xref: /freebsd/sbin/ipf/ipsend/ipsend.c (revision ca8bf0e8d68398b1f1f50dad1432130360b0bbdc)
1 /* $FreeBSD$ */
2 /*
3  * ipsend.c (C) 1995-1998 Darren Reed
4  *
5  * See the IPFILTER.LICENCE file for details on licencing.
6  */
7 #if !defined(lint)
8 static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)ipsend.c	1.5 12/10/95 (C)1995 Darren Reed";
9 static const char rcsid[] = "@(#)$Id$";
10 #endif
11 #include <sys/param.h>
12 #include <sys/types.h>
13 #include <sys/time.h>
14 #include <sys/socket.h>
15 #include <netinet/in.h>
16 #include <arpa/inet.h>
17 #include <netinet/in_systm.h>
18 #include <stdio.h>
19 #include <stdlib.h>
20 #include <unistd.h>
21 #include <netdb.h>
22 #include <string.h>
23 #include <netinet/ip.h>
24 # include <netinet/ip_var.h>
25 #include "ipsend.h"
26 #include "ipf.h"
27 # include <netinet/udp_var.h>
30 extern	char	*optarg;
31 extern	int	optind;
32 extern	void	iplang(FILE *);
34 char	options[68];
35 int	opts;
36 char	default_device[] = "le0";
39 static	void	usage(char *);
40 static	void	do_icmp(ip_t *, char *);
41 void udpcksum(ip_t *, struct udphdr *, int);
42 int	main(int, char **);
45 static	void	usage(prog)
46 	char	*prog;
47 {
48 	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options] dest [flags]\n\
49 \toptions:\n\
50 \t\t-d\tdebug mode\n\
51 \t\t-i device\tSend out on this device\n\
52 \t\t-f fragflags\tcan set IP_MF or IP_DF\n\
53 \t\t-g gateway\tIP gateway to use if non-local dest.\n\
54 \t\t-I code,type[,gw[,dst[,src]]]\tSet ICMP protocol\n\
55 \t\t-m mtu\t\tfake MTU to use when sending out\n\
56 \t\t-P protocol\tSet protocol by name\n\
57 \t\t-s src\t\tsource address for IP packet\n\
58 \t\t-T\t\tSet TCP protocol\n\
59 \t\t-t port\t\tdestination port\n\
60 \t\t-U\t\tSet UDP protocol\n\
61 \t\t-v\tverbose mode\n\
62 \t\t-w <window>\tSet the TCP window size\n\
63 ", prog);
64 	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-dv] -L <filename>\n\
65 \toptions:\n\
66 \t\t-d\tdebug mode\n\
67 \t\t-L filename\tUse IP language for sending packets\n\
68 \t\t-v\tverbose mode\n\
69 ", prog);
70 	exit(1);
71 }
74 static void do_icmp(ip, args)
75 	ip_t *ip;
76 	char *args;
77 {
78 	struct	icmp	*ic;
79 	char	*s;
81 	ip->ip_p = IPPROTO_ICMP;
82 	ip->ip_len += sizeof(*ic);
83 	ic = (struct icmp *)(ip + 1);
84 	bzero((char *)ic, sizeof(*ic));
85 	if (!(s = strchr(args, ',')))
86 	    {
87 		fprintf(stderr, "ICMP args missing: ,\n");
88 		return;
89 	    }
90 	*s++ = '\0';
91 	ic->icmp_type = atoi(args);
92 	ic->icmp_code = atoi(s);
93 	if (ic->icmp_type == ICMP_REDIRECT && strchr(s, ','))
94 	    {
95 		char	*t;
97 		t = strtok(s, ",");
98 		t = strtok(NULL, ",");
99 		if (resolve(t, (char *)&ic->icmp_gwaddr) == -1)
100 		    {
101 			fprintf(stderr,"Cant resolve %s\n", t);
102 			exit(2);
103 		    }
104 		if ((t = strtok(NULL, ",")))
105 		    {
106 			if (resolve(t, (char *)&ic->icmp_ip.ip_dst) == -1)
107 			    {
108 				fprintf(stderr,"Cant resolve %s\n", t);
109 				exit(2);
110 			    }
111 			if ((t = strtok(NULL, ",")))
112 			    {
113 				if (resolve(t,
114 					    (char *)&ic->icmp_ip.ip_src) == -1)
115 				    {
116 					fprintf(stderr,"Cant resolve %s\n", t);
117 					exit(2);
118 				    }
119 			    }
120 		    }
121 	    }
122 }
125 int send_packets(dev, mtu, ip, gwip)
126 	char *dev;
127 	int mtu;
128 	ip_t *ip;
129 	struct in_addr gwip;
130 {
131 	int wfd;
133 	wfd = initdevice(dev, 5);
134 	if (wfd == -1)
135 		return -1;
136 	return send_packet(wfd, mtu, ip, gwip);
137 }
139 void
140 udpcksum(ip_t *ip, struct udphdr *udp, int len)
141 {
142 	union pseudoh {
143 		struct hdr {
144 			u_short len;
145 			u_char ttl;
146 			u_char proto;
147 			u_32_t src;
148 			u_32_t dst;
149 		} h;
150 		u_short w[6];
151 	} ph;
152 	u_32_t temp32;
153 	u_short *opts;
155 	ph.h.len = htons(len);
156 	ph.h.ttl = 0;
157 	ph.h.proto = IPPROTO_UDP;
158 	ph.h.src = ip->ip_src.s_addr;
159 	ph.h.dst = ip->ip_dst.s_addr;
160 	temp32 = 0;
161 	opts = &ph.w[0];
162 	temp32 += opts[0] + opts[1] + opts[2] + opts[3] + opts[4] + opts[5];
163 	temp32 = (temp32 >> 16) + (temp32 & 65535);
164 	temp32 += (temp32 >> 16);
165 	udp->uh_sum = temp32 & 65535;
166 	udp->uh_sum = chksum((u_short *)udp, len);
167 	if (udp->uh_sum == 0)
168 		udp->uh_sum = 0xffff;
169 }
171 int main(argc, argv)
172 	int	argc;
173 	char	**argv;
174 {
175 	FILE	*langfile = NULL;
176 	struct	in_addr	gwip;
177 	tcphdr_t	*tcp;
178 	udphdr_t	*udp;
179 	ip_t	*ip;
180 	char	*name =  argv[0], host[MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1];
181 	char	*gateway = NULL, *dev = NULL;
182 	char	*src = NULL, *dst, *s;
183 	int	mtu = 1500, olen = 0, c, nonl = 0;
185 	/*
186 	 * 65535 is maximum packet size...you never know...
187 	 */
188 	ip = (ip_t *)calloc(1, 65536);
189 	tcp = (tcphdr_t *)(ip + 1);
190 	udp = (udphdr_t *)tcp;
191 	ip->ip_len = sizeof(*ip);
192 	IP_HL_A(ip, sizeof(*ip) >> 2);
194 	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "I:L:P:TUdf:i:g:m:o:s:t:vw:")) != -1) {
195 		switch (c)
196 		{
197 		case 'I' :
198 			nonl++;
199 			if (ip->ip_p)
200 			    {
201 				fprintf(stderr, "Protocol already set: %d\n",
202 					ip->ip_p);
203 				break;
204 			    }
205 			do_icmp(ip, optarg);
206 			break;
207 		case 'L' :
208 			if (nonl) {
209 				fprintf(stderr,
210 					"Incorrect usage of -L option.\n");
211 				usage(name);
212 			}
213 			if (!strcmp(optarg, "-"))
214 				langfile = stdin;
215 			else if (!(langfile = fopen(optarg, "r"))) {
216 				fprintf(stderr, "can't open file %s\n",
217 					optarg);
218 				exit(1);
219 			}
220 			iplang(langfile);
221 			return 0;
222 		case 'P' :
223 		    {
224 			struct	protoent	*p;
226 			nonl++;
227 			if (ip->ip_p)
228 			    {
229 				fprintf(stderr, "Protocol already set: %d\n",
230 					ip->ip_p);
231 				break;
232 			    }
233 			if ((p = getprotobyname(optarg)))
234 				ip->ip_p = p->p_proto;
235 			else
236 				fprintf(stderr, "Unknown protocol: %s\n",
237 					optarg);
238 			break;
239 		    }
240 		case 'T' :
241 			nonl++;
242 			if (ip->ip_p)
243 			    {
244 				fprintf(stderr, "Protocol already set: %d\n",
245 					ip->ip_p);
246 				break;
247 			    }
248 			ip->ip_p = IPPROTO_TCP;
249 			ip->ip_len += sizeof(tcphdr_t);
250 			break;
251 		case 'U' :
252 			nonl++;
253 			if (ip->ip_p)
254 			    {
255 				fprintf(stderr, "Protocol already set: %d\n",
256 					ip->ip_p);
257 				break;
258 			    }
259 			ip->ip_p = IPPROTO_UDP;
260 			ip->ip_len += sizeof(udphdr_t);
261 			break;
262 		case 'd' :
263 			opts |= OPT_DEBUG;
264 			break;
265 		case 'f' :
266 			nonl++;
267 			ip->ip_off = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
268 			break;
269 		case 'g' :
270 			nonl++;
271 			gateway = optarg;
272 			break;
273 		case 'i' :
274 			nonl++;
275 			dev = optarg;
276 			break;
277 		case 'm' :
278 			nonl++;
279 			mtu = atoi(optarg);
280 			if (mtu < 28)
281 			    {
282 				fprintf(stderr, "mtu must be > 28\n");
283 				exit(1);
284 			    }
285 			break;
286 		case 'o' :
287 			nonl++;
288 			olen = buildopts(optarg, options, (IP_HL(ip) - 5) << 2);
289 			break;
290 		case 's' :
291 			nonl++;
292 			src = optarg;
293 			break;
294 		case 't' :
295 			nonl++;
296 			if (ip->ip_p == IPPROTO_TCP || ip->ip_p == IPPROTO_UDP)
297 				tcp->th_dport = htons(atoi(optarg));
298 			break;
299 		case 'v' :
300 			opts |= OPT_VERBOSE;
301 			break;
302 		case 'w' :
303 			nonl++;
304 			if (ip->ip_p == IPPROTO_TCP)
305 				tcp->th_win = atoi(optarg);
306 			else
307 				fprintf(stderr, "set protocol to TCP first\n");
308 			break;
309 		default :
310 			fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option \"%c\"\n", c);
311 			usage(name);
312 		}
313 	}
315 	if (argc - optind < 1)
316 		usage(name);
317 	dst = argv[optind++];
319 	if (!src)
320 	    {
321 		gethostname(host, sizeof(host));
322 		src = host;
323 	    }
325 	if (resolve(src, (char *)&ip->ip_src) == -1)
326 	    {
327 		fprintf(stderr,"Cant resolve %s\n", src);
328 		exit(2);
329 	    }
331 	if (resolve(dst, (char *)&ip->ip_dst) == -1)
332 	    {
333 		fprintf(stderr,"Cant resolve %s\n", dst);
334 		exit(2);
335 	    }
337 	if (!gateway)
338 		gwip = ip->ip_dst;
339 	else if (resolve(gateway, (char *)&gwip) == -1)
340 	    {
341 		fprintf(stderr,"Cant resolve %s\n", gateway);
342 		exit(2);
343 	    }
345 	if (olen)
346 	    {
347 		int hlen;
348 		char *p;
350 		printf("Options: %d\n", olen);
351 		hlen = sizeof(*ip) + olen;
352 		IP_HL_A(ip, hlen >> 2);
353 		ip->ip_len += olen;
354 		p = (char *)malloc(65536);
355 		if (p == NULL)
356 		    {
357 			fprintf(stderr, "malloc failed\n");
358 			exit(2);
359 		    }
361 		bcopy(ip, p, sizeof(*ip));
362 		bcopy(options, p + sizeof(*ip), olen);
363 		bcopy(ip + 1, p + hlen, ip->ip_len - hlen);
364 		ip = (ip_t *)p;
366 		if (ip->ip_p == IPPROTO_TCP) {
367 			tcp = (tcphdr_t *)(p + hlen);
368 		} else if (ip->ip_p == IPPROTO_UDP) {
369 			udp = (udphdr_t *)(p + hlen);
370 		}
371 	    }
373 	if (ip->ip_p == IPPROTO_TCP)
374 		for (s = argv[optind]; s && (c = *s); s++)
375 			switch(c)
376 			{
377 			case 'S' : case 's' :
378 				tcp->th_flags |= TH_SYN;
379 				break;
380 			case 'A' : case 'a' :
381 				tcp->th_flags |= TH_ACK;
382 				break;
383 			case 'F' : case 'f' :
384 				tcp->th_flags |= TH_FIN;
385 				break;
386 			case 'R' : case 'r' :
387 				tcp->th_flags |= TH_RST;
388 				break;
389 			case 'P' : case 'p' :
390 				tcp->th_flags |= TH_PUSH;
391 				break;
392 			case 'U' : case 'u' :
393 				tcp->th_flags |= TH_URG;
394 				break;
395 			}
397 	if (!dev)
398 		dev = default_device;
399 	printf("Device:  %s\n", dev);
400 	printf("Source:  %s\n", inet_ntoa(ip->ip_src));
401 	printf("Dest:    %s\n", inet_ntoa(ip->ip_dst));
402 	printf("Gateway: %s\n", inet_ntoa(gwip));
403 	if (ip->ip_p == IPPROTO_TCP && tcp->th_flags)
404 		printf("Flags:   %#x\n", tcp->th_flags);
405 	printf("mtu:     %d\n", mtu);
407 	if (ip->ip_p == IPPROTO_UDP) {
408 		udp->uh_sum = 0;
409 		udpcksum(ip, udp, ip->ip_len - (IP_HL(ip) << 2));
410 	}
411 #ifdef	DOSOCKET
412 	if (ip->ip_p == IPPROTO_TCP && tcp->th_dport)
413 		return do_socket(dev, mtu, ip, gwip);
414 #endif
415 	return send_packets(dev, mtu, ip, gwip);
416 }