1.\" 2.\" Copyright (c) 2003 David O'Brien 3.\" Copyright (c) 2000 Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven 4.\" Copyright (c) 2000 Michael Smith 5.\" All rights reserved. 6.\" 7.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 8.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 9.\" are met: 10.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 11.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 12.\" 2. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products 13.\" derived from this software without specific prior written permission 14.\" 15.\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR 16.\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES 17.\" OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. 18.\" IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 19.\" INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT 20.\" NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, 21.\" DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY 22.\" THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT 23.\" (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF 24.\" THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 25.\" 26.\" $FreeBSD$ 27.\" 28.Dd August 10, 2004 29.Dt MLX 4 30.Os 31.Sh NAME 32.Nm mlx 33.Nd Mylex DAC-family RAID driver 34.Sh SYNOPSIS 35.Cd device pci 36.Cd device mlx 37.Sh DESCRIPTION 38The 39.Nm 40driver provides support for Mylex DAC-family PCI to SCSI RAID controllers, 41including versions relabeled by Digital/Compaq. 42.Sh HARDWARE 43Controllers supported by the 44.Nm 45driver include: 46.Pp 47.Bl -bullet -compact 48.It 49Mylex DAC960P 50.It 51Mylex DAC960PD / DEC KZPSC (Fast Wide) 52.It 53Mylex DAC960PDU 54.It 55Mylex DAC960PL 56.It 57Mylex DAC960PJ 58.It 59Mylex DAC960PG 60.It 61Mylex DAC960PU / DEC PZPAC (Ultra Wide) 62.It 63Mylex AcceleRAID 150 (DAC960PRL) 64.It 65Mylex AcceleRAID 250 (DAC960PTL1) 66.It 67Mylex eXtremeRAID 1100 (DAC1164P) 68.It 69RAIDarray 230 controllers, aka the Ultra-SCSI DEC KZPAC-AA (1-ch, 4MB 70cache), KZPAC-CA (3-ch, 4MB), KZPAC-CB (3-ch, 8MB cache) 71.El 72.Pp 73All major firmware revisions (2.x, 3.x, 4.x and 5.x) are supported, however 74it is always advisable to upgrade to the most recent firmware 75available for the controller. 76.Pp 77Compatible Mylex controllers not listed should work, but have not been 78verified. 79.Sh DIAGNOSTICS 80.Ss Controller initialisation phase 81.Bl -diag 82.It mlx%d: controller initialisation in progress... 83.It mlx%d: initialisation complete 84.Pp 85The controller firmware is performing/has completed initialisation. 86.It mlx%d: physical drive %d:%d not responding 87.Pp 88The drive at channel:target is not responding; it may have failed or 89been removed. 90.It mlx%d: spinning up drives... 91.Pp 92Drive startup is in progress; this may take several minutes. 93.It mlx%d: configuration checksum error 94.Pp 95The array configuration has become corrupted. 96.It mlx%d: mirror race recovery in progress 97.It mlx%d: mirror race on a critical system drive 98.It mlx%d: mirror race recovery failed 99.Pp 100These error codes are undocumented. 101.It mlx%d: physical drive %d:%d COD mismatch 102.Pp 103Configuration data on the drive at channel:target does not match the 104rest of the array. 105.It mlx%d: system drive installation aborted 106.Pp 107Errors occurred preventing one or more system drives from being configured. 108.It mlx%d: new controller configuration found 109.Pp 110The controller has detected a configuration on disk which supersedes the 111configuration in its nonvolatile memory. 112It will reset and come up with the new configuration. 113.It mlx%d: FATAL MEMORY PARITY ERROR 114.Pp 115Firmware detected a fatal memory error; the driver will not attempt to 116attach to this controller. 117.It mlx%d: unknown firmware initialisation error %x:%x:%x 118.Pp 119An unknown error occurred during initialisation; it will be ignored. 120.El 121.Ss Driver initialisation/shutdown phase: 122.Bl -diag 123.It mlx%d: can't allocate scatter/gather DMA tag 124.It mlx%d: can't allocate buffer DMA tag 125.It mlx%d: can't allocate s/g table 126.It mlx%d: can't make initial s/g list mapping 127.It mlx%d: can't make permanent s/g list mapping 128.It mlx%d: can't allocate interrupt 129.It mlx%d: can't set up interrupt 130.Pp 131A resource allocation error occurred while initialising the driver; 132initialisation has failed and the driver will not attach to this 133controller. 134.It mlx%d: error fetching drive status 135.Pp 136The current status of all system drives could not be fetched; attachment 137of system drives will be aborted. 138.It mlx%d: device_add_child failed 139.It mlx%d: bus_generic_attach returned %d 140.Pp 141Creation of the system drive instances failed; attachment of one or more 142system drives may have been aborted. 143.It mlxd%d: detaching... 144.Pp 145The indicated system drive is being detached. 146.It mlxd%d: still open, can't detach 147.Pp 148The indicated system drive is still open or mounted; 149the controller cannot be detached. 150.It mlx%d: flushing cache... 151.Pp 152The controller cache is being flushed prior to detach or shutdown. 153.El 154.Ss Operational diagnostics: 155.Bl -diag 156.It mlx%d: ENQUIRY failed - %s 157.It mlx%d: ENQUIRY2 failed 158.It mlx%d: ENQUIRY_OLD failed 159.It mlx%d: FLUSH failed - %s 160.It mlx%d: CHECK ASYNC failed - %s 161.It mlx%d: REBUILD ASYNC failed - %s 162.It mlx%d: command failed - %s 163.Pp 164The controller rejected a command for the reason given. 165.It mlx%d: I/O beyond end of unit (%u,%d > %u) 166.It mlx%d: I/O error - %s 167.Pp 168An I/O error was reported by the controller. 169.It mlx%d: periodic enquiry failed - %s 170.Pp 171An attempt to poll the controller for status failed for the reason given. 172.It mlx%d: mlx_periodic_enquiry: unknown command %x 173.Pp 174The periodic status poll has issued a command which has become corrupted. 175.It mlxd%d: drive offline 176.It mlxd%d: drive online 177.It mlxd%d: drive critical 178.Pp 179The system disk indicated has changed state. 180.It mlx%d: physical drive %d:%d reset 181.It mlx%d: physical drive %d:%d killed %s 182.It "mlx%d: physical drive %d:%d error log: sense = %d asc = %x asq = %x" 183.It "mlx%d: info %4D csi %4D" 184.Pp 185The drive at channel:target has been reset, killed for the given reason, 186or experienced a SCSI error. 187.It mlx%d: unknown log message type %x 188.It mlx%d: error reading message log - %s 189.Pp 190An error occurred while trying to read the controller's message log. 191.It mlxd%d: consistency check started 192.It mlx%d: consistency check completed 193.Pp 194A user-initiated consistency check has started/completed. 195.It mlx%d: drive rebuild started for %d:%d 196.It mlx%d: drive rebuild completed 197.Pp 198A user-initiated physical drive rebuild has started/completed. 199.It mlx%d: background check/rebuild operation started 200.It mlx%d: background check/rebuild operation completed 201.Pp 202An automatic system drive consistency check 203or physical drive rebuild has started/completed. 204.It mlx%d: channel %d pausing for %d seconds 205.It mlx%d: channel %d resuming 206.It mlx%d: pause command failed - %s 207.It mlx%d: pause failed for channel %d 208.It mlx%d: resume command failed - %s 209.It mlx%d: resume failed for channel %d 210.Pp 211Controller/channel pause operation notification. 212(Channel pause is not currently supported on any controller.) 213.It mlx%d: controller wedged (not taking commands) 214.Pp 215The controller is not responding to attempts to submit new commands. 216.It mlx%d: duplicate done event for slot %d 217.It mlx%d: done event for nonbusy slot %d 218.Pp 219Corruption has occurred in either the controller's onboard list of commands 220or in the driver. 221.El 222.Sh SEE ALSO 223.Xr mlxcontrol 8 224.Sh AUTHORS 225.An -nosplit 226The 227.Nm 228driver was written by 229.An Michael Smith 230.Aq msmith@FreeBSD.org . 231.Pp 232This manual page was written by 233.An Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven 234.Aq asmodai@FreeBSD.org 235and 236.An Michael Smith 237.Aq msmith@FreeBSD.org . 238.Sh BUGS 239The driver does not yet support EISA adapters. 240The DEC KZPSC has insufficient flash ROM to hold any reasonably recent firmware. 241This has caused problems for this driver. 242.Pp 243The driver does not yet support the version 6.x firmware as found in the 244AcceleRAID 352 and eXtremeRAID 2000 and 3000 products. 245