1.\" Author: Juli Mallett <jmallett@FreeBSD.org> 2.\" Date: June 04, 2003 3.\" Description: 4.\" Manual page for libufs functions: 5.\" ufs_disk_close(3) 6.\" ufs_disk_fillout(3) 7.\" ufs_disk_fillout_blank(3) 8.\" ufs_disk_write(3) 9.\" 10.\" This file is in the public domain. 11.\" 12.\" $FreeBSD$ 13.\" 14.Dd June 4, 2003 15.Dt UFS_DISK_CLOSE 3 16.Os 17.Sh NAME 18.Nm ufs_disk_close , ufs_disk_fillout , ufs_disk_fillout_blank, ufs_disk_write 19.Nd open and close userland UFS disks 20.Sh LIBRARY 21.Lb libufs 22.Sh SYNOPSIS 23.In sys/param.h 24.In sys/mount.h 25.In ufs/ufs/ufsmount.h 26.In ufs/ufs/dinode.h 27.In ufs/ffs/fs.h 28.In libufs.h 29.Ft int 30.Fn ufs_disk_close "struct uufsd *disk" 31.Ft int 32.Fn ufs_disk_fillout "struct uufsd *disk" "const char *name" 33.Ft int 34.Fn ufs_disk_fillout_blank "struct uufsd *disk" "const char *name" 35.Ft int 36.Fn ufs_disk_write "struct uufsd *disk" 37.Sh DESCRIPTION 38The 39.Fn ufs_disk_close 40function closes a disk and frees internal memory related to it. 41It does not free the 42.Fa disk 43structure. 44.Pp 45The 46.Fn ufs_disk_fillout 47and 48.Fn ufs_disk_fillout_blank 49functions open a disk specified by 50.Fa name 51and populate the structure pointed to by 52.Fa disk . 53The disk is opened read-only. 54The specified 55.Fa name 56may be either a mountpoint, or a device name. 57The 58.Fn ufs_disk_fillout 59function assumes there is a valid superblock and will fail if not, 60whereas the 61.Fn ufs_disk_fillout_blank 62function makes no assumptions of that sort. 63.Pp 64The 65.Fn ufs_disk_write 66function attempts to re-open a disk as writable if it is not currently. 67.Sh ERRORS 68The function 69.Fn ufs_disk_close 70has no failure points. 71.Pp 72The function 73.Fn ufs_disk_fillout 74may fail for any of the reasons 75.Fn ufs_disk_fillout_blank 76might, as well as for any reason 77.Xr sbread 3 78might. 79.Pp 80The 81.Fn ufs_disk_fillout_blank 82may fail and set 83.Va errno 84for any of the errors specified for the library functions 85.Xr open 2 , 86.Xr strdup 3 . 87Additionally, it may follow the 88.Xr libufs 3 89error methodologies in situations where no device could be found to 90open. 91.Pp 92The function 93.Fn ufs_disk_write 94may fail and set 95.Va errno 96for any of the errors specified for the library functions 97.Xr open 3 98and 99.Xr stat 3 . 100Namely, it will fail if the disk in question may not be written to. 101.Sh SEE ALSO 102.Xr getfsfile 3 , 103.Xr libufs 3 , 104.Xr open 3 , 105.Xr sbread 3 106.Sh HISTORY 107These functions first appeared as part of 108.Xr libufs 3 109in 110.Fx 5.0 . 111.Sh AUTHORS 112.An Juli Mallett Aq jmallett@FreeBSD.org 113