1.\" 2.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD 3.\" 4.\" Copyright (c) 2016 Andriy Gapon <avg@FreeBSD.org> 5.\" Copyright (c) 2018 Ravi Pokala <rpokala@freebsd.org> 6.\" All rights reserved. 7.\" 8.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 9.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 10.\" are met: 11.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 12.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 13.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 14.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 15.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 16.\" 17.\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR 18.\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES 19.\" OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. 20.\" IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 21.\" INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT 22.\" NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, 23.\" DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY 24.\" THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT 25.\" (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF 26.\" THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 27.\" 28.\" $FreeBSD$ 29.\" 30.Dd February 22, 2018 31.Dt JEDEC_DIMM 4 32.Os 33.Sh NAME 34.Nm jedec_dimm 35.Nd report asset information and temperatures for JEDEC DDR3 / DDR4 DIMMs 36.Sh SYNOPSIS 37.Bd -ragged -offset indent 38.Cd "device jedec_dimm" 39.Cd "device smbus" 40.Ed 41.Pp 42Alternatively, to load the driver as a module at boot time, place the following 43line in 44.Xr loader.conf 5 : 45.Bd -literal -offset indent 46jedec_dimm_load="YES" 47.Ed 48.Pp 49Addressing information must be manually specified in 50.Pa /boot/device.hints : 51.Bd -literal -offset indent 52.Cd hint.jedec_dimm.0.at="smbus0" 53.Cd hint.jedec_dimm.0.addr="0xa0" 54.Cd hint.jedec_dimm.0.slotid="Silkscreen" 55.Ed 56.Sh DESCRIPTION 57The 58.Nm 59driver reports asset information (Part Number, Serial Number) encoded in the 60.Dq Serial Presence Detect 61(SPD) data on JEDEC DDR3 and DDR4 DIMMs. 62It also calculates and reports the memory capacity of the DIMM, in megabytes. 63If the DIMM includes a 64.Dq Thermal Sensor On DIMM 65(TSOD), the temperature is also reported. 66.Pp 67The 68.Nm 69driver accesses the SPD and TSOD over the 70.Xr smbus 4 . 71.Pp 72The data is reported via a 73.Xr sysctl 8 74interface; all values are read-only: 75.Bl -tag -width "dev.jedec_dimm.X.capacity" 76.It Va dev.jedec_dimm.X.%desc 77a string description of the DIMM, including TSOD and slotid info if present. 78.It Va dev.jedec_dimm.X.capacity 79the DIMM's memory capacity, in megabytes 80.It Va dev.jedec_dimm.X.part 81the manufacturer's part number of the DIMM 82.It Va dev.jedec_dimm.X.serial 83the manufacturer's serial number of the DIMM 84.It Va dev.jedec_dimm.X.slotid 85a copy of the corresponding hint, if set 86.It Va dev.jedec_dimm.X.temp 87if a TSOD is present, the reported temperature 88.It Va dev.jedec_dimm.X.type 89the DIMM type (DDR3 or DDR4) 90.El 91.Pp 92These values are configurable for 93.Nm 94via 95.Xr device.hints 5 : 96.Bl -tag -width "hint.jedec_dimm.X.slotid" 97.It Va hint.jedec_dimm.X.at 98the 99.Xr smbus 4 100to which the DIMM is connected 101.It Va hint.jedec_dimm.X.addr 102the SMBus address of the SPD. 103JEDEC specifies that the four most-significant bits of the address are the 104.Dq Device Type Identifier 105(DTI), and that the DTI of the SPD is 0xa. 106Since the least-significant bit of an SMBus address is the read/write bit, and 107is always written as 0, that means the four least-significant bits of the 108address must be even. 109.It Va hint.jedec_dimm.X.slotid 110optional slot identifier. 111If populated with the DIMM slot name silkscreened on the motherboard, this 112provides a mapping between the DIMM slot name and the DIMM serial number. 113That mapping is useful for detailed asset tracking, and makes it easier to 114physically locate a specific DIMM when doing a replacement. 115This is useful when assembling multiple identical systems, as might be done by 116a system vendor. 117The mapping between bus/address and DIMM slot must first be determined, either 118through motherboard documentation or trial-and-error. 119.El 120.Pp 121If the DIMMs are on an I2C bus behind an 122.Xr iicbus 4 123controller, then the 124.Xr iicsmb 4 125bridge driver can be used to attach the 126.Xr smbus 4 . 127.Sh EXAMPLES 128Consider two DDR4 DIMMs with the following hints: 129.Bd -literal -offset indent 130hint.jedec_dimm.0.at="smbus0" 131hint.jedec_dimm.0.addr="0xa0" 132hint.jedec_dimm.0.slotid="A1" 133 134hint.jedec_dimm.6.at="smbus1" 135hint.jedec_dimm.6.addr="0xa8" 136.Ed 137.Pp 138Their 139.Xr sysctl 8 140output (sorted): 141.Bd -literal -offset indent 142dev.jedec_dimm.0.%desc: DDR4 DIMM w/ Atmel TSOD (A1) 143dev.jedec_dimm.0.%driver: jedec_dimm 144dev.jedec_dimm.0.%location: addr=0xa0 145dev.jedec_dimm.0.%parent: smbus0 146dev.jedec_dimm.0.%pnpinfo: 147dev.jedec_dimm.0.capacity: 16384 148dev.jedec_dimm.0.part: 36ASF2G72PZ-2G1A2 149dev.jedec_dimm.0.serial: 0ea815de 150dev.jedec_dimm.0.slotid: A1 151dev.jedec_dimm.0.temp: 32.7C 152dev.jedec_dimm.0.type: DDR4 153 154dev.jedec_dimm.6.%desc: DDR4 DIMM w/ TSE2004av compliant TSOD 155dev.jedec_dimm.6.%driver: jedec_dimm 156dev.jedec_dimm.6.%location: addr=0xa8 157dev.jedec_dimm.6.%parent: smbus1 158dev.jedec_dimm.6.%pnpinfo: 159dev.jedec_dimm.6.capacity: 8192 160dev.jedec_dimm.6.part: VRA9MR8B2H1603 161dev.jedec_dimm.6.serial: 0c4c46ad 162dev.jedec_dimm.6.temp: 43.1C 163dev.jedec_dimm.6.type: DDR4 164.Ed 165.Sh COMPATIBILITY 166.Nm 167implements a superset of the functionality of 168.Xr jedec_ts 4 . 169Hints for 170.Xr jedec_ts 4 171can be mechanically converted for use with 172.Nm . 173Two changes are required: 174.Bl -enum 175.It 176In all 177.Xr jedec_ts 4 178hints, replace 179.Dq jedec_ts 180with 181.Dq jedec_dimm 182.It 183In 184.Xr jedec_ts 4 185.Dq addr 186hints, replace the TSOD DTI 187.Dq 0x3 188with the SPD DTI 189.Dq 0xa 190.El 191.Pp 192The following 193.Xr sed 1 194script will perform the necessary changes: 195.Bd -literal -offset indent 196sed -i ".old" -e 's/jedec_ts/jedec_dimm/' \\ 197 -e '/jedec_dimm/s/addr="0x3/addr="0xa/' /boot/device.hints 198.Ed 199.Sh SEE ALSO 200.Xr iicbus 4 , 201.Xr iicsmb 4 , 202.Xr jedec_ts 4 , 203.Xr smbus 4 , 204.Xr sysctl 8 205.Sh STANDARDS 206.Rs 207(DDR3 SPD) 208.%A JEDEC 209.%T Standard 21-C, Annex K 210.Re 211.Pp 212.Rs 213(DDR3 TSOD) 214.%A JEDEC 215.%T Standard 21-C, TSE2002av 216.Re 217.Pp 218.Rs 219(DDR4 SPD) 220.%A JEDEC 221.%T Standard 21-C, Annex L 222.Re 223.Pp 224.Rs 225(DDR4 TSOD) 226.%A JEDEC 227.%T Standard 21-C, TSE2004av 228.Re 229.Sh HISTORY 230The 231.Nm 232driver first appeared in 233.Fx 12.0 . 234.Sh AUTHORS 235.An -nosplit 236The 237.Nm 238driver and this manual page were written by 239.An Ravi Pokala Aq Mt rpokala@freebsd.org . 240They are both based in part on the 241.Xr jedec_ts 4 242driver and manual page, written by 243.An Andriy Gapon Aq Mt avg@FreeBSD.org . 244