1.\" $Id$ 2.\" @(#)rpc.5 2.2 88/08/03 4.0 RPCSRC; from 1.4 87/11/27 SMI; 3.Dd September 26, 1985 4.Dt RPC 5 5.Sh NAME 6.Nm rpc 7.Nd rpc program number data base 8.Sh SYNOPSIS 9/etc/rpc 10.Sh DESCRIPTION 11The 12.Pa /etc/rpc 13file contains user readable names that 14can be used in place of rpc program numbers. 15Each line has the following information: 16.Pp 17.Bl -bullet -compact 18.It 19name of server for the rpc program 20.It 21rpc program number 22.It 23aliases 24.El 25.Pp 26Items are separated by any number of blanks and/or 27tab characters. 28A ``#'' indicates the beginning of a comment; characters up to the end of 29the line are not interpreted by routines which search the file. 30.Sh FILES 31.Bl -tag -compact -width /etc/rpc 32.Pa /etc/rpc 33.El 34.Sh "SEE ALSO" 35.Xr getrpcent 3 36