1eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" Copyright (c) 1998, Nicolas Souchu 2eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" All rights reserved. 3eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" 4eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 5eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 6eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" are met: 7eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 8eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 9eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 10eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 11eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 12eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" 13eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND 14eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 15eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 16eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE 17eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL 18eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS 19eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) 20eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 21eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY 22eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF 23eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" SUCH DAMAGE. 24eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.\" 25eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.Dd October 25, 1998 26eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.Dt LPBB 4 273d45e180SRuslan Ermilov.Os 28eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.Sh NAME 29eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.Nm lpbb 30eb083802SRuslan Ermilov.Nd parallel port I2C bit-banging interface 31eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.Sh SYNOPSIS 326b713d58SJeroen Ruigrok van der Werven.Cd "device iicbus" 336b713d58SJeroen Ruigrok van der Werven.Cd "device iicbb" 34eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.Pp 356b713d58SJeroen Ruigrok van der Werven.Cd "device lpbb" 366b713d58SJeroen Ruigrok van der Werven.Cd "device iic" 37eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.Sh DESCRIPTION 38eb8752d5SNicolas SouchuThe 39eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.Em lpbb 40eb8752d5SNicolas Souchudriver supports the Philips official I2C parallel bit-banging interface. 41d2f72ff4SNicolas Souchu.Bd -literal 42eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu 43eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu LS05 pin 14 (Vcc) o ------- 44eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu | | | 45eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu +--+--+---------------------+--+--+------------+------+-o 1 | 46eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu | | | | | | ===.1uF | +5V | 47eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu -------- [R][R][R] 3x10K 3x10K [R][R][R] LS05 | | | 48eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu | | | | | | | | pin 7 o-+------+-o 2 | 49eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu | 12 o-+--+ | | 3|\\ 4 | | | (Gnd) | GND | 50eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu | 17 o-+-----|--|----| >o-------------+--|--|--------------+ | | 51eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu | | | | |/ 8 /|9 | | 10 /|11 +----+-o 3 | 52eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu | 15 o-+-----+--|--------------o< |------+--|------o< |----+ | SCL | 53eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu | | | 1|\\ 2 \\| | \\| | | 54eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu | 9 o-+--------|----| >o-------------------+--------------+----+-o 4 | 55eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu | | | |/ 6 /|5 | | SDA | 56eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu | 11 o-+--------+----------------------------------o< |----+ ------- 57eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu | 10 o-+-+ \\| 4-pin 58eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu | 13 o-+-+--oGND Connector 59eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu | 25 o-+-+ ------------------ Part List -------------------------- 60eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu -------- | 1 - .1 uF capacitor | 6 - 10K 5% resistors | 61eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu 25-pin male D | 1 - 4-pin connector | 1 - 25-pin male D connector | 62eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu connector to PC | 1 - 74LS05 open collector hex inverter | 63eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu printer port ------------------------------------------------------- 64d2f72ff4SNicolas Souchu.Ed 65eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.Sh SEE ALSO 66eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.Xr iicbb 4 , 67def37e7cSMike Pritchard.Xr iicbus 4 , 68eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.Xr ppbus 4 69eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.Sh HISTORY 70eb8752d5SNicolas SouchuThe 71eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.Nm 72eb8752d5SNicolas Souchumanual page first appeared in 73eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.Fx 3.0 . 74def37e7cSMike Pritchard.Sh AUTHORS 75eb8752d5SNicolas SouchuThis 76eb8752d5SNicolas Souchumanual page was written by 77eb8752d5SNicolas Souchu.An Nicolas Souchu . 78