1.\" Copyright (c) 1997 S�ren Schmidt 2.\" All rights reserved. 3.\" 4.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 5.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 6.\" are met: 7.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 8.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer, 9.\" in this position and unchanged. 10.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 11.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 12.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 13.\" 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products 14.\" derived from this software without specific prior written permission. 15.\" 16.\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR 17.\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES 18.\" OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. 19.\" IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 20.\" INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT 21.\" NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, 22.\" DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY 23.\" THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT 24.\" (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF 25.\" THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 26.\" 27.\" $FreeBSD$ 28.Dd November 7, 1999 29.Dt VGL 3 30.Os 31.Sh NAME 32.Nm VGLBitmapAllocateBits , 33.Nm VGLBitmapCopy , 34.Nm VGLBitmapCreate , 35.Nm VGLBitmapDestroy , 36.Nm VGLBitmapPutChar , 37.Nm VGLBitmapString , 38.Nm VGLBlankDisplay , 39.Nm VGLBox , 40.Nm VGLCheckSwitch , 41.Nm VGLClear , 42.Nm VGLEllipse , 43.Nm VGLEnd , 44.Nm VGLFilledBox , 45.Nm VGLFilledEllipse , 46.Nm VGLGetXY , 47.Nm VGLInit , 48.Nm VGLLine , 49.Nm VGLKeyboardInit , 50.Nm VGLKeyboardEnd , 51.Nm VGLKeyboardGetCh , 52.Nm VGLMouseInit , 53.Nm VGLMouseMode , 54.Nm VGLMouseSetImage , 55.Nm VGLMouseSetStdImage , 56.Nm VGLMouseStatus , 57.Nm VGLPanScreen , 58.Nm VGLSetBorder , 59.Nm VGLSetPalette , 60.Nm VGLSetPaletteIndex , 61.Nm VGLSetVScreenSize , 62.Nm VGLSetXY , 63.Nm VGLTextSetFontFile 64.Nd Video Graphics Library functions 65.Sh LIBRARY 66.Lb libvgl 67.Sh SYNOPSIS 68.In sys/fbio.h 69.In sys/consio.h 70.In sys/kbio.h 71.In vgl.h 72.Ft int 73.Fn VGLInit "int mode" 74.Ft void 75.Fn VGLEnd "void" 76.Ft void 77.Fn VGLCheckSwitch "void" 78.Ft int 79.Fn VGLTextSetFontFile "char *filename" 80.Ft int 81.Fn VGLKeyboardInit "int code" 82.Ft void 83.Fn VGLKeyboardEnd "void" 84.Ft int 85.Fn VGLKeyboardGetCh "void" 86.Ft int 87.Fn VGLMouseInit "int mode" 88.Ft void 89.Fn VGLMouseMode "int mode" 90.Ft int 91.Fn VGLMouseStatus "int *x" "int *y" "char *buttons" 92.Ft void 93.Fn VGLMouseSetImage "VGLBitmap *AndMask" "VGLBitmap *OrMask" 94.Ft void 95.Fn VGLMouseSetStdImage "void" 96.Ft u_long 97.Fn VGLGetXY "VGLBitmap *object" "int x" "int y" 98.Ft void 99.Fn VGLSetXY "VGLBitmap *object" "int x" "int y" "u_long color" 100.Ft void 101.Fn VGLLine "VGLBitmap *object" "int x1" "int y1" "int x2" "int y2" "u_long color" 102.Ft void 103.Fn VGLBox "VGLBitmap *object" "int x1" "int y1" "int x2" "int y2" "u_long color" 104.Ft void 105.Fn VGLFilledBox "VGLBitmap *object" "int x1" "int y1" "int x2" "int y2" "u_long color" 106.Ft void 107.Fn VGLEllipse "VGLBitmap *object" "int xc" "int yc" "int a" "int b" "u_long color" 108.Ft void 109.Fn VGLFilledEllipse "VGLBitmap *object" "int xc" "int yc" "int a" "int b" "u_long color" 110.Ft VGLBitmap * 111.Fn VGLBitmapCreate "int type" "int xsize" "int ysize" "byte *bits" 112.Ft void 113.Fn VGLBitmapDestroy "VGLBitmap *object" 114.Ft int 115.Fn VGLBitmapAllocateBits "VGLBitmap *object" 116.Ft int 117.Fn VGLBitmapCopy "VGLBitmap *src" "int srcx" "int srcy" "VGLBitmap *dst" "int dstx" "int dsty" "int width" "int hight" 118.Ft void 119.Fn VGLBitmapPutChar "VGLBitmap *Object" "int x" "int y" "byte ch" "byte fgcol" "byte bgcol" "int fill" "int dir" 120.Ft void 121.Fn VGLBitmapString "VGLBitmap *Object" "int x" "int y" "char *str" "byte fgcol" "byte bgcol" "int fill" "int dir" 122.Ft void 123.Fn VGLClear "VGLBitmap *object" "u_long color" 124.Ft void 125.Fn VGLSetPalette "byte *red" "byte *green" "byte *blue" 126.Ft void 127.Fn VGLSetPaletteIndex "byte color" "byte red" "byte green" "byte blue" 128.Ft void 129.Fn VGLSetBorder "byte color" 130.Ft int 131.Fn VGLSetVScreenSize "VGLBitmap *object" "int vxsize" "int vysize" 132.Ft int 133.Fn VGLPanScreen "VGLBitmap *object" "int x" "int y" 134.Ft void 135.Fn VGLBlankDisplay "int blank" 136.Sh DESCRIPTION 137.Nm Libvgl 138is a library that enables the programmer access to the graphics 139modes supported by the console driver (syscons). 140The library takes care of 141programming the actual video hardware, and provides a number of simple 142functions to do various graphic operations. 143There is also support for a 144mouse via the standard mouse system in 145.Fx , 146see 147.Xr mouse 4 , 148including the ability to transparently have a mouse pointer superimposed on 149the graphic image currently being worked on. 150The library takes care of screen switching by storing the current image in 151memory before switching to another virtual console, and restoring when the 152user switches back. 153This allows several graphic applications at once, but 154on different virtual consoles. 155.Pp 156Below is a short description of the various functions: 157.Pp 158.Fn VGLInit 159initialize the library and set up the graphic mode 160.Va mode . 161.Pp 162.Fn VGLEnd 163terminate graphic mode, and restore the screenmode that was active before 164.Fn VGLInit 165was called. 166.Pp 167.Fn VGLCheckSwitch 168if the program goes into longer periods of processing without doing 169any graphics output, calling this function occasionally will allow 170the system to switch screens. 171.Pp 172.Fn VGLTextSetFontFile 173instruct the char/string functions to use the font in file 174.Pa filename 175instead of the builtin font. 176.Pp 177.Fn VGLKeyboardInit 178set up the keyboard in the 179.Dq raw 180I/O mode and 181specify the key code to be used. 182.Va code 183must be 184.Dv VGL_XLATEKEYS , 185.Dv VGL_CODEKEYS , 186or 187.Dv VGL_RAWKEYS . 188When 189.Dv VGL_XLATEKEYS 190is specified, the keyboard translates the raw keyboard scan code into 191a character code. 192If 193.Dv VGL_RAWKEYS 194is used, the raw keyboard scan code is read as is. 195.Dv VGL_CODEKEYS 196is the intermediate key code; each key is assigned a unique code whereas 197more than one raw scan code may be generated when a key is pressed. 198.Pp 199.Fn VGLKeyboardEnd 200when you have finished using the keyboard, call this function. 201.Pp 202.Fn VGLKeyboardGetCh 203read one byte from the keyboard. 204As the keyboard I/O is in the 205.Dq raw 206input mode, the function will not block even if there is no input data, 207and returns 0. 208.Pp 209.Fn VGLMouseInit 210initialize the mouse. 211The optional on-screen mouse pointer is shown if the 212argument is 213.Dv VGL_MOUSESHOW . 214.Pp 215.Fn VGLMouseMode 216either shows the mouse pointer if the argument is 217.Dv VGL_MOUSESHOW , 218or hides the mouse pointer if the argument is 219.Dv VGL_MOUSEHIDE . 220.Pp 221.Fn VGLMouseStatus 222returns the current mouse pointer coordinates and button state in 223.Va x , y , 224buttons. 225The return value reflects if the mouse pointer 226is currently shown on screen or not. 227.Pp 228.Fn VGLMouseSetImage 229with this function it is possible to change the image of the mouse pointer 230on screen. 231.Pp 232.Fn VGLMouseSetStdImage 233this function restores the mouse pointer to the standard arrow. 234.Pp 235.Fn VGLGetXY 236retrieves the color of the pixel located at 237.Va x , y , 238coordinates of the 239.Va object 240argument, and returns it as a byte value. 241.Pp 242.Fn VGLSetXY 243sets the color of the pixel located at 244.Va x , y , 245coordinates of the 246.Va object 247argument to 248.Va color 249byte value. 250.Pp 251.Fn VGLLine 252draw a line from 253.Va x1 , y1 254to 255.Va x2 , y2 256in color 257.Va color . 258.Pp 259.Fn VGLBox 260draw a box with upper left hand corner at 261.Va x1 , y1 262and lower right hand corner at 263.Va x2 , y2 264in color 265.Va color . 266.Pp 267.Fn VGLFilledBox 268draw a filled (solid) box with upper left hand corner at 269.Va x1 , y1 270and lower right hand corner at 271.Va x2 , y2 272in color 273.Va color . 274.Pp 275.Fn VGLEllipse 276draw an ellipse centered at 277.Va xc , yc 278make it 279.Va a 280pixels wide, and 281.Va b 282pixels high in color 283.Va color . 284.Pp 285.Fn VGLFilledEllipse 286draw a filled (solid) ellipse centered at 287.Va xc , yc 288make it 289.Va a 290pixels wide, and 291.Va b 292pixels high in color 293.Va color . 294.Pp 295.Fn VGLBitmapCreate 296create a bitmap object and initialize it with the specified 297values and bit data. 298.Va type 299must be 300.Dv MEMBUF 301for the in-memory bitmap. 302.Va bits 303may be NULL so that bitmap data may be associated later. 304.Pp 305There also is a macro, 306.Fn VGLBITMAP_INITIALIZER "type" "xsize" "ysize" "bits" 307to initialize a statically declared bitmap object. 308.Pp 309.Fn VGLBitmapDestroy 310free the bitmap data and the bitmap object. 311.Pp 312.Fn VGLBitmapAllocateBits 313allocate a bit data buffer for the specified object. 314.Pp 315.Fn VGLBitmapCopy 316copy a rectangle of pixels from bitmap 317.Va src 318upper left hand corner at 319.Va srcx , srcy 320to bitmap 321.Va dst 322at 323.Va dstx , dsty 324of the size 325.Va width , height . 326.Pp 327.Fn VGLBitmapPutChar 328write the character 329.Va ch 330at position 331.Va x , y 332in foreground color 333.Va fgcol . 334If 335.Va fill 336is != 0, use the color 337.Va bgcol 338as background otherwise the background is transparent. 339The character is drawn in the direction specified by the argument 340.Va dir . 341.Pp 342.Fn VGLBitmapString 343write the string 344.Va str 345at position 346.Va x , y 347in foreground color 348.Va fgcol . 349If 350.Va fill 351is != 0, use the color 352.Va bgcol 353as background otherwise the background is transparent. 354The string is drawn in the direction specified by the argument 355.Va dir . 356.Pp 357.Fn VGLClear 358clears the entire bitmap to color 359.Va color . 360.Pp 361.Fn VGLSetPalette 362this function sets the palette used, the arguments 363.Va red , green , blue 364should point to byte arrays of 256 positions each. 365.Pp 366.Fn VGLSetPaletteIndex 367set the palette index 368.Va color 369to the specified RGB value. 370.Pp 371.Fn VGLSetBorder 372set the border color to color 373.Va color . 374.Pp 375.Fn VGLSetVScreenSize 376change the virtual screen size of the display. 377Note that this 378function must be called when our vty is in the foreground. 379And 380.Va object 381must be 382.Va VGLDisplay . 383Passing an in-memory bitmap to this function results in error. 384.Pp 385The desired virtual screen width may not be achievable because 386of the video card hardware. 387In such case the video driver (and 388underlaying video BIOS) may choose the next largest values. 389Always examine 390.Va object->VXsize 391and 392.Va VYsize 393after calling this function, in order to see how the virtual screen 394is actually set up. 395.Pp 396In order to set up the largest possible virtual screen, you may 397call this function with arbitrary large values. 398.Pp 399.Dl VGLSetVScreenSize(10000, 10000); 400.Pp 401.Fn VGLPanSreen 402change the origin of the displayed screen in the virtual screen. 403Note that this function must be called when our vty is in the 404foreground. 405.Va object 406must be 407.Va VGLDisplay . 408Passing an in-memory bitmap to this function results in error. 409.Pp 410.Fn VGLBlankDisplay 411blank the display if the argument 412.Va blank 413\*(Ne 0. 414This can be done to shut off the screen during display updates that 415the user should first see when it is done. 416.Ss Program termination and signal processing 417It is important to call 418.Fn VGLEnd 419before terminating the program. 420Care must be taken if you install signal handlers and try to call 421.Fn VGLEnd 422and 423.Xr exit 3 424to end the program. 425If a signal is caught while the program is inside 426.Nm libvgl 427functions, 428.Fn VGLEnd 429may not be able to properly restore the graphics hardware. 430.Pp 431The recommended way to handle signals and program termination is to 432have a flag to indicate signal's delivery. 433Your signal handlers set this flag but do not terminate 434the program immediately. 435The main part of the program checks the flag to see if it is 436supposed to terminate, and calls 437.Fn VGLEnd 438and 439.Xr exit 3 440if the flag is set. 441.Pp 442Note that 443.Fn VGLInit 444installs its internal signal handlers for 445.Dv SIGINT , SIGTERM , SIGSEGV , 446and 447.Dv SIGBUS , 448and terminates the program at appropriate time, 449after one of these signals is caught. 450If you want to have your own signal handlers for these signals, 451install handlers 452.Em after 453.Fn VGLInit . 454.Pp 455.Dv SIGUSR1 456and 457.Dv SIGUSR2 458are internally used by 459.Nm libvgl 460to control screen switching and the mouse pointer, 461and are not available to 462.Nm libvgl 463client programs. 464.Sh HISTORY 465The 466.Nm vgl 467library appeared in 468.Fx 3.0 . 469.Sh AUTHORS 470.An S\(/oren Schmidt Aq sos@FreeBSD.org 471