xref: /freebsd/share/man/man9/iflibtxrx.9 (revision 29fc4075e69fd27de0cded313ac6000165d99f8b)
1.\" $FreeBSD$
2.Dd December 17, 2020
6.Nm iflibtxrx
7.Nd Device Dependent Transmit and Receive Functions
9.In "ifdi_if.h"
10.Ss "Interface Manipulation Functions"
11.Ft int
12.Fo isc_txd_encap
13.Fa "void *sc"
14.Fa "if_pkt_info_t pi"
16.Ft void
17.Fo isc_txd_flush
18.Fa "void *sc"
19.Fa "uint16_t qid"
20.Fa "uint32_t _pidx_or_credits_"
22.Ft int
23.Fo isc_txd_credits_update
24.Fa "void *sc"
25.Fa "uint16_t qid"
26.Fa "bool clear"
28.Ft int
29.Fo isc_rxd_available
30.Fa "void *sc"
31.Fa "uint16_t qsid"
32.Fa "uint32_t cidx"
34.Ft void
35.Fo isc_rxd_refill
36.Fa "void *sc"
37.Fa "uint16_t qsid"
38.Fa "uint8_t flid"
39.Fa "uint32_t pidx"
40.Fa "uint64_t *paddrs"
41.Fa "caddr_t *vaddrs"
42.Fa "uint16_t count"
44.Ft void
45.Fo isc_rxd_flush
46.Fa "void *sc"
47.Fa "uint16_t qsid"
48.Fa "uint8_t flid"
49.Fa "uint32_t pidx"
51.Ft int
52.Fo isc_rxd_pkt_get
53.Fa "void *sc"
54.Fa "if_rxd_info_t ri"
56.Ss "Global Variables"
57.Vt extern struct if_txrx
59The device dependent mechanisms for handling packet transmit and receive are
60primarily defined by the functions named above.
61The if_pkt_info data structure contains statistics and identifying info
62necessary for packet transmission.
63While the data structure for packet receipt is the if_rxd_info structure.
64.Ss The if_pkt_info Structure
65The fields of
66.Vt "struct if_pkt_info"
67are as follows:
68.Bl -tag -width ".Va if_capabilities" -offset indent
69.It Va ipi_len
70.Pq Vt "uint32_t"
71Denotes the size of packet to be sent on the transmit queue.
72.It Va ipi_segs
73.Pq Vt "bus_dma_segment_t *"
74A pointer to the bus_dma_segment of the device independent transfer queue
75defined in iflib.
76.It Va ipi_qsidx
77Unique index value assigned sequentially to each transmit queue.
78Used to reference the currently transmitting queue.
79.It Va ipi_nsegs
80.Pq Vt "uint16_t"
81Number of descriptors to be read into the device dependent transfer
83.It Va ipi_ndescs
84.Pq Vt "uint16_t"
85Number of descriptors in use.
86Calculated by subtracting the old pidx value from the new pidx value.
87.It Va ipi_flags
88.Pq Vt "uint16_t"
89Flags defined on a per packet basis.
90.It Va ipi_pidx
91.Pq Vt "uint32_t"
92Value of first pidx sent to the isc_encap function for encapsulation and
93subsequent transmission.
94.It Va ipi_new_pidx
95.Pq Vt "uint32_t"
96Value set after the termination of the isc_encap function.
97This value will become the first pidx sent to the isc-encap the next time that
98the function is called.
99.It Va \fBThe Following Fields Are Used For Offload Handling\fP
100.It Va ipi_csum_flags
101.Pq Vt "uint64_t"
102Flags describing the checksum values, used on a per packet basis.
103.It Va ipi_tso_segsz
104.Pq Vt "uint16_t"
105Size of the TSO Segment Size.
106.It Va ipi_mflags
107.Pq Vt "uint16_t"
108Flags describing the operational parameters of the mbuf.
109.It Va ipi_vtag
110.Pq Vt "uint16_t"
111Contains the VLAN information in the Ethernet Frame.
112.It Va ipi_etype
113.Pq Vt "uint16_t"
114Type of ethernet header protocol as contained by the struct ether_vlan_header.
115.It Va ipi_ehrdlen
116.Pq Vt "uint8_t"
117Length of the Ethernet Header.
118.It Va ipi_ip_hlen
119.Pq Vt "uint8_t"
120Length of the TCP Header
121.It Va ipi_tcp_hlen
122.Pq Vt "uint8_t"
123Length of the TCP Header.
124.It Va ipi_tcp_hflags
125.Pq Vt "uint8_t"
126Flags describing the operational parameters of the TCP Header.
127.It Va ipi_ipproto
128.Pq Vt "uint8_t"
129Specifies the type of IP Protocol in use.
130Example TCP, UDP, or SCTP.
132.Ss The if_rxd_info Structure
133The fields of
134.Vt "struct if_rxd_info"
135are as follows:
136.Bl -tag -width ".Va if_capabilities" -offset indent
137.It Va iri_qsidx
138.Pq Vt "uint16_t"
139Unique index value assigned sequentially to each receive queue.
140Used to reference the currently receiving queue.
141.It Va iri_vtag
142.Pq Vt "uint16_t"
143Contains the VLAN information in the Ethernet Frame.
144.It Va iri_len
145.Pq Vt "uint16_t"
146Denotes the size of a received packet.
147.It Va iri_next_offset
148.Pq Vt "uint16_t"
149Denotes the offset value for the next packet to be receive.
150A Null value signifies the end of packet.
151.It Va iri_cidx
152.Pq Vt "uint32_t"
153Denotes the index value of the packet currently being processed in the
154consumer queue.
155.It Va iri_flowid
156.Pq Vt "uint32_t"
157Value of the RSS hash for the packet.
158.It Va iri_flags
159.Pq Vt "uint"
160 Flags describing the operational parameters of the mbuf contained in the
161 receive packet.
162.It Va iri_csum_flags
163.Pq Vt "uint32_t"
164Flags describing the checksum value contained in the receive packet.
165.It Va iri_csum_data
166.Pq Vt "uint32_t"
167Checksum data contained in the
168.Xr mbuf 9
169packet header.
170.It Va iri_m
171.Pq Vt "struct mbuf *"
172A mbuf for drivers that manage their own receive queues.
173.It Va iri_ifp
174.Pq Vt "struct ifnet *"
175A link back to the interface structure.
176Utilized by drivers that have multiple interface per softc.
177.It Va iri_rsstype
178.Pq Vt "uint8_t"
179The value of the RSS hash type.
180.It Va iri_pad
181.Pq Vt "uint8_t"
182The length of any padding contained by the received data.
183.It Va iri_qidx
184.Pq Vt "uint8_t"
185Represents the type of queue event.
186If value >= 0 then it is the freelist id otherwise it is a completion queue
190All function calls are associated exclusively with either packet transmission
191or receipt.
192The void *sc passed as the first argument to all of the following functions
193represents the driver's softc.
194.Ss Transmit Packet Functions
195.Bl -ohang -offset indent
196.It Fn isc_txd_encap
197Transmit function that sends a packet on an interface.
198The if_pkt_info data structure contains data information fields describing the
200This function returns 0 if successful, otherwise an error value is returned.
201.It Fn isc_txd_flush
202Flush function is called immediately after the isc_txd_encap function transmits
203a packet.
204It updates the hardware producer index or increments the descriptors used to
205pidx_or_credits in the queue designated by the qid number.
206This is often referred to as poking the doorbell register.
207.It Fn isc_txd_credits_update
208Credit function advances the buffer ring and calculates the credits
209(descriptors) processed.
210Until the I/O is complete it cleans the range in case of multisegments and
211updates the count of processed packets.
212The function returns the number of processed credits.
214.Ss Receive Packet Functions
215.Bl -ohang -offset indent
216.It Fn isc_rxd_available
217Function calculates the remaining number of descriptors from a position given
218by idx.
219The function returns this value.
220.It Fn isc_rxd_refill
221Starting with the physical address paddrs, the function reads a packet into the
222rx_ring until a value designated by count is reached.
223vaddrs is typically not needed and is provided for devices that place their own
224metadata in the packet header.
225.It Fn isc_rxd_flush
226Flush function updates the producer pointer on the free list flid in queue set
227number qid to pidx to reflect the presence of new buffers.
228.It Fn isc_rxd_pkt_get
229Process a single software descriptor.
230rxr->rx_base[i] contains a descriptor that describes a received packet.
231Hardware specific information about the buffer referred to by ri is returned in
232the data structure if_rxd_info
235.Xr iflibdd 9 ,
236.Xr iflibdi 9 ,
237.Xr mbuf 9
239This manual page was written by
240.An Nicole Graziano