1.\" $NetBSD: isp.4,v 1.5 1999/12/18 18:33:05 mjacob Exp $ 2.\" 3.\" Copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2001 4.\" Matthew Jacob, for NASA/Ames Research Center 5.\" 6.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 7.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 8.\" are met: 9.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 10.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 11.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 12.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 13.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 14.\" 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products 15.\" derived from this software without specific prior written permission. 16.\" 17.\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR 18.\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES 19.\" OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. 20.\" IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 21.\" INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT 22.\" NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, 23.\" DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY 24.\" THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT 25.\" (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF 26.\" THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 27.\" 28.\" $FreeBSD$ 29.\" 30.Dd February 14, 2000 31.Dt ISP 4 32.Os 33.Sh NAME 34.Nm isp 35.Nd Qlogic based SCSI and FibreChannel SCSI Host Adapters 36.Sh SYNOPSIS 37.Cd "device isp" 38.Pp 39For one or more SCSI busses: 40.Cd device scbus0 41.Sh DESCRIPTION 42This driver provides access to 43.Tn SCSI 44or 45.Tn FibreChannel 46devices. 47.Pp 48SCSI features include support for Ultra SCSI and wide mode transactions 49for 50.Tn SCSI , 51Ultra2 LVD (for the ISP1080 and ISP1280), and Ultra3 LVD (for the 52ISP12160). 53.Pp 54Fibre Channel support uses FCP SCSI profile for 55.Tn FibreChannel . 56and utilizes Class 3 and Class 2 connections (Qlogic 2100 is Class 573 only, minor patches to the Qlogic 2200 to force Class 2 mode). 58Support is available for Public and Private loops, and for 59point-to-point connections (Qlogic 2200 only). 60The newer 2-Gigabit cards (2300, 2312) are also supported. 61Command tagging is 62supported for all (in fact, 63.Tn FibreChannel 64requires tagging). 65Fabric support is enabled by default (but may 66be contingent upon the correct firmware being loaded). 67.Sh FIRMWARE 68Firmware is now available if the 69.Xr ispfw 4 70module is loaded during bootstrap (q.v.). 71.Pp 72It is very strongly recommended that you use the firmware available 73from 74.Xr ispfw 4 75as it is the most likely to have been tested with this driver. 76.Sh HARDWARE 77Cards supported by the 78.Nm 79driver include: 80.Pp 81.Bl -tag -width xxxxxx -offset indent 82.It ISP1000 83SBus Fast Wide, Ultra Fast Wide cards, Single Ended or Differential 84cards. 85.It PTI SBS440 86Performance Technology ISP1000 variants. 87.It ISP1020 88Qlogic 1020 Fast Wide and Differential Fast Wide PCI cards. 89.It ISP1040 90Qlogic 1040 Ultra Wide and Differential Ultra Wide PCI cards. 91Also known as the DEC KZPBA-CA (single ended) and KZPBA-CB (HVD differential). 92.It PTI SBS450 93Performance Technology ISP1040 variants. 94.It Qlogic 1240 95Qlogic 1240 Dual Bus Ultra Wide and Differential Ultra Wide PCI 96cards. 97.It Qlogic 1020 98Qlogic 1020 SCSI cards. 99.It Qlogic 1040 100Qlogic 1040 Ultra SCSI cards. 101.It Qlogic 1080 102Qlogic 1280 LVD Ultra2 Wide PCI cards. 103.It Qlogic 1280 104Qlogic 1280 Dual Bus LVD Ultra2 Wide PCI cards. 105.It Qlogic 12160 106Qlogic 12160 Dual Bus LVD Ultra3 Wide PCI cards. 107.It Qlogic 2100 108Qlogic 2100 and 2100A Copper and Optical Fibre Channel Arbitrated 109Loop 110.It Qlogic 2102 111Qlogic Dual Loop 2100A Optical Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop PCI 112cards. 113.It Qlogic 2200 114Qlogic 2200 Copper and Optical Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop PCI 115cards. 116.It Qlogic 2202 117Qlogic 2200 Dual Bus Optical Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop PCI 118cards. 119.It Qlogic 2204 120Qlogic 2200 Dual Bus Optical Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop PCI 121cards. 122.It Qlogic 2300 123Qlogic 2300 Optical Fibre Channel PCI cards. 124.It Qlogic 2312 125Qlogic 2312 Optical Fibre Channel PCI cards. 126.It PTI SBS470 127Performance Technology ISP2100 variants. 128.It Antares P-0033 129Antares Microsystems ISP2100 variants. 130.El 131.Sh CONFIGURATION OPTIONS 132.Pp 133Target mode support may be enabled with the 134.Pp 135.Cd options ISP_TARGET_MODE 136.Pp 137option. 138.Sh BOOT OPTIONS 139The following options are switchable by setting values in the loader 140configuration file (see the 141.Xr loader 8 142manual page). 143They are: 144.Pp 145.Bl -tag -width "isp_no_fwload" -compact 146.It isp_disable 147A bit mask of units to skip configuration for. 148.It isp_mem_map 149A bit mask of units to use PCI Memory space instead of I/O space 150access for. 151.It isp_io_map 152A bit mask of units to use PCI I/O space instead of Memory space 153access for. 154.It isp_no_nvram 155A bit mask of units that you wish to ignore board NVRAM settings 156for. 157.It isp_nvram 158A bit mask of units that you wish to specifically use board NVRAM 159settings for. 160.It isp_fcduplex 161A bit mask of units that you wish to specifically to set into full 162duplex mode. 163.It isp_no_fcduplex 164A bit mask of units that you wish to specifically to not set into 165full duplex mode. 166.It isp_wwn 167This should be the full 64 bit World Wide Node Name you would like 168to use, overriding the value in NVRAM for the card. 169.It isp_debug 170This is a driver debug level- meaningful from 0 through 7. 171.It isp_tdebug 172This is a driver target mode debug level- meaningful from 0 through 1735. 174.El 175.Sh SEE ALSO 176.Xr da 4 , 177.Xr intro 4 , 178.Xr ispfw 4 , 179.Xr sa 4 , 180.Xr scsi 4 181.Sh AUTHORS 182The 183.Nm 184driver was written by Matthew Jacob for NASA/Ames Research Center. 185.Sh BUGS 186The driver currently ignores some NVRAM settings. 187.Pp 188The driver currently does not do error recovery for timed out commands 189very gracefully. 190.Pp 191Target mode support is not completely debugged yet. 192It works reasonably 193well for Fibre Channel, somewhat well for Qlogic 1040 cards, but 194does not yet work for the other cards (due to last minute unannounced 195changes in firmware interfaces). 196.Pp 197Sometimes, when booting, the driver gets stuck waiting for the 198Fibre Channel f/w to tell it that the loop port database is ready, 199or waiting for a good loop to be seen (this does not yet support 200booting without being connected to a fibre channel device). 201To 202unwedge the system, unplug and replug the fibre channel connection, 203or otherwise cause a LIP (Loop Initialization Primitive sequence)- 204this will kick the f/w into getting unstuck. 205