1eb9e1f54SMark MurrayThis subtree is world-exportable, as it does not contain any 2eb9e1f54SMark Murraycryptographic code. 3eb9e1f54SMark Murray 4eb9e1f54SMark MurrayAt the time of writing, it did not even contain source code, only 5eb9e1f54SMark MurrayMakefiles and headers. 6eb9e1f54SMark Murray 7eb9e1f54SMark MurrayPlease maintain this "exportable" status quo. 8eb9e1f54SMark Murray 9eb9e1f54SMark MurrayThanks! 10eb9e1f54SMark Murray 11eb9e1f54SMark MurrayMarkM 12eb9e1f54SMark Murraymarkm@freebsd.org 13eb9e1f54SMark Murray20th Sept 1997 14