xref: /freebsd/share/termcap/termcap.5 (revision 944223076fbcb681a8eb3e118ddafab79b21ac3d)
1.\" Copyright (c) 1985, 1991, 1993, 1994
2.\"	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
5.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
6.\" are met:
7.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
8.\"    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
9.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
10.\"    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
11.\"    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
12.\" 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
13.\"    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
14.\"    without specific prior written permission.
28.\"     @(#)termcap.5	8.3 (Berkeley) 4/16/94
30.\" /***************************************************************************
31.\" *                            COPYRIGHT NOTICE                              *
32.\" ****************************************************************************
33.\" *                ncurses is copyright (C) 1992-1995                        *
34.\" *                          Zeyd M. Ben-Halim                               *
35.\" *                          zmbenhal@netcom.com                             *
36.\" *                          Eric S. Raymond                                 *
37.\" *                          esr@snark.thyrsus.com                           *
38.\" *                                                                          *
39.\" *        Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and distribute ncurses  *
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47.\" *                                                                          *
48.\" ***************************************************************************/
50.Dd December 13, 2009
53.Sh NAME
54.Nm termcap
55.Nd terminal capability data base
62is a data base describing terminals,
64for example,
66.Xr \&vi 1
68.Xr ncurses 3 .
69Terminals are described in
71by giving a set of capabilities that they have and by describing
72how operations are performed.
73Padding requirements and initialization sequences
74are included in
75.Nm .
77Entries in
79consist of a number of `:'-separated fields.
80The first entry for each terminal gives the names that are known for the
81terminal, separated by `|' characters.
82The first name given is the most common abbreviation for the terminal.
83The last name given should be a long name fully identifying the terminal,
84and all others are understood as synonyms for the terminal name.
85All names but the last should be in lower case and contain no blanks;
86the last name may well contain upper case characters and blanks for
89Terminal names (except for the last, verbose entry)
90should be chosen using the following conventions.
91The particular piece of hardware making up the terminal
92should have a root name chosen, thus
93.Dq hp2621
94This name should not contain hyphens.
95Modes that the hardware can be in
96or user preferences
97should be indicated by appending a hyphen and an indicator of the mode.
98Therefore, a
99.Dq vt100
100in 132-column mode would be
101.Dq vt100-w .
102The following suffixes should be used where possible:
103.Bl -column indent "With automatic margins (usually default)xx" -offset indent
104.Sy "Suffix	Meaning	Example"
105-w	Wide mode (more than 80 columns)	vt100-w
106-am	With automatic margins (usually default)	vt100-am
107-nam	Without automatic margins	vt100-nam
108.Pf \- Ar n Ta No "Number of lines on screen	aaa-60"
109-na	No arrow keys (leave them in local)	concept100-na
110.Pf \- Ar \&np Ta No "Number of pages of memory	concept100-4p"
111-rv	Reverse video	concept100-rv
114The description field attempts to convey the semantics of the
116You may find some codes in the description field:
117.Bl -tag -width #[1-9]
118.It (P)
119indicates that padding may be specified.
120.It #[1-9]
121in the description field indicates that the string is passed through
122.Xr tparm 3
124.Xr tgoto 3
125with parms as given (#\fIi\fP).
126.It (P*)
127indicates that padding may vary in proportion to the number of
128lines affected.
129.It (#\d\fIi\fP\u)
130indicates the \fIi\fP\uth\d parameter.
133These are the boolean capabilities:
134.Bd -literal
135\fBBoolean			TCap	Description\fR
136\fBVariables		Code\fR
137auto_left_margin	bw	cursor_left wraps from column 0	to last
138				column
139auto_right_margin	am	terminal has automatic margins
140no_esc_ctlc		xb	beehive	(f1=escape, f2=ctrl C)
141ceol_standout_glitch	xs	standout not erased by overwriting (hp)
142eat_newline_glitch	xn	newline	ignored	after 80 cols (concept)
143erase_overstrike	eo	can erase overstrikes with a blank
144generic_type		gn	generic	line type
145hard_copy		hc	hardcopy terminal
146has_meta_key		km	Has a meta key,	sets msb high
147has_status_line		hs	has extra status line
148insert_null_glitch	in	insert mode distinguishes nulls
149memory_above		da	display	may be retained	above the screen
150memory_below		db	display	may be retained	below the screen
151move_insert_mode	mi	safe to	move while in insert mode
152move_standout_mode	ms	safe to	move while in standout mode
153over_strike		os	terminal can overstrike
154status_line_esc_ok	es	escape can be used on the status line
155dest_tabs_magic_smso	xt	tabs destructive, magic	so char	(t1061)
156tilde_glitch		hz	cannot print ~'s (hazeltine)
157transparent_underline	ul	underline character overstrikes
158xon_xoff		xo	terminal uses xon/xoff handshaking
159needs_xon_xoff		nx	padding	will not work, xon/xoff required
160prtr_silent		5i	printer	will not echo on screen
161hard_cursor		HC	cursor is hard to see
162non_rev_rmcup		NR	enter_ca_mode does not reverse exit_ca_mode
163no_pad_char		NP	pad character does not exist
164non_dest_scroll_region	ND	scrolling region is non-destructive
165can_change		cc	terminal can re-define existing	colors
166back_color_erase	ut	screen erased with background color
167hue_lightness_saturation	hl	terminal uses only HLS color
168					notation (tektronix)
169col_addr_glitch		YA	only positive motion for column	address	and
170				micro_column_address caps
171cr_cancels_micro_mode	YB	using cr turns off micro mode
172has_print_wheel		YC	printer	needs operator to change character
173				set
174row_addr_glitch		YD	only positive motion for row_address and
175				micro_row_address caps
176semi_auto_right_margin	YE	printing in last column	causes cr
177cpi_changes_res		YF	changing character pitch changes resolution
178lpi_changes_res		YG	changing line pitch changes resolution
181These are the numeric capabilities:
182.Bd -literal
183\fBNumeric			TCap	Description\fR
184\fBVariables		Code\fR
185columns			co	number of columns in aline
186init_tabs		it	tabs initially every # spaces
187lines			li	number of lines	on screen or page
188lines_of_memory		lm	lines of memory	if > line. 0 =>	varies
189magic_cookie_glitch	sg	number of blank	chars left by
190				enter_standout_mode or exit_standout_mode
191padding_baud_rate	pb	lowest baud rate where padding needed
192virtual_terminal	vt	virtual	terminal number	(CB/unix)
193width_status_line	ws	columns	in status line
194num_labels		Nl	number of labels on screen
195label_height		lh	rows in	each label
196label_width		lw	columns	in each	label
197max_attributes		ma	maximum	combined attributes terminal can
198				handle
199maximum_windows		MW	maximum	number of definable windows
200magic_cookie_glitch_ul	ug	number of blanks left by underline
202# These came in with SVr4's color support
204max_colors		Co	maximum	numbers	of colors on screen
205max_pairs		pa	maximum	number of color-pairs on the screen
206no_color_video		NC	video attributes that cannot be used with
207				colors
209# The following	numeric	capabilities are present in the	SVr4.0 term
210# structure, but are not yet documented	in the man page.
211# They came in with SVr4's printer support.
213buffer_capacity		Ya	numbers	of bytes buffered before printing
214dot_vert_spacing	Yb	spacing	of pins	vertically in pins per inch
215dot_horz_spacing	Yc	spacing	of dots	horizontally in	dots per
216				inch
217max_micro_address	Yd	maximum	value in micro_..._address
218max_micro_jump		Ye	maximum	value in parm_..._micro
219micro_char_size		Yf	character size when in micro mode
220micro_line_size		Yg	line size when in micro	mode
221number_of_pins		Yh	numbers	of pins	in print-head
222output_res_char		Yi	horizontal resolution in units per line
223output_res_line		Yj	vertical resolution in units per line
224output_res_horz_inch	Yk	horizontal resolution in units per inch
225output_res_vert_inch	Yl	vertical resolution in units per inch
226print_rate		Ym	print rate in chars per	second
227wide_char_size		Yn	character step size when in double wide
228				mode
229buttons			BT	number of buttons on mouse
230bit_image_entwining	Yo	number of passed for each bit-image row
231bit_image_type		Yp	type of	bit-image device
234These are the string capabilities:
235.Bd -literal
236\fBString			TCap	Description\fR
237\fBVariables		Code\fR
238back_tab		bt	back tab (P)
239bell			bl	audible	signal (bell) (P)
240carriage_return		cr	carriage return	(P*)
241change_scroll_region	cs	change region to line #1 to line #2 (P)
242clear_all_tabs		ct	clear all tab stops (P)
243clear_screen		cl	clear screen and home cursor (P*)
244clr_eol			ce	clear to end of	line (P)
245clr_eos			cd	clear to end of	screen (P*)
246column_address		ch	horizontal position #1,	absolute (P)
247command_character	CC	terminal settable cmd character	in
248				prototype
249cursor_address		cm	move to	row #1 columns #2
250cursor_down		do	down one line
251cursor_home		ho	home cursor
252cursor_invisible	vi	make cursor invisible
253cursor_left		le	move left one space
254cursor_mem_address	CM	memory relative	cursor addressing
255cursor_normal		ve	make cursor appear normal (undo
256				cursor_invisible/cursor_visible)
257cursor_right		nd	move right one space
258cursor_to_ll		ll	last line, first column
259cursor_up		up	up one line
260cursor_visible		vs	make cursor very visible
261delete_character	dc	delete character (P*)
262delete_line		dl	delete line (P*)
263dis_status_line		ds	disable	status line
264down_half_line		hd	half a line down
265enter_alt_charset_mode	as	start alternate	character set (P)
266enter_blink_mode	mb	turn on	blinking
267enter_bold_mode		md	turn on	bold (extra bright) mode
268enter_ca_mode		ti	string to start	programs using
269				cursor_address
270enter_delete_mode	dm	enter delete mode
271enter_dim_mode		mh	turn on	half-bright mode
272enter_insert_mode	im	enter insert mode
273enter_secure_mode	mk	turn on	blank mode (characters invisible)
274enter_protected_mode	mp	turn on	protected mode
275enter_reverse_mode	mr	turn on	reverse	video mode
276enter_standout_mode	so	begin standout mode
277enter_underline_mode	us	begin underline	mode
278erase_chars		ec	erase #1 characters (P)
279exit_alt_charset_mode	ae	end alternate character	set (P)
280exit_attribute_mode	me	turn off all attributes
281exit_ca_mode		te	strings	to end programs	using cup
282exit_delete_mode	ed	end delete mode
283exit_insert_mode	ei	exit insert mode
284exit_standout_mode	se	exit standout mode
285exit_underline_mode	ue	exit underline mode
286flash_screen		vb	visible	bell (may not move cursor)
287form_feed		ff	hardcopy terminal page eject (P*)
288from_status_line	fs	return from status line
289init_1string		i1	initialization string
290init_2string		is	initialization string
291init_3string		i3	initialization string
292init_file		if	name of	initialization file
293insert_character	ic	insert character (P)
294insert_line		al	insert line (P*)
295insert_padding		ip	insert padding after inserted character
296key_backspace		kb	backspace key
297key_catab		ka	clear-all-tabs key
298key_clear		kC	clear-screen or	erase key
299key_ctab		kt	clear-tab key
300key_dc			kD	delete-character key
301key_dl			kL	delete-line key
302key_down		kd	down-arrow key
303key_eic			kM	sent by	rmir or	smir in	insert mode
304key_eol			kE	clear-to-end-of-line key
305key_eos			kS	clear-to-end-of-screen key
306key_f0			k0	F0 function key
307key_f1			k1	F1 function key
308key_f10			k;	F10 function key
309key_f2			k2	F2 function key
310key_f3			k3	F3 function key
311key_f4			k4	F4 function key
312key_f5			k5	F5 function key
313key_f6			k6	F6 function key
314key_f7			k7	F7 function key
315key_f8			k8	F8 function key
316key_f9			k9	F9 function key
317key_home		kh	home key
318key_ic			kI	insert-character key
319key_il			kA	insert-line key
320key_left		kl	left-arrow key
321key_ll			kH	last-line key
322key_npage		kN	next-page key
323key_ppage		kP	prev-page key
324key_right		kr	right-arrow key
325key_sf			kF	scroll-forward key
326key_sr			kR	scroll-backward	key
327key_stab		kT	set-tab	key
328key_up			ku	up-arrow key
329keypad_local		ke	leave 'keyboard_transmit' mode
330keypad_xmit		ks	enter 'keyboard_transmit' mode
331lab_f0			l0	label on function key f0 if not	f0
332lab_f1			l1	label on function key f1 if not	f1
333lab_f10			la	label on function key f10 if not f10
334lab_f2			l2	label on function key f2 if not	f2
335lab_f3			l3	label on function key f3 if not	f3
336lab_f4			l4	label on function key f4 if not	f4
337lab_f5			l5	label on function key f5 if not	f5
338lab_f6			l6	label on function key f6 if not	f6
339lab_f7			l7	label on function key f7 if not	f7
340lab_f8			l8	label on function key f8 if not	f8
341lab_f9			l9	label on function key f9 if not	f9
342meta_off		mo	turn off meta mode
343meta_on			mm	turn on	meta mode (8th-bit on)
344newline			nw	newline	(behave	like cr	followed by lf)
345pad_char		pc	padding	char (instead of null)
346parm_dch		DC	delete #1 chars	(P*)
347parm_delete_line	DL	delete #1 lines	(P*)
348parm_down_cursor	DO	down #1	lines (P*)
349parm_ich		IC	insert #1 chars	(P*)
350parm_index		SF	scroll forward #1 lines	(P)
351parm_insert_line	AL	insert #1 lines	(P*)
352parm_left_cursor	LE	move #1	chars to the left (P)
353parm_right_cursor	RI	move #1	chars to the right (P*)
354parm_rindex		SR	scroll back #1 lines (P)
355parm_up_cursor		UP	up #1 lines (P*)
356pkey_key		pk	program	function key #1	to type	string #2
357pkey_local		pl	program	function key #1	to execute
358				string #2
359pkey_xmit		px	program	function key #1	to transmit
360				string #2
361print_screen		ps	print contents of screen
362prtr_off		pf	turn off printer
363prtr_on			po	turn on	printer
364repeat_char		rp	repeat char #1 #2 times	(P*)
365reset_1string		r1	reset string
366reset_2string		r2	reset string
367reset_3string		r3	reset string
368reset_file		rf	name of	reset file
369restore_cursor		rc	restore	cursor to last position	of
370				save_cursor
371row_address		cv	vertical position #1 absolute (P)
372save_cursor		sc	save current cursor position (P)
373scroll_forward		sf	scroll text up (P)
374scroll_reverse		sr	scroll text down (P)
375set_attributes		sa	define video attributes	#1-#9 (PG9)
376set_tab			st	set a tab in every row,	current	columns
377set_window		wi	current	window is lines	#1-#2 cols #3-#4
378tab			ta	tab to next 8-space hardware tab stop
379to_status_line		ts	move to	status line
380underline_char		uc	underline char and move	past it
381up_half_line		hu	half a line up
382init_prog		iP	path name of program for initialization
383key_a1			K1	upper left of keypad
384key_a3			K3	upper right of keypad
385key_b2			K2	center of keypad
386key_c1			K4	lower left of keypad
387key_c3			K5	lower right of keypad
388prtr_non		pO	turn on	printer	for #1 bytes
389termcap_init2		i2	secondary initialization string
390termcap_reset		rs	terminal reset string
392# SVr1 capabilities stop here.	IBM's version of terminfo is the same as
393# SVr4 up to this point, but has a different set afterwards.
395char_padding		rP	like insert_padding but	when in	insert mode
396acs_chars		ac	graphics charset pairs - def=vt100
397plab_norm		pn	program	label #1 to show string	#2
398key_btab		kB	back-tab key
399enter_xon_mode		SX	turn on	xon/xoff handshaking
400exit_xon_mode		RX	turn off xon/xoff handshaking
401enter_am_mode		SA	turn on	automatic margins
402exit_am_mode		RA	turn off automatic margins
403xon_character		XN	XON character
404xoff_character		XF	XOFF character
405ena_acs			eA	enable alternate char set
406label_on		LO	turn on	soft labels
407label_off		LF	turn off soft labels
408key_beg			@1	begin key
409key_cancel		@2	cancel key
410key_close		@3	close key
411key_command		@4	command	key
412key_copy		@5	copy key
413key_create		@6	create key
414key_end			@7	end key
415key_enter		@8	enter/send key
416key_exit		@9	exit key
417key_find		@0	find key
418key_help		%1	help key
419key_mark		%2	mark key
420key_message		%3	message	key
421key_move		%4	move key
422key_next		%5	next key
423key_open		%6	open key
424key_options		%7	options	key
425key_previous		%8	previous key
426key_print		%9	print key
427key_redo		%0	redo key
428key_reference		&1	reference key
429key_refresh		&2	refresh	key
430key_replace		&3	replace	key
431key_restart		&4	restart	key
432key_resume		&5	resume key
433key_save		&6	save key
434key_suspend		&7	suspend	key
435key_undo		&8	undo key
436key_sbeg		&9	shifted	key
437key_scancel		&0	shifted	key
438key_scommand		*1	shifted	key
439key_scopy		*2	shifted	key
440key_screate		*3	shifted	key
441key_sdc			*4	shifted	key
442key_sdl			*5	shifted	key
443key_select		*6	select key
444key_send		*7	shifted	key
445key_seol		*8	shifted	key
446key_sexit		*9	shifted	key
447key_sfind		*0	shifted	key
448key_shelp		#1	shifted	key
449key_shome		#2	shifted	key
450key_sic			#3	shifted	key
451key_sleft		#4	shifted	key
452key_smessage		%a	shifted	key
453key_smove		%b	shifted	key
454key_snext		%c	shifted	key
455key_soptions		%d	shifted	key
456key_sprevious		%e	shifted	key
457key_sprint		%f	shifted	key
458key_sredo		%g	shifted	key
459key_sreplace		%h	shifted	key
460key_sright		%i	shifted	key
461key_srsume		%j	shifted	key
462key_ssave		!1	shifted	key
463key_ssuspend		!2	shifted	key
464key_sundo		!3	shifted	key
465req_for_input		RF	send next input	char (for ptys)
466key_f11			F1	F11 function key
467key_f12			F2	F12 function key
468key_f13			F3	F13 function key
469key_f14			F4	F14 function key
470key_f15			F5	F15 function key
471key_f16			F6	F16 function key
472key_f17			F7	F17 function key
473key_f18			F8	F18 function key
474key_f19			F9	F19 function key
475key_f20			FA	F20 function key
476key_f21			FB	F21 function key
477key_f22			FC	F22 function key
478key_f23			FD	F23 function key
479key_f24			FE	F24 function key
480key_f25			FF	F25 function key
481key_f26			FG	F26 function key
482key_f27			FH	F27 function key
483key_f28			FI	F28 function key
484key_f29			FJ	F29 function key
485key_f30			FK	F30 function key
486key_f31			FL	F31 function key
487key_f32			FM	F32 function key
488key_f33			FN	F33 function key
489key_f34			FO	F34 function key
490key_f35			FP	F35 function key
491key_f36			FQ	F36 function key
492key_f37			FR	F37 function key
493key_f38			FS	F38 function key
494key_f39			FT	F39 function key
495key_f40			FU	F40 function key
496key_f41			FV	F41 function key
497key_f42			FW	F42 function key
498key_f43			FX	F43 function key
499key_f44			FY	F44 function key
500key_f45			FZ	F45 function key
501key_f46			Fa	F46 function key
502key_f47			Fb	F47 function key
503key_f48			Fc	F48 function key
504key_f49			Fd	F49 function key
505key_f50			Fe	F50 function key
506key_f51			Ff	F51 function key
507key_f52			Fg	F52 function key
508key_f53			Fh	F53 function key
509key_f54			Fi	F54 function key
510key_f55			Fj	F55 function key
511key_f56			Fk	F56 function key
512key_f57			Fl	F57 function key
513key_f58			Fm	F58 function key
514key_f59			Fn	F59 function key
515key_f60			Fo	F60 function key
516key_f61			Fp	F61 function key
517key_f62			Fq	F62 function key
518key_f63			Fr	F63 function key
519clr_bol			cb	Clear to beginning of line
520clear_margins		MC	clear right and	left soft margins
521set_left_margin		ML	set left soft margin
522set_right_margin	MR	set right soft margin
523label_format		Lf	label format
524set_clock		SC	set clock, #1 hrs #2 mins #3 secs
525display_clock		DK	display	clock at (#1,#2)
526remove_clock		RC	remove clock
527create_window		CW	define a window	#1 from	#2, #3 to #4, #5
528goto_window		WG	go to window #1
529hangup			HU	hang-up	phone
530dial_phone		DI	dial number #1
531quick_dial		QD	dial number #1 without checking
532tone			TO	select touch tone dialing
533pulse			PU	select pulse dialling
534flash_hook		fh	flash switch hook
535fixed_pause		PA	pause for 2-3 seconds
536wait_tone		WA	wait for dial-tone
537user0			u0	User string #0
538user1			u1	User string #1
539user2			u2	User string #2
540user3			u3	User string #3
541user4			u4	User string #4
542user5			u5	User string #5
543user6			u6	User string #6
544user7			u7	User string #7
545user8			u8	User string #8
546user9			u9	User string #9
548# SVr4 added these capabilities to support color
550orig_pair		op	Set default pair to its	original value
551orig_colors		oc	Set all	color pairs to the original ones
552initialize_color	Ic	initialize color #1 to (#2,#3,#4)
553initialize_pair		Ip	Initialize color pair #1 to fg=(#2,#3,#4),
554				bg=(#5,#6,#7)
555set_color_pair		sp	Set current color pair to #1
556set_foreground		Sf	Set foreground color #1
557set_background		Sb	Set background color #1
559# SVr4 added these capabilities to support printers
561change_char_pitch	ZA	Change number of characters per	inch
562change_line_pitch	ZB	Change number of lines per inch
563change_res_horz		ZC	Change horizontal resolution
564change_res_vert		ZD	Change vertical	resolution
565define_char		ZE	Define a character
566enter_doublewide_mode	ZF	Enter double-wide mode
567enter_draft_quality	ZG	Enter draft-quality mode
568enter_italics_mode	ZH	Enter italic mode
569enter_leftward_mode	ZI	Start leftward carriage	motion
570enter_micro_mode	ZJ	Start micro-motion mode
571enter_near_letter_quality	ZK	Enter NLQ mode
572enter_normal_quality	ZL	Enter normal-quality mode
573enter_shadow_mode	ZM	Enter shadow-print mode
574enter_subscript_mode	ZN	Enter subscript	mode
575enter_superscript_mode	ZO	Enter superscript mode
576enter_upward_mode	ZP	Start upward carriage motion
577exit_doublewide_mode	ZQ	End double-wide	mode
578exit_italics_mode	ZR	End italic mode
579exit_leftward_mode	ZS	End left-motion	mode
580exit_micro_mode		ZT	End micro-motion mode
581exit_shadow_mode	ZU	End shadow-print mode
582exit_subscript_mode	ZV	End subscript mode
583exit_superscript_mode	ZW	End superscript	mode
584exit_upward_mode	ZX	End reverse character motion
585micro_column_address	ZY	Like column_address in micro mode
586micro_down		ZZ	Like cursor_down in micro mode
587micro_left		Za	Like cursor_left in micro mode
588micro_right		Zb	Like cursor_right in micro mode
589micro_row_address	Zc	Like row_address in micro mode
590micro_up		Zd	Like cursor_up in micro	mode
591order_of_pins		Ze	Match software bits to print-head pins
592parm_down_micro		Zf	Like parm_down_cursor in micro mode
593parm_left_micro		Zg	Like parm_left_cursor in micro mode
594parm_right_micro	Zh	Like parm_right_cursor in micro	mode
595parm_up_micro		Zi	Like parm_up_cursor in micro mode
596select_char_set		Zj	Select character set
597set_bottom_margin	Zk	Set bottom margin at current line
598set_bottom_margin_parm	Zl	Set bottom margin at line #1 or	#2 lines
599				from bottom
600set_left_margin_parm	Zm	Set left (right) margin	at column #1 (#2)
601set_right_margin_parm	Zn	Set right margin at column #1
602set_top_margin		Zo	Set top	margin at current line
603set_top_margin_parm	Zp	Set top	(bottom) margin	at row #1 (#2)
604start_bit_image		Zq	Start printing bit image graphics
605start_char_set_def	Zr	Start character	set definition
606stop_bit_image		Zs	Stop printing bit image	graphics
607stop_char_set_def	Zt	End definition of character aet
608subscript_characters	Zu	List of	subscriptible characters
609superscript_characters	Zv	List of	superscriptible	characters
610these_cause_cr		Zw	Printing any of	these chars causes CR
611zero_motion		Zx	No motion for subsequent character
613# The following	string capabilities are	present	in the SVr4.0 term
614# structure, but are not documented in the man page.
616char_set_names		Zy	List of	character set names
617key_mouse		Km	Mouse event has	occurred
618mouse_info		Mi	Mouse status information
619req_mouse_pos		RQ	Request	mouse position
620get_mouse		Gm	Curses should get button events
621set_a_foreground	AF	Set ANSI foreground color
622set_a_background	AB	Set ANSI background color
623pkey_plab		xl	Program	function key #1	to type	string #2
624				and show string	#3
625device_type		dv	Indicate language/codeset support
626code_set_init		ci	Init sequence for multiple codesets
627set0_des_seq		s0	Shift to code set 0 (EUC set 0,	ASCII)
628set1_des_seq		s1	Shift to code set 1
629set2_des_seq		s2	Shift to code set 2
630set3_des_seq		s3	Shift to code set 3
631set_lr_margin		ML	Set both left and right	margins	to #1, #2
632set_tb_margin		MT	Sets both top and bottom margins to #1,	#2
633bit_image_repeat	Xy	Repeat bit image cell #1 #2 times
634bit_image_newline	Zz	Move to	next row of the	bit image
635bit_image_carriage_return	Yv	Move to	beginning of same row
636color_names		Yw	Give name for color #1
637define_bit_image_region	Yx	Define rectangular bit image region
638end_bit_image_region	Yy	End a bit-image	region
639set_color_band		Yz	Change to ribbon color #1
640set_page_length		YZ	Set page length	to #1 lines
642# SVr4 added these capabilities for direct PC-clone support
644display_pc_char		S1	Display	PC character
645enter_pc_charset_mode	S2	Enter PC character display mode
646exit_pc_charset_mode	S3	Exit PC	character display mode
647enter_scancode_mode	S4	Enter PC scancode mode
648exit_scancode_mode	S5	Exit PC	scancode mode
649pc_term_options		S6	PC terminal options
650scancode_escape		S7	Escape for scancode emulation
651alt_scancode_esc	S8	Alternate escape for scancode emulation
653# The XSI Curses standard added	these.
655enter_horizontal_hl_mode	Xh	Enter horizontal highlight mode
656enter_left_hl_mode	Xl	Enter left highlight mode
657enter_low_hl_mode	Xo	Enter low highlight mode
658enter_right_hl_mode	Xr	Enter right highlight mode
659enter_top_hl_mode	Xt	Enter top highlight mode
660enter_vertical_hl_mode	Xv	Enter vertical highlight mode
663Obsolete termcap capabilities.
664New software should not rely on them at all.
665.Bd -literal
666\fBBoolean			TCap	Description\fR
667\fBVariables		Code\fR
668linefeed_is_newline	NL	move down with ^J
669even_parity		EP	terminal requires even parity
670odd_parity		OP	terminal requires odd parity
671half_duplex		HD	terminal is half-duplex
672lower_case_only		LC	terminal has only lower	case
673upper_case_only		UC	terminal has only upper	case
674has_hardware_tabs	pt	has 8-char tabs	invoked	with ^I
675return_does_clr_eol	xr	return clears the line
676tek_4025_insert_line	xx	Tektronix 4025 insert-line glitch
677backspaces_with_bs	bs	uses ^H	to move	left
678crt_no_scrolling	ns	crt cannot scroll
679no_correctly_working_cr	nc	no way to go to	start of line
681.Bd -literal
682\fBNumber			TCap	Description\fR
683\fBVariables		Code\fR
684backspace_delay		dB	padding	required for ^H
685form_feed_delay		dF	padding	required for ^L
686horizontal_tab_delay	dT	padding	required for ^I
687vertical_tab_delay	dV	padding	required for ^V
688number_of_function_keys	kn	count of function keys
689carriage_return_delay	dC	pad needed for CR
690new_line_delay		dN	pad needed for LF
692.Bd -literal
693\fBString			TCap	Description\fR
694\fBVariables		Code\fR
695other_non_function_keys	ko	list of	self-mapped keycaps
696arrow_key_map		ma	map arrow keys
697memory_lock_above	ml	lock visible screen memory above the
698				current	line
699memory_unlock		mu	unlock visible screen memory above the
700				current	line
701linefeed_if_not_lf	nl	use to move down
702backspace_if_not_bs	bc	move left, if not ^H
704.Ss A Sample Entry
705The following entry, which describes the Concept\-100, is among the more
706complex entries in the
708file as of this writing.
709.Bd -literal
710ca\||\|concept100\||\|c100\||\|concept\||\|c104\||\|concept100-4p\||\|HDS Concept\-100:\e
711	:al=3*\eE^R:am:bl=^G:cd=16*\eE^C:ce=16\eE^U:cl=2*^L:cm=\eEa%+ %+ :\e
712	:co#80:.cr=9^M:db:dc=16\eE^A:dl=3*\eE^B:do=^J:ei=\eE\e200:eo:im=\eE^P:in:\e
713	:ip=16*:is=\eEU\eEf\eE7\eE5\eE8\eEl\eENH\eEK\eE\e200\eEo&\e200\eEo\e47\eE:k1=\eE5:\e
714	:k2=\eE6:k3=\eE7:kb=^h:kd=\eE<:ke=\eEx:kh=\eE?:kl=\eE>:kr=\eE=:ks=\eEX:\e
715	:ku=\eE;:le=^H:li#24:mb=\eEC:me=\eEN\e200:mh=\eEE:mi:mk=\eEH:mp=\eEI:\e
716	:mr=\eED:nd=\eE=:pb#9600:rp=0.2*\eEr%.%+ :se=\eEd\eEe:sf=^J:so=\eEE\eED:\e
717	:.ta=8\et:te=\eEv    \e200\e200\e200\e200\e200\e200\eEp\er\en:\e
718	:ti=\eEU\eEv  8p\eEp\er:ue=\eEg:ul:up=\eE;:us=\eEG:\e
719	:vb=\eEk\e200\e200\e200\e200\e200\e200\e200\e200\e200\e200\e200\e200\e200\e200\eEK:\e
720	:ve=\eEw:vs=\eEW:vt#8:xn:\e
721	:bs:cr=^M:dC#9:dT#8:nl=^J:ta=^I:pt:
724Entries may continue onto multiple lines by giving a \e as the last
725character of a line, and empty fields
726may be included for readability (here between the last field on a line
727and the first field on the next).
728Comments may be included on lines beginning with
729.Dq # .
730.Ss Types of Capabilities
731Capabilities in
733are of three types: Boolean capabilities,
734which indicate particular features that the terminal has;
735numeric capabilities,
736giving the size of the display or the size of other attributes;
737and string capabilities,
738which give character sequences that can be used to perform particular
739terminal operations.
740All capabilities have two-letter codes.
741For instance, the fact that
742the Concept has
743.Em automatic margins
744(an automatic return and linefeed
745when the end of a line is reached) is indicated by the Boolean capability
746.Sy \&am .
747Hence the description of the Concept includes
748.Sy \&am .
750Numeric capabilities are followed by the character `#' then the value.
751In the example above
752.Sy \&co ,
753which indicates the number of columns the display has,
754gives the value `80' for the Concept.
756Finally, string-valued capabilities, such as
757.Sy \&ce
759sequence) are given by the two-letter code, an `=', then a string
760ending at the next following `:'.
761A delay in milliseconds may appear after
762the `=' in such a capability,
763which causes padding characters to be supplied by
764.Xr tputs 3
765after the remainder of the string is sent to provide this delay.
766The delay can be either a number,
767such as `20', or a number followed by
768an `*',
769such as `3*'.
770An `*' indicates that the padding required is proportional
771to the number of lines affected by the operation, and the amount given is
772the per-affected-line padding required.
773(In the case of insert-character,
774the factor is still the number of
775.Em lines
777this is always 1 unless the terminal has
778.Sy \&in
779and the software uses it.)
780When an `*' is specified, it is sometimes useful to give a delay of the form
781`3.5' to specify a delay per line to tenths of milliseconds.
782(Only one decimal place is allowed.)
784A number of escape sequences are provided in the string-valued capabilities
785for easy encoding of control characters there.
786.Sy \&\eE
787maps to an
788.Dv ESC
790.Sy \&^X
791maps to a control-X for any appropriate X,
792and the sequences
793.Sy \&\en
794.Sy \&\er
795.Sy \&\et
796.Sy \&\eb
797.Sy \&\ef
798map to linefeed, return, tab, backspace, and formfeed, respectively.
799Finally, characters may be given as three octal digits after a
800.Sy \&\e ,
801and the characters
802.Sy \&^
804.Sy \&\e
805may be given as
806.Sy \&\e^
808.Sy \&\e\e .
809If it is necessary to place a
810.Sy \&:
811in a capability it must be escaped as
812.Sy \e:
813or be encoded as
814.Sy \&\e072 .
815If it is necessary to place a
816.Dv NUL
817character in a string capability it
818must be encoded as
819.Sy \&\e200 .
820(The routines that deal with
822use C strings and strip the high bits of the output very late, so that
824.Sy \&\e200
825comes out as a
826.Sy \&\e000
829Sometimes individual capabilities must be commented out.
830To do this, put a period before the capability name.
831For example, see the first
832.Sy \&cr
834.Sy \&ta
835in the example above.
836.Ss Preparing Descriptions
837The most effective way to prepare a terminal description is by imitating
838the description of a similar terminal in
840and to build up a description gradually, using partial descriptions
842.Xr \&vi 1
843to check that they are correct.
844Be aware that a very unusual terminal may expose deficiencies in
845the ability of the
847file to describe it
848or bugs in
849.Xr \&vi 1 .
850To easily test a new terminal description you are working on
851you can put it in your home directory in a file called
852.Pa .termcap
853and programs will look there before looking in
854.Pa /usr/share/misc/termcap .
855You can also set the environment variable
857to a list of absolute file pathnames (separated by spaces or colons),
858one of which contains the description you are working on,
859and programs will search them in the order listed, and nowhere else.
861.Xr termcap 3 .
864environment variable is usually set to the
866entry itself
867to avoid reading files when starting up a program.
869To get the padding for insert-line right
870(if the terminal manufacturer did not document it),
871a severe test is to use
872.Xr \&vi 1
873to edit
874.Pa /etc/passwd
875at 9600 baud, delete roughly 16 lines from the middle of the screen,
876then hit the `u' key several times quickly.
877If the display messes up, more padding is usually needed.
878A similar test can be used for insert-character.
879.Ss Basic Capabilities
880The number of columns on each line of the display is given by the
881.Sy \&co
882numeric capability.
883If the display is a
884.Tn CRT ,
885then the
886number of lines on the screen is given by the
887.Sy \&li
889If the display wraps around to the beginning of the next line when
890the cursor reaches the right margin, then it should have the
891.Sy \&am
893If the terminal can clear its screen,
894the code to do this is given by the
895.Sy \&cl
896string capability.
897If the terminal overstrikes
898(rather than clearing the position when a character is overwritten),
899it should have the
900.Sy \&os
902If the terminal is a printing terminal,
903with no soft copy unit,
904give it both
905.Sy \&hc
907.Sy \&os .
908.Pf ( Sy \&os
909applies to storage scope terminals,
910such as the Tektronix 4010 series,
911as well as to hard copy and
912.Tn APL
914If there is a code to move the cursor to the left edge of the current row,
915give this as
916.Sy \&cr .
917(Normally this will be carriage-return,
918.Sy \&^M . )
919If there is a code to produce an audible signal (bell, beep,
921give this as
922.Sy \&bl .
924If there is a code (such as backspace)
925to move the cursor one position to the left,
926that capability should be given as
927.Sy \&le .
929codes to move to the right, up, and down
930should be given as
931.Sy \&nd ,
932.Sy \&up ,
934.Sy \&do ,
937.Em local cursor motions
938should not alter the text they pass over;
939for example, you would not normally use
940.Dq nd=\ \&
941unless the terminal has the
942.Sy \&os
944because the space would erase the character moved over.
946A very important point here is that the local cursor motions encoded
949have undefined behavior at the left and top edges of a
950.Tn CRT
952Programs should never attempt to backspace around the left edge,
954.Sy \&bw
955is given, and never attempt to go up off the top
956using local cursor motions.
958In order to scroll text up,
959a program goes to the bottom left corner of the screen and sends the
960.Sy \&sf
961(index) string.
962To scroll text down,
963a program goes to the top left corner of the screen and sends the
964.Sy \&sr
965(reverse index) string.
966The strings
967.Sy \&sf
969.Sy \&sr
970have undefined behavior
971when not on their respective corners of the screen.
972Parameterized versions of the scrolling sequences are
973.Sy \&SF
975.Sy \&SR ,
976which have the same semantics as
977.Sy \&sf
979.Sy \&sr
980except that they take one parameter
981and scroll that many lines.
982They also have undefined behavior
983except at the appropriate corner of the screen.
986.Sy \&am
987capability tells whether the cursor sticks at the right
988edge of the screen when text is output there,
989but this does not necessarily apply to
990.Sy \&nd
991from the last column.
992Leftward local motion is defined from the left edge only when
993.Sy \&bw
994is given; then an
995.Sy \&le
996from the left edge will move to the right edge of the previous row.
997This is useful for drawing a box around the edge of the screen,
998for example.
999If the terminal has switch-selectable automatic margins,
1002description usually assumes that this feature is on,
1003.Em i.e . ,
1004.Sy \&am .
1005If the terminal has a command
1006that moves to the first column of the next line,
1007that command can be given as
1008.Sy \&nw
1010It is permissible for this to clear the remainder of the current line,
1011so if the terminal has no correctly-working
1012.Tn \&CR
1014.Tn \&LF
1015it may still be possible to craft a working
1016.Sy \&nw
1017out of one or both of them.
1019These capabilities suffice to describe hardcopy and
1020.Dq glass-tty
1022Thus the Teletype model 33 is described as
1023.Bd -literal -offset indent
1024T3\||\|tty33\||\|33\||\|tty\||\|Teletype model 33:\e
1025	:bl=^G:co#72:cr=^M:do=^J:hc:os:
1028and the Lear Siegler
1029.Tn ADM Ns \-3
1030is described as
1031.Bd -literal -offset indent
1032l3\||\|adm3\||\|3\||\|LSI ADM-3:\e
1035.Ss Parameterized Strings
1036Cursor addressing and other strings requiring parameters
1037are described by a
1038parameterized string capability, with
1039.Xr printf 3 Ns \-like
1041.Sy \&%x
1042in it,
1043while other characters are passed through unchanged.
1044For example, to address the cursor the
1045.Sy \&cm
1046capability is given, using two parameters: the row and column to move to.
1047(Rows and columns are numbered from zero and refer to the physical screen
1048visible to the user, not to any unseen memory.
1049If the terminal has memory-relative cursor addressing,
1050that can be indicated by an analogous
1051.Sy \&CM
1055.Sy \&%
1056encodings have the following meanings:
1057.Bl -column xxxxx
1058.It "%%	output `%'"
1059.It "%d	output value as in"
1060.Xr printf 3
1062.It "%2	output value as in"
1063.Xr printf 3
1065.It "%3	output value as in"
1066.Xr printf 3
1068.It "%.	output value as in"
1069.Xr printf 3
1071.It "%+" Ns Em x Ta No add
1072.Em x
1073to value, then do %.
1074.It "%>" Ns Em \&xy Ta No if
1075value >
1076.Em x
1077then add
1078.Em y ,
1079no output
1080.It "%r	reverse order of two parameters, no output"
1081.It "%i	increment by one, no output"
1082.It "%n	exclusive-or all parameters with 0140 (Datamedia 2500)"
1083.It "\&%B" Ta Tn BCD No "(16*(value/10)) + (value%10), no output"
1084.It "%D	Reverse coding (value \- 2*(value%16)), no output (Delta Data)."
1087Consider the Hewlett-Packard 2645, which, to get to row 3 and column 12, needs
1088to be sent
1089.Dq \eE&a12c03Y
1090padded for 6 milliseconds.
1091Note that the order
1092of the row and column coordinates is reversed here
1093and that the row and column
1094are sent as two-digit integers.
1095Thus its
1096.Sy \&cm
1097capability is
1098.Dq Li cm=6\eE&%r%2c%2Y .
1100The Datamedia 2500 needs the current row and column sent
1101encoded in binary using
1102.Dq \&%. .
1103Terminals that use
1104.Dq %.\&
1105need to be able to
1106backspace the cursor
1107.Pq Sy \&le
1108and to move the cursor up one line on the screen
1109.Pq Sy \&up .
1110This is necessary because it is not always safe to transmit
1111.Sy \&\en ,
1112.Sy \&^D ,
1114.Sy \&\er ,
1115as the system may change or discard them.
1116(Programs using
1118must set terminal modes so that tabs are not expanded, so
1119.Sy \&\et
1120is safe to send.
1121This turns out to be essential for the Ann Arbor 4080.)
1123A final example is the Lear Siegler
1124.Tn ADM Ns \-3a ,
1125which offsets row and column
1126by a blank character, thus
1127.Dq Li cm=\eE=%+ %+\ \& .
1129Row or column absolute cursor addressing
1130can be given as single parameter capabilities
1131.Sy \&ch
1132(horizontal position absolute) and
1133.Sy \&cv
1134(vertical position absolute).
1135Sometimes these are shorter than the more general two-parameter sequence
1136(as with the Hewlett-Packard 2645) and can be used in preference to
1137.Sy \&cm .
1138If there are parameterized local motions
1139.Pf ( Em e.g . ,
1141.Ar n
1142positions to the right)
1143these can be given as
1144.Sy \&DO ,
1145.Sy \&LE ,
1146.Sy \&RI ,
1148.Sy \&UP
1149with a single parameter indicating how many positions to move.
1150These are primarily useful if the terminal does not have
1151.Sy \&cm ,
1152such as the Tektronix 4025.
1153.Ss Cursor Motions
1154If the terminal has a fast way to home the cursor
1155(to the very upper left corner of the screen), this can be given as
1156.Sy \&ho .
1157Similarly, a fast way of getting to the lower left-hand corner
1158can be given as
1159.Sy \&ll ;
1160this may involve going up with
1161.Sy \&up
1162from the home position,
1163but a program should never do this itself (unless
1164.Sy \&ll
1165does), because it can
1166make no assumption about the effect of moving up from the home position.
1167Note that the home position is the same as
1168cursor address (0,0): to the top left corner of the screen, not of memory.
1169(Therefore, the
1170.Dq \eEH
1171sequence on Hewlett-Packard terminals
1172cannot be used for
1173.Sy \&ho . )
1174.Ss Area Clears
1175If the terminal can clear from the current position to the end of the
1176line, leaving the cursor where it is, this should be given as
1177.Sy \&ce .
1178If the terminal can clear from the current position to the end of the
1179display, this should be given as
1180.Sy \&cd .
1181.Sy \&cd
1182must only be invoked from the first column of a line.
1184it can be simulated by a request to delete a large number of lines,
1185if a true
1186.Sy \&cd
1187is not available.)
1188.Ss Insert/Delete Line
1189If the terminal can open a new blank line
1190before the line containing the cursor,
1191this should be given as
1192.Sy \&al ;
1193this must be invoked only from the first
1194position of a line.
1195The cursor must then appear at the left of the newly blank line.
1196If the terminal can delete the line that the cursor is on, this
1197should be given as
1198.Sy \&dl ;
1199this must only be used from the first position on
1200the line to be deleted.
1201Versions of
1202.Sy \&al
1204.Sy \&dl
1205which take a single parameter
1206and insert or delete that many lines
1207can be given as
1208.Sy \&AL
1210.Sy \&DL .
1211If the terminal has a settable scrolling region
1212(like the VT100),
1213the command to set this can be described with the
1214.Sy \&cs
1216which takes two parameters: the top and bottom lines of the scrolling region.
1217The cursor position is, alas, undefined after using this command.
1218It is possible to get the effect of insert or delete line
1219using this command \(em the
1220.Sy \&sc
1222.Sy \&rc
1223(save and restore cursor) commands are also useful.
1224Inserting lines at the top or bottom of the screen can also be done using
1225.Sy \&sr
1227.Sy \&sf
1228on many terminals without a true insert/delete line,
1229and is often faster even on terminals with those features.
1231If the terminal has the ability to define a window as part of memory
1232which all commands affect, it should be given as the parameterized string
1233.Sy \&wi .
1234The four parameters are the starting and ending lines in memory
1235and the starting and ending columns in memory, in that order.
1237.Xr terminfo 5
1238capability is described for completeness.
1239It is unlikely that any
1240.Nm Ns \-using
1241program will support it.)
1243If the terminal can retain display memory above the screen, then the
1244.Sy \&da
1245capability should be given;
1246if display memory can be retained
1247below, then
1248.Sy \&db
1249should be given.
1250These indicate
1251that deleting a line or scrolling may bring non-blank lines up from below
1252or that scrolling back with
1253.Sy \&sr
1254may bring down non-blank lines.
1255.Ss Insert/Delete Character
1256There are two basic kinds of intelligent terminals with respect to
1257insert/delete character that can be described using
1258.Nm .
1259The most common insert/delete character operations affect only the characters
1260on the current line and shift characters off the end of the line rigidly.
1261Other terminals, such as the Concept\-100 and the Perkin Elmer Owl, make
1262a distinction between typed and untyped blanks on the screen, shifting
1263upon an insert or delete only to an untyped blank on the screen which is
1264either eliminated or expanded to two untyped blanks.
1265You can determine
1266the kind of terminal you have by clearing the screen then typing
1267text separated by cursor motions.
1269.Dq Li abc\ \ \ \ def
1270using local
1271cursor motions (not spaces) between the
1272.Dq abc
1273and the
1274.Dq def .
1275Then position the cursor before the
1276.Dq abc
1277and put the terminal in insert
1279If typing characters causes the rest of the line to shift
1280rigidly and characters to fall off the end, then your terminal does
1281not distinguish between blanks and untyped positions.
1282If the
1283.Dq abc
1284shifts over to the
1285.Dq def
1286which then move together around the end of the
1287current line and onto the next as you insert, then you have the second type of
1288terminal and should give the capability
1289.Sy \&in ,
1290which stands for
1291.Dq insert null .
1292While these are two logically separate attributes
1293(one line
1294.Em \&vs .
1295multi-line insert mode,
1296and special treatment of untyped spaces),
1297we have seen no terminals whose insert
1298mode cannot be described with the single attribute.
1302entries can describe both terminals that have an insert mode and terminals
1303that send a simple sequence to open a blank position on the current line.
1304Give as
1305.Sy \&im
1306the sequence to get into insert mode.
1307Give as
1308.Sy \&ei
1309the sequence to leave insert mode.
1310Now give as
1311.Sy \&ic
1312any sequence that needs to be sent just before
1313each character to be inserted.
1314Most terminals with a true insert mode
1315will not give
1316.Sy \&ic ;
1317terminals that use a sequence to open a screen
1318position should give it here.
1319(If your terminal has both,
1320insert mode is usually preferable to
1321.Sy \&ic .
1322Do not give both unless the terminal actually requires both to be used
1323in combination.)
1324If post-insert padding is needed, give this as a number of milliseconds
1326.Sy \&ip
1327(a string option).
1328Any other sequence that may need to be
1329sent after insertion of a single character can also be given in
1330.Sy \&ip .
1331If your terminal needs to be placed into an `insert mode'
1332and needs a special code preceding each inserted character,
1333then both
1334.Sy \&im Ns / Sy \&ei
1336.Sy \&ic
1337can be given, and both will be used.
1339.Sy \&IC
1340capability, with one parameter
1341.Em n ,
1342will repeat the effects of
1343.Sy \&ic
1344.Em n
1347It is occasionally necessary to move around while in insert mode
1348to delete characters on the same line
1349.Pf ( Em e.g . ,
1350if there is a tab after
1351the insertion position).
1352If your terminal allows motion while in
1353insert mode, you can give the capability
1354.Sy \&mi
1355to speed up inserting
1356in this case.
1358.Sy \&mi
1359will affect only speed.
1360Some terminals
1361(notably Datamedia's) must not have
1362.Sy \&mi
1363because of the way their
1364insert mode works.
1366Finally, you can specify
1367.Sy \&dc
1368to delete a single character,
1369.Sy \&DC
1370with one parameter
1371.Em n
1372to delete
1373.Em n
1375and delete mode by giving
1376.Sy \&dm
1378.Sy \&ed
1379to enter and exit delete mode
1380(which is any mode the terminal needs to be placed in for
1381.Sy \&dc
1382to work).
1383.Ss Highlighting, Underlining, and Visible Bells
1384If your terminal has one or more kinds of display attributes,
1385these can be represented in a number of different ways.
1386You should choose one display form as
1387.Em standout mode ,
1388representing a good high-contrast, easy-on-the-eyes format
1389for highlighting error messages and other attention getters.
1390(If you have a choice, reverse video plus half-bright is good,
1391or reverse video alone.)
1392The sequences to enter and exit standout mode
1393are given as
1394.Sy \&so
1396.Sy \&se ,
1398If the code to change into or out of standout
1399mode leaves one or even two blank spaces or garbage characters on the screen,
1400as the
1401.Tn TVI
1402912 and Teleray 1061 do,
1404.Sy \&sg
1405should be given to tell how many characters are left.
1407Codes to begin underlining and end underlining can be given as
1408.Sy \&us
1410.Sy \&ue ,
1412Underline mode change garbage is specified by
1413.Sy \&ug ,
1414similar to
1415.Sy \&sg .
1416If the terminal has a code to underline the current character and move
1417the cursor one position to the right,
1418such as the Microterm Mime,
1419this can be given as
1420.Sy \&uc .
1422Other capabilities to enter various highlighting modes include
1423.Sy \&mb
1425.Sy \&md
1426(bold or extra bright),
1427.Sy \&mh
1428(dim or half-bright),
1429.Sy \&mk
1430(blanking or invisible text),
1431.Sy \&mp
1433.Sy \&mr
1434(reverse video),
1435.Sy \&me
1436(turn off
1437.Em all
1438attribute modes),
1439.Sy \&as
1440(enter alternate character set mode), and
1441.Sy \&ae
1442(exit alternate character set mode).
1443Turning on any of these modes singly may or may not turn off other modes.
1445If there is a sequence to set arbitrary combinations of mode,
1446this should be given as
1447.Sy \&sa
1448(set attributes), taking 9 parameters.
1449Each parameter is either 0 or 1,
1450as the corresponding attributes is on or off.
1451The 9 parameters are, in order: standout, underline, reverse, blink,
1452dim, bold, blank, protect, and alternate character set.
1453Not all modes need be supported by
1454.Sy \&sa ,
1455only those for which corresponding attribute commands exist.
1456(It is unlikely that a
1457.Nm Ns \-using
1458program will support this capability, which is defined for compatibility
1460.Xr terminfo 5 . )
1462Terminals with the
1463.Dq magic cookie
1465.Pf ( Sy \&sg
1467.Sy \&ug ) ,
1468rather than maintaining extra attribute bits for each character cell,
1469instead deposit special
1470.Dq cookies ,
1472.Dq garbage characters ,
1473when they receive mode-setting sequences,
1474which affect the display algorithm.
1476Some terminals,
1477such as the Hewlett-Packard 2621,
1478automatically leave standout
1479mode when they move to a new line or when the cursor is addressed.
1480Programs using standout mode
1481should exit standout mode on such terminals
1482before moving the cursor or sending a newline.
1483On terminals where this is not a problem,
1485.Sy \&ms
1486capability should be present
1487to say that this overhead is unnecessary.
1489If the terminal has
1490a way of flashing the screen to indicate an error quietly
1491(a bell replacement),
1492this can be given as
1493.Sy \&vb ;
1494it must not move the cursor.
1496If the cursor needs to be made more visible than normal
1497when it is not on the bottom line
1498(to change, for example, a non-blinking underline into an easier-to-find
1499block or blinking underline),
1500give this sequence as
1501.Sy \&vs .
1502If there is a way to make the cursor completely invisible, give that as
1503.Sy \&vi .
1504The capability
1505.Sy \&ve ,
1506which undoes the effects of both of these modes,
1507should also be given.
1509If your terminal correctly displays underlined characters
1510(with no special codes needed)
1511even though it does not overstrike,
1512then you should give the capability
1513.Sy \&ul .
1514If overstrikes are erasable with a blank,
1515this should be indicated by giving
1516.Sy \&eo .
1517.Ss Keypad
1518If the terminal has a keypad that transmits codes when the keys are pressed,
1519this information can be given.
1520Note that it is not possible to handle
1521terminals where the keypad only works in local mode
1522(this applies, for example, to the unshifted Hewlett-Packard 2621 keys).
1523If the keypad can be set to transmit or not transmit,
1524give these codes as
1525.Sy \&ks
1527.Sy \&ke .
1528Otherwise the keypad is assumed to always transmit.
1529The codes sent by the left-arrow, right-arrow, up-arrow, down-arrow,
1530and home keys can be given as
1531.Sy \&kl ,
1532.Sy \&kr ,
1533.Sy \&ku ,
1534.Sy \&kd ,
1536.Sy \&kh ,
1538If there are function keys such as f0, f1, ..., f9, the codes they send
1539can be given as
1540.Sy \&k0 ,
1541.Sy \&k1 ,
1543.Sy \&k9 .
1544If these keys have labels other than the default f0 through f9, the labels
1545can be given as
1546.Sy \&l0 ,
1547.Sy \&l1 ,
1549.Sy \&l9 .
1550The codes transmitted by certain other special keys can be given:
1551.Sy \&kH
1552(home down),
1553.Sy \&kb
1555.Sy \&ka
1556(clear all tabs),
1557.Sy \&kt
1558(clear the tab stop in this column),
1559.Sy \&kC
1560(clear screen or erase),
1561.Sy \&kD
1562(delete character),
1563.Sy \&kL
1564(delete line),
1565.Sy \&kM
1566(exit insert mode),
1567.Sy \&kE
1568(clear to end of line),
1569.Sy \&kS
1570(clear to end of screen),
1571.Sy \&kI
1572(insert character or enter insert mode),
1573.Sy \&kA
1574(insert line),
1575.Sy \&kN
1576(next page),
1577.Sy \&kP
1578(previous page),
1579.Sy \&kF
1580(scroll forward/down),
1581.Sy \&kR
1582(scroll backward/up), and
1583.Sy \&kT
1584(set a tab stop in this column).
1585In addition, if the keypad has a 3 by 3 array of keys
1586including the four arrow keys, then the other five keys can be given as
1587.Sy \&K1 ,
1588.Sy \&K2 ,
1589.Sy \&K3 ,
1590.Sy \&K4 ,
1592.Sy \&K5 .
1593These keys are useful when the effects of a 3 by 3 directional pad are needed.
1594The obsolete
1595.Sy \&ko
1596capability formerly used to describe
1597.Dq other
1598function keys has been
1599completely supplanted by the above capabilities.
1602.Sy \&ma
1603entry is also used to indicate arrow keys on terminals that have
1604single-character arrow keys.
1605It is obsolete but still in use in
1606version 2 of
1607.Sy \&vi
1608which must be run on some minicomputers due to
1609memory limitations.
1610This field is redundant with
1611.Sy \&kl ,
1612.Sy \&kr ,
1613.Sy \&ku ,
1614.Sy \&kd ,
1616.Sy \&kh .
1617It consists of groups of two characters.
1618In each group, the first character is what an arrow key sends, and the
1619second character is the corresponding
1620.Sy \&vi
1622These commands are
1623.Ar h
1625.Sy \&kl ,
1626.Ar j
1628.Sy \&kd ,
1629.Ar k
1631.Sy \&ku ,
1632.Ar l
1634.Sy \&kr ,
1636.Ar H
1638.Sy \&kh .
1639For example, the Mime would have
1640.Dq Li ma=^Hh^Kj^Zk^Xl
1641indicating arrow keys left (^H), down (^K), up (^Z), and right (^X).
1642(There is no home key on the Mime.)
1643.Ss Tabs and Initialization
1644If the terminal needs to be in a special mode when running
1645a program that uses these capabilities,
1646the codes to enter and exit this mode can be given as
1647.Sy \&ti
1649.Sy \&te .
1650This arises, for example, from terminals like the Concept with more than
1651one page of memory.
1652If the terminal has only memory-relative cursor addressing and not
1653screen-relative cursor addressing,
1654a screen-sized window must be fixed into
1655the display for cursor addressing to work properly.
1656This is also used for the Tektronix 4025, where
1657.Sy \&ti
1658sets the command character to be the one used by
1659.Nm .
1661Other capabilities
1663.Sy \&is ,
1664an initialization string for the terminal,
1666.Sy \&if ,
1667the name of a file containing long initialization strings.
1668These strings are expected to set the terminal into modes
1669consistent with the rest of the
1672They are normally sent to the terminal by the
1673.Xr tset 1
1674program each time the user logs in.
1675They will be printed in the following order:
1676.Sy \&is ;
1677setting tabs using
1678.Sy \&ct
1680.Sy \&st ;
1681and finally
1682.Sy \&if .
1683.Pf ( Xr Terminfo
1685.Sy \&i\&1-i2
1686instead of
1687.Sy \&is
1688and runs the program
1689.Sy \&iP
1690and prints
1691.Sy "\&i\&3"
1692after the other initializations.)
1693A pair of sequences that does a harder reset from a totally unknown state
1694can be analogously given as
1695.Sy \&rs
1697.Sy \&if .
1698These strings are output by the
1699.Xr reset 1
1700program, which is used when the terminal gets into a wedged state.
1701.Pf ( Xr Terminfo
1703.Sy "\&r1-r3"
1704instead of
1705.Sy \&rs . )
1706Commands are normally placed in
1707.Sy \&rs
1709.Sy \&rf
1710only if they produce annoying effects on the screen and are not necessary
1711when logging in.
1712For example, the command to set the VT100 into 80-column mode
1713would normally be part of
1714.Sy \&is ,
1715but it causes an annoying glitch of the screen and is not normally needed
1716since the terminal is usually already in 80-column mode.
1718If the terminal has hardware tabs,
1719the command to advance to the next tab stop can be given as
1720.Sy \&ta
1722.Sy \&^I ) .
1724.Dq backtab
1725command which moves leftward to the previous tab stop
1726can be given as
1727.Sy \&bt .
1728By convention,
1729if the terminal driver modes indicate that tab stops are being expanded
1730by the computer rather than being sent to the terminal,
1731programs should not use
1732.Sy \&ta
1734.Sy \&bt
1735even if they are present,
1736since the user may not have the tab stops properly set.
1737If the terminal has hardware tabs that are initially set every
1738.Ar n
1739positions when the terminal is powered up, then the numeric parameter
1740.Sy \&it
1741is given, showing the number of positions between tab stops.
1742This is normally used by the
1743.Xr tset 1
1744command to determine whether to set the driver mode for hardware tab
1745expansion, and whether to set the tab stops.
1746If the terminal has tab stops that can be saved in nonvolatile memory, the
1748description can assume that they are properly set.
1750If there are commands to set and clear tab stops, they can be given as
1751.Sy \&ct
1752(clear all tab stops) and
1753.Sy \&st
1754(set a tab stop in the current column of every row).
1755If a more complex sequence is needed to set the tabs than can be
1756described by this, the sequence can be placed in
1757.Sy \&is
1759.Sy \&if .
1760.Ss Delays
1761Certain capabilities control padding in the terminal driver.
1762These are primarily needed by hardcopy terminals and are used by the
1763.Xr tset 1
1764program to set terminal driver modes appropriately.
1765Delays embedded in the capabilities
1766.Sy \&cr ,
1767.Sy \&sf ,
1768.Sy \&le ,
1769.Sy \&ff ,
1771.Sy \&ta
1772will cause the appropriate delay bits to be set in the terminal driver.
1774.Sy \&pb
1775(padding baud rate) is given, these values can be ignored at baud rates
1776below the value of
1777.Sy \&pb .
1779.Bx 4.2
1780.Xr tset 1 ,
1781the delays are given as numeric capabilities
1782.Sy \&dC ,
1783.Sy \&dN ,
1784.Sy \&dB ,
1785.Sy \&dF ,
1787.Sy \&dT
1789.Ss Miscellaneous
1790If the terminal requires other than a
1791.Dv NUL
1792(zero) character as a pad,
1793this can be given as
1794.Sy \&pc .
1795Only the first character of the
1796.Sy \&pc
1797string is used.
1799If the terminal has commands to save and restore the position of the
1800cursor, give them as
1801.Sy \&sc
1803.Sy \&rc .
1805If the terminal has an extra
1806.Dq status line
1807that is not normally used by
1808software, this fact can be indicated.
1809If the status line is viewed as an extra line below the bottom line,
1810then the capability
1811.Sy \&hs
1812should be given.
1813Special strings to go to a position in the status line and to return
1814from the status line can be given as
1815.Sy \&ts
1817.Sy \&fs .
1818.Pf ( Sy \&fs
1819must leave the cursor position in the same place that it was before
1820.Sy \&ts .
1821If necessary, the
1822.Sy \&sc
1824.Sy \&rc
1825strings can be included in
1826.Sy \&ts
1828.Sy \&fs
1829to get this effect.)
1830The capability
1831.Sy \&ts
1832takes one parameter, which is the column number of the status line
1833to which the cursor is to be moved.
1834If escape sequences and other special commands such as tab work while in
1835the status line, the flag
1836.Sy \&es
1837can be given.
1838A string that turns off the status line (or otherwise erases its contents)
1839should be given as
1840.Sy \&ds .
1841The status line is normally assumed to be the same width as the
1842rest of the screen,
1843.Em i.e . ,
1844.Sy \&co .
1845If the status line is a different width (possibly because the terminal
1846does not allow an entire line to be loaded), then its width in columns
1847can be indicated with the numeric parameter
1848.Sy \&ws .
1850If the terminal can move up or down half a line, this can be
1851indicated with
1852.Sy \&hu
1853(half-line up) and
1854.Sy \&hd
1855(half-line down).
1856This is primarily useful for superscripts and subscripts on hardcopy
1858If a hardcopy terminal can eject to the next page (form feed),
1859give this as
1860.Sy \&ff
1862.Sy \&^L ) .
1864If there is a command to repeat a given character a given number of times
1865(to save time transmitting a large number of identical characters),
1866this can be indicated with the parameterized string
1867.Sy \&rp .
1868The first parameter is the character to be repeated and the second is
1869the number of times to repeat it.
1870(This is a
1871.Xr terminfo 5
1872feature that is unlikely to be supported by a program that uses
1873.Nm . )
1875If the terminal has a settable command character, such as the
1876Tektronix 4025, this can be indicated with
1877.Sy \&CC .
1878A prototype command character is chosen which is used in all capabilities.
1879This character is given in the
1880.Sy \&CC
1881capability to identify it.
1882The following convention is supported on some
1885The environment is to be searched for a
1886.Ev \&CC
1888and if found,
1889all occurrences of the prototype character are replaced by the character
1890in the environment variable.
1891This use of the
1892.Ev \&CC
1893environment variable
1894is a very bad idea, as it conflicts with
1895.Xr make 1 .
1897Terminal descriptions that do not represent a specific kind of known
1898terminal, such as
1899.Em switch ,
1900.Em dialup ,
1901.Em patch ,
1903.Em network ,
1904should include the
1905.Sy \&gn
1906(generic) capability so that programs can complain that they do not know
1907how to talk to the terminal.
1908(This capability does not apply to
1909.Em virtual
1910terminal descriptions for which the escape sequences are known.)
1912If the terminal uses xoff/xon
1913.Pq Tn DC3 Ns / Ns Tn DC1
1914handshaking for flow control, give
1915.Sy \&xo .
1916Padding information should still be included so that routines can make
1917better decisions about costs, but actual pad characters will not be
1920If the terminal has a
1921.Dq meta key
1922which acts as a shift key, setting the
19238th bit of any character transmitted, then this fact can be indicated with
1924.Sy \&km .
1925Otherwise, software will assume that the 8th bit is parity and it will
1926usually be cleared.
1927If strings exist to turn this
1928.Dq meta mode
1929on and off, they can be given as
1930.Sy \&mm
1932.Sy \&mo .
1934If the terminal has more lines of memory than will fit on the screen at once,
1935the number of lines of memory can be indicated with
1936.Sy \&lm .
1937An explicit value of 0 indicates that the number of lines is not fixed,
1938but that there is still more memory than fits on the screen.
1940If the terminal is one of those supported by the
1942system virtual
1943terminal protocol, the terminal number can be given as
1944.Sy \&vt .
1946Media copy strings which control an auxiliary printer
1947connected to the terminal can be given as
1948.Sy \&ps :
1949print the contents of the screen;
1950.Sy \&pf :
1951turn off the printer; and
1952.Sy \&po :
1953turn on the printer.
1954When the printer is on, all text sent to the terminal will be sent to the
1956It is undefined whether the text is also displayed on the terminal screen
1957when the printer is on.
1958A variation
1959.Sy \&pO
1960takes one parameter and leaves the printer on for as many characters as the
1961value of the parameter, then turns the printer off.
1962The parameter should not exceed 255.
1963All text, including
1964.Sy \&pf ,
1965is transparently passed to the printer while
1966.Sy \&pO
1967is in effect.
1969Strings to program function keys can be given as
1970.Sy \&pk ,
1971.Sy \&pl ,
1973.Sy \&px .
1974Each of these strings takes two parameters: the function key number
1975to program (from 0 to 9) and the string to program it with.
1976Function key numbers out of this range may program undefined keys
1977in a terminal-dependent manner.
1978The differences among the capabilities are that
1979.Sy \&pk
1980causes pressing the given key to be the same as the user typing the given
1982.Sy \&pl
1983causes the string to be executed by the terminal in local mode;
1985.Sy \&px
1986causes the string to be transmitted to the computer.
1987Unfortunately, due to lack of a definition for string parameters in
1988.Nm ,
1990.Xr terminfo 5
1991supports these capabilities.
1993For the
1994.Xr xterm 1 Pq Pa ports/x11/xterm
1995terminal emulator the traditional behavior in
1997when exiting a pager such as
1998.Xr less 1
2000.Xr more 1 ,
2001or an editor such as
2002.Xr vi 1
2004.Em NOT
2005to clear the screen after the program exits.
2006If you prefer to clear the screen there are a number of
2007.Dq xterm-clear
2008entries that add this capability in the
2010file that you can use directly, or as examples.
2011.Ss Glitches and Braindamage
2012Hazeltine terminals, which do not allow `~' characters to be displayed,
2013should indicate
2014.Sy \&hz .
2017.Sy \&nc
2018capability, now obsolete, formerly indicated Datamedia terminals,
2019which echo
2020.Sy \&\er \en
2022carriage return then ignore a following linefeed.
2024Terminals that ignore a linefeed immediately after an
2025.Sy \&am
2026wrap, such as the Concept, should indicate
2027.Sy \&xn .
2030.Sy \&ce
2031is required to get rid of standout
2032(instead of merely writing normal text on top of it),
2033.Sy \&xs
2034should be given.
2036Teleray terminals, where tabs turn all characters moved over to blanks,
2037should indicate
2038.Sy \&xt
2039(destructive tabs).
2040This glitch is also taken to mean that it is not possible
2041to position the cursor on top of a
2042.Dq magic cookie ,
2043and that
2044to erase standout mode it is necessary to use delete and insert line.
2046The Beehive Superbee, which is unable to correctly transmit the
2047.Dv ESC
2049.Sy \&^C
2050characters, has
2051.Sy \&xb ,
2052indicating that the
2053.Dq \&f\&1
2054key is used for
2055.Dv ESC
2057.Dq \&f\&2
2058for ^C.
2059(Only certain Superbees have this problem, depending on the
2060.Tn ROM . )
2062Other specific terminal problems may be corrected by adding more
2063capabilities of the form
2064.Sy x Ns Em x .
2065.Ss Similar Terminals
2066If there are two very similar terminals,
2067one can be defined as being just like the other with certain exceptions.
2068The string capability
2069.Sy \&tc
2070can be given
2071with the name of the similar terminal.
2072This capability must be
2073.Em last ,
2074and the combined length of the entries
2075must not exceed 1024.
2076The capabilities given before
2077.Sy \&tc
2078override those in the terminal type invoked by
2079.Sy \&tc .
2080A capability can be canceled by placing
2081.Sy \&xx@
2082to the left of the
2083.Sy \&tc
2084invocation, where
2085.Sy \&xx
2086is the capability.
2087For example, the entry
2088.Bd -literal -offset indent
2092defines a
2093.Dq 2621\-nl
2094that does not have the
2095.Sy \&ks
2097.Sy \&ke
2099hence does not turn on the function key labels when in visual mode.
2100This is useful for different modes for a terminal, or for different
2101user preferences.
2102.Sh FILES
2103.Bl -tag -width /usr/share/misc/termcap.db -compact
2104.It Pa /usr/share/misc/termcap
2105File containing terminal descriptions.
2106.It Pa /usr/share/misc/termcap.db
2107Hash database file containing terminal descriptions (see
2108.Xr cap_mkdb 1 ) .
2110.Sh SEE ALSO
2111.Xr cap_mkdb 1 ,
2112.Xr ex 1 ,
2113.Xr more 1 ,
2114.Xr tset 1 ,
2115.Xr ul 1 ,
2116.Xr vi 1 ,
2117.Xr xterm 1 Pq Pa ports/x11/xterm ,
2118.Xr ncurses 3 ,
2119.Xr printf 3 ,
2120.Xr termcap 3 ,
2121.Xr term 5
2124.Em Note :
2127were replaced by
2128.Xr terminfo 5
2130.At V
2131Release 2.0.
2132The transition will be relatively painless if capabilities flagged as
2133.Dq obsolete
2134are avoided.
2136Lines and columns are now stored by the kernel as well as in the termcap
2138Most programs now use the kernel information primarily; the information
2139in this file is used only if the kernel does not have any information.
2142.Xr \&vi 1
2143program allows only 256 characters for string capabilities, and the routines
2145.Xr termlib 3
2146do not check for overflow of this buffer.
2147The total length of a single entry (excluding only escaped newlines)
2148may not exceed 1024.
2150Not all programs support all entries.
2154file format appeared in
2155.Bx 3 .