1*ef185949SDamjan Jovanovic.Dd December 6, 2024 224084f9bSBrian Somers.Dt NATD 8 39fe48c6eSRuslan Ermilov.Os 424084f9bSBrian Somers.Sh NAME 524084f9bSBrian Somers.Nm natd 6eb083802SRuslan Ermilov.Nd Network Address Translation daemon 724084f9bSBrian Somers.Sh SYNOPSIS 87c7fb079SRuslan Ermilov.Nm 9d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Bk -words 105a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl unregistered_only | u 115a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl log | l 125a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl proxy_only 135a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl reverse 145a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl deny_incoming | d 155a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl use_sockets | s 165a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl same_ports | m 17*ef185949SDamjan Jovanovic.Op Fl udp_eim 185a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl verbose | v 1924084f9bSBrian Somers.Op Fl dynamic 205a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl in_port | i Ar port 215a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl out_port | o Ar port 225a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl port | p Ar port 235a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl alias_address | a Ar address 245a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl target_address | t Ar address 255a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl interface | n Ar interface 265a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl proxy_rule Ar proxyspec 2710cffc50SBrian Somers.Op Fl redirect_port Ar linkspec 284330006dSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl redirect_proto Ar linkspec 29bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl redirect_address Ar linkspec 305a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl config | f Ar configfile 3198439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl instance Ar instancename 3298439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl globalport Ar port 335a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl log_denied 345a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl log_facility Ar facility_name 35bc4ebb98SRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl punch_fw Ar firewall_range 36b07fbc17SJoe Marcus Clarke.Op Fl skinny_port Ar port 3784ef95bdSPoul-Henning Kamp.Op Fl log_ipfw_denied 38b79840a6SRuslan Ermilov.Op Fl pid_file | P Ar pidfile 3972cbe4adSAlexander Motin.Op Fl exit_delay | P Ar ms 40d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Ek 4124084f9bSBrian Somers.Sh DESCRIPTION 42e1205e80SPhilippe CharnierThe 43e1205e80SPhilippe Charnier.Nm 44e1205e80SPhilippe Charnierutility provides a Network Address Translation facility for use 4524084f9bSBrian Somerswith 4624084f9bSBrian Somers.Xr divert 4 475a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovsockets under 485a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Fx . 4901ba618fSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 5001ba618fSRuslan Ermilov(If you need NAT on a PPP link, 5101ba618fSRuslan Ermilov.Xr ppp 8 5201ba618fSRuslan Ermilovprovides the 535a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Fl nat 5401ba618fSRuslan Ermilovoption that gives most of the 5501ba618fSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 5601ba618fSRuslan Ermilovfunctionality, and uses the same 5701ba618fSRuslan Ermilov.Xr libalias 3 5801ba618fSRuslan Ermilovlibrary.) 5924084f9bSBrian Somers.Pp 605a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovThe 615a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 62e1205e80SPhilippe Charnierutility normally runs in the background as a daemon. 635a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovIt is passed raw IP packets as they travel into and out of the machine, 645a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovand will possibly change these before re-injecting them back into the 655a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovIP packet stream. 6624084f9bSBrian Somers.Pp 675a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovIt changes all packets destined for another host so that their source 685105f991SRuslan ErmilovIP address is that of the current machine. 695a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovFor each packet changed in this manner, an internal table entry is 705a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovcreated to record this fact. 715a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovThe source port number is also changed to indicate the table entry 725a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovapplying to the packet. 735a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovPackets that are received with a target IP of the current host are 745a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovchecked against this internal table. 755a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovIf an entry is found, it is used to determine the correct target IP 765105f991SRuslan Ermilovaddress and port to place in the packet. 7724084f9bSBrian Somers.Pp 78d2a46bc9SRuslan ErmilovThe following command line options are available: 7924084f9bSBrian Somers.Bl -tag -width Fl 8024084f9bSBrian Somers.It Fl log | l 8124084f9bSBrian SomersLog various aliasing statistics and information to the file 8224084f9bSBrian Somers.Pa /var/log/alias.log . 835a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovThis file is truncated each time 845a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 855a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovis started. 8624084f9bSBrian Somers.It Fl deny_incoming | d 87d2a46bc9SRuslan ErmilovDo not pass incoming packets that have no 885a424c8cSRuslan Ermiloventry in the internal translation table. 89d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Pp 90d2a46bc9SRuslan ErmilovIf this option is not used, then such a packet will be altered 91d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovusing the rules in 92d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Fl target_address 93d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovbelow, and the entry will be made in the internal translation table. 9459a7c613SBrian Somers.It Fl log_denied 955a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovLog denied incoming packets via 965a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Xr syslog 3 97c4d9468eSRuslan Ermilov(see also 98c4d9468eSRuslan Ermilov.Fl log_facility ) . 9959a7c613SBrian Somers.It Fl log_facility Ar facility_name 1005a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovUse specified log facility when logging information via 1015a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Xr syslog 3 . 1025a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovArgument 1035a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar facility_name 1045a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovis one of the keywords specified in 1055a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Xr syslog.conf 5 . 10624084f9bSBrian Somers.It Fl use_sockets | s 10724084f9bSBrian SomersAllocate a 10824084f9bSBrian Somers.Xr socket 2 1095a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovin order to establish an FTP data or IRC DCC send connection. 1105a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovThis option uses more system resources, but guarantees successful 1115a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovconnections when port numbers conflict. 11224084f9bSBrian Somers.It Fl same_ports | m 11324084f9bSBrian SomersTry to keep the same port number when altering outgoing packets. 1147731ee5aSAlexander LangerWith this option, protocols such as RPC will have a better chance 1155a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovof working. 1165a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovIf it is not possible to maintain the port number, it will be silently 1175a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovchanged as per normal. 118*ef185949SDamjan Jovanovic.It Fl udp_eim 119*ef185949SDamjan JovanovicWhen enabled, UDP packets use endpoint-independent mapping (EIM) from RFC 4787 120*ef185949SDamjan Jovanovic("full cone" NAT of RFC 3489). 121*ef185949SDamjan JovanovicAll packets from the same internal address:port are mapped to the same NAT 122*ef185949SDamjan Jovanovicaddress:port, regardless of their destination address:port. 123*ef185949SDamjan JovanovicIf filtering rules allow, and if 124*ef185949SDamjan Jovanovic.Em deny_incoming 125*ef185949SDamjan Jovanovicis disabled, any other external address:port can 126*ef185949SDamjan Jovanovicalso send to the internal address:port through its mapped NAT address:port. 127*ef185949SDamjan JovanovicThis is more compatible with applications, and can reduce the need for port 128*ef185949SDamjan Jovanovicforwarding, but less scalable as each NAT address:port can only be 129*ef185949SDamjan Jovanovicconcurrently used by at most one internal address:port. 130*ef185949SDamjan Jovanovic.Pp 131*ef185949SDamjan JovanovicWhen disabled, UDP packets use endpoint-dependent mapping (EDM) ("symmetric" 132*ef185949SDamjan JovanovicNAT). 133*ef185949SDamjan JovanovicEach connection from a particular internal address:port to different 134*ef185949SDamjan Jovanovicexternal addresses:ports is mapped to a random and unpredictable NAT 135*ef185949SDamjan Jovanovicaddress:port. 136*ef185949SDamjan JovanovicTwo appplications behind EDM NATs can only connect to each other 137*ef185949SDamjan Jovanovicby port forwarding on the NAT, or tunnelling through an in-between server. 13824084f9bSBrian Somers.It Fl verbose | v 1395a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovDo not call 14024084f9bSBrian Somers.Xr daemon 3 1415a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovon startup. 142d2a46bc9SRuslan ErmilovInstead, stay attached to the controlling terminal and display all packet 1435a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovalterations to the standard output. 1445a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovThis option should only be used for debugging purposes. 14524084f9bSBrian Somers.It Fl unregistered_only | u 1465a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovOnly alter outgoing packets with an 1475a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Em unregistered 1485a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovsource address. 1495a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovAccording to RFC 1918, unregistered source addresses are, 1507731ee5aSAlexander Langer172.16.0.0/12 and 1515a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.It Fl redirect_port Ar proto Xo 1525a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar targetIP Ns : Ns Xo 1539760b0e0SJoel Dahl.Ar targetPORT Ns Oo - Ns Ar targetPORT Oc Xc 1549760b0e0SJoel Dahl.Oo Ar aliasIP Ns : Oc Ns Xo 1559760b0e0SJoel Dahl.Ar aliasPORT Ns Oo - Ns Ar aliasPORT Oc Xc 1565a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Oo Ar remoteIP Ns Oo : Ns 1575a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar remotePORT Ns Op - Ns Ar remotePORT 1585a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Oc Oc 1595a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Xc 1609c501140SBrian SomersRedirect incoming connections arriving to given port(s) to another host 1619c501140SBrian Somersand port(s). 1625a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovArgument 1635a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar proto 1645a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovis either 1655a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar tcp 1665a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovor 1675a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar udp , 1685a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar targetIP 1695105f991SRuslan Ermilovis the desired target IP address, 1705a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar targetPORT 1715a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovis the desired target port number or range, 1725a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar aliasPORT 1735a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovis the requested port number or range, and 1745a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar aliasIP 1755a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovis the aliasing address. 1765a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovArguments 1775a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar remoteIP 1785a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovand 1795a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar remotePORT 1805a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovcan be used to specify the connection more accurately if necessary. 1815a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovIf 1825a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar remotePORT 1835a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovis not specified, it is assumed to be all ports. 1845105f991SRuslan Ermilov.Pp 1855105f991SRuslan ErmilovArguments 1865105f991SRuslan Ermilov.Ar targetIP , aliasIP 1875105f991SRuslan Ermilovand 1885105f991SRuslan Ermilov.Ar remoteIP 1895105f991SRuslan Ermilovcan be given as IP addresses or as hostnames. 1905105f991SRuslan ErmilovThe 1915105f991SRuslan Ermilov.Ar targetPORT , aliasPORT 1925105f991SRuslan Ermilovand 1935a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar remotePORT 1945105f991SRuslan Ermilovranges need not be the same numerically, but must have the same size. 1955105f991SRuslan ErmilovWhen 1965105f991SRuslan Ermilov.Ar targetPORT , aliasPORT 1975105f991SRuslan Ermilovor 1985105f991SRuslan Ermilov.Ar remotePORT 1995105f991SRuslan Ermilovspecifies a singular value (not a range), it can be given as a service 2005105f991SRuslan Ermilovname that is searched for in the 2015105f991SRuslan Ermilov.Xr services 5 2025105f991SRuslan Ermilovdatabase. 2035105f991SRuslan Ermilov.Pp 2047731ee5aSAlexander LangerFor example, the argument 2055a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 20666648838SBrian Somers.Dl Ar tcp inside1:telnet 6666 2075a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 2085a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovmeans that incoming TCP packets destined for port 6666 on this machine 2095a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovwill be sent to the telnet port on the inside1 machine. 2105a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 21166648838SBrian Somers.Dl Ar tcp inside2:2300-2399 3300-3399 2125a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 2139c501140SBrian Somerswill redirect incoming connections on ports 3300-3399 to host 2149c501140SBrian Somersinside2, ports 2300-2399. 2159c501140SBrian SomersThe mapping is 1:1 meaning port 3300 maps to 2300, 3301 maps to 2301, etc. 2165a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.It Fl redirect_proto Ar proto localIP Oo 2175a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar publicIP Op Ar remoteIP 2185a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Oc 2194330006dSRuslan ErmilovRedirect incoming IP packets of protocol 2204330006dSRuslan Ermilov.Ar proto 221c4d9468eSRuslan Ermilov(see 222c4d9468eSRuslan Ermilov.Xr protocols 5 ) 2234330006dSRuslan Ermilovdestined for 2244330006dSRuslan Ermilov.Ar publicIP 2254330006dSRuslan Ermilovaddress to a 2264330006dSRuslan Ermilov.Ar localIP 2274330006dSRuslan Ermilovaddress and vice versa. 2284330006dSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 2294330006dSRuslan ErmilovIf 2304330006dSRuslan Ermilov.Ar publicIP 2317731ee5aSAlexander Langeris not specified, then the default aliasing address is used. 2324330006dSRuslan ErmilovIf 2334330006dSRuslan Ermilov.Ar remoteIP 2347731ee5aSAlexander Langeris specified, then only packets coming from/to 2354330006dSRuslan Ermilov.Ar remoteIP 2364330006dSRuslan Ermilovwill match the rule. 23724084f9bSBrian Somers.It Fl redirect_address Ar localIP publicIP 2387731ee5aSAlexander LangerRedirect traffic for public IP address to a machine on the local 2397731ee5aSAlexander Langernetwork. 2405a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovThis function is known as 2415a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Em static NAT . 2425a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovNormally static NAT is useful if your ISP has allocated a small block 2435a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovof IP addresses to you, but it can even be used in the case of single 2445a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovaddress: 2455a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 2465a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Dl Ar redirect_address 2475a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 2487731ee5aSAlexander LangerThe above command would redirect all incoming traffic 2497731ee5aSAlexander Langerto machine 2505a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 2517731ee5aSAlexander LangerIf several address aliases specify the same public address 2527731ee5aSAlexander Langeras follows 2535a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Bd -literal -offset indent 2546a5796e7SRuslan Ermilovredirect_address public_addr 2556a5796e7SRuslan Ermilovredirect_address public_addr 2566a5796e7SRuslan Ermilovredirect_address public_addr 2575a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ed 2585a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 25924084f9bSBrian Somersthe incoming traffic will be directed to the last 2607731ee5aSAlexander Langertranslated local address (, but outgoing 2615a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovtraffic from the first two addresses will still be aliased 2625a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovto appear from the specified 2635a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar public_addr . 264bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.It Fl redirect_port Ar proto Xo 265bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Ar targetIP Ns : Ns Xo 266bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Ar targetPORT Ns Oo , Ns 267bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Ar targetIP Ns : Ns Xo 268bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Ar targetPORT Ns Oo , Ns 269d0353b83SRuslan Ermilov.Ar ...\& 2709760b0e0SJoel Dahl.Oc Xc Oc Xc 2719760b0e0SJoel Dahl.Oo Ar aliasIP Ns : Oc Ns Xo 272bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Ar aliasPORT 273bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Xc 274bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Oo Ar remoteIP Ns 275bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Op : Ns Ar remotePORT 276bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Oc 277bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Xc 278bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.It Fl redirect_address Xo 279bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Ar localIP Ns Oo , Ns 280bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Ar localIP Ns Oo , Ns 281d0353b83SRuslan Ermilov.Ar ...\& 282bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Oc Oc 283bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Ar publicIP 284bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Xc 285bd690510SRuslan ErmilovThese forms of 286bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Fl redirect_port 287bd690510SRuslan Ermilovand 288bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Fl redirect_address 289bd690510SRuslan Ermilovare used to transparently offload network load on a single server and 290bd690510SRuslan Ermilovdistribute the load across a pool of servers. 291bd690510SRuslan ErmilovThis function is known as 292bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Em LSNAT 293bd690510SRuslan Ermilov(RFC 2391). 2947731ee5aSAlexander LangerFor example, the argument 295bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Pp 296bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Dl Ar tcp www1:http,www2:http,www3:http www:http 297bd690510SRuslan Ermilov.Pp 298bd690510SRuslan Ermilovmeans that incoming HTTP requests for host www will be transparently 2997731ee5aSAlexander Langerredirected to one of the www1, www2 or www3, where a host is selected 3007731ee5aSAlexander Langersimply on a round-robin basis, without regard to load on the net. 30124084f9bSBrian Somers.It Fl dynamic 30224084f9bSBrian SomersIf the 30324084f9bSBrian Somers.Fl n 30424084f9bSBrian Somersor 30524084f9bSBrian Somers.Fl interface 30624084f9bSBrian Somersoption is used, 3070fc81af1SPhilippe Charnier.Nm 30824084f9bSBrian Somerswill monitor the routing socket for alterations to the 30924084f9bSBrian Somers.Ar interface 3105a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovpassed. 3115105f991SRuslan ErmilovIf the interface's IP address is changed, 3120fc81af1SPhilippe Charnier.Nm 31324084f9bSBrian Somerswill dynamically alter its concept of the alias address. 3145a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.It Fl in_port | i Ar port 31524084f9bSBrian SomersRead from and write to 316d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Xr divert 4 317d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovport 31824084f9bSBrian Somers.Ar port , 319d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovtreating all packets as 320d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Dq incoming . 3215a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.It Fl out_port | o Ar port 3225a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovRead from and write to 323d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Xr divert 4 324d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovport 3255a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar port , 326d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovtreating all packets as 327d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Dq outgoing . 3285a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.It Fl port | p Ar port 3295a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovRead from and write to 330d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Xr divert 4 331d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovport 3325a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar port , 333d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovdistinguishing packets as 334d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Dq incoming 335d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovor 336d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Dq outgoing 337d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovusing the rules specified in 33824084f9bSBrian Somers.Xr divert 4 . 33924084f9bSBrian SomersIf 34024084f9bSBrian Somers.Ar port 34124084f9bSBrian Somersis not numeric, it is searched for in the 34224084f9bSBrian Somers.Xr services 5 3435a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovdatabase. 3445a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovIf this option is not specified, the divert port named 345d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Ar natd 3465a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovwill be used as a default. 3475a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.It Fl alias_address | a Ar address 34824084f9bSBrian SomersUse 34924084f9bSBrian Somers.Ar address 3505a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovas the aliasing address. 3513d23e8b8SRuslan ErmilovEither this or the 35224084f9bSBrian Somers.Fl interface 3533d23e8b8SRuslan Ermilovoption must be used (but not both), 3543d23e8b8SRuslan Ermilovif the 3553d23e8b8SRuslan Ermilov.Fl proxy_only 3563d23e8b8SRuslan Ermilovoption is not specified. 3575a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovThe specified address is usually the address assigned to the 358d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Dq public 359d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovnetwork interface. 360f7d1db72SBrian Somers.Pp 3615a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovAll data passing 3625a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Em out 3635a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovwill be rewritten with a source address equal to 364f7d1db72SBrian Somers.Ar address . 3655a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovAll data coming 3665a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Em in 3675a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovwill be checked to see if it matches any already-aliased outgoing 3685a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovconnection. 3695a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovIf it does, the packet is altered accordingly. 3705a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovIf not, all 3715a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Fl redirect_port , 3725a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Fl redirect_proto 373f7d1db72SBrian Somersand 374f7d1db72SBrian Somers.Fl redirect_address 3755a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovassignments are checked and actioned. 3765a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovIf no other action can be made and if 377f7d1db72SBrian Somers.Fl deny_incoming 378d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovis not specified, the packet is delivered to the local machine 379d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovusing the rules specified in 3805a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Fl target_address 3815a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovoption below. 38211c2b3bfSRuslan Ermilov.It Fl t | target_address Ar address 38311c2b3bfSRuslan ErmilovSet the target address. 38411c2b3bfSRuslan ErmilovWhen an incoming packet not associated with any pre-existing link 3857731ee5aSAlexander Langerarrives at the host machine, it will be sent to the specified 38611c2b3bfSRuslan Ermilov.Ar address . 38711c2b3bfSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 38811c2b3bfSRuslan ErmilovThe target address may be set to 3895a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar , 39011c2b3bfSRuslan Ermilovin which case all new incoming packets go to the alias address set by 39111c2b3bfSRuslan Ermilov.Fl alias_address 39211c2b3bfSRuslan Ermilovor 39311c2b3bfSRuslan Ermilov.Fl interface . 39411c2b3bfSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 3957731ee5aSAlexander LangerIf this option is not used, or called with the argument 3965a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar , 3977731ee5aSAlexander Langerthen all new incoming packets go to the address specified in 3987731ee5aSAlexander Langerthe packet. 39911c2b3bfSRuslan ErmilovThis allows external machines to talk directly to internal machines if 40011c2b3bfSRuslan Ermilovthey can route packets to the machine in question. 4015a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.It Fl interface | n Ar interface 40224084f9bSBrian SomersUse 40324084f9bSBrian Somers.Ar interface 4045a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovto determine the aliasing address. 4055105f991SRuslan ErmilovIf there is a possibility that the IP address associated with 40624084f9bSBrian Somers.Ar interface 40724084f9bSBrian Somersmay change, the 40824084f9bSBrian Somers.Fl dynamic 4095a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovoption should also be used. 4105a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovIf this option is not specified, the 41124084f9bSBrian Somers.Fl alias_address 4125a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovoption must be used. 413f7d1db72SBrian Somers.Pp 414f7d1db72SBrian SomersThe specified 415f7d1db72SBrian Somers.Ar interface 416d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovis usually the 417d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Dq public 418d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov(or 419d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Dq external ) 420d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovnetwork interface. 4215a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.It Fl config | f Ar file 42224084f9bSBrian SomersRead configuration from 4235a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar file . 4245a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovA 4255a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar file 4265a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovshould contain a list of options, one per line, in the same form 4275a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovas the long form of the above command line options. 4285a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovFor example, the line 4295a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 4305a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Dl alias_address 4315a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 4325a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovwould specify an alias address of 433d2a46bc9SRuslan ErmilovOptions that do not take an argument are specified with an argument of 43424084f9bSBrian Somers.Ar yes 43524084f9bSBrian Somersor 43624084f9bSBrian Somers.Ar no 4375a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovin the configuration file. 4385a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovFor example, the line 4395a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 4405a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Dl log yes 4415a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 4425a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovis synonymous with 44324084f9bSBrian Somers.Fl log . 4442e7e7c71SRuslan Ermilov.Pp 445057c6548SMaxim KonovalovOptions can be divided to several sections. 446057c6548SMaxim KonovalovEach section applies to own 447c80d9b59SPoul-Henning Kamp.Nm 448057c6548SMaxim Konovalovinstance. 4499084fdf8SSevan JaniyanThis ability allows the configuration of one 450c80d9b59SPoul-Henning Kamp.Nm 451057c6548SMaxim Konovalovprocess for several NAT instances. 452057c6548SMaxim KonovalovThe first instance that always exists is a "default" instance. 453057c6548SMaxim KonovalovEach another instance should begin with 454c80d9b59SPoul-Henning Kamp.Pp 455c80d9b59SPoul-Henning Kamp.Dl instance Ar instance_name 456c80d9b59SPoul-Henning Kamp.Pp 457057c6548SMaxim KonovalovAt the next should be placed a configuration option. 458057c6548SMaxim KonovalovExample: 459c80d9b59SPoul-Henning Kamp.Pp 460c80d9b59SPoul-Henning Kamp.Dl \&# default instance 461c80d9b59SPoul-Henning Kamp.Dl port 8668 462c80d9b59SPoul-Henning Kamp.Dl alias_address 463c80d9b59SPoul-Henning Kamp.Pp 464c80d9b59SPoul-Henning Kamp.Dl \&# second instance 465c80d9b59SPoul-Henning Kamp.Dl instance dsl1 466c80d9b59SPoul-Henning Kamp.Dl port 8888 467c80d9b59SPoul-Henning Kamp.Dl alias_address 468c80d9b59SPoul-Henning Kamp.Pp 4692e7e7c71SRuslan ErmilovTrailing spaces and empty lines are ignored. 4702e7e7c71SRuslan ErmilovA 4712e7e7c71SRuslan Ermilov.Ql \&# 4722522beceSMike Pritchardsign will mark the rest of the line as a comment. 47398439aafSRuslan Ermilov.It Fl instance Ar instancename 47498439aafSRuslan ErmilovThis option switches command line options processing to configure instance 47598439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Ar instancename 47698439aafSRuslan Ermilov(creating it if necessary) till the next 47798439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Fl instance 47898439aafSRuslan Ermilovoption or end of command line. 47998439aafSRuslan ErmilovIt is easier to set up multiple instances in the configuration file 48098439aafSRuslan Ermilovspecified with the 48198439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Fl config 48298439aafSRuslan Ermilovoption rather than on a command line. 48398439aafSRuslan Ermilov.It Fl globalport Ar port 48498439aafSRuslan ErmilovRead from and write to 48598439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Xr divert 4 48698439aafSRuslan Ermilovport 48798439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Ar port , 48898439aafSRuslan Ermilovtreating all packets as 48998439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Dq outgoing . 49098439aafSRuslan ErmilovThis option is intended to be used with multiple instances: 49198439aafSRuslan Ermilovpackets received on this port are checked against 49298439aafSRuslan Ermilovinternal translation tables of every configured instance. 49398439aafSRuslan ErmilovIf an entry is found, packet is aliased according to that entry. 494606b32f6SSergey MatveychukIf no entry was found in any of the instances, packet is passed 49598439aafSRuslan Ermilovunchanged, and no new entry will be created. 49698439aafSRuslan ErmilovSee the section 49798439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Sx MULTIPLE INSTANCES 49898439aafSRuslan Ermilovfor more details. 49959a7c613SBrian Somers.It Fl reverse 5005a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovThis option makes 5015a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 502d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovreverse the way it handles 503d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Dq incoming 504d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovand 505d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Dq outgoing 506d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovpackets, allowing it to operate on the 507d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Dq internal 508d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovnetwork interface rather than the 509d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Dq external 510d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovone. 5115a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 5125a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovThis can be useful in some transparent proxying situations 5135a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovwhen outgoing traffic is redirected to the local machine 5145a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovand 5155a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 5165a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovis running on the internal interface (it usually runs on the 5175a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovexternal interface). 51859a7c613SBrian Somers.It Fl proxy_only 5195a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovForce 5205a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 5215a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovto perform transparent proxying only. 522ef8f7ac9SSheldon HearnNormal address translation is not performed. 5235a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.It Fl proxy_rule Xo 5245a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Op Ar type encode_ip_hdr | encode_tcp_stream 5255a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar port xxxx 5265a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar server a.b.c.d:yyyy 5275a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Xc 528ef8f7ac9SSheldon HearnEnable transparent proxying. 5295a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovOutgoing TCP packets with the given port going through this 5307731ee5aSAlexander Langerhost to any other host are redirected to the given server and port. 531ef8f7ac9SSheldon HearnOptionally, the original target address can be encoded into the packet. 532ef8f7ac9SSheldon HearnUse 5335a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar encode_ip_hdr 53459a7c613SBrian Somersto put this information into the IP option field or 5355a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ar encode_tcp_stream 53659a7c613SBrian Somersto inject the data into the beginning of the TCP stream. 537bc4ebb98SRuslan Ermilov.It Fl punch_fw Xo 538bc4ebb98SRuslan Ermilov.Ar basenumber Ns : Ns Ar count 539bc4ebb98SRuslan Ermilov.Xc 540f685a909SRuslan ErmilovThis option directs 541bc4ebb98SRuslan Ermilov.Nm 542f685a909SRuslan Ermilovto 543f685a909SRuslan Ermilov.Dq punch holes 544bc4ebb98SRuslan Ermilovin an 545bc4ebb98SRuslan Ermilov.Xr ipfirewall 4 546bc4ebb98SRuslan Ermilovbased firewall for FTP/IRC DCC connections. 547f685a909SRuslan ErmilovThis is done dynamically by installing temporary firewall rules which 548f685a909SRuslan Ermilovallow a particular connection (and only that connection) to go through 549f685a909SRuslan Ermilovthe firewall. 550f685a909SRuslan ErmilovThe rules are removed once the corresponding connection terminates. 551bc4ebb98SRuslan Ermilov.Pp 552f685a909SRuslan ErmilovA maximum of 553bc4ebb98SRuslan Ermilov.Ar count 554f685a909SRuslan Ermilovrules starting from the rule number 555f685a909SRuslan Ermilov.Ar basenumber 556f685a909SRuslan Ermilovwill be used for punching firewall holes. 557bc4ebb98SRuslan ErmilovThe range will be cleared for all rules on startup. 558e30ba475STom RhodesThis option has no effect when the kernel is in security 559e30ba475STom Rhodeslevel 3, see 560e30ba475STom Rhodes.Xr init 8 561e30ba475STom Rhodesfor more information. 562b07fbc17SJoe Marcus Clarke.It Fl skinny_port Ar port 563b07fbc17SJoe Marcus ClarkeThis option allows you to specify the TCP port used for 564b07fbc17SJoe Marcus Clarkethe Skinny Station protocol. 565b07fbc17SJoe Marcus ClarkeSkinny is used by Cisco IP phones to communicate with 566b07fbc17SJoe Marcus ClarkeCisco Call Managers to set up voice over IP calls. 567b07fbc17SJoe Marcus ClarkeBy default, Skinny aliasing is not performed. 568b07fbc17SJoe Marcus ClarkeThe typical port value for Skinny is 2000. 56984ef95bdSPoul-Henning Kamp.It Fl log_ipfw_denied 5703843533eSRuslan ErmilovLog when a packet cannot be re-injected because an 5713843533eSRuslan Ermilov.Xr ipfw 8 5723843533eSRuslan Ermilovrule blocks it. 573c0956cf8SRuslan ErmilovThis is the default with 574c0956cf8SRuslan Ermilov.Fl verbose . 575b79840a6SRuslan Ermilov.It Fl pid_file | P Ar file 576b79840a6SRuslan ErmilovSpecify an alternate file in which to store the process ID. 577b79840a6SRuslan ErmilovThe default is 578b79840a6SRuslan Ermilov.Pa /var/run/natd.pid . 57972cbe4adSAlexander Motin.It Fl exit_delay Ar ms 58072cbe4adSAlexander MotinSpecify delay in ms before daemon exit after signal. 58172cbe4adSAlexander MotinThe default is 58272cbe4adSAlexander Motin.Pa 10000 . 58324084f9bSBrian Somers.El 58424084f9bSBrian Somers.Sh RUNNING NATD 58524084f9bSBrian SomersThe following steps are necessary before attempting to run 5867c7fb079SRuslan Ermilov.Nm : 58724084f9bSBrian Somers.Bl -enum 58824084f9bSBrian Somers.It 58924084f9bSBrian SomersBuild a custom kernel with the following options: 5905a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Bd -literal -offset indent 59124084f9bSBrian Somersoptions IPFIREWALL 59224084f9bSBrian Somersoptions IPDIVERT 5935a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ed 5945a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 59524084f9bSBrian SomersRefer to the handbook for detailed instructions on building a custom 59624084f9bSBrian Somerskernel. 59724084f9bSBrian Somers.It 5985a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovEnsure that your machine is acting as a gateway. 5995a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovThis can be done by specifying the line 6005a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 6015a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Dl gateway_enable=YES 6025a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 6035a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovin the 6045a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pa /etc/rc.conf 6055a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovfile or using the command 6065a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 607e21a315eSRuslan Ermilov.Dl "sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1" 60824084f9bSBrian Somers.It 6095a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovIf you use the 61024084f9bSBrian Somers.Fl interface 6115a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovoption, make sure that your interface is already configured. 612d2a46bc9SRuslan ErmilovIf, for example, you wish to specify 613d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Ql tun0 614d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovas your 61524084f9bSBrian Somers.Ar interface , 6165a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovand you are using 61724084f9bSBrian Somers.Xr ppp 8 6187731ee5aSAlexander Langeron that interface, you must make sure that you start 61924084f9bSBrian Somers.Nm ppp 62024084f9bSBrian Somersprior to starting 6217c7fb079SRuslan Ermilov.Nm . 62224084f9bSBrian Somers.El 62324084f9bSBrian Somers.Pp 62424084f9bSBrian SomersRunning 6250fc81af1SPhilippe Charnier.Nm 6265a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovis fairly straight forward. 6275a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovThe line 6285a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 6295a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Dl natd -interface ed0 6305a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 6315a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovshould suffice in most cases (substituting the correct interface name). 632ecd1fe62SRuslan ErmilovPlease check 633ecd1fe62SRuslan Ermilov.Xr rc.conf 5 634ecd1fe62SRuslan Ermilovon how to configure it to be started automatically during boot. 6355a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovOnce 6360fc81af1SPhilippe Charnier.Nm 6375a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovis running, you must ensure that traffic is diverted to 6387c7fb079SRuslan Ermilov.Nm : 63924084f9bSBrian Somers.Bl -enum 64024084f9bSBrian Somers.It 64124084f9bSBrian SomersYou will need to adjust the 64224084f9bSBrian Somers.Pa /etc/rc.firewall 6435a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovscript to taste. 6445a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovIf you are not interested in having a firewall, the 64524084f9bSBrian Somersfollowing lines will do: 6465a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Bd -literal -offset indent 64724084f9bSBrian Somers/sbin/ipfw -f flush 64846b2c559SBrian Somers/sbin/ipfw add divert natd all from any to any via ed0 64924084f9bSBrian Somers/sbin/ipfw add pass all from any to any 6505a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Ed 6515a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 652d2a46bc9SRuslan ErmilovThe second line depends on your interface (change 653d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov.Ql ed0 654d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilovas appropriate). 6555a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 6565a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovYou should be aware of the fact that, with these firewall settings, 6575a424c8cSRuslan Ermiloveveryone on your local network can fake his source-address using your 6585a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovhost as gateway. 6595a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovIf there are other hosts on your local network, you are strongly 6605a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovencouraged to create firewall rules that only allow traffic to and 6615a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovfrom trusted hosts. 6625a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 6635a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovIf you specify real firewall rules, it is best to specify line 2 at 6645a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovthe start of the script so that 6650fc81af1SPhilippe Charnier.Nm 66604bf7dcfSRuslan Ermilovsees all packets before they are dropped by the firewall. 66704bf7dcfSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 66804bf7dcfSRuslan ErmilovAfter translation by 6697c7fb079SRuslan Ermilov.Nm , 67004bf7dcfSRuslan Ermilovpackets re-enter the firewall at the rule number following the rule number 6717731ee5aSAlexander Langerthat caused the diversion (not the next rule if there are several at the 6727731ee5aSAlexander Langersame number). 67324084f9bSBrian Somers.It 67424084f9bSBrian SomersEnable your firewall by setting 6755a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 6765a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Dl firewall_enable=YES 6775a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 67824084f9bSBrian Somersin 679c1b792b2SJordan K. Hubbard.Pa /etc/rc.conf . 68024084f9bSBrian SomersThis tells the system startup scripts to run the 68124084f9bSBrian Somers.Pa /etc/rc.firewall 6825a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovscript. 6835a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovIf you do not wish to reboot now, just run this by hand from the console. 6845a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovNEVER run this from a remote session unless you put it into the background. 6855a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovIf you do, you will lock yourself out after the flush takes place, and 6865a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovexecution of 68724084f9bSBrian Somers.Pa /etc/rc.firewall 6885a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovwill stop at this point - blocking all accesses permanently. 6895a424c8cSRuslan ErmilovRunning the script in the background should be enough to prevent this 6905a424c8cSRuslan Ermilovdisaster. 69124084f9bSBrian Somers.El 69298439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Sh MULTIPLE INSTANCES 69398439aafSRuslan ErmilovIt is not so uncommon to have a need of aliasing to several external IP 69498439aafSRuslan Ermilovaddresses. 69598439aafSRuslan ErmilovWhile this traditionally was achieved by running several 69698439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 69798439aafSRuslan Ermilovprocesses with independent configurations, 69898439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 69998439aafSRuslan Ermilovcan have multiple aliasing instances in a single process, 70098439aafSRuslan Ermilovalso allowing them to be not so independent of each other. 70198439aafSRuslan ErmilovFor example, let us see a common task of load balancing two 70298439aafSRuslan Ermilovchannels to different providers on a machine with two external 70398439aafSRuslan Ermilovinterfaces 70498439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Ql sis0 70598439aafSRuslan Ermilov(with IP and 70698439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Ql sis2 70798439aafSRuslan Ermilov(with IP 70898439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Bd -literal -offset indent 70998439aafSRuslan Ermilov net 71098439aafSRuslan Ermilov1.2.3.1 ------------------ sis0 71198439aafSRuslan Ermilov(router) ( 71298439aafSRuslan Ermilov net 71398439aafSRuslan Ermilov sis1 ------------------- 71498439aafSRuslan Ermilov ( 71598439aafSRuslan Ermilov net 71698439aafSRuslan Ermilov2.3.4.1 ------------------ sis2 71798439aafSRuslan Ermilov(router) ( 71898439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Ed 71998439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 72098439aafSRuslan ErmilovDefault route is out via 72198439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Ql sis0 . 72298439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 72398439aafSRuslan ErmilovInterior machine ( is accessible on TCP port 122 through 72498439aafSRuslan Ermilovboth exterior IPs, and outgoing connections choose a path randomly 72598439aafSRuslan Ermilovbetween 72698439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Ql sis0 72798439aafSRuslan Ermilovand 72898439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Ql sis2 . 72998439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 73098439aafSRuslan ErmilovThe way this works is that 73198439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Pa natd.conf 73298439aafSRuslan Ermilovbuilds two instances of the aliasing engine. 73398439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 73498439aafSRuslan ErmilovIn addition to these instances' private 73598439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Xr divert 4 73698439aafSRuslan Ermilovsockets, a third socket called the 73798439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Dq globalport 73898439aafSRuslan Ermilovis created; packets sent to 73998439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 74098439aafSRuslan Ermilovvia this one will be matched against all instances and translated 74198439aafSRuslan Ermilovif an existing entry is found, and unchanged if no entry is found. 74298439aafSRuslan ErmilovThe following lines are placed into 74398439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Pa /etc/natd.conf : 74498439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Bd -literal -offset indent 74598439aafSRuslan Ermilovlog 74698439aafSRuslan Ermilovdeny_incoming 74798439aafSRuslan Ermilovverbose 74898439aafSRuslan Ermilov 74998439aafSRuslan Ermilovinstance default 75098439aafSRuslan Ermilovinterface sis0 75198439aafSRuslan Ermilovport 1000 75298439aafSRuslan Ermilovredirect_port tcp 122 75398439aafSRuslan Ermilov 75498439aafSRuslan Ermilovinstance sis2 75598439aafSRuslan Ermilovinterface sis2 75698439aafSRuslan Ermilovport 2000 75798439aafSRuslan Ermilovredirect_port tcp 122 75898439aafSRuslan Ermilov 75998439aafSRuslan Ermilovglobalport 3000 76098439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Ed 76198439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 76298439aafSRuslan ErmilovAnd the following 76398439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Xr ipfw 8 76498439aafSRuslan Ermilovrules are used: 76598439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Bd -literal -offset indent 76698439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw -f flush 76798439aafSRuslan Ermilov 76898439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add allow ip from any to any via sis1 76998439aafSRuslan Ermilov 77098439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add skipto 1000 ip from any to any in via sis0 77198439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add skipto 2000 ip from any to any out via sis0 77298439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add skipto 3000 ip from any to any in via sis2 77398439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add skipto 4000 ip from any to any out via sis2 77498439aafSRuslan Ermilov 77598439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add 1000 count ip from any to any 77698439aafSRuslan Ermilov 77798439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add divert 1000 ip from any to any 77898439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add allow ip from any to any 77998439aafSRuslan Ermilov 78098439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add 2000 count ip from any to any 78198439aafSRuslan Ermilov 78298439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add divert 3000 ip from any to any 78398439aafSRuslan Ermilov 78498439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add allow ip from to any 78598439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add skipto 5000 ip from to any 78698439aafSRuslan Ermilov 78798439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add prob .5 skipto 4000 ip from any to any 78898439aafSRuslan Ermilov 78998439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add divert 1000 ip from any to any 79098439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add allow ip from any to any 79198439aafSRuslan Ermilov 79298439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add 3000 count ip from any to any 79398439aafSRuslan Ermilov 79498439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add divert 2000 ip from any to any 79598439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add allow ip from any to any 79698439aafSRuslan Ermilov 79798439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add 4000 count ip from any to any 79898439aafSRuslan Ermilov 79998439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add divert 2000 ip from any to any 80098439aafSRuslan Ermilov 80198439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add 5000 fwd ip from to not 80298439aafSRuslan Ermilovipfw add allow ip from any to any 80398439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Ed 80498439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 80598439aafSRuslan ErmilovHere the packet from internal network to Internet goes out via 80698439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Ql sis0 807344c81a1SWarren Block(rule number 2000) and gets caught by the 80898439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Ic globalport 80998439aafSRuslan Ermilovsocket (3000). 81098439aafSRuslan ErmilovAfter that, either a match is found in a translation table 81198439aafSRuslan Ermilovof one of the two instances, or the packet is passed to one 81298439aafSRuslan Ermilovof the two other 81398439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Xr divert 4 81498439aafSRuslan Ermilovports (1000 or 2000), with equal probability. 81598439aafSRuslan ErmilovThis ensures that load balancing is done on a per-flow basis 81698439aafSRuslan Ermilov(i.e., packets from a single TCP connection always flow through the 81798439aafSRuslan Ermilovsame interface). 81898439aafSRuslan ErmilovTranslated packets with source IP of a non-default interface 81998439aafSRuslan Ermilov.Pq Ql sis2 82098439aafSRuslan Ermilovare forwarded to the appropriate router on that interface. 82124084f9bSBrian Somers.Sh SEE ALSO 82201ba618fSRuslan Ermilov.Xr libalias 3 , 82324084f9bSBrian Somers.Xr divert 4 , 8245a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Xr protocols 5 , 8255a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Xr rc.conf 5 , 82624084f9bSBrian Somers.Xr services 5 , 8275a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Xr syslog.conf 5 , 828e30ba475STom Rhodes.Xr init 8 , 8295a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Xr ipfw 8 , 83032e5e4cfSBen Smithurst.Xr ppp 8 8319084fdf8SSevan Janiyan.Sh HISTORY 8329084fdf8SSevan JaniyanThe 8339084fdf8SSevan Janiyan.Nm 8349084fdf8SSevan Janiyanutility appeared in 8359084fdf8SSevan Janiyan.Fx 3.0 . 83624084f9bSBrian Somers.Sh AUTHORS 83724084f9bSBrian SomersThis program is the result of the efforts of many people at different 83824084f9bSBrian Somerstimes: 8395a424c8cSRuslan Ermilov.Pp 840bd0891ceSBaptiste Daroussin.An Archie Cobbs Aq Mt archie@FreeBSD.org 841f12a1471SPhilippe Charnier(divert sockets) 842bd0891ceSBaptiste Daroussin.An Charles Mott Aq Mt cm@linktel.net 843f12a1471SPhilippe Charnier(packet aliasing) 844bd0891ceSBaptiste Daroussin.An Eivind Eklund Aq Mt perhaps@yes.no 845f12a1471SPhilippe Charnier(IRC support & misc additions) 846bd0891ceSBaptiste Daroussin.An Ari Suutari Aq Mt suutari@iki.fi 847f12a1471SPhilippe Charnier(natd) 848bd0891ceSBaptiste Daroussin.An Dru Nelson Aq Mt dnelson@redwoodsoft.com 849dc1a0225SRuslan Ermilov(early PPTP support) 850bd0891ceSBaptiste Daroussin.An Brian Somers Aq Mt brian@awfulhak.org 851f12a1471SPhilippe Charnier(glue) 852bd0891ceSBaptiste Daroussin.An Ruslan Ermilov Aq Mt ru@FreeBSD.org 853d2a46bc9SRuslan Ermilov(natd, packet aliasing, glue) 854bd0891ceSBaptiste Daroussin.An Poul-Henning Kamp Aq Mt phk@FreeBSD.org 85598439aafSRuslan Ermilov(multiple instances) 856