1ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" Copyright (c) 1983, 1991, 1993 2ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. 3ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" 4ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 5ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 6ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" are met: 7ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 8ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 9ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 10ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 11ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 12ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software 13ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" must display the following acknowledgement: 14ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" This product includes software developed by the University of 15ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" California, Berkeley and its contributors. 16ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors 17ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software 18ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" without specific prior written permission. 19ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" 20ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND 21ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 22ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 23ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE 24ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL 25ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS 26ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) 27ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 28ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY 29ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF 30ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" SUCH DAMAGE. 31ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" 32ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" @(#)tftpd.8 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/4/93 33ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.\" 34ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Dd June 4, 1993 35ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Dt TFTPD 8 36ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Os BSD 4.2 37ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Sh NAME 38ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Nm tftpd 39ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Nd 40ea022d16SRodney W. GrimesInternet Trivial File Transfer Protocol server 41ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Sh SYNOPSIS 42ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Nm tftpd 43ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Op Fl l 44ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Op Fl n 458ea31785SWarner Losh.Op Fl s Ar directory 46ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Op Ar directory ... 47ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Sh DESCRIPTION 48ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Nm Tftpd 49ea022d16SRodney W. Grimesis a server which supports the 50ea022d16SRodney W. GrimesInternet Trivial File Transfer 51ea022d16SRodney W. GrimesProtocol (\c 52ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Tn RFC 783). 53ea022d16SRodney W. GrimesThe 54ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Tn TFTP 55ea022d16SRodney W. Grimesserver operates 56ea022d16SRodney W. Grimesat the port indicated in the 57ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Ql tftp 58ea022d16SRodney W. Grimesservice description; 59ea022d16SRodney W. Grimessee 60ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Xr services 5 . 61ea022d16SRodney W. GrimesThe server is normally started by 62ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Xr inetd 8 . 63ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Pp 64ea022d16SRodney W. GrimesThe use of 65ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Xr tftp 1 66ea022d16SRodney W. Grimesdoes not require an account or password on the remote system. 67ea022d16SRodney W. GrimesDue to the lack of authentication information, 68ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Nm tftpd 69ea022d16SRodney W. Grimeswill allow only publicly readable files to be 70ea022d16SRodney W. Grimesaccessed. 7120271f30SWarner LoshFiles containing the string ``/\|\fB.\|.\fP\|/'' or starting with 7220271f30SWarner Losh``\|\fB.\|.\fP\|/'' are not allowed. 73ea022d16SRodney W. GrimesFiles may be written only if they already exist and are publicly writable. 74ea022d16SRodney W. GrimesNote that this extends the concept of 75ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Dq public 76ea022d16SRodney W. Grimesto include 77ea022d16SRodney W. Grimesall users on all hosts that can be reached through the network; 78ea022d16SRodney W. Grimesthis may not be appropriate on all systems, and its implications 79ea022d16SRodney W. Grimesshould be considered before enabling tftp service. 80ea022d16SRodney W. GrimesThe server should have the user ID with the lowest possible privilege. 81ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Pp 82ea022d16SRodney W. GrimesAccess to files may be restricted by invoking 83ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Nm tftpd 84ea022d16SRodney W. Grimeswith a list of directories by including up to 20 pathnames 85ea022d16SRodney W. Grimesas server program arguments in 86ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Pa /etc/inetd.conf . 87ea022d16SRodney W. GrimesIn this case access is restricted to files whose 88ea022d16SRodney W. Grimesnames are prefixed by the one of the given directories. 89ea022d16SRodney W. GrimesThe given directories are also treated as a search path for 90ea022d16SRodney W. Grimesrelative filename requests. 91ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Pp 928ea31785SWarner LoshThe chroot option provides additional security by restricting access 938ea31785SWarner Loshof tftpd to only a chroot'd file system. This is useful when moving 948ea31785SWarner Loshfrom an OS that supported 958ea31785SWarner Losh.Nm -s 968ea31785SWarner Loshas a boot server. Because chroot is restricted to root, you must run 978ea31785SWarner Loshtftpd as root. However, if you chroot, then 988ea31785SWarner Losh.Nm tftpd 998ea31785SWarner Loshwill set its user id to nobody. 1008ea31785SWarner Losh.Pp 101ea022d16SRodney W. GrimesThe options are: 102ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Bl -tag -width Ds 103ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.It Fl l 104ea022d16SRodney W. GrimesLogs all requests using 105ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Xr syslog 3 . 106ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.It Fl n 107ea022d16SRodney W. GrimesSuppresses negative acknowledgement of requests for nonexistent 108ea022d16SRodney W. Grimesrelative filenames. 1098ea31785SWarner Losh.It Fl s Ar directory 1108ea31785SWarner LoshCauses tftpd to chroot to 1118ea31785SWarner Losh.Pa directory 1128ea31785SWarner Loshbefore accepting commands. In addition, the user id is set to 1138ea31785SWarner Loshnobody. 11420271f30SWarner Losh.Pp 11520271f30SWarner LoshIf you are not running -s, no user id change will be 11620271f30SWarner Loshattempted. You should not run tftpd as root unless you are using -s. 117ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.El 118ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Sh SEE ALSO 119ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Xr tftp 1 , 120ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Xr inetd 8 121ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Sh HISTORY 122ea022d16SRodney W. GrimesThe 123ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Nm 124ea022d16SRodney W. Grimescommand appeared in 125ea022d16SRodney W. Grimes.Bx 4.2 . 126