xref: /freebsd/share/man/man5/a.out.5 (revision afe61c15161c324a7af299a9b8457aba5afc92db)
1afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\" Copyright (c) 1991, 1993
2afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\"	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
3afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\"
4afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\" This man page is derived from documentation contributed to Berkeley by
5afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\" Donn Seeley at UUNET Technologies, Inc.
6afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\"
7afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
8afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
9afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\" are met:
10afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
11afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\"    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
12afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
13afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\"    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
14afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\"    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
15afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\" 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
16afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\"    must display the following acknowledgement:
17afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\"	This product includes software developed by the University of
18afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\"	California, Berkeley and its contributors.
19afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\" 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
20afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\"    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
21afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\"    without specific prior written permission.
22afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\"
33afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\" SUCH DAMAGE.
34afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\"
35afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\"	@(#)a.out.5	8.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/93
36afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.\"
37afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Dd June 5, 1993
38afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Dt A.OUT 5
39afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Os
40afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Sh NAME
41afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Nm a.out
42afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Nd format of executable binary files
43afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Sh SYNOPSIS
44afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Fd #include <a.out.h>
45afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Sh DESCRIPTION
46afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe include file
47afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Aq Pa a.out.h
48afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesdeclares three structures and several macros.
49afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe structures describe the format of
50afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesexecutable machine code files
51afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Pq Sq binaries
52afe61c15SRodney W. Grimeson the system.
53afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Pp
54afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesA binary file consists of up to 7 sections.
55afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesIn order, these sections are:
56afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Bl -tag -width "text relocations"
57afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It exec header
58afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesContains parameters used by the kernel
59afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesto load a binary file into memory and execute it,
60afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesand by the link editor
61afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Xr ld 1
62afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesto combine a binary file with other binary files.
63afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThis section is the only mandatory one.
64afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It text segment
65afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesContains machine code and related data
66afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesthat are loaded into memory when a program executes.
67afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesMay be loaded read-only.
68afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It data segment
69afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesContains initialized data; always loaded into writable memory.
70afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It text relocations
71afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesContains records used by the link editor
72afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesto update pointers in the text segment when combining binary files.
73afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It data relocations
74afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesLike the text relocation section, but for data segment pointers.
75afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It symbol table
76afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesContains records used by the link editor
77afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesto cross reference the addresses of named variables and functions
78afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Pq Sq symbols
79afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesbetween binary files.
80afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It string table
81afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesContains the character strings corresponding to the symbol names.
82afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.El
83afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Pp
84afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesEvery binary file begins with an
85afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Fa exec
86afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesstructure:
87afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Bd -literal -offset indent
88afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesstruct exec {
89afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes	unsigned short	a_mid;
90afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes	unsigned short	a_magic;
91afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes	unsigned long	a_text;
92afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes	unsigned long	a_data;
93afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes	unsigned long	a_bss;
94afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes	unsigned long	a_syms;
95afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes	unsigned long	a_entry;
96afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes	unsigned long	a_trsize;
97afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes	unsigned long	a_drsize;
98afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes};
99afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Ed
100afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Pp
101afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe fields have the following functions:
102afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Bl -tag -width a_trsize
103afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fa a_mid
104afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesContains a bit pattern that
105afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesidentifies binaries that were built for
106afe61c15SRodney W. Grimescertain sub-classes of an architecture
107afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Pq Sq machine IDs
108afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesor variants of the operating system on a given architecture.
109afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe kernel may not support all machine IDs
110afe61c15SRodney W. Grimeson a given architecture.
111afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe
112afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Fa a_mid
113afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesfield is not present on some architectures;
114afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesin this case, the
115afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Fa a_magic
116afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesfield has type
117afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Em unsigned long .
118afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fa a_magic
119afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesContains a bit pattern
120afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Pq Sq magic number
121afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesthat uniquely identifies binary files
122afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesand distinguishes different loading conventions.
123afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe field must contain one of the following values:
124afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Bl -tag -width ZMAGIC
125afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Dv OMAGIC
126afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe text and data segments immediately follow the header
127afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesand are contiguous.
128afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe kernel loads both text and data segments into writable memory.
129afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Dv NMAGIC
130afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesAs with
131afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Dv OMAGIC ,
132afe61c15SRodney W. Grimestext and data segments immediately follow the header and are contiguous.
133afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesHowever, the kernel loads the text into read-only memory
134afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesand loads the data into writable memory at the next
135afe61c15SRodney W. Grimespage boundary after the text.
136afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Dv ZMAGIC
137afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe kernel loads individual pages on demand from the binary.
138afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe header, text segment and data segment are all
139afe61c15SRodney W. Grimespadded by the link editor to a multiple of the page size.
140afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesPages that the kernel loads from the text segment are read-only,
141afe61c15SRodney W. Grimeswhile pages from the data segment are writable.
142afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.El
143afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fa a_text
144afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesContains the size of the text segment in bytes.
145afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fa a_data
146afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesContains the size of the data segment in bytes.
147afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fa a_bss
148afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesContains the number of bytes in the
149afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Sq bss segment
150afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesand is used by the kernel to set the initial break
151afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Pq Xr brk 2
152afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesafter the data segment.
153afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe kernel loads the program so that this amount of writable memory
154afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesappears to follow the data segment and initially reads as zeroes.
155afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fa a_syms
156afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesContains the size in bytes of the symbol table section.
157afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fa a_entry
158afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesContains the address in memory of the entry point
159afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesof the program after the kernel has loaded it;
160afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesthe kernel starts the execution of the program
161afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesfrom the machine instruction at this address.
162afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fa a_trsize
163afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesContains the size in bytes of the text relocation table.
164afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fa a_drsize
165afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesContains the size in bytes of the data relocation table.
166afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.El
167afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Pp
168afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe
169afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Pa a.out.h
170afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesinclude file defines several macros which use an
171afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Fa exec
172afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesstructure to test consistency or to locate section offsets in the binary file.
173afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Bl -tag -width N_BADMAG(exec)
174afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fn N_BADMAG exec
175afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesNonzero if the
176afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Fa a_magic
177afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesfield does not contain a recognized value.
178afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fn N_TXTOFF exec
179afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe byte offset in the binary file of the beginning of the text segment.
180afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fn N_SYMOFF exec
181afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe byte offset of the beginning of the symbol table.
182afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fn N_STROFF exec
183afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe byte offset of the beginning of the string table.
184afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.El
185afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Pp
186afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesRelocation records have a standard format which
187afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesis described by the
188afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Fa relocation_info
189afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesstructure:
190afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Bd -literal -offset indent
191afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesstruct relocation_info {
192afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes	int		r_address;
193afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes	unsigned int	r_symbolnum : 24,
194afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes			r_pcrel : 1,
195afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes			r_length : 2,
196afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes			r_extern : 1,
197afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes			: 4;
198afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes};
199afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Ed
200afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Pp
201afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe
202afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Fa relocation_info
203afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesfields are used as follows:
204afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Bl -tag -width r_symbolnum
205afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fa r_address
206afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesContains the byte offset of a pointer that needs to be link-edited.
207afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesText relocation offsets are reckoned from the start of the text segment,
208afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesand data relocation offsets from the start of the data segment.
209afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe link editor adds the value that is already stored at this offset
210afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesinto the new value that it computes using this relocation record.
211afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fa r_symbolnum
212afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesContains the ordinal number of a symbol structure
213afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesin the symbol table (it is
214afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Em not
215afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesa byte offset).
216afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesAfter the link editor resolves the absolute address for this symbol,
217afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesit adds that address to the pointer that is undergoing relocation.
218afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes(If the
219afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Fa r_extern
220afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesbit is clear, the situation is different; see below.)
221afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fa r_pcrel
222afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesIf this is set,
223afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesthe link editor assumes that it is updating a pointer
224afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesthat is part of a machine code instruction using pc-relative addressing.
225afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe address of the relocated pointer is implicitly added
226afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesto its value when the running program uses it.
227afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fa r_length
228afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesContains the log base 2 of the length of the pointer in bytes;
229afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes0 for 1-byte displacements, 1 for 2-byte displacements,
230afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes2 for 4-byte displacements.
231afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fa r_extern
232afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesSet if this relocation requires an external reference;
233afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesthe link editor must use a symbol address to update the pointer.
234afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesWhen the
235afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Fa r_extern
236afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesbit is clear, the relocation is
237afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Sq local ;
238afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesthe link editor updates the pointer to reflect
239afe61c15SRodney W. Grimeschanges in the load addresses of the various segments,
240afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesrather than changes in the value of a symbol.
241afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesIn this case, the content of the
242afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Fa r_symbolnum
243afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesfield is an
244afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Fa n_type
245afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesvalue (see below);
246afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesthis type field tells the link editor
247afe61c15SRodney W. Grimeswhat segment the relocated pointer points into.
248afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.El
249afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Pp
250afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesSymbols map names to addresses (or more generally, strings to values).
251afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesSince the link-editor adjusts addresses,
252afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesa symbol's name must be used to stand for its address
253afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesuntil an absolute value has been assigned.
254afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesSymbols consist of a fixed-length record in the symbol table
255afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesand a variable-length name in the string table.
256afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe symbol table is an array of
257afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Fa nlist
258afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesstructures:
259afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Bd -literal -offset indent
260afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesstruct nlist {
261afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes	union {
262afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes		char	*n_name;
263afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes		long	n_strx;
264afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes	} n_un;
265afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes	unsigned char	n_type;
266afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes	char		n_other;
267afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes	short		n_desc;
268afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes	unsigned long	n_value;
269afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes};
270afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Ed
271afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Pp
272afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe fields are used as follows:
273afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Bl -tag -width n_un.n_strx
274afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fa n_un.n_strx
275afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesContains a byte offset into the string table
276afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesfor the name of this symbol.
277afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesWhen a program accesses a symbol table with the
278afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Xr nlist 3
279afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesfunction,
280afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesthis field is replaced with the
281afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Fa n_un.n_name
282afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesfield, which is a pointer to the string in memory.
283afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fa n_type
284afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesUsed by the link editor to determine
285afe61c15SRodney W. Grimeshow to update the symbol's value.
286afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe
287afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Fa n_type
288afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesfield is broken down into three sub-fields using bitmasks.
289afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe link editor treats symbols with the
290afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Dv N_EXT
291afe61c15SRodney W. Grimestype bit set as
292afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Sq external
293afe61c15SRodney W. Grimessymbols and permits references to them from other binary files.
294afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe
295afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Dv N_TYPE
296afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesmask selects bits of interest to the link editor:
297afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Bl -tag -width N_TEXT
298afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Dv N_UNDF
299afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesAn undefined symbol.
300afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe link editor must locate an external symbol with the same name
301afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesin another binary file to determine the absolute value of this symbol.
302afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesAs a special case, if the
303afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Fa n_value
304afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesfield is nonzero and no binary file in the link-edit defines this symbol,
305afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesthe link-editor will resolve this symbol to an address
306afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesin the bss segment,
307afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesreserving an amount of bytes equal to
308afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Fa n_value .
309afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesIf this symbol is undefined in more than one binary file
310afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesand the binary files do not agree on the size,
311afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesthe link editor chooses the greatest size found across all binaries.
312afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Dv N_ABS
313afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesAn absolute symbol.
314afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe link editor does not update an absolute symbol.
315afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Dv N_TEXT
316afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesA text symbol.
317afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThis symbol's value is a text address and
318afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesthe link editor will update it when it merges binary files.
319afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Dv N_DATA
320afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesA data symbol; similar to
321afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Dv N_TEXT
322afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesbut for data addresses.
323afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe values for text and data symbols are not file offsets but
324afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesaddresses; to recover the file offsets, it is necessary
325afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesto identify the loaded address of the beginning of the corresponding
326afe61c15SRodney W. Grimessection and subtract it, then add the offset of the section.
327afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Dv N_BSS
328afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesA bss symbol; like text or data symbols but
329afe61c15SRodney W. Grimeshas no corresponding offset in the binary file.
330afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Dv N_FN
331afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesA filename symbol.
332afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe link editor inserts this symbol before
333afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesthe other symbols from a binary file when
334afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesmerging binary files.
335afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe name of the symbol is the filename given to the link editor,
336afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesand its value is the first text address from that binary file.
337afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesFilename symbols are not needed for link-editing or loading,
338afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesbut are useful for debuggers.
339afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.El
340afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Pp
341afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe
342afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Dv N_STAB
343afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesmask selects bits of interest to symbolic debuggers
344afe61c15SRodney W. Grimessuch as
345afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Xr gdb 1 ;
346afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesthe values are described in
347afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Xr stab 5 .
348afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fa n_other
349afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThis field is currently unused.
350afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fa n_desc
351afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesReserved for use by debuggers; passed untouched by the link editor.
352afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesDifferent debuggers use this field for different purposes.
353afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.It Fa n_value
354afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesContains the value of the symbol.
355afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesFor text, data and bss symbols, this is an address;
356afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesfor other symbols (such as debugger symbols),
357afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesthe value may be arbitrary.
358afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.El
359afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Pp
360afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe string table consists of an
361afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Em unsigned long
362afe61c15SRodney W. Grimeslength followed by null-terminated symbol strings.
363afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe length represents the size of the entire table in bytes,
364afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesso its minimum value (or the offset of the first string)
365afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesis always 4 on 32-bit machines.
366afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Sh SEE ALSO
367afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Xr ld 1 ,
368afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Xr execve 2 ,
369afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Xr nlist 3 ,
370afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Xr core 5 ,
371afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Xr dbx 5 ,
372afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Xr stab 5
373afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Sh HISTORY
374afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesThe
375afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Pa a.out.h
376afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesinclude file appeared in
377afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.At v7 .
378afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Sh BUGS
379afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesSince not all of the supported architectures use the
380afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Fa a_mid
381afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesfield,
382afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesit can be difficult to determine what
383afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesarchitecture a binary will execute on
384afe61c15SRodney W. Grimeswithout examining its actual machine code.
385afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesEven with a machine identifier,
386afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesthe byte order of the
387afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Fa exec
388afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesheader is machine-dependent.
389afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Pp
390afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesNobody seems to agree on what
391afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Em bss
392afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesstands for.
393afe61c15SRodney W. Grimes.Pp
394afe61c15SRodney W. GrimesNew binary file formats may be supported in the future,
395afe61c15SRodney W. Grimesand they probably will not be compatible at any level
396afe61c15SRodney W. Grimeswith this ancient format.