 gpio, sata1(prsnt) [1], sata0(prsnt) [1], tdm(rst) [2], audio(bclk) [2], sd0(d7), i2c3(sda) 76*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp54 54 gpio, sata0(prsnt) [1], sata1(prsnt) [1], pcie0(rstout), sd0(d3), ua3(txd) 77*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp55 55 gpio, ua1(cts), spi1(cs1), sd0(d0), ua1(rxd), ua3(rxd) 78*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp56 56 gpio, ua1(rts), dram(deccerr), spi1(mosi), ua1(txd) 79*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp57 57 gpio, spi1(sck), sd0(clk), ua1(txd) 80*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp58 58 gpio, i2c1(sck), pcie2(clkreq), spi1(miso), sd0(d1), ua1(rxd) 81*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmpp59 59 gpio, pcie0(rstout), i2c1(sda), spi1(cs0), sd0(d2) 82*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot 83*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot[1]: only available on 88F6925/88F6928 84*c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot[2]: only available on 88F6928 85