1# $FreeBSD$ 2 3# This file is meant to list all FreeBSD ports committers and describe the 4# mentor-mentee relationships between them. 5# The graphical output can be generated from this file with the following 6# command: 7# $ dot -T png -o file.png committers-ports.dot 8# 9# The dot binary is part of the graphics/graphviz port. 10 11digraph ports { 12 13# Node definitions follow this example: 14# 15# foo [label="Foo Bar\nfoo@FreeBSD.org\n????/??/??"] 16# 17# ????/??/?? is the date when the commit bit was obtained, usually the one you 18# can find looking at CVS logs for the access (or avail) file under CVSROOT. 19# 20# For returned commit bits, the node definition will follow this example: 21# 22# foo [label="Foo Bar\nfoo@FreeBSD.org\n????/??/??\n????/??/??"] 23# 24# The first date is the same as for an active committer, the second date is 25# the date when the commit bit has been returned. Again, check CVS logs. 26 27node [color=grey62, style=filled, bgcolor=black]; 28 29# Alumni go here.. Try to keep things sorted. 30 31adamw [label="Adam Weinberger\nadamw@FreeBSD.org\n2002/10/16\n2006/09/25"] 32bmah [label="Bruce A. Mah\nbmah@FreeBSD.org\n2000/08/23\n2006/12/19"] 33jmallett [label="Juli Mallett\njmallett@FreeBSD.org\n2003/01/16\n2006/08/10"] 34steve [label="Steve Price\nsteve@FreeBSD.org\nxxxx/xx/xx\nxxxx/xx/xx"] 35 36node [color=lightblue2, style=filled, bgcolor=black]; 37 38# Current ports committers go here. Try to keep things sorted. 39 40ache [label="Andrey Chernov\nache@FreeBSD.org\n1994/11/15"] 41acm [label="Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez\nacm@FreeBSD.org\n2006/07/18"] 42ahze [label="Michael Johnson\nahze@FreeBSD.org\n2004/10/29"] 43ale [label="Alex Dupre\nale@FreeBSD.org\n2004/01/12"] 44alepulver [label="Alejandro Pulver\nalepulver@FreeBSD.org\n2006/04/01"] 45anray [label="Andrey Slusar\nanray@FreeBSD.org\n2005/12/11"] 46az [label="Andrej Zverev\naz@FreeBSD.org\n2005/10/03"] 47bland [label="Alexander Nedotsukov\nbland@FreeBSD.org\n2003/08/14"] 48brooks [label="Brooks Davies\nbrooks@FreeBSD.org\n2004/05/03"] 49bsam [label="Boris Samorodov\nbsam@FreeBSD.org\n2006/07/20"] 50clement [label="Clement Laforet\nclement@FreeBSD.org\n2003/12/17"] 51clsung [label="Cheng-Lung Sung\nclsung@FreeBSD.org\n2004/8/18"] 52daichi [label="Daichi Goto\ndaichi@FreeBSD.org\n2002/10/17"] 53danfe [label="Alexey Dokuchaev\ndanfe@FreeBSD.org\n2004/08/20"] 54db [label="Diane Bruce\ndb@FreeBSD.org\n2007/01/18"] 55delphij [label="Xin Li\ndelphij@FreeBSD.org\n2006/05/01"] 56demon [label="Dmitry Sivachenko\ndemon@FreeBSD.org\n2000/11/13"] 57dryice [label="Dryice Dong Liu\ndryice@FreeBSD.org\n2006/12/25"] 58edwin [label="Edwin Groothuis\nedwin@FreeBSD.org\n2002/10/22"] 59ehaupt [label="Emanuel Haupt\nehaupt@FreeBSD.org\n2005/10/03"] 60eik [label="Oliver Eikemeier\neik@FreeBSD.org\n2003/11/12"] 61erwin [label="Erwin Lansing\nerwin@FreeBSD.org\n2003/06/04"] 62fjoe [label="Max Khon\nfjoe@FreeBSD.org\n2001/08/06"] 63flz [label="Florent Thoumie\nflz@FreeBSD.org\n2005/03/01"] 64gabor [label="Gabor Kovesdan\ngabor@FreeBSD.org\n2006/12/05"] 65garga [label="Renato Botelho\ngarga@FreeBSD.org\n2005/07/11"] 66ijliao [label="Ying-Chieh Liao\nijliao@FreeBSD.org\n2001/01/20"] 67itetcu [label="Ion-Mihai Tetcu\nitetcu@FreeBSD.org\n2006/06/07"] 68jmelo [label="Jean Milanez Melo\njmelo@FreeBSD.org\n2006/03/31"] 69joerg [label="Joerg Wunsch\njoerg@FreeBSD.org\n1994/08/22"] 70johans [label="Johan Selst\njohans@FreeBSD.org\n2006/04/01"] 71josef [label="Josef El-Rayes\njosef@FreeBSD.org\n2004/12/20"] 72jylefort [label="Jean-Yves Lefort\njylefort@FreeBSD.org\n2005/04/12"] 73knu [label="Akinori Musha\nknu@FreeBSD.org\n2000/03/22"] 74krion [label="Kirill Ponomarew\nkrion@FreeBSD.org\n2003/07/20"] 75kwm [label="Koop Mast\nkwm@FreeBSD.org\n2004/09/14"] 76koitsu [label="Jeremy Chadwick\nkoitsu@FreeBSD.org\n2006/11/10"] 77laszlof [label="Frank Laszlo\nlaszlof@FreeBSD.org\n2006/11/07"] 78lawrance [label="Sam Lawrance\nlawrance@FreeBSD.org\n2005/04/11\n2007/02/21"] 79lbr [label="Lars Balker Rasmussen\nlbr@FreeBSD.org\n2006/04/30"] 80leeym [label="Yen-Ming Lee\nleeym@FreeBSD.org\n2002/08/14"] 81lth [label="Lars Thegler\nlth@FreeBSD.org\n2004/05/04"] 82lwhsu [label="Li-Wen Hsu\nlwhsu@FreeBSD.org\n2007/04/03"] 83maho [label="Maho Nakata\nmaho@FreeBSD.org\n2002/10/17"] 84marcus [label="Joe Marcus Clarke\nmarcus@FreeBSD.org\n2002/04/05"] 85mat [label="Mathieu Arnold\nmat@FreeBSD.org\n2003/08/15"] 86mezz [label="Jeremy Messenger\nmezz@FreeBSD.org\n2004/04/30"] 87miwi [label="Martin Wilke\nmiwi@FreeBSD.org\n2006/06/04"] 88mm [label="Martin Matuska\nmm@FreeBSD.org\n2007/04/04"] 89mnag [label="Marcus Alves Grando\nmnag@FreeBSD.org\n2005/09/15"] 90netchild [label="Alexander Leidinger\nnetchild@FreeBSD.org\n2002/03/19"] 91nobutaka [label="Nobutaka Mantani\nnobutaka@FreeBSD.org\n2001/11/02"] 92nork [label="Norikatsu Shigemura\nnork@FreeBSD.org\n2002/04/01"] 93novel [label="Roman Bogorodskiy\nnovel@FreeBSD.org\n2005/03/07"] 94pav [label="Pav Lucistnik\npav@FreeBSD.org\n2003/11/12"] 95philip [label="Philip Paeps\nphilip@FreeBSD.org\n2005/10/19"] 96rafan [label="Rong-En Fan\nrafan@FreeBSD.org\n2006/06/23"] 97sat [label="Andrew Pantyukhin\nsat@FreeBSD.org\n2006/05/06"] 98sem [label="Sergey Matveychuk\nsem@FreeBSD.org\n2004/07/07"] 99sergei [label="Sergei Kolobov\nsergei@FreeBSD.org\n2003/10/21"] 100shaun [label="Shaun Amott\nshaun@FreeBSD.org\n2006/06/19"] 101simon [label="Simon L. Nielsen\nsimon@FreeBSD.org\n2005/01/08"] 102stas [label="Stanislav Sedov\nstas@FreeBSD.org\n2006/09/18"] 103tdb [label="Tim Bishop\ntdb@FreeBSD.org\n2005/11/30"] 104trhodes [label="Tom Rhodes\ntrhodes@FreeBSD.org\n2004/07/06"] 105thierry [label="Thierry Thomas\nthierry@FreeBSD.org\n2004/03/15"] 106tmclaugh [label="Tom McLaughlin\ntmclaugh@FreeBSD.org\n2005/09/15"] 107vd [label="Vasil Dimov\nvd@FreeBSD.org\n2006/01/19"] 108 109# Here are the mentor/mentee relationships. 110# Group together all the mentees for a particular mentor. 111# Keep the list sorted by mentor login. 112 113adamw -> ahze 114adamw -> jylefort 115adamw -> mezz 116adamw -> pav 117 118ahze -> shaun 119ahze -> tmclaugh 120 121clement -> tdb 122clement -> lawrance 123 124clsung -> lwhsu 125 126delphij -> rafan 127 128demon -> mat 129 130edwin -> erwin 131 132ehaupt -> db 133 134eik -> sem 135eik -> trhodes 136 137erwin -> clement 138erwin -> gabor 139erwin -> lbr 140erwin -> lth 141erwin -> simon 142 143fjoe -> danfe 144fjoe -> krion 145 146flz -> garga 147flz -> johans 148flz -> laszlof 149 150garga -> acm 151garga -> alepulver 152garga -> mm 153garga -> vd 154 155ijliao -> leeym 156 157itetcu -> dryice 158 159joerg -> netchild 160 161knu -> daichi 162knu -> maho 163knu -> nobutaka 164knu -> nork 165 166krion -> brooks 167krion -> miwi 168krion -> novel 169krion -> philip 170krion -> sat 171krion -> sem 172krion -> sergei 173 174lawrance -> itetcu 175 176leeym -> clsung 177 178marcus -> bland 179marcus -> eik 180marcus -> jmallett 181 182mat -> thierry 183 184mnag -> jmelo 185 186netchild -> bsam 187 188nork -> ale 189 190novel -> ehaupt 191 192pav -> flz 193pav -> josef 194pav -> kwm 195pav -> mnag 196 197philip -> koitsu 198 199sem -> az 200sem -> anray 201sem -> delphij 202sem -> stas 203 204steve -> netchild 205 206tmclaugh -> itetcu 207 208} 209