1.\" 2.\" Copyright (c) 2008 AnyWi Technologies 3.\" All rights reserved. 4.\" 5.\" This code is derived from uark.c 6.\" 7.\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any 8.\" purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above 9.\" copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. 10.\" 11.\" THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES 12.\" WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF 13.\" MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR 14.\" ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES 15.\" WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN 16.\" ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF 17.\" OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. 18.\" 19.\" $FreeBSD$ 20.\" 21.Dd October 7, 2008 22.Dt U3G 4 23.Os 24.Sh NAME 25.Nm u3g 26.Nd USB support for 3G datacards 27.Sh SYNOPSIS 28To compile this driver into the kernel, 29place the following lines in your 30kernel configuration file: 31.Bd -ragged -offset indent 32.Cd "device u3g" 33.Cd "device ucom" 34.Ed 35.Pp 36Alternatively, to load the driver as a 37module at boot time, place the following line in 38.Xr loader.conf 5 : 39.Bd -literal -offset indent 40u3g_load="YES" 41.Ed 42.Sh DESCRIPTION 43The 44.Nm 45driver provides support for the multiple USB-to-serial interfaces exposed by 46many 3G USB/PCCard modems. 47.Pp 48The device is accessed through the 49.Xr ucom 4 50driver which makes it behave like a 51.Xr tty 4 . 52.Sh HARDWARE 53The 54.Nm 55driver supports the following adapters: 56.Pp 57.Bl -bullet -compact 58.It 59Option GT 3G Fusion, GT Fusion Quad, etc. (only 3G part, not WLAN) 60.It 61Option GT 3G, GT 3G Quad, etc. 62.It 63Vodafone Mobile Connect Card 3G 64.It 65Qualcomm Inc. CDMA MSM 66.It 67Huawei B190, E180v, E220 ('<Huawei Mobile>') 68.It 69Novatel U740, MC950D, X950D, etc. 70.It 71Sierra MC875U, MC8775U, etc. 72.El 73.Pp 74(See 75.Pa /sys/dev/usb/serial/u3g.c 76for the complete list of supported cards for each vendor 77mentioned above.) 78.Pp 79The supported 3G cards provide the necessary modem port for ppp, or mpd 80connections as well as extra ports (depending on the specific device) to 81provide other functions (additional command port, diagnostic port, SIM toolkit 82port). 83.Pp 84In some of these devices a mass storage device supported by the 85.Xr umass 4 86driver is present which contains Windows and Mac OS X drivers. 87The device starts up in disk mode (TruInstall, ZeroCD, etc.) and requires 88additional commands to switch it to modem mode. If your device is not 89switching automatically, please try to add quirks. See 90.Xr usbconfig 5 91and 92.Xr usb_quirk 4 . 93.Pp 94.Sh SEE ALSO 95.Xr tty 4 , 96.Xr ucom 4 , 97.XR u3g 4 , 98.Xr usb 4 , 99.Xr usb_quirk 4 , 100.Xr usbconfig 5 101.Sh HISTORY 102The 103.Nm 104driver appeared in 105.Fx 7.2 , 106is based on the 107.Xr uark 4 108driver, and written by 109.An Andrea Guzzo Aq aguzzo@anywi.com 110in September 2008. 111.Sh AUTHORS 112The 113.Nm 114driver was written by 115.An Andrea Guzzo Aq aguzzo@anywi.com 116and 117.An Nick Hibma Aq n_hibma@FreeBSD.org . 118Hardware for testing was provided by AnyWi Technologies, Leiden, NL. 119