1941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" Copyright (c) 2009 Fredrik Lindberg 2941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" All rights reserved. 3941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" 4941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 5941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 6941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" are met: 7941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 8941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 9941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 10941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 11941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 12941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" 13941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR 14941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES 15941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. 16941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 17941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT 18941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, 19941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY 20941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT 21941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF 22941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 23941e2863SAndrew Thompson.\" 24891d46ceSEdward Tomasz Napierala.Dd July 20, 2010 25941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Dt UHSO 4 26aa12cea2SUlrich Spörlein.Os 27941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Sh NAME 289b6ffc1fSAndrew Thompson.Nm uhso 29941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Nd support for several HSxPA devices from Option N.V. 30941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Sh SYNOPSIS 31941e2863SAndrew ThompsonThe module can be loaded at boot time by placing the following line in 32941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Xr loader.conf 5 : 33941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Bd -literal -offset indent 34941e2863SAndrew Thompsonuhso_load="YES" 35941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Ed 36941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Sh DESCRIPTION 37941e2863SAndrew ThompsonThe 38941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Nm 39941e2863SAndrew Thompsondriver provides support for several HSxPA devices from Option N.V. that are 40941e2863SAndrew Thompsonbased on their packet interface. 41941e2863SAndrew ThompsonEach device has a set of serial ports and a raw IP packet interface. 42941e2863SAndrew ThompsonThe serial ports of the device are accessed through the 43941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Xr ucom 4 4421a9d6e7SAndrew Thompsondriver which makes them behave like 4521a9d6e7SAndrew Thompson.Xr tty 4 4621a9d6e7SAndrew Thompsondevices. 47941e2863SAndrew ThompsonThe packet interface is exposed as a network interface. 48941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Pp 49f644abcfSAndrew ThompsonEstablishing a connection on the packet interface is achieved by using the 50f644abcfSAndrew Thompsonproprietary AT commands 51941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Dq Li AT_OWANCALL 52941e2863SAndrew Thompsonand 53941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Dq Li AT_OWANDATA 549b6ffc1fSAndrew Thompsonon any of the available serial ports. 55941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Pp 56941e2863SAndrew ThompsonThe network interface must be configured manually using the data obtain from 57941e2863SAndrew Thompsonthese calls. 58941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Pp 59941e2863SAndrew ThompsonEach device usually have at least two or more serial ports, their individual purpose 60941e2863SAndrew Thompsoncan be identified through 61941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Xr sysctl 8 . 6221a9d6e7SAndrew ThompsonPorts identified as 6321a9d6e7SAndrew Thompson.Dq Modem 6421a9d6e7SAndrew Thompsonfeatures a normal modem interface that can be used with PPP. 6521a9d6e7SAndrew ThompsonPorts identified as 6621a9d6e7SAndrew Thompson.Dq Diagnostic 6721a9d6e7SAndrew Thompsonuses a proprietary binary interface used for firmware upgrades, this port does not 6821a9d6e7SAndrew Thompsonhave a AT command interface and can not be used to control the device. 6921a9d6e7SAndrew ThompsonOther ports features an AT command interface that can be used for normal device control. 70941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Sh HARDWARE 71941e2863SAndrew ThompsonThe 72941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Nm 7321a9d6e7SAndrew Thompsondriver should work with most devices from Option. 7421a9d6e7SAndrew ThompsonThe following devices have been verified to work 75941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Pp 76941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Bl -bullet -compact 77941e2863SAndrew Thompson.It 78941e2863SAndrew ThompsonOption GlobeSurfer iCON 7.2 (new firmware) 79941e2863SAndrew Thompson.It 800f92e529SHans Petter SelaskyOption GlobeTrotter Max 7.2 (new firmware) 810f92e529SHans Petter Selasky.It 82941e2863SAndrew ThompsonOption iCON 225 839b6ffc1fSAndrew Thompson.It 8421a9d6e7SAndrew ThompsonOption iCON 452 8521a9d6e7SAndrew Thompson.It 869b6ffc1fSAndrew ThompsonOption iCON 505 87941e2863SAndrew Thompson.El 88941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Pp 89941e2863SAndrew ThompsonThe device features a mass storage device referred to as 90941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Dq Zero-CD 91f644abcfSAndrew Thompsonwhich contains drivers for Microsoft Windows; this is the default 929b6ffc1fSAndrew Thompsonmode for the device. 939b6ffc1fSAndrew ThompsonThe 949b6ffc1fSAndrew Thompson.Nm 959b6ffc1fSAndrew Thompsondriver automatically switches the device from 969b6ffc1fSAndrew Thompson.Dq Zero-CD 979b6ffc1fSAndrew Thompsonmode to modem mode. 989b6ffc1fSAndrew ThompsonThis behavior can be disabled by setting 999b6ffc1fSAndrew Thompson.Va hw.usb.uhso.auto_switch 1009b6ffc1fSAndrew Thompsonto 0 using 10150d922a0SGlen Barber.Xr sysctl 8 . 1020b31f1f7SUlrich Spörlein.Sh FILES 1030b31f1f7SUlrich Spörlein.Bl -tag -width "XXXXXX" 1040b31f1f7SUlrich Spörlein.It Pa /dev/cuaU?.? 1050b31f1f7SUlrich Spörlein.El 106941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Sh EXAMPLES 10721a9d6e7SAndrew ThompsonEstablishing a packet interface connection using the AT command interface available 10821a9d6e7SAndrew Thompsonat one of the serial ports 109941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Bd -literal -offset indent 110941e2863SAndrew ThompsonAT+CGDCONT=1,,"apn.provider" 111941e2863SAndrew ThompsonAT_OWANCALL=1,1,1 112941e2863SAndrew ThompsonOK 113941e2863SAndrew Thompson_OWANCALL=1,1 114941e2863SAndrew Thompson 115941e2863SAndrew ThompsonAT_OWANDATA=1 116941e2863SAndrew Thompson_OWANDATA: 1,,,,, \e 117941e2863SAndrew Thompson,, 72000 118941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Ed 119941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Pp 120941e2863SAndrew ThompsonConfiguring the interface 121941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Bd -literal -offset indent 122941e2863SAndrew Thompsonifconfig uhso0 up 123941e2863SAndrew Thompsonroute add default -interface uhso0 124941e2863SAndrew Thompsonecho "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf 125941e2863SAndrew Thompsonecho "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf 126941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Ed 127941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Pp 128941e2863SAndrew ThompsonThe connection can be terminated with 129941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Bd -literal -offset indent 130941e2863SAndrew ThompsonAT_OWANCALL=1,0,1 131941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Ed 132941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Sh SEE ALSO 133891d46ceSEdward Tomasz Napierala.Xr uhsoctl 1 , 134941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Xr ucom 4 , 135941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Xr usb 4 136941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Sh AUTHORS 137941e2863SAndrew ThompsonThe 138941e2863SAndrew Thompson.Nm 139941e2863SAndrew Thompsondriver was written by 140*6c899950SBaptiste Daroussin.An Fredrik Lindberg Aq Mt fli@shapeshifter.se . 141