1 /* $NetBSD: clnt_dg.c,v 1.4 2000/07/14 08:40:41 fvdl Exp $ */ 2 3 /* 4 * Sun RPC is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and is provided for 5 * unrestricted use provided that this legend is included on all tape 6 * media and as a part of the software program in whole or part. Users 7 * may copy or modify Sun RPC without charge, but are not authorized 8 * to license or distribute it to anyone else except as part of a product or 9 * program developed by the user. 10 * 11 * SUN RPC IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING THE 12 * WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 13 * PURPOSE, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE OR TRADE PRACTICE. 14 * 15 * Sun RPC is provided with no support and without any obligation on the 16 * part of Sun Microsystems, Inc. to assist in its use, correction, 17 * modification or enhancement. 18 * 19 * SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE 20 * INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHTS, TRADE SECRETS OR ANY PATENTS BY SUN RPC 21 * OR ANY PART THEREOF. 22 * 23 * In no event will Sun Microsystems, Inc. be liable for any lost revenue 24 * or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if 25 * Sun has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 26 * 27 * Sun Microsystems, Inc. 28 * 2550 Garcia Avenue 29 * Mountain View, California 94043 30 */ 31 /* 32 * Copyright (c) 1986-1991 by Sun Microsystems Inc. 33 */ 34 35 #if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint) 36 #ident "@(#)clnt_dg.c 1.23 94/04/22 SMI" 37 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)clnt_dg.c 1.19 89/03/16 Copyr 1988 Sun Micro"; 38 #endif 39 #include <sys/cdefs.h> 40 __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); 41 42 /* 43 * Implements a connectionless client side RPC. 44 */ 45 46 #include "namespace.h" 47 #include "reentrant.h" 48 #include <sys/types.h> 49 #include <sys/event.h> 50 #include <sys/time.h> 51 #include <sys/socket.h> 52 #include <sys/ioctl.h> 53 #include <arpa/inet.h> 54 #include <rpc/rpc.h> 55 #include <errno.h> 56 #include <stdlib.h> 57 #include <string.h> 58 #include <signal.h> 59 #include <unistd.h> 60 #include <err.h> 61 #include "un-namespace.h" 62 #include "rpc_com.h" 63 64 65 #define RPC_MAX_BACKOFF 30 /* seconds */ 66 67 68 static struct clnt_ops *clnt_dg_ops(void); 69 static bool_t time_not_ok(struct timeval *); 70 static enum clnt_stat clnt_dg_call(CLIENT *, rpcproc_t, xdrproc_t, void *, 71 xdrproc_t, void *, struct timeval); 72 static void clnt_dg_geterr(CLIENT *, struct rpc_err *); 73 static bool_t clnt_dg_freeres(CLIENT *, xdrproc_t, void *); 74 static void clnt_dg_abort(CLIENT *); 75 static bool_t clnt_dg_control(CLIENT *, u_int, void *); 76 static void clnt_dg_destroy(CLIENT *); 77 78 79 80 81 /* 82 * This machinery implements per-fd locks for MT-safety. It is not 83 * sufficient to do per-CLIENT handle locks for MT-safety because a 84 * user may create more than one CLIENT handle with the same fd behind 85 * it. Therfore, we allocate an array of flags (dg_fd_locks), protected 86 * by the clnt_fd_lock mutex, and an array (dg_cv) of condition variables 87 * similarly protected. Dg_fd_lock[fd] == 1 => a call is activte on some 88 * CLIENT handle created for that fd. 89 * The current implementation holds locks across the entire RPC and reply, 90 * including retransmissions. Yes, this is silly, and as soon as this 91 * code is proven to work, this should be the first thing fixed. One step 92 * at a time. 93 */ 94 static int *dg_fd_locks; 95 extern mutex_t clnt_fd_lock; 96 static cond_t *dg_cv; 97 #define release_fd_lock(fd, mask) { \ 98 mutex_lock(&clnt_fd_lock); \ 99 dg_fd_locks[fd] = 0; \ 100 mutex_unlock(&clnt_fd_lock); \ 101 thr_sigsetmask(SIG_SETMASK, &(mask), NULL); \ 102 cond_signal(&dg_cv[fd]); \ 103 } 104 105 static const char mem_err_clnt_dg[] = "clnt_dg_create: out of memory"; 106 107 /* VARIABLES PROTECTED BY clnt_fd_lock: dg_fd_locks, dg_cv */ 108 109 /* 110 * Private data kept per client handle 111 */ 112 struct cu_data { 113 int cu_fd; /* connections fd */ 114 bool_t cu_closeit; /* opened by library */ 115 struct sockaddr_storage cu_raddr; /* remote address */ 116 int cu_rlen; 117 struct timeval cu_wait; /* retransmit interval */ 118 struct timeval cu_total; /* total time for the call */ 119 struct rpc_err cu_error; 120 XDR cu_outxdrs; 121 u_int cu_xdrpos; 122 u_int cu_sendsz; /* send size */ 123 char *cu_outbuf; 124 u_int cu_recvsz; /* recv size */ 125 int cu_async; 126 int cu_connect; /* Use connect(). */ 127 int cu_connected; /* Have done connect(). */ 128 struct kevent cu_kin; 129 int cu_kq; 130 char cu_inbuf[1]; 131 }; 132 133 /* 134 * Connection less client creation returns with client handle parameters. 135 * Default options are set, which the user can change using clnt_control(). 136 * fd should be open and bound. 137 * NB: The rpch->cl_auth is initialized to null authentication. 138 * Caller may wish to set this something more useful. 139 * 140 * sendsz and recvsz are the maximum allowable packet sizes that can be 141 * sent and received. Normally they are the same, but they can be 142 * changed to improve the program efficiency and buffer allocation. 143 * If they are 0, use the transport default. 144 * 145 * If svcaddr is NULL, returns NULL. 146 */ 147 CLIENT * 148 clnt_dg_create(fd, svcaddr, program, version, sendsz, recvsz) 149 int fd; /* open file descriptor */ 150 const struct netbuf *svcaddr; /* servers address */ 151 rpcprog_t program; /* program number */ 152 rpcvers_t version; /* version number */ 153 u_int sendsz; /* buffer recv size */ 154 u_int recvsz; /* buffer send size */ 155 { 156 CLIENT *cl = NULL; /* client handle */ 157 struct cu_data *cu = NULL; /* private data */ 158 struct timeval now; 159 struct rpc_msg call_msg; 160 sigset_t mask; 161 sigset_t newmask; 162 struct __rpc_sockinfo si; 163 int one = 1; 164 165 sigfillset(&newmask); 166 thr_sigsetmask(SIG_SETMASK, &newmask, &mask); 167 mutex_lock(&clnt_fd_lock); 168 if (dg_fd_locks == (int *) NULL) { 169 int cv_allocsz; 170 size_t fd_allocsz; 171 int dtbsize = __rpc_dtbsize(); 172 173 fd_allocsz = dtbsize * sizeof (int); 174 dg_fd_locks = (int *) mem_alloc(fd_allocsz); 175 if (dg_fd_locks == (int *) NULL) { 176 mutex_unlock(&clnt_fd_lock); 177 thr_sigsetmask(SIG_SETMASK, &(mask), NULL); 178 goto err1; 179 } else 180 memset(dg_fd_locks, '\0', fd_allocsz); 181 182 cv_allocsz = dtbsize * sizeof (cond_t); 183 dg_cv = (cond_t *) mem_alloc(cv_allocsz); 184 if (dg_cv == (cond_t *) NULL) { 185 mem_free(dg_fd_locks, fd_allocsz); 186 dg_fd_locks = (int *) NULL; 187 mutex_unlock(&clnt_fd_lock); 188 thr_sigsetmask(SIG_SETMASK, &(mask), NULL); 189 goto err1; 190 } else { 191 int i; 192 193 for (i = 0; i < dtbsize; i++) 194 cond_init(&dg_cv[i], 0, (void *) 0); 195 } 196 } 197 198 mutex_unlock(&clnt_fd_lock); 199 thr_sigsetmask(SIG_SETMASK, &(mask), NULL); 200 201 if (svcaddr == NULL) { 202 rpc_createerr.cf_stat = RPC_UNKNOWNADDR; 203 return (NULL); 204 } 205 206 if (!__rpc_fd2sockinfo(fd, &si)) { 207 rpc_createerr.cf_stat = RPC_TLIERROR; 208 rpc_createerr.cf_error.re_errno = 0; 209 return (NULL); 210 } 211 /* 212 * Find the receive and the send size 213 */ 214 sendsz = __rpc_get_t_size(si.si_af, si.si_proto, (int)sendsz); 215 recvsz = __rpc_get_t_size(si.si_af, si.si_proto, (int)recvsz); 216 if ((sendsz == 0) || (recvsz == 0)) { 217 rpc_createerr.cf_stat = RPC_TLIERROR; /* XXX */ 218 rpc_createerr.cf_error.re_errno = 0; 219 return (NULL); 220 } 221 222 if ((cl = mem_alloc(sizeof (CLIENT))) == NULL) 223 goto err1; 224 /* 225 * Should be multiple of 4 for XDR. 226 */ 227 sendsz = ((sendsz + 3) / 4) * 4; 228 recvsz = ((recvsz + 3) / 4) * 4; 229 cu = mem_alloc(sizeof (*cu) + sendsz + recvsz); 230 if (cu == NULL) 231 goto err1; 232 (void) memcpy(&cu->cu_raddr, svcaddr->buf, (size_t)svcaddr->len); 233 cu->cu_rlen = svcaddr->len; 234 cu->cu_outbuf = &cu->cu_inbuf[recvsz]; 235 /* Other values can also be set through clnt_control() */ 236 cu->cu_wait.tv_sec = 15; /* heuristically chosen */ 237 cu->cu_wait.tv_usec = 0; 238 cu->cu_total.tv_sec = -1; 239 cu->cu_total.tv_usec = -1; 240 cu->cu_sendsz = sendsz; 241 cu->cu_recvsz = recvsz; 242 cu->cu_async = FALSE; 243 cu->cu_connect = FALSE; 244 cu->cu_connected = FALSE; 245 (void) gettimeofday(&now, NULL); 246 call_msg.rm_xid = __RPC_GETXID(&now); 247 call_msg.rm_call.cb_prog = program; 248 call_msg.rm_call.cb_vers = version; 249 xdrmem_create(&(cu->cu_outxdrs), cu->cu_outbuf, sendsz, XDR_ENCODE); 250 if (! xdr_callhdr(&(cu->cu_outxdrs), &call_msg)) { 251 rpc_createerr.cf_stat = RPC_CANTENCODEARGS; /* XXX */ 252 rpc_createerr.cf_error.re_errno = 0; 253 goto err2; 254 } 255 cu->cu_xdrpos = XDR_GETPOS(&(cu->cu_outxdrs)); 256 257 /* XXX fvdl - do we still want this? */ 258 #if 0 259 (void)bindresvport_sa(fd, (struct sockaddr *)svcaddr->buf); 260 #endif 261 _ioctl(fd, FIONBIO, (char *)(void *)&one); 262 263 /* 264 * By default, closeit is always FALSE. It is users responsibility 265 * to do a close on it, else the user may use clnt_control 266 * to let clnt_destroy do it for him/her. 267 */ 268 cu->cu_closeit = FALSE; 269 cu->cu_fd = fd; 270 cl->cl_ops = clnt_dg_ops(); 271 cl->cl_private = (caddr_t)(void *)cu; 272 cl->cl_auth = authnone_create(); 273 cl->cl_tp = NULL; 274 cl->cl_netid = NULL; 275 cu->cu_kq = -1; 276 EV_SET(&cu->cu_kin, cu->cu_fd, EVFILT_READ, EV_ADD, 0, 0, 0); 277 return (cl); 278 err1: 279 warnx(mem_err_clnt_dg); 280 rpc_createerr.cf_stat = RPC_SYSTEMERROR; 281 rpc_createerr.cf_error.re_errno = errno; 282 err2: 283 if (cl) { 284 mem_free(cl, sizeof (CLIENT)); 285 if (cu) 286 mem_free(cu, sizeof (*cu) + sendsz + recvsz); 287 } 288 return (NULL); 289 } 290 291 static enum clnt_stat 292 clnt_dg_call(cl, proc, xargs, argsp, xresults, resultsp, utimeout) 293 CLIENT *cl; /* client handle */ 294 rpcproc_t proc; /* procedure number */ 295 xdrproc_t xargs; /* xdr routine for args */ 296 void *argsp; /* pointer to args */ 297 xdrproc_t xresults; /* xdr routine for results */ 298 void *resultsp; /* pointer to results */ 299 struct timeval utimeout; /* seconds to wait before giving up */ 300 { 301 struct cu_data *cu = (struct cu_data *)cl->cl_private; 302 XDR *xdrs; 303 size_t outlen = 0; 304 struct rpc_msg reply_msg; 305 XDR reply_xdrs; 306 bool_t ok; 307 int nrefreshes = 2; /* number of times to refresh cred */ 308 struct timeval timeout; 309 struct timeval retransmit_time; 310 struct timeval next_sendtime, starttime, time_waited, tv; 311 struct timespec ts; 312 struct kevent kv; 313 struct sockaddr *sa; 314 sigset_t mask; 315 sigset_t newmask; 316 socklen_t inlen, salen; 317 ssize_t recvlen = 0; 318 int kin_len, n, rpc_lock_value; 319 u_int32_t xid; 320 321 outlen = 0; 322 sigfillset(&newmask); 323 thr_sigsetmask(SIG_SETMASK, &newmask, &mask); 324 mutex_lock(&clnt_fd_lock); 325 while (dg_fd_locks[cu->cu_fd]) 326 cond_wait(&dg_cv[cu->cu_fd], &clnt_fd_lock); 327 if (__isthreaded) 328 rpc_lock_value = 1; 329 else 330 rpc_lock_value = 0; 331 dg_fd_locks[cu->cu_fd] = rpc_lock_value; 332 mutex_unlock(&clnt_fd_lock); 333 if (cu->cu_total.tv_usec == -1) { 334 timeout = utimeout; /* use supplied timeout */ 335 } else { 336 timeout = cu->cu_total; /* use default timeout */ 337 } 338 339 if (cu->cu_connect && !cu->cu_connected) { 340 if (_connect(cu->cu_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&cu->cu_raddr, 341 cu->cu_rlen) < 0) { 342 cu->cu_error.re_errno = errno; 343 cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_CANTSEND; 344 goto out; 345 } 346 cu->cu_connected = 1; 347 } 348 if (cu->cu_connected) { 349 sa = NULL; 350 salen = 0; 351 } else { 352 sa = (struct sockaddr *)&cu->cu_raddr; 353 salen = cu->cu_rlen; 354 } 355 time_waited.tv_sec = 0; 356 time_waited.tv_usec = 0; 357 retransmit_time = next_sendtime = cu->cu_wait; 358 gettimeofday(&starttime, NULL); 359 360 /* Clean up in case the last call ended in a longjmp(3) call. */ 361 if (cu->cu_kq >= 0) 362 _close(cu->cu_kq); 363 if ((cu->cu_kq = kqueue()) < 0) { 364 cu->cu_error.re_errno = errno; 365 cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_CANTSEND; 366 goto out; 367 } 368 kin_len = 1; 369 370 call_again: 371 xdrs = &(cu->cu_outxdrs); 372 if (cu->cu_async == TRUE && xargs == NULL) 373 goto get_reply; 374 xdrs->x_op = XDR_ENCODE; 375 XDR_SETPOS(xdrs, cu->cu_xdrpos); 376 /* 377 * the transaction is the first thing in the out buffer 378 * XXX Yes, and it's in network byte order, so we should to 379 * be careful when we increment it, shouldn't we. 380 */ 381 xid = ntohl(*(u_int32_t *)(void *)(cu->cu_outbuf)); 382 xid++; 383 *(u_int32_t *)(void *)(cu->cu_outbuf) = htonl(xid); 384 385 if ((! XDR_PUTINT32(xdrs, &proc)) || 386 (! AUTH_MARSHALL(cl->cl_auth, xdrs)) || 387 (! (*xargs)(xdrs, argsp))) { 388 cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_CANTENCODEARGS; 389 goto out; 390 } 391 outlen = (size_t)XDR_GETPOS(xdrs); 392 393 send_again: 394 if (_sendto(cu->cu_fd, cu->cu_outbuf, outlen, 0, sa, salen) != outlen) { 395 cu->cu_error.re_errno = errno; 396 cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_CANTSEND; 397 goto out; 398 } 399 400 /* 401 * Hack to provide rpc-based message passing 402 */ 403 if (timeout.tv_sec == 0 && timeout.tv_usec == 0) { 404 cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_TIMEDOUT; 405 goto out; 406 } 407 408 get_reply: 409 410 /* 411 * sub-optimal code appears here because we have 412 * some clock time to spare while the packets are in flight. 413 * (We assume that this is actually only executed once.) 414 */ 415 reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf = _null_auth; 416 reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.where = resultsp; 417 reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.proc = xresults; 418 419 for (;;) { 420 /* Decide how long to wait. */ 421 if (timercmp(&next_sendtime, &timeout, <)) 422 timersub(&next_sendtime, &time_waited, &tv); 423 else 424 timersub(&timeout, &time_waited, &tv); 425 if (tv.tv_sec < 0 || tv.tv_usec < 0) 426 tv.tv_sec = tv.tv_usec = 0; 427 TIMEVAL_TO_TIMESPEC(&tv, &ts); 428 429 n = _kevent(cu->cu_kq, &cu->cu_kin, kin_len, &kv, 1, &ts); 430 /* We don't need to register the event again. */ 431 kin_len = 0; 432 433 if (n == 1) { 434 if (kv.flags & EV_ERROR) { 435 cu->cu_error.re_errno = kv.data; 436 cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_CANTRECV; 437 goto out; 438 } 439 /* We have some data now */ 440 do { 441 recvlen = _recvfrom(cu->cu_fd, cu->cu_inbuf, 442 cu->cu_recvsz, 0, NULL, NULL); 443 } while (recvlen < 0 && errno == EINTR); 444 if (recvlen < 0 && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) { 445 cu->cu_error.re_errno = errno; 446 cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_CANTRECV; 447 goto out; 448 } 449 if (recvlen >= sizeof(u_int32_t) && 450 (cu->cu_async == TRUE || 451 *((u_int32_t *)(void *)(cu->cu_inbuf)) == 452 *((u_int32_t *)(void *)(cu->cu_outbuf)))) { 453 /* We now assume we have the proper reply. */ 454 break; 455 } 456 } 457 if (n == -1 && errno != EINTR) { 458 cu->cu_error.re_errno = errno; 459 cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_CANTRECV; 460 goto out; 461 } 462 gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); 463 timersub(&tv, &starttime, &time_waited); 464 465 /* Check for timeout. */ 466 if (timercmp(&time_waited, &timeout, >)) { 467 cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_TIMEDOUT; 468 goto out; 469 } 470 471 /* Retransmit if necessary. */ 472 if (timercmp(&time_waited, &next_sendtime, >)) { 473 /* update retransmit_time */ 474 if (retransmit_time.tv_sec < RPC_MAX_BACKOFF) 475 timeradd(&retransmit_time, &retransmit_time, 476 &retransmit_time); 477 timeradd(&next_sendtime, &retransmit_time, 478 &next_sendtime); 479 goto send_again; 480 } 481 } 482 inlen = (socklen_t)recvlen; 483 484 /* 485 * now decode and validate the response 486 */ 487 488 xdrmem_create(&reply_xdrs, cu->cu_inbuf, (u_int)recvlen, XDR_DECODE); 489 ok = xdr_replymsg(&reply_xdrs, &reply_msg); 490 /* XDR_DESTROY(&reply_xdrs); save a few cycles on noop destroy */ 491 if (ok) { 492 if ((reply_msg.rm_reply.rp_stat == MSG_ACCEPTED) && 493 (reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_stat == SUCCESS)) 494 cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_SUCCESS; 495 else 496 _seterr_reply(&reply_msg, &(cu->cu_error)); 497 498 if (cu->cu_error.re_status == RPC_SUCCESS) { 499 if (! AUTH_VALIDATE(cl->cl_auth, 500 &reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf)) { 501 cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_AUTHERROR; 502 cu->cu_error.re_why = AUTH_INVALIDRESP; 503 } 504 if (reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf.oa_base != NULL) { 505 xdrs->x_op = XDR_FREE; 506 (void) xdr_opaque_auth(xdrs, 507 &(reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf)); 508 } 509 } /* end successful completion */ 510 /* 511 * If unsuccesful AND error is an authentication error 512 * then refresh credentials and try again, else break 513 */ 514 else if (cu->cu_error.re_status == RPC_AUTHERROR) 515 /* maybe our credentials need to be refreshed ... */ 516 if (nrefreshes > 0 && 517 AUTH_REFRESH(cl->cl_auth, &reply_msg)) { 518 nrefreshes--; 519 goto call_again; 520 } 521 /* end of unsuccessful completion */ 522 } /* end of valid reply message */ 523 else { 524 cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_CANTDECODERES; 525 526 } 527 out: 528 if (cu->cu_kq >= 0) 529 _close(cu->cu_kq); 530 cu->cu_kq = -1; 531 release_fd_lock(cu->cu_fd, mask); 532 return (cu->cu_error.re_status); 533 } 534 535 static void 536 clnt_dg_geterr(cl, errp) 537 CLIENT *cl; 538 struct rpc_err *errp; 539 { 540 struct cu_data *cu = (struct cu_data *)cl->cl_private; 541 542 *errp = cu->cu_error; 543 } 544 545 static bool_t 546 clnt_dg_freeres(cl, xdr_res, res_ptr) 547 CLIENT *cl; 548 xdrproc_t xdr_res; 549 void *res_ptr; 550 { 551 struct cu_data *cu = (struct cu_data *)cl->cl_private; 552 XDR *xdrs = &(cu->cu_outxdrs); 553 bool_t dummy; 554 sigset_t mask; 555 sigset_t newmask; 556 557 sigfillset(&newmask); 558 thr_sigsetmask(SIG_SETMASK, &newmask, &mask); 559 mutex_lock(&clnt_fd_lock); 560 while (dg_fd_locks[cu->cu_fd]) 561 cond_wait(&dg_cv[cu->cu_fd], &clnt_fd_lock); 562 xdrs->x_op = XDR_FREE; 563 dummy = (*xdr_res)(xdrs, res_ptr); 564 mutex_unlock(&clnt_fd_lock); 565 thr_sigsetmask(SIG_SETMASK, &mask, NULL); 566 cond_signal(&dg_cv[cu->cu_fd]); 567 return (dummy); 568 } 569 570 /*ARGSUSED*/ 571 static void 572 clnt_dg_abort(h) 573 CLIENT *h; 574 { 575 } 576 577 static bool_t 578 clnt_dg_control(cl, request, info) 579 CLIENT *cl; 580 u_int request; 581 void *info; 582 { 583 struct cu_data *cu = (struct cu_data *)cl->cl_private; 584 struct netbuf *addr; 585 sigset_t mask; 586 sigset_t newmask; 587 int rpc_lock_value; 588 589 sigfillset(&newmask); 590 thr_sigsetmask(SIG_SETMASK, &newmask, &mask); 591 mutex_lock(&clnt_fd_lock); 592 while (dg_fd_locks[cu->cu_fd]) 593 cond_wait(&dg_cv[cu->cu_fd], &clnt_fd_lock); 594 if (__isthreaded) 595 rpc_lock_value = 1; 596 else 597 rpc_lock_value = 0; 598 dg_fd_locks[cu->cu_fd] = rpc_lock_value; 599 mutex_unlock(&clnt_fd_lock); 600 switch (request) { 601 case CLSET_FD_CLOSE: 602 cu->cu_closeit = TRUE; 603 release_fd_lock(cu->cu_fd, mask); 604 return (TRUE); 605 case CLSET_FD_NCLOSE: 606 cu->cu_closeit = FALSE; 607 release_fd_lock(cu->cu_fd, mask); 608 return (TRUE); 609 } 610 611 /* for other requests which use info */ 612 if (info == NULL) { 613 release_fd_lock(cu->cu_fd, mask); 614 return (FALSE); 615 } 616 switch (request) { 617 case CLSET_TIMEOUT: 618 if (time_not_ok((struct timeval *)info)) { 619 release_fd_lock(cu->cu_fd, mask); 620 return (FALSE); 621 } 622 cu->cu_total = *(struct timeval *)info; 623 break; 624 case CLGET_TIMEOUT: 625 *(struct timeval *)info = cu->cu_total; 626 break; 627 case CLGET_SERVER_ADDR: /* Give him the fd address */ 628 /* Now obsolete. Only for backward compatibility */ 629 (void) memcpy(info, &cu->cu_raddr, (size_t)cu->cu_rlen); 630 break; 631 case CLSET_RETRY_TIMEOUT: 632 if (time_not_ok((struct timeval *)info)) { 633 release_fd_lock(cu->cu_fd, mask); 634 return (FALSE); 635 } 636 cu->cu_wait = *(struct timeval *)info; 637 break; 638 case CLGET_RETRY_TIMEOUT: 639 *(struct timeval *)info = cu->cu_wait; 640 break; 641 case CLGET_FD: 642 *(int *)info = cu->cu_fd; 643 break; 644 case CLGET_SVC_ADDR: 645 addr = (struct netbuf *)info; 646 addr->buf = &cu->cu_raddr; 647 addr->len = cu->cu_rlen; 648 addr->maxlen = sizeof cu->cu_raddr; 649 break; 650 case CLSET_SVC_ADDR: /* set to new address */ 651 addr = (struct netbuf *)info; 652 if (addr->len < sizeof cu->cu_raddr) { 653 release_fd_lock(cu->cu_fd, mask); 654 return (FALSE); 655 } 656 (void) memcpy(&cu->cu_raddr, addr->buf, addr->len); 657 cu->cu_rlen = addr->len; 658 break; 659 case CLGET_XID: 660 /* 661 * use the knowledge that xid is the 662 * first element in the call structure *. 663 * This will get the xid of the PREVIOUS call 664 */ 665 *(u_int32_t *)info = 666 ntohl(*(u_int32_t *)(void *)cu->cu_outbuf); 667 break; 668 669 case CLSET_XID: 670 /* This will set the xid of the NEXT call */ 671 *(u_int32_t *)(void *)cu->cu_outbuf = 672 htonl(*(u_int32_t *)info - 1); 673 /* decrement by 1 as clnt_dg_call() increments once */ 674 break; 675 676 case CLGET_VERS: 677 /* 678 * This RELIES on the information that, in the call body, 679 * the version number field is the fifth field from the 680 * begining of the RPC header. MUST be changed if the 681 * call_struct is changed 682 */ 683 *(u_int32_t *)info = 684 ntohl(*(u_int32_t *)(void *)(cu->cu_outbuf + 685 4 * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT)); 686 break; 687 688 case CLSET_VERS: 689 *(u_int32_t *)(void *)(cu->cu_outbuf + 4 * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT) 690 = htonl(*(u_int32_t *)info); 691 break; 692 693 case CLGET_PROG: 694 /* 695 * This RELIES on the information that, in the call body, 696 * the program number field is the fourth field from the 697 * begining of the RPC header. MUST be changed if the 698 * call_struct is changed 699 */ 700 *(u_int32_t *)info = 701 ntohl(*(u_int32_t *)(void *)(cu->cu_outbuf + 702 3 * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT)); 703 break; 704 705 case CLSET_PROG: 706 *(u_int32_t *)(void *)(cu->cu_outbuf + 3 * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT) 707 = htonl(*(u_int32_t *)info); 708 break; 709 case CLSET_ASYNC: 710 cu->cu_async = *(int *)info; 711 break; 712 case CLSET_CONNECT: 713 cu->cu_connect = *(int *)info; 714 break; 715 default: 716 release_fd_lock(cu->cu_fd, mask); 717 return (FALSE); 718 } 719 release_fd_lock(cu->cu_fd, mask); 720 return (TRUE); 721 } 722 723 static void 724 clnt_dg_destroy(cl) 725 CLIENT *cl; 726 { 727 struct cu_data *cu = (struct cu_data *)cl->cl_private; 728 int cu_fd = cu->cu_fd; 729 sigset_t mask; 730 sigset_t newmask; 731 732 sigfillset(&newmask); 733 thr_sigsetmask(SIG_SETMASK, &newmask, &mask); 734 mutex_lock(&clnt_fd_lock); 735 while (dg_fd_locks[cu_fd]) 736 cond_wait(&dg_cv[cu_fd], &clnt_fd_lock); 737 if (cu->cu_closeit) 738 (void)_close(cu_fd); 739 if (cu->cu_kq >= 0) 740 _close(cu->cu_kq); 741 XDR_DESTROY(&(cu->cu_outxdrs)); 742 mem_free(cu, (sizeof (*cu) + cu->cu_sendsz + cu->cu_recvsz)); 743 if (cl->cl_netid && cl->cl_netid[0]) 744 mem_free(cl->cl_netid, strlen(cl->cl_netid) +1); 745 if (cl->cl_tp && cl->cl_tp[0]) 746 mem_free(cl->cl_tp, strlen(cl->cl_tp) +1); 747 mem_free(cl, sizeof (CLIENT)); 748 mutex_unlock(&clnt_fd_lock); 749 thr_sigsetmask(SIG_SETMASK, &mask, NULL); 750 cond_signal(&dg_cv[cu_fd]); 751 } 752 753 static struct clnt_ops * 754 clnt_dg_ops() 755 { 756 static struct clnt_ops ops; 757 extern mutex_t ops_lock; 758 sigset_t mask; 759 sigset_t newmask; 760 761 /* VARIABLES PROTECTED BY ops_lock: ops */ 762 763 sigfillset(&newmask); 764 thr_sigsetmask(SIG_SETMASK, &newmask, &mask); 765 mutex_lock(&ops_lock); 766 if (ops.cl_call == NULL) { 767 ops.cl_call = clnt_dg_call; 768 ops.cl_abort = clnt_dg_abort; 769 ops.cl_geterr = clnt_dg_geterr; 770 ops.cl_freeres = clnt_dg_freeres; 771 ops.cl_destroy = clnt_dg_destroy; 772 ops.cl_control = clnt_dg_control; 773 } 774 mutex_unlock(&ops_lock); 775 thr_sigsetmask(SIG_SETMASK, &mask, NULL); 776 return (&ops); 777 } 778 779 /* 780 * Make sure that the time is not garbage. -1 value is allowed. 781 */ 782 static bool_t 783 time_not_ok(t) 784 struct timeval *t; 785 { 786 return (t->tv_sec < -1 || t->tv_sec > 100000000 || 787 t->tv_usec < -1 || t->tv_usec > 1000000); 788 } 789 790