xref: /freebsd/lib/libsys/sched_getcpu.3 (revision 36887e04947fedfebb9b648fadd0dd6cc03142ea)
1*36887e04SEd Maste.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
2*36887e04SEd Maste.\"
3*36887e04SEd Maste.\" Copyright (c) 2024 The FreeBSD Foundation
4*36887e04SEd Maste.\"
5*36887e04SEd Maste.\" This documentation was written by Ed Maste <emaste@FreeBSD.org>
6*36887e04SEd Maste.\" under sponsorship from the FreeBSD Foundation.
7*36887e04SEd Maste.\"
8*36887e04SEd Maste.Dd November 13, 2024
9*36887e04SEd Maste.Dt SCHED_GETCPU 3
10*36887e04SEd Maste.Os
11*36887e04SEd Maste.Sh NAME
12*36887e04SEd Maste.Nm sched_getcpu
13*36887e04SEd Maste.Nd get current CPU
14*36887e04SEd Maste.Sh LIBRARY
15*36887e04SEd Maste.Lb libc
16*36887e04SEd Maste.Sh SYNOPSIS
17*36887e04SEd Maste.In sched.h
18*36887e04SEd Maste.Ft int
19*36887e04SEd Maste.Fn sched_getcpu void
20*36887e04SEd Maste.Sh DESCRIPTION
21*36887e04SEd MasteThe
22*36887e04SEd Maste.Fn sched_getcpu
23*36887e04SEd Mastefunction returns the current CPU on which the calling thread is running.
24*36887e04SEd Maste.Sh RETURN VALUES
25*36887e04SEd Maste.Fn sched_getcpu
26*36887e04SEd Mastereturns the 0-based index of the current CPU at the time of the call.
27*36887e04SEd MasteThe value may become invalid immediately after return, unless the thread is
28*36887e04SEd Mastepinned to a specific CPU.
29*36887e04SEd MasteCPU numbering is the same as used by
30*36887e04SEd Maste.Xr cpuset 2
31*36887e04SEd Masteand CPU affinity calls.
32*36887e04SEd Maste.Pp
33*36887e04SEd MasteThere are no error values as
34*36887e04SEd Maste.Fn sched_getcpu
35*36887e04SEd Mastedoes not fail.
36*36887e04SEd Maste.Sh SEE ALSO
37*36887e04SEd Maste.Xr cpuset 2 ,
38*36887e04SEd Maste.Xr cpuset_getaffinity 2 ,
39*36887e04SEd Maste.Xr cpuset_setaffinity 2 ,
40*36887e04SEd Maste.Xr pthread_getaffinity_np 3 ,
41*36887e04SEd Maste.Xr pthread_setaffinity_np
42*36887e04SEd Maste.Sh STANDARDS
43*36887e04SEd MasteThe
44*36887e04SEd Maste.Nm
45*36887e04SEd Mastefunction originated in Linux.
46*36887e04SEd MasteThis implementation aims to be source-compatible with the Linux implementation.
47*36887e04SEd Maste.Sh HISTORY
48*36887e04SEd MasteThe
49*36887e04SEd Maste.Nm
50*36887e04SEd Mastefunction was introduced in
51*36887e04SEd Maste.Fx 13.1 .