xref: /freebsd/sbin/ipf/ipscan/ipscan.5 (revision 6580f5c38dd5b01aeeaed16b370f1a12423437f0)

ipscan, ipscan.conf - ipscan file format

WARNING: This feature is to be considered experimental and may change significantly until a final implementation is drawn up.

The format for files accept by ipscan currently follow this rough grammar:

line ::= name ":" matchup [ "," matchup ] "=" action .
matchup ::= "(" ")" | "(" literal ")" | "(" literal "," match ")" .
action ::= result | result "else" result .
result ::= "close" | "track" | redirect .
redirect ::= "redirect" ip-address [ "(" "," port-number ")" ] .
match ::= { match-char }
match-char ::= "*" | "?" | "."

In this example an ip-address is a dotted-quad IPv4 address and a port-number is a number between 1 and 65535, inclusive. The match string is must be of same length as the literal string that it is matching (literal). The length of either string is limited to 16 bytes.

Currently, the redirect option is not yet been implemented.

# * = match any character, . = exact match, ? = case insensitive
# Scan for anything that looks like HTTP and redirect it to the local
# proxy. One catch - this feature (redirect) is not yet implemented.
http : ("GET ", "???." ) = redirect(
# Track ssh connections (i.e do nothing)
ssh : (), ("SSH-") = track
# Things which look like smtp to be tracked else closed.
# Client can start with EHLO (ESMTP) or HELO (SMTP).
smtp : ("HELO ", "**??."), ("220 ", "....") = track else close