1atf_test_case sethostname 2atf_test_case addsshkey 3atf_test_case adduser 4atf_test_case addgroup 5 6sethostname_body() { 7 export NUAGE_FAKE_ROOTDIR="$(pwd)" 8 atf_check /usr/libexec/flua $(atf_get_srcdir)/sethostname.lua 9 if [ ! -f etc/rc.conf.d/hostname ]; then 10 atf_fail "hostname not written" 11 fi 12 atf_check -o inline:"hostname=\"myhostname\"\n" cat etc/rc.conf.d/hostname 13} 14 15addsshkey_body() { 16 atf_check /usr/libexec/flua $(atf_get_srcdir)/addsshkey.lua 17 if [ ! -f .ssh/authorized_keys ]; then 18 atf_fail "ssh key not added" 19 fi 20 atf_check -o inline:".ssh: 040700 [drwx------ ] -> 040700 [drwx------ ]\n" chmod -vv 0700 .ssh 21 atf_check -o inline:".ssh/authorized_keys: 0100600 [-rw------- ] -> 0100600 [-rw------- ]\n" chmod -vv 0600 .ssh/authorized_keys 22 atf_check -o inline:"mykey\n" cat .ssh/authorized_keys 23 atf_check /usr/libexec/flua $(atf_get_srcdir)/addsshkey.lua 24 atf_check -o inline:"mykey\nmykey\n" cat .ssh/authorized_keys 25} 26 27adduser_body() { 28 export NUAGE_FAKE_ROOTDIR="$(pwd)" 29 if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then 30 atf_skip "root required" 31 fi 32 mkdir etc 33 printf "root:*:0:0::0:0:Charlie &:/root:/bin/csh\n" > etc/master.passwd 34 pwd_mkdb -d etc etc/master.passwd 35 printf "wheel:*:0:root\n" > etc/group 36 atf_check -e inline:"Argument should be a table\nArgument should be a table\n" /usr/libexec/flua $(atf_get_srcdir)/adduser.lua 37 test -d home/impossible_username || atf_fail "home not created" 38 atf_check -o inline:"impossible_username::1001:1001::0:0:impossible_username User:/home/impossible_username:/bin/sh\n" grep impossible_username etc/master.passwd 39} 40 41addgroup_body() { 42 export NUAGE_FAKE_ROOTDIR="$(pwd)" 43 mkdir etc 44 printf "wheel:*:0:root\n" > etc/group 45 atf_check -e inline:"Argument should be a table\nArgument should be a table\n" /usr/libexec/flua $(atf_get_srcdir)/addgroup.lua 46 atf_check -o inline:"impossible_groupname:*:1001:\n" grep impossible_groupname etc/group 47} 48 49atf_init_test_cases() { 50 atf_add_test_case sethostname 51 atf_add_test_case addsshkey 52 atf_add_test_case adduser 53 atf_add_test_case addgroup 54} 55