117596f06STom Rhodes.\" $FreeBSD$ 217596f06STom Rhodes.\" Written by Tom Rhodes 317596f06STom Rhodes.\" This file is in the public domain. 417596f06STom Rhodes.\" 59f9e9e1bSRalf S. Engelschall.Dd November 3, 2005 617596f06STom Rhodes.Dt CISS 4 717596f06STom Rhodes.Os 817596f06STom Rhodes.Sh NAME 917596f06STom Rhodes.Nm ciss 10ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.Nd Common Interface for SCSI-3 Support driver 1117596f06STom Rhodes.Sh SYNOPSIS 122d431ba6SChristian BruefferTo compile this driver into the kernel, 132d431ba6SChristian Bruefferplace the following lines in your 142d431ba6SChristian Bruefferkernel configuration file: 152d431ba6SChristian Brueffer.Bd -ragged -offset indent 16ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.Cd "device scbus" 17ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.Cd "device ciss" 182d431ba6SChristian Brueffer.Ed 192d431ba6SChristian Brueffer.Pp 202d431ba6SChristian BruefferAlternatively, to load the driver as a 212d431ba6SChristian Brueffermodule at boot time, place the following line in 222d431ba6SChristian Brueffer.Xr loader.conf 5 : 232d431ba6SChristian Brueffer.Bd -literal -offset indent 242d431ba6SChristian Bruefferciss_load="YES" 252d431ba6SChristian Brueffer.Ed 2617596f06STom Rhodes.Sh DESCRIPTION 2717596f06STom RhodesThe 2817596f06STom Rhodes.Nm 2917596f06STom Rhodesdriver claims to provide a common interface between generic SCSI 3017596f06STom Rhodestransports and intelligent host adapters. 3117596f06STom Rhodes.Pp 3217596f06STom RhodesThe 3317596f06STom Rhodes.Nm 3417596f06STom Rhodesdriver supports 3517596f06STom Rhodes.Em CISS 3617596f06STom Rhodesas defined in the document entitled 37ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.%T "CISS Command Interface for SCSI-3 Support Open Specification, Version 1.04, Valence Number 1" , 38ace5be68SRuslan Ermilovdated 2000/11/27, produced by Compaq Computer Corporation. 3917596f06STom Rhodes.Pp 4017596f06STom RhodesWe provide a shim layer between the 4117596f06STom Rhodes.Nm 42ace5be68SRuslan Ermilovinterface and 43ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.Xr CAM 4 , 4417596f06STom Rhodesoffloading most of the queueing and being-a-disk chores onto CAM. 4517596f06STom RhodesEntry to the driver is via the PCI bus attachment 46ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.Fn ciss_probe , 47ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.Fn ciss_attach , 485203edcdSRuslan Ermilovetc.\& and via the CAM interface 49ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.Fn ciss_cam_action , 5017596f06STom Rhodesand 51ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.Fn ciss_cam_poll . 5217596f06STom RhodesThe Compaq 5317596f06STom Rhodes.Nm 5417596f06STom Rhodesadapters require faked responses to get reasonable 5517596f06STom Rhodesbehavior out of them. 5617596f06STom RhodesIn addition, the 5717596f06STom Rhodes.Nm 58ace5be68SRuslan Ermilovcommand set is by no means adequate to support the functionality 59ace5be68SRuslan Ermilovof a RAID controller, 6017596f06STom Rhodesand thus the supported Compaq adapters utilize portions of the 6117596f06STom Rhodescontrol protocol from earlier Compaq adapter families. 6217596f06STom Rhodes.Pp 6317596f06STom RhodesCurrently 6417596f06STom Rhodes.Nm 6517596f06STom Rhodesonly supports the 6617596f06STom Rhodes.Dq simple 6717596f06STom Rhodestransport layer over PCI. 6817596f06STom RhodesThis interface (ab)uses the I2O register set (specifically the post 6917596f06STom Rhodesqueues) to exchange commands with the adapter. 70ae5c97aaSTom RhodesOther interfaces are available, but we are not supposed to know about them, 7117596f06STom Rhodesand it is dubious whether they would provide major performance improvements 7217596f06STom Rhodesexcept under extreme load. 73ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.Pp 74ace5be68SRuslan ErmilovNon-disk devices (such as internal DATs and devices 75a315d43aSScott Longattached to the external SCSI bus) are supported as normal CAM devices 76a315d43aSScott Longprovided that they are exported by the controller firmware and are not 775203edcdSRuslan Ermilovmarked as being masked. 785203edcdSRuslan ErmilovMasked devices can be exposed by setting the 79a315d43aSScott Long.Va hw.ciss.expose_hidden_physical 805203edcdSRuslan Ermilovtunable to non-zero at boot time. 815203edcdSRuslan ErmilovDirect Access devices (such as disk 82a315d43aSScott Longdrives) are only exposed as 83a315d43aSScott Long.Xr pass 4 845203edcdSRuslan Ermilovdevices. 855203edcdSRuslan ErmilovHot-insertion and removal of devices is supported but a bus 86a315d43aSScott Longrescan might be necessary. 875a3c4d69SMitsuru IWASAKI.Pp 885a3c4d69SMitsuru IWASAKIThe problem which adapter freezes with the message 895a3c4d69SMitsuru IWASAKI.Dq ADAPTER HEARTBEAT FAILED 905a3c4d69SMitsuru IWASAKImight be solved by updating the firmware and/or setting the 915a3c4d69SMitsuru IWASAKI.Va hw.ciss.nop_message_heartbeat 925a3c4d69SMitsuru IWASAKItunable to non-zero at boot time. 931b3f128dSSimon L. B. Nielsen.Sh HARDWARE 941b3f128dSSimon L. B. NielsenControllers supported by the 951b3f128dSSimon L. B. Nielsen.Nm 961b3f128dSSimon L. B. Nielsendriver include: 9717596f06STom Rhodes.Pp 981b3f128dSSimon L. B. Nielsen.Bl -bullet -compact 99ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.It 100ace5be68SRuslan ErmilovCompaq Smart Array 5300 101ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.It 102ace5be68SRuslan ErmilovCompaq Smart Array 532 103ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.It 104ace5be68SRuslan ErmilovCompaq Smart Array 5i 10515d25d32SSimon L. B. Nielsen.It 10615d25d32SSimon L. B. NielsenHP Smart Array 5312 10715d25d32SSimon L. B. Nielsen.It 10815d25d32SSimon L. B. NielsenHP Smart Array 6i 10915d25d32SSimon L. B. Nielsen.It 11015d25d32SSimon L. B. NielsenHP Smart Array 641 11115d25d32SSimon L. B. Nielsen.It 11215d25d32SSimon L. B. NielsenHP Smart Array 642 11315d25d32SSimon L. B. Nielsen.It 11415d25d32SSimon L. B. NielsenHP Smart Array 6400 11515d25d32SSimon L. B. Nielsen.It 11615d25d32SSimon L. B. NielsenHP Smart Array 6400 EM 117c6131460SPaul Saab.It 118cad572c4SPaul SaabHP Smart Array E200 119cad572c4SPaul Saab.It 120cad572c4SPaul SaabHP Smart Array E200i 121cad572c4SPaul Saab.It 122cad572c4SPaul SaabHP Smart Array P400 123cad572c4SPaul Saab.It 124cad572c4SPaul SaabHP Smart Array P400i 1250abff1d4SSimon L. B. Nielsen.It 1269f9e9e1bSRalf S. EngelschallHP Smart Array P600 1279f9e9e1bSRalf S. Engelschall.It 1289f9e9e1bSRalf S. EngelschallHP Smart Array P800 1290abff1d4SSimon L. B. Nielsen.It 130c6131460SPaul SaabHP Modular Smart Array 20 (MSA20) 131c6131460SPaul Saab.It 132c6131460SPaul SaabHP Modular Smart Array 500 (MSA500) 13317596f06STom Rhodes.El 13417596f06STom Rhodes.Sh SEE ALSO 13517596f06STom Rhodes.Xr cam 4 , 13617596f06STom Rhodes.Xr pass 4 , 13717596f06STom Rhodes.Xr xpt 4 , 138a315d43aSScott Long.Xr loader.conf 5 , 139ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.Xr camcontrol 8 140ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.Rs 141ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.%T "CISS Command Interface for SCSI-3 Support Open Specification, Version 1.04, Valence Number 1" 142ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.%D 2000/11/27 143ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.%Q "Compaq Computer Corporation" 144ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.Re 14517596f06STom Rhodes.Sh AUTHORS 146ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.An -nosplit 14717596f06STom RhodesThe 14817596f06STom Rhodes.Nm 14917596f06STom Rhodesdriver was written by 15017596f06STom Rhodes.An Mike Smith Aq msmith@FreeBSD.org . 151ace5be68SRuslan Ermilov.Pp 152ae5c97aaSTom RhodesThis manual page is based on his comments and was written by 153ae5c97aaSTom Rhodes.An Tom Rhodes Aq trhodes@FreeBSD.org . 154