1# $FreeBSD$ 2 3# The boot loader 4.if !defined(NO_BOOT) 5.if ${MACHINE_ARCH} != "arm" 6SUBDIR= boot 7.endif 8.endif 9 10# Directories to include in cscope name file and TAGS. 11CSCOPEDIRS= coda compat conf contrib crypto ddb dev fs gnu i4b isa \ 12 isofs kern libkern modules net netatalk netatm netgraph \ 13 netinet netinet6 netipx netkey netnatm netncp netsmb nfs \ 14 pccard pci posix4 sys ufs vm ${ARCHDIR} 15 16ARCHDIR ?= ${MACHINE} 17 18# Loadable kernel modules 19 20.if defined(MODULES_WITH_WORLD) 21SUBDIR+=modules 22.endif 23 24HTAGSFLAGS+= -at `awk -F= '/^RELEASE *=/{release=$2}; END {print "FreeBSD", release, "kernel"}' < conf/newvers.sh` 25 26cscope: ${.CURDIR}/cscopenamefile 27 cd ${.CURDIR}; cscope -k -p4 -i cscopenamefile 28 29${.CURDIR}/cscopenamefile: 30 cd ${.CURDIR}; find ${CSCOPEDIRS} -name "*.[csh]" > ${.TARGET} 31 32TAGS ${.CURDIR}/TAGS: ${.CURDIR}/cscopenamefile 33 rm -f ${.CURDIR}/TAGS 34 cd ${.CURDIR}; xargs etags -a < ${.CURDIR}/cscopenamefile 35 36.include <bsd.subdir.mk> 37