xref: /freebsd/libexec/bootpd/getif.c (revision 7fdf597e96a02165cfe22ff357b857d5fa15ed8a)
1 /*
2  * getif.c : get an interface structure
3  */
5 #include <sys/types.h>
6 #include <sys/socket.h>
7 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
9 #if defined(SUNOS) || defined(SVR4)
10 #include <sys/sockio.h>
11 #endif
12 #ifdef	SVR4
13 #include <sys/stropts.h>
14 #endif
16 #include <sys/time.h>		/* for struct timeval in net/if.h */
17 #include <net/if.h>				/* for struct ifreq */
18 #include <netinet/in.h>
20 #ifndef	NO_UNISTD
21 #include <unistd.h>
22 #endif
23 #include <syslog.h>
24 #include <errno.h>
25 #include <assert.h>
27 #include "getif.h"
28 #include "report.h"
30 #ifdef	__bsdi__
31 #define BSD 43
32 #endif
34 static struct ifreq ifreq[10];	/* Holds interface configuration */
35 static struct ifconf ifconf;	/* points to ifreq */
37 static int nmatch(u_char *ca, u_char *cb);
39 /* Return a pointer to the interface struct for the passed address. */
40 struct ifreq *
41 getif(int s, struct in_addr *addrp)
42 {
43 	int maxmatch;
44 	int len, m, incr;
45 	struct ifreq *ifrq, *ifrmax;
46 	struct sockaddr_in *sip;
47 	char *p;
49 	/* If no address was supplied, just return NULL. */
50 	if (!addrp)
51 		return (struct ifreq *) 0;
53 	/* Get the interface config if not done already. */
54 	if (ifconf.ifc_len == 0) {
55 #ifdef	SVR4
56 		/*
57 		 * SysVr4 returns garbage if you do this the obvious way!
58 		 * This one took a while to figure out... -gwr
59 		 */
60 		struct strioctl ioc;
61 		ioc.ic_cmd = SIOCGIFCONF;
62 		ioc.ic_timout = 0;
63 		ioc.ic_len = sizeof(ifreq);
64 		ioc.ic_dp = (char *) ifreq;
65 		m = ioctl(s, I_STR, (char *) &ioc);
66 		ifconf.ifc_len = ioc.ic_len;
67 		ifconf.ifc_req = ifreq;
68 #else	/* SVR4 */
69 		ifconf.ifc_len = sizeof(ifreq);
70 		ifconf.ifc_req = ifreq;
71 		m = ioctl(s, SIOCGIFCONF, (caddr_t) & ifconf);
72 #endif	/* SVR4 */
73 		if ((m < 0) || (ifconf.ifc_len <= 0)) {
74 			report(LOG_ERR, "ioctl SIOCGIFCONF");
75 			return (struct ifreq *) 0;
76 		}
77 	}
78 	maxmatch = 7;				/* this many bits or less... */
79 	ifrmax = (struct ifreq *) 0;/* ... is not a valid match  */
80 	p = (char *) ifreq;
81 	len = ifconf.ifc_len;
82 	while (len > 0) {
83 		ifrq = (struct ifreq *) p;
84 		sip = (struct sockaddr_in *) &ifrq->ifr_addr;
85 		m = nmatch((u_char *)addrp, (u_char *)&(sip->sin_addr));
86 		if (m > maxmatch) {
87 			maxmatch = m;
88 			ifrmax = ifrq;
89 		}
90 #ifndef IFNAMSIZ
91 		/* BSD not defined or earlier than 4.3 */
92 		incr = sizeof(*ifrq);
93 #else
94 		incr = ifrq->ifr_addr.sa_len + IFNAMSIZ;
95 #endif
97 		p += incr;
98 		len -= incr;
99 	}
101 	return ifrmax;
102 }
104 /*
105  * Return the number of leading bits matching in the
106  * internet addresses supplied.
107  */
108 static int
109 nmatch(u_char *ca, u_char *cb)
110 {
111 	u_int m = 0;				/* count of matching bits */
112 	u_int n = 4;				/* bytes left, then bitmask */
114 	/* Count matching bytes. */
115 	while (n && (*ca == *cb)) {
116 		ca++;
117 		cb++;
118 		m += 8;
119 		n--;
120 	}
121 	/* Now count matching bits. */
122 	if (n) {
123 		n = 0x80;
124 		while (n && ((*ca & n) == (*cb & n))) {
125 			m++;
126 			n >>= 1;
127 		}
128 	}
129 	return (m);
130 }
132 /*
133  * Local Variables:
134  * tab-width: 4
135  * c-indent-level: 4
136  * c-argdecl-indent: 4
137  * c-continued-statement-offset: 4
138  * c-continued-brace-offset: -4
139  * c-label-offset: -4
140  * c-brace-offset: 0
141  * End:
142  */