1.\" 2.\" $FreeBSD$ 3.\" 4.Dd October 28, 2002 5.Dt IPFW 4 6.Os 7.Sh NAME 8.Nm ipfw 9.Nd IP packet filter and traffic accounting 10.Sh DESCRIPTION 11The 12.Nm 13system facility allows filtering, 14redirecting, and other operations on 15.Tn IP 16packets travelling through 17network interfaces. 18.Pp 19The user interface for 20.Nm 21is implemented by the 22.Xr ipfw 8 23utility, so please refer to the 24.Xr ipfw 8 25manpage for a complete description of the 26.Nm 27capabilities and how to use it. 28.Ss Kernel Options 29The following options in the kernel configuration file are related to 30.Nm 31operation: 32.Pp 33.Bl -tag -width ".Dv IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT" -compact 34.It Dv IPFIREWALL 35enable 36.Nm 37.It Dv IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE 38enable 39.Nm 40logging 41.It Dv IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT 42limit 43.Nm 44logging 45.It Dv IPDIVERT 46enable 47.Xr divert 4 48sockets 49.El 50.Sh SEE ALSO 51.Xr setsockopt 2 , 52.Xr divert 4 , 53.Xr ip 4 , 54.Xr ipfw 8 , 55.Xr sysctl 8 , 56.Xr syslogd 8 , 57.Xr pfil 9 58