1b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" Copyright (c) 1999 Daniel C. Sobral 2b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" All rights reserved. 3b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" 4b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 5b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 6b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" are met: 7b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 8b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 9b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 10b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 11b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 12b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" 13b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND 14b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 15b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 16b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE 17b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL 18b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS 19b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) 20b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 21b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY 22b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF 23b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" SUCH DAMAGE. 24b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" 25b6955dfdSWarner Losh.\" $FreeBSD$ 26*de0c7fbeSLi-Wen Hsu.Dd July 31, 2021 27b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dt LOADER.CONF 5 28b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Os 29b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Sh NAME 30b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Nm loader.conf 31b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Nd "system bootstrap configuration information" 32b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Sh DESCRIPTION 33b6955dfdSWarner LoshThe file 34b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Nm 35b6955dfdSWarner Loshcontains descriptive information on bootstrapping the system. 36b6955dfdSWarner LoshThrough 37b6955dfdSWarner Loshit you can specify the kernel to be booted, parameters to be passed to 38b6955dfdSWarner Loshit, and additional modules to be loaded; and generally set all variables 39b6955dfdSWarner Loshdescribed in 40b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Xr loader 8 . 41b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Sh SYNTAX 42b6955dfdSWarner LoshThough 43b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Nm Ns 's 44b6955dfdSWarner Loshformat was defined explicitly to resemble 45b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Xr rc.conf 5 , 46b6955dfdSWarner Loshand can be sourced by 47b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Xr sh 1 , 48b6955dfdSWarner Loshsome settings are treated in a special fashion. 49b6955dfdSWarner LoshAlso, the 50b6955dfdSWarner Loshbehavior of some settings is defined by the setting's suffix; 51b6955dfdSWarner Loshthe prefix identifies which module the setting controls. 52b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pp 53b6955dfdSWarner LoshThe general parsing rules are: 54b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Bl -bullet 55b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It 56b6955dfdSWarner LoshSpaces and empty lines are ignored. 57b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It 58b6955dfdSWarner LoshA # sign will mark the remainder of the line as a comment. 59b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It 60b6955dfdSWarner LoshOnly one setting can be present on each line. 61b6955dfdSWarner Losh.El 62b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pp 63b6955dfdSWarner LoshAll settings have the following format: 64b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pp 65b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dl variable="value" 66b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pp 67b6955dfdSWarner LoshUnless it belongs to one of the classes of settings that receive special 68b6955dfdSWarner Loshtreatment, a setting will set the value of a 69b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Xr loader 8 70b6955dfdSWarner Loshenvironment variable. 71b6955dfdSWarner LoshThe settings that receive special 72b6955dfdSWarner Loshtreatment are listed below. 73b6955dfdSWarner LoshSettings beginning with 74b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Qq * 75b6955dfdSWarner Loshbelow define the modules to be loaded and 76b6955dfdSWarner Loshmay have any prefix; the prefix identifies a module. 77b6955dfdSWarner LoshAll such settings sharing a common 78b6955dfdSWarner Loshprefix refer to the same module. 79b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Bl -tag -width Ar 8071f6aea4SDaniel Gerzo.It Ar autoboot_delay 8171f6aea4SDaniel GerzoDelay in seconds before automatically booting. 8271f6aea4SDaniel GerzoA user with console access will be able to interrupt the 8371f6aea4SDaniel Gerzo.Ic autoboot 8471f6aea4SDaniel Gerzoprocess and escape into the interactive mode by pressing a key on 8571f6aea4SDaniel Gerzothe console during this delay. 8671f6aea4SDaniel Gerzo.Pp 8771f6aea4SDaniel GerzoIf set to 8871f6aea4SDaniel Gerzo.Dq Li NO , 8971f6aea4SDaniel Gerzono 9071f6aea4SDaniel Gerzo.Ic autoboot 9171f6aea4SDaniel Gerzois automatically attempted after processing 9271f6aea4SDaniel Gerzo.Pa /boot/loader.rc , 9371f6aea4SDaniel Gerzothough explicit 9471f6aea4SDaniel Gerzo.Ic autoboot Ns 's 9571f6aea4SDaniel Gerzoare processed normally, using a 10 second delay. 9671f6aea4SDaniel Gerzo.Pp 9771f6aea4SDaniel GerzoIf set to 9871f6aea4SDaniel Gerzo.Dq Li 0 , 9971f6aea4SDaniel Gerzono delay is inserted, but any keys pressed while the kernel and modules are 10071f6aea4SDaniel Gerzoloaded will enter interactive mode. 10171f6aea4SDaniel Gerzo.Pp 10271f6aea4SDaniel GerzoIf set to 10371f6aea4SDaniel Gerzo.Dq Li -1 , 10471f6aea4SDaniel Gerzono delay will be inserted and 10571f6aea4SDaniel Gerzo.Nm 10671f6aea4SDaniel Gerzostarts interactive mode only if 10771f6aea4SDaniel Gerzo.Ic autoboot 10871f6aea4SDaniel Gerzohas failed. 10971f6aea4SDaniel GerzoIn combination with the 11071f6aea4SDaniel Gerzo.Va beastie_disable 11171f6aea4SDaniel Gerzooption, this option prevents users with console access from being able 11271f6aea4SDaniel Gerzoto interrupt the 11371f6aea4SDaniel Gerzo.Ic autoboot 11471f6aea4SDaniel Gerzoprocess and escape to the loader prompt. 11571f6aea4SDaniel GerzoTo use the 11671f6aea4SDaniel Gerzo.Va autoboot_delay 11771f6aea4SDaniel Gerzooption in this manner, 11871f6aea4SDaniel Gerzo.Va beastie_disable 11971f6aea4SDaniel Gerzomust be set to 12071f6aea4SDaniel Gerzo.Dq Li YES . 121b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Ar exec 122b6955dfdSWarner LoshImmediately executes a 123b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Xr loader 8 124b6955dfdSWarner Loshcommand. 125b6955dfdSWarner LoshThis type of setting cannot be processed by programs other 126b6955dfdSWarner Loshthan 127b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Xr loader 8 , 128b6955dfdSWarner Loshso its use should be avoided. 129b6955dfdSWarner LoshMultiple instances of it will be processed 130b6955dfdSWarner Loshindependently. 13172cf7db3SKyle Evans.It Ar loader_conf_dirs 13272cf7db3SKyle EvansSpace separated list of directories to process for configuration files. 13372cf7db3SKyle EvansThe lua-based loader will process files with a 13472cf7db3SKyle Evans.Dq .conf 13572cf7db3SKyle Evanssuffix that are placed in these directories. 136b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Ar loader_conf_files 137b6955dfdSWarner LoshDefines additional configuration files to be processed right after the 138b6955dfdSWarner Loshpresent file. 13980a623bfSKyle Evans.Ar loader_conf_files 14080a623bfSKyle Evansshould be treated as write-only. 14180a623bfSKyle EvansOne cannot depend on any value remaining in the loader environment or carried 14280a623bfSKyle Evansover into the kernel environment. 143b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Ar kernel 144b6955dfdSWarner LoshName of the kernel to be loaded. 145b6955dfdSWarner LoshIf no kernel name is set, no additional 146b6955dfdSWarner Loshmodules will be loaded. 147b6955dfdSWarner LoshThe name must be a subdirectory of 148b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pa /boot 149b6955dfdSWarner Loshthat contains a kernel. 150b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Ar kernel_options 151b6955dfdSWarner LoshFlags to be passed to the kernel. 152b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Ar vfs.root.mountfrom 153b6955dfdSWarner LoshSpecify the root partition to mount. 154b6955dfdSWarner LoshFor example: 155b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pp 156b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dl vfs.root.mountfrom="ufs:/dev/da0s1a" 157b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pp 158b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Xr loader 8 159b6955dfdSWarner Loshautomatically calculates the value of this tunable from 160b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pa /etc/fstab 161b6955dfdSWarner Loshfrom the partition the kernel was loaded from. 162b6955dfdSWarner LoshThe calculated value might be calculated incorrectly when 163b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pa /etc/fstab 164b6955dfdSWarner Loshis not available during 165b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Xr loader 8 166b6955dfdSWarner Loshstartup (as during diskless booting from NFS), or if a different 167b6955dfdSWarner Loshdevice is desired by the user. 168b6955dfdSWarner LoshThe preferred value can be set in 169b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pa /loader.conf . 170b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pp 171b6955dfdSWarner LoshThe value can also be overridden from the 172b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Xr loader 8 173b6955dfdSWarner Loshcommand line. 174b6955dfdSWarner LoshThis is useful for system recovery when 175b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pa /etc/fstab 176b6955dfdSWarner Loshis damaged, lost, or read from the wrong partition. 177b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Ar password 178b6955dfdSWarner LoshProtect boot menu with a password without interrupting 179b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Ic autoboot 180b6955dfdSWarner Loshprocess. 181b6955dfdSWarner LoshThe password should be in clear text format. 182b6955dfdSWarner LoshIf a password is set, boot menu will not appear until any key is pressed during 183b6955dfdSWarner Loshcountdown period specified by 184b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Va autoboot_delay 185b6955dfdSWarner Loshvariable or 186b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Ic autoboot 187b6955dfdSWarner Loshprocess fails. 188b6955dfdSWarner LoshIn both cases user should provide specified password to be able to access boot 189b6955dfdSWarner Loshmenu. 190b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Ar bootlock_password 191b6955dfdSWarner LoshProvides a password to be required by check-password before execution is 192b6955dfdSWarner Loshallowed to continue. 193b6955dfdSWarner LoshThe password should be in clear text format. 194b6955dfdSWarner LoshIf a password is set, the user must provide specified password to boot. 195b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Ar verbose_loading 196b6955dfdSWarner LoshIf set to 197b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq YES , 198b6955dfdSWarner Loshmodule names will be displayed as they are loaded. 199532dc172SKyle Evans.It Ar module_blacklist 200532dc172SKyle EvansBlacklist of modules. 201532dc172SKyle EvansModules specified in the blacklist may not be loaded automatically with a 202532dc172SKyle Evans.Ar *_load 203532dc172SKyle Evansdirective, but they may be loaded directly at the 204532dc172SKyle Evans.Xr loader 8 205532dc172SKyle Evansprompt. 206532dc172SKyle EvansBlacklisted modules may still be loaded indirectly as dependencies of other 207dbffe0f1SGlen Barbermodules. 208b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Ar *_load 209b6955dfdSWarner LoshIf set to 210b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq YES , 211b6955dfdSWarner Loshthat module will be loaded. 212b6955dfdSWarner LoshIf no name is defined (see below), the 213b6955dfdSWarner Loshmodule's name is taken to be the same as the prefix. 214b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Ar *_name 215b6955dfdSWarner LoshDefines the name of the module. 216b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Ar *_type 217b6955dfdSWarner LoshDefines the module's type. 218b6955dfdSWarner LoshIf none is given, it defaults to a kld module. 219b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Ar *_flags 220b6955dfdSWarner LoshFlags and parameters to be passed to the module. 221b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Ar *_before 222b6955dfdSWarner LoshCommands to be executed before the module is loaded. 223b6955dfdSWarner LoshUse of this setting 224b6955dfdSWarner Loshshould be avoided. 225b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Ar *_after 226b6955dfdSWarner LoshCommands to be executed after the module is loaded. 227b6955dfdSWarner LoshUse of this setting 228b6955dfdSWarner Loshshould be avoided. 229b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Ar *_error 230b6955dfdSWarner LoshCommands to be executed if the loading of a module fails. 231b6955dfdSWarner LoshExcept for the 232b6955dfdSWarner Loshspecial value 233b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq abort , 234b6955dfdSWarner Loshwhich aborts the bootstrap process, use of this setting should be avoided. 235b6955dfdSWarner Losh.El 236b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pp 237b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Em WARNING : 238b6955dfdSWarner Loshdevelopers should never use these suffixes for any kernel environment 239b6955dfdSWarner Loshvariables (tunables) or conflicts will result. 240b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Sh DEFAULT SETTINGS 241b6955dfdSWarner LoshMost of 242b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Nm Ns 's 243b6955dfdSWarner Loshdefault settings can be ignored. 244b6955dfdSWarner LoshThe few of them which are important 245b6955dfdSWarner Loshor useful are: 246b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Bl -tag -width bootfile -offset indent 247b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Va bitmap_load 248b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pq Dq NO 249b6955dfdSWarner LoshIf set to 250b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq YES , 251b6955dfdSWarner Losha bitmap will be loaded to be displayed on screen while booting. 252b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Va bitmap_name 253b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pq Dq Pa /boot/splash.bmp 254b6955dfdSWarner LoshName of the bitmap to be loaded. 255b6955dfdSWarner LoshAny other name can be used. 256b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Va comconsole_speed 257b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq ( 9600 258b6955dfdSWarner Loshor the value of the 259b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Va BOOT_COMCONSOLE_SPEED 260b6955dfdSWarner Loshvariable when 261b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Xr loader 8 262b6955dfdSWarner Loshwas compiled). 263b6955dfdSWarner LoshSets the speed of the serial console. 264b6955dfdSWarner LoshIf the previous boot loader stage specified that a serial console 265b6955dfdSWarner Loshis in use then the default speed is determined from the current 266b6955dfdSWarner Loshserial port speed setting. 267b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Va console 268b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pq Dq vidconsole 269b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq comconsole 270b6955dfdSWarner Loshselects serial console, 271b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq vidconsole 272b6955dfdSWarner Loshselects the video console, 273*de0c7fbeSLi-Wen Hsu.Dq efi 274*de0c7fbeSLi-Wen Hsuselects the EFI console, 275b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq nullconsole 276b6955dfdSWarner Loshselects a mute console 277b6955dfdSWarner Losh(useful for systems with neither a video console nor a serial port), and 278b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq spinconsole 279b6955dfdSWarner Loshselects the video console which prevents any input and hides all output 280b6955dfdSWarner Loshreplacing it with 281b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq spinning 282b6955dfdSWarner Loshcharacter (useful for embedded products and such). 283babda095SToomas Soome.It Va screen.font 284babda095SToomas SoomeSet font size for framebuffer mode. 285babda095SToomas SoomeDefault font size is selected based on screen resolution, to achieve 286babda095SToomas Soometerminal dimensions 80x24. 287babda095SToomas Soome.It Va screen.textmode 2883efe9b3eSMateusz PiotrowskiValue 2893efe9b3eSMateusz Piotrowski.Dq 0 2903efe9b3eSMateusz Piotrowskiwill trigger BIOS loader to switch to use VESA BIOS Extension (VBE) 291babda095SToomas Soomeframe buffer mode for console. 292babda095SToomas SoomeThe same effect can be achieved by setting 293babda095SToomas Soome.Va vbe_max_resolution . 294babda095SToomas Soome.Pp 2953efe9b3eSMateusz PiotrowskiValue 2963efe9b3eSMateusz Piotrowski.Dq 1 2973efe9b3eSMateusz Piotrowskiwill force BIOS loader to use VGA text mode. 298babda095SToomas Soome.Pp 299babda095SToomas SoomeIf 300babda095SToomas Soome.Va vbe_max_resolution 301babda095SToomas Soomeis not set, the loader will try to set screen resolution based on EDID 302babda095SToomas Soomeinformation. 303babda095SToomas SoomeIf EDID is not available, the default resolution is 800x600 (if available). 304babda095SToomas Soome.It Va screen.height 305babda095SToomas Soome.It Va screen.width 306babda095SToomas Soome.It Va screen.depth 307babda095SToomas Soome.Va screen.height , 308babda095SToomas Soome.Va screen.width , 309babda095SToomas Soome.Va screen.depth 310babda095SToomas Soomeare set by loader when loader is using framebuffer mode to draw the screen. 3119ee31ef2SKyle Evans.It Va efi_max_resolution 3123630506bSToomas Soome.It Va vbe_max_resolution 313babda095SToomas SoomeSpecify the maximum desired resolution for the EFI or VBE framebuffer console. 314bd868d67SKyle EvansThe following values are accepted: 315bd868d67SKyle Evans.Bl -column "WidthxHeight" 316bd868d67SKyle Evans.It Sy Value Ta Sy Resolution 317bd868d67SKyle Evans.It 480p Ta 640x480 318bd868d67SKyle Evans.It 720p Ta 1280x720 319bd868d67SKyle Evans.It 1080p Ta 1920x1080 320bd868d67SKyle Evans.It 2160p Ta 3840x2160 321bd868d67SKyle Evans.It 4k Ta 3840x2160 322bd868d67SKyle Evans.It 5k Ta 5120x2880 323bd868d67SKyle Evans.It Va Width Ns x Ns Va Height Ta Va Width Ns x Ns Va Height 324bd868d67SKyle Evans.El 325b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Va kernel 326b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pq Dq kernel 327b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Va kernels 328b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pq Dq kernel kernel.old 329b6955dfdSWarner LoshSpace or comma separated list of kernels to present in the boot menu. 330b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Va loader_conf_files 331b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pq Dq Pa /boot/loader.conf /boot/loader.conf.local 33272cf7db3SKyle Evans.It Va loader_conf_dirs 33372cf7db3SKyle Evans.Pq Dq Pa /boot/loader.conf.d 334b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Va splash_bmp_load 335b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pq Dq NO 336b6955dfdSWarner LoshIf set to 337b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq YES , 338b6955dfdSWarner Loshwill load the splash screen module, making it possible to display a bmp image 339b6955dfdSWarner Loshon the screen while booting. 340b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Va splash_pcx_load 341b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pq Dq NO 342b6955dfdSWarner LoshIf set to 343b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq YES , 344b6955dfdSWarner Loshwill load the splash screen module, making it possible to display a pcx image 345b6955dfdSWarner Loshon the screen while booting. 346b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Va vesa_load 347b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pq Dq NO 348b6955dfdSWarner LoshIf set to 349b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq YES , 350b6955dfdSWarner Loshthe vesa module will be loaded, enabling bitmaps above VGA resolution to 351b6955dfdSWarner Loshbe displayed. 352b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Va beastie_disable 353b6955dfdSWarner LoshIf set to 354b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq YES , 355b6955dfdSWarner Loshthe beastie boot menu will be skipped. 356b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Va loader_logo Pq Dq Li orbbw 357b6955dfdSWarner LoshSelects a desired logo in the beastie boot menu. 358b6955dfdSWarner LoshPossible values are: 359b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq Li orbbw , 360b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq Li orb , 361b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq Li fbsdbw , 362b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq Li beastiebw , 363b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq Li beastie , 364b6955dfdSWarner Loshand 365b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq Li none . 366b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Va loader_color 367b6955dfdSWarner LoshIf set to 368b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq NO , 369b6955dfdSWarner Loshthe beastie boot menu will be displayed without ANSI coloring. 370b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Va entropy_cache_load 371b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pq Dq YES 372b6955dfdSWarner LoshIf set to 373b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq NO , 374b6955dfdSWarner Loshthe very early 375b6955dfdSWarner Loshboot-time entropy file 376b6955dfdSWarner Loshwill not be loaded. 377b6955dfdSWarner LoshSee the entropy entries in 378b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Xr rc.conf 5 . 379b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Va entropy_cache_name 380b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Pq Dq /boot/entropy 381b6955dfdSWarner LoshThe name of the very early 382b6955dfdSWarner Loshboot-time entropy cache file. 383f6a0fd44SMark Johnston.It Va cpu_microcode_load 384f6a0fd44SMark Johnston.Pq Dq NO 385f6a0fd44SMark JohnstonIf set to 386f6a0fd44SMark Johnston.Dq YES , 387f6a0fd44SMark Johnstonthe microcode update file specified by 388f6a0fd44SMark Johnston.Va cpu_microcode_name 389f6a0fd44SMark Johnstonwill be loaded and applied very early during boot. 390f6a0fd44SMark JohnstonThis provides functionality similar to 391f6a0fd44SMark Johnston.Xr cpucontrol 8 392f6a0fd44SMark Johnstonbut ensures that CPU features enabled by microcode updates can be 393f6a0fd44SMark Johnstonused by the kernel. 394f6a0fd44SMark JohnstonThe update will be re-applied automatically when resuming from an 395f6a0fd44SMark JohnstonACPI sleep state. 396f6a0fd44SMark JohnstonIf the update file contains updates for multiple processor models, 397f6a0fd44SMark Johnstonthe kernel will search for and extract a matching update. 398f6a0fd44SMark JohnstonCurrently this setting is supported only on Intel 399f6a0fd44SMark Johnston.Dv i386 400f6a0fd44SMark Johnstonand 401f6a0fd44SMark Johnston.Dv amd64 402f6a0fd44SMark Johnstonprocessors. 403f6a0fd44SMark JohnstonIt has no effect on other processor types. 404f6a0fd44SMark Johnston.It Va cpu_microcode_name 405f6a0fd44SMark JohnstonA path to a microcode update file. 406b6955dfdSWarner Losh.El 407dec08e67SKyle Evans.Sh OTHER SETTINGS 408dec08e67SKyle EvansOther settings that may be used in 409dec08e67SKyle Evans.Nm 410dec08e67SKyle Evansthat have no default value: 411dec08e67SKyle Evans.Bl -tag -width bootfile -offset indent 412dec08e67SKyle Evans.It Va fdt_overlays 413dec08e67SKyle EvansSpecifies a comma-delimited list of FDT overlays to apply. 4142c58a193SKyle Evans.Pa /boot/dtb/overlays 415dec08e67SKyle Evansis created by default for overlays to be placed in. 416dec08e67SKyle Evans.It Va kernels_autodetect 417dec08e67SKyle EvansIf set to 418dec08e67SKyle Evans.Dq YES , 419dec08e67SKyle Evansattempt to auto-detect kernels installed in 420dec08e67SKyle Evans.Pa /boot . 421dec08e67SKyle EvansThis is an option specific to the Lua-based loader. 422dec08e67SKyle EvansIt is not available in the default Forth-based loader. 423dec08e67SKyle Evans.El 424b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Sh FILES 425b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Bl -tag -width /boot/defaults/loader.conf -compact 426b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Pa /boot/defaults/loader.conf 4273efe9b3eSMateusz Piotrowskidefault settings \(em do not change this file. 428b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Pa /boot/loader.conf 429b6955dfdSWarner Loshuser defined settings. 430b6955dfdSWarner Losh.It Pa /boot/loader.conf.local 431b6955dfdSWarner Loshmachine-specific settings for sites with a common loader.conf. 432b6955dfdSWarner Losh.El 433b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Sh SEE ALSO 434b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Xr rc.conf 5 , 435b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Xr boot 8 , 436f6a0fd44SMark Johnston.Xr cpucontrol 8 , 437b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Xr loader 8 , 438b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Xr loader.4th 8 439b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Sh HISTORY 440b6955dfdSWarner LoshThe file 441b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Nm 442b6955dfdSWarner Loshfirst appeared in 443b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Fx 3.2 . 444b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Sh AUTHORS 445b6955dfdSWarner LoshThis manual page was written by 446b6955dfdSWarner Losh.An Daniel C. Sobral Aq dcs@FreeBSD.org . 447b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Sh BUGS 448b6955dfdSWarner LoshThe 449b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Xr loader 8 450b6955dfdSWarner Loshstops reading 451b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Nm 452b6955dfdSWarner Loshwhen it encounters a syntax error, so any options which are vital for 4533efe9b3eSMateusz Piotrowskibooting a particular system (i.e., 454b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Dq Va hw.ata.ata_dma Ns "=0" ) 455b6955dfdSWarner Loshshould precede any experimental additions to 456b6955dfdSWarner Losh.Nm . 457