xref: /freebsd/libexec/nuageinit/nuage.lua (revision 0cade55660917ecb3aff7a904759e1eb46772dab)
1-- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
3-- Copyright(c) 2022 Baptiste Daroussin <bapt@FreeBSD.org>
5local pu = require("posix.unistd")
7local function warnmsg(str)
8	io.stderr:write(str.."\n")
11local function errmsg(str)
12	io.stderr:write(str.."\n")
13	os.exit(1)
16local function dirname(oldpath)
17	if not oldpath then
18		return nil
19	end
20	local path = oldpath:gsub("[^/]+/*$", "")
21	if path == "" then
22		return nil
23	end
24	return path
27local function mkdir_p(path)
28	if lfs.attributes(path, "mode") ~= nil then
29		return true
30	end
31	local r,err = mkdir_p(dirname(path))
32	if not r then
33		return nil,err.." (creating "..path..")"
34	end
35	return lfs.mkdir(path)
38local function sethostname(hostname)
39	if hostname == nil then return end
40	local root = os.getenv("NUAGE_FAKE_ROOTDIR")
41	if not root then
42		root = ""
43	end
44	local hostnamepath = root .. "/etc/rc.conf.d/hostname"
46	mkdir_p(dirname(hostnamepath))
47	local f,err = io.open(hostnamepath, "w")
48	if not f then
49		warnmsg("Impossible to open "..hostnamepath .. ":" ..err)
50		return
51	end
52	f:write("hostname=\""..hostname.."\"\n")
53	f:close()
56local function splitlist(list)
57	local ret = {}
58	if type(list) == "string" then
59		for str in list:gmatch("([^, ]+)") do
60			ret[#ret + 1] = str
61		end
62	elseif type(list) == "table" then
63		ret = list
64	else
65		warnmsg("Invalid type ".. type(list) ..", expecting table or string")
66	end
67	return ret
70local function adduser(pwd)
71	if (type(pwd) ~= "table") then
72		warnmsg("Argument should be a table")
73		return nil
74	end
75	local f = io.popen("getent passwd "..pwd.name)
76	local pwdstr = f:read("*a")
77	f:close()
78	if pwdstr:len() ~= 0 then
79		return pwdstr:match("%a+:.+:%d+:%d+:.*:(.*):.*")
80	end
81	if not pwd.gecos then
82		pwd.gecos = pwd.name .. " User"
83	end
84	if not pwd.home then
85		pwd.home = "/home/" .. pwd.name
86	end
87	local extraargs=""
88	if pwd.groups then
89		local list = splitlist(pwd.groups)
90		extraargs = " -G ".. table.concat(list, ',')
91	end
92	-- pw will automatically create a group named after the username
93	-- do not add a -g option in this case
94	if pwd.primary_group and pwd.primary_group ~= pwd.name then
95		extraargs = extraargs .. " -g " .. pwd.primary_group
96	end
97	if not pwd.no_create_home then
98		extraargs = extraargs .. " -m "
99	end
100	if not pwd.shell then
101		pwd.shell = "/bin/sh"
102	end
103	local precmd = ""
104	local postcmd = ""
105	if pwd.passwd then
106		precmd = "echo "..pwd.passwd .. "| "
107		postcmd = " -H 0 "
108	elseif pwd.plain_text_passwd then
109		precmd = "echo "..pwd.plain_text_passwd .. "| "
110		postcmd = " -H 0 "
111	end
112	local root = os.getenv("NUAGE_FAKE_ROOTDIR")
113	local cmd = precmd .. "pw "
114	if root then
115		cmd = cmd .. "-R " .. root .. " "
116	end
117	cmd = cmd .. "useradd -n ".. pwd.name .. " -M 0755 -w none "
118	cmd = cmd .. extraargs .. " -c '".. pwd.gecos
119	cmd = cmd .. "' -d '" .. pwd.home .. "' -s "..pwd.shell .. postcmd
121	local r = os.execute(cmd)
122	if not r then
123		warnmsg("nuageinit: fail to add user "..pwd.name);
124		warnmsg(cmd)
125		return nil
126	end
127	if pwd.locked then
128		cmd = "pw "
129		if root then
130			cmd = cmd .. "-R " .. root .. " "
131		end
132		cmd = cmd .. "lock " .. pwd.name
133		os.execute(cmd)
134	end
135	return pwd.home
138local function addgroup(grp)
139	if (type(grp) ~= "table") then
140		warnmsg("Argument should be a table")
141		return false
142	end
143	local f = io.popen("getent group "..grp.name)
144	local grpstr = f:read("*a")
145	f:close()
146	if grpstr:len() ~= 0 then
147		return true
148	end
149	local extraargs = ""
150	if grp.members then
151		local list = splitlist(grp.members)
152		extraargs = " -M " .. table.concat(list, ',')
153	end
154	local root = os.getenv("NUAGE_FAKE_ROOTDIR")
155	local cmd = "pw "
156	if root then
157		cmd = cmd .. "-R " .. root .. " "
158	end
159	cmd = cmd .. "groupadd -n ".. grp.name .. extraargs
160	local r = os.execute(cmd)
161	if not r then
162		warnmsg("nuageinit: fail to add group ".. grp.name);
163		warnmsg(cmd)
164		return false
165	end
166	return true
169local function addsshkey(homedir, key)
170	local chownak = false
171	local chowndotssh = false
172	local ak_path = homedir .. "/.ssh/authorized_keys"
173	local dotssh_path = homedir .. "/.ssh"
174	local dirattrs = lfs.attributes(ak_path)
175	if dirattrs == nil then
176		chownak = true
177		dirattrs = lfs.attributes(dotssh_path)
178		if dirattrs == nil then
179			if not lfs.mkdir(dotssh_path) then
180				warnmsg("nuageinit: impossible to create ".. dotssh_path)
181				return
182			end
183			chowndotssh = true
184			dirattrs = lfs.attributes(homedir)
185		end
186	end
188	local f = io.open(ak_path, "a")
189	if not f then
190		warnmsg("nuageinit: impossible to open "..ak_path)
191		return
192	end
193	f:write(key .. "\n")
194	f:close()
195	if chownak then
196		pu.chown(ak_path, dirattrs.uid, dirattrs.gid)
197	end
198	if chowndotssh then
199		pu.chown(dotssh_path, dirattrs.uid, dirattrs.gid)
200	end
203local n = {
204	warn = warnmsg,
205	err = errmsg,
206	sethostname = sethostname,
207	adduser = adduser,
208	addgroup = addgroup,
209	addsshkey = addsshkey,
210	dirname = dirname,
211	mkdir_p = mkdir_p,
214return n