1c4765af7SWarner Losh# 2c4765af7SWarner Losh# The include file <dtb.mk> handles building and installing dtb files. 3c4765af7SWarner Losh# 4c4765af7SWarner Losh# +++ variables +++ 5c4765af7SWarner Losh# 646375c65SEmmanuel Vadot# DTC The Device Tree Compiler to use 746375c65SEmmanuel Vadot# 8c4765af7SWarner Losh# DTS List of the dts files to build and install. 9c4765af7SWarner Losh# 10*dc463613SKyle Evans# DTSO List of the dts overlay files to build and install. 11*dc463613SKyle Evans# 12c4765af7SWarner Losh# DTBDIR Base path for dtb modules [/boot/dtb] 13c4765af7SWarner Losh# 14c4765af7SWarner Losh# DTBOWN .dtb file owner. [${BINOWN}] 15c4765af7SWarner Losh# 16c4765af7SWarner Losh# DTBGRP .dtb file group. [${BINGRP}] 17c4765af7SWarner Losh# 18c4765af7SWarner Losh# DTBMODE Module file mode. [${BINMODE}] 19c4765af7SWarner Losh# 20c4765af7SWarner Losh# DESTDIR The tree where the module gets installed. [not set] 21c4765af7SWarner Losh# 22c4765af7SWarner Losh# +++ targets +++ 23c4765af7SWarner Losh# 24c4765af7SWarner Losh# install: 25c4765af7SWarner Losh# install the kernel module; if the Makefile 26c4765af7SWarner Losh# does not itself define the target install, the targets 27c4765af7SWarner Losh# beforeinstall and afterinstall may also be used to cause 28c4765af7SWarner Losh# actions immediately before and after the install target 29c4765af7SWarner Losh# is executed. 30c4765af7SWarner Losh# 31c4765af7SWarner Losh 32*dc463613SKyle Evans.include "dtb.build.mk" 33c4765af7SWarner Losh 34*dc463613SKyle Evans.if !target(install) && !target(realinstall) 35c2f5940dSEmmanuel Vadotall: ${DTB} ${DTBO} 36c4765af7SWarner Loshrealinstall: _dtbinstall 37*dc463613SKyle Evans.ORDER: beforeinstall _dtbinstall 38*dc463613SKyle Evans 39*dc463613SKyle EvansCLEANFILES+=${DTB} ${DTBO} 40*dc463613SKyle Evans.endif # !target(install) && !target(realinstall) 41c4765af7SWarner Losh 42c4765af7SWarner Losh.include <bsd.dep.mk> 43c4765af7SWarner Losh.include <bsd.obj.mk> 442b372753SWarner Losh.include <bsd.links.mk> 45