xref: /freebsd/stand/i386/boot0/boot0.S (revision 94a82666846d62cdff7d78f78d428df35412e50d)
2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Luigi Rizzo (mostly documentation)
3 * Copyright (c) 2002 Bruce M. Simpson
4 * Copyright (c) 1998 Robert Nordier
5 * All rights reserved.
6 *
7 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are freely
8 * permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this
9 * paragraph and the following disclaimer are duplicated in all
10 * such forms.
11 *
12 * This software is provided "AS IS" and without any express or
13 * implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
14 * warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
15 * purpose.
16 *
17 * $FreeBSD$
18 */
20/* build options: */
21#ifdef SIO		/* use serial console on COM1.	*/
24#ifdef PXE		/* enable PXE/INT18 booting with F6 */
28#ifdef CHECK_DRIVE	/* make sure we boot from a HD. */
31#ifdef ONLY_F_KEYS	/* Only F1..F6, no digits on console */
34#ifdef VOLUME_SERIAL	/* support Volume serial number */
35#define B0_BASE	0x1ae	/* move the internal data area */
36#define SAVE_MEMORY
38#define B0_BASE	0x1b2
41#ifdef TEST		/* enable some test code */
42#define SAVE_MEMORY
47 * Note - this code uses many tricks to save space and fit in one sector.
48 * This includes using side effects of certain instructions, reusing
49 * register values from previous operations, etc.
50 * Be extremely careful when changing the code, even for simple things.
51 */
55 *
56 * This code implements a Main Boot Record (MBR) for an Intel/PC disk.
57 * It is 512 bytes long and it is normally loaded by the BIOS (or another
58 * bootloader) at 0:0x7c00. This code depends on %cs:%ip being 0:0x7c00
59 *
60 * The initial chunk of instructions is used as a signature by external
61 * tools (e.g. boot0cfg) which can manipulate the block itself.
62 *
63 * The area at offset 0x1b2 contains a magic string ('Drive '), also
64 * used as a signature to detect the block, and some variables that can
65 * be updated by boot0cfg (and optionally written back to the disk).
66 * These variables control the operation of the bootloader itself,
67 * e.g. which partitions to enable, the timeout, the use of LBA
68 * (called 'packet') or CHS mode, whether to force a drive number,
69 * and whether to write back the user's selection back to disk.
70 *
71 * As in every Main Boot Record, the partition table is at 0x1be,
72 * made of four 16-byte entries each containing:
73 *
75 *    0	  1	status (0x80: bootable, 0: non bootable)
76 *    1	  3	start sector CHS
77 *		   8:head, 6:sector, 2:cyl bit 9..8, 8:cyl bit 7..0
78 *    4   1	partition type
79 *    5   3	end sector CHS
80 *    8   4	LBA of first sector
81 *   12   4	partition size in sectors
82 *
83 * and followed by the two bytes 0x55, 0xAA (MBR signature).
84 */
89 *
90 * On entry, the registers contain the following values:
91 *
92 *	%cs:%ip	0:0x7c00
93 *	%dl	drive number (0x80, 0x81, ... )
94 *	%si	pointer to the partition table from which we were loaded.
95 *		Some boot code (e.g. syslinux) use this info to relocate
96 *		themselves, so we want to pass a valid one to the next stage.
97 *		NOTE: the use of %si is not a standard.
98 *
99 * This boot block first relocates itself at a different address (0:0x600),
100 * to free the space at 0:0x7c00 for the next stage boot block.
101 *
102 * It then initializes some memory at 0:0x800 and above (pointed by %bp)
103 * to store the original drive number (%dl) passed to us, and to construct a
104 * fake partition entry. The latter is used by the disk I/O routine and,
105 * in some cases, passed in %si to the next stage boot code.
106 *
107 * The variables at 0x1b2 are accessed as negative offsets from %bp.
108 *
109 * After the relocation, the code scans the partition table printing
110 * out enabled partition or disks, and waits for user input.
111 *
112 * When a partition is selected, or a timeout expires, the currently
113 * selected partition is used to load the next stage boot code,
114 * %dl and %si are set appropriately as when we were called, and
115 * control is transferred to the newly loaded code at 0:0x7c00.
116 */
120 *
121 * NHRDRV is the address in segment 0 where the BIOS writes the
122 *	total number of hard disks in the system.
123 * LOAD is the original load address and cannot be changed.
124 * ORIGIN is the relocation address. If you change it, you also need
125 * 	to change the value passed to the linker in the Makefile
126 * PRT_OFF is the location of the partition table (from the MBR standard).
127 * B0_OFF is the location of the data area, known to boot0cfg so
128 *	it cannot be changed. Computed as a negative offset from 0x200
129 * MAGIC is the signature of a boot block.
130 */
132		.set NHRDRV,0x475		# Number of hard drives
133		.set ORIGIN,0x600		# Execution address
134		.set LOAD,0x7c00		# Load address
136		.set PRT_OFF,0x1be		# Partition table
137		.set B0_OFF,(B0_BASE-0x200)	# Offset of boot0 data
139		.set MAGIC,0xaa55		# Magic: bootable
141		.set KEY_ENTER,0x1c		# Enter key scan code
142		.set KEY_F1,0x3b		# F1 key scan code
143		.set KEY_1,0x02			# #1 key scan code
145		.set ASCII_BEL,'#'		# ASCII code for <BEL>
146		.set ASCII_CR,0x0D		# ASCII code for <CR>
149 * Offsets of variables in the block at B0_OFF, and in the volatile
150 * data area, computed as displacement from %bp.
151 * We need to define them as constant as the assembler cannot
152 * compute them in its single pass.
153 */
154		.set _NXTDRV,	B0_OFF+6	# Next drive
155		.set _OPT,	B0_OFF+7	# Default option
156		.set _SETDRV,	B0_OFF+8	# Drive to force
157		.set _FLAGS,	B0_OFF+9	# Flags
158		.set SETDRV,	0x20		# the 'setdrv' flag
159		.set NOUPDATE,	0x40		# the 'noupdate' flag
160		.set USEPACKET,	0x80		# the 'packet' flag
162	/* ticks is at a fixed position */
163		.set _TICKS,	(PRT_OFF - 0x200 - 2)	# Timeout ticks
164		.set _MNUOPT, 0x10		# Saved menu entries
166		.set TLEN, (desc_ofs - bootable_ids)	# size of bootable ids
167		.globl start			# Entry point
168		.code16				# This runs in real mode
172 * Initialise segments and registers to known values.
173 * segments start at 0.
174 * The stack is immediately below the address we were loaded to.
175 * NOTE: the initial section of the code (up to movw $LOAD,%sp)
176 * is used by boot0cfg, together with the 'Drive ' string and
177 * the 0x55, 0xaa at the end, as an identifier for version 1.0
178 * of the boot code. Do not change it.
179 * In version 1.0 the parameter table (_NEXTDRV etc) is at 0x1b9
180 */
181start:		cld				# String ops inc
182		xorw %ax,%ax			# Zero
183		movw %ax,%es			# Address
184		movw %ax,%ds			#  data
185		movw %ax,%ss			# Set up
186		movw $LOAD,%sp			#  stack
188	/*
189	 * Copy this code to the address it was linked for, 0x600 by default.
190	 */
191		movw %sp,%si			# Source
192		movw $start,%di			# Destination
193		movw $0x100,%cx			# Word count
194		rep				# Relocate
195		movsw				#  code
196	/*
197	 * After the code, (i.e. at %di+0, 0x800) create a partition entry,
198	 * initialized to LBA 0 / CHS 0:0:1.
199	 * Set %bp to point to the partition and also, with negative offsets,
200	 * to the variables embedded in the bootblock (nextdrv and so on).
201	 */
202		movw %di,%bp			# Address variables
203		movb $0x8,%cl			# Words to clear
204		rep				# Zero
205		stosw				#  them
206		incb -0xe(%di)			# Set the S field to 1
208		jmp main-LOAD+ORIGIN		# Jump to relocated code
211#if defined(SIO) && COMSPEED != 0
212	/*
213	 * Init the serial port. bioscom preserves the driver number in DX.
214	 */
215		movw $COMSPEED,%ax		# defined by Makefile
216		callw bioscom
219	/*
220	 * If the 'setdrv' flag is set in the boot sector, use the drive
221	 * number from the boot sector at 'setdrv_num'.
222	 * Optionally, do the same if the BIOS gives us an invalid number
223	 * (note though that the override prevents booting from a floppy
224	 * or a ZIP/flash drive in floppy emulation).
225	 * The test costs 4 bytes of code so it is disabled by default.
226	 */
227		testb $SETDRV,_FLAGS(%bp)	# Set drive number?
228#ifndef CHECK_DRIVE	/* disable drive checks */
229		jz save_curdrive		# no, use the default
231		jnz disable_update		# Yes
232		testb %dl,%dl			# Drive number valid?
233		js save_curdrive		# Possibly (0x80 set)
235	/*
236	 * Disable updates if the drive number is forced.
237	 */
238disable_update:	orb $NOUPDATE,_FLAGS(%bp)	# Disable updates
239		movb _SETDRV(%bp),%dl		# Use stored drive number
241	/*
242	 * Whatever drive we decided to use, store it at (%bp). The byte
243	 * is normally used for the state of the partition (0x80 or 0x00),
244	 * but we abuse it as it is very convenient to access at offset 0.
245	 * The value is read back after 'check_selection'
246	 */
247save_curdrive:	movb %dl, (%bp)			# Save drive number
248		pushw %dx			# Also in the stack
249#ifdef	TEST	/* test code, print internal bios drive */
250		rolb $1, %dl
251		movw $drive, %si
252		call putkey
254		callw putn			# Print a newline
255	/*
256	 * Start out with a pointer to the 4th byte of the first table entry
257	 * so that after 4 iterations it's beyond the end of the sector
258	 * and beyond a 256 byte boundary. We use the latter trick to check for
259	 * end of the loop without using an extra register (see start.5).
260	 */
261		movw $(partbl+0x4),%bx		# Partition table (+4)
262		xorw %dx,%dx			# Item number
264	/*
265	 * Loop around on the partition table, printing values until we
266	 * pass a 256 byte boundary.
267	 */
268read_entry:	movb %ch,-0x4(%bx)		# Zero active flag (ch == 0)
269		btw %dx,_FLAGS(%bp)		# Entry enabled?
270		jnc next_entry			# No
271		movb (%bx),%al			# Load type
272		test %al, %al			# skip empty partition
273		jz next_entry
274	/*
275	 * Scan the table of bootable ids, which starts at %di and has
276	 * length TLEN. On a match, %di points to the element following the
277	 * match; the corresponding offset to the description is $(TLEN-1)
278	 * bytes ahead. We use a count of TLEN+1 so if we don't find a match
279	 * within the first TLEN entries, we hit the 'unknown' entry.
280	 */
281		movw $bootable_ids,%di		# Lookup tables
282		movb $(TLEN+1),%cl		# Number of entries
283		repne				# Locate
284		scasb				#  type
285	/*
286	 * Get the matching element in the next array.
287	 * The byte at $(TLEN-1)(%di) contains the offset of the description
288	 * string from %di, so we add the number and print the string.
289	 */
290		addw $(TLEN-1), %di		# Adjust
291		movb (%di),%cl			# Partition
292		addw %cx,%di			#  description
293		callw putx			# Display it
295next_entry:	incw %dx			# Next item
296		addb $0x10,%bl			# Next entry
297		jnc read_entry			# Till done
298	/*
299	 * We are past a 256 byte boundary: the partition table is finished.
300	 * Add one to the drive number and check it is valid.
301	 * Note that if we started from a floppy, %dl was 0 so we still
302	 * get an entry for the next drive, which is the first Hard Disk.
303	 */
304		popw %ax			# Drive number
305		subb $0x80-0x1,%al		# Does next
306		cmpb NHRDRV,%al			#  drive exist? (from BIOS?)
307		jb print_drive			# Yes
308	/*
309	 * If this is the only drive, don't display it as an option.
310	 */
311		decw %ax			# Already drive 0?
312		jz print_prompt			# Yes
313	/*
314	 * If it was illegal or we cycled through them, go back to drive 0.
315	 */
316		xorb %al,%al			# Drive 0
317	/*
318	 * Whatever drive we selected, make it an ascii digit and save it
319	 * back to the "nxtdrv" location in case we want to save it to disk.
320	 * This digit is also part of the printed drive string, so add 0x80
321	 * to indicate end of string.
322	 */
323print_drive:	addb $'0'|0x80,%al		# Save next
324		movb %al,_NXTDRV(%bp)		#  drive number
325		movw $drive,%di			# Display
326		callw putx			#  item
327	/*
328	 * Menu is complete, display a prompt followed by current selection.
329	 * 'decw %si' makes the register point to the space after 'Boot: '
330	 * so we do not see an extra CRLF on the screen.
331	 */
332print_prompt:	movw $prompt,%si		# Display
333		callw putstr			#  prompt
334		movb _OPT(%bp),%dl		# Display
335		decw %si			#  default
336		callw putkey			#  key
337		jmp start_input			# Skip beep
340 * Here we have the code waiting for user input or a timeout.
341 */
342beep:		movb $ASCII_BEL,%al		# Input error, print or beep
343		callw putchr
346	/*
347	 * Actual Start of input loop.  Take note of time
348	 */
349		xorb %ah,%ah			# BIOS: Get
350		int $0x1a			#  system time
351		movw %dx,%di			# Ticks when
352		addw _TICKS(%bp),%di		#  timeout
354	/*
355	 * Busy loop, looking for keystrokes but keeping one eye on the time.
356	 */
357#ifndef SIO
358		movb $0x1,%ah			# BIOS: Check
359		int $0x16			#  for keypress
360#else /* SIO */
361		movb $0x03,%ah			# BIOS: Read COM
362		call bioscom
363		testb $0x01,%ah			# Check line status
364						# (bit 1 indicates input)
365#endif /* SIO */
366		jnz got_key 			# Have input
367		xorb %ah,%ah			# BIOS: int 0x1a, 00
368		int $0x1a			#  get system time
369		cmpw %di,%dx			# Timeout?
370		jb read_key			# No
372	/*
373	 * Timed out or default selection
374	 */
375use_default:	movb _OPT(%bp),%al		# Load default
376		orb $NOUPDATE,_FLAGS(%bp) 	# Disable updates
377		jmp check_selection		# Join common code
379	/*
380	 * Get the keystroke.
381	 * ENTER or CR confirm the current selection (same as a timeout).
382	 * Otherwise convert F1..F6 (or '1'..'6') to 0..5 and check if the
383	 * selection is valid.
384	 * The SIO code uses ascii chars, the console code uses scancodes.
385	 */
387#ifndef SIO
388		xorb %ah,%ah			# BIOS: int 0x16, 00
389		int $0x16			#  get keypress
390		movb %ah,%al			# move scan code to %al
391		cmpb $KEY_ENTER,%al
393		movb $0x02,%ah			# BIOS: Receive
394		call bioscom
395		cmpb $ASCII_CR,%al
397		je use_default			# enter -> default
398	/*
399	 * Check if the key is acceptable, and loop back if not.
400	 * The console (non-SIO) code looks at scancodes and accepts
401	 * both F1..F6 and 1..6 (the latter costs 6 bytes of code),
402	 * relying on the fact that F1..F6 have higher scancodes than 1..6
403	 * The SIO code only takes 1..6
404	 */
405#ifdef SIO /* SIO mode, use ascii values */
406		subb $'1',%al			# Subtract '1' ascii code
407#else /*  console mode -- use scancodes */
408		subb $KEY_F1,%al		/* Subtract F1 scan code */
409#if !defined(ONLY_F_KEYS)
410		cmpb $0x5,%al			# F1..F6
411		jna 3f				# Yes
412		subb $(KEY_1 - KEY_F1),%al	# Less #1 scan code
413	3:
414#endif /* ONLY_F_KEYS */
415#endif /* SIO */
417		cmpb $0x5,%al			# F1..F6 or 1..6 ?
418#ifdef PXE /* enable PXE/INT18 using F6 */
419		jne 1f;
420		int $0x18			# found F6, try INT18
421	1:
422#endif /* PXE */
423		jae beep			# Not in F1..F5, beep
425	/*
426	 * We have a selection.  If it's a bad selection go back to complain.
427	 * The bits in MNUOPT were set when the options were printed.
428	 * Anything not printed is not an option.
429	 */
430		cbtw				# Extend (%ah=0 used later)
431		btw %ax,_MNUOPT(%bp)	 	# Option enabled?
432		jnc beep			# No
433	/*
434	 * Save the info in the original tables
435	 * for rewriting to the disk.
436	 */
437		movb %al,_OPT(%bp)		# Save option
439	/*
440	 * Make %si and %bx point to the fake partition at LBA 0 (CHS 0:0:1).
441	 * Because the correct address is already in %bp, just use it.
442	 * Set %dl with the drive number saved in byte 0.
443	 * If we have pressed F5 or 5, then this is a good, fake value
444	 * to present to the next stage boot code.
445	 */
446		movw %bp,%si			# Partition for write
447		movb (%si),%dl			# Drive number, saved above
448		movw %si,%bx			# Partition for read
449		cmpb $0x4,%al			# F5/#5 pressed?
450		pushf				# Save results for later
451		je 1f				# Yes, F5
453	/*
454	 * F1..F4 was pressed, so make %bx point to the currently
455	 * selected partition, and leave the drive number unchanged.
456	 */
457		shlb $0x4,%al			# Point to
458		addw $partbl,%ax		#  selected
459		xchgw %bx,%ax	 		#  partition
460		movb $0x80,(%bx)		# Flag active
461	/*
462	 * If not asked to do a write-back (flags 0x40) don't do one.
463	 * Around the call, save the partition pointer to %bx and
464	 * restore to %si which is where the next stage expects it.
465	 */
466	1:	pushw %bx			# Save
467		testb $NOUPDATE,_FLAGS(%bp)	# No updates?
468		jnz 2f				# skip update
469		movw $start,%bx			# Data to write
470		movb $0x3,%ah			# Write sector
471		callw intx13			#  to disk
472	2:	popw %si			# Restore
474	/*
475	 * If going to next drive, replace drive with selected one.
476	 * Remember to un-ascii it. Hey 0x80 is already set, cool!
477	 */
478		popf				# Restore %al test results
479		jne 3f				# If not F5/#5
480		movb _NXTDRV(%bp),%dl		# Next drive
481		subb $'0',%dl			#  number
482	/*
483	 * Load selected bootsector to the LOAD location in RAM. If read
484	 * fails or there is no 0x55aa marker, treat it as a bad selection.
485	 */
486	3:	movw $LOAD,%bx			# Address for read
487		movb $0x2,%ah			# Read sector
488		callw intx13			#  from disk
489		jc beep				# If error
490		cmpw $MAGIC,0x1fe(%bx)		# Bootable?
491		jne beep			# No
492		pushw %si			# Save ptr to selected part.
493		callw putn			# Leave some space
494		popw %si			# Restore, next stage uses it
495		jmp *%bx			# Invoke bootstrap
498 * Display routines
499 * putkey	prints the option selected in %dl (F1..F5 or 1..5) followed by
500 *		the string at %si
501 * putx:	print the option in %dl followed by the string at %di
502 *		also record the drive as valid.
503 * putn:	print a crlf
504 * putstr:	print the string at %si
505 * putchr:	print the char in al
506 */
509 * Display the option and record the drive as valid in the options.
510 * That last point is done using the btsw instruction which does
511 * a test and set. We don't care for the test part.
512 */
513putx:		btsw %dx,_MNUOPT(%bp)		# Enable menu option
514		movw $item,%si			# Display
515		callw putkey			#  key
516		movw %di,%si			# Display the rest
517		callw putstr			# Display string
519putn:		movw $crlf,%si			# To next line
520		jmp putstr
523#ifndef SIO
524		movb $'F',%al			# Display
525		callw putchr			#  'F'
527		movb $'1',%al			# Prepare
528		addb %dl,%al			#  digit
530putstr.1:	callw putchr			# Display char
531putstr:		lodsb				# Get byte
532		testb $0x80,%al 		# End of string?
533		jz putstr.1			# No
534		andb $~0x80,%al 		# Clear MSB then print last
537#ifndef SIO
538		pushw %bx			# Save
539		movw $0x7,%bx	 		# Page:attribute
540		movb $0xe,%ah			# BIOS: Display
541		int $0x10			#  character
542		popw %bx			# Restore
543#else /* SIO */
544		movb $0x01,%ah			# BIOS: Send character
546		pushw %dx			# Save
547		xorw %dx,%dx 			# Use COM1
548		int $0x14			# BIOS: Serial I/O
549		popw %dx			# Restore
550#endif /* SIO */
551		retw				# To caller
553/* One-sector disk I/O routine */
556 * %dl: drive, %si partition entry, %es:%bx transfer buffer.
557 * Load the CHS values and possibly the LBA address from the block
558 * at %si, and use the appropriate method to load the sector.
559 * Don't use packet mode for a floppy.
560 */
561intx13:						# Prepare CHS parameters
562		movb 0x1(%si),%dh		# Load head
563		movw 0x2(%si),%cx		# Load cylinder:sector
564		movb $0x1,%al			# Sector count
565		pushw %si			# Save
566		movw %sp,%di			# Save
567#ifndef CHECK_DRIVE				/* floppy support */
568		testb %dl, %dl			# is this a floppy ?
569		jz 1f				# Yes, use CHS mode
571		testb $USEPACKET,_FLAGS(%bp)	# Use packet interface?
572		jz 1f				# No
573		pushl $0x0			# Set the
574		pushl 0x8(%si)			# LBA address
575		pushw %es			# Set the transfer
576		pushw %bx			#  buffer address
577		push  $0x1			# Block count
578		push  $0x10			# Packet size
579		movw %sp,%si			# Packet pointer
580		decw %ax			# Verify off
581		orb $0x40,%ah			# Use disk packet
582	1:	int $0x13			# BIOS: Disk I/O
583		movw %di,%sp			# Restore
584		popw %si			# Restore
585		retw				# To caller
588 * Various menu strings. 'item' goes after 'prompt' to save space.
589 * Also use shorter versions to make room for the PXE/INT18 code.
590 */
592#ifdef PXE
593		.ascii "\nF6 PXE\r"
595		.ascii "\nBoot:"
596item:		.ascii " ";	     .byte ' '|0x80
597crlf:		.ascii "\r";	     .byte '\n'|0x80
599/* Partition type tables */
602	/*
603	 * These values indicate bootable types we know about.
604	 * Corresponding descriptions are at desc_ofs:
605	 * Entries don't need to be sorted.
606	 */
607		.byte 0x83, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa9, 0x06, 0x07, 0x0b
609		.byte 0x05	# extended partition
611#ifndef SAVE_MEMORY	/* other DOS partitions */
612		.byte 0x01	# FAT12
613		.byte 0x04	# FAT16 < 32M
617	/*
618	 * Offsets that match the known types above, used to point to the
619	 * actual partition name. The last entry must point to os_misc,
620	 * which is used for non-matching names.
621	 */
622		.byte os_linux-.		# 131, Linux
623		.byte os_freebsd-.		# 165, FreeBSD
624		.byte os_bsd-.			# 166, OpenBSD
625		.byte os_bsd-.			# 169, NetBSD
626		.byte os_dos-.			#   6, FAT16 >= 32M
627		.byte os_win-.			#   7, NTFS
628		.byte os_win-.			#  11, FAT32
631		.byte os_ext-.			#   5, DOS Ext
633#ifndef SAVE_MEMORY
634		.byte os_dos-.			#   1, FAT12 DOS
635		.byte os_dos-.			#   4, FAT16 <32M
637		.byte os_misc-. 		# Unknown
639	/*
640	 * And here are the strings themselves. The last byte of
641	 * the string has bit 7 set.
642	 */
643os_misc:	.byte '?'|0x80
645#ifndef SAVE_MORE_MEMORY	/* 'DOS' remapped to 'WIN' if no room */
646		.ascii "DO";   .byte 'S'|0x80
648os_win:		.ascii "Wi";   .byte 'n'|0x80
649os_linux:	.ascii "Linu"; .byte 'x'|0x80
650os_freebsd:	.ascii "Free"
651os_bsd:		.ascii "BS";   .byte 'D'|0x80
653os_ext:		.ascii "EX";   .byte 'T'|0x80
656		.org (0x200 + B0_OFF),0x90
658 * The boot0 version 1.0 parameter table.
659 * Do not move it nor change the "Drive " string, boot0cfg
660 * uses its offset and content to identify the boot sector.
661 * The other fields are sometimes changed before writing back to the drive
662 * Be especially careful that nxtdrv: must come after drive:, as it
663 * is part of the same string.
664 */
665drive:		.ascii "Drive "
666nxtdrv:		.byte 0x0			# Next drive number
667opt:		.byte 0x0			# Option
668setdrv_num:	.byte 0x80			# Drive to force
669flags:		.byte FLAGS			# Flags
671		.byte 0xa8,0xa8,0xa8,0xa8       # Volume Serial Number
673ticks:		.word TICKS			# Delay
675		.org PRT_OFF
677 * Here is the 64 byte partition table that fdisk would fiddle with.
678 */
679partbl:		.fill 0x40,0x1,0x0		# Partition table
680		.word MAGIC			# Magic number
681		.org 0x200			# again, safety check