158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" Copyright (c) 1989, 1991, 1993, 1994 258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. 358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" 458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" are met: 758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 1058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 1158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 12*fbbd9655SWarner Losh.\" 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors 1358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software 1458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" without specific prior written permission. 1558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" 1658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND 1758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 1858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 1958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE 2058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL 2158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS 2258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) 2358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 2458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY 2558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF 2658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" SUCH DAMAGE. 2758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.\" 28f6e989a6SJilles Tjoelker.Dd January 12, 2014 2958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dt FTS 3 3058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Os 3158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Sh NAME 3258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Nm fts 3358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Nd traverse a file hierarchy 3425bb73e0SAlexey Zelkin.Sh LIBRARY 3525bb73e0SAlexey Zelkin.Lb libc 3658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Sh SYNOPSIS 377d8983a2SRuslan Ermilov.In fts.h 3858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Ft FTS * 39283d23cbSJuli Mallett.Fn fts_open "char * const *path_argv" "int options" "int (*compar)(const FTSENT * const *, const FTSENT * const *)" 4058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Ft FTSENT * 4158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read "FTS *ftsp" 4258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Ft FTSENT * 4358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_children "FTS *ftsp" "int options" 4458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Ft int 452d386814SMike Pritchard.Fn fts_set "FTS *ftsp" "FTSENT *f" "int options" 460d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollman.Ft void 470d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollman.Fn fts_set_clientptr "FTS *ftsp" "void *clientdata" 480d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollman.Ft void * 490d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollman.Fn fts_get_clientptr "FTS *ftsp" 500d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollman.Ft FTS * 510d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollman.Fn fts_get_stream "FTSENT *f" 5258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Ft int 5358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_close "FTS *ftsp" 5458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Sh DESCRIPTION 5558f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe 563b8ecdbbSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 5758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfunctions are provided for traversing 581798791dSRuslan Ermilov.Ux 5958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfile hierarchies. 6058f0484fSRodney W. GrimesA simple overview is that the 6158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_open 62e1e5fdf6SAlexey Zelkinfunction returns a 63e1e5fdf6SAlexey Zelkin.Dq handle 64e1e5fdf6SAlexey Zelkinon a file hierarchy, which is then supplied to 6558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesthe other 663b8ecdbbSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 6758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfunctions. 6858f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe function 6958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read 7058f0484fSRodney W. Grimesreturns a pointer to a structure describing one of the files in the file 7158f0484fSRodney W. Grimeshierarchy. 7258f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe function 7358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_children 7458f0484fSRodney W. Grimesreturns a pointer to a linked list of structures, each of which describes 7558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesone of the files contained in a directory in the hierarchy. 7658f0484fSRodney W. GrimesIn general, directories are visited two distinguishable times; in pre-order 7758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes(before any of their descendants are visited) and in post-order (after all 7858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesof their descendants have been visited). 7958f0484fSRodney W. GrimesFiles are visited once. 80e1e5fdf6SAlexey ZelkinIt is possible to walk the hierarchy 81e1e5fdf6SAlexey Zelkin.Dq logically 82e1e5fdf6SAlexey Zelkin(ignoring symbolic links) 8358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesor physically (visiting symbolic links), order the walk of the hierarchy or 8458f0484fSRodney W. Grimesprune and/or re-visit portions of the hierarchy. 8558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Pp 8658f0484fSRodney W. GrimesTwo structures are defined (and typedef'd) in the include file 87fe08efe6SRuslan Ermilov.In fts.h . 8858f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe first is 892efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTS , 9058f0484fSRodney W. Grimesthe structure that represents the file hierarchy itself. 9158f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe second is 922efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT , 9358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesthe structure that represents a file in the file 9458f0484fSRodney W. Grimeshierarchy. 9558f0484fSRodney W. GrimesNormally, an 962efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 9758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructure is returned for every file in the file 9858f0484fSRodney W. Grimeshierarchy. 99e1e5fdf6SAlexey ZelkinIn this manual page, 100e1e5fdf6SAlexey Zelkin.Dq file 101e1e5fdf6SAlexey Zelkinand 1022efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Dq Vt FTSENT No structure 10358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesare generally 10458f0484fSRodney W. Grimesinterchangeable. 1050d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollman.Pp 1060d3bcc2eSGarrett WollmanThe 1072efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTS 1080d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollmanstructure contains space for a single pointer, which may be used to 1090d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollmanstore application data or per-hierarchy state. 1100d3bcc2eSGarrett WollmanThe 1110d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollman.Fn fts_set_clientptr 1120d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollmanand 1130d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollman.Fn fts_get_clientptr 1140d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollmanfunctions may be used to set and retrieve this pointer. 1150d3bcc2eSGarrett WollmanThis is likely to be useful only when accessed from the sort 1160d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollmancomparison function, which can determine the original 1172efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTS 1180d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollmanstream of its arguments using the 1190d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollman.Fn fts_get_stream 1200d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollmanfunction. 1210d3bcc2eSGarrett WollmanThe two 1220d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollman.Li get 1230d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollmanfunctions are also available as macros of the same name. 1240d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollman.Pp 12558f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe 1262efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 12758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructure contains at least the following fields, which are 12858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesdescribed in greater detail below: 12958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Bd -literal 13058f0484fSRodney W. Grimestypedef struct _ftsent { 13148aaad5fSYaroslav Tykhiy int fts_info; /* status for FTSENT structure */ 13258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes char *fts_accpath; /* access path */ 13358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes char *fts_path; /* root path */ 13448aaad5fSYaroslav Tykhiy size_t fts_pathlen; /* strlen(fts_path) */ 13558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes char *fts_name; /* file name */ 13648aaad5fSYaroslav Tykhiy size_t fts_namelen; /* strlen(fts_name) */ 13748aaad5fSYaroslav Tykhiy long fts_level; /* depth (\-1 to N) */ 13858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes int fts_errno; /* file errno */ 13948aaad5fSYaroslav Tykhiy long long fts_number; /* local numeric value */ 14058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes void *fts_pointer; /* local address value */ 14158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes struct ftsent *fts_parent; /* parent directory */ 14258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes struct ftsent *fts_link; /* next file structure */ 14358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes struct ftsent *fts_cycle; /* cycle structure */ 14458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes struct stat *fts_statp; /* stat(2) information */ 14558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes} FTSENT; 14658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Ed 14758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Pp 14858f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThese fields are defined as follows: 14958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Bl -tag -width "fts_namelen" 15058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Fa fts_info 1517a6b3357SJohn PolstraOne of the following values describing the returned 1522efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 15358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructure and 15458f0484fSRodney W. Grimesthe file it represents. 15558f0484fSRodney W. GrimesWith the exception of directories without errors 15658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Pq Dv FTS_D , 15758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesall of these 15858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesentries are terminal, that is, they will not be revisited, nor will any 15958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesof their descendants be visited. 16058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Bl -tag -width FTS_DEFAULT 16158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_D 16258f0484fSRodney W. GrimesA directory being visited in pre-order. 16358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_DC 16458f0484fSRodney W. GrimesA directory that causes a cycle in the tree. 16558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes(The 16658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_cycle 16758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield of the 1682efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 16958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructure will be filled in as well.) 17058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_DEFAULT 17158f0484fSRodney W. GrimesAny 1722efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 17358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructure that represents a file type not explicitly described 17458f0484fSRodney W. Grimesby one of the other 17558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_info 17658f0484fSRodney W. Grimesvalues. 17758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_DNR 17858f0484fSRodney W. GrimesA directory which cannot be read. 17958f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThis is an error return, and the 18058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_errno 18158f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield will be set to indicate what caused the error. 18258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_DOT 18358f0484fSRodney W. GrimesA file named 18442635956SRuslan Ermilov.Ql .\& 18558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesor 18642635956SRuslan Ermilov.Ql ..\& 18758f0484fSRodney W. Grimeswhich was not specified as a file name to 18858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_open 18958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes(see 19058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv FTS_SEEDOT ) . 19158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_DP 19258f0484fSRodney W. GrimesA directory being visited in post-order. 19358f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe contents of the 1942efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 19558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructure will be unchanged from when 1968d6956fbSJaakko Heinonenthe directory was visited in pre-order, except for the 19758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_info 1988d6956fbSJaakko Heinonenfield. 19958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_ERR 20058f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThis is an error return, and the 20158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_errno 20258f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield will be set to indicate what caused the error. 20358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_F 20458f0484fSRodney W. GrimesA regular file. 20558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_NS 20658f0484fSRodney W. GrimesA file for which no 20758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Xr stat 2 20858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesinformation was available. 20958f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe contents of the 21058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_statp 21158f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield are undefined. 21258f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThis is an error return, and the 21358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_errno 21458f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield will be set to indicate what caused the error. 21558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_NSOK 21658f0484fSRodney W. GrimesA file for which no 21758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Xr stat 2 21858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesinformation was requested. 21958f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe contents of the 22058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_statp 22158f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield are undefined. 22258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_SL 22358f0484fSRodney W. GrimesA symbolic link. 22458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_SLNONE 22558f0484fSRodney W. GrimesA symbolic link with a non-existent target. 22658f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe contents of the 22758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_statp 22858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield reference the file characteristic information for the symbolic link 22958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesitself. 23058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.El 23158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Fa fts_accpath 23258f0484fSRodney W. GrimesA path for accessing the file from the current directory. 23358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Fa fts_path 23458f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe path for the file relative to the root of the traversal. 23558f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThis path contains the path specified to 23658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_open 23758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesas a prefix. 23858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Fa fts_pathlen 23958f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe length of the string referenced by 24058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_path . 24158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Fa fts_name 24258f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe name of the file. 24358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Fa fts_namelen 24458f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe length of the string referenced by 24558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_name . 24658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Fa fts_level 24758f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe depth of the traversal, numbered from \-1 to N, where this file 24858f0484fSRodney W. Grimeswas found. 24958f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe 2502efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 25158f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructure representing the parent of the starting point (or root) 2527d8983a2SRuslan Ermilovof the traversal is numbered 2537d8983a2SRuslan Ermilov.Dv FTS_ROOTPARENTLEVEL 2547d8983a2SRuslan Ermilov(\-1), and the 2552efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 25658f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructure for the root 2577d8983a2SRuslan Ermilovitself is numbered 2587d8983a2SRuslan Ermilov.Dv FTS_ROOTLEVEL 2597d8983a2SRuslan Ermilov(0). 26058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Fa fts_errno 26158f0484fSRodney W. GrimesUpon return of a 2622efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 26358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructure from the 26458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_children 26558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesor 26658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read 26758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfunctions, with its 26858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_info 26958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield set to 27058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv FTS_DNR , 27158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv FTS_ERR 27258f0484fSRodney W. Grimesor 27358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv FTS_NS , 27458f0484fSRodney W. Grimesthe 27558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_errno 27658f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield contains the value of the external variable 27758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Va errno 27858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesspecifying the cause of the error. 27958f0484fSRodney W. GrimesOtherwise, the contents of the 28058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_errno 28158f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield are undefined. 28258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Fa fts_number 28358f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThis field is provided for the use of the application program and is 28458f0484fSRodney W. Grimesnot modified by the 2853b8ecdbbSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 28658f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfunctions. 28758f0484fSRodney W. GrimesIt is initialized to 0. 28858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Fa fts_pointer 28958f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThis field is provided for the use of the application program and is 29058f0484fSRodney W. Grimesnot modified by the 2913b8ecdbbSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 29258f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfunctions. 29358f0484fSRodney W. GrimesIt is initialized to 29458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv NULL . 29558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Fa fts_parent 29658f0484fSRodney W. GrimesA pointer to the 2972efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 29858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructure referencing the file in the hierarchy 2991a0a9345SRuslan Ermilovimmediately above the current file, i.e., the directory of which this 30058f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfile is a member. 30158f0484fSRodney W. GrimesA parent structure for the initial entry point is provided as well, 30258f0484fSRodney W. Grimeshowever, only the 30358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_level , 30458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_number 30558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesand 30658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_pointer 30758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfields are guaranteed to be initialized. 30858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Fa fts_link 30958f0484fSRodney W. GrimesUpon return from the 31058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_children 31158f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfunction, the 31258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_link 31358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield points to the next structure in the NULL-terminated linked list of 31458f0484fSRodney W. Grimesdirectory members. 31558f0484fSRodney W. GrimesOtherwise, the contents of the 31658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_link 31758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield are undefined. 31858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Fa fts_cycle 31958f0484fSRodney W. GrimesIf a directory causes a cycle in the hierarchy (see 32058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv FTS_DC ) , 32158f0484fSRodney W. Grimeseither because 32258f0484fSRodney W. Grimesof a hard link between two directories, or a symbolic link pointing to a 32358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesdirectory, the 32458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_cycle 32558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield of the structure will point to the 3262efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 32758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructure in the hierarchy that references the same file as the current 3282efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 32958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructure. 33058f0484fSRodney W. GrimesOtherwise, the contents of the 33158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_cycle 33258f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield are undefined. 33358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Fa fts_statp 33458f0484fSRodney W. GrimesA pointer to 33558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Xr stat 2 33658f0484fSRodney W. Grimesinformation for the file. 33758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.El 33858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Pp 33958f0484fSRodney W. GrimesA single buffer is used for all of the paths of all of the files in the 34058f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfile hierarchy. 34158f0484fSRodney W. GrimesTherefore, the 34258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_path 34358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesand 34458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_accpath 34558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfields are guaranteed to be 346df37b71cSJames Raynard.Dv NUL Ns -terminated 34758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Em only 34858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfor the file most recently returned by 34958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read . 35058f0484fSRodney W. GrimesTo use these fields to reference any files represented by other 3512efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 35258f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructures will require that the path buffer be modified using the 35358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesinformation contained in that 3542efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 35558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructure's 35658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_pathlen 35758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield. 35858f0484fSRodney W. GrimesAny such modifications should be undone before further calls to 35958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read 36058f0484fSRodney W. Grimesare attempted. 36158f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe 36258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_name 36358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield is always 364df37b71cSJames Raynard.Dv NUL Ns -terminated . 36558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Sh FTS_OPEN 36658f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe 36758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_open 36858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfunction takes a pointer to an array of character pointers naming one 36958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesor more paths which make up a logical file hierarchy to be traversed. 37058f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe array must be terminated by a 37158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv NULL 37258f0484fSRodney W. Grimespointer. 37358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Pp 37458f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThere are 37558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesa number of options, at least one of which (either 37658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv FTS_LOGICAL 37758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesor 37858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv FTS_PHYSICAL ) 37958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesmust be specified. 38058f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe options are selected by 38158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Em or Ns 'ing 38258f0484fSRodney W. Grimesthe following values: 38358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Bl -tag -width "FTS_PHYSICAL" 38458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_COMFOLLOW 38558f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThis option causes any symbolic link specified as a root path to be 38658f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfollowed immediately whether or not 38758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv FTS_LOGICAL 38858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesis also specified. 38958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_LOGICAL 39058f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThis option causes the 3913b8ecdbbSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 39258f0484fSRodney W. Grimesroutines to return 3932efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 39458f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructures for the targets of symbolic links 39558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesinstead of the symbolic links themselves. 39658f0484fSRodney W. GrimesIf this option is set, the only symbolic links for which 3972efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 39858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructures 39958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesare returned to the application are those referencing non-existent files. 40058f0484fSRodney W. GrimesEither 40158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv FTS_LOGICAL 40258f0484fSRodney W. Grimesor 40358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv FTS_PHYSICAL 40458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Em must 40558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesbe provided to the 40658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_open 40758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfunction. 40858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_NOCHDIR 409012df285SJilles TjoelkerTo allow descending to arbitrary depths 410012df285SJilles Tjoelker(independent of 411012df285SJilles Tjoelker.Brq Dv PATH_MAX ) 412012df285SJilles Tjoelkerand improve performance, the 4133b8ecdbbSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 41458f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfunctions change directories as they walk the file hierarchy. 41558f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThis has the side-effect that an application cannot rely on being 41658f0484fSRodney W. Grimesin any particular directory during the traversal. 41758f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe 41858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv FTS_NOCHDIR 419012df285SJilles Tjoelkeroption turns off this feature, and the 4203b8ecdbbSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 42158f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfunctions will not change the current directory. 42258f0484fSRodney W. GrimesNote that applications should not themselves change their current directory 42358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesand try to access files unless 42458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv FTS_NOCHDIR 42558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesis specified and absolute 42658f0484fSRodney W. Grimespathnames were provided as arguments to 42758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_open . 42858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_NOSTAT 42958f0484fSRodney W. GrimesBy default, returned 4302efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 43158f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructures reference file characteristic information (the 43258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa statp 43358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield) for each file visited. 43458f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThis option relaxes that requirement as a performance optimization, 43558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesallowing the 4363b8ecdbbSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 43758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfunctions to set the 43858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_info 43958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield to 44058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv FTS_NSOK 44158f0484fSRodney W. Grimesand leave the contents of the 44258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa statp 44358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield undefined. 44458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_PHYSICAL 44558f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThis option causes the 4463b8ecdbbSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 44758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesroutines to return 4482efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 44958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructures for symbolic links themselves instead 45058f0484fSRodney W. Grimesof the target files they point to. 45158f0484fSRodney W. GrimesIf this option is set, 4522efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 45358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructures for all symbolic links in the 45458f0484fSRodney W. Grimeshierarchy are returned to the application. 45558f0484fSRodney W. GrimesEither 45658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv FTS_LOGICAL 45758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesor 45858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv FTS_PHYSICAL 45958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Em must 46058f0484fSRodney W. Grimesbe provided to the 46158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_open 46258f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfunction. 46358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_SEEDOT 46458f0484fSRodney W. GrimesBy default, unless they are specified as path arguments to 46558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_open , 46658f0484fSRodney W. Grimesany files named 46742635956SRuslan Ermilov.Ql .\& 46858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesor 46942635956SRuslan Ermilov.Ql ..\& 47058f0484fSRodney W. Grimesencountered in the file hierarchy are ignored. 47158f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThis option causes the 4723b8ecdbbSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 47358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesroutines to return 4742efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 47558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructures for them. 47658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_XDEV 47758f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThis option prevents 4783b8ecdbbSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 47958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfrom descending into directories that have a different device number 48058f0484fSRodney W. Grimesthan the file from which the descent began. 48158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.El 48258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Pp 48358f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe argument 48458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn compar 48558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesspecifies a user-defined function which may be used to order the traversal 48658f0484fSRodney W. Grimesof the hierarchy. 48758f0484fSRodney W. GrimesIt 48858f0484fSRodney W. Grimestakes two pointers to pointers to 4892efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 49058f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructures as arguments and 49158f0484fSRodney W. Grimesshould return a negative value, zero, or a positive value to indicate 49258f0484fSRodney W. Grimesif the file referenced by its first argument comes before, in any order 49358f0484fSRodney W. Grimeswith respect to, or after, the file referenced by its second argument. 49458f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe 49558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_accpath , 49658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_path 49758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesand 49858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_pathlen 49958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfields of the 5002efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 50158f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructures may 50258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Em never 50358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesbe used in this comparison. 50458f0484fSRodney W. GrimesIf the 50558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_info 50658f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield is set to 50758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv FTS_NS 50858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesor 50958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv FTS_NSOK , 51058f0484fSRodney W. Grimesthe 51158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_statp 51258f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield may not either. 51358f0484fSRodney W. GrimesIf the 51458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn compar 51558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesargument is 51658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv NULL , 51758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesthe directory traversal order is in the order listed in 51858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa path_argv 51958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfor the root paths, and in the order listed in the directory for 52058f0484fSRodney W. Grimeseverything else. 52158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Sh FTS_READ 52258f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe 52358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read 52458f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfunction returns a pointer to an 5252efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 52658f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructure describing a file in 52758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesthe hierarchy. 52858f0484fSRodney W. GrimesDirectories (that are readable and do not cause cycles) are visited at 52958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesleast twice, once in pre-order and once in post-order. 53058f0484fSRodney W. GrimesAll other files are visited at least once. 53158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes(Hard links between directories that do not cause cycles or symbolic 53258f0484fSRodney W. Grimeslinks to symbolic links may cause files to be visited more than once, 53358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesor directories more than twice.) 53458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Pp 53558f0484fSRodney W. GrimesIf all the members of the hierarchy have been returned, 53658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read 53758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesreturns 53858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv NULL 53958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesand sets the external variable 54058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Va errno 54158f0484fSRodney W. Grimesto 0. 54258f0484fSRodney W. GrimesIf an error unrelated to a file in the hierarchy occurs, 54358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read 54458f0484fSRodney W. Grimesreturns 54558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv NULL 54658f0484fSRodney W. Grimesand sets 54758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Va errno 54858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesappropriately. 54958f0484fSRodney W. GrimesIf an error related to a returned file occurs, a pointer to an 5502efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 55158f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructure is returned, and 55258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Va errno 55358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesmay or may not have been set (see 55458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_info ) . 55558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Pp 55658f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe 5572efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 55858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructures returned by 55958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read 56058f0484fSRodney W. Grimesmay be overwritten after a call to 56158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_close 56258f0484fSRodney W. Grimeson the same file hierarchy stream, or, after a call to 56358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read 56458f0484fSRodney W. Grimeson the same file hierarchy stream unless they represent a file of type 56558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesdirectory, in which case they will not be overwritten until after a call to 56658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read 56758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesafter the 5682efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 56958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructure has been returned by the function 57058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read 57158f0484fSRodney W. Grimesin post-order. 57258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Sh FTS_CHILDREN 57358f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe 57458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_children 57558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfunction returns a pointer to an 5762efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 57758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructure describing the first entry in a NULL-terminated linked list of 57858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesthe files in the directory represented by the 5792efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 58058f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructure most recently returned by 58158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read . 58258f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe list is linked through the 58358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_link 58458f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield of the 5852efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 58658f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructure, and is ordered by the user-specified comparison function, if any. 58758f0484fSRodney W. GrimesRepeated calls to 58858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_children 58958f0484fSRodney W. Grimeswill recreate this linked list. 59058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Pp 59158f0484fSRodney W. GrimesAs a special case, if 59258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read 59358f0484fSRodney W. Grimeshas not yet been called for a hierarchy, 59458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_children 59558f0484fSRodney W. Grimeswill return a pointer to the files in the logical directory specified to 59658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_open , 5971a0a9345SRuslan Ermilovi.e., the arguments specified to 59858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_open . 59958f0484fSRodney W. GrimesOtherwise, if the 6002efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 60158f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructure most recently returned by 60258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read 60358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesis not a directory being visited in pre-order, 60458f0484fSRodney W. Grimesor the directory does not contain any files, 60558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_children 60658f0484fSRodney W. Grimesreturns 60758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv NULL 60858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesand sets 60958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Va errno 61058f0484fSRodney W. Grimesto zero. 61158f0484fSRodney W. GrimesIf an error occurs, 61258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_children 61358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesreturns 61458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv NULL 61558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesand sets 61658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Va errno 61758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesappropriately. 61858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Pp 61958f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe 6202efeeba5SRuslan Ermilov.Vt FTSENT 62158f0484fSRodney W. Grimesstructures returned by 62258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_children 62358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesmay be overwritten after a call to 62458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_children , 62558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_close 62658f0484fSRodney W. Grimesor 62758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read 62858f0484fSRodney W. Grimeson the same file hierarchy stream. 62958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Pp 63058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Em Option 63158f0484fSRodney W. Grimesmay be set to the following value: 63258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Bl -tag -width FTS_NAMEONLY 63358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_NAMEONLY 63458f0484fSRodney W. GrimesOnly the names of the files are needed. 63558f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe contents of all the fields in the returned linked list of structures 63658f0484fSRodney W. Grimesare undefined with the exception of the 63758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_name 63858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesand 63958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_namelen 64058f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfields. 64158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.El 64258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Sh FTS_SET 64358f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe function 64458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_set 64558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesallows the user application to determine further processing for the 64658f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfile 64758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa f 64858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesof the stream 64958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa ftsp . 65058f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe 65158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_set 65258f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfunction 65358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesreturns 0 on success, and \-1 if an error occurs. 65458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Em Option 65558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesmust be set to one of the following values: 65658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Bl -tag -width FTS_PHYSICAL 65758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_AGAIN 65858f0484fSRodney W. GrimesRe-visit the file; any file type may be re-visited. 65958f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe next call to 66058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read 66158f0484fSRodney W. Grimeswill return the referenced file. 66258f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe 66358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_stat 66458f0484fSRodney W. Grimesand 66558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_info 66658f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfields of the structure will be reinitialized at that time, 66758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesbut no other fields will have been changed. 66858f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThis option is meaningful only for the most recently returned 66958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfile from 67058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read . 67158f0484fSRodney W. GrimesNormal use is for post-order directory visits, where it causes the 67258f0484fSRodney W. Grimesdirectory to be re-visited (in both pre and post-order) as well as all 67358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesof its descendants. 67458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_FOLLOW 67558f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe referenced file must be a symbolic link. 67658f0484fSRodney W. GrimesIf the referenced file is the one most recently returned by 67758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read , 67858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesthe next call to 67958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read 68058f0484fSRodney W. Grimesreturns the file with the 68158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_info 68258f0484fSRodney W. Grimesand 68358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_statp 68458f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfields reinitialized to reflect the target of the symbolic link instead 68558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesof the symbolic link itself. 68658f0484fSRodney W. GrimesIf the file is one of those most recently returned by 68758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_children , 68858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesthe 68958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_info 69058f0484fSRodney W. Grimesand 69158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_statp 69258f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfields of the structure, when returned by 69358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read , 69458f0484fSRodney W. Grimeswill reflect the target of the symbolic link instead of the symbolic link 69558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesitself. 69658f0484fSRodney W. GrimesIn either case, if the target of the symbolic link does not exist the 69758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfields of the returned structure will be unchanged and the 69858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa fts_info 69958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfield will be set to 70058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Dv FTS_SLNONE . 70158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Pp 70258f0484fSRodney W. GrimesIf the target of the link is a directory, the pre-order return, followed 70358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesby the return of all of its descendants, followed by a post-order return, 70458f0484fSRodney W. Grimesis done. 70558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Dv FTS_SKIP 70658f0484fSRodney W. GrimesNo descendants of this file are visited. 70758f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe file may be one of those most recently returned by either 70858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_children 70958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesor 71058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read . 71158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.El 71258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Sh FTS_CLOSE 71358f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe 71458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_close 71558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfunction closes a file hierarchy stream 71658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa ftsp 71758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesand restores the current directory to the directory from which 71858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_open 71958f0484fSRodney W. Grimeswas called to open 72058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fa ftsp . 72158f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe 72258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_close 72358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfunction 72458f0484fSRodney W. Grimesreturns 0 on success, and \-1 if an error occurs. 72558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Sh ERRORS 72658f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe function 72758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_open 72858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesmay fail and set 72958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Va errno 73058f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfor any of the errors specified for the library functions 73158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Xr open 2 73258f0484fSRodney W. Grimesand 73358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Xr malloc 3 . 73458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Pp 73558f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe function 73658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_close 73758f0484fSRodney W. Grimesmay fail and set 73858f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Va errno 73958f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfor any of the errors specified for the library functions 74058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Xr chdir 2 74158f0484fSRodney W. Grimesand 74258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Xr close 2 . 74358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Pp 74458f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe functions 74558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_read 74658f0484fSRodney W. Grimesand 74758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_children 74858f0484fSRodney W. Grimesmay fail and set 74958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Va errno 75058f0484fSRodney W. Grimesfor any of the errors specified for the library functions 75158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Xr chdir 2 , 75258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Xr malloc 3 , 75358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Xr opendir 3 , 75458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Xr readdir 3 75558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesand 75658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Xr stat 2 . 75758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Pp 75858f0484fSRodney W. GrimesIn addition, 75958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_children , 76058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_open 76158f0484fSRodney W. Grimesand 76258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Fn fts_set 76358f0484fSRodney W. Grimesmay fail and set 76458f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Va errno 76558f0484fSRodney W. Grimesas follows: 76658f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Bl -tag -width Er 76758f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.It Bq Er EINVAL 7688b8a820dSXin LIThe options were invalid, or the list were empty. 76958f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.El 77058f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Sh SEE ALSO 77158f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Xr find 1 , 77258f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Xr chdir 2 , 77358f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Xr stat 2 , 7741fd0f50aSTim J. Robbins.Xr ftw 3 , 77558f0484fSRodney W. Grimes.Xr qsort 3 7760d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollman.Sh HISTORY 77758f0484fSRodney W. GrimesThe 7783b8ecdbbSRuslan Ermilov.Nm 7790d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollmaninterface was first introduced in 7800d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollman.Bx 4.4 . 7810d3bcc2eSGarrett WollmanThe 7820d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollman.Fn fts_get_clientptr , 7830d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollman.Fn fts_get_stream , 7840d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollmanand 7850d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollman.Fn fts_set_clientptr 7860d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollmanfunctions were introduced in 7870d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollman.Fx 5.0 , 7880d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollmanprincipally to provide for alternative interfaces to the 7890d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollman.Nm 7900d3bcc2eSGarrett Wollmanfunctionality using different data structures. 791145c674dSJilles Tjoelker.Sh BUGS 792145c674dSJilles TjoelkerThe 793145c674dSJilles Tjoelker.Fn fts_open 794145c674dSJilles Tjoelkerfunction will automatically set the 795145c674dSJilles Tjoelker.Dv FTS_NOCHDIR 796145c674dSJilles Tjoelkeroption if the 797145c674dSJilles Tjoelker.Dv FTS_LOGICAL 798145c674dSJilles Tjoelkeroption is provided, or if it cannot 799145c674dSJilles Tjoelker.Xr open 2 800145c674dSJilles Tjoelkerthe current directory. 801