xref: /freebsd/sbin/ipf/libipf/interror.c (revision 221376db0cb77035e325baf8b54d6224925b41f8)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2012 by Darren Reed.
3  *
4  * See the IPFILTER.LICENCE file for details on licencing.
5  *
6  * $Id: interror.c,v 2012/07/22 08:03:39 darren_r Exp $
7  */
9 #include "ipf.h"
10 #include <fcntl.h>
11 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
13 typedef	struct	{
14 	int	iee_number;
15 	char	*iee_text;
16 } ipf_error_entry_t;
18 static ipf_error_entry_t *find_error(int);
20 #define	IPF_NUM_ERRORS	475
22 /*
24  *
27  */
28 static ipf_error_entry_t ipf_errors[IPF_NUM_ERRORS] = {
29 	{	1,	"auth table locked/full" },
30 	{	2,	"" },
31 	{	3,	"copyinptr received bad address" },
32 	{	4,	"copyoutptr received bad address" },
33 	{	5,	"" },
34 	{	6,	"cannot load a rule with FR_T_BUILTIN flag set" },
35 	{	7,	"internal rule without FR_T_BUILDINT flag set" },
36 	{	8,	"no data provided with filter rule" },
37 	{	9,	"invalid ioctl for rule" },
38 	{	10,	"rule protocol is not 4 or 6" },
39 	{	11,	"cannot find rule function" },
40 	{	12,	"cannot find rule group" },
41 	{	13,	"group in/out does not match rule in/out" },
42 	{	14,	"rule without in/out does not belong to a group" },
43 	{	15,	"cannot determine where to append rule" },
44 	{	16,	"malloc for rule data failed" },
45 	{	17,	"copyin for rule data failed" },
46 	{	18,	"" },
47 	{	19,	"zero data size for BPF rule" },
48 	{	20,	"BPF validation failed" },
49 	{	21,	"incorrect data size for IPF rule" },
50 	{	22,	"'keep state' rule included 'with oow'" },
51 	{	23,	"bad interface index with dynamic source address" },
52 	{	24,	"bad interface index with dynamic dest. address" },
53 	{	25,	"match array verif failed for filter rule" },
54 	{	26,	"bad filter rule type" },
55 	{	27,	"rule not found for zero'stats" },
56 	{	28,	"copyout failed for zero'ing stats" },
57 	{	29,	"rule not found for removing" },
58 	{	30,	"cannot remove internal rule" },
59 	{	31,	"rule in use" },
60 	{	32,	"rule already exists" },
61 	{	33,	"no memory for another rule" },
62 	{	34,	"could not find function" },
63 	{	35,	"copyout failed for resolving function name -> addr" },
64 	{	36,	"copyout failed for resolving function addr -> name" },
65 	{	37,	"function name/addr resolving search failed" },
66 	{	38,	"group map cannot find it's hash table" },
67 	{	39,	"group map hash-table in/out do not match rule" },
68 	{	40,	"bcopyout failed for SIOCIPFINTERROR" },
69 	{	41,	"" },
70 	{	42,	"ipfilter not enabled for NAT ioctl" },
71 	{	43,	"ipfilter not enabled for state ioctl" },
72 	{	44,	"ipfilter not enabled for auth ioctl" },
73 	{	45,	"ipfilter not enbaled for sync ioctl" },
74 	{	46,	"ipfilter not enabled for scan ioctl" },
75 	{	47,	"ipfilter not enabled for lookup ioctl" },
76 	{	48,	"unrecognised device minor number for ioctl" },
77 	{	49,	"unrecognised object type for copying in ipfobj" },
78 	{	50,	"mismatching object type for copying in ipfobj" },
79 	{	51,	"object size too small for copying in ipfobj" },
80 	{	52,	"object size mismatch for copying in ipfobj" },
81 	{	53,	"compat object size too small for copying in ipfobj" },
82 	{	54,	"compat object size mismatch for copying in ipfobj" },
83 	{	55,	"error doing copyin of data for in ipfobj" },
84 	{	56,	"unrecognised object type for size copy in ipfobj" },
85 	{	57,	"object size too small for size copy in ipfobj" },
86 	{	58,	"mismatching object type for size copy in ipfobj" },
87 	{	59,	"object size mismatch for size copy in ipfobj" },
88 	{	60,	"compat object size mismatch for size copy in ipfobj" },
89 	{	61,	"error doing size copyin of data for in ipfobj" },
90 	{	62,	"bad object type for size copy out ipfobj" },
91 	{	63,	"mismatching object type for size copy out ipfobj" },
92 	{	64,	"object size mismatch for size copy out ipfobj" },
93 	{	65,	"compat object size wrong for size copy out ipfobj" },
94 	{	66,	"error doing size copyout of data for out ipfobj" },
95 	{	67,	"unrecognised object type for copying out ipfobj" },
96 	{	68,	"mismatching object type for copying out ipfobj" },
97 	{	69,	"object size too small for copying out ipfobj" },
98 	{	70,	"object size mismatch for copying out ipfobj" },
99 	{	71,	"compat object size too small for copying out ipfobj" },
100 	{	72,	"compat object size mismatch for copying out ipfobj" },
101 	{	73,	"error doing copyout of data for out ipfobj" },
102 	{	74,	"attempt to add existing tunable name" },
103 	{	75,	"cannot find tunable name to delete" },
104 	{	76,	"internal data too big for next tunable" },
105 	{	77,	"could not find tunable" },
106 	{	78,	"tunable can only be changed when ipfilter disabled" },
107 	{	79,	"new tunable value outside accepted range" },
108 	{	80,	"ipftune called for unrecognised ioctl" },
109 	{	81,	"" },
110 	{	82,	"could not find token to delete" },
111 	{	83,	"" },
112 	{	84,	"attempt to get next rule when no more exist" },
113 	{	85,	"value for iri_inout outside accepted range" },
114 	{	86,	"value for iri_active outside accepted range" },
115 	{	87,	"value for iri_nrules is 0" },
116 	{	88,	"NULL pointer specified for where to copy rule to" },
117 	{	89,	"copyout of rule failed" },
118 	{	90,	"" },
119 	{	91,	"could not get token for rule iteration" },
120 	{	92,	"unrecognised generic iterator" },
121 	{	93,	"could not find token for generic iterator" },
122 	{	94,	"need write permissions to disable/enable ipfilter" },
123 	{	95,	"error copying in enable/disable value" },
124 	{	96,	"need write permissions to set ipf tunable" },
125 	{	97,	"need write permissions to set ipf flags" },
126 	{	98,	"error doing copyin of ipf flags" },
127 	{	99,	"error doing copyout of ipf flags" },
128 	{	100,	"need write permissions to add another rule" },
129 	{	101,	"need write permissions to insert another rule" },
130 	{	102,	"need write permissions to swap active rule set" },
131 	{	103,	"error copying out current active rule set" },
132 	{	104,	"need write permissions to zero ipf stats" },
133 	{	105,	"need write permissions to flush ipf v4 rules" },
134 	{	106,	"error copying out v4 flush results" },
135 	{	107,	"error copying in v4 flush command" },
136 	{	108,	"need write permissions to flush ipf v6 rules" },
137 	{	109,	"error copying out v6 flush results" },
138 	{	110,	"error copying in v6 flush command" },
139 	{	111,	"error copying in new lock state for ipfilter" },
140 	{	112,	"need write permissions to flush ipf logs" },
141 	{	113,	"error copying out results of log flush" },
142 	{	114,	"need write permissions to resync ipf" },
143 	{	115,	"unrecognised ipf ioctl" },
144 	{	116,	"error copying in match array" },
145 	{	117,	"match array type is not IPFOBJ_IPFEXPR" },
146 	{	118,	"bad size for match array" },
147 	{	119,	"cannot allocate memory for match aray" },
148 	{	120,	"error copying in match array" },
149 	{	121,	"error verifying contents of match array" },
150 	{	122,	"need write permissions to set ipf lock status" },
151 	{	123,	"error copying in data for function resolution" },
152 	{	124,	"error copying in ipfobj structure" },
153 	{	125,	"error copying in ipfobj structure" },
154 	{	126,	"error copying in ipfobj structure" },
155 	{	127,	"error copying in ipfobj structure" },
156 	{	128,	"no memory for filter rule comment" },
157 	{	129,	"error copying in filter rule comment" },
158 	{	130,	"error copying out filter rule comment" },
159 	{	131,	"no memory for new rule alloc buffer" },
160 	{	132,	"cannot find source lookup pool" },
161 	{	133,	"unknown source address type" },
162 	{	134,	"cannot find destination lookup pool" },
163 	{	135,	"unknown destination address type" },
164 	{	136,	"icmp head group name index incorrect" },
165 	{	137,	"group head name index incorrect" },
166 	{	138,	"group name index incorrect" },
167 	{	139,	"to interface name index incorrect" },
168 	{	140,	"dup-to interface name index incorrect" },
169 	{	141,	"reply-to interface name index incorrect" },
170 	{	142,	"could not initialise call now function" },
171 	{	143,	"could not initialise call function" },
172 	{	144,	"could not find destination list" },
173 	{	145,	"auth rules cannot have dup/to/fastroute" },
174 	{	146,	"incorrect size for object to copy out" },
175 	{	147,	"object type out of bounds for kernel copyout" },
176 	{	148,	"object size too small for kernel copyout" },
177 	{	149,	"object size validation failed for kernel copyout" },
178 	{	150,	"error copying data out for kernel copyout" },
179 	{	151,	"version mismatch for kernel copyout" },
180 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
181 	{	10001,	"could not find token for auth iterator" },
182 	{	10002,	"write permissions require to add/remove auth rule" },
183 	{	10003,	"need write permissions to set auth lock" },
184 	{	10004,	"error copying out results of auth flush" },
185 	{	10005,	"unknown auth ioctl" },
186 	{	10006,	"can only append or remove preauth rules" },
187 	{	10007,	"NULL pointers passed in for preauth remove" },
188 	{	10008,	"preauth rule not found to remove" },
189 	{	10009,	"could not malloc memory for preauth entry" },
190 	{	10010,	"unrecognised preauth rule ioctl command" },
191 	{	10011,	"iterator data supplied with NULL pointer" },
192 	{	10012,	"unknown auth iterator type" },
193 	{	10013,	"iterator error copying out auth data" },
194 	{	10014,	"sleep waiting for auth packet interrupted" },
195 	{	10015,	"bad index supplied in auth reply" },
196 	{	10016,	"error injecting outbound packet back into kernel" },
197 	{	10017,	"error injecting inbound packet back into kernel" },
198 	{	10018,	"could not attempt to inject packet back into kernel" },
199 	{	10019,	"packet id does not match" },
200 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
201 	{	20001,	"invalid frag token data pointer supplied" },
202 	{	20002,	"error copying out frag token data" },
203 	{	20003,	"can only copy one fragment state entry at a time" },
204 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
205 	{	30001,	"incorrect object size to get hash table stats" },
206 	{	30002,	"could not malloc memory for new hash table" },
207 	{	30003,	"error coping in hash table structure" },
208 	{	30004,	"hash table already exists" },
209 	{	30005,	"mismach between new hash table and operation unit" },
210 	{	30006,	"could not malloc memory for hash table base" },
211 	{	30007,	"could not find hash table" },
212 	{	30008,	"mismatch between hash table and operation unit" },
213 	{	30009,	"could not find hash table for iterators next node" },
214 	{	30010,	"unknown iterator tpe" },
215 	{	30011,	"iterator error copying out hash table" },
216 	{	30012,	"iterator error copying out hash table entry" },
217 	{	30013,	"error copying out hash table statistics" },
218 	{	30014,	"table node delete structure wrong size" },
219 	{	30015,	"error copying in node to delete" },
220 	{	30016,	"table to delete node from does not exist" },
221 	{	30017,	"could not find table to remove node from" },
222 	{	30018,	"table node add structure wrong size" },
223 	{	30019,	"error copying in node to add" },
224 	{	30020,	"could not find table to add node to" },
225 	{	30021,	"node already exists in the table" },
226 	{	30022,	"could not find node to delete in table" },
227 	{	30023,	"uid mismatch on node to delete" },
228 	{	30024,	"object size incorrect for hash table" },
229 	{	30025,	"hash table size must be at least 1"},
230 	{	30026,	"cannot allocate memory for hash table context" },
231 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
232 	{	40001,	"invalid minor device numebr for log read" },
233 	{	40002,	"read size too small" },
234 	{	40003,	"interrupted waiting for log data to read" },
235 	{	40004,	"interrupted waiting for log data to read" },
236 	{	40005,	"read size too large" },
237 	{	40006,	"uiomove for read operation failed" },
238 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
239 	{	50001,	"unknown lookup ioctl" },
240 	{	50002,	"error copying in object data for add node" },
241 	{	50003,	"invalid unit for lookup add node" },
242 	{	50004,	"incorrect size for adding a pool node" },
243 	{	50005,	"error copying in pool node structure" },
244 	{	50006,	"mismatch in pool node address/mask families" },
245 	{	50007,	"could not find pool name" },
246 	{	50008,	"node already exists in pool" },
247 	{	50009,	"incorrect size for adding a hash node" },
248 	{	50010,	"error copying in hash node structure" },
249 	{	50011,	"could not find hash table name" },
250 	{	50012,	"unrecognised object type for lookup add node" },
251 	{	50013,	"invalid unit for lookup delete node" },
252 	{	50014,	"incorrect size for deleting a pool node" },
253 	{	50015,	"error copying in pool node structure" },
254 	{	50016,	"could not find pool name" },
255 	{	50017,	"could not find pool node" },
256 	{	50018,	"incorrect size for removing a hash node" },
257 	{	50019,	"error copying in hash node structure" },
258 	{	50020,	"could not find hash table name" },
259 	{	50021,	"unrecognised object type for lookup delete node" },
260 	{	50022,	"error copying in add table data" },
261 	{	50023,	"invalid unit for lookup add table" },
262 	{	50024,	"pool name already exists" },
263 	{	50025,	"hash table name already exists" },
264 	{	50026,	"unrecognised object type for lookup add table" },
265 	{	50027,	"error copying table data back out" },
266 	{	50028,	"error copying in remove table data" },
267 	{	50029,	"invalid unit for lookup remove table" },
268 	{	50030,	"unrecognised object type for lookup remove table" },
269 	{	50031,	"error copying in lookup stats structure" },
270 	{	50032,	"invalid unit for lookup stats" },
271 	{	50033,	"unrecognised object type for lookup stats" },
272 	{	50034,	"error copying in flush lookup data" },
273 	{	50035,	"invalid unit for lookup flush" },
274 	{	50036,	"incorrect table type for lookup flush" },
275 	{	50037,	"error copying out lookup flush results" },
276 	{	50038,	"invalid unit for lookup iterator" },
277 	{	50039,	"invalid unit for lookup iterator" },
278 	{	50040,	"could not find token for lookup iterator" },
279 	{	50041,	"unrecognised object type for lookup interator" },
280 	{	50042,	"error copying in lookup delete node operation" },
281 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
282 	{	60001,	"insufficient privilege for NAT write operation" },
283 	{	60002,	"need write permissions to flush NAT logs" },
284 	{	60003,	"need write permissions to turn NAT logging on/off" },
285 	{	60004,	"error copying out current NAT log setting" },
286 	{	60005,	"error copying out bytes waiting to be read in NAT \
287 log" },
288 	{	60006,	"need write permissions to add NAT rule" },
289 	{	60007,	"NAT rule already exists" },
290 	{	60008,	"could not allocate memory for NAT rule" },
291 	{	60009,	"need write permissions to remove NAT rule" },
292 	{	60010,	"NAT rule could not be found" },
293 	{	60011,	"could not find NAT entry for redirect lookup" },
294 	{	60012,	"need write permissions to flush NAT table" },
295 	{	60013,	"error copying in NAT flush command" },
296 	{	60014,	"need write permissions to do matching NAT flush" },
297 	{	60015,	"need write permissions to set NAT lock" },
298 	{	60016,	"need write permissions to add entry to NAT table" },
299 	{	60017,	"NAT not locked for size retrieval" },
300 	{	60018,	"NAT not locked for fetching NAT table entry" },
301 	{	60019,	"error copying in NAT token data for deletion" },
302 	{	60020,	"unknown NAT ioctl" },
303 	{	60021,	"" },
304 	{	60022,	"resolving proxy name in NAT rule failed" },
305 	{	60023,	"only reply age specified in NAT rule" },
306 	{	60024,	"error doing copyin to determine NAT entry size" },
307 	{	60025,	"error copying out NAT size of 0" },
308 	{	60026,	"NAT entry not found" },
309 	{	60027,	"error doing copyout of NAT entry size" },
310 	{	60028,	"invalid data size for getting NAT entry" },
311 	{	60029,	"could not malloc temporary space for NAT entry" },
312 	{	60030,	"no NAT table entries present" },
313 	{	60031,	"NAT entry to get next from not found" },
314 	{	60032,	"not enough space for proxy structure" },
315 	{	60033,	"not enough space for private proxy data" },
316 	{	60034,	"NAT entry size is too large" },
317 	{	60035,	"could not malloc memory for NAT entry sratch space" },
318 	{	60036,	"" },
319 	{	60037,	"could not malloc memory for NAT entry" },
320 	{	60038,	"could not malloc memory for NAT entry rule" },
321 	{	60039,	"could not resolve NAT entry rule's proxy" },
322 	{	60040,	"cannot add outbound duplicate NAT entry" },
323 	{	60041,	"cannot add inbound duplicate NAT entry" },
324 	{	60042,	"cannot add NAT entry that is neither IN nor OUT" },
325 	{	60043,	"could not malloc memory for NAT proxy data" },
326 	{	60044,	"proxy data size too big" },
327 	{	60045,	"could not malloc proxy private data for NAT entry" },
328 	{	60046,	"could not malloc memory for new NAT filter rule" },
329 	{	60047,	"could not find existing filter rule for NAT entry" },
330 	{	60048,	"insertion into NAT table failed" },
331 	{	60049,	"iterator error copying out hostmap data" },
332 	{	60050,	"iterator error copying out NAT rule data" },
333 	{	60051,	"iterator error copying out NAT entry data" },
334 	{	60052,	"iterator data supplied with NULL pointer" },
335 	{	60053,	"unknown NAT iterator type" },
336 	{	60054,	"unknwon next address type" },
337 	{	60055,	"iterator suppled with unknown type for get-next" },
338 	{	60056,	"unknown lookup group for next address" },
339 	{	60057,	"error copying out NAT log flush results" },
340 	{	60058,	"bucket table type is incorrect" },
341 	{	60059,	"error copying out NAT bucket table" },
342 	{	60060,	"function not found for lookup" },
343 	{	60061,	"address family not supported with SIOCSTPUT" },
344 	{	60062,	"unknown timeout name" },
345 	{	60063,	"cannot allocate new inbound NAT entry table" },
346 	{	60064,	"cannot allocate new outbound NAT entry table" },
347 	{	60065,	"cannot allocate new inbound NAT bucketlen table" },
348 	{	60066,	"cannot allocate new outbound NAT bucketlen table" },
349 	{	60067,	"cannot allocate new NAT rules table" },
350 	{	60068,	"cannot allocate new NAT hostmap table" },
351 	{	60069,	"new source lookup type is not dstlist" },
352 	{	60070,	"cannot allocate NAT rule scratch space" },
353 	{	60071,	"new destination lookup type is not dstlist" },
354 	{	60072,	"function not found for lookup (ipv6)" },
355 	{	60073,	"unknown lookup group for next address (ipv6)" },
356 	{	60074,	"unknown next address type (ipv6)" },
357 	{	60075,	"one object at a time must be copied" },
358 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
359 	{	70001,	"incorrect object size to get pool stats" },
360 	{	70002,	"could not malloc memory for new pool node" },
361 	{	70003,	"invalid address length for new pool node" },
362 	{	70004,	"invalid mask length for new pool node" },
363 	{	70005,	"error adding node to pool" },
364 	{	70006,	"pool already exists" },
365 	{	70007,	"could not malloc memory for new pool" },
366 	{	70008,	"could not allocate radix tree for new pool" },
367 	{	70009,	"could not find pool" },
368 	{	70010,	"unknown pool name for iteration" },
369 	{	70011,	"unknown pool iterator" },
370 	{	70012,	"error copying out pool head" },
371 	{	70013,	"error copying out pool node" },
372 	{	70014,	"add node size incorrect" },
373 	{	70015,	"error copying in pool node" },
374 	{	70016,	"" },
375 	{	70017,	"cannot find pool for node" },
376 	{	70018,	"node entry already present in pool" },
377 	{	70019,	"delete node size incorrect" },
378 	{	70020,	"error copying in node to delete" },
379 	{	70021,	"cannot find pool to delete node from" },
380 	{	70022,	"cannot find node to delete in pool" },
381 	{	70023,	"pool name already exists" },
382 	{	70024,	"uid mismatch for node removal" },
383 	{	70025,	"stats device unit is invalid" },
384 	{	70026,	"error copying out statistics" },
385 	{	70027,	"could not remove node from radix tree" },
386 	{	70028,	"incorrect address length in pool node add" },
387 	{	70029,	"incorrect mask length in pool node add" },
388 	{	70030,	"incorrect address length in pool node remove" },
389 	{	70031,	"incorrect mask length in pool node remove" },
390 	{	70032,	"cannot allocate memory for pool context" },
391 	{	70033,	"cannot allocate memory for radix tree context" },
392 	{	70034,	"adding IPv6 node with incorrect address length" },
393 	{	70035,	"IPv4 address not masked" },
394 	{	70036,	"IPv6 address not masked" },
395 	{	70037,	"removing IPv6 node with incorrect address length" },
396 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
397 	{	80001,	"could not find proxy" },
398 	{	80002,	"proxy does not support control operations" },
399 	{	80003,	"could not allocate data to hold proxy operation" },
400 	{	80004,	"unknown proxy ioctl" },
401 	{	80005,	"could not copyin proxy control structure" },
402 	{	80006,	"DNS proxy could not find rule to delete" },
403 	{	80007,	"DNS proxy found existing matching rule" },
404 	{	80008,	"DNS proxy could not allocate memory for new rule" },
405 	{	80009,	"DNS proxy unknown command request" },
406 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
407 	{	90001,	"could not malloc space for new scan structure" },
408 	{	90002,	"scan tag already exists" },
409 	{	90003,	"scan structure in use" },
410 	{	90004,	"could not find matching scan tag for filter rule" },
411 	{	90005,	"could not copyout scan statistics" },
412 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
413 	{	100001,	"cannot find matching state entry to remove" },
414 	{	100002,	"error copying in v4 state flush command" },
415 	{	100003,	"error copying out v4 state flush results" },
416 	{	100004,	"error copying in v6 state flush command" },
417 	{	100005,	"error copying out v6 state flush results" },
418 	{	100006,	"" },
419 	{	100007,	"" },
420 	{	100008,	"need write permissions to flush state log" },
421 	{	100009,	"erorr copyout results of flushing state log" },
422 	{	100010,	"need write permissions to turn state logging on/off" },
423 	{	100011,	"error copying in new state logging state" },
424 	{	100012,	"error copying out current state logging state" },
425 	{	100013,	"error copying out bytes waiting to be read in state \
426 log" },
427 	{	100014,	"need write permissions to set state lock" },
428 	{	100015,	"need write permissions to add entry to state table" },
429 	{	100016,	"state not locked for size retrieval" },
430 	{	100017,	"error copying out hash table bucket lengths" },
431 	{	100018,	"could not find token for state iterator" },
432 	{	100019,	"error copying in state token data for deletion" },
433 	{	100020,	"unknown state ioctl" },
434 	{	100021,	"no state table entries present" },
435 	{	100022,	"state entry to get next from not found" },
436 	{	100023,	"could not malloc memory for state entry" },
437 	{	100024,	"could not malloc memory for state entry rule" },
438 	{	100025,	"could not copy back state entry to user space" },
439 	{	100026,	"iterator data supplied with NULL pointer" },
440 	{	100027,	"iterator supplied with 0 item count" },
441 	{	100028,	"iterator type is incorrect" },
442 	{	100029,	"invalid state token data pointer supplied" },
443 	{	100030,	"error copying out next state entry" },
444 	{	100031,	"unrecognised table request" },
445 	{	100032,	"error copying out bucket length data" },
446 	{	100033,	"could not find existing filter rule for state entry" },
447 	{	100034,	"could not find timeout name" },
448 	{	100035, "could not allocate new state table" },
449 	{	100036, "could not allocate new state bucket length table" },
450 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
451 	{	110001,	"sync write header magic number is incorrect" },
452 	{	110002,	"sync write header protocol is incorrect" },
453 	{	110003,	"sync write header command is incorrect" },
454 	{	110004,	"sync write header table number is incorrect" },
455 	{	110005,	"data structure too small for sync write operation" },
456 	{	110006,	"zero length data with sync write header" },
457 	{	110007,	"insufficient data for sync write" },
458 	{	110008,	"bad sync read size" },
459 	{	110009,	"interrupted sync read (solaris)" },
460 	{	110010,	"interrupted sync read (hpux)" },
461 	{	110011,	"interrupted sync read (osf)" },
462 	{	110012,	"interrupted sync read" },
463 	{	110013,	"could not malloc memory for sync'd state" },
464 	{	110014,	"could not malloc memory for sync-state list item" },
465 	{	110015,	"sync update could not find state" },
466 	{	110016,	"unrecognised sync state command" },
467 	{	110017,	"could not malloc memory for new sync'd NAT entry" },
468 	{	110018,	"could not malloc memory for sync-NAT list item" },
469 	{	110019,	"sync update could not find NAT entry" },
470 	{	110020,	"unrecognised sync NAT command" },
471 	{	110021,	"ioctls are not handled with sync" },
472 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
473 	{	120001,	"null data pointer for iterator" },
474 	{	120002,	"unit outside of acceptable range" },
475 	{	120003,	"unknown iterator subtype" },
476 	{	120004,	"cannot find dest. list for iteration" },
477 	{	120005,	"error copying out destination iteration list" },
478 	{	120006,	"error copying out destination iteration node" },
479 	{	120007,	"wrong size for frdest_t structure" },
480 	{	120008,	"cannot allocate memory for new destination node" },
481 	{	120009,	"error copying in destination node to add" },
482 	{	120010,	"could not find destination list to add node to" },
483 	{	120011,	"error copying in destination node to remove" },
484 	{	120012,	"could not find dest. list to remove node from" },
485 	{	120013,	"destination list already exists" },
486 	{	120014,	"could not allocate new destination table" },
487 	{	120015,	"could not find destination list to remove" },
488 	{	120016,	"destination list cannot be removed - it is busy" },
489 	{	120017,	"error copying in names for destination" },
490 	{	120018,	"destination name is too long/short" },
491 	{	120019,	"unrecognised address family in destination" },
492 	{	120020,	"" },
493 	{	120021,	"error copying in new destination table" },
494 	{	120022,	"cannot allocate memory for node table" },
495 	{	120023,	"stats object size is incorrect for dest. lists" },
496 	{	120024,	"stats device unit is invalid for dest. lists" },
497 	{	120025,	"error copying out dest. list statistics" },
498 	{	120026,	"cannot allocate memory for destination node" },
499 	{	120027,	"error copying in destination node" },
500 	{	120028,	"cannot allocate memory for destination context " },
501 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
502 	{	130001,	"ioctl denied by system security level" },
503 	{	130002,	"ioctl operation on invalid minor device" },
504 	{	130003,	"ioctl on device denied, ipfitler is disabled" },
505 	{	130004,	"ioctl command not allowed when disabled" },
506 	{	130005,	"ioctl denied due to insufficient authorisation" },
507 	{	130006,	"cannot read while ipfilter is disabled" },
508 	{	130007,	"read on minor device not supported" },
509 	{	130008,	"cannot write while ipfilter is disabled" },
510 	{	130009,	"write on minor device not supported" },
511 	{	130010,	"poll on minor device is not supported" },
512 	{	130011,	"error removing IPv4 filter hooks" },
513 	{	130012,	"error removing IPv6 filter hooks" },
514 	{	130013,	"attaching IPv4 hook failed" },
515 	{	130014,	"attaching IPv6 hook failed" },
516 	{	130015,	"ipf_init_all failed" },
517 	{	130016,	"finding pfil head failed" },
518 	{	130017,	"ipfilter is already initialised and running" },
519 };
522 static ipf_error_entry_t *
523 find_error(errnum)
524 	int errnum;
525 {
526 	ipf_error_entry_t *ie;
528 	int l = -1, r = IPF_NUM_ERRORS + 1, step;
529 	step = (r - l) / 2;;
531 	while (step != 0) {
532 		ie = ipf_errors + l + step;
533 		if (ie->iee_number == errnum)
534 			return ie;
535 		step = l + step;
536 		if (ie->iee_number > errnum)
537 			r = step;
538 		else
539 			l = step;
540 		step = (r - l) / 2;;
541 	}
543 	return NULL;
544 }
546 char *
547 ipf_geterror(fd, func)
548 	int fd;
549 	ioctlfunc_t *func;
550 {
551 	static char text[80];
552 	ipf_error_entry_t *ie;
553 	int errnum;
555 	if ((*func)(fd, SIOCIPFINTERROR, &errnum) == 0) {
557 		ie = find_error(errnum);
558 		if (ie != NULL)
559 			return ie->iee_text;
560 		snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "unknown error %d", errnum);
561 	} else {
562 		snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "retrieving error number failed (%d)", errno);
563 	}
564 	return text;
565 }
568 char *
569 ipf_strerror(errnum)
570 	int errnum;
571 {
572 	static char text[80];
573 	ipf_error_entry_t *ie;
576 	ie = find_error(errnum);
577 	if (ie != NULL)
578 		return ie->iee_text;
580 	snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "unknown error %d", errnum);
581 	return text;
582 }