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@(#)p6 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
The following numbers are presented to suggest the scale of the Research X operation. Those of our users not involved in document preparation tend to use the system for program development, especially language work. There are few important ``applications'' programs.
Overall, we have today:
125 user population |
33 maximum simultaneous users |
1,630 directories |
28,300 files |
301,700 512-byte secondary storage blocks used |
.5 There is a ``background'' process that runs at the lowest possible priority; it is used to soak up any idle \*sCPU\*n time. It has been used to produce a million-digit approximation to the constant e, and other semi-infinite problems. Not counting this background work, we average daily:
13,500 commands |
9.6 \*sCPU\*n hours |
230 connect hours |
62 different users |
240 log-ins |
X. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe contributors to X are, in the traditional but here especially apposite phrase, too numerous to mention. Certainly, collective salutes are due to our colleagues in the Computing Science Research Center. R. H. Canaday contributed much to the basic design of the file system. We are particularly appreciative of the inventiveness, thoughtful criticism, and constant support of R. Morris, M. D. McIlroy, and J. F. Ossanna. .[ $LIST$ .]