xref: /freebsd/libexec/bootpd/dovend.c (revision af23369a6deaaeb612ab266eb88b8bb8d560c322)
1 /*
2  * dovend.c : Inserts all but the first few vendor options.
3  *
4  * $FreeBSD$
5  */
7 #include <sys/types.h>
9 #include <netinet/in.h>
10 #include <arpa/inet.h>			/* inet_ntoa */
12 #include <stdlib.h>
13 #include <stdio.h>
14 #include <string.h>
15 #include <errno.h>
16 #include <syslog.h>
18 #include "bootp.h"
19 #include "bootpd.h"
20 #include "report.h"
21 #include "dovend.h"
23 PRIVATE int insert_generic(struct shared_bindata *, byte **, int *);
25 /*
26  * Insert the 2nd part of the options into an option buffer.
27  * Return amount of space used.
28  *
29  * This inserts everything EXCEPT:
30  *   magic cookie, subnet mask, gateway, bootsize, extension file
31  * Those are handled separately (in bootpd.c) to allow this function
32  * to be shared between bootpd and bootpef.
33  *
34  * When an "extension file" is in use, the options inserted by
35  * this function go into the exten_file, not the bootp response.
36  */
38 int
39 dovend_rfc1497(hp, buf, len)
40 	struct host *hp;
41 	byte *buf;
42 	int len;
43 {
44 	int bytesleft = len;
45 	byte *vp = buf;
47 	static const char noroom[] = "%s: No room for \"%s\" option";
48 #define	NEED(LEN, MSG) do                       \
49 		if (bytesleft < (LEN)) {         	    \
50 			report(LOG_NOTICE, noroom,          \
51 				   hp->hostname->string, MSG);  \
52 			return (vp - buf);                  \
53 		} while (0)
55 	/*
56 	 * Note that the following have already been inserted:
57 	 *   magic_cookie, subnet_mask, gateway, bootsize
58 	 *
59 	 * The remaining options are inserted in order of importance.
60 	 * (Of course the importance of each is a matter of opinion.)
61 	 * The option insertion order should probably be configurable.
62 	 *
63 	 * This is the order used in the NetBSD version.  Can anyone
64 	 * explain why the time_offset and swap_server are first?
65 	 * Also, why is the hostname so far down the list?  -gwr
66 	 */
68 	if (hp->flags.time_offset) {
69 		NEED(6, "to");
70 		*vp++ = TAG_TIME_OFFSET;/* -1 byte  */
71 		*vp++ = 4;				/* -1 byte  */
72 		insert_u_long(htonl(hp->time_offset), &vp);	/* -4 bytes */
73 		bytesleft -= 6;
74 	}
75 	/*
76 	 * swap server, root path, dump path
77 	 */
78 	if (hp->flags.swap_server) {
79 		NEED(6, "sw");
80 		/* There is just one SWAP_SERVER, so it is not an iplist. */
81 		*vp++ = TAG_SWAP_SERVER;/* -1 byte  */
82 		*vp++ = 4;				/* -1 byte  */
83 		insert_u_long(hp->swap_server.s_addr, &vp);	/* -4 bytes */
84 		bytesleft -= 6;			/* Fix real count */
85 	}
86 	if (hp->flags.root_path) {
87 		/*
88 		 * Check for room for root_path.  Add 2 to account for
89 		 * TAG_ROOT_PATH and length.
90 		 */
91 		len = strlen(hp->root_path->string);
92 		NEED((len + 2), "rp");
93 		*vp++ = TAG_ROOT_PATH;
94 		*vp++ = (byte) (len & 0xFF);
95 		bcopy(hp->root_path->string, vp, len);
96 		vp += len;
97 		bytesleft -= len + 2;
98 	}
99 	if (hp->flags.dump_file) {
100 		/*
101 		 * Check for room for dump_file.  Add 2 to account for
102 		 * TAG_DUMP_FILE and length.
103 		 */
104 		len = strlen(hp->dump_file->string);
105 		NEED((len + 2), "df");
106 		*vp++ = TAG_DUMP_FILE;
107 		*vp++ = (byte) (len & 0xFF);
108 		bcopy(hp->dump_file->string, vp, len);
109 		vp += len;
110 		bytesleft -= len + 2;
111 	}
112 	/*
113 	 * DNS server and domain
114 	 */
115 	if (hp->flags.domain_server) {
116 		if (insert_ip(TAG_DOMAIN_SERVER,
117 					  hp->domain_server,
118 					  &vp, &bytesleft))
119 			NEED(8, "ds");
120 	}
121 	if (hp->flags.domain_name) {
122 		/*
123 		 * Check for room for domain_name.  Add 2 to account for
124 		 * TAG_DOMAIN_NAME and length.
125 		 */
126 		len = strlen(hp->domain_name->string);
127 		NEED((len + 2), "dn");
128 		*vp++ = TAG_DOMAIN_NAME;
129 		*vp++ = (byte) (len & 0xFF);
130 		bcopy(hp->domain_name->string, vp, len);
131 		vp += len;
132 		bytesleft -= len + 2;
133 	}
134 	/*
135 	 * NIS (YP) server and domain
136 	 */
137 	if (hp->flags.nis_server) {
138 		if (insert_ip(TAG_NIS_SERVER,
139 					  hp->nis_server,
140 					  &vp, &bytesleft))
141 			NEED(8, "ys");
142 	}
143 	if (hp->flags.nis_domain) {
144 		/*
145 		 * Check for room for nis_domain.  Add 2 to account for
146 		 * TAG_NIS_DOMAIN and length.
147 		 */
148 		len = strlen(hp->nis_domain->string);
149 		NEED((len + 2), "yn");
150 		*vp++ = TAG_NIS_DOMAIN;
151 		*vp++ = (byte) (len & 0xFF);
152 		bcopy(hp->nis_domain->string, vp, len);
153 		vp += len;
154 		bytesleft -= len + 2;
155 	}
156 	/* IEN 116 name server */
157 	if (hp->flags.name_server) {
158 		if (insert_ip(TAG_NAME_SERVER,
159 					  hp->name_server,
160 					  &vp, &bytesleft))
161 			NEED(8, "ns");
162 	}
163 	if (hp->flags.rlp_server) {
164 		if (insert_ip(TAG_RLP_SERVER,
165 					  hp->rlp_server,
166 					  &vp, &bytesleft))
167 			NEED(8, "rl");
168 	}
169 	/* Time server (RFC 868) */
170 	if (hp->flags.time_server) {
171 		if (insert_ip(TAG_TIME_SERVER,
172 					  hp->time_server,
173 					  &vp, &bytesleft))
174 			NEED(8, "ts");
175 	}
176 	/* NTP (time) Server (RFC 1129) */
177 	if (hp->flags.ntp_server) {
178 		if (insert_ip(TAG_NTP_SERVER,
179 					  hp->ntp_server,
180 					  &vp, &bytesleft))
181 			NEED(8, "nt");
182 	}
183 	/*
184 	 * I wonder:  If the hostname were "promoted" into the BOOTP
185 	 * response part, might these "extension" files possibly be
186 	 * shared between several clients?
187 	 *
188 	 * Also, why not just use longer BOOTP packets with all the
189 	 * additional length used as option data.  This bootpd version
190 	 * already supports that feature by replying with the same
191 	 * packet length as the client request packet. -gwr
192 	 */
193 	if (hp->flags.name_switch && hp->flags.send_name) {
194 		/*
195 		 * Check for room for hostname.  Add 2 to account for
196 		 * TAG_HOST_NAME and length.
197 		 */
198 		len = strlen(hp->hostname->string);
199 #if 0
200 		/*
201 		 * XXX - Too much magic.  The user can always set the hostname
202 		 * to the short version in the bootptab file. -gwr
203 		 */
204 		if ((len + 2) > bytesleft) {
205 			/*
206 			 * Not enough room for full (domain-qualified) hostname, try
207 			 * stripping it down to just the first field (host).
208 			 */
209 			char *tmpstr = hp->hostname->string;
210 			len = 0;
211 			while (*tmpstr && (*tmpstr != '.')) {
212 				tmpstr++;
213 				len++;
214 			}
215 		}
216 #endif
217 		NEED((len + 2), "hn");
218 		*vp++ = TAG_HOST_NAME;
219 		*vp++ = (byte) (len & 0xFF);
220 		bcopy(hp->hostname->string, vp, len);
221 		vp += len;
222 		bytesleft -= len + 2;
223 	}
224 	/*
225 	 * The rest of these are less important, so they go last.
226 	 */
227 	if (hp->flags.lpr_server) {
228 		if (insert_ip(TAG_LPR_SERVER,
229 					  hp->lpr_server,
230 					  &vp, &bytesleft))
231 			NEED(8, "lp");
232 	}
233 	if (hp->flags.cookie_server) {
234 		if (insert_ip(TAG_COOKIE_SERVER,
235 					  hp->cookie_server,
236 					  &vp, &bytesleft))
237 			NEED(8, "cs");
238 	}
239 	if (hp->flags.log_server) {
240 		if (insert_ip(TAG_LOG_SERVER,
241 					  hp->log_server,
242 					  &vp, &bytesleft))
243 			NEED(8, "lg");
244 	}
245 	/*
246 	 * XXX - Add new tags here (to insert options)
247 	 */
248 	if (hp->flags.generic) {
249 		if (insert_generic(hp->generic, &vp, &bytesleft))
250 			NEED(64, "(generic)");
251 	}
252 	/*
253 	 * The end marker is inserted by the caller.
254 	 */
255 	return (vp - buf);
256 #undef	NEED
257 }								/* dovend_rfc1497 */
261 /*
262  * Insert a tag value, a length value, and a list of IP addresses into the
263  * memory buffer indirectly pointed to by "dest".  "tag" is the RFC1048 tag
264  * number to use, "iplist" is a pointer to a list of IP addresses
265  * (struct in_addr_list), and "bytesleft" points to an integer which
266  * indicates the size of the "dest" buffer.
267  *
268  * Return zero if everything fits.
269  *
270  * This is used to fill the vendor-specific area of a bootp packet in
271  * conformance to RFC1048.
272  */
274 int
275 insert_ip(tag, iplist, dest, bytesleft)
276 	byte tag;
277 	struct in_addr_list *iplist;
278 	byte **dest;
279 	int *bytesleft;
280 {
281 	struct in_addr *addrptr;
282 	unsigned addrcount = 1;
283 	byte *d;
285 	if (iplist == NULL)
286 		return (0);
288 	if (*bytesleft >= 6) {
289 		d = *dest;				/* Save pointer for later */
290 		**dest = tag;
291 		(*dest) += 2;
292 		(*bytesleft) -= 2;		/* Account for tag and length */
293 		addrptr = iplist->addr;
294 		addrcount = iplist->addrcount;
295 		while ((*bytesleft >= 4) && (addrcount > 0)) {
296 			insert_u_long(addrptr->s_addr, dest);
297 			addrptr++;
298 			addrcount--;
299 			(*bytesleft) -= 4;	/* Four bytes per address */
300 		}
301 		d[1] = (byte) ((*dest - d - 2) & 0xFF);
302 	}
303 	return (addrcount);
304 }
308 /*
309  * Insert generic data into a bootp packet.  The data is assumed to already
310  * be in RFC1048 format.  It is inserted using a first-fit algorithm which
311  * attempts to insert as many tags as possible.  Tags and data which are
312  * too large to fit are skipped; any remaining tags are tried until they
313  * have all been exhausted.
314  * Return zero if everything fits.
315  */
317 static int
318 insert_generic(gendata, buff, bytesleft)
319 	struct shared_bindata *gendata;
320 	byte **buff;
321 	int *bytesleft;
322 {
323 	byte *srcptr;
324 	int length, numbytes;
325 	int skipped = 0;
327 	if (gendata == NULL)
328 		return (0);
330 	srcptr = gendata->data;
331 	length = gendata->length;
332 	while ((length > 0) && (*bytesleft > 0)) {
333 		switch (*srcptr) {
334 		case TAG_END:
335 			length = 0;			/* Force an exit on next iteration */
336 			break;
337 		case TAG_PAD:
338 			*(*buff)++ = *srcptr++;
339 			(*bytesleft)--;
340 			length--;
341 			break;
342 		default:
343 			numbytes = srcptr[1] + 2;
344 			if (*bytesleft < numbytes)
345 				skipped += numbytes;
346 			else {
347 				bcopy(srcptr, *buff, numbytes);
348 				(*buff) += numbytes;
349 				(*bytesleft) -= numbytes;
350 			}
351 			srcptr += numbytes;
352 			length -= numbytes;
353 			break;
354 		}
355 	} /* while */
356 	return (skipped);
357 }
359 /*
360  * Insert the unsigned long "value" into memory starting at the byte
361  * pointed to by the byte pointer (*dest).  (*dest) is updated to
362  * point to the next available byte.
363  *
364  * Since it is desirable to internally store network addresses in network
365  * byte order (in struct in_addr's), this routine expects longs to be
366  * passed in network byte order.
367  *
368  * However, due to the nature of the main algorithm, the long must be in
369  * host byte order, thus necessitating the use of ntohl() first.
370  */
372 void
373 insert_u_long(value, dest)
374 	u_int32 value;
375 	byte **dest;
376 {
377 	byte *temp;
378 	int n;
380 	value = ntohl(value);		/* Must use host byte order here */
381 	temp = (*dest += 4);
382 	for (n = 4; n > 0; n--) {
383 		*--temp = (byte) (value & 0xFF);
384 		value >>= 8;
385 	}
386 	/* Final result is network byte order */
387 }
389 /*
390  * Local Variables:
391  * tab-width: 4
392  * c-indent-level: 4
393  * c-argdecl-indent: 4
394  * c-continued-statement-offset: 4
395  * c-continued-brace-offset: -4
396  * c-label-offset: -4
397  * c-brace-offset: 0
398  * End:
399  */