1 /*- 2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2009 David Schultz <das@FreeBSD.org> 3 * All rights reserved. 4 * 5 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 6 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 7 * are met: 8 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 9 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 10 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 11 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 12 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 13 * 14 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND 15 * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 16 * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 17 * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE 18 * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL 19 * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS 20 * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) 21 * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 22 * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY 23 * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF 24 * SUCH DAMAGE. 25 */ 26 27 /* 28 * Test for printf() floating point formats. 29 */ 30 31 #include <err.h> 32 #include <fenv.h> 33 #include <float.h> 34 #include <locale.h> 35 #include <math.h> 36 #include <stdio.h> 37 #include <stdarg.h> 38 #include <stdint.h> 39 #include <stdlib.h> 40 #include <string.h> 41 #include <wchar.h> 42 43 #include <atf-c.h> 44 45 static void 46 smash_stack(void) 47 { 48 static uint32_t junk = 0xdeadbeef; 49 uint32_t buf[512]; 50 size_t i; 51 52 for (i = 0; i < sizeof(buf) / sizeof(buf[0]); i++) 53 buf[i] = junk; 54 } 55 56 #define testfmt(result, fmt, ...) \ 57 _testfmt((result), #__VA_ARGS__, fmt, __VA_ARGS__) 58 static void 59 _testfmt(const char *result, const char *argstr, const char *fmt,...) 60 { 61 #define BUF 100 62 wchar_t ws[BUF], wfmt[BUF], wresult[BUF]; 63 char s[BUF]; 64 va_list ap, ap2; 65 66 va_start(ap, fmt); 67 va_copy(ap2, ap); 68 smash_stack(); 69 vsnprintf(s, sizeof(s), fmt, ap); 70 ATF_CHECK_MSG(strcmp(result, s) == 0, 71 "printf(\"%s\", %s) ==> [%s], expected [%s]", 72 fmt, argstr, s, result); 73 74 smash_stack(); 75 mbstowcs(ws, s, BUF - 1); 76 mbstowcs(wfmt, fmt, BUF - 1); 77 mbstowcs(wresult, result, BUF - 1); 78 vswprintf(ws, sizeof(ws) / sizeof(ws[0]), wfmt, ap2); 79 ATF_CHECK_MSG(wcscmp(wresult, ws) == 0, 80 "wprintf(\"%ls\", %s) ==> [%ls], expected [%ls]", 81 wfmt, argstr, ws, wresult); 82 83 va_end(ap); 84 va_end(ap2); 85 } 86 87 ATF_TC_WITHOUT_HEAD(float_within_limits); 88 ATF_TC_BODY(float_within_limits, tc) 89 { 90 91 ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); 92 93 /* Basic tests of decimal output functionality. */ 94 testfmt(" 1.000000E+00", "%13E", 1.0); 95 testfmt(" 1.000000", "%13f", 1.0); 96 testfmt(" 1", "%13G", 1.0); 97 testfmt(" 1.000000E+00", "%13LE", 1.0L); 98 testfmt(" 1.000000", "%13Lf", 1.0L); 99 testfmt(" 1", "%13LG", 1.0L); 100 101 testfmt("2.718282", "%.*f", -2, 2.7182818); 102 103 testfmt("1.234568e+06", "%e", 1234567.8); 104 testfmt("1234567.800000", "%f", 1234567.8); 105 testfmt("1.23457E+06", "%G", 1234567.8); 106 testfmt("1.234568e+06", "%Le", 1234567.8L); 107 testfmt("1234567.800000", "%Lf", 1234567.8L); 108 testfmt("1.23457E+06", "%LG", 1234567.8L); 109 110 #if (LDBL_MANT_DIG > DBL_MANT_DIG) && !defined(__i386__) 111 testfmt("123456789.864210", "%Lf", 123456789.8642097531L); 112 testfmt("-1.23457E+08", "%LG", -123456789.8642097531L); 113 testfmt("123456789.8642097531", "%.10Lf", 123456789.8642097531L); 114 testfmt(" 3.141592653589793238e-4000", "%L27.18Le", 115 3.14159265358979323846e-4000L); 116 #endif 117 } 118 119 ATF_TC_WITHOUT_HEAD(infinities_and_nans); 120 ATF_TC_BODY(infinities_and_nans, tc) 121 { 122 123 ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); 124 125 testfmt("nan", "%e", NAN); 126 testfmt("NAN", "%F", NAN); 127 testfmt("nan", "%g", NAN); 128 testfmt("NAN", "%LE", (long double)NAN); 129 testfmt(" nan", "%05e", NAN); 130 131 testfmt("INF", "%E", HUGE_VAL); 132 testfmt("-inf", "%f", -HUGE_VAL); 133 testfmt("+inf", "%+g", HUGE_VAL); 134 testfmt(" inf", "%4.2Le", HUGE_VALL); 135 testfmt("-inf", "%Lf", -HUGE_VALL); 136 testfmt(" inf", "%05e", HUGE_VAL); 137 testfmt(" -inf", "%05e", -HUGE_VAL); 138 } 139 140 ATF_TC_WITHOUT_HEAD(padding); 141 ATF_TC_BODY(padding, tc) 142 { 143 144 ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); 145 146 testfmt("0.000000e+00", "%e", 0.0); 147 testfmt("0.000000", "%F", (double)0.0); 148 testfmt("0", "%G", 0.0); 149 testfmt(" 0", "%3.0Lg", 0.0L); 150 testfmt(" 0", "%5.0f", 0.001); 151 } 152 153 ATF_TC_WITHOUT_HEAD(precision_specifiers); 154 ATF_TC_BODY(precision_specifiers, tc) 155 { 156 157 ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); 158 159 testfmt("1.0123e+00", "%.4e", 1.0123456789); 160 testfmt("1.0123", "%.4f", 1.0123456789); 161 testfmt("1.012", "%.4g", 1.0123456789); 162 testfmt("1.2346e-02", "%.4e", 0.0123456789); 163 testfmt("0.0123", "%.4f", 0.0123456789); 164 testfmt("0.01235", "%.4g", 0.0123456789); 165 } 166 167 ATF_TC_WITHOUT_HEAD(thousands_separator_and_other_locale_tests); 168 ATF_TC_BODY(thousands_separator_and_other_locale_tests, tc) 169 { 170 171 ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); 172 173 testfmt("12345678.0625", "%'.04f", 12345678.0625); 174 testfmt("0012345678.0625", "%'015.4F", 12345678.0625); 175 176 ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "hi_IN.ISCII-DEV")); /* grouping == 2;3 */ 177 testfmt("1,23,45,678.0625", "%'.4f", 12345678.0625); 178 testfmt("01,23,45,678.0625", "%'017.4F", 12345678.0625); 179 testfmt(" 9,000", "%'6.0f", 9000.0); 180 testfmt("9,000.0", "%'.1f", 9000.0); 181 182 ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "ru_RU.ISO8859-5")); /* decimalpoint==, */ 183 testfmt("3,1415", "%g", 3.1415); 184 185 /* thousands=. decimalpoint=, grouping=3;3 */ 186 ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "el_GR.ISO8859-7")); /* decimalpoint==, */ 187 testfmt("1.234,00", "%'.2f", 1234.00); 188 testfmt("123.456,789", "%'.3f", 123456.789); 189 190 ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); 191 testfmt("12345678.062500", "%'f", 12345678.0625); 192 testfmt("9000.000000", "%'f", 9000.0); 193 } 194 195 ATF_TC_WITHOUT_HEAD(signed_conversions); 196 ATF_TC_BODY(signed_conversions, tc) 197 { 198 199 ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); 200 201 testfmt("+2.500000e-01", "%+e", 0.25); 202 testfmt("+0.000000", "%+F", 0.0); 203 testfmt("-1", "%+g", -1.0); 204 205 testfmt("-1.000000e+00", "% e", -1.0); 206 testfmt("+1.000000", "% +f", 1.0); 207 testfmt(" 1", "% g", 1.0); 208 testfmt(" 0", "% g", 0.0); 209 } 210 211 ATF_TC_WITHOUT_HEAD(alternate_form); 212 ATF_TC_BODY(alternate_form, tc) 213 { 214 215 ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); 216 217 testfmt("1.250e+00", "%#.3e", 1.25); 218 testfmt("123.000000", "%#f", 123.0); 219 testfmt(" 12345.", "%#7.5g", 12345.0); 220 testfmt(" 1.00000", "%#8g", 1.0); 221 testfmt("0.0", "%#.2g", 0.0); 222 } 223 224 ATF_TC_WITHOUT_HEAD(padding_and_decimal_point_placement); 225 ATF_TC_BODY(padding_and_decimal_point_placement, tc) 226 { 227 228 ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); 229 230 testfmt("03.2E+00", "%08.1E", 3.25); 231 testfmt("003.25", "%06.2F", 3.25); 232 testfmt("0003.25", "%07.4G", 3.25); 233 234 testfmt("3.14159e-05", "%g", 3.14159e-5); 235 testfmt("0.000314159", "%g", 3.14159e-4); 236 testfmt("3.14159e+06", "%g", 3.14159e6); 237 testfmt("314159", "%g", 3.14159e5); 238 testfmt("314159.", "%#g", 3.14159e5); 239 240 testfmt(" 9.000000e+03", "%13e", 9000.0); 241 testfmt(" 9000.000000", "%12f", 9000.0); 242 testfmt(" 9000", "%5g", 9000.0); 243 testfmt(" 900000.", "%#8g", 900000.0); 244 testfmt(" 9e+06", "%6g", 9000000.0); 245 testfmt(" 9.000000e-04", "%13e", 0.0009); 246 testfmt(" 0.000900", "%9f", 0.0009); 247 testfmt(" 0.0009", "%7g", 0.0009); 248 testfmt(" 9e-05", "%6g", 0.00009); 249 testfmt(" 9.00000e-05", "%#12g", 0.00009); 250 testfmt(" 9.e-05", "%#7.1g", 0.00009); 251 252 testfmt(" 0.0", "%4.1f", 0.0); 253 testfmt("90.0", "%4.1f", 90.0); 254 testfmt(" 100", "%4.0f", 100.0); 255 testfmt("9.0e+01", "%4.1e", 90.0); 256 testfmt("1e+02", "%4.0e", 100.0); 257 } 258 259 ATF_TC_WITHOUT_HEAD(decimal_rounding); 260 ATF_TC_BODY(decimal_rounding, tc) 261 { 262 263 ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); 264 265 fesetround(FE_DOWNWARD); 266 testfmt("4.437", "%.3f", 4.4375); 267 testfmt("-4.438", "%.3f", -4.4375); 268 testfmt("4.437", "%.3Lf", 4.4375L); 269 testfmt("-4.438", "%.3Lf", -4.4375L); 270 271 fesetround(FE_UPWARD); 272 testfmt("4.438", "%.3f", 4.4375); 273 testfmt("-4.437", "%.3f", -4.4375); 274 testfmt("4.438", "%.3Lf", 4.4375L); 275 testfmt("-4.437", "%.3Lf", -4.4375L); 276 277 fesetround(FE_TOWARDZERO); 278 testfmt("4.437", "%.3f", 4.4375); 279 testfmt("-4.437", "%.3f", -4.4375); 280 testfmt("4.437", "%.3Lf", 4.4375L); 281 testfmt("-4.437", "%.3Lf", -4.4375L); 282 283 fesetround(FE_TONEAREST); 284 testfmt("4.438", "%.3f", 4.4375); 285 testfmt("-4.438", "%.3f", -4.4375); 286 testfmt("4.438", "%.3Lf", 4.4375L); 287 testfmt("-4.438", "%.3Lf", -4.4375L); 288 } 289 290 ATF_TC_WITHOUT_HEAD(hexadecimal_floating_point); 291 ATF_TC_BODY(hexadecimal_floating_point, tc) 292 { 293 294 ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); 295 296 /* 297 * Hexadecimal floating point (%a, %A) tests. Some of these 298 * are only valid if the implementation converts to hex digits 299 * on nibble boundaries. 300 */ 301 testfmt("0x0p+0", "%a", 0x0.0p0); 302 testfmt("0X0.P+0", "%#LA", 0x0.0p0L); 303 testfmt("inf", "%La", (long double)INFINITY); 304 testfmt("+INF", "%+A", INFINITY); 305 testfmt("nan", "%La", (long double)NAN); 306 testfmt("NAN", "%A", NAN); 307 308 testfmt(" 0x1.23p+0", "%10a", 0x1.23p0); 309 testfmt(" 0x1.23p-500", "%12a", 0x1.23p-500); 310 testfmt(" 0x1.2p+40", "%10.1a", 0x1.23p40); 311 testfmt(" 0X1.230000000000000000000000P-4", "%32.24A", 0x1.23p-4); 312 testfmt("0x1p-1074", "%a", 0x1p-1074); 313 testfmt("0x1.2345p-1024", "%a", 0x1.2345p-1024); 314 315 #if (LDBL_MANT_DIG == 64) 316 testfmt("0x1.921fb54442d18468p+1", "%La", 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp0L); 317 testfmt("0x1p-16445", "%La", 0x1p-16445L); 318 testfmt("0x1.30ecap-16381", "%La", 0x9.8765p-16384L); 319 #elif (LDBL_MANT_DIG == 113) 320 testfmt("0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+1", "%La", 321 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p0L); 322 testfmt("0x1p-16494", "%La", 0x1p-16494L); 323 testfmt("0x1.2345p-16384", "%La", 0x1.2345p-16384L); 324 #else 325 testfmt("0x1.921fb54442d18p+1", "%La", 0x3.243f6a8885a31p0L); 326 testfmt("0x1p-1074", "%La", 0x1p-1074L); 327 testfmt("0x1.30ecap-1021", "%La", 0x9.8765p-1024L); 328 #endif 329 } 330 331 ATF_TC_WITHOUT_HEAD(hexadecimal_rounding); 332 ATF_TC_BODY(hexadecimal_rounding, tc) 333 { 334 335 ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); 336 337 fesetround(FE_TOWARDZERO); 338 testfmt("0X1.23456789ABCP+0", "%.11A", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); 339 testfmt("-0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", -0x1.23456789abcdep0); 340 testfmt("0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); 341 testfmt("0x1.234567p+0", "%.6a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); 342 testfmt("-0x1.234566p+0", "%.6a", -0x1.23456689abcdep0); 343 344 fesetround(FE_DOWNWARD); 345 testfmt("0X1.23456789ABCP+0", "%.11A", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); 346 testfmt("-0x1.23457p+0", "%.5a", -0x1.23456789abcdep0); 347 testfmt("0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); 348 testfmt("0x1.234567p+0", "%.6a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); 349 testfmt("-0x1.234567p+0", "%.6a", -0x1.23456689abcdep0); 350 351 fesetround(FE_UPWARD); 352 testfmt("0X1.23456789ABDP+0", "%.11A", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); 353 testfmt("-0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", -0x1.23456789abcdep0); 354 testfmt("0x1.23457p+0", "%.5a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); 355 testfmt("0x1.234568p+0", "%.6a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); 356 testfmt("-0x1.234566p+0", "%.6a", -0x1.23456689abcdep0); 357 358 fesetround(FE_TONEAREST); 359 testfmt("0x1.23456789abcdep+4", "%a", 0x1.23456789abcdep4); 360 testfmt("0X1.23456789ABDP+0", "%.11A", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); 361 testfmt("-0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", -0x1.23456789abcdep0); 362 testfmt("0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); 363 testfmt("0x1.234568p+0", "%.6a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); 364 testfmt("-0x1.234567p+0", "%.6a", -0x1.23456689abcdep0); 365 testfmt("0x1.00p-1029", "%.2a", 0x1.fffp-1030); 366 testfmt("0x1.00p-1026", "%.2a", 0xf.fffp-1030); 367 testfmt("0x1.83p+0", "%.2a", 1.51); 368 } 369 370 ATF_TC_WITHOUT_HEAD(subnormal_double); 371 ATF_TC_BODY(subnormal_double, tc) 372 { 373 /* Regression test for https://bugs.freebsd.org/253847 */ 374 double positive = __DBL_DENORM_MIN__; 375 testfmt("4.9406564584124654418e-324", "%20.20g", positive); 376 testfmt("4.9406564584124654418E-324", "%20.20G", positive); 377 testfmt("0x1p-1074", "%a", positive); 378 testfmt("0X1P-1074", "%A", positive); 379 double negative = -__DBL_DENORM_MIN__; 380 testfmt("-4.9406564584124654418e-324", "%20.20g", negative); 381 testfmt("-4.9406564584124654418E-324", "%20.20G", negative); 382 testfmt("-0x1p-1074", "%a", negative); 383 testfmt("-0X1P-1074", "%A", negative); 384 } 385 386 ATF_TC_WITHOUT_HEAD(subnormal_float); 387 ATF_TC_BODY(subnormal_float, tc) 388 { 389 float positive = __FLT_DENORM_MIN__; 390 testfmt("1.4012984643248170709e-45", "%20.20g", positive); 391 testfmt("1.4012984643248170709E-45", "%20.20G", positive); 392 testfmt("0x1p-149", "%a", positive); 393 testfmt("0X1P-149", "%A", positive); 394 float negative = -__FLT_DENORM_MIN__; 395 testfmt("-1.4012984643248170709e-45", "%20.20g", negative); 396 testfmt("-1.4012984643248170709E-45", "%20.20G", negative); 397 testfmt("-0x1p-149", "%a", negative); 398 testfmt("-0X1P-149", "%A", negative); 399 } 400 401 ATF_TP_ADD_TCS(tp) 402 { 403 404 ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, float_within_limits); 405 ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, infinities_and_nans); 406 ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, padding); 407 ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, precision_specifiers); 408 ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, thousands_separator_and_other_locale_tests); 409 ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, signed_conversions); 410 ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, alternate_form); 411 ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, padding_and_decimal_point_placement); 412 ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, decimal_rounding); 413 ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, hexadecimal_floating_point); 414 ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, hexadecimal_rounding); 415 ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, subnormal_double); 416 ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, subnormal_float); 417 418 return (atf_no_error()); 419 } 420