1e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" 2e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" Copyright (c) 2011 Marius Strobl <marius@FreeBSD.org> 3e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" All rights reserved. 4e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" 5e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 6e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 7e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" are met: 8e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 9e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 10e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 11e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 12e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 13e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" 14e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND 15e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 16e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 17e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE 18e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL 19e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS 20e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) 21e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 22e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY 23e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF 24e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" SUCH DAMAGE. 25e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.\" 26*3e03585fSDoug Barton.Dd January 16, 2011 27e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Dt RGEPHY 4 28e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Os 29e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Sh NAME 30e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Nm rgephy 31e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Nd RealTek RTL8168/8169/8110/8211 series 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet PHY driver 32e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Sh SYNOPSIS 33e0fb7b7bSMarius StroblTo compile all available PHY drivers into the kernel, 34e0fb7b7bSMarius Stroblplace the following line in your kernel configuration file: 35e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Bd -ragged -offset indent 36e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Cd "device miibus" 37e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Ed 38e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Pp 39e0fb7b7bSMarius StroblAlternatively, to selectively compile this driver into the kernel, 40e0fb7b7bSMarius Stroblplace the following lines in your kernel configuration file instead: 41e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Bd -ragged -offset indent 42e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Cd "device mii" 43e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Cd "device rgephy" 44e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Ed 45e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Sh DESCRIPTION 46e0fb7b7bSMarius StroblThe 47e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Nm 48e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobldriver supports the RealTek RTL8168, RTL8169, RTL8110 and RTL8211 series 49e0fb7b7bSMarius Stroblintegrated 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet PHYs. 50e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Pp 51e0fb7b7bSMarius StroblIn order to get a list of media types and options supported by a specific 52e0fb7b7bSMarius Stroblinstance of the 53e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Nm 54e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobldriver, run 55e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Li ifconfig -m 56e0fb7b7bSMarius Stroblon the instance of its parent MAC driver. 57e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Pp 58e0fb7b7bSMarius StroblAdditionally, 59e0fb7b7bSMarius Stroblthe 60e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Nm 61e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobldriver supports the following special media option: 62e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Bl -tag -width ".Cm flag0" 63e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.It Cm flag0 64e0fb7b7bSMarius StroblWhen manually setting media type and options via 65e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Xr ifconfig 8 , 66e0fb7b7bSMarius Stroblthe 67e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Nm 68e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobldriver by default also triggers an autonegotiation advertising the selected 69e0fb7b7bSMarius Stroblmedia. 706e5a465fSMarius StroblThis is done in order to work around hardware issues in certain scenarios. 71e0fb7b7bSMarius StroblIt is believed that this behavior does not cause harm in general but in fact 72e0fb7b7bSMarius Stroblcan have an adverse effect in edge cases. 73e0fb7b7bSMarius StroblIn order to manually set the media type and options without also triggering 74e0fb7b7bSMarius Stroblan autonegotiation, 75e0fb7b7bSMarius Stroblthe 76e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Nm 77e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobldriver allows to turn this behavior off via the 78e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Cm flag0 79e0fb7b7bSMarius Stroblmedia option. 80e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.El 81e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Pp 82e0fb7b7bSMarius StroblNote that this special media option will not show up in the output of 83e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Xr ifconfig 8 , 84e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobleven when set. 85e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Sh EXAMPLES 86e0fb7b7bSMarius StroblManually set 100BASE-TX full-duplex without also triggering an 87e0fb7b7bSMarius Stroblautonegotiation: 88e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Pp 89e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Dl "ifconfig re0 media 100baseTX mediaopt full-duplex,flag0" 90e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Sh SEE ALSO 91e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Xr intro 4 , 92e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Xr miibus 4 , 93e0fb7b7bSMarius Strobl.Xr ifconfig 8 94