1.\" Copyright (C) 2000 Jason Evans <jasone@FreeBSD.org>. 2.\" All rights reserved. 3.\" 4.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 5.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 6.\" are met: 7.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 8.\" notice(s), this list of conditions and the following disclaimer as 9.\" the first lines of this file unmodified other than the possible 10.\" addition of one or more copyright notices. 11.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 12.\" notice(s), this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 13.\" the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 14.\" distribution. 15.\" 16.\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) ``AS IS'' AND ANY 17.\" EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 18.\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 19.\" PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) BE 20.\" LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR 21.\" CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF 22.\" SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR 23.\" BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, 24.\" WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE 25.\" OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, 26.\" EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 27.\" 28.\" $FreeBSD$ 29.Dd April 28, 2000 30.Dt PTHREAD_ATTR 3 31.Os 32.Sh NAME 33.Nm pthread_attr_init , 34.Nm pthread_attr_destroy , 35.Nm pthread_attr_setstack , 36.Nm pthread_attr_getstack , 37.Nm pthread_attr_setstacksize , 38.Nm pthread_attr_getstacksize , 39.Nm pthread_attr_setguardsize , 40.Nm pthread_attr_getguardsize , 41.Nm pthread_attr_setstackaddr , 42.Nm pthread_attr_getstackaddr , 43.Nm pthread_attr_setdetachstate , 44.Nm pthread_attr_getdetachstate , 45.Nm pthread_attr_setinheritsched , 46.Nm pthread_attr_getinheritsched , 47.Nm pthread_attr_setschedparam , 48.Nm pthread_attr_getschedparam , 49.Nm pthread_attr_setschedpolicy , 50.Nm pthread_attr_getschedpolicy , 51.Nm pthread_attr_setscope , 52.Nm pthread_attr_getscope 53.Nd thread attribute operations 54.Sh LIBRARY 55.Lb libc_r 56.Lb libpthread 57.Lb libthr 58.Sh SYNOPSIS 59.In pthread.h 60.Ft int 61.Fn pthread_attr_init "pthread_attr_t *attr" 62.Ft int 63.Fn pthread_attr_destroy "pthread_attr_t *attr" 64.Ft int 65.Fn pthread_attr_setstack "pthread_attr_t *attr" " void *stackaddr" "size_t stacksize" 66.Ft int 67.Fn pthread_attr_getstack "const pthread_attr_t * restrict attr" "void ** restrict stackaddr" "size_t * restrict stacksize" 68.Ft int 69.Fn pthread_attr_setstacksize "pthread_attr_t *attr" "size_t stacksize" 70.Ft int 71.Fn pthread_attr_getstacksize "const pthread_attr_t *attr" "size_t *stacksize" 72.Ft int 73.Fn pthread_attr_setguardsize "pthread_attr_t *attr" "size_t guardsize" 74.Ft int 75.Fn pthread_attr_getguardsize "const pthread_attr_t *attr" "size_t *guardsize" 76.Ft int 77.Fn pthread_attr_setstackaddr "pthread_attr_t *attr" "void *stackaddr" 78.Ft int 79.Fn pthread_attr_getstackaddr "const pthread_attr_t *attr" "void **stackaddr" 80.Ft int 81.Fn pthread_attr_setdetachstate "pthread_attr_t *attr" "int detachstate" 82.Ft int 83.Fn pthread_attr_getdetachstate "const pthread_attr_t *attr" "int *detachstate" 84.Ft int 85.Fn pthread_attr_setinheritsched "pthread_attr_t *attr" "int inheritsched" 86.Ft int 87.Fn pthread_attr_getinheritsched "const pthread_attr_t *attr" "int *inheritsched" 88.Ft int 89.Fn pthread_attr_setschedparam "pthread_attr_t *attr" "const struct sched_param *param" 90.Ft int 91.Fn pthread_attr_getschedparam "const pthread_attr_t *attr" "struct sched_param *param" 92.Ft int 93.Fn pthread_attr_setschedpolicy "pthread_attr_t *attr" "int policy" 94.Ft int 95.Fn pthread_attr_getschedpolicy "const pthread_attr_t *attr" "int *policy" 96.Ft int 97.Fn pthread_attr_setscope "pthread_attr_t *attr" "int contentionscope" 98.Ft int 99.Fn pthread_attr_getscope "const pthread_attr_t *attr" "int *contentionscope" 100.Sh DESCRIPTION 101Thread attributes are used to specify parameters to 102.Fn pthread_create . 103One attribute object can be used in multiple calls to 104.Fn pthread_create , 105with or without modifications between calls. 106.Pp 107The 108.Fn pthread_attr_init 109function initializes 110.Fa attr 111with all the default thread attributes. 112.Pp 113The 114.Fn pthread_attr_destroy 115function destroys 116.Fa attr . 117.Pp 118The 119.Fn pthread_attr_set* 120functions set the attribute that corresponds to each function name. 121.Pp 122The 123.Fn pthread_attr_get* 124functions copy the value of the attribute that corresponds to each function name 125to the location pointed to by the second function parameter. 126.Sh RETURN VALUES 127If successful, these functions return 0. 128Otherwise, an error number is returned to indicate the error. 129.Sh ERRORS 130The 131.Fn pthread_attr_init 132function will fail if: 133.Bl -tag -width Er 134.It Bq Er ENOMEM 135Out of memory. 136.El 137.Pp 138The 139.Fn pthread_attr_destroy 140function will fail if: 141.Bl -tag -width Er 142.It Bq Er EINVAL 143Invalid value for 144.Fa attr . 145.El 146.Pp 147The 148.Fn pthread_attr_setstacksize 149and 150.Fn pthread_attr_setstack 151functions will fail if: 152.Bl -tag -width Er 153.It Bq Er EINVAL 154.Fa stacksize 155is less than 156.Dv PTHREAD_STACK_MIN . 157.El 158.Pp 159The 160.Fn pthread_attr_setdetachstate 161function will fail if: 162.Bl -tag -width Er 163.It Bq Er EINVAL 164Invalid value for 165.Fa detachstate . 166.El 167.Pp 168The 169.Fn pthread_attr_setinheritsched 170function will fail if: 171.Bl -tag -width Er 172.It Bq Er EINVAL 173Invalid value for 174.Fa attr . 175.El 176.Pp 177The 178.Fn pthread_attr_setschedparam 179function will fail if: 180.Bl -tag -width Er 181.It Bq Er EINVAL 182Invalid value for 183.Fa attr . 184.It Bq Er ENOTSUP 185Invalid value for 186.Fa param . 187.El 188.Pp 189The 190.Fn pthread_attr_setschedpolicy 191function will fail if: 192.Bl -tag -width Er 193.It Bq Er EINVAL 194Invalid value for 195.Fa attr . 196.It Bq Er ENOTSUP 197Invalid or unsupported value for 198.Fa policy . 199.El 200.Pp 201The 202.Fn pthread_attr_setscope 203function will fail if: 204.Bl -tag -width Er 205.It Bq Er EINVAL 206Invalid value for 207.Fa attr . 208.It Bq Er ENOTSUP 209Invalid or unsupported value for 210.Fa contentionscope . 211.El 212.Sh SEE ALSO 213.Xr pthread_attr_get_np 3 , 214.Xr pthread_create 3 215.Sh STANDARDS 216The 217.Fn pthread_attr_init , 218.Fn pthread_attr_destroy , 219.Fn pthread_attr_setstacksize , 220.Fn pthread_attr_getstacksize , 221.Fn pthread_attr_setstackaddr , 222.Fn pthread_attr_getstackaddr , 223.Fn pthread_attr_setdetachstate , 224and 225.Fn pthread_attr_getdetachstate 226functions conform to 227.St -p1003.1-96 228.Pp 229The 230.Fn pthread_attr_setinheritsched , 231.Fn pthread_attr_getinheritsched , 232.Fn pthread_attr_setschedparam , 233.Fn pthread_attr_getschedparam , 234.Fn pthread_attr_setschedpolicy , 235.Fn pthread_attr_getschedpolicy , 236.Fn pthread_attr_setscope , 237and 238.Fn pthread_attr_getscope 239functions conform to 240.St -susv2 241