1.\"- 2.\" Copyright (c) 2000 Robert N. M. Watson 3.\" All rights reserved. 4.\" 5.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 6.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 7.\" are met: 8.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 9.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 10.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 11.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 12.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 13.\" 14.\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND 15.\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 16.\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 17.\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE 18.\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL 19.\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS 20.\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) 21.\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 22.\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY 23.\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF 24.\" SUCH DAMAGE. 25.\" 26.\" $FreeBSD$ 27.\" 28.Dd January 28, 2000 29.Dt ACL_GET 3 30.Os FreeBSD 4.0 31.Sh NAME 32.Nm acl_get_fd , 33.Nm acl_get_fd_np , 34.Nm acl_get_file 35.Nd get an ACL for a file 36.Sh LIBRARY 37.Lb libposix1e 38.Sh SYNOPSIS 39.Fd #include <sys/types.h> 40.Fd #include <sys/acl.h> 41.Ft acl_t 42.Fn acl_get_file "const char *path_p" "acl_type_t type" 43.Ft acl_t 44.Fn acl_get_fd "int fd" 45.Ft acl_t 46.Fn acl_get_fd_np "int fd" "acl_type_t type" 47.Sh DESCRIPTION 48The 49.Fn acl_get_file , 50.Fn acl_get_fd , 51and 52.Fn acl_get_fd_np 53each allow the retrieval of an ACL from a file. 54.Fn acl_get_file 55is a POSIX.1e call that allows the retrieval of a 56specified type of ACL from a file by name; 57.Fn acl_get_fd 58is a POSIX.1e call that allows the retrieval of an ACL of type 59ACL_TYPE_ACCESS 60from a file descriptor. 61.Fn acl_get_fd_np 62is a non-portable form of 63.Fn acl_get_fd 64that allows the retrieval of any type of ACL from a file descriptor. 65 66This function may cause memory to be allocated. The caller should free 67any releasable memory, when the new ACL is no longer required, by calling 68.Xr acl_free 3 69with the 70.Va (void *)acl_t 71as an argument. 72 73The ACL in the working storage is an independent copy of the ACL associated 74with the object referred to by 75.Va fd . 76The ACL in the working storage shall not participate in any access control 77decisions. 78.Sh IMPLEMENTATION NOTES 79FreeBSD's support for POSIX.1e interfaces and features is still under 80development at this time. 81.Sh RETURN VALUES 82Upon successful completion, the function shall return a pointer to the ACL 83that was retrieved. Otherwise, a value of 84.Va (acl_t)NULL 85shall be returned, and 86.Va errno 87shall be set to indicate the error. 88.Sh ERRORS 89If any of the following conditions occur, the 90.Fn acl_get_fd 91function shall return a value of 92.Va (acl_t)NULL 93and set 94.Va errno 95to the corresponding value: 96.Bl -tag -width Er 97.It Bq Er EACCES 98Search permission is denied for a component of the path prefix, or the 99object exists and the process does not have appropriate access rights. 100.It Bq Er EBADF 101The 102.Va fd 103argument is not a valid file descriptor. 104.It Bq Er EINVAL 105The ACL type passed is invalid for this file object. 106.It Bq Er ENAMETOOLONG 107A component of a pathname exceeded 255 characters, or an 108entire path name exceeded 1023 characters. 109.It Bq Er ENOENT 110The named object does not exist, or the 111.Va path_p 112argument points to an empty string. 113.It Bq Er ENOMEM 114Insufficient memory available to fulfill request. 115.It Bq Er EOPNOTSUPP 116The file system does not support ACL retrieval. 117.El 118.Sh SEE ALSO 119.Xr acl 3 , 120.Xr acl_free 3 , 121.Xr acl_get 3 , 122.Xr acl_set 3 , 123.Xr posix1e 3 124.Sh STANDARDS 125POSIX.1e is described in IEEE POSIX.1e draft 17. Discussion 126of the draft continues on the cross-platform POSIX.1e implementation 127mailing list. To join this list, see the 128.Fx 129POSIX.1e implementation 130page for more information. 131.Sh HISTORY 132POSIX.1e support was introduced in 133.Fx 4.0 , 134and development continues. 135.Sh AUTHORS 136.An Robert N M Watson 137.Sh BUGS 138These features are not yet fully implemented. 139